Philip Kirkorov what orientation? Philip Kirkorov is an experienced gay man (photo). “It’s not he, not she, but it!”

Songwriter Ilya Reznik released a scandalous novel in verse, “The Adventures of Boba the Greek,” in which he openly informed the public about the homosexual inclinations of the “under-king of remakes” pop singer Philip Kirkorov.

For example, in the poem “Diva” there are such ironic lines about famous Russian artists:

And he began to compose songs
Excitedly and frantically...

... Having learned about this, the masters
They began to shiver and tremble -
Hanok fled back to Brest,
And Apina - to Siberia.
Secretly crossed the border
With Valeria Prigozhin,
And Pauls and Laima left
To a Latvian monastery.

All mentions Alla Pugacheva maintained in an extremely respectful and respectful spirit.

Singer with a wild head
Spring fire
Burned in righteous fire
And she continued to sing.

And Philip Kirkorov with his boyfriend...

And here Philip Kirkorov not good. He is mentioned exclusively in homosexual overtones. Here he writes about him Ilya Reznik in the song “Privoz”:

All of Odessa came to eat,
My contingent fought as hard as they could.
Kirkorov did not have a place here,
When I brought my boyfriend to eat.

It is worth recalling that the relationship between Reznik And Kirkorov ended at the moment of the famous Rostov scandal, when an excited singer humiliated a journalist Irina Aroyan. Reznik then he considered that it was inappropriate for an artist to behave like that with a woman - “I’m just ashamed of him.” Then, live on one of the Ukrainian radio stations, a telephone conversation took place between Ilya Reznik And Philip Kirkorov. The singer accused Reznik in betrayal and called him Judas.

Broke off relations with Reznik then and then wife Kirkorova Alla Pugacheva. Then, however, they Ilya Reznik made up. Philip Kirkorov now he also admits that his behavior in Rostov was a huge mistake. But to put up with “Judas” Reznik he never did.

And here's the answer Reznik– lines that unambiguously expose Philip Kirkorov as a gay man. The confession is very eloquent and convincing. Exactly Reznik wrote such hits Pugacheva, like “Maestro”, “Antique Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”, etc. Ilya Reznik close to for many years Alla Pugacheva and, without any doubt, knows many intimate facts from the life of her immediate circle.

Gays in show business

In the show crowd, no one hides the sexual orientation of the famous singer behind his back. However, Philip Kirkorov vehemently denies his homosexuality. In thoroughly homophobic Russia, an artist’s public recognition of himself as gay can lead to loss of popularity. It's no coincidence that recently Boris Moiseev, one of the few artists to admit to being gay, recently said that he considers coming out to be a mistake. And if it were possible to turn back time, he would never have repeated those public words about his homosexuality.

Birds of a feather flock together...

Rumors and speculation about candidates for the mother of Philip Kirkorov's newborn daughter, Alla Victoria, are multiplying exponentially. Kirkorov himself has already admitted that a surrogate mother from America gave birth to his baby. But, apart from some details, nothing was known about this woman until... the popular Ukrainian TV presenter, Alexey Diveev-Tserkovny, spilled the beans. It is known that Alexey has long been friends with Kirkorov. Diveev-Tserkovny is also an organizer and member of the jury of various beauty contests. In an interview with Ukrainian journalists, he said and said: “I know something from Philip’s personal life.” Now, in January, he flies to America for a month to visit his child. He specifically bought a house in the suburbs of Miami - next door to Leontyev. And he very confidentially told reporters: “A Ukrainian gave birth to a daughter, Philippa.” She is a former winner of the Miss Ukraine Universe pageant. Now lives in America. 25-year-old Lyudmila Bikmullina. Lyudmila then made a splash throughout Ukraine, making it to the finals of the Miss Universe world competition. Needless to say, meticulous reporters immediately made inquiries about all six winners of this competition. As it turned out, none of them had become pregnant recently, except... the winner of the 2007 competition - 25-year-old Lyudmila Bikmullina. Lyudmila then made a splash throughout Ukraine, making it to the finals of the Miss Universe world competition, which was held in 2008 in Mexico City. There, Bikmullina, by the way, became friends with the ex-soloist of Via Gra, Tatyana Kotova, who that year represented Russia at Miss Universe. They say that after the competition, Luda first lived in Hong Kong, working there under a contract, and then married American and gave birth to a child. And six months ago there was a rumor that Lyudmila was pregnant again - the due date was approaching just in the month of November this year. No one has yet been able to reach Bikmullina - the girl changed all her phone numbers. And the beauty's close friends are strenuously hiding any details from her life... "Friend" of Filippchik))) Lyudmila Bikmullina at the Miss Ukraine contest Now the 25-year-old model lives in America.

Famous men who carefully hide their personal lives from annoying journalists cannot but be of interest. And if they are also beautiful, talented and damn attractive, then their mystery awakens in the common man an unbearable desire to get to the bottom of the truth.

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This is not at all surprising, because what is carefully hidden behind seven locks always leads to the most extraordinary thoughts. We have prepared for you a selection of representatives of domestic show business, about whose unconventional orientation there are persistent rumors. While some people literally have it written on their foreheads, others can’t even tell!

Sergey Lazarev

And even though the singer’s countless army of fans refuses to believe such rumors, more and more rumors are circulating that Seryozha Lazarev is far from ideal. The Diva herself has repeatedly spoken out about the singer’s unconventional orientation, leaving the latter in a state of shock.

“You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. You personally need a friend, a life partner. Because all these cupcakes-schmex, they come and go. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much."“,” Alla Borisovna once said.

The affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, it turns out, was a diversion?

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Ballet dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not like to talk about his personal life and is in no hurry to start a family. Charming Tsiskaridze does not hide his involvement in the LGBT community at all and often jokes quite caustically and boldly on such topics.

Oleg Menshikov

Fans of the handsome actor find this hard to believe, but more and more sources confirm: “Oleg Menshikov gravitates towards the stronger sex...” Well, who to love is a purely personal matter. It's not for us to judge!

Nikolay Baskov

“Kolya is the most notorious gay I've ever met!"- the singer’s ex-producer once said. Even if the rumors about the artist’s gay orientation turn out to be true, it is unlikely that he will decide to come out. Mature women of strict views certainly will not understand such a statement. And they, as you know, are the main audience of the charming singer.

Victor Sukhorukov

Viktor Sukhorukov is one of the most secretive actors in Russian cinema. At 66 years old, the artist has no wife or children. In an interview, he said that his celibacy is a kind of sacrifice placed on the altar of art. However, spiteful critics are convinced that the artist simply does not want to advertise his unconventional orientation.

Evgeniy Mironov

Another bachelor of Russian show business, rumors about whose gay orientation have been wandering around the Internet for several years. A few years ago, social networks literally exploded with the news that Mironov entered into a homosexual marriage with actor Sergei Astakhov. The news turned out to be fake, but talk about the actor’s strange addictions does not subside. A man of mystery, nothing less.

Maksim Galkin

The comedian and long-time favorite of the Diva of the Russian stage has long been credited with unconventional orientation, namely, a love affair with a colleague.

Sergei Drobotenko.

Like, “friends” spend a lot of time together, stay in the same room when traveling and generally look at each other with loving eyes. Fans of the star couple Pugalkins refuse to believe such rumors, because Alla Borisovna cannot marry a gay man!

Andrei Malakhov

Andrei Malakhov and his companion Natalya Shkuleva have been together since 2011, but the couple talk very little about their personal lives. Recently, there have been caustic rumors in the press that Malakhov’s marriage is just a fiction. Rumor has it that Natalia has another, loving husband who does not live in Russia, and for Malakhov this marriage is a way to hide his unconventional orientation.

By the way, Andrei Malakhov is so intelligent and friendly that his fans would certainly forgive him for the most frank statements.

Alexander Rybak

The famous singer from Norway has long stated that he is not interested in girls, because his heart is occupied by a man. There is an opinion that Rybak revealed his sexuality in order to attract additional attention to his person at the Eurovision Song Contest.

And fans of the handsome artist flatly refuse to take his words seriously and simply do not believe that their favorite prefers men.

Fans of Maxim Galkin and Alexei Panin continue to discuss the high-profile gay scandal in which the stars were drawn. Passions flared up because of the phrase “You are a homosexual who lives with an old woman!”, which the actor addressed to the comedian on his social network page. Alexey was outraged by Maxim’s joke about the portfolios that stars could receive if Ksenia Sobchak wins the presidential election. The head of the Committee for the Protection of Animals and the Environment, according to the comedian, would be Panin.


“I understand when pet people try to joke about dogs. Okay, if the topic of sex had been brought up, stocking... As for homosexuality, I told the truth. I, for example, am bisexual. I don’t think it’s an insult,” - the artist emphasized.

Showman Rustam Solntsev was shocked by what happened. “I do not share Panin’s point of view. I am against forced coming outs (recognition of a person’s belonging to a sexual or gender minority. - Ed.), which are also done indelicately, tastelessly, tactlessly,” Rustam emphasized. “It was strange to receive from such an advanced, uninhibited and free person, including in sex, as Alexey Panin, such a statement, one can observe discrimination on his part based on the principle of orientation.”

It’s interesting that forced coming outs have caused huge scandals before. In 2004, after the scandal with the pink blouse of journalist Irina Aroyan, chansonnier Alexander Novikov addressed an open letter to Philip Kirkorov. “I am writing this in strictly blue ink,” the bard emphasized. “Knowing your dislike, as you deigned to put it, for “boobs,” I promise further in the text not to mention this part of the female body that is useless to you. Please imagine for your own comfort what is before your eyes not they, the damned ones, but one oak man’s dignity.”

And in 2008, Alla Pugacheva invited singer Sergei Lazarev to the studio of the then existing Radio Alla. And she began to lecture him on air: “You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. Although if you suddenly decide, then here’s my advice to you, as from a wise woman. For you personally, if for the sake of order, get married , you need a friend, first of all, a partner in life. Because all these sex-shams, they come and go. Well, to have a child, you can try once, even two or three. But, in principle, this is not the reason for this in life "You need a person. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much and helps you."

In 2016, Atlético Madrid footballer Koke called Cristiano Ronaldo gay during a verbal altercation. And he immediately replied: “Yes, I’m gay, but I have a lot of money, and you’re a bastard.” Western media regarded this as nothing more than the official coming out of the athlete. Although the football player was suspected of being gay for a long time - he was spotted in the company of kickboxer Badr Hari. It was rumored that the Real Madrid management even forbade Ronaldo to fly to his lover too often, so as not to alienate the teams of loyal fans of the Madrid club.

It is unknown which of the named sports and stage stars actually loves men. Perhaps these are all slander and speculation. But in any case, this is everyone’s personal choice and freedom. And publicly discussing who is sleeping with whom is incorrect.

Nowadays, the concept of family is becoming more and more blurred, and celebrities play an important role in this, sometimes building the unit of society in the strangest way. And if a single mother has long been perceived as a normal phenomenon, after all, there is really nothing unnatural about it, then the increase in the number of strange dads is somewhat alarming.

Philip Kirkorov

The most recent example of a single star dad is Philip Kirkorov, who announced to the audience the birth of his daughter during the filming of “The Golden Gramophone.” Of course, this is a great happiness for any man, but the circumstances of the birth of a child are still very strange. As you know, after his divorce from Alla Pugacheva, the singer proclaimed himself a lonely knight and did not even try to find another life partner. It is not surprising that, coupled with Kirkorov’s other oddities, his single lifestyle gave rise to many rumors about the artist’s “wrong” sexual orientation. Philip himself did not comment on his personal life and only said that he was married only to his work and simply could not afford to have a full-fledged family. However, this year the artist increasingly spoke about children. From newspaper gossip you can learn about Philip’s desire to have a baby from Ani Lorak or even about the intentions of a certain singer Kamalia to donate her own egg to Kirkorov for a good cause. Note that the conversation was exclusively about some strange methods of conception (how could married Lorak or the same Kamalia give birth to Philip naturally?), and Philip spoke only about the dream of becoming a dad, completely forgetting about the role of an exemplary husband and family man.

And so, last week, sensational news broke: Philip Kirkorov became a dad! At first they said that the artist’s daughter was born to his good friend, who had been living in the USA for many years. The singer himself also assured that he was quite capable of conceiving a child naturally, but in the end he gave up and admitted: the child was carried by a surrogate mother.

“I’m not hiding this today,” the artist said on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program. “And using my example, I want to show everyone that single people who want to have children can solve their problem. Of course, I understand that among my "There were a lot of fans who wanted to give birth to my child. But where is the guarantee that tomorrow this girl will not get into her head to take my child away from me?"

The artist is literally counting the days until he finally takes his girl home from the USA. According to Kirkorov, the baby turned out to be his exact copy - with large dark eyes and black hair. Philip thoroughly prepared for his new role: “I want to go through this whole path of development of her body, her colic... I read a lot of literature about it!” - Kirkorov boasted, ready to dedicate not only his songs to the child, but his whole life. Of course, it’s good to have such a loving dad, but what will it be like for a child to grow up without a mom?

As you know, the star dad chose an original name for his daughter - Alla Victoria - it’s easy to guess that the girl will bear the name of Philip’s mother and his only wife Alla Pugacheva.

Nikolay Baskov

On our stage, and besides Philip Kirkorov, there are stars whose family life is not going very well, but their desire to have children does not disappear. Take Nikolai Baskov, for example, who rants about his paternal instincts at every opportunity. However, let's face it: Basque has long been in the camp of “strange” star dads, only for him everything turned out the other way around, and it was he himself who acted as a “surrogate” dad for his son Bronislav. As everyone remembers, in his marriage to Svetlana Shpigel, the “golden voice of Russia” had a son, but soon after that the couple decided to divorce and since then, Nikolai doesn’t want to know anything about the child. Svetlana, meanwhile, recently remarried businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, and 5-year-old Bronislav dedicated a touching poem to the couple, calling them “dad and mom.” But this doesn’t bother Baskov at all. “We have been living our own lives for a long time now. I simply chose to serve the audience in life. The stage is the most important thing in my life. It so happens that I don’t see my son. But I pray for him. He is in my heart. I will be happy “if he has a good father,” that’s all the artist said.

At the same time, his words spoken several years ago look all the more strange: “I also want to become a father again. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Life is unpredictable! The most important thing is that I now have a great desire to become a father. And it doesn’t even matter "I'll have a boy or a girl. In any case, I will be happy about their appearance in my life."

By the way, when asked about surrogacy, Basque gave a very interesting answer: “Children are generally wonderful. The main thing is that they appear. That’s all.”

Valery Leontiev

The child from the surrogate mother was also attributed to Valery Leontyev. Two years ago, the singer allegedly became the father of a girl, whom he decided to name Ekaterina in honor of his mother. True, Leontyev himself never confirmed the rumors about his paternity, and explained the photographs with a small child in his arms simply: why is it now impossible to babysit a friend’s child? Those who picked up the news about a joyful event in the singer’s life can be completely understood. He has been married to Lyudmila Isakovich for many years, about whose sexuality they want to talk all sorts of things, and Leontyev himself in this regard has also long earned himself a bad reputation. In addition, the marriage of Isakovich and Leontyev can safely be called a “guest” marriage, the spouses live separately, and Lyudmila, even in her youth, was not eager to give her husband an heir. Therefore, if it turns out that Valery Yakovlevich also decided to resort to the latest technologies, there will be nothing to be surprised about. Moreover, the star’s wife is not at all against such a turn. “I always said: if he wants to have children, let him have them, I will treat the child like a nephew,” she says calmly. “Or like a godson.”

Sergey Zverev

As life shows, Sergei Zverev, who became famous for his shocking antics, is not alien to ordinary human desires. So, he has been raising his son Seryozha alone for many years. There were various rumors about the birth of a boy. According to one version, the stylist’s ex-girlfriend gave birth to the child, and then decided to give up raising her son and handed him over to Sergei. Another, more plausible version was voiced by actor and blogger Stas Sadalsky. According to him, Zverev took the boy from the orphanage. “This was not a very ordinary adoption,” he wrote. “The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in orphanages at that time was catastrophic.”

In addition to Sergei Zverev, his mother is also involved in raising the guy, but now that Zverev Jr. is in the last grades of school, the star dad is increasingly taking him with him to parties and tours. “I wouldn’t want to be a kind of Arina Rodionovna for my son,” he shared in an interview. “Because a person must go through any stage of life on his own. At the moment, Seryoga is a star, better than me. My son also signs autographs ", he has his own army of fans. I really like what happens to him, the fact that he is talented and can answer for himself and for his actions."

Ricky Martin

Abroad, people have long been accustomed to strange single dads, but still, every time a single male celebrity suddenly has children outside the family, the news is perceived as a sensation. Ricky Martin became the father of wonderful twins Valentino and Matteo back in August 2008, when the whole world was not yet aware of his non-traditional sexual orientation. Indeed, before the singer persistently hid his inclinations and even had affairs with girls. "I'm a modern man, I live life to the fullest and I don't feel guilty about myself. If I'm gay, why don't I talk about it openly? No, I'm a normal man who loves women and sex. Yes, I'm a hot Puerto Rican prankster, but men I’m not attracted to you,” - this is how Ricky described his preferences ten years ago.

However, the appearance of children in the artist’s life, but not a wife, again gave rise to rumors about his homosexuality. And Martin soon stopped hiding and in 2009 declared that his heart could equally belong to both a man and a woman. And only in March 2010, Ricky finally openly admitted: he was really gay and happy with his common-law spouse. Apparently, they are raising children together and are seriously thinking about getting married.

Elton John

There can be no gossip or rumors about Elton John's orientation: everything is already known, and his wedding with long-time boyfriend David Furnish was widely covered in the press. So, knowing about such an unusual family of the singer, no one expected any heirs from him, and Elton himself assured that with his busy schedule and passion for music, he simply could not become a good dad. Everything changed when in 2009, during a charity trip to Ukraine, the artist really fell in love with an HIV-infected baby named Lev. Elton was not allowed to adopt a child then, but the thought of fatherhood was firmly ingrained in his head. After consulting with his husband, the singer decided to resort to the services of a surrogate mother - so on December 25, 2010, the gay couple had a long-awaited baby, who was named Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Oddly enough, our list of strange dads also included a guy with a completely normal orientation - footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. His desire to have a child was so strong that he decided not to wait for his betrothed, but to turn to a surrogate mother. At least that's what this story looks like from the outside. Ronaldo himself does not comment on this matter, so there are many versions of the birth of the baby. According to one of them, Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. was allegedly born from a fleeting relationship with an American waitress. According to another, Ronaldo simply went to a specialized clinic, where they found him a suitable surrogate mother.

Cristiano himself spoke about the birth of his son in July last year, writing the following message on his Facebook: “With great joy I must inform everyone that I have a son. The child’s mother, who wished to remain anonymous, gives me custody of him. In the future, I do not intend to It is out of my personal interests to address this issue in any way - or at least the interests of my son." The footballer's mother, Dolores, is mainly involved in raising the child; Cristiano also entrusts some maternal functions to his friend, Russian model Irina Shayk, who happily gets used to the role of stepmother.