How to develop the power of the gaze. The power of the gaze

Do you know who gets the most attention from men? Not the most beautiful at all, but the one whose look and movements radiate kindness, sincerity and, a share of coquetry.

Here she comes in: gracefully turns her head, looks at everyone from under half-lowered eyelashes, smiles charmingly, straightens a curl that has inadvertently got out of her hair ...

All eyes are directed towards her, because she is fluent in her body language, she is the queen of flirting.

Most of the information, namely 55%, is transmitted by a person using body language. When going somewhere, do not forget about some of the signs that are so attractive to men.


Shake your head so that your hair falls nicely over your shoulders.

Demonstration of lion-feline habits is a combination of grace with soft, exciting aggression, which is great for turning on members of the opposite sex.


A decent gentleman kisses a woman's hand from the outside. But if he has any views on a lady, then, looking into her eyes, he turns her hand and touches his wrist with his lips.

Try to show him your wrists in the most beneficial way. For example, during a conversation, make several hand gestures in his direction, trying to open your wrists. If you are sitting with your face in your hands, turn your hands so that he can see exactly the inside of them. Great if you wear bracelets. Thin and massive, ringing and shimmering, they are designed to attract men's looks.


It is with the help of a glance that many women successfully meet men.

There are several options for a captivating look:

  • Among the many views, psychologists consider the “shy Dee's look,” as the press dubbed it, the most attractive. tilting your head to one side, look at the interlocutor through half-down eyelashes. A look like this makes men want to get to know a woman better in order to support and protect this gentle and reverent person.
  • Another option is to slightly lower the eyelids, look at the man until he notices the look, and then quickly look away (for special virtuoso flirting, you can also blush slightly). This gives a mesmerizing sensation of peeping and a tantalizing hint that you are being furtively watched.
  • A sidelong glance due to a raised shoulder is often used in commercials, because it attracts male attention very much.
  • An intimate look is ideal when an acquaintance has already taken place, but it has not come to goodbye yet. Look at him and then lower your eyes to his chin, lips, neck and collarbone. The most daring can go below the shoulder line.


When you are sitting, you have a wonderful opportunity to get his attention. Lean back in a chair, cross your legs and let the shoe hang freely on your toes, swaying carelessly in different directions. It is great if at the same time the ankles of the legs are still exposed, which attract men no less than women's wrists.

And most importantly, before others like us, we must be happy with ourselves. To do this, it is enough to live with positive emotions. And then the gait will become more confident, the smile is sincere, and the sparkle in the eyes will be brighter! Learn to feel beautiful every day.


If you don't have a good relationship with the mirror, there is a reason to think about your own attitude:

  • Pay attention to your demeanor. A loving person's movements and gestures are slow and free. And do not forget to keep the spine straight - the "antenna" of our mood.
  • Smile often! When we laugh, all facial muscles relax, and emotional stress decreases.
  • Don't get caught up in your past. Living in yesterday, you deprive yourself not only of the future, but also of the present.
  • Find yourself a hobby. When you are successful in something, you will start to feel proud of yourself and become more confident.
  • Don't dwell on your physical flaws. Most of them are invisible to others.

Do you still think that sexuality is a perfect figure, beautiful clothes, heels, miniskirts, pouting duck lips, and breasts jumping out of the neckline and leaving no chance for fantasy? Then this article is for you.

I asked men: what is female sexuality for them? Here are their answers:

"It's natural"- Alexander.

"An unpredictable brain, spontaneous actions, and where without intrigue"- Alexander.

“A woman, in my opinion, is strength of character and wisdom in one bottle, this is adherence to principles, this is honor and dignity. That's when it's sexy. Such a woman wants to be respected and loved. For she herself respects and loves herself. She is sexy and wants her in all plans, to be there to enhance all this.

If you were talking about femininity, I would start with things like patience, wisdom and sincerity. But this is sexy. Vigor, stateliness, inaccessible accessibility)) Well, and femininity, of course, because if it is unfeminine, for me personally it is not sexy) "- Sergei.

“For me, a woman is truly sexy when deep down she is in harmony with herself. When he loves himself, he respects and appreciates. When she's on a friendly footing with her devils. When not at war. When he knows how to play different roles, without becoming attached to any of them. And when she knows how to be happy, regardless of any external factors "- Maksim.

Are you surprised?

Where are the languid glances, the fourth size of the chest, legs from the ears, mastery of seduction techniques in these answers? The men talked about something else. Sexuality, desirability, attractiveness, women are an inner state.

Let's talk about this from the point of view of internal and external sexuality.

This is the most important thing in attraction.

Here I mean, first of all, such qualities as confidence, self-love, healthy egoism, independence, the value of oneself, time and beliefs, space, freedom and desires.

It is the courage to be yourself, to express yourself openly: in relationships, sex, communication with anyone. It is the ability and allowing yourself to enjoy life, events, food, music, sex. This is about the very state of "being content", knowing and accepting oneself.

Internal sexuality is the charisma of a woman. It is she who attracts and attracts. This is such an “inner glow”, uniqueness, aura, “deliciousness”. This is a love for one's own characteristics, and not a desire to adjust oneself to standards.

Do you agree?

External sexuality- what is she?

For example, full lips, beautiful skin, young lush breasts, bulging buttocks, slender legs, and a narrow waist in women. All this, at the level of instincts, sexually attracts the opposite sex.

Clothes: beautiful lingerie, lace, stockings, stiletto heels - also emphasizes the external sexuality. Behavior: gait and gestures, voice and gaze. The natural smell of a person and your favorite perfume - here too. External sexuality is an externally perceived image.

All this is definitely needed. But only in order to beautifully present what is inside. But signs of external sexuality are completely insufficient to be for real, semolina, sexy and desirable woman.

Do you agree with this thesis?

True sexuality comes from within

No matter how much you torture yourself in the gym or at the plastic surgeon, trying to bring your body to the invented ideal, no matter how much you rehearse a seductive gait and posture, no matter how much you study oral art - all this can remain unrecognized and unnecessary.

This is a dead end and a departure from its value.

If your inner state and feeling of yourself are distorted by fears, complexes, a desire to correspond to someone or something ... If you have expectations, resentments and constant discontent, this suggests that your personality is immature and dependent.

How to reveal your inner sexuality?

First of all, free yourself from frames, resentments, fears and attitudes, open real myself and become yourself.

Do not chase a trendy image, do not copy someone, do not try to meet standards, do not suffer from the fact that you are not like that. Instead, listen and study yourself, open up and see your own - sexual, love, life, personal.

Praise and love yourself, with everything that is in you, even if someone doesn't like it. Skillfully present yourself from the best side. Confidently, and somewhere even boldly to declare their desires. Appreciate what you have created around you and want more.

Then your attractiveness, sexuality, femininity will open up!

The ability will naturally manifest totally express yourself without cheating, without sacrificing, without betraying your true desires. This will restore sensuality and naturalness. A special attractive light will appear in your eyes.

And then you no longer need to impress anyone, try to be noticed, or prove something. There is no truth in this.

Have you noticed the paradox? We dress up for dates, do styling, manicure and pedicure, buy a dress, convulsively lose weight in a week, think over how we will go in and what we will talk about ... The million dollar look is ready, and the date is either canceled or absolutely does not live up to expectations. And vice versa, without a make-up, in sneakers and jeans, with a glass of coffee in your hands, you catch admiring glances on yourself and meet the best people.

The look is of great importance in inter-sex communication. Many women claim that they fall in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand a woman's persistent gaze, expressing his determination in it, in further communication she will unconsciously show more respect for him.

A woman's look at a man is the primary test of his masculine qualities.

To quickly look away in such a situation, to be embarrassed is to admit defeat. However, a woman must also be confident enough in her abilities to decide on such a test.

If the person you like looks away, keep looking at him. If after that he looks at you again, this is a sure sign of sympathy. If at the same time a smile appears on his face, you can start a conversation without a doubt.

Which look is considered accidental, and which is a conscious challenge? The normal time for eye contact, after which both people naturally abduct their eyes, does not exceed 2-3 seconds. If the person stares at you for longer, they probably have an interest in you.

A glimpse in the struggle for leadership

Glance is the most powerful non-verbal mode of influence. He can subdue a person and set the nature of your further communication. However, can it be called a tool - something that we can consciously use for our own purposes? Can the will of a person break the instinctive desire to look away under a persistent and unbending gaze?

In nature, the strongest male will have the most persistent gaze. It is often possible to see how a large animal, meeting the gaze with a smaller representative of its own species, turns away, as if yielding and obeying that. Body size, muscle mass, jaw size, and other traits will certainly influence the necrovascular definition of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.

A glance is a sure sign of real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, the readiness to die in battle.

Man is a social being, therefore, not only natural factors affect him. This is morality, ethics, and social position. Thus, a long look in culture can simply be regarded as incorrect behavior, and that is why a shy desire to avert our eyes will arise in us. However, the main factor influencing the persistence of a gaze is will. This is what can make the gaze your strongest psychological weapon.

The importance of eye contact

How else does our view affect communication? The following facts are known in psychology:

  • People who make eye contact during a conversation are perceived to be more honest and open.
  • Lack of eye contact in dialogue is read by us as lack of interest.
  • During a time, a good speaker always looks around the audience in order to make eye contact with everyone. This makes his speech more convincing.
  • Eye contact is essential when meeting someone. An open and good-natured look at 30% forms the primary attitude of a person.
  • A quick look away during an acquaintance is read as a lack of firmness of character and a willingness to obey.

One thing follows from these facts: the strong-willed ability to keep a gaze in front of the eyes of another person makes the image of the beholder more powerful, domineering and influential.

However, these rules cannot be called universal. Much depends both on the nature of the look and on the person. Someone will consider a long look a manifestation of impoliteness, someone will start to get angry, someone will be frightened.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of modesty and perseverance in the look, appropriate to the specific situation of communication with a person.

The main thing is not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. You can subdue a person to your will with a glance by instilling respect and demonstrating a strong character, and not aggression. The gaze should be calm, intent, without a shadow of pretense and shamelessness.

So can you develop a strong gaze? The one that subdues and commands respect? There are many dubious exercises on the web like looking at a candle flame and circles on paper. But the look is a continuation of your inner state, and it will probably be different in sparring with a piece of paper and with a real person.

All gaze enhancement exercises will be meaningless if you cannot focus your mind on one subject while doing them. How do you want to influence others if you cannot even influence yourself?

Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had exceptional influence on people

Fortitude is an indicator of the strength of your will and thoughts. To get your thoughts under control and increase your concentration, there is one proven exercise. Count slowly from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought distracts you from the process, start over. Try to increase the counting time by a couple of units every day. Various techniques contribute to the same.

After you've made some progress in controlling your thoughts, try practicing in public. Choose faces from the crowd that show a less faint character than yours. Try to keep their gaze, keeping only one thought in your mind that blocks your desire to turn away. “I’m uncomfortable”, “what an awkward situation”, “this is so stupid” - all these ideas just should not reach your mind.

Once you have mastered this too, begin to selectively approach the thought that you hold during the competition. It should not only hide your psychological weaknesses, but also give strength to your gaze.

Concentrate on the desire to subdue, show strength, authority.

Developing a confident look is not an easy task, but once you do it, you will see how quickly the attitude of others towards you will change.

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There are people who radiate such inexplicable magnetism that absolutely the whole environment is drawn to them, wants to be like them, to deserve their friendship or at least approval. And the most curious thing is that it does not depend at all on the appearance of these attractive persons.

site found 9 rules that you need to adhere to in order to become such a person. And yes, they are not born charismatic, they become.

Individual image

You need a unique look. Not even so - you need a unique detail in the image. After all, your own original external image is something for which even people you do not know can remember you. And we are not talking about beauty at all. Paradoxically, uniqueness can even be expressed in ugliness or vulnerability. Any of your pronounced "counters", be it gait, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, communication style or detail in the wardrobe, will make you memorable.

Here are some examples of details of famous people or what they are associated with:

  • Charlie Chaplin - mustache, suit, cane
  • Tilda Swinton - asexuality, no makeup
  • Winston Churchill - fullness, cigar
  • Joseph Stalin - mustache, pipe, accent
  • Adolf Hitler - a mustache of a special shape, intonation
  • Dita von Teese - 40s look, red lipstick
  • Marilyn Monroe - hair color, birthmark
  • Salvador Dali - mustache, facial expressions

You must have a big dream

For people to yearn for you and appreciate you as a truly special person, you must certainly have a sense of existence. Ambitions, goals, the desire to change something in this world. Fight for something. After all, a person without a dream is like a book without an idea. Why read this?

Be confident in yourself

To be charismatic, you first need to be confident. Boldly make decisions, be able to rely only on yourself, do not wait for help from outside and communicate your ideas to other people in an accessible way.

Confidence is felt not only in behavior, but also in speech. Avoid phrases such as "I think, I hope, I believe, I count, maybe, probably."

Forget about complaints

Think: could you admire and try to be like the person who constantly complains? Of course not. Charismatic people are positive. Avoid criticism, complaints, and negative topics. Even if everything is not going smoothly in life, start the conversation with something that brings you pleasure and will bring it to your listeners.

Use sign language

By your behavior, you should show your confidence: do not slouch, do not fiddle with any objects or parts of your body in an attack of neurosis, try to smile more often, look directly into the eyes and avoid closed poses.

And in general, appearing in society, feel like a star on the red carpet.

Become a great storyteller

Many people believe that the ability to tell interesting stories is a talent.

But this is not always the case. In most cases, this is a skill that can be learned. Just speak confidently, use humor, especially self-irony - the ability to laugh at yourself is aerobatics. Use sign language, be emotional and positive. Do not be discouraged if not every story or joke of yours has gone wrong.

Tell your personal stories. Many people, having heard something really interesting, will share it with others.

Don't look away

When talking to a person, always look into their eyes. Sometimes one piercing glance can say more than a thousand words: correct eye contact shows that you listen to the interlocutor, understand and accept him as a person.

Important: when you are talking to someone at an event, do not be distracted by extraneous things, do not glance at your phone and do not scan the crowd in the hope of seeing a more "necessary" interlocutor.

Learn to listen to others

You do not need to consider yourself the most important person in the world and strive to turn the gaze of the entire environment only to yourself, no. A person can be attracted by his genuine interest in the life of others, because listening to other people is an art. If you listen carefully to another person, are interested in him, he begins to feel needed and even to some extent special.

Of course, it is impossible to remember everything that the interlocutor said, but remembering his name is a big deal. There is one curious trick: when you introduce yourself to a person, repeat his name: "Oleg, very nice." And to, in turn, immediately remember you, use the same technique of repetition, only this time your name: “Hello, my name is Daria. Uvarova Daria ".

Use a mirror effect

The mirror effect, or simply mirroring, is an easy way to win over a person by repeating their facial expressions, intonation or gestures. This always works, since the technique is based on the nature of human narcissism: the interlocutor unconsciously begins to feel that you are on the same wavelength with him.

The same effect can be applied not only in a conversation in order to win over, but also to adopt the "tricks" of people who seem charismatic to you. For example, famous people. See how they present themselves, it can help you feel more confident. You can find a detailed analysis of such examples on the video channel

A person's gaze is a powerful tool that can impress any interlocutor. He can charm, can attract or reject, enhances the possibility of manipulative influence. Negativeness directed at a person can be neutralized by him. Magnetic, odic, central - these are all characteristics of that strongest gaze that only a few possess.

Everyone met people who, with their resolute, focused, barely tolerated gaze, “drove into a corner,” because it seemed that a person sees right through us. Such people can subjugate anyone, they are familiar with the power that the ordinary eye can possess.

Psychology, perhaps, does not understand the mechanisms of influence of the gaze on a person, however, numerous studies show that such an effect exists. For example, an experiment was conducted in which participants with their eyes closed were asked to feel someone else's gaze from the back. And in most cases, this was determined accurately.

It is believed that the gaze can send the interlocutor a thought wave directly to the brain. In this case, one should look at the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows converge. There a person has a nerve center. In Eastern philosophy, there is the "third eye". Desires, feelings or commands sent to this center will be necessarily perceived if the gaze has the same power. To give the gaze special properties, you need to develop certain skills.

Development of gaze power

Training is necessary to develop the required skills. They will develop skills, and after a while the result will be noticed: the interlocutors will begin to behave somewhat differently when talking, requests of any plan will increasingly be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Afghan girl Sharbat Gula

Exercise with a piece of paper

Take a sheet of white paper, preferably thick. Draw a 3 cm circle in the center with a black felt-tip pen and attach it to the wall so that it is at eye level. Then you should sit in front of this circle at a distance of 1 meter and peer into the center, focusing your gaze. You cannot blink or look away for one minute. Concentration required: it is very important to imagine that energy or a ray is coming from the eyes. After a little rest, you can do a few more of these approaches.

Then you need to move the sheet one meter to the left and look at it without turning your head (with peripheral vision) for 1 minute. Outweigh the paper a meter to the right, look in that direction with a peripheral vision. The exercise is repeated several times.

It is advisable to perform these exercises every day, and when they become light (usually after 4-5 days), you should increase the exercise time to 2 minutes in one approach. Then reduce the approaches to one, prolonging the execution. Ultimately, you need to ensure that the concentration of vision is not lost for 15 minutes at a time. Exercise will help you develop a strong gaze.

Blue eyed african boy

Using a mirror

Set up a mirror in front of you and peer into the reflection of your own eyes. Then you need to draw on the mirror, between the eyebrows, a small dot and look at it. You should act according to the principle of the first exercise, increasing the peering time to 15 minutes in one approach. This exercise will help you withstand the strong gaze of others and will sharpen your own gaze.

More advanced eye exercises

There are more complex exercises that can only be carried out after completing one of the previous ones:

  1. A sheet of paper, the same as in the first exercise, is attached to the wall. You need to stand near the wall at a distance of 1 meter so that the circle is at eye level. The gaze is fixed on a point, and the head is made circular movements clockwise, and then, after 1 minute, counterclockwise. It is impossible to break away from the circle. This is how the optic nerves develop and the muscles of the eyes are strengthened.
  2. You should stand with your back to the wall, look at the other wall, which is in front. The gaze is translated left and right, up and down, in a zigzag manner, in circles. Each option takes one minute. Exercise will strengthen the eye muscles.
  3. A candle is required for the exercise. It is necessary to light it, sit in front of it so that it stands between straightened arms. You need to look at the flame, without taking your eyes off, for 1 minute with 3 repetitions. Energy waves from the flame will convey strength, severity, fill the look with warmth. With this exercise, energy is not given, but obtained.

Each of the exercises will strengthen the look, ultimately give confidence, rigidity, and steadfastness. It is important not to squint, look straight, and not expand the eyelids very much. If your eyes become tired while doing, you can rinse them with cold water for a quick rest.

This look lasts depending on the situation. More often than not, one should not gaze extremely closely and for a long time at the interlocutor. You need a calm and confident gaze that will make you obey.

You should not use the acquired skills for evil purposes, because evil returns like a boomerang.

The magic of the gaze

A magical look is a gift that appears from birth. Most likely, it cannot be learned, you can only possess it. Some people do not understand how powerful a weapon they have under their command. In full measure, the magical look is used by clairvoyants, healers, sorcerers.

It is lucky if a magical gaze is directed at a person with good positive energy, a desire to help. But it negatively affects the state of a person if they begin to scan him, pump out energy, want to harm, jinx or spoil him. But you can protect yourself from it if you learn to resist the flow of negative energy.

Exercises to develop protective properties:

  1. A black dot is drawn on a piece of paper. The sheet is hung at eye height. It is necessary to move back 2 meters and look at the point without blinking as long as possible until the eyes get tired. Then you should stop the exercise, rest for a couple of minutes. When doing it, it is important to imagine an evil look, someone else's eyes that can harm. The main thing is to convince yourself when performing the exercise that no one can harm with a glance, that is, damage. It is important to see the thin threads that connect the gaze to this point on the wall and understand that these threads do not harm, but only protect from adverse influences.
  1. Exercise will allow you to quickly take away the energy that someone has taken away. A white candle is placed on the table and lit. It is required to sit in front of her and with a momentary glance try to take the energy of the fire, and then give it back. The exercise is repeated several times and ends at the stage of taking energy.

Some facts

  • A long gaze between men can be interpreted as aggression, so be careful.
  • If a man and a woman stare at each other and the woman is the first to look away, then the position of subordination to this man is fixed in her.
  • If a woman is not indifferent to a man, this can be determined by her dilated pupils. However, don't confuse this with a reaction to a lack of lighting.