The skin in summer is too fat. Eating a large number of dairy products. Certain medicines and nutritional supplements

Overhead of oily skin has, as a rule, more troubles associated with it than those who have dry skin, for example. Bold leather glitters, covered with acne, black dots, glorify. Especially problemful such skin becomes in summer, since the soaring sun, the heat only aggravate the problems, so characteristic of oily skin.

Fatty skin care rules in a hot period of time
Cleansing, moisturizing and skin nutrition is relevant at any time of the year and for any type of skin. The only thing that distinguishes this triad is some features of the care and use of certain cosmetics.
So, we consider each of the stages.

Purification of oily skin in summer
The skin must be cleaned twice a day, as a rule, in the morning and in the evening after the makeup was removed. In this case, it means washing, with some cleansing gel, designed specifically for oily skin.

Try to wash it cold water, well, or at least cool, so as not to stimulate the extraction of Sala. Very good option for oily leather are steam baths. For them, the skin will tell you a special thank you. Approximately two - three times a week it is necessary to use a face scrub in the process of washing. The use of special tonic, lotions marked "against black dots" will also be very useful. Such cosmetics are narrowed and closed the pores, the face after use looks fresh and clean.

The most important thing is that your skin care products do not contain alcohol. Previously, it was the opinion that the fatty lumpy skin needs to be dried by means, which contains alcohol. Now it does not apply. Choose cosmetics for fatty skin care with chamomile extracts, calendula, green tea, aloe.

Moisturizing and nutrition of oily skin in the heat
The most notable sign of oily skin in the summer is reinforced shine. Glitter can tell you about insufficient moistening of the skin. After all, in the summer we lose quite a lot of moisture because of the reinforced sweating. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the face, even if you are the owner of oily skin. Use special creams that are suitable for your skin type, they do not create a mask effect, but well moisturize.

Also do not forget about the protection from the scorching sun. The tan is undoubtedly very useful, but do not forget about the dangers of direct sunlight, so in the summer it is necessary to use cream with a protective SPF - filter. What should be this level depends on your colorota. For example, for blondes and owners of fine and light skin, protection must be maximum, level higher. A smaller coefficient can be used to women with dark hair and dark skin. Well, naturally, in the summer you need to minimally use cosmetics, at least rule the tone cream and powder from the daily use of the daily use, as they clog the pores and do not let the air.

How to help bold skin look better?
During the day, use wet wipes (cosmetic or ordinary) to remove excess fat from leather and blotting. Also useful to use thermal water. Such sprays for the face will moisturize the skin and refresh in the heat.

If you have no such spray with you, then we simply make it easier for cool water.
Do not forget about the diet and water mode.

Fat kebabs, excessive use of sweet, ice cream, snacks to beer, alcoholic beverages will immediately affect the state of your skin. If you cannot go to a healthier meal, then simply follow what products are the appearance of acne and try to exclude them. Drink more fruits, vegetables, various salads, kefirs, yogurts. Such products stimulate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and purify the body.

Folk Medicine Means for Oily Skin
Let's remember the simplest recipes for oily skin, which are effective and do not require material and time costs. All masks are applied about fifteen minutes and washed off with ordinary cool water.
- kefir mask;
- oat mask;
Tablespoon of oatmeal grind, then dilute with warm water to get a thick cashem.
- clay masks;
- Masks of vegetables and fruits.
They saturate the skin with vitamins, nourish it and tone.

Overall skin, although he has its drawbacks, has its advantages. It is less sensitive to various negative influences, later aging, longer remains elastic, elastic. Proper care will help you preserve the beauty and health of your skin.

, fatty Care In the summer, there have a number of features, because from behind dust, heat sweat sweats and quickly contaminated, comedones appear.

The increased fatty skin of the face is an individual feature of the body, it can be at different ages, and the reason is the appearance of the surplus of the skin due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands. But thanks to competent care, you can even save matte skin in the hottest weather.

Fatty Care

Pure and still cleaner

The most important thing is daily purification using foams, gels or mousse, which does not include alkali, can be used by salicylic acid based, containing caring components: extracts and vitamins.

Do not wash cold water with soap, it will lead to cutting of the skin, washing too hot water will stimulate the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Alcohol cleansing agents also violate the hydrolyphid balance and as a result - even greater selection of sebum.

For fatty + sensitive skin, cosmetic milk is suitable as a means for washing, which will fully eliminate the effect of chlorinated water on the skin.

There is another benefit of civilization - cleansing napkins that will help carefully remove makeup. Stop your selection on napkins, which includes anti-inflammatory components: tea tree oil or aloe extract.

C Do Home Skin Lotion: Mix in equal proportions. Fresh lemon juice and boiled water temperature. Lotion is stored in the refrigerator within 2-3 days. Wipe the skin with lotion twice a day.

Almighty scrub

Caring for oily skin must necessarily turn on the scrub or cleansing mask to the scrub.

To purify oily skin from comedones, you can use the most popular from people's ways: a mixture of small salt and soda, which needs to wipe skin areas with comedones.

But if the skin is fat + sensitive, then give up this mixture, rice will come to your aid. You can use brown or white coarse. Rinse rice with water, then fill it with boiling water (water should cover all the rice) and leave all night. In the morning I drain the water, and the rice will disarm. The resulting cleaner can be used as a scrub or mask.

Kefir is suitable as a mask and gentle peeling: Mix the low-fat kefir and art. A spoonful of grind oatmeal, smear to the face and clean the skin with light circular movements.

And it can be cleaned for a prayer of the films, to smoke, add a teaspoon of kefir. First, the liquid wipe the face with a cotton swab, and when it gets free, apply the mask itself from the pomelo and kefir for 15 minutes.

Water, water!

Fatty Care Must include moisturizing. If you think that bold skin cannot suffer from lack of moisture, then you are mistaken. In the summer, additional moisture is needed by the skin of any type. For these purposes, emulsions are suitable, gels on a water basis, they quickly absorb and do not leave gloss, add to the moistening to care for oily skin and.

Moisturizing creams for oily skin choose with sea algae, vegetable camomile and aloe extracts ,.

In daytime creams, it is desirable for antioxidants - vitamins C and E, white and green tea extracts. This is a good protection against premature aging and negative environmental influence.

In the daily care of oily skin, turn on products with zinc content, juniper essential oils, cypress, sage extracts, licorice. They gradually reduce the production of skin salts.

And in conclusion, several general councils for oily skin care:

♦ Summer give preference to mineral decorative cosmetics, it not only matches the skin, but also adjusts the action of the sebaceous glands;

♦ Very important, there will be enough daily or tonal cream with SPF15. Choose sunscreen with physical filters (titanium dioxide, zinc dioxide). They are incomsed and have a slight matting effect, better if their texture is light (gels or sprays);

♦ Take on arms (wears always in a handbag) matting napkins, they are made of fine paper (rice or cellulose). It is enough to attach them to the T-zone, they will remove the excess fat and give the skin velvety, it will not be necessary to use the powder once again.

Fatty Care Persons in the summer does not require special strength and time, only desire and regularity are needed, then the skin will be matte and velvety.

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What is the care of fatty skin? What are the main stages? Is it possible to reduce the production of bass and reduce the size of pores? What funds advise cosmetologists in the care program? And what are the features of control of the state of the epidermis in the summer and in winter?

The owner of oily skin is in young age believe that they are not very lucky. The face is often empty, cosmetics rolls in the folds of the eyelids and on the wings of the nose. Pimples, black dots and extended pores are accompanied periodically and extended pores. With these problems, you can fight if you approach them weighing.

Features of oily skin

Recognize fatty epidermis is easy. It is enough to appreciate the face visually. It is characteristic of:

  • wide pores, noticeable externally;
  • dense, even coarse surface;
  • fat shine provided by an increased salo-waste;
  • the presence of black points due to the blockage of pores.

But such features are also inherent in the owners of a combination type skin, which needs several other care than fat. You can clarify your type using a simple dough.

Test for fatness

To determine the type of epidermis, beware in the morning with a regular agent - foam, gel and dry your face. It is not necessary to apply moisturizing cream or cosmetics. Two hours later, attach a paper towel to the face, press tightly. Rate the result.

  • Fatty in the T-zone area. Spots in the area of \u200b\u200bchin, the central part of the forehead and nose indicate the combined type of epidermis. In these areas, it is fat, and on the cheeks and side surface of the face - normal.
  • Battitude all over the face. It is given five sebaceous spots on the napkin. In this case, the skin is really fat.

Why is it important to separate the combined and fat epidermis? The fact is that areas of normal type do not need to use funds preferred for those where the salo waste is raised. Applying the same means, you can cut more tender zones. Therefore, with the combined skin, the cosmetic preparations of drying, antibacterial action are applied only on the T-zone.

Popular misconceptions

It is believed that the fatty skin of the face is the most problematic, as it requires a specific care. But it looks attractive not always. Cosmetologists say that the owners of such an epidermis are lucky, because due to the high density and usually sufficient turgora, it is less subject to the formation of mimic wrinkles. And raises about ten years later than dry. And with an elevated saloon, you can cope with the right departure.

At the same time there are common delusions about what to do with oily skin of the face at home. Let us dwell on them in detail.

Myth 1. The surface of the epidermis is coarsable, consists of a thick layer of dead cells. It is important to delete them regularly and carefully, otherwise the cream simply will not reach the "living" fabrics.

The skin is not just a shell, it is a living organism consisting of cells. They are constantly updated. The full process of updating external epidermis tissues occurs within twenty-eight days. Remove this cover, indeed, it is necessary, just because, with this approach, the face looks more well-groomed, and the skin is smooth. But too diligently, even with an increased salo waste it is impossible.

Ceratocyte meat cells are the same cells as the rest in the body. The process of their expression, that is, dieting and removing naturally, retains the stability of the epidermis. If expression occurs intensively, for example, in the daily use of scrub, the skin begins to produce more protective cells, striving to "close" the bars in its structure. The phenomenon of hyperkeratosis occurs, in which its surface is thickened and compacted.

Therefore, it is extremely important to remove surface keratocytes (exfoliation) regularly and moderately. With an increased salo waste of the skin, two or three procedures per week.

Myth 2. Be sure to use the scrub and rub the face "to the screen".

A higher level of density of skin causes women to assume that the exfoliation should use coarse means - abrasives. The easiest option is a scrub, which is prepared at home from salt, sugar, coffee, or in industrial, using hard particles as abrasives, for example, crushed shells of nuts.

It is not only necessary to apply such funds, but also dangerous. Scrubs damage skin cover, leaving on them not visible to the eye of microcenarpins. If the intensity of the salo waste is raised, the microcracks will be increasing sebum, which results in the foci of inflammatory processes. In addition, the abrasive particles themselves are so small and have such sharp edges, which can be stuck in the pores, starting the inflammatory process and the formation of acne.

Use the scrub in home care can be from time to time, no more than once a month. "If you need to urgently align the relief of the skin, use the scrub, - comments the cosmetologist Olga Fem. "But in conventional care, use softer means."

Today, you can find formulations for cleansing with polymer granules. They do not scratch skin cover and remove keratocytes gently, without damage.

But more efficient and perfectly suitable for oily skin of enzyme peelings. In their composition - fruit acids, usually bromelaine or papain. They split dead keratocytes and remove them without affecting healthy fabrics. Their important advantage is the ability to dissolve skin fat in the pores, due to which they are narrowed, becoming less noticeable. With regular use 2 times a week, enzyme peelings reduce the fat content of the epidermis.

Myth 3. Skin need to be dried.

The most dangerous misconception. The peculiarity of such an epidermis is that it is all the time in finding the balance of optimal humidity and its own activity in the development of skin secretion. Drinking agents change the picture of what is happening. They pull out moisture from the skin, but the process of salo waste does not stop.

On the contrary, the more often you use drying agents, the more active the skin covers begin to produce their own "lubricant" to reduce moisture loss. This leads to the fact that moisture in the surface layer is not enough, the skin loses the tone, the folds and chances in the form of wrinkles are formed in it. And the face is glorifying so intensively that you do not have time to wipe it with napkins.

What to do with fat skin in this case? Do not dry! Refuse soap, alcohol-containing lotions. Your cosmetics must have a soft formula. The composition for washing is sebliting foam, which does not violate the level of moisture, but reduces the development of a hasty secret. Use tonic after washing to normalize the level of acidity on the skin surface and additionally moisten it.

Use alcohol compounds can only point, if there are rashes. Type the remedy for a cotton wand and attach to the inflamed across. Wipe this means the whole face is categorically unacceptable.

Myth 4. If you regularly dry the skin, it will become normal.

The question of how to get rid of oily skin of the face, has no scientific justification. Make it impossible. The type of epidermis does not depend on the menu, nor from the peculiarities of the care, therefore, to call among the causes of increased fatty the use of acute food erroly.

The skin type is given from nature, laid in us genetically, as an eye color or, for example, growth. It is impossible to change it to another. But get dried oily skin with signs of aging is quite real.

Myth 5. Moisturizing funds are not needed, because the epidermis moisturizes himself.

The level of moisturity and salinity is different things. Moisture is maintained in the structure of the skin, and the sole secret is present on the surface. At elevated air temperature and its dryness, wind, the active exposure to the sun is evaporated. This is happening if we wash the cleansing agent and do not apply moisturizing. The balance of humidity is broken.

Dermatologist Joanna Vargas compares non-resisted oily skin with dried. "Imagine that you took such dried fruit and the oil was poured on top. Its surface is fat, but inside the amount of moisture does not increase. So your skin. If you forget to moisturize it, it will begin to grow rapidly. This is especially brightly manifested after 30 years. "

To maintain the balance of skin, be sure to use the moisturizer. It can contain hyaluronic acid (in cosmetics for young epidermis), collagen (after 40 years), jojoba oil.

It is important that such a cream has a light, low-fat structure, optimally, gel. It should not be dense oils that clog pores and contribute to the formation of inflammation.

Care rules

Careful for oily skin of the face at home should be with the help of correctly selected cosmetics. It is extremely difficult to find such a supermarket on the shelf.

It should be closed to pharmacy brands of cosmetology, which contains the following components.

Alpha hydroxults (Ana). Fruit acids (apple, lemon, glycolic, almond) and others are included in the creams and masks for fatty skin. Dissolve excess sebum in the pores, contribute to the decrease in its production.

  • Betta hydroxults (VN). Used, which is included in the composition of washing, tonic. It has a pig-stroke, antibacterial effect, reduces the formation of sebum.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol, an active ingredient, preventing inflammatory processes, the formation of acne, acne. Means with retinol are therapeutic cosmetics, it can be used by courses to solve the problem. Its constant application does not make sense, since the skin gets used to it and ceases to respond correctly.
  • Trace elements. Zinc, sulfur, copper. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the composition of the skin microflora.
  • Essential oils. The effectiveness of the use of tea tree oils of tea tree, eucalyptus has been proven. They reduce the severity of inflammation.

Preferably, being found in plant extracts that decide the associated skin problems. , Chamomile, St. John's wort, chore, nettle and a number of other crops are healing the skin, increase its immunity, improve the tone of cells, increase the strength of the cell wall.

Daily machinery

Up to twenty-five years, skin covers are able to actively recover, so even after a sleepless night in the morning you will look attractive. Just clean the face before bedtime and use the moisturizer.

After twenty five, aging processes are launched. It is important to comply with care techniques regularly, not forgetting about it on weekends and holidays. The sooner you work out the habit to pay for ten minutes in the morning and in the evening after the soul, the longer your skin will be kept youth, and the problems of fatty will be disturbed less.

  • Cleansing. Wash your face with foam or gel twice a day. In the morning, cleansing removes skin secrets from the surface of the epidermis, accumulated in the pores at night. In the evening - removes the surface fat and the remnants of make-up, not filmed by the Demacia.
  • Tonification. It is necessary to normalize the acid alkaline balance after washing with tap water and for moisturizing. It is held twice a day. Preferably, the content in the tonic of therapeutic components for your skin type: sebligulating, increasing local immunity. An indication of the presence of such components is always present on the bottle. Apply the composition with a cotton disk or spray on your face. It is not necessary to wash it.
  • Moisturizing. It is carried out in the morning and in the evening according to clean, tonified skin. In the morning it uses a light moisturizing cream with UV protection at the SPF-15 level. In the evening - a denser regenerating composition that helps the epidermis to recover at night.
  • Exfoliation. Performed with the help of enzyme peeling (gommag) twice a week. The tool is applied to the cleaned skin after washing with warm water. Enzyme peelings contain enzymes that work more actively warm, therefore, according to cosmetologists' reviews, it is important to maintain the necessary temperature. Easy to massate the face with your fingers, moistened in warm water, or impose a warm wet napkin. Ten minutes later, smoke, apply a mask or moisturizing cream. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, making a mask after enzyme peeling improves the penetration of its active components into the skin.
  • Deep moisturizing. One - twice a week, use a moisturizing mask based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, algae, other moisturizing components. Such a mask satures epidermis moisture, warns aging and reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles.
  • Deep cleansing. One - twice a week is recommended a mask for deep cleansing skin based on clay. Such formulations adsorb the skin secret, give the surfaces of mattness, narrow pores. The addition of essential oils provides anti-inflammatory effect.

With increased fatty during the day, wipe the face with special napkins for cleansing the skin.

Summer Nuances

It is believed that in the summer even the most fat epidermis slightly dries and delivers less problems. In fact, the problem of an increased branch of the skin secretion may even be aggravated by a high temperature, an excessively active sun, wind. A hyperpigmentation often occurs on the surface of the skin.

To reduce the harmful effects of external factors, care for oily skin facials should be adjusted.

  • Additional cleansing. If there is a feeling of fatty, dirt during the day, you can additionally wash your face with a foam or gel. In the absence of such an opportunity, use wet wipes, tonic or ordinary mineral water.
  • Easy moisturizing. Use secoregulating gel or light emulsion instead of cream. Its composition should be both moisturizing components, for example, collagen, hyaluronic acid and antioxidant means - vitamins C, E. They protect the skin from the action of free radicals causing aging.
  • Minimum makeup. The more cosmetics layers on your face, the more active the sebaceous glands work. Reduce this amount to a minimum. Refuse to use a tonal cream.
  • Plus one exfoliation per week. If before that you used home peeling once a week, add another procedure if two means, apply three times. This will allow you to control the intensity of the salo-waste.
  • Plus one mask per week. Keep a moisturizing and cleansing mask in arsenal. If the formation of acne is observed, add an anti-inflammatory mask to be used as needed when agin exacerbation.

Avoid using remedy with retinol and acid peeling in the summer. They increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet.

Nuances of the winter period

In winter, the epidermis is dried with cold wind, frosty air, in which the zero moisture content, and dry air in apartments and offices. Therefore, care for oily skin in winter should include additional moisturizing and protection against external factors.

Moisturizing cream need to use in the winter. The opinion that in the pores in the frosty air it turns into ice - no more than a myth. Any cosmetology contains water that acquires skin temperature and does not turn into ice. Only apply it to approximately an hour before leaving the house.

For winter care, choose more dense creams with high nutritional and protective qualities. Their composition contains vegetable oils, the vitamins necessary to prevent dehydration. Preferred compositions with, avocado and tocopherol (vitamin E).

Do not buy funds based on mineral oils, paraffin and vaseline, which are well moisturized only in the short term. With regular use, they violate the lipid barrier, and skin covers remain dry even when applying a caring agent.

It may be necessary to change the main and additional care.

  • Cleansing. If your usual "Washbar" causes a feeling of pulp on face, dryness, change it to a more delicate. Feeds for sensitive skin.
  • Protective makeup. He must be layer. After cleansing and tonifications, apply nutrient cream. Give it to absorb and about forty minutes apply a tone cream, powder. So you protect skin covers from external factors.
  • Food. It is in winter it is reasonable to carry out a course of additional nutrition of the skin with serums. Mask for moisture Apply three times a week.

Often in winter, the epidermis of a fatty type acquires signs of sensitive. Can disturb redness, irritation. But this does not mean that skin type has changed. It is important to take into account its current state and use more sparing facilities.

It is a big error. It can really cause more problems than any other. But with proper care, the attractiveness acquires, the salo-waste manifests itself to a lesser extent, acne and acne emerge infrequently. Correct care for fatty skin, depending on the season, use specially selected cosmetics for this. And she will invariably delight you with lack of wrinkles and freshness.


Oh, this is the sun

There is a myth that sunlight helps to fight eels and girls with oily skin try to spend a lot of time in the sun. As a result, the skin begins to produce even more skin salts, new acne and comaons appear. Moreover, from an excess of the sun, the bactericidal properties of the skin saline are suppressed, and as a result, already existing acne are inflated.

There is also a myth that oily skin does not need cream with due to excess skin saline, which allegedly protects the skin from solar exposure. It is a myth. Without using SPF cream, you can get pigment spots and premature aging of the skin. And if not everyone is located to pigment spots, no one is protected from premature aging.

Output: You are not in the sun for a long time and be sure to use the cream with SPF protection.


Since, due to sunlight, the skin produces many skin bales, it needs to be cleaned particularly carefully. The optimal washout mode is 2 times a day. If we wash more often - it will strengthen the rusty of the sebaceous glands. For washing, use foams and gels without the content of SLS and SLES with the content of components that reduce fatness. It can be lavender essential oils, rosemary, chamomile extracts, hunter, sea buckthorn, altea, Dead Sea Minerals.

In the summer, it is impossible to wash hot or warm water - it provokes excessive selection of fat. Use only cool water. Also in the summer you can make a contrast shower for the face, alternating hot and cold water. Finishing the procedure always need hot water.

Output:wash 2 times a day, applying fifts with soft pavami.


As tonic means, use tonic for oily skin without alcohol, decoction of sage or ice from green tea. In addition to the morning toning procedure, take a tonic or decoction to the office, and wipe the skin 3-4 times. This will reduce the selection of sebum, and will allow you to feel fresh all day long.

If you use a tone or powder, your option for a day is thermal water. It does not damage makeup, perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin.

Output: For the summer period, choose tonic without the content of alcohol. Toning the skin 4-5 times a day.


Many girls make a mistake without using summer facial creams. This leads to dehydration of the skin and, as a result, even greater work of the sebaceous glands. Choose light cream textures for the summer period, without the content of oils and other "heavy" components. Watch that the day cream has a SPF factor.

If you have a lot of oily skin, give up the summer period from the use of a night cream, replacing it with a tonic for sensitive skin. He will calm the skin after a hot day, remove inflammation and emphasizes. Just pour a little tonic in your hands and put it on the skin on the skin of the face and neck.

Output:do not refuse the use of creams. Choose light textures with SPF content.

Additional procedures

In summertime, make clay masks every other day. They perfectly clean the skin, and also increase its tone and elasticity. You can use white, blue, pink and black.

It is better to abandon from scrubies, since small particles damage the upper layer of the skin, leading to the activation of inflammatory processes. If you want a deeper cleansing, wash 2 times a week with a special brush for washing.

Output:use clay masks every other day.


In the summer, give up the use of a tone cream, replacing it on the powder. Liquid tones under the influence of heat, by virtue of its composition, can easily score pores. In addition, they enhance the fat brilliance of the face. But the powder perfectly disguises small flaws, reduce the fat and does not border the pores. If the powder does not cope with the disguise, use the consileter before applying the powder.

Output:replace the tone cream on the powder.

Overweese of oily skin is easier to survive the winter cold, but in the summer it often brings chagrins. First, glitters, secondly, it is almost always porous, and the pores are often clogged with dust and mud.

Therefore, oily skin in the summer you have to wash with soap. Better, of course, choose liquid soap. Water should be soft, room temperature, better boiled. It does not need to wash the hot water, as this leads to an increase in the selection of sebum.

Cold water, on the contrary, narrows pores. Fat skin useful pattern washing and compresses.

The best peeling for it is from sea salt. 1 teaspoon of salt mix with a small amount of olive oil and with a tampon with circular motions carefully clean the skin. After that wash and apply a moisturizing cream.

Or such a recipe: 2 tbsp. Spoons of heated cream, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of ground oatmeal, 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply circular movements on the face. Fit first with warm water. Then wash the cool or mineral water without gas.

Contaminated fatty skin covered with black dots, cleaned with salt mixed with drinking soda. For this, cotton swab, moistened in soap foam, is dipped into the mixture and for a minute contaminated places with circular motions. Then washped with cool boiled water and wipe the face of the eucalyptus (sold in a pharmacy), divorced in water - 1 part of the eucalyptus, five frequent water.

The fatty skin is useful to wipe away with violence, as well as water, acidified lemon juice, cranberries.

For degreasing areas containing the greatest amount of skin, boric alcohol use.

Brings tangible benefit and wiping with natural grape wine, diluted with 1: 1.

In the evening, after cleaning, the skin should be wiped with a minor kefir. And after its drying, apply an evening cream.

For tightening, the skin wipes a piece of fresh tomato.

A good effect gives an acidic cabbage mask with the addition of several drops of vegetable oil. If the skin is thick, then the oil is not needed. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes, then wash the room temperature water.

You can use lotions from natural components daily.

From aloe. Purified from spines and chopped aloe leaves to put in a half-liter jar so that they fill the space for two fingers, pour vodka to half the jars from above. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Strain. Divide the required part 1: 1 with boiled water and wipe the face.

Herbal. 1 dessert spoonful of horsetail, 1 dessert yarrow spoon, 1 dessert spoonful spoonful of dwarm pour 2 glasses boiling water and boil 20 minutes on slow heat. Insist for 2 hours. Strap, add 1st. Spoon of alcohol pharmacy calendula tincture. Wipe your face instead of lotion.

With extended pores for tightening the skin, a compress of mint and chamomile apply. Mix 1st. Mint leaves and 1st. Spoon chamomile pharmacy, mix. Take 1st. A spoonful of a mixture, overlap 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain, moisten a piece of a terry towel and keep on the face, until you cool down, wipe my face with a piece of ice and again impose a hot compress. So 4-5 times. Finish the procedure with cooler water.

In the heat, before applying the nourishing night cream on the skin, it is washed with a lemon juice with a lemon juice or salted salt. After 20-30 minutes, the cream washed off the chamomile or parsley.

In the afternoon, oily skin after applying the cream should be powdered so that dust and dirt will not score pores.

Comment Article "Oily Skin Summer. Caring for the face"

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The beauty of each girl directly depends on the skin condition. It affects its appearance, a huge number of factors is influenced, often not always favorable, and which can cause problems on the skin. To combat them there are many creams, but in order to correctly apply and get the expected result, the basic rules should be felt. First, the cream will correctly act only when it is selected in accordance with your skin type. There are four things all ...

Pores? Wrinkles? Oily skin? Makeup sails? I can suggest a wonderful agent that greatly leveals almost all the flaws of the skin at the time of makeup. For a long time I did not decide to buy a similar tool. It seemed that all grouts / bases / primers once and forever scorch me pores and problems would be much more than good. The last powder of the Missha brand has conquered me once and for all and I decided to buy Missha The Style Art Designing Pore Cover Balm. Milestly tin jar of powder color ...

Must with themselves napkins for oily skin in summer, to push constantly, every 2-3 hours. necessarily sunscreen for problem skin.


I did not go to the beautician. I pop up periodically on the wings of the nose, on the forehead, on the chin. Mind by therapeutic budget Salicyl corrector StopProblem. He quickly helps to cut inflammation, so he sometimes does not even mature. Costs 60 rubles. And masks well, so that people can go out.

i had a horror horror to thirty five years old
doctors / Hormones / Antibiotics did not help or helped temporarily
for a long time rescued weekly cleaning
my personal problem was solved:
1) Cheekless diet: removed coffee / chocolate / cocoa, strictly restricting tea / cala
noticeably better after 3 months of restrictions, now the sip of coffee is equal to the month of problems
You write that the skin has improved in the states. Try to analyze that she ate / did not eat there
Compared to here.
2) 3-in-1 clinics system

A couple of months ago switched to Skin79 products. I use their BB cream instead of a tonalnics and a consilerter and, accordingly, I had to take their two-phase cleaning system.
Also works well. Their BB cream perfectly controls skin fat production.

I look at all this vakhanalia with cooking creams and, or if envy, either from laziness, -, I do not understand))) Well, really, really it is impossible to do the shopping assortment? As if the whole cosmetic industry sleeps and sees, how to stalk our precious faces hormones and sulphates (well, as they are there, well, the swords of Karok))) Yes, the envy ... Sho Nifiga, I do not understand in your current assets, peptides, molecules And so on.)) Apparently the time did not come to understand or laziness (which is most likely)))) ...


1. Combined.
2. Tonic - only Teebaum series from the Belarusian Belita. I didn't meet anything better.
HL creams come to me best.
3. Kat, the question, it seems to me, incorrect - that which did not fit me, is wonderful to others, and vice versa.
4. Only general information.
5. I'm on the drum :)
6. Yes, according to the advice of the cosmetologist, I transferred a moisturizing-nutrient cream with AHA from day to evening, and I use a cream with SPF during the day.
7. washbasin, tonic, serum, face cream, blepharogel, eyelid cream, equipment for eyelashes - last only in the evening.

1. Combined, 29
2. Morning: wash foam with tamarind, Claras, or shine gel is also Claras (warm season), thick lotion for moisture and radiance of the face (also claws), eldan serum strengthened under the eyes, if you do not forget the cream clinic with SPF on top 20 (alternating with gel clan and serum against dark circles); In the evening, it was no Korean Washing for the Eye, Tonica yet, but there will be no Fresh Amphitrite, the Claranus Hydraulic Moisturizer, Eyes - Summary of Eldan, Summary Clamen Hell or Some kind of natural type.
Course - Speech + Cream Lieper Mesolift
+ peeling - compete (1 time per week) - some kind of Asia, masks - mood, exfoliating cleaner- 1-2 times a week, mizon bubbles-mood
3. Means for washing + cream bioterm, snailing mizones, decey of burda and some kind of cream from Esta Lauder, Tonic Himalaya, Sliping Mask Tony Moli
4. General information, look at, + I remember negative feedback, well, I don't buy anything at all without having studied what they write in the annests
5. stickiness, fatness, unpleasant odor
6. Summer lighter textures, mostly, + matting napkins, + in an opportunity, more often cleaning the face with tonic
7. Washing + tonic + cream + serum under the eyes + eye cream + tone + eyebrow shadows + blush + eyeliner + mascara + balm / lipstick for lips, masks, etc. I can't count, irregularly because)

Hmm .. so I'm just the artificial cyborg :))
By the way, in time, all this takes 10 -15 in the evening and 10 in the morning :)

In the plans for the summer Lankom Hydra Chota-there, and the Angelik series at Locitan

What do you think, from national cuisine what country should the example take? I am confident that with Japanese. The main components of this kitchen: rice, vegetables (including algae of various varieties), fruit and, of course, the freshest seafood and fish. Take a look at the indigenous inhabitant of this country! He is tightened, he has thick hair, strong nails, a healthy shining complexion ... Secret in the geographical location of the country? Perhaps partly. But the main secret is in nutrition. Thanks to this diet, the Japanese get ...

Leather - indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can learn everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin is easy to injury, but you can restore, the truth will take time for this. We present to your attention the ten rules for the health of the skin. Rule number 1: Take care of the nerves! It has been scientifically proven that all diseases from nerves, and skin-skin - especially. After all, there is a straight link between the skin and the nervous system. The skin constantly provides the brain full information about ...

save, I can no longer. Leather oily, with pores, sometimes there are black dots and pimples. But at the same time it always reacted poorly to soap and wets for oily skin ...


Planet! I had a similar situation, the pores were completely procured and did not help anything, I tried everything that you can. The girlfriend advised me to use the proactive. A month later, the result is tangible, I got rid of all sorts of flaws on my face, if necessary, you can use it for two months, but I have alone. Try.

I read the entire branch.
I will join those who speak about the researched skin.

Unfortunately, when the irritation comes to "the whole face is peeling, even some reddish islands in places," IMHO - it is already necessary to solve only through the dermatologist. I do not want to kark, but it is necessary to take a question with allergies / neurodermit and with any inspiring type of tick.

And then you will accept sedative measures, but it turns out that it was necessary to treat it. Give Gd, of course, it will cost, the ladies usually exaggerate their problems, because It looks into the mirror at a distance 5cm :))))

solution of such problems by tyk, i.e. Busting some soothing funds, without detection of reasons - usually EE .. Not very effective.

Good luck! In 30 years - everything will quickly recover !! If you find the reason .. :)

Caring for mixed skin must be regular. Mixed skin type is most common in our time. As a rule, cheeks, whiskey, cheekbones and neck are a normal or dry skin type, and the forehead, nose and chin - oily skin, which is often glittered and covered with ebony. Therefore, the care of mixed skin should be individual for each of its sect. The forehead, nose and chin need to be cleaned with gel or milk leather milk. Means must be with a small alcohol content with a soft effect. After...

I am 30 years old (if you were asked me). Skin combined. (fat in the T-shaped zone and normal otherwise) 05.01.2011 16:52:29, Rupch.


dizao masks are sold in pharmacies, you can buy different over 1 piece and try, which is more suitable / like it, and then buy a big packaging and use. On the course it is necessary 12 pieces daily and then 1-2 masks per week. I do it. I like Tibetan herbs masks (nutrition and recovery) and corals and algae (moisturizing). I did not like the mask Golden Protein.

Sold in stores such as Auchan, Latula, girlfriend, etc. can be in a box or individual, individual packaging. For oily skin, good sauna masks, fruit acids, clay and zinc masks. Depends on your needs, start from 2-3 times a week, then you will pass 1 time cleansing and 1 time power-moisturizing. Cleansing and nutrition-moisturizing to use life :-) then add hyaluronic acid, etc. How do they look - knows Yandex.

I am 30. The skin is not very problematic, slightly prone to blockage and rashes in PMS, porous in the T-zone. Not fat. Washing wash and tonic la-Rosh Pose Emecomlar ...

In the evenings, sometimes I do not wash at all, but I wipe the face with a special napkin with impregnation (I have a more fat skin).


My opinion, probably, is not relevant - what is our water, the GLUCHS has written below, the mineral water is resting.
As for the temperature: I wash it cold water - nicer and begetted (especially in the morning). There is a warm shower, of course, warm, I usually have my face in the shower. But I generally "fish", I do more water, the better :)

can I have the name of the salon and the name of the cosmetologist, whom you were? If you do not want here - you can in a subit :)

Briefly about yourself: 32 years old, oily skin (fat shine around the face, and not only in the T-zone), not sensitive, problematic (black dots, 2-3 pimples are always on the face) ...


I love Pudle Shizaido, tricolor

i use the full range of funds from Pios. For oily skin. I go to the salon 1 time in 2 weeks to make ultrasonic ultrasound and the program of Detoxs from Erickson. The condition of the skin has noticeably improved with a regular visit to the cosmetologist. The skin is the same as you described. 31g.

I had the skin T-zone, now (after the hormonal jump) in the summer it becomes very fat, and the standard cosmetics is no longer suitable, in general it makes sense of cosmetics ...


last year suffered from the same, also because of the heat. Help Ingiov helped (you can find a search - about a year ago it was the case). To smear the skin with something new - it will not help very much if the skin becomes actively rolling - it means it displays too much. I was helped by frequent-frequent washing in such a heat - washed right away, as I felt on the skin of a sticky-unpleasant awakening. Helped. Simple spraying of the skin with water or other "jumpers" (Avon is exactly there, oriflames were like) I did not help - it was necessary to wash it. The skin of the T-zone turned out to be, now (after the hormonal jump) in the summer it becomes very fat, and the standard cosmetics is no longer suitable, it generally makes sense with cosmetics (not decorative, I mean ;-) Use only for the night.
Regarding the Council below (not to sunbath), I can not agree with the joke - I personally (because IMHO-IMHO-IMHO) is helped by the Sun. General view of the skin is improving. New tools to enter during problems with the skin is unreasonable - how to determine, acne continue to appear from the heat or is it already new - because of new funds?

Salicyl alcohol or chamomile infusion :)

And I will wash Lischo - summer has come and it will not survive without washing :-). Yes, thanks again! Molchko for dry skin Nebosmetologists talk about fatty leather milk - did not meet ...


Reading your messages confused a little :))

\u003e If I wash, tonic cream, then the face looks brilliant to not use.

\u003e The question is that it is necessary to wash 2 times a day, if the face in the morning after washing does not have time to absorb the cream and looks fat :-(

You ask whether to wash, and the reason that stops you is not the consequences of washing, but what you do after it, i.e. Apply cream, and the face looks fat.
MB Do not apply the cream or use another, etc. But what's where to wash up, I do not wash it, sorry, I did not understand.

And I also had a question, what do you mean by "wash"? There are 2 similar, but still different concepts: wash and clean your face.

"Wash" - this is not a strict concept :)) What is the point of investing in it? Just water?

"Clean the face" - already implies the use of cleaning media. Someone has a gel or foam, or milk (from the type of leather), then a tonic or cleansing mask, ... Arsenal for cleaning agents is great.

Now actually about cleansing combination skin :))

First, there is no compulsory requirement to wash the water to the same skin type! Since, is
- water-freeness of water,
- Our water is known for its poor quality,
-Not all cleansing agents require water to remove water, etc.

Secondly, the classically cleansing stage is divided into the main 3 parts.

1. Cleansing, which removes dust, dirt, cosmetics - these are fifts / gels / milk / cream / means for removing cosmetics with eyes / etc.

2. Remove dead cells from the surface. Usually, this is a scrawing scale, which is done depending on the type of skin, the lack of observing processes and the rates of metabolic processes - 1-2 times a week.

3. Toning. This compensation step in cleansing, which already includes the functions not only refreshments, but also to feed the skin (tonic after all!) With vitamins, extracts useful, etc. What tones the skin. Hence the name.

You must proceed from the needs of your combined skin. Do not watch that the fat is cleared year-round, and that dry is only refreshing.

If you see the need from morning cleaning the skin on the full program - Clean if you have been wiping with its tonic (cream, of course, is needed, but not the one that shines and badly absorbs, but the one that moisturizes without shine) is then possible. Only in the evening, it is necessary to wash off the daily cluster of the sala and dust with their cleansing, then with tonic. But you do it :))

If the combi skin is not cleaned enough - it will suffer with rashes associated with the pore discount. This is not necessarily a T-zone that sails more. It may be over the entire surface, because Dust sits away everywhere, the skin sweats, etc.

I hope that I did not confuse you finally :))

If a person is often in a heated room, or in the air-conditioned (the same interior of the aircraft), then this can also be called - changing climatic conditions. And this is also - stress for the skin.

Usually, the prevention of cosmetologists about what should be in spring or autumn - reconsider the care line is perceived as ... uh ... gently say extortion.

The arguments that we do not wear winter clothes in the summer, and in the winter - the sandals also go to the sand :))) It is customary to buy a new cream, when the old one ended, and not when the season changed, or for some reason the type has changed Skin.

Well, what can you do? I do not even know if honestly.

I recommend settling what is not suitable at the moment, I tell that with my skin prone to dry skin - I have a full line at home (since cleansing and ending with the tone) for combined skin. But so far, if frankly, units are worried in winter about what they will use in summer. Probably somehow not accepted while, for example, several moisturizing creams at the same time: ((

The second main reason for changing the type of skin, I would call care. Errors in the selection of care independently not rare. Who is not mistaken? We are all humans! And often the lady, with all signs of dry skin is the owner of a fatty but strongly dehydrated skin, and vice versa - oily skin can choose such a "thermonuclear" line, which is easily overwhelmed (especially in winter) and acquires peeling, lack of brilliance, etc. External signs of dry skin.

Again, one recipe (the above and "extortionate") - change the line.

Please do not scare the words "change the line". It is possible that from the line you need to remove the "odious" means. For example, for dry skin turning into fat - replace the moisturizing cream to easily. But not on the cream for oily skin !!! And on the cream for normal, or combined (ahead of the same summer). Etc. Here are the options mass, you need to watch what a lady uses, how long ago, in what period, what time there were changes during this time, etc.

The third main reason is hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy + lactation, the extinction of the funknik functions, puberty, the problems with the thyroid and other diseases). But this is no longer cosmetics. It is necessary to have time to understand and take as it is.

All who read before this place was probably already guessed what I finish :)) ... You were not mistaken, the standard advice would be good to visit the beautician to find out your real skin type.

Good luck! And do not be discouraged! Everything is fixable, if you do this during :))

So I have the same nonsense. I can not now call my skin oily, but not dry it is exactly accurate. It will be glad not very, in some places - mostly nose and forehead, especially if it is hot. Probably combined? And what, now all care needs to be changed?