Topic: Modern approaches to the physical development of preschool children. Features of the physical development of modern preschool children

Prokina Nina Vladimirovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU Belovsky kindergarten "Sun"
Locality: Chelyabinsk region Uysky district Belovo village
Material name: Methodical development
Topic:"Modern approaches to the development of children's motor creativity by means of non-standard physical culture equipment, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard"
Publication date: 26.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

"Modern approaches to the development of child

motor creativity by means

non-standard physical culture equipment with

taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard"

Qualifying work
Completed by: Prokina N.V. s. Belovo MKDOU Belovsky d.s. "Sunshine" 2016 one
“Health care is the most important job of an educator. Their spiritual life, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children” V.A. Sukhomlinsky 2


1. Regulatory support
In the modern world, in the era of the 21st century, new, higher demands are made on a person, including a child, on his health and knowledge. The constantly increasing influence on the child's body of various negative environmental factors leads to a deterioration in health, to a decrease in the mental and physical condition of children. Caring for the health of the child has become a priority all over the world. After all, the quality and duration of his life depends on the state of human health. Good health acquired in childhood is the foundation for the overall development of a person. in the constitution Russian Federation states that every citizen has the right to health care. The state finances federal programs for the protection of “improving the health of the population, taking measures that contribute to the strengthening of human health, development physical education". In the federal law "On based guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" Art. 10 it is established that the federal executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments carry out activities in state and municipal educational institutions that provide for the prevention of diseases, medical diagnostics, and medical and health-improving work. In the Federal Law Art. 51 “on education” it is said: a health-improving institution creates conditions that guarantee the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, article 3, paragraph 3, defines the care and protection of children, responsibility for the standards established by the competent authorities in the field of safety and health and in terms of the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision. From top to bottom, preschool education should be permeated with concern for the child's physical health and psychological well-being. This is stated in the Concept of preschool education. An urgent task of physical education is to find effective means of improving the development of the motor sphere of preschool children, based on the formation of their need for movements. The development of interest in movements is based on the vital need of the child to be strong, courageous, dexterous when interacting with peers. According to the Concept of a preschool educational institution, physical education permeates the entire organization of the life of children in a children's institution, the organization of the subject and social environment, the regimen and various types of children's activities, taking into account age and individual characteristics. Parents are the first teachers of their child. The Family Code of the Russian Federation states: parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children, they are obliged to take care of their health, physical, psychological, spiritual and moral development. 3
The document "Criteria for assessing the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution" in the section "Physical development and health" says what conditions should be created in the kindergarten for full physical development: 1. Preschool teachers create conditions for various types of motor activity of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. 2. In organizing physical education classes and outdoor games, teachers implement an individual approach to children. 3. Teachers of preschool educational institutions contribute to the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children. 4. Teachers of the preschool educational institution create conditions for the creative expression of children in the process of physical activity. 5. Teachers use various forms of organization of children's physical activity. 6. The preschool educational institution is working to prevent and reduce the incidence of children. Thus, the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation emphasize the priority of physical education in preschool educational institutions, the need to create conditions for increasing the volume of physical activity of children.
2. Meaning
People say that money can't buy health. We must actively fight for it. “Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life,” wrote Hippocrates. Already in the second half of the 17th century. advanced ideas in the physical education of children were expressed by one of the most educated people of that time - Epiphanius Slavinetsky. He created a wonderful document - "Citizenship of the customs of children." In this book, a special chapter is devoted to the games of children and indicates their great educational and educational value. In the future, progressive public figures I.I. Betskoy, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev considered physical development in close connection with the mental and labor education of the younger generation. Of great importance for the development of issues of physical education were the statements of Russian revolutionary democrats: A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, D.I. Pisarev. They defined physical education as part of a comprehensive education, its connection with mental, labor and aesthetic. They saw the goal of physical education in 4
development of physical strength and strengthening the health of the child through systematic exercises, games, walks and hardening of the body. At the same time, they assigned an important role to the regime, expressed in the alternation of work and rest, the normalization of sleep, nutrition, considering this a necessary healthy basis for good spirits, a person's ability to fight for a better future. N.K. Krupskaya attached great importance to the physical development of the child. She considered physical education especially important in connection with the task of educating a strong generation, emphasizing the need to take into account the age characteristics of the child when developing methods of education and training. A wonderful teacher K.D. Ushinsky attached great importance to games, gymnastics, and being outdoors. He recommended taking small breaks in classes with children to perform short-term movements that help restore attention. Considering our Russian folk games as powerful means of education, K.D. Ushinsky recommended them for wide use and encouraged teachers to collect these games for children. K.D. Ushinsky made high demands on teachers, believing that they must know such sciences as anatomy, physiology, psychology, and pedagogy in order not to make mistakes in guiding a child. The creator of the original theory of physical education in Russia is P.F. Lesgaft, the greatest scientist - teacher, doctor of medicine and surgery, he belonged to the number of advanced people of his time. P.F. Lesgaft has developed a holistic system of physical exercises for children. As the basis for the selection of physical exercises, he put the age-related anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children, the gradual complication and variety of movements. He sought to ensure that a certain system of exercises led to the comprehensive development and proper functioning of the human body, contributed to the gradual training of his physical strength. Physical development of P.F. Lesgaft recognized only in connection with mental, moral and aesthetic development and labor activity. Lesgaft considered the main task in teaching exercises to be the development of a conscious attitude, which makes it possible to do more work with less effort. Lesgaft emphasized the meaning of the word addressed to the mind of the child, excluding mechanical imitation of the show. P.F. Lesgaft developed the theory and methodology of outdoor games. Mobile play is defined by him as "an exercise by which a child prepares for life." In these games, he acquires skills, habits, his character is developed. The rules in games have the meaning of the law, the attitude towards which children should have a conscious and responsible attitude. Their fulfillment is obligatory for everyone, therefore they have great educational power. Games develop moral qualities - 5
discipline, honesty, truthfulness, endurance. Lesgaft considered the game as the most valuable means of educating the individual. If P.F. Lesgaft, as the founder of physical education in Russia, laid the scientific basis for the physical education of the younger generation, then V.V. Gorinevsky developed on this basis the age specificity of physical education. His table - "Physical exercises appropriate for a given age" - was widely used. V.V. Gorinevsky is the founder of medical and pedagogical control over the implementation of physical exercises and sports. A.I. Bykova developed a system for the development of the movement of preschool children. She substantiated and revealed the process of teaching children movements - its meaning, content, organization and methods. She emphasized the educative nature of education, its originality, which she sees in close connection with the game, the wide use of techniques in classes with children, the emotionality of their behavior. The development of the theory and practice of physical education of preschool children was significantly influenced by the scientific and methodological works of N.A. Metlova, M.M. Kontorovich, L.I. Mikhailova, A.I. Bykova. Together with other authors, they developed programs for the physical education of children, teaching aids for teacher training schools and collections of outdoor games for preschool institutions. Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in the methodology for developing the motor qualities of preschool children, the means, methods and techniques of teaching movements, developing motor qualities and abilities, as well as moral, mental, labor and aesthetic education should be merged.
I. Theoretical part
The third year of life is an important stage in the development of the child. The pace of physical development slows down, but the body as a whole gets stronger, movements improve. However, the musculoskeletal system is relatively poorly developed, motor experience is small, movements are often unintentional, their directions are random, emotional manifestations are unstable, and active inhibition is poorly developed. Babina K.S. writes that in the first years of life, the independent motor activity of the child is constantly increasing, but what is lost at this age is compensated in the future with great difficulty. It identifies approximate indicators of the anatomical and physiological development of children 2-3 years old. Age Height, cm Weight Gain, Gain in Chest Circumference Respiratory Rate Pulse Rate 6
height, cm kg weight, kg cell, cm ia, min sa, beats per min 2 years 86-88 12-13 12-13 2.5-3 50-51 25-30 110-115 3 years 94-95 7 -9 14- 15 2 51.5- 52.5 25-30 105- 110 The table shows that during the year there is an increase in the indicators of the physical development of the child. However, these indicators are not the only ones that testify to the general development of movements and motor activity of a small child. As Babina K.S. notes, at an early age, the bones of a child are elastic, flexible, easily deformed and distorted, since the skeletal system of 2-3-year-old children has significant areas of cartilage, weak, soft joints and ligaments. All this must be taken into account in physical education. We recommend paying special attention to the development of the arch of the foot, since it is flattened in the second and partially in the third year of life. Therefore, it is useful to exercise babies in lifting, walking on an inclined plane and a ribbed board. In the studies of Teplyuk S.N. it is noted that small children breathe superficially, often, unevenly, since the respiratory muscles are not yet fully formed. The development of the body of a child who masters walking leads to a restructuring of the breathing process, and the capacity of the lungs increases. Breathing quickens only with excitement or physical exertion. Teplyuk S.N. writes: "Physical education should be carried out in a clean, well-ventilated room or in the fresh air, remembering that exercises in which the child voluntarily or involuntarily holds his breath are highly undesirable." In order to strengthen the respiratory muscles and pulmonary ventilation, he suggests using breathing exercises. According to Zaripov T.P., if the baby experiences positive emotions, then this activates him, contributes to the normal activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The content of the exercises should captivate, interest the child. You should not force him to do it - coercion causes a natural protest, gives rise to negative emotions. 7
Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children 2-3 years of age (weakness of inhibitory processes and a tendency to excitation, slight physical and mental vulnerability, fatigue), it must be taken into account that they need frequent changes of work and rest. This must be kept in mind when conducting physical education. As Osokina T.I. notes, the thinking of children of the second and third years of life is concrete - they better understand what they see. The initial display of movements should be bright, imaginative, holistic. Regardless of whether new or familiar exercises, they are carried out together with an adult and according to his show. At the beginning, as a rule, children perform new movements inaccurately, with excessive tension. Therefore, it is necessary to impose minimum requirements on them. The movements of a child of a given age are considered correct when, repeating the exercise after the teacher, he reproduces only the most basic. The lack of high accuracy and clarity in the execution of the movement, as well as the inability to recreate its individual elements, are not considered a mistake for the child. During this age period, the baby masters a new movement in general terms (in general). Further improvement of the movement, its detailed development and accuracy of execution are carried out in subsequent ages. Volosova E.B. claims that positive emotions, emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children movements. Imitation gives rise to emotions that activate the child. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are inactive and inactive. Based on the research of V.A. Shishkina, we can conclude that movements in children of early and preschool age have their own characteristics and are constantly changing in terms of their quantitative and qualitative indicators. Well-organized work on physical education helps each child quickly master the basic movements. This or that movement appears and is formed earlier in some children, later in others. It depends on individual characteristics, the conditions for the development of children, the influence of adults, the organization of children's activities and the very process of education and training. Shishkina V.A. notes that in the second year, children can walk, keep their balance on a limited, uneven, elevated surface, etc., are able to throw, roll an object, crawl a lot and climb a ladder-ladder. However, they master the basic movements unevenly, so they need individual help from adults in learning. In the third year of life, motor coordination improves significantly - the coordination of movements of the arms and legs develops. At this age, running and jumping appear and form. Children walk well, types of throwing become more diverse, they begin to better navigate in space. This allows you to use some constructions and rebuildings in your work (in a line, circle, column), as well as games with simple rules. eight
Volkova K.S. advises to gradually accustom children to the correct perception of sound and visual signals, the speed of reactions to them, as well as to independence. The performance of a new exercise that is being taught to a child should cause him some effort, but be accessible to him. Consolidation of acquired skills and their improvement are achieved by repeating movements with obligatory complication (increase in physical activity, variation, change in content). Thus, teachers and medical workers note the importance of the influence of motor activity on the health and life of a young child. As a result, a reliable key was selected for the proper organization of a child's life in kindergarten and family, for the formation of his health and mental activity. That key is movement. The problem of the development of movements at an early age is dealt with by leading scientists - teachers (V.A. Shishkina, M.G. Borisenko, N.A. Lukina). They write that in recent decades there has been a significant decrease in the motor activity of children. Physical inactivity in childhood leads to a decrease in vitality, a decrease in the body's defenses, and retards the mental development of children. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the excessive organization of the upbringing process, and as a result, insufficient consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children. Already in childhood, there are diseases caused by a lack of physical activity - flat feet, impaired posture, etc. There was a need to compensate for the lack of movements with specially selected physical exercises. The general task of the teacher, solved in early age groups, is to create emotional comfort for children, to stimulate the desire motor activity. The main value for a person is his health. Moreover, this value appears in two levels: personal and public. Preschool age in the development of the child is the period when the foundation of his health and culture of movement is laid. In modern society, high demands are placed on the psychophysical preparedness of children. One of the priorities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is the creation of motivation, training and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in children. An important direction in this area is a properly organized subject-spatial environment. First of all, it is a motor subject-developing environment. It should be not only developing in nature, but also be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional. To do this, it is recommended to use non-standard equipment in kindergartens, developed by specialists, or made by the joint efforts of teachers and parents. Unfortunately, in kindergartens there are still children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: stoop, sluggish posture, flattened foot, valgus position of the feet. All these violations can be easily prevented when using non-standard equipment, since performing exercises with manuals 9
and didactic equipment increases interest in classes, improves the quality of performance. The efficiency of conducting classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all necessary manuals and equipment that will help to conduct a set of exercises in a lively, emotionally, interesting way. It must be admitted that in modern society, the intellectual development of the child becomes a priority. Most children experience a "motor deficit", that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below normal. This increases the statistical load on certain muscle groups. The strength and performance of the muscles are reduced, which entails a violation of the functions of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to search for new approaches to attract children to physical education and sports, developing an interest in movement as a vital need to be dexterous, strong, and courageous. We are aware that physical and intellectual development should take place in parallel. The solution to this problem is seen in the totality of social and pedagogical conditions. This is facilitated by the use of non-standard equipment in the work of physical education of children. Movement is a vital need, a means of strengthening the body. The kid is by nature an actor, and his activity is expressed in movement. The more diverse the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development. For the full development of the child, it is necessary that in the motor activity he gets acquainted with as many various physical education aids and objects as possible. There is a well-known scientifically substantiated conclusion that neither imitation nor images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and manuals. The success of physical education classes, and the effectiveness of physical education of children in general, depends on the forms, methods and techniques, individual approach to children, and also to a large extent on the availability of the necessary material and technical base. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of children's activity, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity. Insufficient financial support, the lack of the ability to purchase expensive equipment, an ardent desire, in spite of everything, to make physical education entertaining and effective, varied and exciting, encourage many teachers to look for new forms of work. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive for physical culture and recreation work. Therefore, it is never redundant. You can upgrade the gaming equipment in the gym without any special costs, if you have a desire and a little imagination. The greatest value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a preschool institution. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children 10
It should be noted that at present there is a low level of knowledge about the value of the health of parents and the health of their children. As you know, health most often depends on lifestyle, a little less on the environment. Heredity and the state of health in the country to a much lesser extent affect the health of the generation. Therefore, the task of parents and teachers is to instill in a preschooler respect for their own health and the responsibility to protect it. And to begin the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers as early as possible. In the preschool period, there is an intensive development of organs, the formation of functional systems of the body. It is very important at this time to provide children with a certain knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, to form the need for regular and systematic physical education and sports. Since a healthy lifestyle is understood as active human activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening of the body and maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state. It is these components that should form the basis of the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler. Mode, daily routine of the child Mainly in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and the right attitude to their health among preschoolers are appropriate games, watching movies, cartoons, reading and discussing fiction, quizzes, walking, health days, sports holidays. It is these activities that are most interesting for children, and in this process it is more productive to form the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers. In the course of physical culture and health work, namely physical culture minutes, health minutes, motor discharges, relaxation elements, etc., the physical, mental and moral qualities of children are laid, independence and creativity are brought up. It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form the habits of proper washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, correct behavior when coughing and sneezing. It is necessary that children have the opportunity to systematically move. To do this, it is necessary to promote the development of basic motor qualities, to maintain working capacity at a high level throughout the day. However, it should be borne in mind that a healthy lifestyle of preschoolers involves the alternation of active and calm games, so a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest must be maintained.
Forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: what you need to know

Healthy lifestyle of preschoolers 11
Preschool age, according to experts, is one of the decisive ones in creating the foundation for the mental and physical health of the child. Just before the age of seven, the most intensive formation of the child's body takes place. At the same time, the character, habits are actively formed, the life priorities of the individual are laid. That is why it is very, very important in these years to actively instill in children the basic knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers. In the modern educational process, the priority direction in the education of preschool children is to increase the level of children's health, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, as well as the education of the need for regular classes and the acquisition of new knowledge. It is worth noting that at this age, preschoolers lack such qualities as: - perseverance, - control and correction of emotions and moods, - the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another. Therefore, before adults, teachers and, first of all, parents, the task becomes to form in a small person these skills that will help preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the baby. Parents of a preschooler need to learn that the health of the baby is not only the absence of illness, emotional tone and poor performance, but also laying the foundations for the future well-being of the child's personality. Proceeding from this, the main direction in strengthening the health of preschool children is the formation of an idea of ​​health among preschoolers as one of the fundamental values ​​of life. Educators in kindergarten, parents at home must constantly teach the child the right behavior in various life circumstances, be prepared for unforeseen situations. During this period, the child must clearly learn what is good and useful, and what is harmful and bad. Parents, grandparents should constantly instill in the baby the right attitude towards their health and responsibility for it. that direction in the upbringing of a preschooler should be decided by the creation of an integral system for the preservation of the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Particular attention should be paid by parents to such components of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers: - Compliance with the daily routine, activity and sleep. - Motor activity, walks, outdoor games in the fresh air. - Proper, healthy nutrition. - Compliance with hygiene rules. Instilling in your child a love for physical cleanliness. Learning to take care of your body. - Hardening. Formation of the body's ability to withstand adverse natural factors. 12
The main tasks for parents to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: Hygiene and hardening of preschoolers The formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers should be carried out constantly without days off and holidays. A child from infancy must learn that being healthy is good, and being sick is bad. To always be healthy, he must follow certain rules and not do anything that can lead to illness or injury. The kid always follows the lifestyle of the elders, mom and dad. Therefore, parents, first of all, themselves should lead a healthy lifestyle and not set a bad example for their child. Thus, an integrated approach to the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers will allow them to instill in them the necessary habits and skills that will be the basis for their future life. In recent years, the number of physically weakened children has noticeably increased. Problems of ecology, employment of parents, low level of physical activity of the family - all this does not improve the health of the child, but vice versa. Many parents are overly passionate about the intellectual development of their children, completely forgetting that strengthening their health, promoting physical and mental development is especially significant at the present time. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and is only 9% of the contingent of children entering school. Only 5-7% of preschool children are healthy, 30-35% suffer from chronic diseases, over 60% have functional abnormalities. That is why the problem of deteriorating health of the country's population and especially children is becoming a national one. The Decree “On increasing the role of physical culture and sports in shaping a healthy lifestyle of the population” signed by President V. Putin showed the state's concern for the future of the country. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the target program "Children of Russia" in a timely manner. A special place in the program is given to the "Healthy Child" subprogram, the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen the health of children and adolescents at all stages of development. And the “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” clearly defines the task of achieving a new modern quality of education by updating the content of education and improving the mechanisms for monitoring its quality. The relevance of this problem is also defined in the Law "On Education" (subsection 2, art. 1, part 1), the Federal Program for the Development of Education, the National Doctrine of Education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Declaration on Ensuring the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. Based on the fact that the problem of the formation of children's motor activity is relevant, I carried out a diagnosis of the physical development of preschoolers. Diagnostics showed that the basic movements of children are not developed enough, 21% of children have a high level, 35% have an average level, and 44% have a low level. thirteen

High Medium Low I faced a pedagogical problem: how to increase children's interest in physical culture and creativity in physical activity. Based on the importance of this problem, it was
find ways to form motor activity in preschool children by means of non-traditional physical education equipment and the following
1. To study and analyze the pedagogical and psychological literature on this topic. 3. Draw up an action plan on this topic (GCD, leisure, entertainment, Health Days). 2. To develop a system of work on the formation of motor activity in preschoolers, using non-standard equipment and check its effectiveness. 4. Develop pedagogical recommendations for parents and teachers. 5. Involve teachers and parents in the manufacture of non-standard physical education equipment. 14

Work on solving the tasks was carried out taking into account the following

1 .
The principle of systematic and consistent.
This principle assumes that the assimilation of educational material goes in a certain order, system. When planning, the sequence of disclosure of the topic is established, the connection of the new material with previously learned educational activities, the experience of children is thought out.
2. The principle of accessibility -
involves correlating the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development, readiness of children. 3.
The principle of visibility.
This principle corresponds to the basic forms of thinking of preschoolers. Visualization provides understanding, strong memorization. To make learning visual means to create visual images in the child, to ensure the perception of the environment, to include it directly in practical activities, to connect learning with life. 4.
The principle of coordination of activities of teachers, specialists and parents.
It involves cooperation and coordination of actions of educators, music director, teacher-psychologist, medical workers, assistant educators in achieving a common goal. Teachers know that the main burden in terms of the physical development of children falls on directly educational activities. What needs to be done to make physical education more interesting, exciting and effective for young children. After all, sometimes the professionalism and emotionality of a teacher alone is not enough to stimulate interest among preschoolers in physical culture. L.N. Tolstoy emphasized that the child is willing to study when he is interested. S.Ya. Feinshtein argued that neither imitation nor images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and manuals. This prompted me to search for and introduce new non-standard equipment for use in physical education, in order to increase interest in physical development classes, to improve the health of children and develop their motor creativity. I started my work by studying the relevant scientific and methodological literature, drew up a plan for equipping a subject developmental environment for physical development in groups. Requirements for non-standard equipment Non-standard equipment must be:  safe;  as efficient as possible;  easy to use;  compact;  universal;  technologically advanced and easy to manufacture;  aesthetic. 15
The non-standard equipment designed and manufactured by me and my parents is simple, inexpensive, universal, small-sized and introduces an element of novelty into every event with children. These manuals are multifunctional, which makes it possible to use them in various activities. Children are attracted by unusual shapes, the colorfulness of such equipment, which contributes to a higher emotional tone during the conduct of directly educational activities and the interest of children in them, forms the need for movement. The children learned that colored pencils can do more than just draw: they easily turn into a massager for fingers and toes, just like buttons. The "Freckles-Rattles" manual, made of plastic containers, ribbons and various noise elements, was very liked by the children. It is used not only when performing outdoor switchgear, but also for various types of walking and running, when performing outdoor games. Children effectively use it throughout the day in various forms and activities, which means they enrich their motor experience and creativity at the level of their individual capabilities.
To the non-standard developed and independently made by us

equipment includes the following types and options:
1. To perform ORU: unusual bags, scarves, gloves, mittens, vegetables, amazing pencils. 2. To perform ATS: a multi-colored cord, magic rugs, the “River path” track 3. “Colored chains” - handles from kinder surprises are attached to the ends of the ropes, used to perform general developmental exercises. 4. "Massager" - strengthen the muscles of the back, chest and legs. 5. "Birch logs" - teach children to step over, jump over, run through objects. 6. "Sultanas, ribbons" - learn to perform outdoor switchgear with objects, develop attention, dexterity. Use in holidays, dances, outdoor games or just for a good mood. 7. For walking, climbing, jumping, stepping over, we use a soft octopus. Children enjoy playing with it, developing dexterity, balance, self-confidence, strengthening the muscles of the legs and feet. 8. "Soft balls" - to develop the eye of children, dexterity, to cultivate strong-willed qualities, attention, speed of reaction, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, to form self-control skills. 9. "Funny pencils" - to promote the prevention of flat feet, foot massage. Improving blood circulation in the fingers, hands and forearms Use: massage of the palms (rotation of the pencil barrel between the palms), massage of the fingertips, massage of the back and inside of the hand. Foot massage. 10. "Pigtails" - used to occupy outdoor switchgear, for outdoor games. 11. Cups for the game "Throw the ball." For the development of the eye, dexterity, speed of reaction. 12. "Merry rattles" - made from spools of adhesive tape, pasted over with colored cardboard, used for outdoor switchgear and in gaming activities. sixteen
16. "Noise-plates" - used for outdoor switchgear, in morning exercises, made of two disposable paper plates and noisy materials. 17. "Breeze in a bottle" - used for breathing exercises. Develops the respiratory organs. 18. "Bilbock" - designed to hit the target. Develops an eye, attention, speed of reaction, manual dexterity and synchronization of movements, as well as patience and accuracy. 19. "Quiet simulator" - used to develop the development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right-left); training of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the hands of the child. The use of non-standard aids diversifies directly educational activities, outdoor games, allows me to use various exercises more widely, to vary tasks. Carrying out activities for physical development using non-standard equipment showed that interest in them is possible due to its effective use, which allows you to quickly and efficiently form motor skills and abilities. I have developed summaries of directly educational activities and entertainment using non-standard physical education equipment made by me and successfully apply them in practice. In each age group, a sports corner or "Health Corner" has been created, where aids for the development of physical activity are located in a place accessible to children. This is both factory-made sports equipment and non-standard equipment made by teachers and parents. Here you can see various massage and ribbed paths, for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, multi-colored ribbons, pigtails, sultans and much more. Non-standard equipment is used in our kindergarten in all types of physical culture and health-improving work: during morning exercises, health-improving gymnastics, in game activities, directly educational activities, entertainment, leisure. Educators know that a positive result can only be achieved by making parents their allies. I tried to arouse their interest in physical culture, strengthening the health of their children. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on the topic "Physical culture in your family." The survey showed that the kindergarten is mainly engaged in the physical education of the child, while at home, children spend most of their time in a static position. Parents admitted that they spend little time with the child in the fresh air. Taking into account the results of the study, we decided to make parents our allies by organizing cooperation through: - parent meetings on topical issues. - printed and electronic consultations - joint holidays, leisure, entertainment; - placement of information in the parent corner; - on the website of the preschool institution. Therefore, I held a parent meeting on the topic “The health of children is in our hands”, in which I revealed the topic of protecting and strengthening the health of children, spoke about the benefits of hardening, about modern sports games that can be played by the whole family. 17
She gave practical recommendations on how fun you can do exercises at home with your child. I also held a workshop with my parents "How to make interesting non-standard equipment with your own hands." Parents were shown drawings, diagrams and drawings of non-standard equipment. Most parents were initially unenthusiastic about this idea, and only 6 families became interested in non-standard equipment and made it according to our samples. The results were not long in coming: parents noted an increased interest of children in physical motor exercises, an increase in their motor activity, and a decrease in morbidity. A review competition was also announced among parents
The result of the competition pleased and helped in further work with children.
In the future, I plan to carry out the following work with parents:
 consultation "Hardening of the child's body and prevention of flat feet" with watching videos;  compiling a photo essay about your family “Active rest on weekends”;  final meeting “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, where parents will share their positive experience of family education in terms of physical development;
In my work I work closely with colleagues:
 spoke at the teachers' council with the report “Planning the direction “Physical development” in conjunction with other educational areas”;  held consultations: “Prevention of flat feet and correction of posture”, “Equipment of sports areas with non-standard equipment”;  conducted an open review of directly educational activities in physical education using the manufactured equipment.
In this way
, performing exercises with non-standard equipment increased children's interest in physical education, improved the quality of exercise, diversified physical culture and health work. Effective use of physical education equipment means ensuring the optimal duration of its use throughout the day in various forms and activities in order to achieve children mastering all kinds of physical exercises, their motor creativity at the level of age and individual capabilities. One of the ways to improve the efficiency of physical culture equipment is novelty, which is created by introducing new non-standard equipment, changing portable equipment of various benefits into original complexes (obstacle courses, houses, fences). Children of all ages perform exercises with non-standard physical education equipment with great pleasure and achieve good results. Using non-traditional equipment in physical education classes, games and game exercises, relay races, outdoor activities, we increase children's interest in various types of motor activity, increase the volume of motor activity, and raise the emotional mood. Knowing that positive results can be achieved only by making parents our allies, we tried to arouse their interest in physical education and health promotion of children, to show how much their interest in classes increases when using non-standard equipment. In the preparation of the necessary benefits, the parents of the pupils actively help us, and they are also active participants in sports events held at the preschool educational institution. We store all our equipment in our 18
physical culture corner We believe that children are comfortable and cozy in the subject motor environment created by us. I would like to note the results we have achieved: the increased interest of children in different types movements, ingenuity in independent motor activity, increase in emotional tone in physical education classes, the desire to achieve higher sports results. All this is just the beginning of work on improving non-standard equipment, inventing new types of it and introducing it into work with children. Sports and gaming non-standard equipment is designed to contribute to the solution of both the specific tasks of the purposeful development of children's motor skills, and the solution of the problems of their comprehensive development and personality formation, namely: * children have learned to feel themselves in space, navigate in it; * conditions were created for the manifestation of maximum independence, initiative, strong-willed efforts; * taught children to use items of sports and gaming non-standard equipment in independent activities; * awakened interest in sports games, activities, expanded the range of ideas about various types of physical exercises, their health-improving significance. It is the use of non-traditional physical education equipment that allows: to increase the interest of children in the implementation of basic movements and games; to develop in children observation, aesthetic perception, imagination, visual memory; develop a sense of shape and color; promote
Non-standard equipment allows:
- to fully engage in the improvement of preschool children; - provides versatile physical development of children; - forms a general strengthening effect on the child's body; - allows you to timely and effectively influence the formation of the musculoskeletal system.
Non-standard equipment provides:
- development of children's interest in physical education. - Improving the quality of exercise. - the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet. - improvement of coordination of movements, increase in strength and endurance of muscles.
Non-standard equipment I use:
- in physical education. - on holidays and entertainment. - individual work with children. Children are attracted by unusual shapes and colorfulness of non-standard equipment, which contributes to a higher emotional tone during classes and children's interest in various types of motor activities, the development of children's independence, the formation of a need for movement. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health work. The use of these aids and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows 19
apply a differentiated method of working with preschool children. Summing up the results of the work done, we can note positive results: children's interest in different types of movements has increased, inventiveness in independent motor activity has appeared, the emotional tone in physical education has significantly increased Children's interest in physical exercises has increased In the future, we plan to continue work on the formation of children's motor activity using non-standard equipment, replenish card indexes of health-improving gymnastics, continue to equip physical culture corners, as well as a gym with non-standard physical equipment in accordance with the age characteristics of children, generalize the experience of family education of parents who are most actively involved in sports with their children. In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of non-traditional equipment has a huge variability and integrativity. It performs several tasks at once: it strengthens the health of children and helps to improve mood, relieves stress. And playing with such equipment is a pleasure! I wish you good health and a happy mood. Thank you for your attention. twenty

Babina K.S. “Complexes of morning exercises in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher of children. garden." - M., Education, 1978. Borisenko M.G., Dateshidze T.A., Lukina N.A. “We are crawling. We go. We run. We jump "(Development of general motor skills). - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2005. Volosova E.B. "Development of an early age child" - M.: 1999 Volkova K.S. "How to raise a healthy child" - Kiev: 1981 Vilchkovsky E.S. "Physical education of preschoolers in the family" - Kiev: 1987 Efimenko N.N. "Theater of physical development and recovery" - M .: 2006 Zaripova T.P. "Planning of health work" - Management of preschool educational institution No. 1 2004 Izergina K.P., Presnyakova L.S., Inshakova T.V. “Our adult kindergarten. From work experience "- M .: Education, 1991. Kochetkova L.V. “Improvement of children in a kindergarten” - M .: 2005 Kartushina “We want to be healthy” - M .: 1999 Makhaneva M.D. "Raising a healthy child" - M .: 1999 Osokina T.I. "Physical culture in kindergarten" - M.: 1986 Overchuk "Health and physical development of children in preschool institutions" - M.: 2001 Sivacheva L.N. "Sports games with non-standard equipment" - M .: 2001. Teplyuk S.N. Walking activities with preschool children. - M., 2005. Shishkina V.A. “Movements + movements: a book for a kindergarten teacher” - M .: Enlightenment, 1992. Hoop magazine No. 4 / 2001. P. 38 "Sports games with non-standard equipment" Magazine D / V No. 6 / 2002. Page 42 "Exercise using non-standard equipment" 21

Senior teacher A.O. Reshetnikova

A huge part of the potential of Russian society in the middle of the 21st century will be today's preschool children. Now alarming data about a systemic deterioration in the state of health, a decrease in the level of physical fitness of preschool children are becoming commonplace.
At the same time, activities related to the protection of the child's health, increasing its functionality, the level of physical fitness, are leading in all programs of education and upbringing in preschool institutions.

Relevance of the problem the organization and content of innovative activity in a modern preschool institution is beyond doubt. Innovative processes are a pattern in the development of preschool education and refer to such changes in the work of an institution that are significant, accompanied by changes in the way of activity and style of thinking of employees, introduce innovations into activities that cause the transition of the system from one state to another.
Innovative processes at the present stage of development of society affect, first of all, the system of preschool education, as the initial stage of revealing the potential abilities of the child. The development of preschool education, the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.
Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.
Innovation activity in education has its own characteristics. The first feature is that the subjects of the innovation process are children, parents and teachers. If this is not taken into account, then everything that is actually educational falls out of pedagogical innovation. The second distinctive feature of pedagogical innovation is the need for systematic coverage of the largest possible number of pedagogical problems. With regard to the field of education, innovation can be considered the end result of innovative activity, which has been embodied in the form of a new content, method, form of organization of the educational process or in a new approach to the provision of social services in the field of education based on real requests from parents, i.e. new forms of preschool education.
Together with the renewal of the entire preschool education, the content of the physical culture and health-improving work of preschool institutions is being actively updated.
However, not all innovative processes occurring in the physical culture of preschoolers can be defined as positive. Many questions faced by teachers and the administration of a preschool institution do not have unambiguous answers today. Let's focus on preparing children for school. Modern parents have almost completely entrusted the upbringing of their children to a preschool institution. However, they constantly control only the issues of intellectual education, while, as a rule, they are not interested in the problems of physical education. And if today, when entering school, physical readiness is not assessed in any way, and the state of health is not taken into account, then at the preschool stage, not only for educators, but also for parents, these aspects fade into the background, and sometimes they are not present at all in the system. preparation for school.
One of the pressing problems of the culture of preschoolers is the diagnosis of their physical condition. The selection of tests for the diagnosis of preschoolers requires taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this age.
The main directions of innovative activity in the field of physical education in a preschool educational institution are:
- systematization of medical, health-improving technologies used in modern preschool educational institutions (at present, a wide range of medical health-improving technologies is used in preschool educational institutions);
- substantiation of differentiated motor modes for preschoolers with different functional abilities, health status and disabilities;
– creation of a physical culture and game environment in a preschool educational institution as a necessary condition for the implementation of the content of physical culture and health culture.
Physical education is a pedagogically organized process of developing physical qualities, teaching motor actions and forming special knowledge. The purpose of physical education is the education of physically perfect people, prepared for creative work and the defense of the Motherland. In the process of physical education, the following tasks are solved: health-improving (health improvement, physique improvement, achievement and preservation of high performance); educational (formation and bringing to the necessary perfection of applied and sports skills and abilities, acquisition of special knowledge); educational (formation of moral and volitional qualities, promotion of labor and aesthetic education).
At the present stage, the requirements for the physical education of preschoolers provide for the solution of the following tasks:
- education in children of the need for physical improvement and a healthy lifestyle and their inclusion in active physical culture and sports activities;
– formation in children of initial theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of physical culture;
- full use of physical culture means for the prevention of diseases, preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers, mastering the skills of self-control in the process of classes.
However, the solution of these problems is constrained by numerous negative factors, the main of which are:
- incomplete correspondence of programs for physical education of preschoolers to the essence of the tasks of physical education;
- not always sufficient material base of the preschool educational institution for solving the problems of physical education of children;
- low level of general physical development and high incidence of preschool children.
To overcome these difficulties in our preschool educational institution, a model of physical education for preschoolers was developed, which includes the foundations based on a set of principles: scientific, accessible, systematic, consistent, active preschoolers, individualization, continuity.
The second main component is the mechanisms for implementing the proposed principles. This model functions under the influence of the following mechanisms: organizational, economic, personnel and social.
It is no secret that in kindergarten and at home our children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, watching TV, etc.). Recently, the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system has increased in kindergarten. I believe that the main purpose of physical culture is movement and active recreation.
Our kindergarten has certain conditions that allow us to fully engage in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Children are happy to do morning exercises, physical education, breathing exercises, rhythm, perform acupressure, participate in sports events and entertainment, Health Days.
Children in physical education classes should be, first of all, interesting.
It is known that a positive emotional attitude contributes to a faster assimilation of any material. The inclusion of riddles, counting rhymes, sayings in educational activities for the physical development contributes to the development of interest in imitative exercises, as well as the desire to imagine and show in motion what is heard: it turns out that a riddle can not only be guessed, but also shown!
Figurative-game movements develop the ability to improvise, hearing, attention, thinking, creative imagination and memory. They reveal images understandable to children, form the ability to creatively convey the character and habits of the depicted animal. In addition, by exercising in the performance of such movements, children develop strength, dexterity, coordination of movements, learn to navigate in space, acquire the ability to move at a given pace and rhythm.
Taking into account all of the above, I try to be creative in organizing physical education classes: I learn imitative movements in advance, prepare pictures of animals, talk about their habits, where (in what countries) they live, select soundtracks (soft rhythmic music, recordings noise effects, including onomatopoeia, which children must imitate) (variants of riddle exercises - see Appendix)
As they master the technique of performing movements, children themselves can take turns guessing riddles. I try to use such funny and funny “riddles with exercises” in morning exercises, at physical education sessions, during musical and physical education activities.
When using non-traditional methods in the physical fitness of children, it is possible to achieve the highest physical activity, emotional recovery, and a decrease in morbidity.
A special place in the life of a child is occupied by a fairy tale. Children learn the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. This helps to improve mood during exercise.
The plot-playing lesson is based on a holistic plot-playing situation that reflects the world around the child in a conditional form. It consists of different types of basic movements and game exercises of a general developmental imitation character (“circus”, “athletes”, “zoo”).
Imitation games are very interesting. In games, children represent themselves in various images: animals, plants, objects. During these games, children relax, get joy.
The game lesson is built on the basis of a variety of outdoor games, relay race games. Quite often I conduct game classes not only within my group, but also with other groups of the same age.
Training-type classes are aimed at developing the motor and functional capabilities of children. They include a large number of cyclic, musical and rhythmic movements, various elements of sports games, differentiated motor tasks aimed at developing speed, dexterity, strength, and endurance.
Since the day in children begins with morning exercises, it is one of the most important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children.
Daily exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, develops in children the habit of starting the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually involve the entire body of the child in an active state, deepen breathing, increase blood circulation, promote metabolism.
Along with the traditional form, I actively use non-traditional forms of morning exercises in my practice.
In the traditional complex of morning exercises, running, walking in various ways, rebuilding, sets of exercises with and without objects are used.
Morning gymnastics of a gaming nature includes: two or three outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity (“Find your mate”, “Fishing rod”, “The sea is worried”), or a game plot is taken (“Sturdy kids”, “Heron in the swamp” and etc.).
Of great interest to children is morning exercises using an obstacle course. It allows you to offer children exercises with a gradual increase in load, complicate motor tasks, include different types of movements with an increase in the number of repetitions and tempo of movements, alternate physical training aids. You can create different obstacle courses using a variety of modules. Modern gymnastic modules are light, quickly assembled and disassembled. They allow you to invent a huge number of obstacle courses, and children, as a rule, really like to overcome various obstacles: jumping over modules, hoops, moving with side steps, etc.
On a big emotional upsurge, morning exercises are held with elements of sports games (dribbling, tossing, catching, throwing into a basketball hoop).
In the warm season, during the reception of children in the fresh air, I do morning exercises with the inclusion of health-improving runs for 100, 150, 200 meters, depending on the individual characteristics of the children, a run of 30 meters between groups of the same age. At the beginning of morning gymnastics, I offer children a short warm-up consisting of 3-4 exercises, then there is a run or competition itself and all the elements of breathing exercises are completed.
It is also known that children love to play outdoor games, which are active and meaningful activities for them. The content of outdoor games, as a rule, is cognitive material that expands the horizons of the child. In order to achieve greater interest of children and encourage them to take part in such games, I try to create a joyful relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, come up with funny stories.
Often, for physical education events, an outdoor game with a hero-character is necessary. It is not difficult to come up with such a game on the basis of riddles, poems, sayings. In its course, you may need large bright toys, animal masks (see the Appendix for examples).
Not the last role in creating an exciting atmosphere of the lesson is played by equipment. Especially non-standard. Performing exercises with manuals and didactic equipment increases interest in classes, improves the quality of exercises, and contributes to the formation of correct posture. Therefore, I actively use non-standard physical education equipment made by myself and the hands of my parents in classes and entertainment.
In our group, a sports corner has been created, where, in an accessible place for children, there are aids for the development of physical activity. This is factory sports equipment, but mostly non-standard. Here you can see various massage and ribbed tracks for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, serso, soft targets, colorful flags, ribbons, sultans and much more.
Physical activity- the main source and motivating force for the protection and promotion of health, improvement of the physical and intellectual abilities of a person. The child learns the world, masters the space with the help of movements from an early age.
In kindergarten, it is necessary to introduce the child to physical culture constantly, hourly, every minute. The child needs optimal physical activity, its lack is unfavorable: cardiac activity is weakened, metabolism is disturbed, physical development is inhibited, muscles weaken, the child's condition worsens.
When conducting physical education events, one should not forget about the basic requirements for them: age characteristics of children, previously acquired skills and abilities, as well as an individual approach to children.
The control of the physical development of children is carried out on the basis of monitoring the physical development of children, which allows not only to analyze the dynamics of the individual development of the child, but also to trace the conditionality of physical development and the dynamics of the total percentage of morbidity.
All this increases the interest of children in physical education, develops vital physical qualities, increases the density of classes and allows you to exercise children in all types of basic movements.


Riddle exercises:

1. (Easy running on toes, arms to the sides, gently raise them high up and lower them down).

Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan.

Moved by the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off -

He fluttered and flew away (Butterfly).

2. (Walking on the outside of the foot. Hands are widely spaced to the sides. Steps are slow, awkward).

Who, forgetting worries,

Sleeping in your lair?

In the summer wanders without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den

Does the Bear hide its nose from the cold?

3. (Sit down, straighten your back, heels slightly raised above the floor, hands on your knees. Move forward on your toes without losing balance).

Bathed in water, but remained dry.

He walks importantly across the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds (Goose).

4. (Running or walking with high knees. Lateral or straight canter).

I knock with my hooves, I knock

And across the field I'm jumping, jumping,

The mane curls in the wind ... Who is this (Horse).

5. (Sit on the floor with an emphasis on your knees and palms. Lean forward, bending your arms at the elbows).

Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,

Washes often

But they don’t know about water (Cat).

6. (Lie down on the floor. Crawl with support on your hands, try to keep your legs together).

lives in the rivers of Africa

An evil, green ship.

Whoever swam towards,

It will swallow everyone ... (Crocodile).

7. (Walking with high knees, arms high up, then down).

This is our old friend

He lives on the roof of the house

He flies to hunt

For frogs, to the swamp (Stork).

8. (Walking on heels with rhythmic hand movements to the sides).

yellow lumps,

Light as cotton

They run after the cow

Who is this ... (Chickens)?

9. (Fast rapid run, arms wide apart, fingers spread out).

The bird flies from above

And there are enough chickens below (Hawk).

Outdoor games:

"Bear clubfoot"

A large toy (bear) is placed in the center of the room. Children stand in a circle holding hands. Trap children (one or two) sit next to the bear.

Option for younger age groups

Children: A clubfoot bear is walking through the forest,

Collects cones, sings songs.

The bump bounced right into the bear's forehead,

The bear got angry and kicked - top!

Children walk in a circle holding hands. They stop, lightly striking their foreheads with their palms, spread their arms to the sides, spread their fingers, step from foot to foot, then stomp one foot on the floor and scatter in all directions. Trap children catch "bumps", i.e. other children and put them “in baskets” (put them on a bench).

Option for older age groups

Children: He is big and clumsy.

They say he sucks his paw.

He can roar loudly

And his name is ... (bear).

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, stop, point to the “terrible” bear, step back, forming a large circle. "bear" catches children. In order for him to cope with this as soon as possible, he is given an inflatable mace toy in his hands.

"Find and shut up."

The teacher hides a goat toy. Children should find it, come up and quietly tell the teacher where it is hidden.

Educator: I have a goat,

I will feed him myself.

I am a kid in a green garden

I'll take it tomorrow morning.

He gets lost in the garden...

Children: I will find him myself (girls).

And I'll find it myself (boys).

"Wolf and Bunnies"

A large toy (wolf) or a masked child sits in the center of the room. Rabbit children carefully, walk in a circle on their toes, as if they are sneaking, their arms are bent in front of them, their hands are lowered down.

Children: He always roams the forest,

Looking for bunnies behind a bush,

He clicks and clicks with his teeth ...

Wolf (terribly): You guessed it? It's a wolf!

Rabbit children scatter in all directions - the wolf tries to catch up with them.

Prepared by the physical education instructor of GBDOU No. 50 of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg Vinogradova Olga Viktorovna

At present, the state of children's health in our country is a matter of serious public concern. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the SCED RAMS, in Russia, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years old have functional deviations in their health status, and only 10% of children come to school absolutely healthy.

Unfavorable ecological and climatic conditions lead to a weakening of the immune system, and, as a result, to an increase in colds and infections. In an educational institution, and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position. (at the table, at the TV, computer, etc.).

This increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Decreased strength and performance of skeletal muscles

which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet.

Physical development is the process of changing the forms and functions of the child's body under the influence of living conditions and education. In a narrow sense, this

the term is used to refer to anthropometric and biometric concepts (height, weight, chest circumference, posture, vital

lung capacity, etc.). In a broad sense, the term includes physical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, balance, eye). Physical development is not only a biological process that characterizes the formation, change in the forms and functions of the body, but a social process. The activity of the personality itself, its attitude to its health, mastery of experience in the process of socialization develop natural anatomical and physiological

organism prerequisites.

Mastering the movements, the technique of their implementation, the development of physical qualities occurs with the active participation of an adult. Thus, the physical

education is leading in the development of the child's personality. Thanks to pedagogical work, the child has a need for a healthy lifestyle.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at creating conditions conducive to the achievement of good health, physical and

motor development of the child. The teacher carries out this process from the position of integrity and harmonization of development tasks (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor). Physical education is based on the data of examination of children of the level of physical development, its harmony, compliance with age-related physiological indicators is determined.

The purpose of physical development is to protect and strengthen the health of children.

Relevance: the improvement of the system of physical education of modern preschoolers is largely determined by the level of scientific validity of the methods of physical training of preschool children. Until now, the theory and methodology of preschool education is a transcription of the theory and methodology of physical culture and the adaptation of its provisions to the physical education of preschoolers. However, the development of the methods themselves is impossible without knowledge of the nature of the development of basic physical qualities, depending on many factors, but especially on motor activity and the very

type of child. At the same time, the age-related features of the development of the motor abilities of modern children, the differences in physical education and training in each year of life have been insufficiently studied.

It is in childhood that vital basic, locomotor skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor experience is created, the alphabet of movement is mastered, from the elements of which all motor activity of a modern person is subsequently formed.

Considering that the physical activity of modern children is both a condition and a stimulating factor in the development of intellectual,

emotional and other spheres, it becomes obvious the need for intensive development of issues of physical education of modern children to

school age.

Therefore, there was a need to search for new approaches in the formation of health, in the organization of the process of physical education, in

continuity of the family and kindergarten - those social structures that mainly determine the level of children's health.

A way out of this situation is possible with the introduction of programs to promote the health of pupils in the kindergarten, in creating conditions conducive to the full physical and mental development of children.

The main role in a preschool institution belongs to the improvement of the system of organization of physical education, the establishment of the relationship of all

links, continuity with previous and subsequent stages of work. This approach to the problem made it possible to organize cooperation between teachers, doctors, parents and children in our preschool educational institution; instill in children a sense of responsibility for their own health; the need for physical culture through the development and strengthening of a sense of satisfaction from movements, physical

exercises, which in turn made it possible to obtain positive results in the rate of growth of physical qualities; in reducing the incidence of children;

to create the most favorable conditions for the formation of the timely physical development of the child's body.

Any delay and any disturbance in the course of the physical development of the child,

affects his behavior, as well as his motor activity in its various forms. Reducing the level of motor activity of preschool children in

First of all, it depends on the state of health, which, one way or another, affects their development.

About the need for physical education of modern children, about the role of movement, about its exceptional importance for the development of the child, and not only physical

Much has been written about the physical, but also intellectual and emotional. But on-

is embodied in the practical activities of only a few preschool

institutions, and in family education, basically, the declared

active. It is good to prepare the child for school, to lay a solid foundation for the formation of

health, it is possible only in the process of serious joint development with the family

When developing: psychological and pedagogical support for physical

development and improvement of modern children of preschool age as the basis for

whether the following principles are taken:

1. The unity of diagnosis and correction - annually at the beginning and end of the training

year to conduct a survey of the level of development and health of each

group child. Based on the data obtained, the prospects for fi-

physical readiness of each child and the group as a whole for the current year.

2. Consistency of developing, preventive and corrective

dachas. The work is carried out in a system that covers all aspects of the physical

education: (development of motor activity, motor skills, psycho-

physical qualities, the achievement of physical perfection, the assimilation of general

human and national-cultural values). The development of each side

The science of physical education has its own dynamics and a wide range of

dachas. A full study of such material requires a lot of effort and time.

changing costs. However, this can be avoided by establishing a relationship with

other activities of preschoolers. This saves time

motor activity takes a natural place in the life of children.

3. Complexity of methods of psychological and pedagogical influence. Apart from

well-known, practice-tested traditional activities, games, exercises,

4. Taking into account the age-psychological, individual characteristics of the child,

as well as his state of health. This principle allows us to notice the optimization

developmental concept for each specific child with his individuality.

5. Active involvement of the nearest social environment to work with

child - is determined by the role played by parents, educators,

medical workers of preschool institution. Family interaction and

kindergarten is a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of children

the child and increase his physical fitness, since the best re-

results are celebrated where educators, parents and health professionals

act in concert.

The proposed psychological and pedagogical support of physical development

development and improvement of modern preschool children is being built

in three directions in accordance with the tasks defined by the system of financial

physical education:

1. Wellness: first of all, the problem of quality

improving the physical development and physical condition of the child;

maintain and improve the health of children; develop functional and

adaptive abilities of children and improve their performance;

to form the ability to maintain correct posture; satisfy a need

children on the move promote the development of all morphofunctional systems

the children's body, the proper functioning of internal organs. Thus, in the group of health-improving tasks, a special place is occupied by

wound of life and strengthening the health of children, their comprehensive physical development,

the focus of attention of all participants in the educational process is the natural

vein-biological basis of the child's body.

2. Educational: the organic relationship of physical and spiritual development

orgy of preschoolers; development of morality, formation of aesthetic

views and beliefs, instilling in children a sense of responsibility for their health

rovier; educate interest in active motor activity; develop

moral and volitional qualities of the child (organization, mutual assistance,

mutual assistance, independence); educate the subjective position of the child

ka in different games and exercises; to educate cultural and hygienic qualities

Thus, educational tasks are aimed at versatile development.

development of children, the formation of interest and need for systematic

yam exercise.

3. Educational: teaching natural types of movements and developing movement

gate qualities; form ideas about your body, about health;

to acquaint children with various ways of performing basic movements;

to form ideas about the regime, about the relevance of rest; create a

conditions for the child to demonstrate dexterity, speed and other physical skills

Thus, educational tasks provide for an active position

the teacher's position on the implementation of the content of the physical development of children.

all means of physical education: physical exercises; natural

forces of nature; hygienic factors of our environment. We offer

use preventive and corrective exercises, breathing and

sound exercises; sets of exercises that form the correct

posture; hardening; acupressure; sets of exercises aimed at

for the prevention and correction of flat feet; games: "Wand-transformer" ,

"Trap with Ribbons" etc. To form the principles of a healthy lifestyle

the life of the child, mimic projects were developed.

The process of physical culture and health-improving joint work with the family includes


1) targeted promotion of general hygiene rules, non-

the need for a rational regimen and a complete balanced diet

niya, hardening, optimal air and temperature conditions.

2) familiarization of parents with the content of sports and recreation

work in a preschool, aimed at the physical, mental and

social development of the child.

3) the results of diagnosing the state of health of the child and his psychomotor

development are communicated to each parent. The strengths and weaknesses of development are noted, ways of providing assistance (if necessary) are outlined.

mo), in health promotion, physical development and its further improvement

promotion. It is determined what teachers will do and what parents will do. At

necessary, medical workers are involved in a conversation with parents

ki kindergarten.

4) teaching parents specific techniques and methods of recovery (exercise therapy,

breathing exercises, self-massage, various types of hardening.

5) familiarization of parents with treatment and preventive measures,

conducted in a preschool institution, teaching certain non-traditional

ny methods of healing the child's body (phytotherapy, aromatherapy and

Each game or exercise, physical culture leisure or holiday is not-

an integral part of the complex process of forming a healthy, comprehensive

harmoniously physically developed child. If the parents withdraw from this

work, the integrity of the pedagogical process is violated. As a result,

their child suffers.

So that parents can use the information base of education and

education of preschoolers, which is owned by teachers, medical workers

ki kindergarten, it is necessary to determine the most optimal forms of mutual

family and kindergarten interactions. A survey of the parents themselves will help with this (be-

gray hair, questioning). We offer a variety of forms of collaboration

teachers and parents to strengthen and preserve the health of children and improve

niyu their physical qualities: information for parents on stands, in folders -

travel; consultations; oral journals and discussions involving psycho-

ha, physicians, physical education specialists; instructive-methodical classes

for the prevention of posture disorders, foot deformities; seminars-

workshops; business games and trainings; "open days" for parents with

watching a variety of activities in the gym, at the stadium; hardened-

bathing and medical procedures; physical culture leisure and holidays with the participation of

parents; family club activities “Dad, mom, I am a sports family” ;

"Health" and others. Care for the correct, timely psychophysical development

child and his health should be expressed in the following

1. satisfy the natural biological need of the child to move

2. ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the body re-

bank through a specially organized engine for preschool age -

new activity and physical activity;

3. to form skills in different types of movements;

4. to promote the development of motor qualities and abilities of the child;

5. stimulate the functionality of each child and activate

zirovat children's independence;

6. create optimal conditions for the versatile development of children: active

visualization of mental activity, the search for adequate forms of behavior,

the formation of positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations

children's laziness. Parents and teachers "armed" unified program of physical reproduction

nutrition will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.


The developed psychological and pedagogical support of physical development

health and wellness of modern children of preschool age, not only

allow in practice to carry out an individual approach to each child, but also

to involve parents in joint efforts to improve the children's organization

nizma and increase their physical fitness; stimulates self-repair

the lysis of each and the mutual enrichment of all. Interaction system model

contributes to the creation of a microclimate based on respect for personal

human nature, caring for everyone, trusting relationships between adults and

children, parents and teachers. As a result, the relationship

all components of health - physical, mental, social. What in

in turn, speaks of the achievement of the goal of physical education,

upbringing of a healthy, comprehensively harmoniously physically developed

Electronic educational resources

1. Shebeko V, N. Formation of the personality of a child of preschool age by means of physical culture: author. … diss. Dr. Ped. Sciences. - Moscow,

2011. [Electronic resource]

2. Early childhood education [Electronic resource] //

3. Pre-school education [Electronic resource] //

4. Preschool pedagogy [Electronic resource] //

5. Kindergarten from A to Z [Electronic resource] //

6. Magazine "Management of a preschool educational institution"

7. Journal "Education Courier" . - Access mode:

8. Russian portal of open education. - Access mode.

  • Yarkina Tatyana Nikolaevna



annotation scientific article on public education and pedagogy, author of scientific work - Yarkina Tatyana Nikolaevna

The current approaches to physical development and upbringing of children in connection with the changes taking place in preschool education due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The characteristics of the selected approaches are briefly presented, their significance is disclosed in relation to physical development preschoolers. Properly organized physical education is extremely important for the full development of a growing child's body, therefore, certain approaches are needed to implement this process. Such approaches, according to the author, are activity, integrative, individual, personal, competency-based, axiological and optimization. The integrated application of these approaches will effectively solve problems physical development preschoolers defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, for example, health protection and promotion, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the development of physical qualities and the main types of movements of children.

Related Topics scientific papers on public education and pedagogy, the author of scientific work - Yarkina Tatyana Nikolaevna,


The article gives proof of the actual approaches to the physical development and education of children connected with the changes taking place in the preschool education. These changes are caused by the introduction of the federal state educational standard. Presents the brief characteristic of the selected approaches, reveals their importance in regard to the physical development of preschoolers. Properly organized physical education is extremely important for the full development of a growing child's body; therefore, specific approaches to the implementation of the process are required. These approaches, according to the author, are the activity, integrative, individual, personal, competence-based, axiological and optimization approaches. federal state educational standard of preschool education, for example, health protection and promotion, formation of the bases of a healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities and main types of movements of children.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Approaches to the physical development and education of preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"


T. N. Yarkina


The current approaches to the physical development and upbringing of children are substantiated in connection with the changes taking place in preschool education due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The characteristics of the selected approaches are briefly presented, their significance is revealed in relation to the physical development of preschoolers.

Properly organized physical education is extremely important for the full development of a growing child's body, therefore, certain approaches are needed to implement this process. Such approaches, according to the author, are activity, integrative, individual, personal, competency-based, axiological and optimization. The complex application of these approaches will effectively solve the problems of the physical development of preschoolers, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, for example, protecting and strengthening health, forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, developing physical qualities and basic types of movements in children.

Key words: GEF of preschool education, physical development, physical education of preschoolers, approach, standardization of education.

Currently, preschool education is undergoing major changes related to ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the 21st century, the economic and social demands of the country's development, the needs of the state, society and the individual.

The tasks of ensuring state guarantees of accessibility and equal opportunities for obtaining full-fledged preschool education, achieving a new modern quality of preschool education, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession and professional competence of preschool teachers, strengthening their state and public support are being updated.

The introduction of the federal law "On Education" in the Russian Federation led to significant changes in the system of preschool education:

Recognition of preschool education as the first (but not mandatory) level of the general education system;

Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for preschool education with the simultaneous abolition of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program (BEP) of preschool education;

Introduction of mandatory examination of exemplary basic educational programs of preschool education;

Adoption of the professional standard of the teacher, etc.

All this emphasizes the seriousness of all those changes in the field of preschool education that are being carried out today.

Of course, first of all, the Federal State Educational Standard sets new vectors for the development of preschool education and determines the criteria for its effectiveness.

GEF preschool education approves the basic principles specific to preschool childhood:

Full living by the child of all stages of childhood;

Amplification of child development;

Individualization of preschool education;

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a subject (full participant) of educational relations;

Support for the initiative of children in various activities;

Family partnership;

Age adequacy (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and features of development);

Formation of cognitive interests and actions of the child in various activities, etc.

The standardization of pre-school education makes it possible to provide each child with an equal start, which will allow him to successfully study at school.

Of the educational areas designated by the standard, I would like to pay special attention to "Physical Development". The significance of physical development for the period of preschool childhood is revealed in the works of many scientists (P. F. Lesgaft, V. G. Alyamovskaya, S. O. Filippova, E. Ya. Stepanenkov, T. I. Osokina, etc.). Full-fledged physical development, a variety of motor activities contribute not only to strengthening and maintaining the health of children, but also create favorable conditions for the development of all cognitive processes and the subjective position of the child, open up opportunities for positive socialization, personal development, the formation of initiative and creative abilities, including in the motor area. At present, at all levels of government, there is a growing awareness of the need to increase the importance and mass character of physical culture as a component of a healthy lifestyle.

If we consider the standard through the prism of physical development, then the following tasks can be noted:

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children (including their emotional well-being);

Formation of the foundations of one's own security and the security of the surrounding world;

Mastering the elementary norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, forming good habits);

Gaining experience in motor activity (basic movements, sports exercises, outdoor games).

This article attempts to theoretically substantiate and consider scientific and methodological approaches to the physical development and education of children in a preschool organization.

The changes taking place in preschool education, as noted by A. Yu. Tikhonova, initiate the search for new pedagogical approaches that would be focused on

application of new forms of organization of the educational process and new technologies of training and education.

We believe that the solution of the previously identified tasks of physical development and education of preschoolers actualizes the following approaches that determine the methodological foundations for building the educational process.

Activity approach. Work on health improvement and physical education should be based on the leading activity of preschool children - play. Motor-playing activity is the basis of education, health improvement, development and education of preschoolers (L. V. Trubaychuk). The main idea of ​​the activity approach is connected with the activity of the child as a means of formation and development of his subjectivity.

Preschool age is the foundation of a person's motor development, as there is an active formation of vital systems and functions of the body, mastery of basic movements, and the development of psychophysical qualities. This process will be effective under the condition of the child's personal involvement, the manifestation of the position of the subject of his motor activity in him.

The activity approach involves the active inclusion of the child in various types of motor activity, the upbringing of independence and initiative, the formation of reflection of one's own motor behavior. The role of an adult, first of all, is to create conditions for children to freely choose types of motor activity, participants in joint activities, and materials.

The activity approach is aimed at creating an experimental model of life situations of personal choice in the joint activities of children. A change of position in the process of joint activity provides the child with the opportunity to master various models of behavior depending on the situation and "exercise" him in such behavior in relation to a significant other, as if he himself were this other (A. Yu. Tikhonova).

The implementation of the activity approach, as one of the leading ones in the context of the issue under consideration, is based on the following principles:

Accounting for leading activities;

Accounting for sensitive periods of child development;

Enrichment, deepening (amplification) of child development;

The effectiveness of each type of motor activity;

High motivation of any kind of motor activity;

Cooperation with adults in the organization of various types of motor activities and their management;

Mandatory reflection of motor activity.

Regarding the last principle, it is worth noting that the development of a child's bodily reflection is one of the most important educational tasks of physical education. By the senior preschool age, it is necessary to teach the child to realize the motives of his actions: what I want, why I want, why I want to perform this or that action, what is its value for me and the world around. This helps the child to move on to the motive - the goal, on the basis of which his motor activity unfolds, which provides him with a living space, where he acquires motor experience and the foundations of physical culture, preserving his integrity and originality. The child becomes in an active position of choosing the motor activity necessary for his physical improvement. In the course of performing motor activity, the child learns to control himself, his actions; by the senior preschool age, arbitrariness of movements and self-regulation of activity are formed. For effective implementation

motor activity, the child needs the ability to evaluate his movements, the results achieved. At senior preschool age, a child can evaluate the process of organizing and implementing his motor activity, as well as his movements from the standpoint of quality - accuracy, rhythm, beauty, expressiveness, expediency. It is motor activity that is an expression of the individual, vital, motor needs of the child, the state of his health, essential relationships with the surrounding reality, the world of nature and people.

An integrative approach is one of the key ones in modern preschool education. According to him, it is important not only to conduct physical exercises, but to create a single process of interaction between teachers and pupils, where different educational areas are harmoniously intertwined. Thanks to this, every child will get an idea of ​​human health as the main value he needs for a full life.

The integrative approach meets one of the main requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small, but capacious. The specificity of the child's psyche - globality, non-differentiation, uncertainty, instability (N. N. Poddyakov) - determines the basic law of development in preschool age - the dominance of integration processes. Integrative learning allows you to see and understand any phenomenon holistically, an integrated lesson is a combination of several activities.

The modern integrated lesson, according to N. G. Lavrentieva, is aimed at creating conditions for the teacher to show activity, initiative and creativity, independence, and ensuring freedom of choice for each child. The content of such a lesson is designed together with the children in accordance with the accumulated experience, including motor.

In the course of integrated physical education classes, the performance of movements by children is harmoniously combined with tasks of a cognitive, communicative, and speech nature. Integrated physical education classes are distinguished by the following features:

The specifics of the didactic material, the content of the classes - the development of the main types of movements, physical qualities and cognitive actions (mental, perceptual, mnemonic);

A harmonious combination of developing and educational tasks;

Non-traditional form of holding (excursion, trip, for example "Journey to a desert island", "Journey to the country of Sportland", Olympiad, for example "Olympians among us", etc.);

Clarity, complexity of tasks and activities;

The use of a variety of didactic and methodological material, attributes, as well as non-standard equipment.

Actually, the implementation of an integrative approach in physical education allows you to increase the motivation of children for various types of activities, improves their motor skills, coordination, prevents overstrain and optimizes the learning processes of preschoolers.

Individual approach. The most important task of the standard is to support the individuality of the child and develop his potential. The standard defines the main criteria for the development of the child - his socialization and individualization. In the Federal State Educational Standard, special emphasis is placed on creating a system of conditions for the individualization and socialization of children as a “minimum program” and their development as a “maximum program”, while the condition for creating a developing educational environment is put forward as an obligatory condition.

In the physical development and education of preschoolers, individualization is determined by the following factors:

The health status of children (on the basis of the health group, physical activity, the nature of hardening procedures, optimal types of motor activity are determined);

The nature of motor activity (the volume, intensity and content of motor activity in children is different, in connection with this, children with a high level of motor activity, medium, inactive ones are singled out);

The level of physical development and physical fitness (anthropometric indicators, the level of development of physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance, etc.);

The level of motor development (the degree of children's mastery of the main types of movements: walking, running, jumping, etc.);

Gender of the child (type of sexual behavior);

The type of constitution of the child: asthenoid, thoracic, muscular, digestive.

Consideration of the above features in the organization of physical culture and health-improving activities is necessary, since it determines the choice of optimal forms and methods of children's health improvement, provides an adequate assessment of their physical and motor development, which in turn contributes to the maintenance and development of children's individuality.

Closely related to the above approach is the personal (personally oriented) approach, which supports one of the key positions of the standard - encouraging the child's initiative. A. Yu. Tikhonova, in relation to modern preschool education, singles out an individual-personal approach, which is characterized by a person's focus on self-knowledge and self-determination, the realization of individual needs in accordance with social and general cultural norms.

The personal approach changes the position of an adult who acts as an intermediary, an assistant in the implementation of children's initiative and the manifestation of independence in various activities. Motor activity provides ample opportunities for the manifestation of the personal characteristics of children, the disclosure of creative potential in the motor sphere due to the variety of types of motor activity, ease and emancipation of children in movements, muscle pleasure and joy. The child gets the opportunity to test his physical strength, to be successful and recognized (in outdoor games, relay races, etc.), to overcome existing fears and insecurities when performing movements.

Of course, everything that a child does during the first years of his life becomes the basis not only for the formation of subsequent motor skills, but also for personal development - cognitive, social, emotional.

The competency-based approach is promising, because in the context of modern ideas about the purpose of education, key competencies are relevant for preschoolers and fix the degree of their readiness to be included in a new, school life.

It should be noted that the competence-based approach is primarily considered in relation to adult participants in the educational process (teachers, parents), as it is focused on the development and manifestation of competence. With regard to preschoolers, we believe it is more appropriate to talk about the formation of initial key competencies, which are considered as some internal potential, hidden psychological neoplasms (knowledge, ideas, a system of values ​​and relationships), which are then revealed in human competencies as active, activity manifestations.

At preschool age, there is a process of formation of health-saving competencies, which, by the end of the period of preschool childhood, manifest themselves in the form of integrative qualities of a preschooler. The characteristics of the integrative qualities of preschoolers in the field of physical development, based on the standard of preschool education, we see in the following:

Physically developed, possesses basic cultural and hygienic skills, independently performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures;

Possesses the necessary skills and abilities of the main types of movements, is able to control their movements and manage them, demonstrates the mastered culture of movements in various types of children's activities;

Shows initiative and independence in organizing his own motor activity and motor activity of his peers, including outdoor games, analyzes their results;

Possesses imagination and shows creativity in motor activity (during exercises and games), actively uses motor experience in new circumstances;

Emotionally responsive: experiences positive emotions, a sense of muscular joy and a state of emotional comfort from motor activity (own, peers, adults), its successful results, rejoices at sports victories, experiences sports defeats;

Active, shows curiosity in the motor sphere, freely and variably uses the main movements in independent activities, integrates movements with different types of children's activities;

Strives to show maximum physical capabilities when performing exercises, in outdoor games, evaluates their performance, the overall result, owns an elementary reflection of motor activity.

The formation of the initial key health-saving competencies of preschool children is one of the promising tasks of preschool education, which, in our opinion, can only be effectively solved by highly professional teachers in cooperation with parents. In this regard, the question arises of the development and improvement of the professional competence of preschool teachers. Professional competence in the field of health protection is considered by us as a system of competencies, an integral characteristic of the personality of a teacher, manifested in the ability to professionally solve problems and tasks related to the organization and implementation of sports and recreational activities, anticipation of the results and consequences of their activities and responsibility for them. In this context, special requirements are imposed on the professional competence of a teacher, since he is responsible for the life and health of children, deals with a fragile growing child's body, an incorrect and inadequate impact on which can lead to injuries and damage health. The professional standard actualizes the need for a teacher to know the theoretical foundations of physical development, the ability to apply methods of physical development of children in accordance with the educational program of a preschool organization, the ability to form a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

The axiological approach makes it possible to study pedagogical phenomena from the point of view of universal values. The basis of pedagogical axiology is the understanding and affirmation of the value of human life, upbringing, training, and education in general.

The basis of the modern state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of preschool education is based on the ideas of humanization, therefore, the main professional and pedagogical value

The main concern is the child, his life and health. Recognition of the inherent value of the child's personality, his right to develop and manifest individual abilities, create conditions for his creative self-realization, including through movements, is dictated by the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

In the context of this approach, health is considered as a professional value, and this determines the need to form a value attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle among all subjects of the educational process (children, teachers, parents). Value attitude implies awareness of the importance of health for all human life and perception of it as an exceptional value, rejection of bad habits, internal motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, activity in ways of maintaining and strengthening health.

Optimization approach. Optimization involves choosing the best option from the possible, the most appropriate for certain conditions and tasks. To optimize the physical development and upbringing of preschoolers means to determine, select or design such a system of measures, conditions and influences that, being applied in a particular preschool organization, would transform the entire system of physical culture and health activities in such a way that not any, but better than before, would be achieved. , the maximum possible end results. The standard of preschool education in this sense opens up such opportunities for teachers.

The table shows the characteristics of the approaches described above in relation to the physical development and education of preschool children.

Characteristics of approaches to the physical development and education of children

Approach Target orientation Content Nature of interaction between subjects Results

« Formation of knowledge Mastering the basic Child - subject Formed

in the field of physical types of movements, motor activity - basic skills

and n about culture, enrichment and accumulation skills, teacher - organ types of movements,

about K and skills, providing a motor nizator, assistant arbitrariness

L h<и вающих успешность опыта с опорой на в решении ребенком двигательной деятель-

practical motor- leading types of motor tasks

£ body activity (subject, game)

Formation Integration of various Combining efforts Integrative

a holistic representation of activities: all specialists of personality quality

of children about motor-speech, cognitive-preschool organization of a preschooler: production

“body activity, art in cooperation freedom of movement,

and in the relationship of aesthetic, con- with parents, recognition of independence,

« « with other types of structural development of the child's right to initiative

activities, increasing independence in motor

<и н шение интереса и выбор деятельности, твор-

£ K and motivation of children to motor activity, improvement of motor actions

End of table

Promoting the manifestation and development of the child's individuality in the physical aspect and the motor sphere

Individualization of tasks, means, forms and methods of physical development and education of children, individualization of motor tasks in group, frontal forms

Individual interaction of the teacher with the child, parents, recognition and respect for the individuality of each child and his parents_

The individual nature of motor activity, the manifestation of the child's individual achievements inherent in his nature

Creation of conditions for the realization of the personal potential (opportunities and interests) of each child in the motor sphere

Ensuring the opportunity for each child to realize himself (his abilities, inclinations, motor preferences), the realization of the right to choose a type, partner, equipment in motor activity

Targeted, personally oriented communication between an adult and a child, subject-subject interaction based on equal cooperation, mutual understanding and respect

Personal achievements of children: personal meaning of motor activity, personally significant motor experience, reflection, self-development orientation

and n o o i n and

Promoting the formation of initial key health-saving competencies

Formation of the initial competencies of health protection, which later serve as the basis of a healthy lifestyle, personal orientation of physical education, ensuring the activity of children

Personal subject-subject interaction of adults and children, the creation by the teacher of problem situations and situations of choosing the optimal motor behavior, the inclusion of children and parents in project activities

Formed integrative qualities of a preschooler - physically developed: harmonious, proactive, ready to independently solve problems related to maintaining health; professional competence of teachers and parents in the field of health protection of children

Raising a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle

Appropriation of universal human values ​​- the value of life, health; motivating children to master the basics of a healthy lifestyle (HLS)

Recognition of the unconditional value of the personality of each child, his life and health, positive interaction with the child, based on respect

Positive attitude to motor activity, value attitude to health, motivation of all participants in the educational process for a healthy lifestyle

Transformation of the system of physical culture and recreation activities in a preschool educational organization (PEO)

Determination, selection or design of the most optimal system of measures, conditions and influences based on the capabilities of a particular preschool organization

Integration of the efforts of all specialists of the preschool organization in cooperation with parents

Achievement of the maximum possible results (optimal for children of a particular preschool): reduction in morbidity, improvement in physical fitness and motor development

So, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education changes the attitude towards preschool childhood, defining it as an intrinsically valuable and very significant period of a person's life, which contains significant educational opportunities. The adopted Federal State Educational Standard is focused on achieving a new quality of preschool education, including in the field of physical culture of preschoolers.

In our opinion, the integrated application of the described approaches will provide the possibility of professional and prompt solution of the tasks defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, by all participants in the educational process in terms of the tasks of physical development and education of preschoolers.


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Yarkina T. N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

st. Kievskaya, 60, Tomsk, Russia, 634061. E-mail: [email protected]

The material was received by the editors on December 30, 2014. T. N. Yarkina



The article gives proof of the actual approaches to the physical development and education of children connected with the changes taking place in the preschool education. These

changes are caused by the introduction of the federal state educational standard. Presents the brief characteristic of the selected approaches, reveals their importance in regard to the physical development of preschoolers.

Properly organized physical education is extremely important for the full development of a growing child's body; therefore, specific approaches to the implementation of the process are required. These approaches, according to the author, are the activity, integrative, individual, personal, integrated application of these approaches will effectively solve the problems of the physical development of preschool children determined by the federal state educational standard of preschool education, for example, health protection and promotion, formation of the bases of a healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities and main types of movements of children.

Key words: federal state educational standard of preschool education, physical development, physical education ofpreschoolers, approach, standardization of education.

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Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

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