Reiki (Reiki) and healing. Hidden dangers! Reiki technique: healing through photography. Instructions for implementation

Reiki is a Japanese healing and at the same time spiritual practice, which is not a religion. Self-development and self-knowledge, healing and healing, harmony and balance, strength and mind, energy and spirit - this is not a complete list of components that can be characterized by the Reiki system.

In Japanese, Reiki is two hieroglyphs, where "rei" stands for cosmic, universal, universal, and "ki" stands for the energy of life, or vital energy. The full meaning of Reiki is "universal life energy".

What is Reiki Technique?

Reiki energy helps to tune the Body and Spirit to harmonious high vibrations and, with constant practice, heal various diseases. Also, with the help of Reiki, you can cleanse your life of negative events, attracting the ones you need, and ultimately find the life that you would like.

How does this work in esoteric healing? By means of remote work with photos using the imposition of hands, working with symbols and images, working with a phantom. Hands and visualization serve as those powerful tools through which the universal life energy is transmitted through the Healer to the person.

The Reiki technique has been around for over a century and there is some evidence that Reiki healing has been used since ancient Japan.

The founder of the "school of reiki" is a Buddhist monk and philosopher from Japan - Mikao Usui. The founding date is considered to be 1922. During the crisis period of his life, Mikao Usui set off on a long journey in search of true knowledge. This pilgrimage ended in one of the temples on Mount Kurama, sacred for Buddhists. There the monk-philosopher engaged in deep meditation, through which he came to the realization of "Reiki".

Chujiro Hayashi is the last student of Mikao Usui. By profession - a doctor. He somewhat modified the practice of Reiki by conducting healing sessions among his patients. He also belongs to the development of hand positions during recovery.

For humans, the Reiki technique works on 4 levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This means that a person practicing Reiki or undergoing a course of treatment with a Reiki Master receives healing at the level of all the listed bodies. The level of depth of cognition and mastering of the Reiki system consists of 3 stages.

Stage 1

  • Acquaintance with the history of the origin, energy of Reiki and its practical application;
  • Connection to the Universal Knowledge and the Universal flow of vital energy;
  • Work on the inner "I";
  • Self-healing practice training;
  • Teaching healing practices for working with water, plants and animals;
  • The basics of telecommuting;
  • Working with the first character

Stage 2

  • Qualitative expansion of one's own capabilities and deep work with energies;
  • Cleaning the premises;
  • Ability to improve relationships;
  • Quality improvement in life;
  • Healing practices training;
  • Learning to work with three symbols and the ability to apply them;

Stage 3

  • Ability to increase and decrease energy flow;
  • Familiarization with the symbols of the Master;
  • Advanced healing practices
  • Ability to work with space and time and change them on the Life Line in the past, present and future

There is also a 4th level of cognition of the Reiki system. This is the stage of a Reiki Master and Teacher, it is available for those who have successfully mastered and practice the first three stages for a long time.

Practical Application of Reiki Technique

Despite the fact that in Russia Reiki began to be practiced relatively recently, today it is very popular. It is a deep yet understandable and powerful technique. In Reiki healing, the laying on of hands, including from a photo, affects people with the help of the universal life energy of the Universe. Such esoteric healing helps to get rid of not only various "phobias", but also to remove blocks in energy channels, to clear the field of negative entities, to improve health by filling a person with Light. The body regenerates gently day after day. At the level of subconsciousness, emotions, tension is relieved, as a result of which the energy is aligned and the Body comes to balance, diseases disappear. Thus, Reiki treatment takes place.

Nowadays, many criticize traditional medicine. However, not everything is so simple here. Not only traditional, but also esoteric medicine is not able to help a person if he does not want to help himself. To change the attitude to oneself, to the world around, to people, to change the worldview is the first thing that needs to be done by a seriously ill person.

Once there comes such a moment that a person firmly decides for himself - I want to be healthy. It is then that Reiki and other spiritual and healing practices provide the most effective help.

For children of different ages, Reiki energy is useful in that it protects their field from diseases, and in case of illness, the child quickly recovers. Also, under the influence of Reiki energy, children learn the school curriculum better, and in general the learning process is much easier for them than for other children, plus Reiki helps to develop latent abilities.

As for the elderly, Reiki can prolong their life.

Reiki practice gives people a huge energy boost, as well as unlimited possibilities. Constant work with Reiki allows you to gently enter the state of meditation. A person begins to consciously work on himself and learn the world, which means he confidently follows his path. A person develops intuition, the inner world comes to a harmonious state, deep knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

Reiki is carried into the human body by hand. Hands are an instrument of the Soul, a conductor of the healing energy of the Universe. Reiki practitioners say that hands are a tool for transmitting Divine Power. The hands are connected to the human heart, and the heart is considered the receiving center, to which the higher vibrations are directed. That is, the heart receives the "cosmic fire", and the hands conduct the "cosmic fire" going from the center to the person being healed.

Reiki, Hand Healing: A healer practicing Reiki needs to know how to hold his hands correctly during a healing session. In Reiki practice, the hands are most often placed with the palms down, with the fingers folded together and slightly straightened. The healing energy "ki" flows in a stream to the center of the palms and to the fingertips, so these parts of the hands will be the most sensitive. It is often impossible to put both hands on the sore spot. Then one hand should be placed in the place of the request, and the other on the head. To activate the energy and it began to move, both hands must be on the body of the person to be healed, or at a sufficiently close distance from the body.

The universal life energy of Reiki is felt as pleasant warmth, and in some cases even heat, in the palms of the hands, feet and even throughout the body. Sometimes sensations can be in the form of slight tingling or vibrations. Then comes a vivid feeling of lightness and joy, peace and tranquility. At this moment, a person relaxes well both at the level of the body and at the level of the mind. When a Reiki session lasts an hour, the person being healed may fall asleep, and upon awakening, he will feel energized and deeply rested. It happens that a person does not experience any sensations at the time of the session. This is considered the norm, while Reiki energy also has its healing effect. The effectiveness of the treatment does not depend on the sensations.

The healer usually begins a Reiki session with a scan, or diagnostics, it can be remote, from a photo, or personal, at an appointment. In Japanese, this is called "byosen", where the syllable "byo" denotes a disease and the syllable "sen" denotes a line. For this, if the session is conducted in person, the healer folds his hands at the level of his heart chakra and asks that the Reiki energy flow through him, which he then directs to those places of the healed person's body that need to be healed. If the healer suddenly feels that his hands need to be placed on a certain part of the client's body, then this feeling must be followed. Sometimes it happens that the places requiring the influence of healing energy are not defined. The healer then scans the front and back of the body. He slowly leads his hands along them, starting from the head to the feet. When the healer's hands are over the place of the healed person's body that needs Reiki energy, he can feel warmth in his palms, a slight tingling sensation, or complete confidence that this is the right place.

When the healer touches the part of the body of the person being healed that has given the signal, a rather unpleasant sensation often arises in the hands, and it can rise almost to the shoulder. If the healer removes the hands, then these sensations return back to the palms and from there out through the fingertips. After that, the healer proceeds to a new stage of treatment. Thus, scanning and healing with the energy of the hands takes place.

During practice, the influence of the universal energy of Reiki does not occur due to mental work. And here there is absolutely no need to direct the flow by mental efforts or mentally regulate it. It is enough just to find the area on the patient's body that is needed for the transfer of energy, and the energy will go there on its own. If a person does not have enough energy, then it is replenished. And if there is enough energy, then it is evenly redistributed throughout the body. The human body can only take the amount of energy that it needs at this stage.

If a person is simultaneously treated with traditional methods. In this case, the energy of the reiki will not be a hindrance. On the contrary, Reiki will remove the side effect and balance the effect of the medications taken.

Thus, hand healing is the main tool for transferring Reiki energy from healer to the healed person.

Over the years, many people develop or have a variety of phobias (fears) that interfere with life, oppress and which are difficult to overcome. They are the cause of all kinds of failures in our lives. And sometimes even a professional psychotherapist is not able to rid the patient of his phobias. However, the practical application of Reiki may well get rid of these troubles in a fairly short time. To get rid of fears, you can independently apply the following Reiki practice:

Need to know:

  • Each individual fear must be worked out separately.
  • Before starting this practice, you need to analyze your state and answer yourself to such a question - what sensations, in what place of the body arise, and what feelings do you experience when this emotion takes possession of you (perhaps these are sensations of cold, warmth, heat , a feeling that goose bumps, nausea, weakness, dizziness and more are running through the body).
  • Ask yourself, what does the body want to do with this sensation and feeling?
  • Release this feeling and sensation into the Light and thank the Creator for it! Say it helped you a lot, but now you want to let it go! Inhale and exhale! Stay in this Light for a few minutes with a feeling of Gratitude!
  • Now ask yourself a question, now how do you feel? Do you feel it? If everything is gone, great, you have worked through this moment, if it remains, repeat it.
  • If you have undertaken to work through a certain fear, do not stop your work halfway, not for a single day, bring this work to the end, until the moment there is no unpleasant sensation in the body and the charge goes away. If for some reason you had to stop practicing even for one day, you have to start counting from the very beginning.

Reiki Session for Healing:

If you missed at least one day of working with fears, you need to start everything from the beginning and count from the first day.

For those who wish to improve their health using Reiki practice, magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and leads counseling. Elena Svetlaya in healing uses an integrated approach - BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as to a single human system and translates through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including through changes in approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, the disease recedes. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques of self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience allow the clairvoyant to provide people with all-round help.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing from a distance and from a photograph. In the Success Center of Elena Svetlaya, you can diagnose the energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, conduct various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, health amulets and others services. Details can be found on the page.

You can read more about Elena Svetlaya's professional specialization.

For the spiritual, energetic and physical healing of people in the "Elena Svetlaya Success Center" a unique Service No. 7 has been developed - esoteric healing.

Service No. 7 - Elena Svetloy's author's methodology, which includes: distance meditations, charmed foods and objects, various effective rituals on the magic altar with healing stones and charmed candles, mandatory dietary recommendations, and much more. At the same time, a person receives additional energy that the body needs for self-healing and self-healing. From the first sessions, the human biofield is significantly enhanced, and after passing from one to three courses and following all the recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases recede. Elena Svetlaya's technique helps a person in need of healing to reach the higher vibrations of Soul and Body necessary for this.

To make an appointment for a consultation, you can contact Elena Svetlaya by writing an e-mail request [email protected] site, with the subject of the letter "Healing Reiki" or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article "Sign up for a consultation." Price Services No. 7 are negotiated individually, depending on the problem and the depth of development!

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

Reiki energy - how you can intensify work with it and make the flow of energy itself strong.

A series of articles on increasing the effectiveness of Reiki practice. Part 2.

There are many methods that help to improve and purify our Reiki energy, making it stronger and thus increasing its effectiveness. But first, I would like to address the problem that some students mentioned, because if this problem is present, it will prevent improvements in Reiki from happening.

This has to do with a situation in which our Reiki energy seems to be losing the strength it had in the beginning. You may face such a situation when, while practicing, you give many Reiki sessions to others and do not receive the Reiki Energy yourself. It is necessary to maintain a balance in the use of Reiki to maintain its flow. This means that one should not only do sessions for others, but also do sessions for oneself, but most importantly, it is necessary to receive practical advice from other qualified Reiki Masters.
This is necessary because when giving Reiki sessions to others, often your own problems can be displaced and arrive at the surface, and the Reiki energy that flows through us, during sessions to others and during sessions to ourselves, will not always be strong enough. So, in order to complete the healing process during a Reiki session, it is necessary to release negative energy or, as we say, to dump it. Students are already learning this, passing the first stage, it is necessary to remember this safety technique, which is very important, as for a Reiki recipient. and for the Reiki Master himself giving the session. These accumulated negative energies can sometimes slow down and even block the flow of Reiki energy.

We are sharing our practical experience, and we hope that you, too, will certainly use our recommendations, such as:

  1. either passively receiving Reiki sessions from another Master,
  2. or you can bliss yourself using certain Reiki power channel symbols to cleanse and balance the chakras. This will help you to improve the reception of Reiki energy during the Reiki sessions to yourself, and most importantly, it will increase the flow of energy work during the transfer of energy to others through the sessions.

Thus, the restored healing Reiki energy will remove all your problems accumulated at the energy level in your body system and open the channels for a powerful flow of Reiki.

Improve the efficiency of Reiki Energy.

There is a philosophy of many Reiki schools that as you practice Reiki, you become stronger. It is undoubtedly very important to practice giving as many Reiki sessions as possible to ourselves and to others, but after doing some research, we also asked this question to our colleagues, who have been practicing for many years, Reiki Masters, trying to understand whether the practice of Reiki sessions is enough for to improve the strength and quality of Reiki energy, and how much this can improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy. What we got as a result of our research: indeed, over the years of practicing Reiki sessions, a certain level is being developed, but it is not significantly higher than the level of those who practice Reiki less, that is, it is obvious that other methods are used to improve the effectiveness of Reiki Energy. Which ones? Read on.

Reiki energy - it is necessary to learn other levels, steps and channels of Reiki power.

The most effective way to increase the efficiency of your Reiki energy is to be initiated and trained to the next level of Reiki. For example, if you have 1 stage of Reiki, then you can learn 2 stages of Reiki, and if you have 2 stages of Reiki, then you need to undergo the training of a Master Healer or undergo training in the channels of Reiki power. If you have already taken all the levels, including the Reiki Master-Teacher, then you can expand your horizons and level of perception, master new techniques. Developing and learning, expanding your visibility will improve your understanding of Reiki, so learn new healing skills to improve and strengthen your skills and the effectiveness of Reiki Energy.

Strengthening your Reiki Energy through blissing cleansing or self-attunement.

If you are already a Master Reiki, then you have the opportunity to make yourself a self-tuning. And we in our school also recommend to carry out blissing cleaning for yourself. It will strengthen and perfect your Reiki energy at the same time, it will raise your vibrations and improve your health. We suggest using this technique to give yourself the opportunity to self-adjust. Those who have already made the decision to do this at least once a day for a month or longer have received amazing results, according to reviews. We talk about blissing cleansing in more detail when receiving the 2nd degree of Reiki, it contains symbols of the karmic channel of Reiki, so we will now describe only self-tuning process:

Prepare the room, light a candle and play your favorite Reiki music. Sit on a chair in the middle of the room.

  1. Prepare yourself using the usual method that you use when initiating others.
  2. Say the Gratitude Formula “Connection”, you can also freely say that you will be doing self-tuning to improve and strengthen your Reiki Energy.
  3. Then you can stand up and imagine your astral body sitting on a chair.
  4. Continue to move behind the chair and visualize yourself sitting or sitting in the chair, and give yourself the first initiation.
  5. Stand in front of you and continue to self-adjust in the form of initiation, using the same visualization method and imagining that you are sitting in a chair.
  6. Continue the self-tuning process until the end of the initiation.
  7. Then say the Disconnection Gratitude Formula and dump the negative energy onto the candle fire.
  8. After you have done the self-adjustment, you can feel how relaxed you are.
  9. Now you can sit down in a chair and sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed, focusing on your new energy that is flowing in you and allow yourself to get used to these sensations.

How to improve the efficiency of Reiki Energy?

Continuation in the third part….

Meditation on a point of light - strengthening the sensation of the flow of energy in the upper chakras.

With the help of meditation on the point of light, we transmit a concentrated energy impulse to the four upper chakras, while making the first contact with the Reiki meridians. Of course, this is not the setup itself. When you master the point of light meditation, you will be ready for healing with the laying on of hands. In order for your channel to be open for a long time and reliably protected from negative energy, you certainly need a strong focus on the process itself.

Meditation on the point of light will prepare you for the "filling" of Reiki, but, first of all, such meditation is a direct preparation for correspondence attunement.

Through the previous exercises, you have already learned how to visualize light and increase chakra energy. Basically, meditation on a point of light is similar. But the light you have to visualize is of a different nature. The light energy is focused so that a dazzling bright point appears. "Dazzling bright" - these are, however, only words: the visualized point of light will be so powerful that you involuntarily close your eyes (naturally, you should not fear for your chakra, since all the energy is directed to your brain). It does not matter whether this exercise is easy or difficult - you can refuse it, because even without that there is an opportunity to imagine how higher forces penetrate into you. Meditation on a point of light is really possible for everyone, especially for those who have completed all the previous exercises.

You may not know where to start. Choose the time before sleep. Close your eyes, relax, and you will see either a dark gray mist, or certain images, while the fog and grayness can be overcome with the help of light colors. Try to bring them into your mental picture.

There are many ways to conduct meditation on a point of light. People with the gift of imagination can - just imagine the laser radiation, and the desired visualization is ready. However, for most, this presents a certain difficulty. Other visualizations can be used, such as the following:

1. Imagine a point of a certain color in the misty gray haze, focus all your attention on it and, as it were, "squeeze" it.

2. Imagine how this colored speck "takes off". It is very important that you actually have such images!

But that is not all. It may take some time before you see the glowing dot. Some will ask, how can you help yourself here? Will this dot glow? We assure you: if you try to visualize a point of light even once, you will succeed! The perception of color images, of course, is different. A further characteristic of the visualized point of light - no matter what color it is - is that it activates your senses. A typical reaction after a successful meditation on a point of light is to be surprised at the beauty and brightness of one's color perception.

For the near future, you need to be patient. After a few weeks (during which you will "exercise" for 5-10 minutes each night before bed), you will be able to visualize the light point much better. So far, we haven't talked much about color. First of all, it is important that you have a meditation on a point of light at all. Once you are done with this, you can start focusing on green, blue, purple, and white in the sequence shown. The aim of the exercise is to train the ability to represent each color in turn for a few seconds.

A few more interesting remarks about meditation on a point of light, concerning the course of this process in the brain. The dazzling brightness of the point of light shows that all barriers in your consciousness have been overcome. We can say that the visualization of a point of light occurs directly in the brain. That is why the colors are so amazing and bright.


Reiki, Reiki, Rei Ki, what do you know about this technique? Reiki is an energetic healing practice. Universal Life Force Energy is what surrounds us and is available to absolutely everyone. What is energy? Energy revives all living things.Reiki is a practice that consists in receiving this energy and directing it either to yourself, to someone close to you, or to resolve the situation. This is not a religion and there is no need to believe in something to improve this practice, everything is done in a conscious state.

Anyone can learn Reiki, even children, regardless of previous intuitive ability, experience or education.

Reiki, as a healing technique, is familiar to many, as a way to help oneself at the energetic level, and yet everyone knows that the opening and awakening of this energy occurs through the Initiation of the Reiki Master.

Initiation is the tuning of your energy centers, which is transmitted from the one who can receive it and also transmit it. It is so simple that you will be surprised.

You can transfer this Reiki Energy even from a distance. The technique of distance Reiki sessions has gained immense popularity all over the world. Using Reiki, you can release tension, relax, sleep better and be more focused.

And if you are not yet very familiar with Reiki Energy, with its capabilities, then we will now reveal to you some secrets in the interests of the full disclosure of this Divine Technique of self-healing. This way, you will know how Reiki can help you:

1. Reiki CAN improve relationships with your parents, with your children, with yourself.

Energy helps to cope with existing relationships with people in difficult situations, relieve negative attitudes and emotional stress. All this will help you become better, as well as affect your interactions with others. Your Zen state will help keep the tension from all annoying interactions.

Reiki CANNOT change you or your thoughts. (Although you can meet people with more positive thinking, with a deeper outlook, and it was the practice of Reiki that contributed to this.)

2. Reiki CAN relieve stress.

Have you had a bad day? It's not scary, you can sit for just a few minutes in Reiki Energy and feel how stress literally dissolves. That's better. If you want to relieve stress from your partner, you can keep your hands on your back, Reiki energy will restore strength and relieve all fatigue and stress accumulated during the day. The Reiki energy can be transferred to the child through hugs, especially when the children are upset about something. And a child frightened by a nightmare can be soothed with a Reiki session, this will help the child release the fear and return to sleep.

Reiki CANNOT keep stress out of your life. (Although you may only feel that you become less tired of the things that used to drive you crazy when you practice Reiki regularly.)

3. Reiki CAN relieve pain .

You have a headache? Cramping your leg muscles? Spasms? Try Reiki instead of any pain reliever. Energy smooths out, relaxes and just helps. Reiki eliminates gas in the baby, soothes tummy pains and promotes good stool.

Reiki CANNOT prevent disease. (Although you may find that by practicing Reiki, your body and immune system will function better, which means you will be more resistant to many diseases at any age.)

4. Reiki CAN speed up the healing process.

Have a runny nose? Or did your child come home from a walk with all the symptoms of a cold? The very Energy of Reiki can help speed up the healing process, improve the body's ability to recover and you can confidently get the status of "Most Super Mom" ​​or "Most Super Dad". Reiki will restore your baby's energy balance in the shortest possible time.

Reiki CANNOT be cured if you need the help of a professional specialist, a doctor. If you need a doctor, he will invite him! (Always remember that optimal health is a balance at all levels, so it is a bad decision to refuse medical care when it is needed.)

5. Reiki CAN restore body balance and inner harmony

Energy fills where there is a need for it, and smoothes out where there is excess. Anxious at heart? Reiki will relax you. A sluggish state? Reiki will give you vigor and energy boost. Are you angry? Reiki will calm you down.

Reiki CANNOT heal everything in one go. Good Reiki healing lasts several days. If Reiki Energy is fed into the body regularly, the results will be obvious.

6. Reiki CAN clear the energy around you.

Send Reiki Energy indoors and observe how people's behavior changes. A positive atmosphere is achieved in many ways, and Reiki Energy can be one way to establish a positive aura in a room.

Reiki CANNOT remove the smelly odor from the room. To do this, you just need to open a window.

7. Reiki CAN enhance your intuitive abilities .

The more you open up to spiritual energy, the more you become more intuitively aware. You will tune in to "coincidences" and all events will line up in a certain order. Who doesn't need intuition? Everyone has it developed to a certain extent. And how much you want to raise its level depends on you.

Reiki CANNOT make you a psychic or medium with the help of sessions. (Although, all Reiki practitioners, in the process of working with energy, found that with the development of the skill, intuition increased and the superpowers of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance awakened)

8. Reiki CAN work at any distance.

How? This is energy. Do you use a mobile phone? So draw an analogy. There are many types of energy, some measurable and some not (yet). Reiki energy is channeled through intention. (The power of thought is so powerful! Use this power for good!) Learn to work with Reiki Energy, and you will be amazed at what great opportunities you have and much more than you imagine them.

Reiki CANNOT help those who do not want it. Each of us has freedom of choice, and we can both accept the energy and not accept that someone sends to us. (By the way, this also refers to the negative energy sent by those obsessive people. You don't need to accept it at all. Learn how to stop it, and maybe transform it!)

9. Reiki CAN help animals and plants .

Pets, plants, and your garden will all respond positively to Reiki. So many Reiki practitioners work exclusively with animals, and the results are overwhelming. Pets experience the same benefits of Reiki as humans, and they enjoy Reiki Energy very much. Plants are fragrant, become much stronger in the presence of good energy.

Reiki CANNOT keep a pet from dying naturally. (Although Reiki can relieve pet pain and show your pet that you care. It can also help you and your family cope with the emotional stress of losing a pet.)

10. Reiki CAN change your life for the better.

What could be even better? If using the Reiki technique, you can help yourself completely at any time and in different ways.

Reiki CANNOT cause harm, there cannot be much of it, there cannot be an overdose (you can absorb as much as you need), since it is not your own energy, but its source, call on Reiki Energy and it will always come to your aid ...

REIKI Mikao Usui You can complete the entire course of study at our school for only 12,000 rubles! We make it accessible to everyone! Help yourself and others!

    Her power is mystical, she represents the fire of the SPIRIT. Helps develop human consciousness at seven levels. Transfers a person from the mode of functioning in the lower centers to the higher ones. Restores the correct and natural functioning and order in the structure of the seven human bodies. Allows you to keep the body healthy and natural. Combines with other treatments. Develops a person and requires further growth in development. Brings "new" to life. Develops intuition and new organs of perception. Develops group consciousness and superconsciousness. Restores connection with the SOUL and the "Source" Promotes enlightenment.

    Reiki can be received whenever the desire arises. The energy itself contributes to the maintenance of the human bioenergetic system in order, contributes to health, rejuvenation and longevity, activity and emotional stability, life-affirming strength.

    REIKI The Law of Energy Exchange

    The word "Reiki" means "the energy of the life force of the Universe", that is, the energy inherent in all living things, feeding them and supporting their life.

    One of the most important questions that inevitably arises before a Reiki practitioner: what do you do with this gift that you have received? Very closely related to this question is another: do you have the right to take money from patients for giving them Reiki?

    In our world, value is based on money: the more you pay for something, the more valuable it is to you. However, there are things that are so important and necessary that they simply cannot be valued in money (for example, the air we breathe).

    You can draw knowledge from different sources, but the main role model is the lifestyle that Jesus Christ led: an itinerant healer, floating on the waves of life, believing that the Universe will give him everything as long as he is pure in thoughts and unselfish.

    In theory, vital energy is available to everyone, everyone can freely use its sources. If so, how can someone charge money for it? If it is the patient, and not the healer, who actually does most of the work, can someone with a clear conscience charge for it? If a healer is only a conduit, a channel of energy and Reiki works best of all when the healer is not involved in the process in any way, does someone have the right to demand payment?

    Yes, energy is available to everyone, but this is only one side of the issue. To become eligible to practice Reiki, you have spent a lot of time and effort mastering the mastery. You spent a lot of money on books, training and unplanned trips that you had to take to expand and activate your abilities.

    You did not have a leader and protector to guide you in well-known paths. Actually, there were no paths other than those that you (with the help of your spiritual mentor) discovered for yourself. And now you are relying on the grace of the universal life energy, hoping that you can secure livelihoods using your healing mastery.

    The reality of this world is that you need money to live. Money - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many people determine your value by how well you are dressed, what kind of car you drive, what conditions you live in, that is, how much money you have.

    After all, anyone needs money to just eat every day. If you spend your day healing people, how can you also get a permanent job that generates income? Or should you go to this permanent job every day and treat the sick and the poor in the remaining time? If so, how, then, over time for you personally, your own health and wellness?

    And then, where do you do your Reiki sessions? Are you renting a room? Don't you have to pay for it? Or have you set aside a dedicated seating area in your own home? Isn't it fair that you should have some kind of additional income for this?

    Unfortunately, in this world you have to pay for every day you live, and this money needs to be earned somehow.

    So, you have every right to evaluate your work. It is quite obvious that if a person receives something, he must give something. After all, how can a patient be made to appreciate Reiki if the care they receive will cost them nothing? Our society recognizes the value only of what is paid for with hard currency, and very rarely - with something else.

    Why sometimes the union of two people continues even when it has completely exhausted itself, only because one or both partners are afraid of losing money? After all, the institution of marriage is still based on love, not money. Money is a human-created value system, while the divine value system is Love.

    There is a golden mean between these two extremes - these are universal laws. In our case - the law of energy exchange. That is, the money that the patient pays for the session is a symbol, or equivalent, of energy. The patient comes to receive help and healing. The exchange of healing energy for money is nothing more than an exchange of services. This exchange is very important, because if someone only gives his energy and does not receive anything in return, he will simply burn out - and then what?

    The exchange of energies does not necessarily imply the presence of money. If you find it impossible to charge money for Reiki sessions, patients can provide you with any services (for example, household help, cooking, gardening, relaxing massage, etc.) or provide you with the necessary food and items (clothes, books, writing utensils, etc.). In addition, no one forces you to set rigid, fixed tariffs. You can differentiate payments based on the patient's capacity or your own costs.

    Our world needs more people to bring relief and healing to others. The world does not need sick or burned out, devastated healers who are no longer able to help anyone and themselves need support and treatment. Keeping yourself in working condition is the best thing that you can do not only for your own well-being and spiritual growth, but also for the people around you. If you waste your own life by burning yourself, you will likewise burn other people's lives until you learn this lesson.

    Important rules for transferring Reiki energy

    Several important rules

    Dr. Mikao Usui has established two very important conditions for the transmission of Reiki energy.

    First is that the patient should ask for healing (the healer should not impose his help where it is undesirable and not in demand).

    Second condition: during the healing, an exchange of energy should take place, the healer should receive compensation for the energy spent during the session.

    The patient, exchanging energy in any manifestation, is freed from duty, which increases his responsibility and independence. However, one cannot instill in a person the idea that he is indebted for the help provided. This compensation does not have to be in monetary terms. It can be in the nature of an exchange of energies, for example, the provision of some services.

    So, with family members or with a very close friend, the exchange happens all the time. Therefore, no special fee is required in this case.

    The healer has no right to judge the patient's life choices. Perhaps people themselves create their illness on a subconscious level in order to learn certain lessons or, perhaps, even die. You can only give an indication to people how they can help themselves.

    All the major religions in the world have focused on spirit healing. For any changes in a person's life, changes must first occur in his internal position, in his attitude towards himself, towards other people, towards life. That which fills a person's soul and determines his life.

    Important: never make a diagnosis unless you are a doctor! Never prescribe or discontinue medication!

    Reiki Life Rules

    Dr. Mikao Usui formulated five rules of Reiki thus:

    1. Rejoice today.
    2. Expect the best for today.
    3. Be cordial to all living things.
    4. Earn your living honestly.
    5. Be grateful for the grace you received.

    1. Rejoice today

    If we rejoice in every new day and gladly accept all aspects of our life, then we radiate this joy to everything around us. Our joy infects others and, in the end, it returns to us as reflected light.

    Whatever happens in your life, accept it with joy, as everything serves our spiritual growth.

    2. Expect the best for today

    We are in a state of anxiety when we have lost contact with the "I am" of universal Oneness. The unrefined experience of the past is the source of our worries. Trust completely in the life plan that is in the hands of our Higher Self and let go of all your worries.

    We do not have to worry about the past, as it is useless - the past cannot be brought back. If you regret something in the past, then accept your actions as an act of unconsciousness and let go of the situation.

    Also don't worry about the future! If we constantly think about our future and worry about it, then we are not living in the present. Today you think about how you will live tomorrow, tomorrow you think again about tomorrow. You do not live because "Tomorrow" is always postponed to tomorrow. Do not cling to the past and the future, you are blocking your energy, which can be productively used to implement your plans. Live today, here and now, and then your life will qualitatively change for the better.

    The confidence that nothing bad can happen to us is gradually growing in us. If the events taking place do not fit into the framework of "good" according to our concepts, then we must realize that this is our framework and that it is precisely these events that give us a chance to gain experience and spiritual growth.

    3. Be cordial to all living things

    All forms of life are interconnected with each other and constitute an integral system. We must love and respect all forms of life. Heartiness for all living things begins with us. After we begin to treat ourselves cordially, accept our body, our being with love, then only after that we are able to treat all living beings cordially.

    Our whole being begins to radiate warmth, openness and acceptance of others and, as a result, our environment will respond with gratitude and love. If we love all living things, in this way we love ourselves and Mother Earth.

    4. Earn your living honestly

    Our ego considers it possible that through dishonesty we can gain an advantage. This interferes with our spiritual growth and awareness.

    We must be honest with ourselves if we want to stay in the natural flow of life. We must always face the truth in all circumstances. By being honest ourselves, we evoke this feeling in others. He who works conscientiously and honestly meets openly with his Higher Self.

    5. Be grateful for the grace received

    Gratitude gives abundance to our lives. It includes a firm conviction that we will get everything we need. When we live in a state of gratitude, we begin to magically attract abundance to us.

    There is enough in the universe for everyone, and only our fear of want cuts us off from the flow of abundance. If we are able to transform fear into love, ignorance into wisdom, then we will live in boundless abundance. The power of our gratitude words or thoughts creates energy, the Cosmos responds to our gratitude with ever greater abundance. Success and prosperity come to us.

    Why is the Reiki system attractive?

    Firstly, the extraordinary simplicity of the main idea: the Universe is filled with the energy of life - Reiki, and in order to draw from this inexhaustible source, you just need to tune in to the corresponding vibrations.

    The first to "tune in" with the help of divine revelation was Mikao Usui. He passed on his knowledge and settings to more than 300 students, they passed them on to their students, those to their own. Thus, a line of succession appeared, which continues to this day. That is, there is a principle of divisibility of spiritual fire - from one candle you can light many candles, while the flame of the first candle will not weaken from this.

    Secondly, during attunement (initiation, initiation) something unnatural and malicious does not happen in the student - he is not zombified, hypnotized, encoded, does not convert to someone else's faith, does not turn into another person. He remains who he is! It's just that what was always in a dormant state in him begins to work in harmony with the energy of life, the energy of the Universe - Reiki. In fact, in our difficult times, a person gets access to unlimited energy resources.

    Thirdly, Reiki energy is a gift that stays with a person forever. Whether you practice Reiki for yourself, whether you help your relatives and friends with the help of Reiki, whether you are doing professional healing work, or once having received attunement, you no longer focus your attention on Reiki, it will be with you. - It is as natural as the ability to breathe, drink, feel.

    Fourth, Reiki energy is not only healing and health-improving opportunities, it is, first of all, the harmonization of the entire spiritual life of a person. What is behind this? - the resolution of insoluble problems, including those of karmic origin, the settlement of personal crisis situations, finding answers in the depths of your subconscious. Life with Reiki begins to naturally change for the better.

    Fifth, Reiki works regardless of the state of the Reiki-guide, it does not "get cloudy" if he is in a bad mood, it does not weaken if he slept badly, it does not dry out if he is ill. On the contrary, passing through a person, Reiki improves his condition - both physical and psychological, and spiritual.

    This natural process occurs automatically, i.e. from our side, as it were, unconsciously. Reiki acts holistically at all levels of human existence, stimulates self-healing, softens and removes blockages, and also acts at the causal level.

    Reiki is available to everyone, since the Reiki system differs from other healing methods in its amazing simplicity. Reiki can be combined with any spiritual and therapeutic method.

    Reiki can never harm, as it is given in the amount the patient needs.

    What is the effect of Reiki?

  • Reiki revitalizes mind and body.
  • Reiki promotes natural self-healing.
  • Reiki restores mental harmony and improves spiritual well-being.
  • Reiki is a complex healing method that works at all levels: bodily, spiritual, emotional and mental.
  • Reiki removes toxins.
  • Reiki evens out and balances the energy balance.
  • Reiki promotes complete relaxation.
  • Reiki adapts to the needs of the patient.
  • Reiki has a beneficial effect on animals and plants.

System Reiki is the simplest and most natural, effective method of transferring universal life energy. Having once become a Reiki guide, a person passes the spontaneously flowing universal life energy through his hands, maintaining this ability for the rest of his life.

Treatment with the laying on of hands has been known since ancient times. It is often mentioned in Scripture. During the period of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, many sick people came to Him, “and He, laying hands on each of them, healed them” (Gospel of Luke 4.40). The laying on of hands was used by Buddha and other Initiates of the past to heal. There are many examples of healing with Reiki today.

In the system of natural healing Reiki, healing energy is transmitted spontaneously by placing the hands of the conductor of energy on their own body or on the body of another person. Reiki energy is intelligent, it is always focused on the need of the recipient of energy, that is, it flows in the right amount and direction. Reiki passes through various materials: bandages, clothing, plaster cast, etc. Transmitting Reiki is only a channel that conducts universal life energy. Reiki has nothing to do with occultism or hypnosis.

Contraindications to the use of Reiki.

There are very few contraindications to the use of Reiki, which is one of the advantages of this system.

Most importantly, Reiki should not be applied to a patient during an operation, when he is under anesthesia, so as not to bring him out of anesthesia before the operation is completed.

If possible, you should refrain from using Reiki in case of acute abdominal pain until the arrival of the doctor, as the analgesic effect of Reiki can complicate the diagnosis.

Do not conduct Reiki sessions (usually remote sessions) to drivers while driving, as they can relax and get into an accident.

In the case of traumatic amputation, before the surgeons sew on the organ, you do not need to do Reiki, otherwise the process of its engraftment may be difficult, since the wound under the influence of Reiki heals much faster than usual.

When using Reiki, hormonal contraceptives may not work. No other contraindications for the use of Reiki are known.

Reiki does not conflict with traditional medicine. On the contrary, it is in perfect harmony with such treatment methods as massage therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, etc. Reiki is a holistic method and works in a comprehensive manner on the body, spiritual and mental levels, while promoting self-healing, removing blockages, cleansing of harmful substances and promoting spiritual growth.