How to get rid of complexes once and for all? Complexes in a girl how to defeat him

This article is about how specifically you can get rid of inferiority complexes once and for all. In it, we will look at what forms the complexes and analyze the technique that will become a powerful weapon for you in working on yourself.

Before writing this article, I decided to watch a few top videos on Youtube on how to get rid of inferiority complexes and increase self-esteem. In addition to your own knowledge, it can be nice to hear a vision of the situation from the outside and supplement the article with fresh thoughts. However, to be honest, 95% of everything I heard is slag.

Please don't think I'm arrogant and selfish, not respecting other people's point of view, no.

Just to be honest, there are so many false psychologists that have developed now who will gladly teach you anything for a lot of money. An excellent occupation, to give advice and get paid for it, having previously promised a lot of things in a short time.

All their advice is similar and banal. They advise you to accept yourself, learn to love your shortcomings and take failures easier.

You don't like your nose or consider yourself fat. Then look how many people without arms and legs enjoy life, take an example from them.

On the face of it, everything sounds right. But now it will become easier for you because you are low and Napoleon was low? Or it will become easier for you if you are overweight, but Catherine the Great was also overweight, and in Japan, in general, fat women are treated with respect. Of course not, it won't, and the processes in the brain work in such a way that it shouldn't make it any easier!

However, these false psychologists also have a grain of truth, you will have to learn to accept yourself, but for this to happen you need to work a lot. Everyone who is looking for a pill, how to get rid of stereotypes and complexes forever in half an hour sitting on the couch, will be disappointed. And if you see a person somewhere who promises you this, you know he is a swindler and an impostor.

Modern psychology is actively developing, but even antidepressants will not help you in the fight against your complexes, fears and neuroses.

How to get rid of complexes yourself

The technique that will be written about next is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tool. It must be said that complex neurotic disorders, such as panic attacks, phobias and obsessive thoughts, are treated with this tool, but it also applies to complexes.

The main task will be to transform your thinking by changing the settings.

Complexes and self-doubt are synonyms for the same thing. What thoughts swirl in your head when you feel especially insecure about yourself?

I can't do it, I'm scary, unattractive, I can't do it, I'm embarrassed, etc.

All these thoughts come from installations that are firmly seated in our head. When we were little, we absorbed moral and cultural values ​​like sponges. We also included what can be called the values ​​of modern society. The only problem is that often these are false values ​​that have been imposed on us. It turns out that the whole society is playing a "game" that individual people do not particularly need.

Let's take a few examples.

It is believed that large female breasts are great and girls with small breasts are strongly complemented by this. In fact, many guys like just small breasts.

Guys often complete if their penis is smaller than 18-20 cm. The average female vagina in girls from Russia is 12 cm in an aroused state, which means that even if you have a 10 cm penis, your male organ will cover most of the female vagina.

Fat girls often have complexes about their fullness. But again, touching on the intimate side of the issue, the side of attractiveness to the opposite sex, you can see how popular the “bbw” sections are on porn sites, there are practically no +18 category sites where there are no such sections. This suggests that this category of girls is in demand, and such bodies seem attractive to many men.

Well, girls generally like to call fat guys cubs, in short, everything is the same there.

But what's the difference in all these examples, if it's not easier for me! Yes, you are right, it should not become easier, but our task now is to at least try to look wider than our own attitudes.

By the way, it’s good that the examples turned out with an intimate bias, it’s no secret that attractiveness for the opposite sex determines a colossal role in our self-esteem.

What are negative attitudes?

I think you will like this section, in it you will begin to find yourself, or rather a familiar way of thinking.

We will list in it what negative attitudes are, and then we will say what needs to be done with them.

Setting the due

Coming into this world clean, society immediately puts labels on us. Boys don't cry, a decent girl shouldn't behave like that, it's wrong to throw away bread, a well-mannered person will not allow himself this.

Having absorbed this, the imposed attitudes of who should behave, what to do, how to act, and so on, we begin to consider it our own opinion. The problem is that they are not always your opinion.

Unrealized self due to dogmatic attitudes of duty leads to an internal conflict.

Installation catastrophization

Everything is gone, a nightmare, a horror, a catastrophe. Not infrequently, we can inflate even small troubles in our heads into a global problem.

The boss called into his office, and you already imagine what you will do if you are fired. In fact, you were called just to talk about the upcoming tasks.

Installation of overgeneralization

Exaggeration of the significance of what is happening or what happened.

Broke up with a loved one, “I will never meet anyone better than him (her).”

They broke something, "I always spoil everything."

Can't do something "I've always been (was) a failure at this"

"All the guys only want skinny girls." "All girls want to find themselves tall guys."

Setting Polarized Thinking (Dichotomy)

This is when you see only bad or good (more often bad). When there is no gray, there is either black or white.

People with such a strong attitude are very demanding of themselves and the people around them, which often makes it difficult for others to communicate with them. Such people experience failure very strongly and do not forgive themselves for mistakes.

Filtration installation

Sometimes we get stuck on a negative detail.

The boss praised the work done, but said that it could have been done earlier. Concentrating on the negative part, I work slowly.

The guy told the girl that in these jeans her ass looks very sexy, and that, in others, she looks bad.

mind reading installation

This is what we all suffer from. The fear that they will think badly of us is a huge layer in all complexes.

We decide in advance for people what they will think badly about us, if we fall or slip, try to get to know the person we like and be rejected, somehow we will behave in a public place.

“I will go out in these clothes, what will people think of me”

"If I make a clumsy move, people will think of me... they'll think I'm..."

The focus of this attitude is that other people do not always think the same as we do, but it still seems to us that other people's thoughts will be what we decide for them. In fact, other people's thoughts are conditioned by their own attitudes, opinions, thinking and experiences and can be very different from ours.

The habit of deciding for others what they really think about us is very common and so let's look at an example of how people can actually react to one situation.

The theater is full, and in the middle of the performance one girl gets up, slaps the guy, turns around and leaves.

Young guy - "Damn, he must be very embarrassed now, what came over her."

An elderly cleaning lady - “That’s right for him, the young guys are completely unrestrained, they need to be taught”

A girl whose parents often quarreled as a child - “He will come home now and probably beat her like that”

Middle-aged man - "That's a bitch"

A woman who loves novels - "They must have lost each other forever, they must be in so much pain right now"

Old man - "What this couple allows themselves, this is not a disco for you, they would have respect for other people"

This is just an example, but we really do the same thing, often react in completely different ways.

Setting personalization

Constantly comparing yourself to others.

For example, you praised some of your acquaintances for the fact that he is successfully moving at work, you seemed to be happy, but in your heart you were a little offended, you can’t boast of such success yet.

Setting a negative forecast

This setting is characterized by markets “what if”, “what if”, “maybe”.

Due to this setting, the brain often finds coatings so as not to do some kind of action.

I liked the girl in the cafe - "what if she is waiting for a guy."

Want to jump from a parachute - "what if it does not open"

Yes, many negative attitudes are needed and necessary, but your task is to learn to distinguish them and find those that you really need and those that just slow you down.

And now how to work with attitudes in the fight against inferiority complexes.


The practice of working with your complexes is a rather long occupation, are you ready to start working today so that in a year or even earlier you can really try on yourself and become confident?

Those attitudes and negative experiences that have been planted in you for years cannot be removed in a couple of hours, constant work is required to change at the cognitive level.

  1. We start a constant diary

First of all, you need to start a diary where you write the items date, event, thoughts, reaction, setting.

  1. We fix situations

Situations where you especially acutely feel the pressure of your complex, fix it in a notebook.

  1. Assigning a Negative Attitude to Every Thought

  1. Thoughts without settings

It is quite possible that there will be such thoughts to which it will be difficult to immediately assign some installation. Then further break this thought and assign the setting to what it consists of. An example is "I'm not attractive enough for her"

  1. From minus to plus

When you have written down all your thoughts and determined the settings, the most difficult part follows. It is necessary to criticize the thought and the negative attitude by making a plus out of a minus. Yes, it can be very difficult and sometimes you just won’t see anything good in your complex, but think, ponder and look for pluses in everything.

In general, it doesn’t matter what you write there in the column of a positive thought, the main thing is that this argument really catches you at least a little.

  1. Processing complex thoughts

Thoughts to which you could not find the installation, most likely have a large internal component. They need to be processed separately.

What are you generally doing?

You learn to convert negative thoughts into positive ones and your task is to achieve such a result that this whole process would happen automatically in your head.

Hop, there was a situation connected with your complex. Hop, for every automatic thought, an automatic argument is given. The situation no longer seems so complicated, the attitude towards oneself changes, confidence is added, and this state is transferred into experience.

Surely the above technique does not seem like manna from heaven to you now. It’s constant, something needs to be written, but I don’t see anything positive in my thoughts at all, maybe the technique works, but not for me.

All this is familiar.

Again, CBT is a fairly strong discipline in psychology, and for many years it has helped people not only become more confident, but also relieves people of panic attacks. The beauty of it is that everything depends on you, not on karma, fate, stars in the sky, but on you. You work slowly, but you get results, you don't work, you live as you used to live.

In this technique, you kind of loosen the aching tooth, gradually and a little bit. At the beginning, it is very difficult, but each time it gets easier and easier. And then the day comes when you realize that you are now and who you used to be, these are 2 different people.

If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments. It will also be interesting to read your experience. So try it and share your successes.

How to get rid of complexes? When wondering how to get rid of complexes, it is very useful to start celebrating your achievements, people with low self-esteem do not notice their own victories.

The presence of complexes strongly impede personal development. Nothing limits our actions as much as our own negative ideas about ourselves. Complexes are often formed under the influence of negative experiences with which a person has not been able to cope, has not drawn the appropriate conclusions. These beliefs greatly hinder the receipt of new positive impressions, interfere with really learning something useful. Of course, it is necessary to learn how to get rid of such blocking thoughts. Otherwise, they will poison life so much that it will not be possible at all to enjoy everyday affairs in any way. How to get rid of complexes? Let's consider this question in more detail.

How to get rid of complexes: ways

Recognition of the problem

First you need to understand the reasons for what is happening. Complexes usually do not appear from scratch, certain circumstances contribute to this. When an individual is aware of what is happening to him, it becomes much easier to solve any difficulties. To come to a deep understanding of what is happening, you must try to carefully observe your life. Particularly impressive and shocking moments can be recorded, then it becomes obvious that you need to work on yourself. Complexes cannot make anyone happy. With a sober outlook on life, you can achieve very interesting results.

Piggy bank of achievements

When wondering how to get rid of complexes, it is very useful to start celebrating your achievements. People with low self-esteem usually have a developed habit of not noticing their own victories. They concentrate so much on their own complexes that they do not notice anything good that happens in everyday reality. It is worth starting to praise yourself for any merit, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant. By creating a so-called piggy bank of achievements, you can be convinced of your own viability in a relatively short period of time and stop dwelling on failures.

Quality accommodation

We are talking about how to qualitatively improve your life, make it bright, rich and interesting. Sometimes it helps to find some interesting hobby, to discover additional perspectives. It has been proven that the presence of a hobby disciplines, helps to believe in yourself, realize the possibilities and overcome complexes. Everyone is able to give themselves a quality living, but not everyone takes advantage of such a chance when it really appears. You just need to start to distribute time differently, to appreciate every free minute, using it for the benefit of yourself and others.


Most people are used to the fact that gifts can only be given to others, but few people think that gifts can be addressed to yourself. Even small surprises perfectly cheer up, give a feeling of confidence and freedom. No need to limit yourself to pleasant trifles. Treat yourself as you would treat the most loved person in the world. This will help increase self-confidence and get rid of a large number of complexes. After all, the more a person radiates self-confidence and joy, the easier it becomes for him to live, act, and achieve a specific result.

Dealing with Guilt

A variety of complexes often appear as a result of awareness of some kind of guilt. Objectively, it may turn out that there really is no guilt behind the person, it’s just that a person feels this way, realizing that he does not justify someone’s expectations. Very often, children feel that they do not justify the parental hopes placed on them. Such a situation contributes to the development of complexes, and the individual himself hardly understands what he wants to achieve in the long term. How to get rid of the negative state and work effectively with guilt? Don't beat yourself up for everything. First of all, you need to be aware of your true intentions. And for this it is necessary to remain honest with oneself, to be able to recognize individual aspirations and motives. The feeling of guilt will completely disappear only when a person learns to take responsibility for what is happening, begins to act purposefully, relying on his own strength.


The existing complexes definitely interfere with creative self-determination. A person becomes constrained, unsure of himself, develops many complexes in himself. In such a state, it becomes difficult to understand one's true intentions and perspectives. Self-expression can help you get out of the state of inner impasse, restore your peace of mind. Self-expression can occur through creative creation or any other activity that brings moral satisfaction. It is quite possible for this purpose to engage in drawing, music, learn new foreign languages ​​or read classical literature. Any new knowledge enriches from the inside, gives space for inner self-expression. And with the help of new achievements it is easier to deal with complexes. All because self-confidence comes from within, the horizons of consciousness expand.

Work with appearance

Appearance matters. A person in many situations feels exactly the way he feels confident being in society. And here the complexes can play a cruel joke. If a person is not satisfied with his inner state, then everywhere, even in the most favorable situations, he will begin to feel his own uselessness and restlessness. If you take time to your appearance and work a little on your appearance, then a lot can change in life. By changing the image, you can achieve certain results that you had only dreamed of before: find a new highly paid job, implement some creative projects. It is necessary to fight the complexes at least then, in order to be able to move in the desired direction and not look back at fears and doubts.

Individual development

It includes several important points, without which it is hardly possible to get rid of complexes. First of all, it is useful to realize your own uniqueness. Understanding the essence and essence of your own individual road, you can overcome significant obstacles. Everyone makes his own choice and is fully responsible for the result. Personal growth is necessary because it leads you forward, it forces you not to dwell on failures, but to follow the chosen path. To be an individual means to abandon stereotypes, to remain true to your word.

Thus, thinking about how to get rid of complexes, you should definitely start working on yourself. Only by constantly working through problem situations, you can free yourself from a heavy mental burden. It is necessary to understand that everyone has certain complexes. Almost everyone doubts themselves and many are afraid to act. The task of every person is to take full responsibility for his life. Most people live by inertia and do not notice their own feelings, do not realize the true reasons for their actions. But, freeing yourself from unnecessary complexes, you can actually become happier. If you need expert advice, you can ask for help at the center of psychology of Irakli Pozharisky. Interaction with a psychologist will help improve your quality of life.

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Where do psychological complexes come from, how do they affect a person's life and how to overcome them? It is important not only to get a competent answer to these questions, it is more important to find your own ways to get rid of the complexes that prevent you from living and developing, enjoying life and enjoying it.

What is psychological complexes, where does it come from and how to get rid of complexes? Many classics of world psychotherapy, in particular, Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler, were engaged in the study of various complexes of the psyche.

Viennese psychiatrist A. Adler first introduced the term "inferiority complex". Freud considered it a product of the unconscious, having a sexual nature. In contrast to the teachings of Freud, A. Adler deduced this concept as a feature of the human psyche, which arises under the influence of the characteristics of education and originates in childhood.

Children's fears and resentments, fears and fears associated with psychological trauma received in adulthood - all this becomes the cause of the development of an inferiority complex.

No one is immune from this, and the development of the complex can begin at any period of a person's life. Someone from childhood comes into adulthood with ready-made complexes, carefully “grown” by parents, school and peers, for someone they develop after a series of failures related to work or personal life ..

Is it necessary to fight

Do you need to deal with complexes? If you feel that they interfere with your life, it is advisable to get rid of them. Ways to overcome them depend on their type.

The complex of an excellent student, a loser, a victim - all of them lead to a feeling of inferiority, a feeling of being a defective and unworthy person:

  • It is not uncommon for a person in the eyes of society to look quite successful, active and happy - a good profitable job, a comfortable home, a prestigious car model, a loving wife or husband, talented and well-mannered children, loyal friends, understanding bosses and devoted subordinates. But inside such a person can still feel insufficiently worthy and lose the feeling of the fullness of being.
  • The concept of worthy or unworthy should not be considered by you at all when evaluating yourself. You, like other people, have exactly 24 hours a day and an endless ability to improve yourself. Your ability to improve your own skills can be assessed, and only you can evaluate yourself.
  • Someone else's opinion about someone's strengths or weaknesses should not be a heavy burden on your life path. You do not have to strive to conform to other people's ideas about what is beautiful or ugly, successful or unsuccessful, worthy or unworthy.
  • Even if some difficult or unpleasant moments happened in your life, they were sent by fate or God in order to teach you something and make you better. In addition, they are already in the past, these negative moments. And you yourself carry the memory of them from your past into your future.

How to get rid of complexes

The more difficulties and troubles you had to endure in life, the more unworthy you consider yourself, allowing the development of various complexes within yourself.

In fact, under these conditions, you most deserve to consider yourself worthy of happiness and a successful life, which means that it is time to overcome any complexes.

To decide how to get rid of the complexes, first of all, it is necessary to find the mechanism of their occurrence and the way of acting on the thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions of a person. Then you can take specific actions to eradicate the influence of a particular complex.


In men, limiting complexes are most often associated with work, power, or sexual activity:

  • Fear of poverty coupled with an excellent student complex - pushes a man to desire to earn more and more, achieve steep career ups, differ from those around him with the coolness of a car brand, the luxury of a home environment, the size of a bank account and other attributes of a successful person.
  • Fear of impotence in bed, which a man tries to overcome in every possible way - frequent change of sexual partners, the use of various stimulants, the intake of an increasing amount of alcohol.
  • Victim Complex begins to oppress a man whose attempts to achieve amazing financial success do not bring results. Such a man begins to blame unfavorable circumstances, the political and economic situation in the country, an unsuccessful marriage, dishonest partners, etc. for his fiasco.

To get rid of typically male inferiority complexes will help:

  • sober analysis of the current situation;
  • revision of the dominant life position;
  • if necessary, a series of conversations or therapy sessions with a psychologist, sexologist or business coach, which will help a man increase self-esteem and gain new skills for successful business.


It is believed that women are several times more likely to be affected by various complexes than men. Women most often have complexes about their appearance, although in most cases there are no objective reasons for insecurity in their own beauty and irresistibility.

Most often, a woman does not like the parameters of her body, the length of her legs or the size of her breasts, the length of her hair, and the culprits of such complexes are the notorious standards of beauty, inspired by the trendsetters of changeable fashion.

The victim complex is another psychological flaw developed in many women, and it develops against the backdrop of a failed marriage or turmoil at work.

The rules familiar in many families for the exemplary behavior of a wife, mother, daughter-in-law contribute to its development. According to these unwritten rules, a woman is obliged to create the best conditions for the well-being of all family members, not to argue with her husband, to respect and honor his parents and relatives.

Trying to please everyone, a woman often forgets about herself, or she simply does not have time to think about her desires and aspirations:

  1. To get rid of most female complexes, a woman must first learn to love herself and understand that a woman is worthy of love and admiration simply because of her feminine nature.
  2. Fitness classes, swimming, the transition to proper nutrition, regular sleep, and getting rid of habits that destroy female magic will help overcome worries about appearance.
  3. Even one good habit - regular visits to the hairdresser, beauty salon or spa - can do wonders for a woman's appearance, boost her confidence and help her blossom.
  4. A woman can get rid of the victim complex by discovering the source of female power in herself, which will make all her relatives look at her with new eyes. The advice of a psychologist, books and seminars of well-known trainers of personal growth will help her with this.


Personality complexes that have developed in adolescence are the most difficult to correct. A teenager has not yet completely got rid of childhood fears and insecurities, and parental upbringing and years of schooling, which so often forms low self-esteem and guilt, can turn him into an insecure, shy and downtrodden creature.

The influence of the street, with its rigid laws and regulations, adds its own touches to the portrait of a teenager's inferiority complex. The most common types of adolescent complexes:

  • excellent student complex;
  • loser;
  • Quasimodo;
  • mother's son or father's daughter.

To get rid of these complexes, it is necessary first of all to increase the self-esteem of a teenager. It is also necessary to understand when and in what the parents were right, and when they clearly went too far.

A teenager's critical view of the world and himself is usually not well developed; a young person largely thinks in street stereotypes or adapts to the opinion of parents and other authorities.

Therefore, if the complexes are caused by a school or a company, parents should help the child develop the correct self-esteem, self-confidence and abilities, motivate him to go in for sports, correct appearance defects.

  1. The first thing parents can do to help a child get rid of complexes is to stop comparing him with other children or demanding that he satisfy their ambitions.
  2. The help of a psychologist, if necessary, may consist of consultations on the right choice of a future profession, the development of skills for proper motivation, the development of the ability to set goals and get results.

Working with a mirror is the best way to overcome insecurities

An extremely simple, but very effective way to get rid of an inferiority complex is to work with a mirror.

To do this, you need to perform three simple steps:

  1. Come to the mirror.
  2. Look at your reflection.
  3. Sincerely confess to him in love and respect.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in saying to yourself in the mirror “I love you”, “you are the best / best”, “I am proud of you”. However, for a person who is squeezed by an inferiority complex, admitting good feelings for himself can be very difficult, especially at first.

Tears, anger, resentment, anger, rejection of appearance - this is a list of feelings that people can experience for themselves. The first few days to confess your love to your reflection is especially difficult. Nevertheless, after a while, the image in the mirror begins to please more and more, the features of the appearance become attractive and do not cause the former rejection.

Working with a mirror helps a lot to overcome the complexes caused by obvious or imaginary shortcomings in appearance, develops confidence and self-esteem.

Art therapy against fears

Art therapy is the ability to express your emotions, feelings with the help of artistic images, often comical or grotesque:

  • portray your offender in the form of a funny animal;
  • express old childhood fears in the form of abstract characters;
  • make up a funny tale or a satirical rhyme about your failures or worries.

To do this, you do not need to have the talent of an artist, writer or poet.

Modern psychology recommends art therapy as an art-based specialized form of psychotherapy. The pictorial or literary creative process is that therapeutic mechanism that, in a special symbolic form, allows one to realize and rebuild a traumatic situation, find a new form of conflict resolution or dispel old grievances.

A successful method of getting rid of the complex is to dive into the past and find those traumatic moments that are not completed and that are not allowed into a confident and happy future.

Success formula = internal potential - internal barriers

Your knowledge of yourself and people determines what actions you take and ultimately what results you get. And this knowledge about yourself is formed in your past. Get rid of negative emotional charges, change your attitudes, decisions and judgments.

Important point! Often people reaching their past, ask themselves the question "why?" and answer it as follows: because I am ashamed, because it hurts, because I feel bad, because I am offended. This way of posing the question leads to a dead end. The right question to ask yourself "in the past" is "why?".

Why do you need to change everything, why get rid of the burden of the past, how do you want to live on. Before you start to change something in your own past, answer yourself the question of what you want to get in this way in the present and in the future.

Video: Expert speaks

Getting rid of complexes is not as easy as it might seem. This process requires perseverance and moral strength. Having managed to overcome these problems, you can live a completely new life.

What are psychological complexes? These are restrictions and limits imposed by society or invented by the person himself. The worst thing is that all these worries about appearance, figure, position in society or character are simply far-fetched. But it is they that radically affect a person’s life, limiting his behavior and dealing a powerful blow to self-esteem. It's time to get rid of the complexes and radically change your own life! We know how to do it right!

Getting rid of complexes: Recognition of the problem is the main key to success

How to get rid of complexes in psychology? The first step is to recognize that you have them, as well as to find the root cause of their occurrence. The process, of course, is not pleasant, but you can cure yourself of this disease only by releasing the accumulated "dirt". Let's start right now?

Inferiority complex

Those who consider themselves inferior to others will never be able to succeed. They are simply forced to continue a miserable existence and be content with crumbs from someone else's happiness. The inferiority complex negatively affects the physical and mental health of a person, as well as his habits. The causes of this phenomenon can be mental trauma, discrimination from society, frequent mistakes or failures.

How to overcome an inferiority complex? Follow our helpful tips:

    Protect yourself from those people who feed your complexes by your actions or words.

    Without false modesty, evaluate yourself from the outside. It is best to do this in writing. Divide a sheet of paper into two equal columns. In one of them, describe all the victories, virtues and good deeds. On the other hand, there are weaknesses that need to be corrected. With an inferiority complex, the latter will probably be more. Therefore, review this list a few more times until it remains real, not invented flaws.

    Reread the first column several times a day - with feeling, confidence and a loud voice. Do this until you yourself believe what you are talking about.

    As for the shortcomings, they will have to be worked on well. Think about what exactly you can do to get rid of this or that nuance, and start changing yourself. Sign up for a gym if inferiority complexes lie in appearance, pull up your studies if it's all about low grades, become a real master in the profession if they tell you that you are a complete zero.

    Be sure to keep a success diary. The technique is very simple and pleasant, but not for everyone. The fact is that psychological complexes teach a person to think exclusively about failures, and here you have to concentrate on the best (victories, accomplishments, good qualities). These are the ones you should write down in your notebook every day.

    Inferiority complex can be overcome with the help of a mirror- Psychology loves and praises him very much. Stand in front of a mirror and say warm words to yourself for 15 minutes: “I like myself”, “I love myself” ... Perhaps at first you will want to burst into tears and run away. This state is completely normal, so there is no need to hold back emotions - cry, scream, let them out and accept yourself.

Complexes about appearance

If I were (a) younger, taller, thinner, fatter, lower ... You won’t believe it, but 97% of the world’s population thinks that way. Representatives of the weaker sex exaggerate especially strongly, tormenting themselves with painful cosmetic procedures, the strictest diets and exhausting loads in the gym.

And when it seems to them that the ideal is already close, obsessive psychological complexes stubbornly whisper: "It's not time yet, you're not perfect yet." This battle can last for many years, which a person could live in a completely different way. But to change this scenario, you need to try hard. TO How to get rid of complexes about the figure and your own appearance?

    Change your image and wardrobe. Maybe blonde hair and ripped jeans just don't suit you. Dye your hair red and start wearing classic skirts. Experiment until your reflection in the mirror satisfies you.

    Compliments from the opposite sex will also help get rid of complexes about appearance. Very often, psychological problems prevent a person from hearing praise from a neighbor on the landing, a beloved husband or colleague. Moreover, one who has been suffering from complexes about appearance for a very long time ceases to adequately respond to pleasant words. It begins to seem to such people that they are just being joked about, although this is absolutely not the case.

    Psychology loves to conduct experiments and experiments. How to quickly get rid of complexes of appearance? Spend one of them! Being in a large company of women and men, ask the latter to choose the most beautiful lady. You will be surprised, but their choice will be different. So is it worth chasing a non-existent ideal and driving yourself into the narrow framework of complexes?!

  • To recover from complexes about appearance, you need to exclude from the lexicon all words that begin with a particle “not”. Give yourself only positive attitudes: “I am beautiful”, “I am charming”, etc.
  • For many of us, complexes prevent us from living a full life. Are you afraid to meet and connect with other people?, because they can find out that under the push-up bra there is a size zero chest, the fabric of the jeans successfully hides cellulite, and the top button on the trousers does not converge at the waist because of the stomach? Do you really think that people around you love you and communicate with you only because of your appearance? But what about personal qualities and enthusiasm, sense of humor and professionalism? That's it!

    Psychological worries about appearance and a full figure can be eradicated with proper nutrition and adequate exercise. Lose weight - you can get rid of the complexes, do not lose weight - you will suffer for the rest of your life, or learn to love yourself with any body weight.

  • Get out of your head thoughts that your failures are explained only by crooked legs, a wide waist and or plump hips. The problem is not in appearance, but in relation to oneself. Love your body and stop depending on the opinion of the people. Take care of yourself, not because Valya from the commission called you fat, but because gymnastics is very useful.

Victim Complex

Recognizing the victim complex is easy. Such a person is inclined to blame others for all his problems, he sees the world only in black colors, does not know how to cope with obstacles and expects only bad things from life.

Some people get into this role so much that they start to like the psychology of the victim. They just don't know how else to live without the label of "scapegoat" or "punching bag". Victims constantly whine and complain about the boss, girlfriends or husband. True, there are those who want to throw off the harmful burden in the form of complexes.

Just for you, we have compiled a short briefing. So how do you get rid of the victim complex?

    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Make this phrase your motto. You may have had many tragedies in the past, but they are all long gone. You managed to survive both grief and misfortune, so don't let some stupid victim complexes spoil your future destiny. Spread your wings and enjoy every minute.

    Do you want to get rid of the victim complex? We recommend that you urgently become a “pofigist”. Daily stress, constant haste, quarrels and scandals, the struggle for survival - all these factors contribute to the development of a victim complex in sensitive and sentimental natures. Take life easier, and then you will not be afraid of any psychological complexes of the victim.

Guilt Complex

The inferiority complex in women and men concerns both appearance and guilt, which is closely related to hyper-responsibility to the whole world. Like the victim complex, the guilt complex is the most terrible weapon for a person, because he will gnaw it from the inside for a long time.

You can only get rid of it by forgiving yourself and talking to the person you harmed. But that is not all:

    Psychological problems can be fictional or real. Put the situation on the shelves and determine where this complex in the form of guilt came from. It is quite possible that you are completely unnecessarily reproaching yourself.

    Learn to refuse people and at the same time not experience a guilt complex that will soon turn you into a victim of your own conscience. Stop doing things that are contrary to your principles and moral principles. No one person can be good for everyone! Nobody owes anything to anyone! Learn to respect and appreciate yourself!

    Do not go against yourself, constantly and in everything agreeing with others. Express your point of view, do not be afraid to defend yourself, forget about the phrases “Everything is as always”, “It doesn’t happen differently with me”, etc. These words drive away success and entail a number of troubles.

Getting rid of complexes is not as easy as it might seem. This process requires perseverance and moral strength. Having managed to overcome these problems, you will be able to live a completely new life.published.

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

To get rid of complexes, it is necessary to realize that they are a reflection of our inner world, that is, our opinion about ourselves. Our complexes are monsters that poison our life, make it gray and gloomy. Don't we deserve better?

Where do complexes come from?

Alas, we are bestowed with complexes¹ by those who educate us - loving parents, grandmothers, relatives, friends, etc., who want only the best for us. It is they who instill in us a system of values, correspondences and preferences, indicating what is “good” and what is “bad”.

If we realize that our individual characteristics do not correspond to generally accepted standards and norms, we feel discomfort and experience a far-fetched sense of guilt. Comparing ourselves with imposed ideals and fearing disapproval from the outside, we give rise to monsters in ourselves, which are called complexes.

All this is superficial. These are not our thoughts and beliefs. Who sets the standards anyway, and why do we firmly believe that they need to be met?

For our happiness and well-being, it is very important to learn to love our individual characteristics, to promote self-esteem, and not to look for new shortcomings in ourselves.

All people have complexes and it affects their life very badly. Despite the fact that a person has a lot of advantages, the beam of his attention always revolves around the shortcomings. Is someone's opinion and approval more important for us than personal peace and self-respect? Why should our success depend on it?

How to get rid of complexes?

Step 1:

Let's start by believing in our uniqueness. Think of famous people. Many of them are not ideals, but still achieved universal love and respect. If they focused on their shortcomings, they would never achieve anything!

Step 2:

Don't let anyone humiliate you about your shortcomings. Do not get angry, but give a decent and wise answer, because only people with minimal intelligence can afford to make fun of you in this way. Don't stoop to their level.

Step 3:

Love yourself. Love yourself completely, love every molecule of your body. Every morning, mentally send rays of goodness and love to every cell of your body. This will affect your entire life. You will be confident and happy!