All types of collars with descriptions. Types of women's shoes. Choosing jewelry for different types of decollete

Collar - a knot or detail of a garment and knitwear, which is used to decorate and process the neckline. different types collars simultaneously protect the neck and upper body from adverse conditions and decorate clothing. The name of this part is standardized and is intended for processing the neck of clothing.

A properly selected collar affects the perception of the entire created image, its shape and cut are in harmony with the type of face.

The history of collars

It is believed that the collar as a detail along the edge of the neck in the world history of the costume appeared in the 13th century. Later, the edging was modified into a rack, going through various stages of change. In the 10s 21 it evolved into a fashionable removable accessory. The fashion for collars entered Russia in the era of Peter I, who opened the door to our country for European architects, shipbuilders and tailors. Modern titles women's and men's collars developed and systematized with the advent of the clothing industry and mass production of the 20th century.

Collar classification types

There are several types of classification: according to the principle of design, stitching and design of appearance. Changing fashion trends do not bypass the shape of the collar.

According to the principle of construction and design, they are:

  • one-piece (cut out together with the main piece of clothing);
  • sewn into the neck.

The type of construction is also affected by the method of connection with the neck (set-in, one-piece or combined) and the type of fastener. Typically, a collar consists of a stand and a departure, which are divided by a conditional inflection line or seam connection. In addition, it is important to understand that classical tech stylish collar with or without a stand, it is sewn from two main parts: the upper collar and collar (lower part). The rack, in turn, can be one-piece or stitched. The higher the rack, the more carefully the material and design is chosen.

Collar names

  • Collars are shaped according to the classical school of sewing design and technology.
  • Flat-lying or turn-down (with a low, almost imperceptible stand).
  • Standing (vertical stand along the neck).
  • Standing-turn-down (stand with departure).
  • Jacket type (complemented with lapels).
  • Modified and fantasy.

Stand Height, Reach Width and Decoration outer edge depend on fashion trends and the imagination of the designer.

The most common types of collars


characteristic of children and women's clothing. Make the image cute. The application of this cut is very dependent on fashion influences.

Stand-up turndown

Jacket type collars

fantasy collars

Fantasy come as modifications of the main types, more often decorate women's dresses and blouses.

When choosing a collar, focus on fashion trends, the proportions of the entire product and the purpose of the model. It is worth noting that sharp corners emphasize the severity of the image, and rounded ones emphasize infantilism and softness. Much depends on the shape of the face, the color and texture of the chosen fabric. Over the past few years, removable models have been relevant, which are an actively decorated accessory.

Men are not allowed to enter.

In contact with


Sometimes girls lack quite a bit to make their own. appearance ideal. In order to increase the degree of your own coolness, sometimes you need quite a bit.

1. Views women's shoes

Summer shoes for women come in a variety of types - from ballet flats to over the knee boots, which are more suitable for autumn-spring period rather than hot days. Only the main part of the summer clothing attribute is collected in shoe guides.

2. Another version)

3. Types of neckline

Consider the main types of neckline, focusing on the picture below.

4. Collar patterns

The collar is a piece of clothing that forms the neckline of the product and gives it a finished look. Various Models Collars perform several functions at the same time, depending on the purpose of the product: they protect from cold and wind and decorate the suit, creating a fashionable and stylish look.

Consider what collars are.

1. Soft hooded collar. 2. Stand collar. 3. Flounce collar. 4. Turtleneck collar (golf). 5. Wide flat collar. 6. Marine collar. 7. Collar-wings. 8. Flat collar "dog ears". 9. English collar with cuffs. 10. Lapel turn-down jacket collar. 11. Chelsea collar. 12. Shawl collar. 13. Collar. 14. Tie collar. 15. Collar Peter Pan. 16. Sharp shirt.

5. Types of collars

1. Standing Chinese collar. 2. Stand lace collar. 3. Collar "Bertha". 4. Golf collar. 5. Collar collar. 6. Polo collar. 7. Stand collar Mao. 8. Soft collar "Dog ears". 9. Collar-shawl. 10 Peter Pan 11. Collar with cuffs. 12. Collar with lapels and lapels. 13. Collar-bow. 14. Jabot. 15. Marine collar.

6. Choose decorations under different types neckline

7. Options for choosing jewelry for the neckline of clothes

8. What beads and chains of a certain length look like

9. Models of coats and raincoats

Modern models of coats and raincoats are identical in style, silhouette and construction, differing mainly in the materials used. During their existence, a lot of styles of coats and raincoats with characteristic features have appeared in fashion.

1 - Classic straight coat without fastening, 2 - double-breasted coat, 3 - balmakaan coat, 4 - British overcoat, 5 - duffle coat, 6 - wrap coat, 7 - caftan, 8 - inverness coat, 9 - carpet coat, 10 - crombie , 11 - raincoat mac.

12 - ulster coat, 13 - palmerston coat, 14 - classic pardessu coat, 15 - American polo coat, 16 - raincoat, 17 - cape, 18 - duster, 19 - raglan coat, 20 - reddingot coat, 21 - coat- princesses, 22 - trench coat.

23 - chesterfield coat, 24 - overcoat (military-style military coat), 25 - poncho, 26 - cape coat, 27 - top coat, 28 - coat with one button closure, 29 - coat dress, 30 - raincoat windbreaker (windbreaker, oilskins), 31 - Peter Pan swing coat, 32 - tail coat, 33 - cocoon coat (cocoon), 34 - short pea coat.

35 - asymmetric "trainer" coat, 36 - A-line coat, 37 - high waist retro coupon coat, 38 retro model coat with lantern sleeve, yoke and stand-up collar, 39 - vintage coat with large buttons and Biedermeier sleeve, 40 - safari-style a-line coat with patch pockets, 41 - shawl coat, 42 - romantic coat with flounces, 43 - fashion coat with a cape (cape, cape), 44 - flared coat in the style of New Look ( new look) with shawl collar, 45 - fitted coat without a ruffled collar, 46 is a fashionable straight coat with two buttons and a large collar.

10. Styles of sleeves

1. Set-in shirt sleeve. 2. Gathered at the cuff. 3. Sleeve-horn, sleeve-bell. 4. Raglan sleeve. 5. Bat sleeve. 6. Sleeve with shoulder strap. 7. Sleeve-safari. eight. Short sleeve with cuff. 9. Short puff sleeve, puff sleeve, page sleeve (there is also a long puff sleeve gathered at the shoulder and wrist). 10. With a flounce at the wrist. 11. Tulip sleeve. 12. Sleeve-wedge (a sleeve up to the elbow of the same type is called a caftan sleeve). 13. Short kimono sleeve, cap sleeve. 14. Calypso flounced sleeve. 15. Triangular sleeve. 16. Three-quarter sleeve. 17. Bishop's sleeve. 18. Pleated. 19. Sleeve-pagoda. 20. Corrugated sleeve. 21. classic sleeve kimono. 22. Sleeve with shoulder pad. 23. Narrow sleeve. 24. Short open sleeve (a draped open sleeve is also made according to its type). 25. Peasant sleeve.

11. Models of women's panties

Underwear, of course, is a rather delicate thing, but if you don’t want to get into trouble, and when choosing underwear in an online store to buy something wrong, just because you were guided by the name of the model, use the table that contains the main models of women's panties .

12. Style and type of bra

The first patent for the invention of a bra called Caresse Crosby was issued on September 3, 1914 to the American Mary Phelps Jacob, but since then many models have been invented that differ in type, shape and even purpose. The choice of underwear becomes difficult due to the variety of bra models.

13. What are the skirts: types of skirts

In the wardrobe of a modern woman, in addition to a little black dress, there must be such a universal element of clothing as a skirt. After all, it is the skirt that gives its owner femininity and elegance, emphasizes the beauty of her legs.

14. How to tuck long pants into boots.

This problem occurs very often in winter. To do this, they need to be tucked once and carefully put on socks from above. Now the tops of the boots will not stretch, and the trousers will not wrinkle.

15. Ways to transform a shirt.

It is enough to tie a T-shirt in a non-standard way or turn up the sleeves, and you are a completely different person.

16. How to choose earrings depending on your face shape

The main criterion for the selection of earrings is the shape of the face.

17. How to choose frames and glasses

No matter how you twist it, glasses are still part of the image, so to speak, of the very “clothes” by which everyone is greeted. Therefore, in order not to turn out to be a caricature incarnation of a dragonfly or Basilio the cat, it is worth considering a few tips on matching the shape of the frame to your type of face.

Remember that glasses almost always look harmonious if the width of the frame is equal to the width of the face or slightly exceeds it.

Look at the top line of the frame: it should approximately follow the curve of your eyebrows and be flush with them.

Persons with big features fit wide, massive frames. Miniature, thin faces are refined and graceful forms.

18. 100500 ways to tie a scarf

When, if not in the spring, wear and experiment with shawls, scarves, scarves and stoles.

19. Crib on the belt!

Just fastening it is no longer fashionable! You need to fantasize with him no less than with scarves. The picture will tell you how to do it beautifully.

20. Classification of women's handbags

The handbag has long been an integral accessory of the female image. She emphasizes the style of her owner, can say about her social status and fashion tastes, diversify the wardrobe and decorate the outfit.

Sometimes it is impossible to do without theoretical knowledge

Even if you have never worn a tailcoat, tie or bow tie in your life, the likelihood that one day you will not only have to, but also want to, is quite high. In order to make the right decision at the right time, you should remember a few simple rules regarding indispensable attributes men's wardrobe. After all, accessories and details play almost the main role in creating a male image.

The collar is in such dangerous proximity to the face that it can easily tell about its owner not at all what he would like. The same message carried by the collars different shapes, are practically independent of fashion. So, when choosing a shirt, be vigilant.

Classic collar

This is the most common type of collar designed to be worn with. Almost all "business" shirts for formal occasions have just such.

With a classic collar, you can wear both a tie and a bow tie.

Steve Jobs. Founder of Apple. Photo:

Oblique collar

The second most popular is the "oblique" collar. It completely or almost completely opens the tie knot and also has several subspecies that differ in the width of the neckline. It is suitable not only for traditional ties, but also for bow ties.

The oblique collar (sometimes called "shark" "or French") with a "medium" neckline looks like a classic one: the difference becomes noticeable when you pay attention to the outlines of the collar around the tie. The oblique collar allows you to use a tie made of dense materials and tie quite voluminous knots.

Examples of oblique collars with a "standard" cutout, wider, are easy to find if you enter the name of the first political figure or actor that comes to mind in any search engine. In the image search results, you will see hundreds of these collars. The turn of its corners forms almost horizontal line. In this regard, you need to find out once and for all whether such an angle worsens the proportions of your face and neck.

The wide neckline of the slanting collar can be with sharp or rounded edges. Shirts with such a collar are most often made to order, so that in a circle of people who understand clothes, such a collar can report fine taste its owner.

Mikhail Gorbachev. Photo:

Collar with buttons (button down)

This type of collar is typical for casual shirts- for example, flannel in a cage, as well as for "working" shirts. It is universal, goes to everyone and does not oblige to anything.

A button-down collar does not require a tie.

Bill Gates. Founder of Microsoft. Photo:

Collar on a pin

Unimaginable rarity and rare smartness. If you want to master it, admire shirts with such collars on the heroes of movies and gossip columns in Tatler magazine.

Stand collar

This collar is a strip of fabric that wraps around the neck. Can sometimes carry small decorative elements. This is the most concise, but at the same time the most defiant and difficult to handle collar. By the way, he looks better than others with scarves and scarves.

Now shirts with such collars are often worn with, and earlier they were worn with a vest (in the manner of an unbelted Jewish boy).

Keith Richards. Rolling Stones.

A collar that has a rather complex design, referring to the clothes of European clergy and to the stand-up collar: its ends are adjacent to the ribbon due to their connection with a special cloth buckle under the tie. The ends of the collar are fastened with buttons or snaps. Today it is considered somewhat old-fashioned.

With such a collar, it is better to use small tie knots.

Rod Serling. Screenwriter, actor, writer, producer

Detachable collar

Another type of collar, which is very rare and is used as a component necessary for a tuxedo.

By the beginning of this decade, fashion had managed to break everything. existing rules, but she failed to cancel them. Therefore, the collar of a men's shirt still determines the style and mood of the entire suit.

Paul Smith autumn/winter 2010-11

Alexander McQueen spring/summer 2011

Day by Day Beauty & Youth United Arrows fall/winter 2010-2011

Roberto Cavalli fall/winter 2011-2012

Roberto Cavalli spring/summer 2011

Until the Middle Ages, there were no collars on clothes at all. Only in the 13th century did a narrow strip appear in the neckline, which gradually turns into a stand-up collar. In the 14th and 15th centuries, a narrow stand-up collar is typical of vams and men's cloaks in the Burgundian style. In the 15th century, the collar is usually made of fur or velvet.

Berte - a border like a collar along the neckline of a lady's dress, fashionable between 1830-1860 Collar a la Mary Stuart - a lace collar on a wire frame. It was named after the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart. Collar a la Schiller - since the time of the Scouts at the beginning of the 20th century, this is the usual name for turn-down collars of men's sports shirts. Reminiscent of the fashion of the era of the poet Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

The millstone collar (Praise, Krause, Out tenkragen, Muhlstein, Kalbgekrose, Halskrause, pulci-nelle) is a wide white collar that fits snugly around the neck and has its origins in the Spanish fashion of the 16th century. After 1575, it became an independent piece of fashionable clothing and grew to such a size that around 1586 its name “millstone” (Muhlstetnkragen) arises, often it becomes a nuisance for cartoonists. sewed it from thin linen, folded and starched or sometimes even planted on wire frame. In Germany and Flanders (Duttenkragen) it is worn until early XVIII century. In the 18th century, it remained for a long time among the Jews as an obligatory part of the costume. Until now, it is still found in national costumes and is an element classic suit pierrot.

Gollilla - originally lining under big collar"millstone" in Spanish fashion. Later worn as an independent collar - narrow, starched, rounded and turned up.

Frame. In the ladies' fashion of the 90s of the XVIII century, a very unnatural “3”-shaped silhouette of a female figure dominated, which arose as a result of the fact that the shirt-front on the chest rose so much that the chin was buried in it. The chest was raised with the help of a flexible frame, which was jokingly called trompos (trompeuse, Betrugerin), which means "deceiver".

Kohler (koller, French collier) - in the 15th and 16th centuries, a female collarcovering the shoulders and neck, from which a collar-cut shirt later arose.

Kerchief (mouchoir) - used at the end of the 18th century to cover the neckline of a karaco (jacket with long floors and semi-long sleeves).

Lapel. Under the alonge wig, the collar is not visible, it loses its function, only a small lapel (lapel) in front remains of it.

Bib (Brustfleck, Brusttuch, Halshemd) - at the beginning of the 16th century, it drapes a deep neckline of women's dresses. At that time, it was also used by men, so far it has been preserved in some national costumes.

Tippet - introduced in France by Louis XIV's daughter-in-law, Margraves Elisabeth Charlotte of Falz. It is made of lace, silk or velvet with a warm lining, sometimes with batting, and often trimmed with fur. The tippet served not only for decoration, but also for protection from the cold.

Rabat - a two-piece turn-down collar, straight, worn in the era of Louis XIV, still preserved in the clothes of Protestant priests.

"Roman neck" - since there was no collar in the antique costume, now in men's fashion one speaks of a "Roman neck" when the collar is intentionally not sewn on.

The Saxon Collar is a stiff gold collar, very close-fitting, worn by women during the Reformation era.

Falbel (from Italian falbala) - an inlay made of pleated or pleated fabric - a flounce that is sewn on underwear in the Rococo style and is visible on the chest from under the cloak open in front.

Vatermord (Vatermorder) - in the Biedermeier era, a collar on a men's shirt with hard protruding corners.

Folette - triangular scarf from thin light matter. In the first half of the 18th century, it was freely thrown around the neck, and the ends were tucked into the neckline in front.

Frizhe (apparently derived from Latin frisium) is a 16th-century Czech embroidered collar.

671. French school of the second half of the 16th century, Louise de Lorraine. Louvre, Paris. The French lady is dressed in a low-cut dress with a pleated stand-up collar. These large collars a la Mary Stuart were raised with a wire frame.

675. Juan Pantoja de la Cruz, Portrait of Donna Juanna of Aragon, nee. Pernstein, wife of Ferdinand of Aragon. State castle in Nelagozevsi (Czechoslovakia).

Decoration around the edges, which was first called rabat, and later baffchen. Until now, it can be seen on the clothes of the clergy. It originated from semicircular collars popular around 1660.

As in any other field, details are important in the art of dressing. You've probably heard the saying "the devil is in the details". Indeed, the same demon (which can easily ruin everything) sits in such seemingly insignificant episodes as socks worn with sandals; or socks that are too short, unsightly revealing part of the leg under the trousers when you are sitting; or, for example, a tie tied too short, not reaching the belt buckle. All these little things significantly reduce positive effect the rest of the outfit.

Every coin has a reverse side. Therefore, just as the wrong details can do you a disservice, so well-chosen ones can make your image interesting and memorable.

In this sense, our time is quite favorable period for men in terms of creating a stylish image. Back from the oblivion of the nineties pocket squares - one of the most elegant men's accessories. Knitted ties are more relevant than ever. is an extremely popular and interesting trend. But even without resorting to extraordinary tools, any man can diversify his wardrobe by turning to pretty traditional elements, (but no less stylish for that), and get rid of the boring routine of your daily kit. One of such items of men's clothing can be, for example, the so-called button-down.

The fact is that even monophonic blue shirt, which often looks rather trivial, can be transformed as soon as it has a button-down collar. Here, this little nuance is able to enliven the whole set, even without the help of patterns. There is something subtly attractive in this small detail, which allows it to remain one of the most essential elements male fashion.

Buttons on the shirt collar: the history of appearance

It all started in 1896, when John E. Brooks, the grandson of the founder of the world-famous American company Brooks Brothers, saw in England, polo players fastened with two small buttons, collars. It was very convenient while playing. Men at that time had ample ways to fasten the collar of a shirt, including, for example, a special pin, or one could starch it to the required degree of rigidity. However, for specific sports purposes, buttons were the most suitable option.

John. I. Brooks was so fascinated by the invention that he immediately sent instructions to New York to develop the same collar for ordinary men's shirts. As soon as Brooks Brothers released their first cotton white snap-on collar shirt, it almost instantly became a classic.

AT different times throughout the 20th century, style icons such as Paul Newman and Miles Davis appeared in public.

A curious question was asked to the editor of an American newspaper of the 60s by a reader who saw a photo of V.I. and says that this is not a real button-down, but just two buttons connected by a special thin rod, which allows Vladimir Ilyich's collar and tie to look neat.

Today we have a slightly modernized shirt with a button-down collar. Now many models are produced with a rather rigid collar and short ends, which makes it too regular, deprives that stylish negligence that is inherent in soft collars with long ends, which allows the collar to look slightly asymmetrical and more casual. Do not iron such a collar too much - let it remain slightly rounded.

How to wear

As you understand, due to the fact that the button-down has a sporting origin, the style to which shirts of this type belong can be called sporty, casual - whatever, but not classic (in more detail). Therefore, you can combine it with things that are close in mood. Well, for example, button-down collar shirt goes great with jeans sports jackets, denim jackets. It can be worn loose. Should not be worn with formal suit, - in general, for any event where a strict dress code is required. Also, a double-breasted jacket will not look good with a shirt that has buttons on the collar.

Can I wear a tie with this shirt? It should be noted that this combination is more typical for the United States, because our shirt comes from there. In Europe, a traditional collar is more preferred to a tie.

The most successful node in this case will be four-in-hand (), and matching tie- knitted silk or cotton, linen. Choose informal colors. bow tie also possible variant. And, without a doubt, you can wear a shirt with a clip-on collar. no tie.

If you are wearing a sweater round neck in combination with a shirt, you probably encountered a problem when the ends of the collar are sometimes knocked out from under the sweater. Button-down solves it.

By the way, there are collars of this kind with hidden buttons on the market. But remember, this doesn't make the shirt more formal - it's just a variation of the same collar.

Last but not least, if your shirt collar has buttons, fasten them. I'm not talking about the fashion trend now - leave it unbuttoned intentionally(photo below). This is, after all, for the most advanced, and others should know for sure that this is not just negligence on your part. For the vast majority, it looks like banal laziness.

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The collar is one of the most important details clothes. Regardless of the fashion and style of clothing, collars are divided into three main types: stand-up, flat and wrapped. Stand collars are the easiest to sew, such as the Peter Pan collar and the navy collar. They are made on blouses and children's clothing. Roll-up and turn-down collars are suitable for professionally tailored clothing.

What are the types of collars called?

Collar "mandarin"

The corners of this collar are often made rounded at the front. The collar smoothly wraps around the neck, but does not cover it.

shirt collar

The shirt collar has one straight stand and a collar piece that folds over the stand, which can be cut as a separate piece or as part of the collar.

Roll-up collar

In this collar, one part imitates a stand, the other is wrapped around a stand. The rack detail may be slightly higher at the back.

Wide collar

A wide collar is a variant of the main wrap collar, in which the details of the stand gradually narrow towards the center of the front.

Jabot collar

The basis of the shape of the frill collar is a square of fabric, cut along the oblique. The ends of the square form ruffles.

Stand collar

The collar "stands" directly on the seam line of the neckline. Can be made from narrow tape or from a wide one that wraps on the front side.

Flat collar

A collar that lies almost flat at the neck. Its variants are the Peter Pan collar and the sea collar.

Now you know what the types of collars are called.

Collar details

The collar may consist of a single lettuce and be sewn on so that the edges meet in the center in front or in the center in the back. If the collar is cut in two parts, then its ends meet both in the center in front and in the center in the back. Depending on the shape, the collar can be cut in one piece of fabric folded in half, or in two pieces that are sewn together.

We impose a sealant

The seal is usually applied to the wrong side of the upper part of the collar, if wrapped or flat, or to outer part stand-up collar. The seal supports the top layer of fabric and hides the protruding front side seam allowances.

For a flat collar made of very light fabric

A sewn-in seal is taken for light and thin fabrics. For very thin ones, choose a suitable organdy. Attach the seal to wrong side the top of the collar. then baste.

For stand-up collar

Apply a light, sewn-in seal to the entire collar piece. Baste the seal against the fabric along the crease line. (Fusible sealant covers the outer top half of the collar just up to the crease line.)

For roll-up collar

Place the sewn-in seal on the inside of the one-piece collar half. Half will form the top of the collar. Sew the seal with a goat seam to the fabric along. Write the folds.

Using different seals

Light to medium weight pads are cut to the shape of the collar, including seam allowances. Before applying a dense sewn-in seal, the seam allowances on it are cut off.

The seal is attached to the entire upper part of the collar, including seam allowances.

Sew a lightweight, sewn-in seal to the top of the collar along the stitching line. With the sealed side up, trim the seam allowance of the seal as closely as possible.

heavy compactor

Secure the heavy sewn-in seal to the wrong side of the collar top with a goat stitch of the seam police.

fusible seal

Apply sealant to the entire top of the collar and iron. Pin the top of the collar to the bottom with pins. Stitch along the edges. Trim the seam allowances.

Surprisingly, there is still no unified classification of outerwear collars (despite the fact that this detail is already more than 500 years old!) Some divide them according to the way they are combined with the neck into set-in and one-piece, others according to the type of fastener into open and closed, others are generally perplexed: “How can you combine a hundred different styles, where each collar is a small masterpiece of tailoring art?!” The most general "breakdown" is given in the tutorials on cutting and sewing: "Models of outerwear can have standing, stand-turn-down, flat-lying, jacket and fantasy types of collars." Let's stop on it.

1. Stand collars

"Racks" were the first collars to appear on outerwear. In the 13th century, they were narrow strips of fabric - no more than two centimeters - on Burgundy cloaks and jackets. Jackets at that time were called insulated trapezoidal jackets of knights, worn under armor. From the 15th century, standing collars begin to grow up and in breadth, as a result of which such phantasmagoric styles as the “millstone” appear. It is said that the edge of this starched pleated collar was so cruel that, without removing it, it was impossible to reach your mouth with your hand. And I wanted to eat. Therefore, the Italians, who had a special love for the "millstone", had to invent a fork.

Today, the rack is used mainly for sewing outerwear, and its height varies between 2-5 centimeters. The most popular types of racks: "tangerine", "clamp" and "pipe".

"Mandarin" (aka "Chinese" and "Mao")

Already from the name it is clear that this collar came to us from Imperial China, a country with a strict hierarchical ladder and the same strict dress code. "Tangerines" here long time called officials and civil servants wearing suits with a short, tight-fitting neck, stand-up collar, the edges of which either touch in the middle or run into each other a little.

A coat with such a collar will surely appeal to women who know a lot about subtle beauty Oriental or those who prefer minimalist clothing. And in the men's collections, "Mao" - as a symbol of authoritarianism and power - is most often found on brutal picots, strict uniforms like those of Napoleonic marshals and laconic denim jackets.


And this is a greeting from the recent Soviet past. A “collar” was born from an English knitted sweater, more precisely from its neck (in the USSR, this fashion came in the 60s). At first, he was very reminiscent of his ancestors - he was knitted, soft and tall. Later it began to be sewn from other materials: cashmere, wool, satin.

“Clamp”, as needlewomen and fashion designers affectionately call this type, softens the lines of a classic coat, gives it a touch of charming femininity. AT last years collar collar increasingly prefers to perform solo, becoming separate subject women's wardrobe.

"Pipe" and its variety "Funnel"

The same as the "collar", but from a stiffer fabric, without numerous cozy folds and waves.

2. Stand-up turndown

They consist of two parts: a hidden stand and a visible pointed or, conversely, rounded departure.

Despite the variety of stand-up collars (“kent”, “butterfly”, “vario”, “tab”, etc.), only one model is usually used for sewing a coat - “shark”. Its feature is widely spaced (like the mouth of a predator) corners of departure. So wide that they form an obtuse angle. Other types of stand-up collars adorn men's and women's shirts.

3. Flat-lying

Purely women's collars, which brought into fashion ... a man. The cutesy king of England, Henry III, was passionately fond of dressing up. And to put on perfume, wear white stockings and curl your hair. Once, the king considered that the popular "millstones" were very heavy and not elegant enough and ordered to make for himself a camisole with a light lace collar. Well, what the head of state wears, everyone wears. Later, such collars began to be sewn from satin and velvet, for greater beauty they were cleaved with a brooch and tied with a ribbon.

Today, finding outerwear with a flat collar is a great success. Such coat models are beautiful, a little naive, incredibly feminine, but not very practical (weakly cover the neck), so they are supplied to stores in limited quantities.

4. Jackets

These are collars that have switched to outerwear with official costumes, men's jackets and tailcoats.

English collar

The most popular and perfect coats of all time are English collar coats similar to these models. Strict and elegant as an aristocrat of England, he has been out of fashion and time for three centuries in a row, it is not for nothing that almost all the coats of the President of Russia are decorated with this respectable collar!
First appearing as a detail of men's clothing, the English collar became, and still remains, an integral part of business style, for both men and women. He is gaining more and more fans due to the fact that he fits well into any dress code. It is found in many types of women's clothing: coats, dresses, blouses, which allows you to diversify your office wardrobe. If we talk about a coat with such a collar, then for a successful configuration under it, it is recommended to wear a turtleneck or cover your neck beautifully by tying a scarf, but do not leave it open, especially in cold weather.


East and West are fighting for the right to call it their own. The former claim that national Chinese robes had a similar collar shape, the latter are sure that the “schalke” is an invention of the Byzantines, who have long loved to decorate the sides of their outerwear with fur. Of these disputes, only one thing is known for sure: in the old days, only a rich and noble person could afford a schalke collar. (The poor preferred more practical styles).


A strongly open rectangular collar, vaguely resembling a guis in shape. In Russia it was popular in the 60s of the last century. In Europe, he has been known for a long time, but is considered the collar of rebellious youth and hooligans - Apaches. These young people from the country of noble wines and intricate streets wore such wide collars to show their independence, a dismissive attitude towards the “noose” tie, because it was simply impossible to wear it with an Apache shirt!

5. Fantasy

This group can safely include everything that was not included in the previous four. Fantasy collars rarely stay “afloat” for a long time, these are, as a rule, edgy models that are worth buying in two cases:
1) You like to update your wardrobe often and be in trend.

2) You already have a couple classic coats and not enough original style for a special occasion.

Need a coat with an unusual collar? Pay attention to the following novelties of the online store "PokupkaLyuks":