Early child development program from 1 year old. Child from one to three years old: Development Program. The choice is yours


06/19/2007 08:47:44, Evgenia

Everything is visible there, everything is readable, there is text, everything is printed, and whoever is a fool will not be helped by any modifications.

06/06/2003 11:40:05, Lena

For some reason, when printing, only the right side of the text appears. It would need some work

01/06/2003 09:03:19, Mikhail 01/01/2002 16:04:47, Irina

Extraordinarily interesting!! :-)))
If only there was more text...

05/15/2001 01:50:57, Katya

Interesting. I can’t say anything more for now - I’m figuring it out. But somehow I don’t understand everything.

Very interesting and educational
But there are problems with the pictures. Wondering where you can find drawings for kids online?
I don’t care about drawing myself.

I would be very grateful for your help.

06.11.2000 15:12:58, Natalia Grigorchuk

Comment on the article "Individual development program for a child from 0 to 1 year"

2. “How to develop gifted children?” (how to finish high school from 0 to 10 years) - about the experience of using the system of recommendations and methods of early and super early www.bsim/~apn 8. "Individual development program up to 12 months" - see in the "Library" "Nanny" Good luck!

Adapted program, please explain what it means? Development, training. Other children. I have a child in correctional education, there are 11 people in the class, EACH child has an individual program, adapted to his capabilities.

I finally found the first ever early childhood development programs! They were created and implemented in 1988. This is surprising, but the child began to read from them - earlier than walking, and did it “to himself,” pointing correctly to the required word in a long list of words. In addition, the child under these programs began typing on a Robotron electric typewriter at 1 year and 2 months. This happened in February 1989 and this day is celebrated all over the world as the holiday "Print - before...

Child development calendar. Advise how to find a child from 0 to 1 year old. Hello! We want to adopt a child under 1 year old (I really want to be as young as possible and with solvable health problems).

The problem of giftedness has always interested parents. Educated parents dream of having gifted children or grandchildren. Many want their children to do well in school, master a lot of knowledge, and be healthy. Some people dream that their children will master creative professions, become business and enterprising, and spiritually developed. However, this problem as a whole was solved once and for all only in 1989 - in Russia. In 2000, materials on solving this centuries-old problem of education...

Child development calendar. Observation program for children from 0 to 1 year. If anyone has experience, please share. Which clinic did you sign the contract with? with which pediatrician? Of course, we are more interested in children's medical centers in the South-Western Administrative District and the Southern Administrative District.

In accordance with the recommendations presented in the National Program for Optimizing the Feeding of Children of the First Year of Life in the Russian Federation: “It is advisable to introduce complementary feeding to children at the age of 4-6 months. The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is set individually for each child, taking into account the development of the digestive system, excretory organs, metabolic levels, the degree of development and the functioning of the central nervous system, that is, the perception...

Conference "Child from 1 to 3". please don’t write that every child is individual.. I know this, but there should be a minimum.. and I’m a mother who is worried about the topic of development, because we had a bad diagnosis a year ago..

Good morning everyone! Perhaps someone will be interested. Yesterday I attended an event at school No. 22, which was dedicated to budgetary and extra-budgetary financing, charitable foundations and paid after-school education. Below are brief abstracts. All this was voiced by a representative of the financial control service of DogM. So. 1. Budget financing. An individual child is financed (not a school, not a program, not an education department, not a kindergarten) - A CHILD. There is no difference in funding depending on...

Mamas’ Lab, a laboratory of creative mothers, invites families with children of different ages to exciting interactive New Year trees. New Year tree programs are developed individually for each age category of children, which will allow both toddlers and older children to fully experience the atmosphere of the warmest family holiday, find new friends and believe in miracles with all their hearts. The first New Year for mothers with children aged six months to one and a half years We know how important the first New Year is in life...

On September 21, 2013 in the city of Moscow, in the Tushino microdistrict, at the Center for Additional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service" (Nelidovskaya St., 8) the grand opening of the "UNIVERSITY OF GIFTED CHILDREN" took place. The main idea of ​​our Center is to reveal the child’s abilities and stimulate the child’s desire to develop his talents. Our training differs from the generally accepted state system. We do not “squeeze” children into the framework of the program. Vice versa...

Mathematics A child aged 3 to 4 years should be able to: 1. The child should be able to count to three and show the appropriate number of fingers on his hand. 2. The child must be able to master the concepts: one - many, big - small, high - low, etc. 3. The child must know the primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black). 4. The child must know basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). 5. The child must be able to compare objects by size, color...

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Child development calendar. Section: Adoption (appearance of a child from 0 to 5 years old). looking for a healthy girl from 0 to 1.5 years old.

Mental retardation?.. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years.

We are getting ready for the first grade, we went to the school of the future first-grader, and yesterday in a conversation with the teacher it was said that we would most likely be recommended individual training. What exactly is the matter - my son is 7 years old, a very capable and developed child...

We took a 5-6 year old child to individual lessons: once a week, 1 hour - 15 lessons. The program is designed for a year... 05.27.2010 12:51:04, Dizigner. But this was at 5.5-6 years old, when development generally proceeds at a different pace than that of 7-8 year olds.

I liked that they select an individual program, taking into account the age of the child. Nannies To improve the level of a nanny, it is necessary to be able to apply methods of early child development.

As I already said, I absolutely love to systematize everything, and therefore today I will bore you with another plan of educational games and activities. I really hope that this summary will help you navigate the many games with a 1-year-old child, which have already been written about earlier. Personally, without such specific development programs, I feel like I have no hands, because I really want to meet my daughter’s needs for knowledge, impressions, and discoveries that change almost every month.

This comprehensive program has everything for the comprehensive development of a child 1 year - 1 year 3 months: development of motor skills, creativity, exploration of the world around us, and much more.

I present to your attention the continuation of our plan of educational games and activities for children. Today the next age is 1 year 3 months - 1.5 years. During this period, the baby still has a huge craving for studying surrounding objects and their properties, the child enjoys touching, folding, shifting, pushing something, and this cannot be denied him, but on the contrary, provide as many different opportunities as possible. Along with object games, one should not forget about creative development, role-playing games, reading books and much more. And in order not to miss anything, you just need a comprehensive lesson program or notes that you can quickly refer to at the right time.

If you haven’t yet decided what to play with your child and don’t have a specific lesson plan, then this is definitely the place for you. Today I want to once again add to the “” section with a list of educational games that are most relevant at the age of 1.5 years to 1 year 9 months.

What's new at this age? For me, this period with Taisiya was remembered by the fact that my daughter became much more picky in terms of choosing activities. If earlier she supported almost any idea, as soon as something was offered to her, now she has very specific preferences of her own, and more and more often she had to deal with “I want it or I don’t want it.” Naturally, this is a normal stage of development, but as a restless mother, it is not always easy for me to get used to the fact that a child becomes an independent person with his own range of interests

It is always very interesting for me to watch how my daughter develops, how her range of interests changes, her skills and knowledge about the world improve. Some games fade into the background, and others, more “advanced” ones, take their place. When people ask me what Taisiya played at the age of 1 year 9 months to 2 years, the first thing that comes to mind is clothespins and scissors. These two activities were definitely our absolute favorites at that age. It seems that Taisiya cut everything that was in bad shape. Of course, cutting out, at first, was more like shredding paper around the perimeter, but the main thing is not the result, but the child’s genuine interest! Clothespins were also attached to all possible places in our house, not to mention the favorite way to dry doll clothes on a clothesline with clothespins.

In my opinion, all lovers of educational games and activities can be divided into 2 types: those who prefer to make everything from scrap materials and those who are of the opinion “it’s easier to buy something ready-made and not have to worry.” If we divide it so strictly, then I am most likely a representative of the second category :). But, of course, I also support and practice homemade development tools with both hands, especially if the ratio of monetary costs and time spent is really justified. For those who love crazy hands, I will soon prepare an article about educational toys with my own hands, but today about ready-made solutions. About the most successful and necessary.

Since childhood I couldn’t draw. Or rather, no, not like that. Since childhood, I lived with the firm belief that I could not draw. That's why I never just did it. Of course, now, after reading a stack of books about creative education and drawing with my daughter, I understand that my reluctance to create was not at all due to my lack of natural talent, but then it didn’t seem so to me. Every person has a creative side from birth. But whether it is developed or ruined directly depends on the conditions for creativity that will be created for the child, and on the response that he will receive in response to his creations.

A long time ago I wrote an article about. These were the simplest boxes, which were designed to diversify the baby’s sensory experience and develop his basic motor skills (folding, rearranging, finger grip, handling a spoon and scoop, etc.). But sensory boxes are not only a great exercise for your fingers, they are also a wonderful platform for role-playing games and themed activities. In a sensory box, you can recreate a small world with its inhabitants and characteristic environment, play out simple life situations and thereby consolidate your child’s knowledge on the topic being studied. Thematic boxes will be discussed in this article.

Such boxes will be of interest to children from about 2 years old. Perhaps something a little earlier, something later, be guided by the interests of your baby. And children over 3 years old will be happy to take part in creating sensory boxes with you.

Today I would like to talk about the very first games for teaching reading. They are suitable primarily for children who still cannot read at all ( you can play now from 1.5-2 years ), but, of course, they will also be useful for those who have already learned a little continuous reading.

I want to say right away that there will be no games here like coloring and modeling all the letters of the alphabet in turn from plasticine. In mine, I already wrote that a child who has memorized individual letters using the alphabet or any other method subsequently experiences many difficulties in combining them into syllables. Therefore, I want to invite you to play not with letters, but immediately with words (MI, BUT, TU...) and short words. With this approach the child constantly sees ready-made letter combinations before his eyes, plays with them, rearranges them, and, as a result, quickly remembers . At first, only visually, then he tries to reproduce it himself. As a result, the child does not experience problems with merging letters; he immediately reads the letter. But, interestingly, during such games the child remembers all the letters.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog!

The modern world provides many opportunities for implementation and parents are provided with various programs that are designed to help in the upbringing and unlocking of the potential inherent in the child.

The concept of “early development” implies that it will begin to be used before the age of one, almost from birth. Activities with babies give parents mixed feelings, and you shouldn’t expect concrete results at this stage; the foundation is being laid.

From 1 year to 3 years, of course, it becomes easier. The dedication and interest of the “student” is visible, or, conversely, his lack of initiative, which indicates the need for a change in activity or direction.

Author's methods of general development

Original programs that have been successfully used for many years come to the aid of parents and teachers. Let's consider the most popular and relevant in our time.

1. G. Doman and his methods are known all over the world. Its main emphasis is on the ability of children to absorb a huge amount of information from infancy.

For classes, pre-prepared cards of different categories and difficulty levels are used. Doman focuses on the connection between physical and mental development, and therefore pays special attention to gymnastics and sports.

The results shown by the participating children are really good. The main disadvantage of the system is the passivity of the process. The child observes, but does not practice.

2.Father and daughter Zheleznov , authors of a popular development program. Classes are held with musical accompaniment and in a playful way.

At the same time, motor skills are activated. Speech and hearing develop, coordination is honed during exercises. The connection with the mother is strengthened or active interaction with other children occurs, since the system can also be used with a group of children.

3. Inspired by the work of G. Doman, S. Lupan becomes the author of another popular technique. Cecile believes that the main thing in the successful development of a child is the sincere interest of parents in communicating with him.

In her book “Believe in Your Child,” she encourages parents to engage with their child without reference to a specific time, but regularly and having prepared in advance.

Learning does not take place according to a standard scheme, but with the help of warehouses or combinations of letters. In this case, the school curriculum will be difficult; problems arise with the division into letters and sounds.

The material used is cubes, which you can purchase or make and glue together yourself.

8. Methodology E. Chaplygina designed for children from 3 years old. With its help, children learn to read in a short time. In this process, they are helped by cubes of a unique design, and the dominoes he developed are suitable for learning to count.

9.J. Cuisiner offers to teach counting to children as young as one year old. Special materials in the form of multi-colored sticks of different lengths help kids not only begin to count, but also design, think logically, and creatively. The system comes with a manual with possible games.

Useful additions to the author's methods

10. Boards E. Seguin became the basis for the emergence of a large number of educational toys that have gained enormous popularity among mothers and children.

A board with holes of different shapes into which the child is invited to insert cubes or figures (geometric, images of animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

At the moment of use, logic, attentiveness and motor skills are involved. Actions are accompanied by an explanation from an adult that stimulates speech. The boards themselves have varying degrees of complexity and shape.

11. Creator of exciting games V. Voskobovich I believed that learning should be relaxed and interesting. A fairy tale plot helps to absorb knowledge when performing various tasks.

Multi-level games are offered for children of different ages. During classes, creative potential and intellectual capabilities are revealed.

12. Blocks Dienesha - another way to keep the kids usefully occupied. Different shapes and colors give “expanse” to imagination, logic and analytical abilities.

The appendix to the game describes in detail the possible options for activities, but imagination is a limitless concept, so parents can make their own suggestions.

Having examined several methods and tried to understand their essence, it can be noted that following one of them may be difficult and, in fact, there is no point. Each, in addition to its undeniable advantages, has a number of disadvantages.

By appealing to the child’s individuality, combine activities from different systems. Using educational toys and techniques will be a fun and useful way to spend your leisure time.

Develop wisely!

All the best! See you again!

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Parents tend to be biased towards their child. Someone may not notice that their child is somewhat behind their peers in development in some respects, believing that the child is developing as needed. Other parents, on the contrary, constantly want their child to be ahead of other children in development, and it always seems to them that he does not demonstrate the necessary success. In order to more or less objectively assess a child’s development, it would be good to first of all know what is considered normal at a given age. What skills should a growing baby have at what age? Early development of a child from 1 year to 3 years: a program, based on which parents can adjust the work on the development of the child.

When preparing an early development program for a child from 1 to 3 years old, the following norm should be taken into account. Children of the second year of life, that is, from 1 to 2 years old, should be able to:

  • build towers or houses from a small number of cubes (4-6 cubes),
  • strive to disassemble or break some object that fell into his hands, this is how the child studies it and exhibits a so-called research position,
  • speak simple words
  • call family members by name, pets by nickname,
  • know the names of parts of the body and face,
  • ask to go potty when he needs to go to the toilet,
  • stand up and walk independently,
  • drink from a cup and try to eat on your own,
  • understand what his parents want from him,
  • kick the ball,
  • imitate other people, no matter what age they are,
  • onomatopoeize,
  • give a toy if asked,
  • open drawers,
  • distinguish primary colors,
  • understand the size of objects (large or small ball, cube, etc.),
  • count to five to ten,
  • handle toys (care for a doll, cook imaginary food in toy dishes, roll cars, etc.),
  • distinguish individual letters or numbers.

Older children, from 2 to 3 years old, should normally be able to:

  • fulfill simple requests that require two or three actions from him,
  • draw, build, make cubes with pictures,
  • speak in phrases of four to five words,
  • fully understand what adults are telling him (of course, at the level of everyday terms),
  • learn simple rhymes and nursery rhymes,
  • name who or what can swim, fly, ride,
  • go up and down stairs,
  • dress and undress,
  • use the potty yourself,
  • walk backwards
  • maintain balance on the crossbar,
  • draw vertical lines
  • cut paper holding scissors in one hand,
  • wash and dry your hands yourself,
  • distinguish not only colors, but also shades, be able to mix colors to get another, desired color,
  • distinguish objects not only by size, but also by their shape,
  • solve simple examples of addition and subtraction within tens (two bunnies met one bunny in a clearing, the result was three bunnies),
  • answer questions about what happened in a fairy tale read by adults,
  • distinguish more letters and numbers.

The listed skills will help to create a program for the early development of a child from 1 year to 3 years old in such a way that the child is not overloaded with what is not yet available to him, and at the same time, parents do not miss the moment of the beginning of the development of some skills that are quite accessible to the baby.