How to make a transformer out of paper with your own hands. How to make a transformer out of paper? Handmade paper transformer toys

Not only children love toys. Many adults are also not averse to having fun, especially when it comes to cheerful groups when they want to have an interesting time. And here it can come to the rescue, since it is in this technique that the original transforming star, capable of modification, was made. Another name for this is the ninja star, the transformability of which will surprise many.

To create such a star you will need 8 small sheets of square paper, it is better to take them in different colors - 4 of each.

We begin to put together one module. To do this, we make folds along the diagonals.

Then we make another fold in the transverse direction.

Having arranged the workpiece as follows, we make folds in the upper corners.

Now we fold one of the blanks of the future star in half, making a fold in the vertical direction.

The lower right corner needs to be carefully tucked inward along the previously made folds.

Using the same principle, it is necessary to make 7 more modules - one half of which is red and the other half yellow.

Now we proceed directly to assembling the star. To do this, take modules of different colors and place one inside the other.

On the plane it should look like this - the top edge of the red and yellow module should be located on the same line.

The protruding corners of the red blank must be bent inside the yellow module. This is how the first connection was made.

We continue to connect the modules in the same way, alternating colors.

The end result should be a ring of 8 modules.

If you gently press on it from all sides, the individual elements begin to move and our craft takes on the appearance of a star, as in the photo. You can return the star to its original position by moving all the modules to the sides in the same way.

Origami art appeared in ancient times in the East. Recently, its popularity has begun to grow and this technique has spread throughout the world.

There are many options to create a variety of paper crafts, but the most interesting are the dynamic ones. With the help of this video tutorial, you can easily create an unusual transforming paper toy for your child! It won't take you long. This toy will appeal not only to kids, but also to adults.

Transformable paper toy

You will need

  • sheet of thick A4 paper
  • thin tape
  • scissors
  • ball pen
  • pencil
  • ruler

Draw a template of the future transforming toy on a piece of paper. Using a pen and ruler, measure strips 3.5 cm wide. On one A4 sheet you will get 8 such strips. Then, using a pencil, mark each strip into 3 parts: 3.5 cm high, 5 cm and 6 cm high.

After this, cut the strips with scissors and bend each into a triangle, the pencil lines are the fold lines. As a result, you will get 8 spare parts of a transforming paper toy. Connect them as shown in the video, and the toy will be ready.

There is nothing complicated about this; such a craft will not take up much of your time. This transformer has a huge number of combinations, so you won’t get tired of it on the first day!

Many boys are very fond of transforming toys. This is due to the fact that there seems to be one item, but at the same time you can play it as two different characters. The most popular are robots that turn into cars. They can be made not only from plastic, but also from other materials.

The world of origami is very large, in it, in addition to the usual paper crafts (appliques, topiary, quilling crafts), there are also transformers, and after reading this article, you will learn how you can make one of them with your own hands. After all, it will be doubly interesting for a child if he first makes it himself and then just plays with it.

How to make a transformer out of paper?

To make it, you only need a sheet of silver paper (paper-based foil), suitable for folding origami. Just keep in mind that a standard A4 sheet will be too small for such a craft, it is better to take a larger one (A3 or A2).


  1. Cut out a square from a sheet of paper. We fold it along the diagonals, and then with the corners towards the center.
  2. Bend the top corner back down, and then fold the right side towards the left.
  3. Take the top layer of paper by the edge and move it to the side. We should get the figure shown in the picture.
  4. Fold the square on the other side as well. Then we raise the middle of the upper square to the top. We do the same with the second one. As a result, we get the basic origami figure “Bird”. We lower the ends of the paper on top to make a figure like in the photo. We do this on the other side as well.
  5. Fold the resulting wings in the middle and down. After this, we lift the lower triangle up on both sides, while directing the side wings towards the center.
  6. Swap the top and bottom of the workpiece. Fold the top wings in the middle. Fold the diamonds formed on top and behind in half upwards. Fold the side corner towards the center, and then bend it inward. We do this with all four corners.
  7. We turn the resulting workpiece over again from top to bottom. Doing as shown in the photo, we pull forward the triangle in the middle of the part.
  8. Next, we fold the transformer out of paper according to the proposed schemes.
  9. This is what we got as a plane. Now we make his arms, legs and head, and we get a robot.

There is a second master class on how to make a transforming robot out of paper.

Paper transformer - master class

To do this, we need to print (or draw) the details. For this, it is better to take thick paper (for example: whatman paper) or matte white cardboard. They can be immediately colored or simply black and white.

Then we carefully cut out each detail. It is very important to maintain all allowances for gluing.

After this, we glue each part separately. We do this carefully so that there are no traces of glue left anywhere. Let them dry well. Our transformer should not only be three-dimensional, but also move and fold from a robot into a car. To do this, we connect with wire or strong wire according to this scheme all the prepared parts of our future super hero.

Guys, hello! You and I have already made quite a lot of various paper crafts using origami methods. And birds, and animals, and equipment with flowers, whatever they collected. Today we will make a paper transformer with you. Not quite a Decepticon or an Autobot, but an ordinary cube, but not a simple one, but one that can transform. So let's get started:
1. What do we need?

Firstly, this is, of course, a sheet of paper. It can be simple, it can be colored - your choice. But the paper size is defined: 12*24 cm

Secondly, scissors. We just can’t make a cube without scissors

Thirdly, tape. Scotch tape will be needed to hold various elements together.

Fourth, a ruler and a marker. You can’t make mistakes, otherwise the cube will transform crookedly.

2. So, let's get started:
Our sheet is 24 cm long and 12 cm wide, now we need to divide the width into 3 zones. The first zone is 5 cm wide, the second is 4 cm, the third is 3 cm. Now we divide the sheet crosswise into 8 zones, as shown in the picture below:

Now let's cut the workpiece along vertical lines, getting 8 strips, each of which has 3 squares, now you need to bend along the strips to get the letter P:

We connect the edges of the strips, seal them with tape, like this, so that we get triangles:

Now you need to place the triangles on top of each other, and then carefully glue them with tape as shown in the figure. The result will be 4 double figures:

Now we need to repeat the previous operation, except that instead of triangles and us, these 4 double figures will appear. Glue it together so that you get 2 quadruple figures:

Now you need to place the blanks in such a way that there are squares on top with sides of 3x3 cm, and at the bottom there are edges that form an angle. And again we need to glue a strip of tape between the 2 upper squares:

Well, that's it, everything is ready, now you can spin it and put other figures.

The art of origami attracts us with its simplicity of execution and the beauty of the finished figures. It helps you relax, gradually turning the handicraft process into a meditation session. This method of making origami in the form of figures of animals and plants can be the best option for relaxation after a working day.

Paper swan

Swans were one of the first figures that Chinese origami masters began to fold. It is believed that the swan brings warmth and light to the house in which it is located.

  • In fact, an origami pattern like a swan is very easy to learn. To make a cute paper bird, you will need a square sheet of any size.
  • Place the sheet so that the bottom corner is facing you.
  • Bend the workpiece vertically diagonally and return to its original position. Fold the side corners to the center line in the same way as in the diagram.
  • Now fold the sides towards the middle by about half a centimeter.
  • Fold the workpiece in half along the center line with the folds facing outward.
  • Lift the sharp corner of the workpiece upward, forming a neck.
  • Mark the bird's head by bending the neck in the middle.

Bend the swan's wings slightly as if its feathers were being blown by the wind. Cut out a large oval from blue paper and place several of these swans on it - you will get a whole pond with peacefully swimming birds in origami style.