We sew a bear. DIY soft toy "bear"

Greetings on the pages of the "Women's Hobby" blog!

Agree how nice it is on a rainy day to sit in an armchair under a warm blanket, hugging a soft friend to you. On such days, a teddy bear especially saves with its warmth and tenderness. If you don't have such a gentle friend yet, let's make one. In our master class you will find several ways - how to sew a teddy bear toy - choose whichever one suits your taste!

How to sew a stuffed bear toy with your own hands

Method 1

This is the easiest way to sew a teddy bear toy. Even a child can handle such work. Such a simple but funny bear can become a favorite toy for a kid. And this bear can also be an excellent keychain for a school backpack.

Materials (edit)

  1. Felt yellow and brown, one sheet 15x20 cm.
  2. Two small buttons for the bear's eye
  3. Two buttons of different colors in medium size for decoration
  4. Decoration ribbon 0.5x15 cm.
  5. Scissors
  6. Sintepon

Stages of work

  • Cut the brown inserts on the ears from a paper pattern and cut them out on brown felt.
  • Transfer the pattern to the fabric, taking into account the seam allowances.
  • Draw a place for the peephole, nose and mouth on a yellow cloth with chalk.
  • Glue the brown ear inserts on the ears on the yellow part of the bear's body. These details can be sewn over the edge with brown threads to match the fabric.
  • Sew on eyelet buttons.
  • Embroider the nose of the bear. Embroider the mouth with a seam "back to the needle".
  • Sew buttons on the body of the bear and make decorative embroidery.
  • Fold the parts of the bear's body with the wrong sides.
  • Sew along the perimeter of the toy with an overcasting stitch, not forgetting about the filling hole.

In order for the seam to be made with high quality and the toy bear looks good, draw a line with chalk along the cut of the body by 3 mm. When sewing the pieces with an overcasting stitch, this will help keep the stitch heights consistent.

  • Fill the toy bear with synthetic winterizer not tightly.
  • Finish the seam.
  • Tie a ribbon.

Our first toy is ready. Now we know how to sew a bear!

DIY teddy bear pattern

How to sew a bear

Method 2

When there are old knitted items that are no longer suitable for direct use, they can be used to sew toys. For example, sew a cute bear. This method is also simple.

Materials (edit)

  1. Knitted fabric 15x20 cm.
  2. A piece of white fleece 5x5 cm.
  3. A piece of blue fleece 5x5 cm.
  4. Brown floss threads
  5. Two black buttons for the peephole
  6. Sintepon
  7. Adhesive 15x20 cm.
  8. Scissors
  9. Threads to match the fabric

Stages of work

  • Print and cut the pattern.
  • Lay out the pattern on the fabric, taking into account the direction of the pattern on the fabric.
  • When cutting, take into account that the details of the ears, arms and legs must be symmetrical in pairs. That is, two parts of the right ear, two of the left. Also with paws.
  • Draw the location of the bear's eye on the details of the head with chalk.
  • Draw a nose and a mouth on the details of the face.
  • Cut out the toy parts from the fabric, taking into account the seam allowances.
  • Duplicate all the details of the knitted fabric toy with an adhesive cloth. This is necessary in order for the toy to keep its shape during operation, because the knitted fabric can stretch quite a lot.

Place the knitted fabrics, wrong side up, on the ironing board, leaving a small distance between them. On top, attach glue, glue to the details of the toy. Place the iron on gently. Do not move the iron, but apply it to the glue. Flip the adhesive over - the parts should stick to the adhesive fabric. Then carefully cut out the details.

  • On the details of the muzzle, embroider the nose and mouth with a floss with a thread.
  • Sew on buttons eyes.
  • With a seam "over the edge" sew the "heart" decoration on the body of the toy bear.
  • Sew the muzzle to the detail of the head with a seam "over the edge".
  • Sew the details of the ears, folding the right sides inward.
  • Sew the details of the handles and legs.
  • Unscrew the details of the ears, handles and legs.
  • Basting the details of the ears and handles to the body, attaching the finished parts with the front sides to the front side of the body with the edges. The details of the ears and handles will be superimposed on the body. On the pattern, the dotted line shows the position of the details of the ears and handles.
  • On the torso part, place the second torso part with the front side to the front side. So that the details of the ears and handles are inside.
  • Sew the details of the body, starting from the lower side along the perimeter of the toy to the second bottom of the side. The bottom of the toy remains unstitched.
  • Unscrew the torso of the toy bear.
  • Fold and baste the leg details with the front sides to the front side of the body from the side of the toy's face. Do not grip the back. There should be a filling hole.
  • Sew the details of the legs to the body.
  • Unscrew the legs.
  • Fill the toy not tightly with padding polyester.
  • Sew up the hole with a blind stitch.

The knitted fabric bear toy is ready!

Photo instructions for the master class

Teddy bear pattern

DIY teddy bear

Method 3

At first glance, this method of sewing a toy bear with your own hands may seem complicated. But this is only at first glance. Following the instructions, you can sew such a soft bear in one evening.

So let's get started!

Materials (edit)

  1. Light brown fleece or plush fabric 50 cm.
  2. Fleece brown 2x2 cm for spout
  3. Chintz pink 10x10 cm for inner ears and soles on the legs.
  4. Brown floss threads
  5. Threads to match the fabric
  6. Sintepon
  7. Scissors
  8. Big needle

Stages of work

  • Print and cut the pattern.
  • Lay out the pattern on the wrong side of the fabric and circle with chalk.
  • Make seam allowances of 0.5 cm.
  • Transfer to the fabric all the marks from the pattern, including the point numbers.
  • Cut two parts of the ears and the soles for the legs of the bear on a pink fabric.
  • The spout is cut from brown fleece.
  • Fold the parts of the body with the front sides inward and sew, leaving the upper cut not sewn.
  • Fill the torso with padding polyester and sew up the hole with a blind stitch.
  • Fold the right sides inside the head details.
  • Sew from point 1 to point 2.
  • Align the details of the head and forehead with the front sides at points 2 and sweep the details of the forehead on both sides.
  • Sew on the basting.
  • Turn your head out.
  • Fill with padding polyester and sew up the hole with a blind stitch.
  • Sew on with threads to match the fabric with a seam "over the edge" of the nose.
  • With a seam "back to the needle" make the mouth of the bear.
  • Embroider eyes. Insert the needle through the place where the head is attached to the body.
  • Fold the details of the ears in pairs, pink with the main color of the toy.
  • Sew the details of the ears along the bend line.
  • Unscrew the ears.
  • Sew the lower cut of the ears with a blind seam.
  • Sew the ears to the bear's head according to the marks.
  • Fold handle parts right sides inward and stitch up to the turning marks.
  • Fold in the leg pieces and sew up to the turning marks. Do not sew up the bottom of the parts!
  • Baste the soles to the bottom of the leg pieces.
  • Sew the soles to the legs.

I advise you not to neglect the stage of sweeping parts that are difficult to sew. Having noticed such details, it will not be difficult to sew them on a typewriter. The part will not move. As a result, you will get a good seam and an even detail of the toy.

  • Unscrew the details of the bear's arms and legs.
  • Fill with padding polyester and sew up with a blind seam.
  • Sew the head to the body with a seam "over the edge" with threads to match the fabric.
  • Mark symmetrically the places for sewing the handles and legs.
  • On the arms and legs, make points in the middle of the upper part - this will be the attachment point.
  • If we want the arms and legs of our toy bear to be movable, then we take a large needle and insert it into the mark point for attaching the handle. Next, you need to pierce through the body and bring the needle to the point of the second handle - symmetrically on the other side of the body, grabbing the handle at the marked point. Withdraw the needle and reinsert in the same place into the handle part, bringing the needle through the body to a point on the other side, while grabbing the second handle. This must be done three times. It is recommended not to pull the thread too much so that the torso of the toy is not pulled together. But it should not be too loose, then the paws will hang. It is important to insert the needle exactly where it came out. Only in this case the bear's paws will move.
  • In the same way, sew the legs to the body of the toy.

A very interesting master class based on the famous cartoon series.

Photo instructions for the master class

Teddy bear pattern

Our master class on how to sew a teddy bear with your own hands has come to an end. Today we learned how easy it is to sew a bear from felt, from knitted fabric, as well as how to sew a classic teddy bear with our own hands.

I wish you that this toy, created with your own hands with a soul, will become your child's favorite!

I advise you to watch a video master class on sewing a bear toy in a simple way.

A teddy bear is a toy that puts soft sides to almost every little person during sleep; listens to all the grievances accumulated during the day from the girls who have already matured, silently supporting; becomes an irreplaceable friend in games.

Beloved by all, the clubfoot has been giving joy and touching for more than one generation. But it is not necessary to buy a soft friend in the store, you can sew it yourself.

Such a gift will surely please the kid and anyone can sew this adorable creature.

We present step-by-step instructions - it will help you understand the intricacies and nuances of making a toy. Taking it as a basis, you can create not only a bear, but also any other craft. Everything is limited only by your imagination. Take action and let this article be the starting point for your further journey into the fascinating world of needlework.

  • The basis of the fluffy "miracle" is a fabric with a soft pile. It can be plush, natural or artificial fur, mohair, velvet.
  • Additional dense fabric in any other shade for the pads and ears. It will look beautiful if you take a couple of tones lighter, but this is not important. Not necessarily with pile - calico, flannel, silk, suede.
  • Pattern paper.
  • Pencil or pen, scissors.
  • Threads, floss or strong silk threads, sewing needles.
  • Black beads or buttons - these will be the eyes.
  • Stuffing (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer). Perhaps any old things, rags that have been lying "idle" for a long time.


Having decided on the color of the future bear, choose the right fabric. Plush is usually used. By the way, a nice moment for beginners - "plush" fur hides possible uneven seams, and the toy looks great at the same time.

Make a drawing of a pattern on paper or use a ready-made one - download from the Internet or take one you like in any needlework magazine. A soft bear can be of any size, it all depends on the amount of material.

Redraw all parts of the toy onto the fabric. Be sure to make seam allowances when cutting. In places of protrusions and curvatures, it is necessary to make cuts, this will allow you to maintain the correct shape of the product. The number of parts is indicated on the pattern. Items used in additional fabric are marked in yellow.

We connect the parts of the bear in pairs and turn them out onto the front side, leaving a few centimeters unstitched, through which we will stuff the figure. Leave the ears without filler. The tail is not indicated on the pattern. If you really need it, then it is most convenient to cut it out according to the pattern of the ear.

The most difficult thing in the process of making a bear is the head. Follow the lettering - they should match. First, we sew the side halves of the head along the chin line, then we sew the ears along the cut line and, finally, we stitch the middle of the head between these parts from the back of the head to the nose.

Having turned out all the details of the toy with the fur outside, we fill them with padding polyester or cotton wool. Try not to leave voids - place the filler tighter, especially around the head and paws. So, the soft parts of the bear will keep their shape for a long time.

Mark the outlines of the toes on the paws. They can be embroidered with threads or glued on triangles of dark suede fabric. This will give the bear liveliness.

Carefully trim the nose area to make the muzzle look more expressive. Sew on the eyes. We make the embroidery of the floss nose, we sew the mouth. Form the eyelids from light-colored pieces of fabric.

We attach the bear's head to the abdomen and make it movable - for this we use a regular thread spool. We wrap it around with a cloth and place it in the neck area, deepening as much as possible. We will collect the edges of the holes in the head and body of the toy on a strong thread and tighten it tightly. Now the toptygin can look around.

Sew the paws to the body using a thick strong thread. Having threaded it twice in the places where they are combined, pull the thread tight to the desired position of the limbs and fix the ends by removing them inward. This connection method allows the bear to move its paws and sit.

Our soft beauty is ready!

Options and ideas

The bear can be dressed in a jacket and pants - they can also be easily made from colored pieces of fabric. Or just tie a bow.

There are a lot of options for what and how to sew a bear. For example, a toy in the shape of a polar bear will look unusual in the room and complement the decor in an original way. Such a "friend" for little pranksters will be an excellent companion in games.

Little soft inhabitants of children's rooms can be not only plush. Sewing a bear out of felt or dense coarse calico will be an interesting solution. Such a unique gift for a celebration, moreover, made with your own hands, will please any romantic girl.

We will not ignore the well-known Teddy bear. This American toy has become, practically, epoch-making. Today "Teddy" is sold in every toy store and is a constant companion of every third girl you meet on the street. Let's not forget that he is also a friend adored by children.

A handmade soft toy is not only an exciting and interesting business. This is both an excellent mood from the result obtained, and the joy of pleasure for everyone who gets this miracle.

Collection of patterns of bears

Every child wants to have attractive and original toys that can be fun to play with all day long. Instead of heading to a specialty store and buying a regular toy, make a one-of-a-kind DIY. Any teddy bear pattern from Pretty Toys Workshop is a great opportunity to create a "soft friend". Original toys are liked not only by children, but also by adults.

For those who are not indifferent to handmade teddy bears, we offer a whole collection of sewing patterns. Choose and get to work. Sewing such a toy is not difficult. The main thing is to have patience and time. If you are planning to make a toy for your child, make sure he will like it. Before starting work, consult with him regarding the appearance of the toy. Let the child express his wishes. The pattern of the bear does not limit the imagination at all. You can make your own adjustments and choose the fabric you like. Tilda bear patterns are popular today. These interior toys look adorable. They are distinguished by a slender figure and long legs.

Anyone interested in how to sew a teddy bear is welcome to the Pretty Toys Workshop. Master classes from our talented craftswomen will help you make an original and beautiful toy. Photos of ready-made patterns of soft bear toys will also show you how to sew a bear with your own hands. The result of your work will not be inferior to factory products. We offer you to sew a fat bear, Winnie the Pooh, a polar bear, a fluffy fashionista bear, a funny minke. The toy can be fluffy or smooth, solid or multi-colored, large or small. Take your pick!

Perhaps a toy-bear, sewn with your own hands according to a pattern from the Pretty Toys Workshop, will be the start for your further journey into the fascinating world of needlework. We will be happy to help you on your way to becoming a true craftswoman. Well .. Arm yourself with a cloth, thread, needle, scissors and go! Don't forget to send us a photo of your teddy bear!

It is easier to sew your first bear according to the pattern of the classic German bear, invented by the famous company Steiff-Schulte.

Its distinctive features are that the pattern of the bear is erect and has certain body proportions. The entire Teddy bear consists of four, approximately equal parts. One part is the head, two parts are the torso, the upper legs are 1.6 parts, the lower legs are 1.4 parts.

First of all, you need to draw a sketch of the bear, taking into account these proportions and reshape the pattern from it.

The pattern does not include seam allowances (+ 5-7 mm). The bear on this pattern turns out to be about 18 cm.

The next step is to prepare all the materials and tools necessary for us in the process of work:

  • (Helmbold, Article: 150-014) in size 1/16. For the first bear, it is better to choose not thick mohair.
  • 2.0 * 20 mm - for fastening paws 4 pcs and 2.0 * 25 mm - for fastening the head - 2 pcs
  • diameter: 25 mm for the upper legs - 4 pcs, 30 mm - for the lower legs 4 pcs, for the head 25 mm (sewn into the head itself) - 1 pc and 20 mm (for the neck) 1 pc. Total 10 pcs.
  • Washers 12 mm 12 pcs
  • (matte or glossy for your choice) 5 mm - 1 pair
  • Super strong threads for tightening the eyes, sewing threads, threads for embroidery of the nose (you can use a regular floss).
  • Filler: sawdust or synthetic fluff (about 150 g) and a weighting agent - marble chips, coarse quartz sand.
  • : sewing (for seams) and doll (long for tightening and setting eyes)
  • for making holes and straightening the pile
  • Brush and oil paints for tinting
  • You may also need tweezers, pliers

When everything is finally ready, we start the process:

We print and cut out the pattern

Then we translate the details and all the marks onto the fabric, not forgetting to take into account the direction of the pile on the fabric and on the details themselves. Don't forget to add a seam allowance. Cut with sharp small scissors on the seamy side so as not to damage the pile. For ears and paws, you can use a special fur-mini-damask, or you can simply pluck out the pile from our mohair. On the two mirrored parts of the paws, we make marks for the discs.

  • Head - 2 mirrors + wedge (middle part of the head)
  • paws upper 2 inner parts + palms and two outer parts
  • lower paws 4 mirrored + 2 mirrored soles
  • Ear - 4 parts
  • Optional tail!

When using thick fur, you need to cut the pile to the base from the front side along the allowances. Sew the details with a "Back with a needle" seam, with a very small step of about 2 mm, constantly pulling the thread. So that, with dense packing, the seams do not creep out and are invisible.

Let's start sewing the head:

First, we sew all the grooves. Then, with tweezers or tweezers, if desired, pluck out the nap on the nose. After stitching, it will be difficult to pull the pile out of the seams.

After that, we fold the side parts of the head inward with fur and sew the two parts together from the nose to the lower groove (from point 1 to point 2).

Then we sew a wedge into the head. We always sew along the wedge, starting from the mark on the nose, making sure that our darts coincide. Sew one side to the bottom dart.

We proceed to the next side, sew along the wedge from the upper dart to the mark on the nose. Make sure that the curve in the bow matches. Then from the top dart towards the bottom, to the mark where we left the hole for stuffing and turning out. The head is sewn, we go to the body.

First we sew the darts, after that the body, not forgetting to leave the hole for turning out.

Next, we sew the ears, leaving the lower part not sewn up, leaving a long thread. Then turn out the ears and sew the hole at the bottom with a “secret” seam. The thread must still remain, tk. We will sew her ear to the head!

Sew the tail (just like the ears).

Moving on to the upper legs

First we sew on the palms, then we sew the parts, leaving a hole for turning.

Next, we take on the lower legs

We sew from 1 to 2 points. Leave a hole for turning out and sew from 3 to 4 points. We do not sew up the bottom.

We sew in the sole taking into account the marks, we sew along the sole. It is better to "make money" beforehand. Pay attention to the inner part of the sole, it should match the part of the foot where there is a mark for the disc.

Despite the complexity, the sole must be sewn in evenly, without wrinkles.

Now that all the details are sewn, turn it out and go to the stuffing.

The first thing I do is stuff my head. I start with the nose, stuff it very tightly, since then we will make a tightening and embroider the nose. In terms of the density of the stuffing, the head can be compared to a tennis ball. When stuffing, use your fingers to shape your head, not forgetting where you have the bridge of your nose or forehead. Sawdust is very pliable and, unlike synthetic fluff, when stuffed with them, it is easy to "blind" the head of exactly the desired shape.

Very often you can hear that with one pattern completely different bears are obtained, even in size. A lot depends on the stuffing.

I don’t sew up the hole in the head yet. I put my head down and move on to my paws.

Before stuffing the limbs, you need to install a mount in them.

We put the washer on the cotter pin, then the disc. After that, in the paw at the indicated point, make a hole with an awl and insert the resulting structure into this hole. Then, from the outside, we put on the second disk, the washer. With an awl, we spread the tendrils of the cotter pin so that when stuffing the washer is tightly pressed against the fur and sawdust does not fall under it.

Legs (palms and feet) need to be stuffed very tightly, because then we will use a tightening to form the fingers, above the paws you can stuff it softer. It is possible to alternate the filler with a weighting agent when filling the lower legs after filling the feet.

After we have filled the paws, we sew the holes with a blind seam.

Then we start tightening the toes.

We do the markup with pins.

Then, on the back of the palm (foot), we introduce the thread and leave the tail on it, output it at point 1.

Then we insert the needle into the second point behind the seam, and draw it out at point 3, pulling to form a finger. We enter point 4 behind the seam, exit at point 5, tighten. We withdraw the needle to point 6 behind the seam and return it to point 5, tighten and return the thread to the same hole on the back of the palm, where it entered at the beginning. We tie the tails, insert into the thread, insert the needle into the same hole, remove the paws anywhere, pull the thread, hide the knot and cut.

This is what happened, we repeat with all the paws, checking the synchronicity.

The next step is to make out the head.

Take a break, have tea or coffee, and dream about your bear. It is very important with what attitude you take up your bear, and this is how it will turn out.

We attach the ears to the intended place with pins.

Getting down to tightening

We select with the help of positioning eyes (or pins) a place under the eye sockets. We take a super-strong thread and a doll's needle, tie a knot and bring the needle out through the unsewn hole under the positional eye. We make a small stitch (it should be less than the diameter of the eye) and bring the thread through the head into the other eye, the thread is fixed. You can remove the positioning eyes to continue working.

Then, with a stuffing stick, we slightly press down the place where the eye will be, make a small stitch and bring the thread into the other eye, while we begin to pull the thread, as if drawing our eyes to each other. We also "press" the other eye socket and draw the thread back into the opposite eye. We repeat this procedure several times as necessary. We withdraw the remaining thread into the hole.

Then we make the markings with pins and embroider the mouth, draw the thread into the hole with a long pin. We tie the ponytails of the threads from the eyes and nose and cut them off.

Preparing the head mount

We connect two hinged cotter pins, put on a washer, a disc, and one more washer on one cotter pin. Then, using a split screwdriver or pliers, we wrap the antennae. You need 4 washers for the head, on both sides of the disc, otherwise the mount will not swing. We insert the resulting structure into the head. The mount should be in the place of the lower dart. If necessary, add filler under the disc and sew up the head with a blind seam.

If necessary, pluck out the nap on the nose and under the eyes, before installing the eyes.

After that, we take out our eyes, cut off a piece of super-strong thread (about 50 cm) and fold it in bumps. We insert the loop of the thread into the loop of the eye, pass the ends of the thread into the loop of the thread and fix it. Carefully so as not to damage the eye, flatten the eye loop with pliers. We do the same with the second eye.

Once again we check the place with the help of the positional eyes and in this place we make a small hole with an awl. We insert the thread on which the eye is held in a long needle, and we leave the thread down behind the disc, just below the back of the head. As close to the disk as possible. He does the same with the second eye, draw out a thread 2 mm from the thread of the first eye. We ask someone to hold their head or pinch them between the knees and tightly tighten these threads together, tie them with a strong knot. Then we insert the ends of the thread into a long needle, remove these ends in the ear area, pull the thread and deepen the knot from the eyes, cut the threads as close to the head as possible.

After that, all limbs need to be fixed in the body. We start with the lower legs, then the head, then the upper legs.

We remove the washers and discs from the paws, having previously connected the antennae back with pliers. In the body, at the marked points, we make holes with an awl. We insert a cotter pin into the hole, put a disc, a washer on it and twist the antennae with a cotter screw.

Fastening the head: we make a hole with an awl in the area of ​​the upper dart, insert a cotter pin into it, put a washer, a disk and another washer on it, twist the antennae.

After all the limbs are fixed, we begin to stuff the body. We stuff the neck section tightly so that the head "sits" proudly on the body. Stuff the tummy, gently alternating the filler with the weighting agent.

We sew a hole in the back with a blind seam. Sew on the ears and tail with a blind seam.

Moving on to toning

A synthetic brush, with a short nap (can be cut off), dipped in paint, wipe the brush on paper. I use a semi-dry brush to stain the edges of the soles, paws, ears, and tummy. Rub it with a clean wide brush or a toothbrush, making smooth transitions. You can make bald spots in places and pinch the fur.

I plucked the bear's left shoulder and rubbed the hole with a rough sandpaper. She stained the sawdust with paint and darned it.

It turned out here such a beloved kid !!!

A teddy bear is a toy that puts its soft sides to almost every little person during sleep; listens to all the grievances accumulated during the day from the girls who have already matured, silently supporting; becomes an irreplaceable friend in games.

Beloved by everyone, the clubfoot has been giving joy and touching with its appearance for more than one generation.
But it is not necessary to buy a soft friend in the store, you can sew it yourself. This is not difficult and even interesting to do.
Any kid will surely like such a gift, especially if it is handmade. Anyone can sew this adorable creature.
I present to you step-by-step instructions - it will help you understand the intricacies and nuances of making a toy, and, I hope, will be useful for everyone. Taking it as a basis, you can create not only a bear, but also any other craft. Everything is limited only by your imagination. Take action and let this article be the starting point for your further journey into the fascinating world of needlework.
So how to sew a bear?

Materials you need:

  • The basis of the fluffy "miracle" is a fabric with a soft pile. It can be plush, natural or artificial fur, mohair, velvet;
  • Additional dense fabric in any other shade for the pads and ears. It will look beautiful if you take a couple of tones lighter, but this is not important. Not necessarily with pile - calico, flannel, silk, suede;
  • Pattern paper;
  • Pencil or pen, scissors;
  • Threads, floss or strong silk threads, sewing needles;
  • Black beads or buttons - these will be the eyes;
  • Stuffing (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer). Perhaps any old things, rags that have been lying "idle" for a long time.
Having decided on the color of the future bear, choose the right fabric. Plush is usually used. By the way, a nice moment for beginners - "plush" fur hides possible uneven seams, and the toy looks great at the same time.

Make a drawing of a pattern on paper or use a ready-made one - download from the Internet or take one you like in any needlework magazine. A soft bear can be of any size, it all depends on the amount of material.

Redraw all parts of the toy onto the fabric. Be sure to make seam allowances when cutting. In places of protrusions and curvatures, it is necessary to make cuts, this will allow you to maintain the correct shape of the product. The number of parts is indicated on the pattern. Items used in additional fabric are marked in yellow.
We connect the parts of the bear in pairs and turn them out onto the front side, leaving a few centimeters unstitched, through which we will stuff the figure. Leave the ears without filler. The tail is not indicated on the pattern. If you really need it, then it is most convenient to cut it out according to the pattern of the ear.
The most difficult thing in the process of making a bear is the head. Follow the lettering - they should match. First, we sew the side halves of the head along the chin line, then we sew the ears along the cut line and, finally, we stitch the middle of the head between these

Having turned out all the details of the toy with the fur outside, we fill them with padding polyester or cotton wool. Try not to leave voids - place the filler tighter, especially around the head and paws. So, the soft parts of the bear will keep their shape for a long time.
Mark the outlines of the toes on the paws. They can be embroidered with threads or glued on triangles of dark suede fabric. This will give the bear liveliness.
Carefully trim the nose area to make the muzzle look more expressive. Sew on the eyes. We make the embroidery of the floss nose, we sew the mouth. Form the eyelids from light-colored pieces of fabric.
We attach the bear's head to the abdomen and make it movable - for this we use a regular thread spool. We wrap it around with a cloth and place it in the neck area, deepening as much as possible. We will collect the edges of the holes in the head and body of the toy on a strong thread and tighten it tightly. Now the toptygin can look around.
Sew the paws to the body using a thick strong thread. Having threaded it twice in the places where they are combined, pull the thread tight to the desired position of the limbs and fix the ends by removing them inward. This method of connection allows the bear to move its paws and sit.
Our soft beauty is ready!

As you can see, it will not be difficult to sew such a fluffy beauty with your own hands. Also, the bear can be dressed in a jacket and pants - they are also easy to make from colored pieces of fabric. Or just tie a bow.
There are a lot of options for what and how to sew a bear. For example, a toy in the shape of a polar bear will look unusual in the room and complement the decor in an original way. Such a "friend" for little pranksters will be an excellent companion in games.

Little soft inhabitants of children's rooms can be not only plush. Sewing a bear out of felt or dense coarse calico will be an interesting solution. Such a unique gift for a celebration, moreover, made with your own hands, will please any romantic girl.

We will not ignore the well-known Teddy bear. This American toy has become, practically, epoch-making. Today "Teddy" is sold in every toy store and is a constant companion of every third girl you meet on the street. Let's not forget that a panda with his own hands is also a friend adored by children. And now, when we know how and know how to sew a bear, creating this universal pet on our own will be as easy as shelling pears.

A handmade soft toy is not only an exciting and interesting business. This is both an excellent mood from the result obtained, and the joy of pleasure for everyone who gets this miracle.