Conducting classes on the module “Sand. Clay. Stones. Summary of the experimentation lesson “Features of inanimate nature - sand, clay, stone

Educator. Guys , you each have sand in a glass, take a magnifying glass and examine the sand through a magnifying glass. What is sand made of?
Children. From grains of sand.
caregiver. What are the colors of sand grains? By form? To size? Color? Transparency?
Children. Different.
caregiver. Sand grains are different in size, shape, color, lie separately from each other.(viewing the presentation - slide number 1)

caregiver. Children, take a glass in one hand and pour half of the sand into an empty glass.
The children are doing the task.

caregiver. Does it crumble easily?
Children. Easily.
caregiver. Sand is a loose natural material.(view presentation slide #2)

Educator. Take a bottle of water and pour some water into one glass of sand.
Children perform.
caregiver. What happens to the sand in which water is poured?
Children. The sand is wet.
caregiver. Sand is friends with water. It easily absorbs and passes water.

caregiver. Take a glass of dry sand in one hand, wet sand in the other. Are the cups the same weight?
Children. No.
caregiver. Why is a cup of wet sand heavier?
Children. Because in a glass of wet sand is water.
caregiver. A wet sand cup is heavier than a dry sand cup. Dry sand contains air, while wet sand contains water. Water is heavier than air, so a glass of wet sand is heavier.

caregiver. Approach the cup with sand.
Children are divided into two groups, approach the cups with sand. Wet sand in one cup, dry sand in the other.
caregiver. Make a ball out of sand. Why didn't dry sand make a ball?
Children. Because the sand is falling.
caregiver. It is impossible to mold a ball from dry sand, since it is free-flowing.
Educator. What happens to the balloon when it dries?
Children. The ball will crumble.
Educator. Do people need sand?
Children. Yes.
caregiver. Right. Sand is a building material, it is mined in nature, it is necessary in construction, in the manufacture of glass, and also, on the beach, where children like to play.
Show presentation, slide number 3

Get up quickly.
Get up quickly, smile
Pull up higher, pull up.
Come on, straighten your shoulders
Raise, lower
Turned left, turned right
They touched their hands with their knees.
Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
And they ran on the spot.

Educator. Solve the riddle.
The potter will kindle a hot flame for me
Dry, I am hard as a stone.
Soak, as the dough will be pliable
I can turn into toys, into dishes.
Very rich in healing properties
A shovel will help you find me.
I am white, red and blue
Did you guys know who I am?
Children. Clay.
caregiver. Guys, look at the clay. What color clay?
Children. White, red, black.
caregiver. Clay comes in different colors.
(view presentation slide number 4)
Stick the stick into a glass of dry sand and dry clay. Where does the stick stick easier? Why?
Children. In a glass of sand.
caregiver. Right, the stick sticks more easily into a cup of dry sand, because the sand is loose.
Add some water to the glass of clay, what happened to the clay?
Children. The clay became sticky.
caregiver. Yes, the clay has become viscous, it needs more time to absorb water, you can sculpt from clay. If you pour a lot of water, then it will not be possible to sculpt from clay.
Make balls out of wet clay.
The children are doing the task.
What happens to the balls when they dry?
Children. Becomes solid.
educator b. A clay ball is more durable than a sand ball. The clay ball will become hard when dry, and the sand ball will crumble.
(view presentation slide number 5)
Examine the clay with a magnifying glass. Are there grains of sand in the clay?

Children. No
caregiver. What is clay like?
Children. On plasticine.
caregiver. Sand is made up of grains of sand that do not stick to each other, and clay is made up of small particles. who seemed to hold hands tightly and hugged each other.
caregiver . And now, we will give a rest to our eyes. I need to follow my leaf without turning my head.
Eye exercises
One to the left, two to the right
(For "one" children look away to the left, For "two" - to the right)
Three up, four down.
(On "three" - up, on "four" - down)
And now we look around

To see the world better.
(Look at the leaf of the outstretched hand)
Let's look closer, further,
Exercising the muscles of the eyes.
(Look into the distance)
We'll see better soon
Check it out now!
(make circular eye movements)
Now let's press a little
(Lightly press with index fingers)
Dots near your eyes.
(Near the bridge of the nose)
We give them a lot of strength - a lot,
To amplify a thousand times!
(repeat 2-3 times)

caregiver . Our eyes have rested, and I invite you all to come to this table and take a close look at what will happen now.
Create in 3 liter jars ( in turn) air flow is wind.
caregiver. What happens to the grains of sand?
Children. They move easily and deflate.
caregiver. And what do we see in a jar of clay?
Children. Clay doesn't move.
Educator. Dry grains of sand are easily blown away, run away from the wind, and stuck together particles of clay are almost motionless. This was clearly demonstrated by our experiment.

caregiver . And now I invite you to play. The game is called "Sand and Clay"
Outdoor game "Sand and clay"
caregiver . The game requires attention and the ability to act in a team.
Children are divided into two teams: "Grains of Sand" And "Clay". "Grains of sand" stand freely, "Clay" holding hands. To the music, children move "Clay" in a group, "Grains of Sand" next to each other. On command: “Wind” - “Grains of sand should scatter in different directions, and “Clay” should stand up in a friendly bunch.

caregiver. Guys, do people need clay?
Children. Yes.
Educator. That's right, clay, like sand, is a natural material, clay is indispensable in construction, in the household, clay is used for medicinal purposes.
Show presentation slides No. 6.7.8

caregiver. I have prepared another riddle for you:

In mom's earrings it burns with fire,
In the dust on the road lies unnecessary,
He changes form, he changes color,
And in construction it is good for a thousand years.
It can be small, lie in the palm of your hand,
Heavy, large, one cannot lift.
Who are the children, guessed my riddle?
Who recognized this item by signs?
Children. Stone.
Educator. What do you know about stones?
Children's answers.
caregiver. Right, stones are sea and river, as well as precious.
Educator. Examine the stones in a magnifying glass. What can be seen on the surface?
Children. Cracks.
caregiver. On the surface of the stones you can see cracks, crystals, patterns, scratches, grooves.
What is the surface of the stones?
Children. Smooth, rough .
caregiver. The surface of the stones is smooth, rough, with cracks.
Tap the stones against each other. Knock on the floor, on the chair.
Children do the task.
caregiver. What are the sounds made?
Children. Voiced and not.
caregiver. Stones knock against each other more loudly than when tapped with other objects.
Squeeze the stone in your hand. Has the stone changed its shape?
Children. No.
caregiver. Stone is a hard material.
Where is the stone used?
Children. In construction.
Educator.Some are used in the construction of various buildings, others are used for decoration: these are marble and granite.
Show presentation

Explanatory note


Conducting classes on the module “Sand. Clay. Stones "in the older group is an integral part of all work on environmental education and the development of interest in preschoolers. The tasks set in the lesson become more complicated, as the teacher is interested in the child, it would seem at first glance, a boring topic.

In addition to generalized knowledge about the subject of research, there is an accumulation of specific ideas about inanimate nature, and the experience of experimentation is replenished. An important task is being solved - the development of skills and the improvement of its methods.

Particular attention is paid to the development of skills to purposefully consider, analyze, compare objects of nature, establish deeper connections, and make generalizations.

Taking into account the need to prepare children for school, in the older group of the kindergarten, a variety of teaching methods are included in the lesson for this module: visual, verbal and, very importantly, practical.

Since the game is the most natural and joyful, forming the character of children, classes on the module “Sand. Clay. Stones” is planned to be held only in the form of a game. Games are selected in such a way that they would have an active and developing game activity in accordance with the educational tasks set.

Classes on this module can be carried out both indoors and outdoors: the site and beyond.

The classes also use directly natural material, a collection of stones and a large number of illustrations, video material.

Calendar-thematic planning module “Sand. Clay. Stones»

Program content

Methodological techniques


"Sand, clay, stones"

To acquaint children with the properties of sand (flowability, friability, ability to pass water) and clay (density, viscosity, plasticity); how a person uses sand (construction, hourglass) and clay (dishes, bricks, Dymkovo toy).

To acquaint children with a variety of stones, their properties, features;

To form elementary ideas about changes in inanimate nature,

To develop in children a cognitive interest in the natural world, to develop logical thinking, memory. To develop the aesthetic taste of children (acquaintance with samples of folk clay toys).

To cultivate a caring attitude towards natural materials and objects made from them.

1. "Why does sand flow so well?"

2 . "Plant a tree."

3 . "Where is the water?"

4 . “What is sand and clay to man for?”

5 . "What are the stones?"

transparent containers, containers with sand and clay, sticks, magnifiers, strainers, plastic bottles, hourglasses, samples of Dymkovo toys, a collection of stones, shells.

“Amazing sand. Hourglass"

Continue to acquaint children with the properties of sand and clay: color, structure. Teach children the possible actions of the survey, teach them to conduct simple experiments. Learn to solve cognitive problems, think logically. Get to know the hourglass.

1. "Sand Country"?

2. "Draw with sand"

3.Experience "How to make an hourglass"

Containers with sand, water, a sheet of paper, spoons, magnifiers, magnets. Hourglass.

Planned results of mastering the program for the module “Sand. Clay. Stones":

By the end of the year, the child should be able to:

Observe, analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, generalize them according to these features;

Use special terminology;

With the help of an adult, and then independently identify and pose a problem that needs to be solved;

Prove possible solutions based on data, draw conclusions;

Follow verbal instructions given by an adult;

By the end of the year, the child should know:

On the use by man of the factors of the natural environment;

Various properties of substances;

Some properties of the soil and its constituent sand and clay.

Presentation "Use and application of natural materials in everyday life"

This is our planet. We call it Earth. Look how beautiful she is! And how rich she is! She gave life to the whole world of people, animals, plants. Everything we need for life, we find on its surface and even inside!

Along the banks of rivers and in ravines, layers of sand and clay can be found. And what can be found near the mountains? (stones). Inside the mountain, miners extract coal, metal ores, precious stones.

Sand is a product of the destruction of rocks under the influence of the sun, wind, and water. It consists of small stony grains - grains of sand.

Sand is building. If you add cement and water to it, you get a solution. It is laid between bricks in brickwork. From it you can get durable concrete products: slabs, blocks, pillars.

6 slide. Sand is used in road construction. They are leveling the roads. It is part of the asphalt mix.

To measure small intervals of time, an hourglass is made. They use very fine sand sifted through a sieve.

Glass is made from sand. If the sand is strongly heated, it will begin to melt, turn into glass. The glass above the fire can be given any shape. Glassblowers make dishes, glass vases, and even glass souvenirs.

Sand solves the problem of ice. In winter, porches and sidewalks are sprinkled with them so that it is not slippery. In large cities, special machines scatter sand.

Clean sand on the beach, together with the sun and the sea, allows us to relax, sunbathe, children love the sand. It is specially brought to playgrounds and kindergartens.

Clay is a fine-grained sedimentary rock, it is like dust in a dry state, plastic when moistened.

The clay is used to make bricks. Future bricks are given the same shape, dried, and then fired. After firing, they become very durable. They can lay out the walls of houses, stoves, clay tiles for roofing roofs.

Clay cleanses and nourishes skin cells. This is why clay masks are so popular.

Clay is used to mold toys and dishes. Clay products are called "ceramics". They say that in cereals, if stored in ceramic dishes, flour bugs will never start, and the water in it will keep cool for a long time even on the hottest day.

Stone. Its strength, grandeur, strict simplicity and nobility - these are the qualities that attract us, causing admiration and admiration for the amazing, exciting beauty.

Natural stone is a natural building material. The strongest houses are built from it. Remember the tale of the three little pigs? As the wolf did not blow, did not gnaw stones, the stone house remained a strong defense for the three little pigs! And stones decorate yards, flower beds, summer cottages.

The stone is used in the construction of roads and squares.

Durable granite stone is used in the construction of bridges and tunnels.

Stone marble is not only durable, but also beautiful. It is used in the construction of underground metro stations, in the manufacture of monuments.

The limestone stone was formed from shells, destroyed sea corals. Building blocks are made from it. And, since it is a soft and porous stone, it is easy to process. They decorate and decorate buildings. From it

make school chalk and tooth powder.

Precious and ornamental stones are used for jewelry and souvenirs. Their beauty is color, brilliance, transparency, pattern. The hardest of them is diamond. A glass cutter is made from it. They cut glass. In Russia, diamonds, lapis lazuli, jade, amber, topaz are mined.

We, the people, are responsible for the earth and its treasures. We must use its gifts wisely. Prevent the Earth from being depleted.

Our wealth is in our hands!

Irina Shcheglova
Synopsis of the game educational situation in the senior group on the world around "Natural materials: stone, clay, sand"

Subject: " natural materials: stone, clay, sand".


Educational: Expand children's knowledge about the world around, to acquaint with the features of not living nature. Clarify children's understanding of the properties of sand, clay, stones and exercise the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions. Develop communication skills while working together.

Educational: To develop cognitive and research activity in children through experimentation and practical activities. develop creative imagination when sculpting a track from clay and sand. Develop fine motor skills.

Educational: To cultivate the ability to work in a team, to form an aesthetic attitude to the native soil nature, cultivate diligence and accuracy.

Materials and equipment:

natural material: sand, clay, stones. Team emblems, chips, three little pigs, a can of water, slides with the image of stone crafts, colored pebbles.

For every child: modeling board, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, three plates each, transparent plastic cups, stirrers, wet wipes, aprons, caps.

Course progress.


caregiver: Guys, let's stand in a circle with each other and say hello.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other!

caregiver: Guys, this morning, when I went to kindergarten, I saw three piglets, they were arguing loudly. One said that the road would be strong if it was built of stone, the other said that it would be strong if the road was built of clay, and the third said that the most durable road would be made of sand. I decided to invite them to our group so that we can find the right solution for them. Guys, we'll help the piglets, right?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Guys, to help us our piglets, we must conduct several experiments. And who will tell me where the experiments are being carried out?

Children: In the laboratory.

caregiver: Quite right. The laboratory is the place where a lot of experiments and scientific research are carried out. And now, I invite you to our mini-laboratory (children sit at tables). Guys, to help the piglets, we need to split into two teams: "Inquisitives" And "Why".

caregiver: Guys, I suggest you compare materials that lie on your table: sand and clay, stones and clay, sand and stones. Guys, if attentively look at dry sand and clay. What can you say about these materials?

Children: Dry loose sand, loose, nothing can be built from it. Clay wet, soft, plastic, you can make holes in it and you can sculpt from it.

caregiver: Guys, now let's compare the stones and clay. Take, in one hand clay, and in the other stone. Squeeze both palms. Compare what happened to the stone, what happened to clay. Why?

Children: stone hard, strong, it cannot be sculpted, it cannot be divided into two pieces. clay soft, plastic, takes any shape.

caregiver: Right guys. stone hard strong material, A clay - soft, plastic. Now I invite you to compare sand and stones. What can you say, what structure does sand? Who is ready to answer the question?

Children: The sand is loose, loose, consists of small grains of sand, hard stone, hard, if you look closely, you can see small crystals, cracks and even patterns.

caregiver: Children, what do you think is harder sand or stones?

Children: Stone. Sand.

caregiver: I think I know what we need to do to find out which is harder, sand or stones. Need to spend experience: in a jar of water, pour stones and sand, mix everything with a stick, and now let's see how it settles to the bottom materials.

(The experiment is carried out 2-3 times, after the children draw a conclusion).

caregiver: Children, now you can say that it's harder sand or stones?

Children: The stones are heavier because they hit the bottom of the glass earlier, and sand settles later.

(For each correct answer, the teacher distributes chips).

caregiver: Each of us has a sheet of paper and a pencil on the tables. Please draw this experience.

caregiver: Well done boys! Now let's calculate the total number of chips earned by each team. (After counting, the winning team stands up, the other applauds).


Sunflower grows in the yard

In the morning it reaches for the sun!

Next to him is a second similar one,

He also reaches for the sun.

We turn our hands in a circle,

Do not hit a friend by chance.

A few laps ahead

And then turn around.

We had a great rest

And it's time for us to sit down!

caregiver: Tell me, guys, so what material is stronger: sand, clay or stone?

Children: Stone is stronger, piglets need to build a road out of stone.

caregiver: That's right, guys, of all materials what we have today stone is the most durable material.

caregiver: Natural stone is a hard rock natural origin. Many people make real works of art out of stone. Guys, look at our screen. Look, these houses were built earlier from stone. They differed from all houses in their strength. Many people decorate their home with flowerbeds that are made from small stones. And on this slide we see a craft made of mushrooms, also made of stones.

caregiver: Guys, look, these are fabulous colored pebbles. Let's make a fabulous, durable path for our piglets.

(Guys, sculpt a track).

caregiver: Guys, how do you think we helped the pigs today?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Yes, today we built a solid fairy road for them from colored pebbles. They are very pleased. Guys, tell me, please, what did you like at the lesson today? What new did you learn today? What was the most difficult part of the lesson for you?

(children's answers).

caregiver: Guys, our piglets are very happy and it's time for them to return back to fairy tale. Let's say goodbye to the piglets and to our guests.

Summing up.

Related publications:

"Game situations of interaction with children on the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around." Part 2 7. Game situation “What do we feel” (this game is best played in the spring.) Purpose: to teach children to peer, listen, notice.

"Game situations of interaction with children on the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around." Part 1 To be able to notice, to feel the beauty of the surrounding reality, it means to be a happy person, to live in harmony with others.

Synopsis of the game educational situation on acquaintance with the outside world in the senior group "Let's plant vitamins ourselves" Synopsis of the game educational situation on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group "Let's plant vitamins ourselves." Zelikova Valentina.

Synopsis of GCD around the world for senior preschool age "Natural reserves" Topic: "Natural reserves" Purpose: acquaintance with the concept of "reserve", its main purpose. Program tasks: 1. Form representations.

Synopsis of the GCD in the senior group on the world around on the topic: “My country” Prokuratova G. A. Tasks. To acquaint with the map of Russia, with the Russian one.

Theme: "Fabrics". Purpose: to enable children to get acquainted with different types of fabric, their purpose, properties. Educational: to give to children.

Synopsis of OOD on experimentation in the senior group "Sand and clay are our helpers." Purpose: to deepen children's knowledge of inanimate nature; - independently conduct research, achieving results; - to reflect, to defend one's own.

Synopsis of organized educational activities around the world in the younger group "Vitamins" Synopsis of organized educational activities around the world in the younger group No. 7: "Vitamins". Purpose: to form the youngest in children.

Scenario plan for the directly educational activity "Sand and Clay" (preparatory group) Purpose: to familiarize children with the properties of sand and clay. Tasks: - educational: to form cognitive motivation to the properties of natural components.

Technological map of the summary of educational activities "Natural material - sand, clay, stones" Technological map of the summary of educational activities. Age group: children 5-6 years old. Educational area: "Cognitive development".

Image Library:

"There is a wonderful pantry in the world. You put a bag of grain in it - and in autumn you look: instead of one in the pantry, there are already twenty. A bucket of potatoes in a wonderful pantry turns into twenty buckets. A handful of seeds becomes a big pile of cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots ... This is not a fairy tale. There is a wonderful pantry in fact. You must have already guessed what it's called..."
(An excerpt from the fairy tale “The Wonderful Pantry” by Ilyin M. and Segal E.)

Relevance. Soil, like any other habitat, is an important condition for the existence of life. Living organisms in the soil, like the soil itself, need care and protection. It is necessary to protect the soil from depletion, destruction and pollution. In our preschool institution, a research and creative project "Studying the soil" was developed and implemented, during which the tasks of preparing children to understand environmental problems through the organization of experimental activities in kindergarten were solved. Within the framework of this project, the children of the preparatory group participated in the integrated OOD “Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world ”on the topic:“ Acquaintance with the properties of sand and clay ”.

The goal is to introduce children to such components of inanimate nature (soil) as sand and clay, and their properties; compare how they are similar and how they differ.

  • educational: expand the horizons of children about the earth, highlight 4 lexical meanings of the word “earth” (planet; land; surface, environment in which plants and animals live), consolidate new knowledge by demonstrating objects (globe, map, “soil” model from 4 layers) and presentation on the laptop “Sand and Clay”, create a problematic research situation, using play activities and puppets (Master of Sand Sciences and Professor of Clay Sciences) introduce children to the properties of sand and clay in the course of practical activities, use magnifiers, flasks, glass beakers, microscopes for experiments; understand the lexical meaning of the words “laboratory”, “researcher”, expand the vocabulary: “loose”, “loose”, “passes water”, “sticky”, “viscous”, “grains of sand”, “lumps”, “dunes”; to consolidate the skills of drawing and sculpting from sand and clay, to be able to compose a short coherent story about the properties of materials, to form experience in complying with safety regulations when conducting experiments, to familiarize with the exhibits of the Museum of Sand and Clay; clarify children's knowledge about the importance of sand and clay in human life.
  • developing: develop the ability to observe, concentrate; systematically and consistently consider objects, the ability to notice subtle components; develop children's observation skills, the ability to compare, analyze an object and present it in a system of relationships: structure, functioning, purpose; generalize, establish causal relationships and draw conclusions; develop attention, thinking, logic, visual and auditory perception, speech.
  • educational: to cultivate the ability to work in a team, interact with each other, show interest in new information.

Materials and equipment: a table for the teacher, 5 tables for three laboratories, chairs, a globe, a physical map of Russia, a black box (which contains sand, clay, a letter), a model of earth-soil from 4 layers in a round aquarium; presentation “Sand and Clay”, computer software, two toys: Master of Sand Science and Professor of Clay Science; a theatrical screen, a screen with hangers and robes, white robes for the teacher and children; on 1 table: samples of multi-colored sand and clay on demonstration plates; on table 2: large and small magnifiers, disposable white plates, 2 large glass beakers with sand and clay, small beakers with sand and clay, disposable water cups, microscopes with sand and clay samples , for the illusion of "wind": glass flasks and tubes for a cocktail, for flow properties and friability: sand and clay plates, disposable plates, plastic sticks, for drawing in the sand: demonstration table with quartz sand, for modeling: wet sand, soft clay of 3 types; samples of molded flowers, straws, modeling boards, wet wipes, for the Museum of Sand and Clay: racks with demonstration shelves covered with a curtain with the inscription “Sand and Clay Museum”, illustrations, objects: earthenware, glassware, porcelain and faience dishes, Dymkovo toy, indoor flower in a clay pot, cosmetic clay, quartz sand paintings, brick, facing tiles, hourglass.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”, game activity.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing experiments and experiments, looking at different types of sand and clay by color, looking at the exhibits of the Museum of Clay and Sand.

Verbal: verbal encouragement, questions of a problematic and search nature, artistic word, verbal involvement of inactive children through reasoning.

P practical: experiments and experiments, solving problem situations, drawing in the sand, clay modeling.

Playful: theatrical game with toys by the Master of Sand Science and the Professor of Clay Science.

Materials and equipment at different stages of OOD:

Kind of activity Materials, equipment:
1. Introductory part. Surprise moment. Globe, physical map of Russia, black box containing sand, clay, letter, earth-soil model with 4 layers in a round aquarium. Presentation “Sand and clay”, computer software.
2. Introduction to the problem. two toys : Master of Sand Science and Professor of Clay Science. Screen with hangers and bathrobes.

White coat for the teacher, white coats for children.

3.1 Practical research part.

1st laboratory “Observers”. Experiments 1, 2. Transparency, color

On 1 table: samples of multi-colored sand and clay on demonstration plates, “sand” and “clay” signs
3.2 Experience 3. The smell of materials. On table 1: samples of sand and clay.
3.3 Experiments 4.

What are dry sand and clay made of?

On table 2: for the teacher- large and small magnifying glass; for children- magnifiers; disposable white plates, sand and clay.
3.4 Experience 5. Interaction in water. On table 2:

for the educator - 2 glass cups with sand and clay, a vessel with water, for children: glass cups with sand and clay - disposable cups with water.


Experience 6. Observation through a microscope.

On tables 3 and 4: microscopes with sand and clay samples.
3.6 Experience 7. Flowability. For teacher and children: sand and clay in cups., disposable plates - 9 pcs.
3.7 Experience 8. "Wind". On table 5: for the teacher and children - glass flasks and tubes for a cocktail (for blowing)
3.8 Experience 9. Looseness. Plates with sand and clay, plastic sticks.
4. Practical and artistic part. 3rd laboratory "Creators".

a) Drawing with quartz sand.

b) Modeling from sand and clay.

Display table with quartz sand, 3 kinds of colorful soft clay, straws, clay color samples
5. Final part. Repeat the properties of sand and clay two toys: Master of Sand Science and Professor of Clay Science.
Follow-up work. Excursion to the Museum of Sand and Clay. A conversation about the importance of materials in human life. Shelving with display shelves, covered with a curtain with the inscription "Sand and Clay Museum".

Items for the “museum”: earthenware, glassware, porcelain and faience dishes, Dymkovo toy, indoor flower in a clay pot, cosmetic clay, hourglass, quartz sand paintings, brick, facing tiles; illustrations.

Introductory part. Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, please guess the riddle:

She is the richest in the world
Children are running along it, rushing ...
And in the spring it is all in color.
And so beautiful at dawn.
And feeds all the people in the world.
What is this? Tell me kids...

Guys, what does the word "land" mean? (We distinguish 4 meanings of the word “Earth”: planet, land or mainland, surface, environment in which insects live, plants are planted ...)

Today we will talk about the land in which you can plant something, which we feel with our feet when we walk on it ... Have you ever observed the land somewhere? What is she?

What do you think the earth is made of? (Answer options.) That's right, the ground is different. It consists of several layers (Shows a soil model of 4 layers.)

What determines the color of the earth ? (Depending on what it consists of.) Today we will begin to study the earth. Where do we start ?... (Draws the children's attention to the black box.) Or maybe the answer to the question is in this black box? Attention! Black box . (Children guess riddles.)

If you meet on the road -
Then the legs get stuck a lot.
And to make a bowl or vase -
it will be needed immediately. (Clay)

The kids really need it.
He is on the paths in the yard.
He is at the construction site and on the beach.
And it's even melted in glass. (Sand)

That's right, today we will study sand and clay . (Takes them out of the black box.) Look, there is another unusual letter here. Interesting, what does it say? ( The teacher takes a letter out of the black box and reads it.)

... Hello, dear guys! If you are interested in exploring and learning new things, then we invite you to visit our laboratory ... If you agree, then start by viewing a few slides. your good friends

So look at the screen... Presentation

Introduction to the problem. Creation of a game situation.

Today we will be explorers. Let's travel with new friends. One of them is a representative from the country of sand. So his country is called ... (sand). And his name is Master of Sand Science. And the other is a guest from the country of clay. So his country is called ... (clay). His name is Professor of Clay Sciences.

Guys, a funny story happened to our heroes. They met each other And They started arguing about who was more important. Let's help them resolve the dispute. We will go with you to the laboratory, where we will explore the sand and clay. And then we will answer the question: which of our friends is more important. So, we put on special clothes with an emblem and go to the laboratory.

Practical research part. Experimental activities in laboratories No. 1, No. 2.

1st Laboratory “Observers”

Experience 1. On table No. 1, sand and clay lie on plates. Do you see the bottom of the plate? (No.) What about the transparency of sand and clay? (They are not transparent.)

Experience 2. What materials are in color? What does color depend on? (From the minerals of which it consists. They can be multi-colored.

Experience 3. What materials smell? (No odor.)

Experience 4. What does sand and clay consist of? Let's rub sand and a pinch of clay between our fingers. Let's look at them through a magnifying glass. (Sand is made up of grains of sand, and clay is made up of lumps of various sizes.)

Experience 5. How is sand or clay friendly with water? (Pour water into cups with sand and clay, at the same time equally. Conclusion: sand absorbs water well, and clay poorly.)

2nd laboratory “Experimenters”

Experience 6. Why does sand absorb water faster than clay?

(Children examine sand and clay through a microscope. Conclusion: sand particles are small, translucent, do not stick to each other. Clay particles are closely pressed to each other.)

Experience 7. Pour sand and clay from cups onto a sheet of paper. What did you sleep better and why? (Conclusion: sand V it was easier to fall asleep because it is free-flowing; clay spilled out with difficulty, because. it sticks together in lumps when interacting with water.)

Experience 8. "Wind". Children, what is "wind"? (These are air currents.) Let's create wind and see what happens to the sand. ( Children take transparent glasses filled with quartz sand in advance, blow through a straw from a cocktail, create the illusion of “wind”.)

Conclusion: grains of sand scatter, and clay is motionless or moves with difficulty . Where can you see such a phenomenon - wind with sand? (In the desert.) In the desert, under the strong influence of the wind, dunes - sandy hills of loose sand blown by the wind.

Experience 9. Stick a stick into the sand and clay. Conclusion: the stick is easily stuck into the sand, because. it is loose, into clay - with difficulty, because it is viscous, sticky.

Practical and artistic part. Drawing and modeling in the laboratory №3.

3-laboratory "Creators"

Is it possible to draw on sand and clay? (Can.)

Is it possible to sculpt with sand and clay? Conclusion: you can make cakes and balls from wet sand, they do not retain their shape well, fall apart. You can mold something from clay Clay retains its shape well, plastic.

Final part. Repeat the properties of sand and clay

Educator (turns to the toys Master of Sand Science and Professor of Clay Science): Friends, today our children visited the laboratories and investigated the properties of sand and clay. Now they will tell you what they have learned about these materials.

(Children make up small coherent stories “What do I know about sand and clay ...”).

So our friends were arguing about who was in charge. What do you think? (They are both important because they are of great importance in a person's life.)

The teacher and children take off their clothes for experiments and leave the laboratory.

Educator: Children, our characters were satisfied with your stories. They invite you to take a tour of the “Museum of Sand and Clay”. There they will talk with you about the importance of materials in human life.

The teacher thanks the children. The Master of Sand Science and the Professor of Clay Science say goodbye.

Follow-up work - Excursion to the Museum of Sand and Clay.

Children examine the exhibits of the Museum, fix the properties of sand and clay, name the areas of human activity where sand and clay are used.

Application of sand and clay:

Where is sand used? Where is clay used?
in glass production. In the production of porcelain, faience (plates, cups, vases).
In construction. Sand is added to cement to make bricks. In the production of ceramic dishes (jugs, pots, vases). Clay products are strong and durable.
In floriculture. When making bricks.
In psychology and work with children as sand therapy. In construction. Clay is a good building material. Keeps warm for a long time. The ceilings are insulated with clay.
It is good for health to walk barefoot on the sand. In construction, it is used as a waterproofing agent.
In artistic creativity - drawing with quartz sand and on sand. In the production of facing tiles and tiles.
In modeling - creating sand sculptures, labyrinths, panels. In cosmetics - masks and clays.
In medicine, hourglasses are used. It is an excellent antiseptic, used in medicine (treatment with mud).
Sandbox games. In decorative and applied art. Making a Dymkovo toy.
For safety, the paths are sprinkled with sand in the ice. The fire is extinguished with sand. Clay is an excellent sound insulator.


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