How to breed henna with basma. Natural hair dye - henna and basma. Mixing rules and dyeing technology. The combination of henna and basma when coloring

Nowadays, it is not difficult to give your hair the desired shade. But, unfortunately, even sparing store dyes are by no means harmless. Therefore, with dandruff, increased dry hair, scalp diseases and other problems, it is better to abandon the use of such dyes and give preference to natural hair dyes, for example, henna and basma.

Henna is obtained from the leaves of Lawsonia: they are collected, dried and ground into powder. Fresh henna is yellowish-green in color, but old henna is reddish in color (it cannot be used to dye hair). This natural hair dye contains many beneficial elements, including tannins and essential oils. Hair coloring with henna has a beneficial effect on their condition: it strengthens them, reanimates hairs after using chemical dyes and improper care, gives them splendor and shine. And henna also prevents excessive hair loss, fights dandruff and protects them from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

This natural color gives your hair a beautiful shine and a luxurious shade.

Basma is obtained from crushed indigo leaves. This natural color is a grayish-greenish powder. It has an excellent effect on the condition of the hair: it improves the structure of the hair and accelerates its growth, strengthens the root system, fights dandruff and other problems.

Henna, as a natural dye, can be used on its own. Basma, on the other hand, dyes the hair in a greenish-bluish tint, so it cannot be used without henna.

Technology for dyeing hair with a mixture of henna and basma

There are two ways to color your hair: separate and simultaneous. With the separate method, henna is first applied to the strands, after which it is washed off and the hair is dyed with basma. Basma is prepared in the same way as henna, but the solution should be slightly thinner in consistency.

In this case, the exposure time depends on the desired effect:

  • light brown shade (from 15 to 20 minutes)
  • chestnut color (1 to 1.5 hours)
  • dark black (2-3 hours)
To neutralize the too bright shade obtained after dyeing the hair with henna and basma, heated vegetable oil is applied to the strands for 25-27 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and shampoo

If hair coloring with henna and basma is performed at the same time, the result depends on the ratio of natural dyes. To get a light brown tone, take 1 part of basma for 1 part of henna and hold the paint for 27-30 minutes. But to get a light chestnut shade, take henna and basma in equal proportions and leave the mixture on the hair for 55-60 minutes. You will get a chestnut tone if you take 2 parts of basma for 1 part of henna and apply paint on the hair for 1.5 hours. For a bronze tone, take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma and leave the coloring composition applied to the hair for 1.5 hours. A mixture of 1 part henna and 3 parts basma gives a black color (the paint is applied for 4 hours).

In addition, the final result depends on how the mixture of henna and basma is bred.

So, if the powder is diluted with a tincture of pharmacy chamomile (for its preparation for 1.5–2 tablespoons of raw materials, take a glass of boiling water and infuse for 23–25 minutes), the hair acquires a golden-red hue. You can get a chestnut color if you dilute basma and henna with custard coffee, for the preparation of which 1 tbsp is taken in a glass of water. ground coffee. And if instead of ground coffee you take cocoa powder (1 tablespoon of cocoa powder per glass of water), your hair will turn into a pale chestnut tone. To obtain the "mahogany" shade, the dye mixture is poured with Cahors wine.

When dyeing gray hair, it is recommended to first dye the hair with henna, and then - henna with basma

The most common herbal paint is henna. It is successfully used both at home and in hairdressing salons.

The benefits of henna for hair

Applying henna alone, however, often produces unnatural colors. How to properly dye your hair with henna so as not to be disappointed in the resulting color?

Henna staining: important nuances

Blond hair dyed with henna only gets a bright carrot color. Therefore, henna is mainly used to give reddish shades to rather dark hair, that is, with the help of henna, you can get colors from bright red to dark brown.

The fresher the henna, the more active it is on the hair, and the lighter the hair, the less time it takes to dye.

The result of coloring also depends on the initial color: a brighter shade is obtained on light hair, henna has practically no effect on black hair. To dye such hair, it must first be lightened with hydrogen peroxide.

  • Dark hair, if it is soft and loose, can be given a chestnut shade if the henna gruel, diluted thicker, is kept on the hair for at least 1.5 hours.
  • If the hair is coarse, then it should be softened first. To prepare an emollient composition, 5 drops of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap are poured into 5% hydrogen peroxide (30-40 g). The hair is moistened with this mixture, and after 20-30 minutes henna is applied to them. But we are talking, we repeat, about red shades, which do not always look natural.

To make the hair color calmer and more natural, henna is used in a mixture with basma.

Hair coloring with henna and basma: features

Henna and basma can be dyed hair in two ways: sequentially or after preliminary mixing of dyes.

The staining results are the same, however, separate, sequential application of henna and basma can be preferred, since in this case the master will act more confidently.

By varying the ratio of henna and basma, the duration of their exposure, you can get a variety of hair colors: from a shade of light blonde to brown and even black. In this case, the hair acquires rather natural shades.

The color that the hair gets when dyed with henna and basma depends on the following factors:

a) from the natural color of the hair to be dyed;

b) from the preparation of hair before dyeing, proper washing and drying;

c) on the structural state of the hair, its thickness, degree of dryness and individual characteristics (thin, soft and dry hair is dyed much easier than thick and hard hair; hair bleached with hydrogen peroxide is dyed faster after six months and perm);

d) on the quality of dyes (the fresher henna and basma, the greater their dyeing ability);

e) from the temperature of the water in which the henna and basma gruels were prepared, and the temperature of the gruel when applied to the hair - the cooled dye dyes more slowly;

f) on the duration of the effect of the dye on the hair (the more the dye is on the hair, the more it dyes it);

g) on ​​the correct proportions (when preparing gruel, mixing powdered henna and basma).

The final results of staining will also depend on the skillful performance of individual operations (even application of gruel to the hair, wrapping, etc.).

Hair dyeing with henna and basma is a very complex operation that requires a lot of attention from the master.

Natural hair dyeing technology

1. With any method, the staining process begins without fail with shampooing, no matter how much time has passed since the last wash. This is necessary in order to get rid of grease and other impurities that prevent the dye from interacting with the hair.

In this case, one cannot but pay attention to the ability of hair to absorb water (hygroscopicity), which increases with softening of the upper scaly layer. For dyeing hair with henna and basma, this circumstance is very important, and therefore, in this case, an alkaline soap should be used. Of course, all of the above applies to normal and healthy hair.

2. Dry your hair by wiping it off with a towel, without using a hair dryer, as under the influence of hot air, the flakes of the upper layer can tightly shrink and harden, which will prevent the penetration of dye particles into the depth of the hair - preliminary washing will lose its meaning in many ways.

Henna is applied hot to freshly washed, slightly damp hair.

3. Before diluting the paint, prepare all the necessary materials and tools, utensils for preparing henna and basma, hot water, petroleum jelly or some kind of greasy cream, cotton wool, gloves, parchment paper or polyethylene, combs, terry towels.

4. Glass, porcelain or enamel dishes are used to dilute the paint. You can also use dishes made of heat-resistant plastic. It is better to take a flat brush. Instead of a brush, you can also work with a cotton swab wrapped around a wooden stick.

5. Before dyeing your hair, wrap your neck with a napkin: if the dye gets on your skin, it will be difficult to wash off. The forehead, temples and neck are smeared with petroleum jelly or cream. This protects the leather from staining and makes it easy to wash off possible paint drips. Care must be taken not to get the cream on the hair, as the areas covered with grease will not stain.

6. The package of henna is opened just before the preparation of the paint. Having poured the required amount into a dry bowl, the powder is carefully rubbed with a wooden or plastic stick so that no lumps remain, then water at a temperature of about 80 ° C is added until a slurry is formed, which should be as thick as liquid sour cream.

You cannot dissolve henna with boiling water, as henna is brewed in boiling water and significantly loses its coloring ability. It is also impossible to pour the powder into water, in this case, lumps will inevitably appear, which, once on the hair, will leave some places unpainted.

  • Too liquid brewed gruel is unsuitable: it will drain off, and the hair will not receive a uniform color.
  • Too thick paint is also undesirable, since the hair is dyed in an aqueous solution, and with a lack of water, henna will dry out before the hair is dyed.

7. Apply a henna solution to the hair after it has cooled to 40-50 ° C, that is, after about 3-4 minutes. So that the solution does not cool down, a bowl of henna can be put in another bowl, several large ones, where hot water is poured. This is usually done when dyeing long hair, when it takes quite a long time to apply the dye.

The henna solution should be applied to the hair as quickly as possible, firstly, so that it does not have time to cool down, and secondly, for uniform coloring of individual strands.

  • Having prepared the parting, henna is applied with a thin layer of several obliquely combed hair. Henna gruel is collected on a brush in small portions.
  • The next parting is done at a distance of 1 cm from the previous one and processed in the same way. The processed strands are laid on the previously dyed ones. In this way, the entire occipital part is treated.

Henna should not be applied to the very border of hair growth on the neck, since the hair in these places is much thinner and can be dyed in a more intense color. These areas of hair are treated last after the dye has been evenly applied to all hair.

  • Do not comb henna gruel at the ends of the hair, as the roots may be unpainted. To paint over the ends of the hair, the rest of the henna gruel is diluted with hot water and soaked in this solution.
  • All treated hairs are lifted and laid on the crown of the head. To prevent them from falling apart, they can be secured with a hairpin.

Hair coloring with henna and basma - video:

8. To prevent henna from dripping onto the skin, after processing the hair on the forehead, temples and neck, cotton wool is placed under the hair with a not very tight rope, then the hair is covered with parchment paper or polyethylene, over which a terry towel is tied. The hair wrapped in this way is not cooled, moisture does not evaporate, which contributes to the normal passage of the dyeing process.

9. The exposure time has to be determined in advance, taking into account the structure of the hair, the initial color and tone that is supposed to be obtained.

Usually, the exposure time of henna on the hair varies considerably - from 10 to 40 minutes or more.

10. After the expiration of time, sufficient for the henna effect, the hair is washed with warm water without soap. If henna drips still remain on the skin, then a liquid solution of basma is applied to the stained area of ​​the skin and after 4-5 minutes washed off with warm water and soap, without touching the hair.

The question of the required degree of staining with basma is decided after evaluating the results of staining with henna. However, it should be borne in mind that even after rinsing, the effect of henna on the hair continues for several more hours. Therefore, basma is used taking into account the fact that the hair will become somewhat brighter than immediately after rinsing.

11. Basma gruel is also prepared before use. For its preparation, the powder is thoroughly ground, poured with hot water and mixed well. Then the basma solution, while stirring, is brought to a boil over low heat. As soon as the solution begins to boil, it is removed from the heat.

A properly prepared basma solution has the consistency of liquid sour cream. Basma gruel thickens quickly, so it is made somewhat thinner than henna solution. In the process, hot water is poured into the basma gruel.

There should be enough dye so that no additional amount of dye has to be prepared during dyeing. The more dye is required, the thicker the longer the hair. For hair up to 15 cm long, with an average density of hair, a packet of one or the other dye is usually enough.

12. Basma gruel is applied to the hair in the same way as henna. It is not necessary to wrap up the hair after applying the basma. The exception is black coloring - you have to keep the basma on your hair for a long time, and you will feel cold with a wet head, especially if the room is cool.

Wash off the basma with warm water without shampoo.

You can wash your head with shampoo only the next day. However, if the hair color turns out to be darker than required, you can wash them immediately with shampoo, you can try to remove excessive darkening with lemon juice or citric acid solution, but all this does not give significant lightening. And remember, it is very difficult to remove basma from hair, so it is better to underexpose it than overexpose it.

You can also watch a video on how to prepare a henna mixture for dyeing hair at home.

The world of color cosmetics offers women a variety of hair coloring products. However, most of the fair sex prefers natural rather than industrial coloring products in order not only to achieve the desired shade, but also to keep the hair and scalp healthy. In this article, we will tell you how to properly use henna and basma with a photo, so that you can dye your curls on your own without the help of trained stylists and hairdressers, while achieving the desired color for them.

Before we move on to describing the methods of dyeing hair with henna and basma, we suggest that you figure out what these natural dyes are.

Henna is a marsh-colored powder that is extracted by grinding dried leaves of non-prickly lawsonia - a two-meter shrub that grows mainly in hot climatic latitudes. It should be noted that henna can not only color the hair, it can also be used for:

  • preparation of masks for hair (only in this case you need to choose colorless henna)
  • lightening dark strands (for this you need to use white henna)

Henna has several advantages and disadvantages that every woman should be aware of before using it for cosmetic purposes:

  1. The advantages of using henna include:
  • the fact that it cools and refreshes the hair;
  • antibacterial effect on the scalp;
  • relieves a woman from numerous ailments associated with the scalp (seborrhea, alopecia);
  • stimulates the growth of strands;
  • gives shine to strands;
  • perfectly paints gray curls;
  • heals the roots of the hair and the follicles from which they grow;
  • holds on very steadfastly;
  • is much cheaper than the products that industrial manufacturers of decorative cosmetics for strands offer us to buy.
  1. The negative properties of henna include:
  • the fact that with frequent use, it can leave a burn both on the scalp and on the hair;
  • the color is not always uniform, which may require re-staining;
  • strands that were previously damaged or became thin are colored the most and stand out very much;
  • it is impossible to predict 100% what hair color will turn out in the end.

What is Basma? Basma is also a powder made from dried leaves of a plant such as indigosphere dyeing, which grows in tropical latitudes. Just like henna, it is very useful for hair - not only colors it, but also nourishes with vitamins, heals the scalp. Basma can be used as a preventive measure for dandruff.

This is probably why in ancient times henna and basma were equated in value to gold. They were used exclusively by the rich people of the East, natives of the noble classes. By the way, until now, in Asian countries, hair is dyed exclusively with these natural dyes. If you want to follow their example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with detailed instructions on how to use henna and basma for dyeing your hair.

Staining strands with henna: process features

If you are going to dye your strands with pure henna, then you should know that as a result you will get a bright red hair color. We present you with step-by-step instructions on what you need to do to paint your hair with henna:

  1. Make sure that you have no contraindications to using henna for coloring. These include the following items:
  • if you dyed your hair the day before (it doesn't matter - partially or completely) with industrial paint
  • if you have permed
  • if 40% of your hair is gray
  • if you have unhealthy hair - it splits, breaks
  • if you use strong medications or hormones

  1. First, wash your hair well with shampoo and dry it well with a towel so that the hair is already practically dry.
  2. Carefully treat the scalp along the hairline with any moisturizer. This will protect it from henna staining.
  3. Dissolve henna powder in very hot water (note that the water must not be boiling):
  • if you have short hair, the contents of 1 sachet of henna will suffice (it contains approximately 25 g)
  • if you have medium hair, then you will need 2 sachets of henna
  • if you have very long hair (below the shoulder blades), then you will need 3 or more bags of coloring powder
  1. Add 1 egg yolk to the mixture. This makes the dye easier to apply to the hair.
  2. The bowl in which you mixed the paint must be placed in a water bath so that it boils there for 10 minutes. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred.
  3. While the paint is preparing, distribute all of your hair into sections 1.5 cm thick.
  4. Apply hot paint with a brush to the strands. This should be done as quickly as possible so that the paint does not have time to dry.
  5. Wrap your dyed hair in plastic and a terry towel on top of it.
  6. If you have a dark hair color, then you will need to keep the paint on your head for 2 hours, and if light, then 20 minutes is enough to achieve a rich bright red hair color.
  7. While you walk around with paint on your head, prepare yourself a mouthwash - mix water with vinegar or lemon juice.
  8. Rinse the paint off your head with warm water. You cannot use shampoo. At the very end, when the paint is already all drained, rinse the hair with a prepared product made from water and lemon juice.
  9. Do not wash your hair for another 3 days, because during this time your hair will be colored.
  10. After your roots grow back, you only need to apply henna to them, otherwise the hair color will be very different.

If you want to achieve not a reddish shade, but some other, then you need to prepare a henna-based paint in a special way. We tell you a few secrets:

  1. If you have light brown hair and want it to take on a golden honey hue, then you need to add the following ingredients to the henna powder:
  • 200 ml of chamomile broth and the same amount of saffron and rhubarb instead of hot water
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp weak brewed coffee
  1. If you want your hair to become a chocolate shade, then you need to add some other ingredients (literally 1 tsp each) to the henna powder, which you will definitely find in your kitchen:
  • cloves, which must first be ground into powder with a coffee grinder or blender;
  • coffee (it must definitely turn out strong - use a high-quality expensive sort of coffee, because it will determine how rich your strand color will turn out to be);
  • buckthorn (the bark must also be crushed to a fine powder);
  • black tea (here follow the same guidelines we described when it came to coffee);
  • cocoa (not necessary if you are using a very good coffee).

Important! This is the very case when, in addition to henna, you also need to use basma to achieve chocolate hair color. The proportion of henna and basma should be 3: 1 (3 tablespoons of henna to 1 tablespoon of basma).

  1. If you need a red shade of hair, then add 1 tsp to henna powder:
  • chopped cloves
  • hibiscus leaves
  • natural red wine
  • cranberry juice
  • decoction of onion peel

If suddenly you did not succeed in achieving the desired shade, then you can wash off the henna from your hair using several masks:

  1. Lubricate your hair with olive oil and then tuck your hair under a plastic bag. Wash off the mask after 2 hours with a shampoo for oily hair.
  2. Dilute 50 ml of vegetable oil in 10 ml of medical alcohol. Apply the mixture to your hair, and then after a couple of hours (all this time it is advisable to be under the sun or periodically dry your hair with a hairdryer), wash off the mask with shampoo for oily hair.
  3. Lubricate your hair with sour cream, wrap it in plastic and put on a hat. After 60 min. You can wash off the mask from your scalp with a shampoo for oily hair.
  4. Dissolve 20 g of yeast in 200 ml of warm kefir. Apply the mask to your hair, and after 2 hours, wash it off with shampoo.
  5. Lower for 20 minutes. in vinegar solution, then rinse everything off your head with shampoo and conditioner.

Please note that the first time you will not be able to get rid of the shade that failed. You will have to do the mask several times.

Basma: how to dye your hair with it?

Basma is a natural dye that can make a girl's dream of becoming a burning brunette come true. Only, as a rule, this ingredient is not used on its own. Girls most often use basma after dyeing their hair with henna. This makes the color richer and more vibrant.

We present you with step-by-step instructions on how to dye your hair with henna basma:

  1. First, check if you have any contraindications to the use of basma. They are the same as for using henna for hair coloring.
  2. Then prepare the basma solution. It is being prepared using the same technology. However, there is 1 caveat for those who want to dye their hair by combining powders - you need to know how to mix henna and basma to get the shade you need:
  • those who want to achieve that the hair becomes black after dyeing with henna and basma, you need to mix basma and henna powders in the following proportion: 3: 1 (to achieve exactly black, the henna and basma paint must be kept on the hair for at least 3-4 hours) ;
  • those who want to achieve a burgundy shade after applying henna and basma to the curls, you need to add 5 tsp to the gruel of their powders of the same composition. beet juice;
  • for those who want to achieve that the hair becomes chestnut in color, you need to prepare paint from henna and basma, observing a ratio of 1: 2, add 1 tsp to it. cocoa, the same amount of tea, keep the paint on the strands for at least 1.5 hours;
  • if you have gray hair, then you need to prepare them in advance for dyeing with henna and basma - soften (for this, for 60 minutes you need to apply a mask made of sea buckthorn, castor, burdock oils and 1 yolk on them), after that you can apply paint from henna and basma to hair so that they become chestnut (the paint is prepared on the basis of 2 tablespoons of basma, 1 tablespoon of henna and 1 tablespoon of usma).

According to reviews, if after the first staining with henna and basma it is not possible to achieve the desired effect, it is enough just to repeat the staining procedure again.

Photo of staining with henna and basma: "Before" and "After"

If you decide to buy henna and basma to dye your hair, you should know a few secrets on how to make the process of dyeing your hair easier:

  • If some strands stand out strongly in color, do not panic, but simply lubricate your hair with grape oil, and after 30 minutes. wash it off with shampoo;
  • If the shade turned out to be very dark, then just dip your comb in lemon juice, and then carefully comb the curls with it;
  • To make the paint fall on the hair smoother, always add 1 tsp to it. glycerin;
  • Do not appear in the bright sun within 3 days after dyeing your hair with basma and henna, otherwise ugly highlights will appear on them;
  • Once a month, after dyeing your hair with henna and basma, make a kefir hair mask - then it will shine and shimmer.

To be beautiful is the mission of every woman. But beauty will quickly fade if you do not take care of it and do nothing to preserve it for a long time. We hope that with the help of our basma and henna hair dye recipes, you can preserve the natural beauty of your curls.

Video: "Staining with henna and basma"

Adalind Koss

Basma has been used by women for many years to change hair color. In ancient times, clothes were dyed with it, added to ink. Women of those times gave volume to curls and a dark color by using basma. After the emergence of unnatural dyes, basma already has wide popularity, but we must not forget about the medicinal properties of this powder.

Basma is a natural dye derived from the dry leaves of the Indigofer shrub and is native to the tropics. 2 types of paint are extracted from it: indigo and basma.

Basma harm

The main harm of basma is that without the addition of henna, it gives the curls a greenish or bluish tint. This is especially evident on light curls. Do not use it on hair like this. And bleached and emaciated hair dyes too brightly. Soft and thinning hair lends itself to coloring better than excessively stiff curls.

This paint is too powerful. After the first application, an unpredictable shade is obtained, it is almost impossible to wash it off. The proportions of natural dye and the duration of the staining procedure are difficult to determine, since they depend on many factors. The color lasts a couple of months, but over time, the hair takes on blue-violet and red shades. To maintain the desired color, it is important to tint your hair on time.

Remember that any, even natural, means can be harmful. Correct application will help you avoid trouble.

Basma must be completely washed off before staining with unnatural paint, otherwise the effect is unpredictable: it turns out pink, green or blue. In order to avoid a chemical reaction, wait at least a month after applying basma and treat the curls in the salon.

Often the use of basma dries out the curls due to the content of tannins and acid. Sometimes the curls become naughty, stiff, and combing becomes more difficult.

The benefits of basma

Basma is an environmentally friendly product containing vitamins and active ingredients. The use of basma, like other plant dyes, is that it contains minerals, tannins, resin, and useful components. They have an astringent, healing effect, relieve inflammation.

These properties stop hair loss. Basma will not only heal wounds and eliminate inflammation, but it will also kill bacteria. These features make basma an excellent hair dye and hair treatment. Basma nourishes the skin with vitamins, heals the roots,. In addition, it is capable of. When using vegetable paints, it is worth giving preference.

Since it is a natural remedy, it is useful for those who suffer from oversensitivity to chemicals and synthetic paint formulations.

Basma staining

Do not dye your hair with Basma more than once a month. It is used especially carefully by those with dry hair. In this case, a small amount of cosmetic oils should be added to the paint to moisturize the curls.

Only a natural product should be purchased, without the inclusion of dyes. Some manufacturers confuse buyers with a name like "black basma". But this remedy has nothing to do with natural powder. Always check the composition.

Basma composition is prepared just before use. To create the paint, carefully grind the powder, fill it with heated water and mix thoroughly. After that, bring the paint to a boil over low heat with constant stirring. As soon as the boiling process begins, remove the composition from the heat. When properly prepared, the paint reaches the state of liquid sour cream and thickens quickly. Because of this, it should be thinner in consistency than henna.

Basma painting principle is similar to the procedure for applying henna. Respect the timing and proportions to achieve the desired shade.

In the course of work, you will need to add heated water to the paint. It is important to prepare a sufficient amount of it so that it is enough to treat all the hair. The greater the length and density of the hair, the greater the volume of the composition is needed. Apply the created gruel to the curls according to the henna principle. Only it is not necessary to insulate them. This is only required to achieve black. In this situation, the basma is left on the curls for a very long time.

It is required to wash off the basma with clean warm water. It is allowed to use soap only after a day. And if the shade is darker than required, then immediately rinse the strands with detergent. Excessive darkening is removed with lemon juice, as well as with an acid solution. But this does not give a noticeable reduction in blackness. Remember that basma is not easy to remove, so it’s better to hold it for a shorter amount of time.

With a short henna dyeing, long exposure of the basma causes a greenish tint. To eliminate the defect, the strands are washed with soap and water and dyed with henna for a quarter of an hour. This will give a slightly darker shade.

Remember that basma is not too thick in consistency, therefore it flows down from a short haircut. To avoid this, an astringent component is added to it: a decoction of flax seeds, oil, glycerin, etc. Such a composition holds better and is easier to wash off.

Cover the neck skin before staining. Lubricate your face with petroleum jelly or cream. This will help avoid staining. But remember that the cream should not get on the curls, because these places do not lend themselves to the action of paint.

The duration of the procedure ranges from a couple of minutes to 2 hours. Here the result depends on the required color and its depth. Someone leaves the composition overnight, believing that the color is as saturated as possible.

The proportions of henna and basma

When dyeing together, the required volume of basma and henna is poured into a container, poured with heated water and mixed until homogeneous. The consistency should be like sour cream. To get the desired color, it is important to observe the proportions of henna and basma:

to achieve light brown hair, a 1: 1 ratio is required. Keep for half an hour;
light chestnut color is achieved by using a similar proportion, but the exposure time is doubled;
chestnut color will require a 1: 2 ratio, and you will have to stand for 90 minutes;
a bronze sheen is obtained by combining henna and basma 2: 1 with a procedure duration of 90 minutes;
to create a black color, the dyes are connected 1 to 3. It will take 4 hours to keep it on the curls.

Before the staining process, it is important to do the test on an inconspicuous area. This helps to more accurately determine the duration of the paint action. The lighter the shade of the curls, the sooner the color will take effect.

Basma staining black

To dye the curls black with basma you will need:

to begin with staining with henna. Exposure time 60 minutes;
remove paint and dry curls;
now basma is applied, it needs to act for half an hour on light brown curls, 1.5 hours on chestnut ones, 3 hours on dark ones.

To enhance the work of basma, a little ammonia is dripped into it, but then reduce the holding time. The paint should be washed off without using detergent, until clear water begins to flow from the hair.

During the first 6 hours, the shade will still darken. At first, a greenish tone may appear, but it will pass after a couple of days after the oxidation of the basma. After two days, the curls will turn black. Dyeing inside the hair under the influence of oxygen lasts another day.

But if a long wait is not for you, then wash off the paint with shampoo. And in case of an undesirable outcome, moisten the curls with lemon juice and rinse them after 10 minutes.

If the result is undesirable, you can change the shade. But with prolonged action of basma, it is almost impossible to wash off the color. Therefore, do not hold the paint for too long.

The shade can be changed, it depends on what pigment the basma is mixed with: tea, cocoa, beet juice, coffee, etc. For example, a rich shade of chocolate is achieved when using a composition that includes basma, henna and usma dyeing.

Basma staining result

If the result of painting with basma did not come out as desired, then sometimes the state of affairs can be changed. To eliminate an overly bright color after mixing with henna, you can do this: the hair is lubricated with heated vegetable oil. It will absorb the henna. Lubricate the entire length and let it work for half an hour. Then rinse with the addition of detergent. If the result is still not satisfied, then repeat the procedure.

If the shade comes out too dark, then rinse your hair with water using citrus juice or vinegar. When using a mixture of dyes, the hair sometimes does not turn black enough, then repeat the dyeing with basma.

The final shade from the use of vegetable paints is determined by the following factors:

natural shade of curls;
thickness, hair structure, lack of moisture and other problems. Soft, thinned hair is easier to dye than excessively stiff hair. A smaller gap for dyeing will be required for hair after bleaching with peroxide or curling;
the temperature of the water with which the composition for the paint is prepared, as well as the temperature of the product when used on curls also have an effect. The lower the paint temperature, the slower the process;
duration of the procedure. The longer the duration of the paint action, the deeper the hair dyes;
proportions of adding basma and henna.

When using natural paints, there are many nuances, the final result depends on them. It will take a lot of experimentation to achieve the desired color. Usually, the desired shade is not immediately obtained, therefore, if it is not to your liking, then reduce it or wash off the color by using masks with oils.

If you want to eliminate the redhead, then the dyeing procedure includes two separate stages: first, the hair is dyed with henna, and then with basma. Basma's duration is half that of henna. But it is increased to achieve darker shades.

It is possible to maintain the color depth by rinsing. For this, 50 g of henna is poured into 1.5 liters of heated water. Filter the mixture and rinse your curls with it. Another option: basma and henna rinse. They are combined in a 1: 1 ratio and poured with boiling water.

April 19, 2014, 14:32

Hello everyone!

Recently I dye my hair with henna and basma. At first, my choice fell on basma, because I wanted to make my hair a little darker and even out the color (six months ago I was painting, now like a faded dog). I found out that basma would not work without henna, so I bought myself both (colorless henna and basma). The first time I painted it alternately: first henna, then basma.

And then I paint at the same time.

Now I'll tell you how I do it.

First stage:

Wash hair. Everything is as usual. I washed with shampoo, without balm. Dry your hair slightly (wrapped your hair with a towel).

Second phase:

I have dark brown hair at roots, in length light chestnut ... I mix henna and basma in equal proportions, (was not) I pour out the whole pack (25 g). I have thin and sparse hair, I have enough, but if your hair is thick, then you may need two bundles. Get ready if you are a beginner, it smells specific, but not disgusting. I fill it with hot water (not boiling water, not warm, but hot - you can touch it with your finger, but you won't be able to dip it completely into the cup - that's how I measure the temperature). Knead sour cream until thick. Don't wait for it to cool down.

I don’t apply the cream in a circle where hair no longer grows. But it is recommended to apply so as not to stain the skin. After wrapping up my hair, I go through with a damp cloth and remove the excess, no color remains. Even if it has dried on the ear, then it's okay, it won't become colored.

Stage three:

The most important - applying the mixture to the hair ... As I mentioned above, they must be clean and damp. We apply our mixture along the partings. This is not always the case for me, so I apply it at random, just to cover all the hair. It can be difficult to apply, because it does not lie on the hair like ordinary paint (if you used one, then you know). I always have a bunch of small bags at hand, just with their help I apply dye to my hair. If you have cellophane gloves lying around, then generally excellent. You can put on one and distribute the basma with your hand. It's much more convenient that way. When applying, I do not comb my hair, but even crumple it, as if impregnating it with a mixture. The application process does not last long, try to finish before the paint has cooled down.

After that, I wrap my head in a bag (it's easier to say: I put cellophane on my head), on top there is also a shower cap, and of course a towel or I wear such a turban. Now it's warm and sometimes hot (something is happening there). Only the first time is scary, and then everything will go like clockwork. I didn't get any unexpected results (like green or orange hair).

And now about the color:

I will not paint for every hair color. I'll write about mine. Hair color, as I already wrote, I have light chestnut (although she always considered him fair-haired). Guided by the advice on the packaging of basma and even rummaging on the Internet, I found out that for a pronounced chestnut you need to keep such a mixture about 30 minutes, for intense chestnut up to 1 hour, and very dark chestnut with golden sheen up to 3-4 hours. For myself, I choose something in between. The last time I held hour and a half , but I will not say that the hair is very dark. By the way, they say that the color under the influence of oxygen is fully manifested in about a day. I did not notice much difference, well, maybe just a little.

After shampooing, it is not recommended to use shampoo and balm. But personally, I use both, most likely, that's why my color is not very saturated. But hair after henna (still damp) is very unpleasant to the touch and tangled, coarse. And for 3 days, you shouldn't wash your hair with shampoo (which I also don’t adhere to, maybe someday, if I don’t have to go to work, I’ll try).