How to make a voluminous pigtail for yourself. Knot braids. Step-by-step video instructions for braiding your own braids

A braid is one of the most comfortable, versatile, practical and beautiful hairstyles. It is appropriate both in everyday life and at a solemn event. This romantic and neat hairstyle can become the basis for very sophisticated, original styling. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for every girl to learn how to braid a braid for herself. With such a hairstyle, you will always look dignified, neat and spectacular. You may think that it is very difficult to weave a braid for yourself, however, this is not so. It is necessary to learn several tricks, then you will become a real master in different types of weaving.

Features of weaving braids to yourself

Medium and long hair has always been considered the standard of femininity and beauty. An ideal way to diversify your everyday style is to weave various braid options for yourself: dragon, herringbone, spikelet, snail, braid with eversion, twist, inside out, bow, inside out, zigzag, tourniquet, asterisk, crescent moon, snail, reverse weaving. If you are just starting to master this skill, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with master classes and video instructions for beginners that will help you understand the principle of weaving.

You need to exercise regularly. Start trying with the simplest options. When you succeed in them, you can take on more complex schemes. The first attempts will be difficult, as the hands become tired from the unfamiliar position. But gradually you get used to it. The first braids braided by oneself may be untidy, but each time the hairstyle will come out more and more beautiful. Do not be afraid to experiment: do a hairstyle in the center of the head, from one side and the other, several at once.

Preparing for weaving

How to make a braid for yourself? Before the weaving process, it is necessary to prepare the hair. They must be clean and tidy. Comb them carefully so that they do not get confused in the process. You can spray with a special spray or water from a spray bottle to remove frizz. In addition, prepare the necessary accessories: combs of several types, two large mirrors, elastic bands, invisible hairpins, hairpins, ribbons, hairpins, hair spray and fixing hairspray.

How to braid beautifully for long and medium hair

A well-chosen hairstyle is a beautiful addition to any look, even a wedding one. There is no need to spend money on expensive jewelry and accessories. Today, braids are a vivid example of a beautiful, fashionable styling. There are many ways to weave them, which you will learn below. Thanks to a large number of braid models, they can be part of an elegant, playful, romantic, strict or feminine look. Therefore, it is a win-win option for self-expression.

Simple three strand braid

Start by learning how to make a simple and quick three-strand braid for yourself. Sit between two mirrors so that you can see yourself from behind and from the front. Comb with a flat comb. You can pre-spray your hair with a spray or water to reduce frizz and make styling easier. Master class in stages:

  • Comb your hair back, divide in the back of the head into three equal parts.
  • Run your fingers along each strand. Further, the fingers will serve as “bookmarks” for you, which will not allow the hair to join together.
  • Wrap left and right around the center strand, pushing it to the right and left. For the first 5-10 turns, keep your hands behind your neck, then throw your hair over your shoulder for more convenience.
  • Weave until a 10 cm long tip remains. Secure with an elastic band, hairpin or ribbon.

Braid "Fishtail"

Beginners in braiding themselves need to start with a simple version of the "Fishtail". This hairstyle is easy to weave, and the result is unsurpassed. There are two techniques for weaving this braid: first make a ponytail or start with the forehead all over the head. If you start from the tail, then the hair will not crumble in your hands, so the strands are easier to control. Weaving requires invisible, a comb with thin teeth, elastic bands or bows, ribbons, hairpins, two mirrors, one of which is installed at the back and the other at the front. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Take a strand that will be the beginning of the fish tail. Comb it thoroughly, divide it into two equal widths.
  • Cross the left and right strands so that the right is on top. With a thin comb, separate a small part of the hair on the left side, add to the right strand. The thinner the added parts of the hair, the more interesting and elegant the finished hairstyle will look. To avoid "roosters", pull the strands.
  • Separate part of the hair on the right, transfer to the left hand.
  • Alternately add new strands on one side and the other, shift to the opposite hand.
  • When you reach the hairline, secure the braid with a barrette or continue braiding to the ends without it.

french braid

The French braid in the classic version is woven from all hair, while even bangs are captured. It is done close to the scalp. The method of weaving is different from the usual braid. The length of the hair must be at least 12 cm. The hairstyle remains neat for a long time. This versatile French braid is perfect for work or a night out. Step by step master class:

  • Comb all your hair, separate a strand in the middle, divide it into three.
  • Throw the right over the center, and then do the same with the left.
  • Add part of the loose hair to the right and left strands. Take parts of the same size, then the braid will look even, neat. For a tight version, use thin strands, for a romantic and loosely braided - wide.
  • We continue to weave according to the described technique until the entire mass of hair is woven into the braid.
  • Fix the end with an elastic band or twist it into a bundle, a knot, fix it with hairpins.

Weaving method "Spikelet"

Spikelet looks very beautiful on the head of any girl. Before weaving the braid, you should prepare yourself: make a small bouffant at the roots, or corrugation with a special curling iron, and then comb it along the entire length with a massage brush. So the finished hairstyle will look more voluminous. But if you have thick hair, then bouffant is not needed. Technology step by step:

  • Start at the top of your head by separating three small strands. Overlap the middle strand with the left, then with the right.
  • At the same time, you need to grab some of the remaining hair with your thumb near the strand you are adding to. With your other hand, hold the remaining two strands of the three main ones.
  • Cross the large part you added to with the middle part.
  • So weave the left side into the braid.
  • Repeat the above steps until the end of the part of the hair where the roots grow. Make a ponytail or finish with a regular braid.

How to make a headband braid

How to make a braid for yourself? This is one of the varieties of French, which is woven around the entire head, crowning it like a crown. It is easy to braid, and you can add ribbons to it to make the hairstyle look bright and festive. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Part your hair along the growth line from one ear to the other.
  • Collect the rest in the tail. Begin the French braid from the left ear, weaving in medium-thick strands.
  • Continue braiding to the right ear.
  • When you run out of braiding hair, secure the remaining hair with an elastic band. Leave the tail or continue to make a regular braid to a short tip, hiding it inside, securing it with a hairpin or rubber band.

Volumetric pigtail of five strands

How to braid a voluminous braid? Not all girls can boast of lush and thick hair. Some consider the braided braid to be too thin for itself and no longer repeat this experience. There are little tricks that visually make the hairstyle more voluminous. For this, a five-strand braid is suitable for you. Instruction step by step:


  • Divide the entire mass of hair into five equal strands.
  • Then proceed according to this algorithm: move the left extreme to the opposite edge, skipping between the central ones so that it braids them with a snake. Do the same with the next left extreme.
  • Weave your own braid according to this pattern. When you reach the tip, secure your hair with an elastic band.

Greek braid on the side

The Greek braid is an elegant, fashionable hairstyle that is considered one of the leading in popularity. It suits almost any type of face. The Greek braid gives the image romance, femininity, turning you into a goddess. Instruction step by step:

  • Divide a strand of hair over the left ear in a straight parting, dividing it into three equal parts.
  • Start braiding tightly, pressing tightly to your head. Weaving is carried out by adding an additional strand to the top.
  • The braid will go diagonally. You have to add new strands until the hairstyle goes vertical. Next, braid your own regular braid.
  • At the base, fasten with an elastic band, sprinkle with varnish.

The scheme of weaving a regular braid waterfall

The waterfall braid is a stylish and charming interpretation of the classic French technique, where part of the curls falls freely down the back, like rain or water streaming down the glass. She gives the girl a fabulous, romantic, gentle image, which is proved by photos of celebrities with such a hairstyle. The braid looks more effective on wavy hair, so wind the curls on a curling iron or curlers in advance. Step by step master class:

  • Comb your hair. Separate a strand at the temple, divide by three. Start weaving a regular braid: the first binding should go from the strand near the face, shift it to the center, repeat from the bottom.
  • The top strand will be at the bottom where it needs to be left. Instead, take a new one from the total mass of hair. Continue braiding: join the hair from above, as in a French braid, shift to the middle. Do the same with the bottom.
  • The top strand will be at the bottom, leave it and replace with a new one.
  • Continue weaving according to the method described above, reaching the place where you want to stop. Finish with a regular braid or secure the end with a hairpin, elastic band, or decorative hairpin.

Step-by-step video instructions for braiding your own braids

Any girl is proud of her long luxurious hair, because since ancient times it was considered not only the main decoration of the virgin, but also her strength. We all remember red girls from folk tales with beautiful braids. Modern fashion favors this hairstyle, so it always remains in trend. Particularly relevant are unusual braids, which are complex designs of intertwined curls. How to braid your own hair? In the videos below you will see a visual process of creating all kinds of braided hairstyles.

Technique of weaving braids on the contrary with a ribbon

Ribbons are an excellent hair accessory. You can choose openwork, multi-colored, satin. A braid, on the contrary, with such an accessory looks fresh, original. She will harmoniously complement the image of any girl, becoming the main decoration. The braid, on the contrary, looks very voluminous. The length of the hair for such weaving by itself should be at least 20 cm. You should not weave very tight, as modern trends dictate the fashion for disheveled, slightly careless braids. You will see in this video how to weave a braid on the contrary with a ribbon to itself.

Wide braid with elastic bands

In the video below, you will clearly see the process of creating a wide braid for yourself with elastic bands. This is an original way of weaving, which will become the highlight of the image. It will help even from a modest amount of hair to make a chic voluminous hairstyle. The elastic bands make the braid secure, so the styling will last a very long time, and you won't have to worry about it getting frayed. The weaving method of this hairstyle itself cannot be called easy, but with a little patience and skill, you will get an excellent result.

Round 3-D 4-strand braid

The following technique is one of the varieties of weaving braids to itself from four strands. Its main feature is that you get a three-dimensional effect. Do not be afraid, because weaving is easy. If the first time you do not understand, then review the proposed video tutorial for beginners again. With a little practice, you can create such a hairstyle for yourself in a few minutes without any extra effort.

How to braid a beautiful braid on a bang

A braid on a bang is able to revive and give originality to any hairstyle, making the image feminine, romantic. The video below demonstrates the process of creating such a styling. From the first time, you may not get a beautiful braid on your own bangs, but with a little practice, you will succeed. This hairstyle is relevant if you grow your hair or do not have time for styling. You can experiment with accessories by weaving ribbons into the braid, decorating it with small flower buds.

Openwork braid in the form of a flower

Openwork weaving of braids to itself has become very popular. It is found both in everyday life and at festive events. Thin strands form a pattern of indescribable beauty, making a perfect composition on your head. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to weave an openwork braid in the form of a flower for yourself. This hairstyle is difficult, so you will have to practice. It is perfect for formal occasions.

Beautifully braided hair every day, do you think it's fantastic? - Not at all! It is enough to master a few basic techniques and then you yourself will not notice how you will start creating more and more original hairstyles!

The braid is perhaps one of the most feminine, delicate and sensual hairstyles, even in ancient times our great-great-great-great-grandmothers braided their luxurious hair into a variety of hairstyles that were considered their pride and beauty. So why don't we renew this wonderful tradition and delight ourselves every day with beautiful weaving and styling?

What do you need to braid your hair?

  • Literally 5-20 minutes of free time, and with practice it will take 1-3 minutes at all.
  • A mirror, or better yet two, so you can see the result from all sides.
  • Several types of combs.
  • Invisibles, hair clips, hairpins, elastic bands and more, depending on what hairstyle you plan to do.
  • Lacquer for fixing.

How beautiful to braid your hair?

Harness. If you are not good at various weaves, then I would recommend that you start with this particular hairstyle. Firstly, you will clearly see the result, secondly, you need to work with only two strands, and thirdly, this hairstyle looks very gentle and romantic.

Comb your hair well and remove it to one side, on which you want to create a future hairstyle. Divide your hair into a parting, you can make a side parting to make the weaving look more impressive. Separate two strands, twist them into a bundle (remember in which direction you will twist, because then you will need to turn them in the opposite direction to create a tourniquet effect), now twist the bundles together. Next, twist the strands, adding hair, and twist them into a tourniquet.

Waterfall. Simple, but incredibly delicate and elegant hairstyle. It is woven quite simply, according to the classical scheme of an ordinary braid of three strands, with the only difference being that on one side (lower) the strand is always released down and a new curl is taken instead.

Rim. A scythe-rim of one's own hair plays a decorative and practical role at the same time. To do this, select a curl, braid a regular pigtail and throw it over your head, in the manner of a headband, bandage or along the forehead line.

Bundle of braids Braid several braids and carefully fold them into a bagel one by one. At the end, you will get an elegant hairstyle that can also be worn in the evening.

Tail. Separate the lower part of the hair and make a low ponytail or bagel from the rest. Braid the separated strands into a braid and wrap it around the tail.

How beautiful to braid your hair? Video

Hair bundle

Reverse elongated braid

voluminous fish tail

Wide braid

Spit waterfall

Headband braid

Every day is a desire that is quite obvious, and girls need to spend a lot of time to achieve this goal. When going to work in the morning, a woman cannot visit a hairdresser for professional styling, so she has to learn the basics of creating a stylish and beautiful hairstyle on her own. One of the most practical styling options can be considered braids. The only difficulty that arises in such a situation is how to braid a braid for yourself, because it is extremely inconvenient. To solve this problem and spend only a few minutes on styling in the morning, you need to find out which braids are worth weaving, what weaving patterns are and how to embody them on yourself.

Types of weaving

When it comes to creating a stylish hairstyle, braids are the most playful, feminine and delicate option. There are a huge number of options for braids, and to make at least one of them, you need to know how to braid your own braid. So, there is a huge variety of weaving, among which the most popular are:

  • French braids.
  • Spikelets.
  • Braids with release (“French Falls”).
  • Collected braids.
  • Pigtails of 2 strands.
  • Complex weaving (4, 5 or 6 strands).

The versatility of braids lies in the fact that they can be braided on hair of any length, except for short ones (2-3 cm). Even if the strands only touch the shoulder line, you can still weave something original from such hair.

Classic options

When it comes to how to braid yourself, you should consider the simplest and most classic version of weaving, which uses only three strands. Even the classic version of such a braid can be of several types: start with a tail or trail like a “Spikelet”.

How to braid your own hair? Detailed instructions for weaving a classic "French braid"

The first option is the most popular. The weaving pattern in this case is very simple.

  1. The hair is carefully combed and collected in a ponytail. Moreover, if the owner of the hair wants to fix the base of the tail, then this can be done with an elastic band. Braid weaving is possible without this element.
  2. The entire tail is divided into three large strands of the same volume.
  3. You need to weave according to this scheme: taking the right strand in one hand, the left in the other, you need to alternately shift the extreme part of the hair to the place of the one that was in the middle. For example, you start weaving from the right strand. You are swapping the position of the right side of the tail with the middle one. Then carry out the same procedure with the left part of the hair: change its position so that after one turn the left strand of hair is in the middle, and the one that was middle is on the left.
  4. Weave to the very end of the tail and secure the weave with an elastic band or hairpin.

If you still don’t know how to braid your own braid, then you should study another weaving pattern, then you will understand exactly what and how to do in order to get a stylish and neat styling.

"Spikelet" - convenient, practical and fast

This type of weaving also belongs to the classic version, and its shape can be of two types: internal (strands are shifted on top of each other, from top to bottom) and external. The braid, on the contrary, it is external, differs only in shifting the strands from the bottom up, therefore, answering the question of how to braid the braid on the contrary to itself, you just need to remember that the strands are shifted from the bottom up. Any braid can be external, just change the course of weaving.

Scheme of weaving "Spikelet"

Let's consider the process of how to braid a braid to yourself in the Spikelet variation.

Weaving this type of braid can be carried out in the center or obliquely (diagonally). The classic version is done in the center, and its weaving pattern is quite simple.

First you need to carefully comb all the hair and take the outermost upper strand. Now you should divide it into three parts and start weaving like a classic "French braid" (the diagram is discussed above). Having made 2 or 3 turns, you need to start adding to each extreme strand a small part of the hair that has not yet been woven. Thus, weaving is brought to the point where all the strands are in the pigtail. If the curls are long, then the remaining, unbraided hair, which will be below the line of the head, can be fixed in a regular ponytail or braided to the very end like a classic "French braid".

If the external type of weaving is chosen, then the strands are superimposed on each other from the inside - from the bottom up. For those who are interested in how to braid a braid on its side in the form of a spikelet, you need to remember only one point. In this case, the topmost strand of hair is taken at the temple (right or left - as convenient) and woven to the opposite side. The rest of the weaving scheme is the same as above.

"French Falls" - a feminine styling option for a holiday or weekday

The most relevant type of weaving can rightfully be considered the “French Falls”. This hairstyle is great for medium to long hair. To know how to braid a beautiful French waterfall braid for yourself, you just need to understand a few key features of weaving and the general scheme.

Hair should be combed thoroughly and slightly damp. Then you need to take the last strand near one temple and divide it into three parts. Make 2 or 3 turns like a classic braid to secure the base of the weave. After that, you need to take into account one key feature in order to know how to braid a waterfall braid for yourself: during weaving, each middle strand is released, and the part of the hair that is under it is taken in its place. The shape of the braid can be both external and internal, as you like. Weaving should be carried out strictly on one horizontal line to a parallel temple. At the end, several ordinary turns are made like a classic braid to fix the weave.

If a girl is the owner of wavy or curly hair, then nothing else needs to be done with this hairstyle. Girls whose hair is straight, you need to curl all the hair that has been released into curls to get a feminine, romantic and easy styling.

Pigtail "Fishtail"

No less famous type of weaving is the "Fishtail". This styling differs in that only two strands are used in it. To know how to braid a beautiful fishtail braid for yourself, you need to study the diagram. Such a braid can also be made in the form of a spikelet or start from the tail. In any case, the selected weaving pattern will remain the same.

  1. It is necessary to carefully comb the hair, moisten it a little.
  2. Divide the tail into two parts.
  3. From each tail you need to take a thin strand of hair and shift it to another tail.
  4. Perform the same action with the other part of the tail.
  5. The resulting weaving "cross to cross" continues to the very end.
  6. At the end, the pigtail must be fixed with an elastic band.

To make the “Fishtail” beautiful, you need to take the thinnest strands of hair for weaving. In this case, you can definitely understand how to braid a braid for yourself. Photos of many examples allow you to clearly understand how this or that weaving is carried out, therefore, when looking for a suitable braid for yourself, you should pay attention to graphic instructions.

Weaving braids is a huge scope for imagination

A braid is a versatile hairstyle option. Such styling can last in perfect condition all day and at the same time not be shabby. The pigtail does not need to be constantly adjusted, so if your work or leisure is often associated with the movement of hands, then neat styling in the form of weaves is ideal for this.

Even the most standard pigtails can be weaved in different ways, as the owner of the hair wants. If you are interested in how to braid a braid around your own head, then it is worth remembering the weaving of the classic "spikelet". In this case, the direction can be absolutely anything: around the perimeter of the head, diagonally, in the center, in a square and, of course, in a circle. The weaving pattern is no different, but it is much more difficult to execute. A braid in a circle usually has additional strands intertwined on one side only. So neatly weaving braids on your own is a rather complicated matter, but mirrors can help in this case. If all other hairstyles did not require special attention from the outside, then mirrors are indispensable here.

Set up a mirror, stand so that you can see how you are braiding, and start styling your hair. In this case, even the most complex weaving will succumb to the hands and will be performed.

A beautiful braid is the pride of every girl

Owners of medium and long hair, as well as strands to the shoulder line, are really lucky, because you can weave original and interesting pigtails from such curls.

A braid is the most versatile hairstyle. It not only allows you to forget about styling for several hours, but also not to be afraid for the condition of your hair. In a braided form, the hair is not exposed to the wind, it does not need to be combed or subjected to a lot of mousses or hairsprays. Therefore, if a girl wants to take care of her hair, not to touch it for some time, then pigtails will do.

They are also great for everyday walks, for parties and even for special, festive occasions. In this case, you just need to choose the right form. A huge number of different weaving options allows each girl to find the styling that fits the shape of her face and that she can do on her own, standing in front of a mirror.

To neatly weave braids, you need to train a little, because even the simplest weaving for a beginner can be overwhelming.

Fashion is cyclical, and some things simply do not leave its limits. This applies not only to a number of styles of clothing, but also hairstyles: in particular, braids. Weaves of varying degrees of complexity one way or another flash both at shows and among popular evening looks. But not everyone knows how to braid braids for themselves, so that the result comes out no worse than in the salon. Will the videos found on the net and lessons with step-by-step photos give results, or is it possible to master science only through attending specialized courses?


How to master independent weaving of braids?

Of course, the most guaranteed way to learn how to braid various braids for yourself is to attend specialized courses, where a qualified teacher will give you all the theory and conduct practical lessons in a few lessons, put your hand on you, track down all possible mistakes. But it is not always possible to find such a specialist, and the cost of such courses often justifies itself only for those who plan to continue making money on creating braids. If you want to master braiding only for yourself, you have to look for less expensive ways. Which of them are the most effective?

Watch the video

It is with regard to braiding that it is much more useful than any diagrams in pictures, since the hands and strands are shown in dynamics, and it is easier to track a certain movement. Moreover, this viewing, of course, has nothing to do with the process that occurs, for example, when you turn on the movie. You will need to play the video several times, perhaps even stop it somewhere, evaluate each frame. On the second or third repetition, it is recommended to start performing the same actions as the author of the video, but without haste.

Think of the process as real school lessons with homework in the form of subsequent practice of the technique - both on yourself and on your girlfriends.

Buy a training head

If this is not possible, buy a ribbon of false hair. For what? If simple braids of three strands (for example, French) can be learned to weave even with closed hands, bending them at an unthinkable angle, then more complex options - of four, or even a "spikelet" of two - require working out the movement of the fingers. And only after it becomes automatic, it will be possible to begin to carry out such schemes on oneself. This is especially true for hairstyles, which affecting the back heads.

Don't give up

The advice is extremely banal, but effective for the simple reason that braiding is a process that affects muscle memory. The stronger it is, the faster and cleaner everything will turn out, regardless of how much at some point you want to complicate the idea. The first time the hairstyle will not work, the fifth time the ends of the strands will stick out somewhere, the eighth links will turn out to be uneven, but the sixteenth it will suddenly turn out that while you were thinking about something abstract, your hands themselves reproduced the desired idea.

For those who have no practical skill in braiding at all, simple lessons with video and photo diagrams are offered below. It is recommended to study them in order, as they are classified according to the degree of difficulty.

How to weave classic three-strand braids?

In childhood, mothers and grandmothers braided such braids for everyone: they are the basis of most hairstyles. There is no particular difficulty in them, but there are a number of tricks to avoid some mistakes.

  • Prepare a large mirror, it is desirable that there is another one of the same opposite it. You need to position yourself between them: this will allow you to simultaneously see both the face and the back of the head, thereby tracking the weaving in any zone.
  • Choose a location with good natural light. This is especially true for owners of dark curls, which, with a lack of lighting, are poorly visible, and the whole mass merges together.

A moisturizing spray (or plain water), hairspray, hairpins, invisible hairpins and elastic bands, as well as a comb with a long, thin handle, are useful as aids.

Learning to weave three strands on yourself is not difficult, you don’t even need to select a thematic video, but it is recommended to start with a side braid to make it more convenient to hold your hands.

  • Break the whole mass of hair into three strands, try to make them the same size. If the hair is very electrified and tangled, sprinkle it with a moisturizing spray.
  • Comb each strand, then overlay the right over the center. Then enter into the process of the left, crossing it with the new central, formerly right.
  • Repeat the cross pattern then the right, then the left strand from the center, until you reach the very end. A if you initially cross the parts not from above, but from below, the braid will turn out to be reversed.

In the process of weaving be sure to check the tension of each link, and whether hairs are knocked out of it. If necessary, smooth them and spray with the same spray. When the classic version is obtained with your eyes closed, you can diversify the hairstyle a little and braid the French braid. It is better to train at the same time as watching a video or photo schemes.

The French variation, which is often called the "dragon", requires you to separate a wide strand at the marginal hairline and split into three equal parts. Start weaving in the traditional way - make one cross on the right and left sides, then add a half-smaller strand to the next active one.

For each new link, keep adding the same amount of hair.. When all the free mass has been used up (this happens at the back of the head), braid the braid to the end and put on an elastic band. You can hide the ponytail inside or roll it into a bun, fixing it with hairpins.

How to learn to weave from two strands?

It is noteworthy that there are slightly more variations of braids from two strands than from three, but creating them on yourself is often a little more difficult. For example, a “waterfall” or a “spikelet” requires dexterity of the fingers, but a traditional tourniquet requires only good fixation. Of course, you should start from the last one.

  • Comb hair to the back of the head and gather into a tight ponytail, smooth the loose mass and sprinkle with a moisturizing spray.
  • Break the curls into two equal strands, twist one of them into a strong tourniquet and fix it with a clip. It is recommended to fix temporarily to the head or T-shirt (for long hair) so that the strand does not unwind back.
  • Repeat the same for the second part, but change the direction: if the first strand was twisted clockwise, the second must be rotated against it. This is the key to the success of this hairstyle.
  • Connect both bundles, interlace them with each other, pull off the tip with an elastic band.

“Spikelet” or “fishtail” is best mastered through a video, and on yourself it is easiest to do it from the side, throwing curls over your shoulder forward.

  • Break the whole mass of pre-combed hair into two equal parts, take from the edges along thin (not thicker than the little finger) strands.
  • Throw the left extreme strand to the place of separation through the left side, enter into the right in the center. Repeat the same mirror, and do not forget to hold all the hair and the meeting point of the strands in particular. After these actions, two solid parts should again be in the hands.

Alternating actions are repeated until the very tip of the braid, where it is fixed with an elastic band.

The main point in this technique is not to forget that the active strands are always taken from the outer edge, and after the cross in the center, this place must be held with your fingers. The stronger the weaving of the "spikelet", the more attractive the result will be.

Is it possible to learn how to weave from four strands?

Lessons for creating braids of four or more parts can be found in large numbers, but they should be performed first on the training head, and only then on yourself. Such hairstyles already have a high level of complexity, and before the muscles remember the movements, there will be a lot of training.

  • As in the case of the "spikelet", throw the entire mass of hair over your shoulder forward and break it into four equal parts. To make it easier to work with them, it is recommended use clean water or a moisturizing spray.
  • The most extreme (fourth) strand must be drawn under the central two, pulled out between the first and second and thrown over the last, but already in front. Thus the fourth strand became the third.
  • Mirror these steps: draw the first strand under the central two, pull it between the fourth and third, throw it in front over the last one.

The key point is that the extreme strands are active, which always pass along the inside and are brought out behind the central pair, bending around one of them in front.

The lessons posted on the net will help to fully understand these simple points: in particular, specialized channels for hairdressers are recommended.

Finally, we offer simple lessons in pictures on creating braid options not considered in the article.

Summarizing the above, it is worth saying that weaving braids to oneself is a little more complicated than the same procedure on someone else's hair: the only difference is the setting of the hand and the inability to fully track the process from behind. However, if you bring the actions to automatism, there will be no problems with this. Therefore, do not neglect training and studying videos from professionals - there is not much theory or practice.

553 03/08/2019 6 min.

A braid is a collected hairstyle that has not lost popularity for many years. It has been adorning women's heads since ancient times and never ceases to be a symbol of femininity. Long braids to the waist were woven by both native Russian and overseas girls. The hairstyle does not lose its relevance to this day. The hairstyle has become even more interesting and diverse: there are such variations of it as a fishtail, a braid of four strands, on the side, a spikelet and a French pigtail. All of them deserve attention, since weaving them is quite simple. Below we will see how to do this.

Preparing hair for braiding

Before you start weaving fashionable and interesting braids, you need to prepare your hair. It is important to pay attention to their condition and, if necessary, perform a few simple procedures.

  • hair should be smooth and clean. If you wash your hair under a stream of cool water, the hair will be soft, as the scales on them will close. Balm or conditioner will make the strands more manageable and light. You can also use to facilitate combing;
  • if a girl has lush curls, it is better for her to straighten them. So the braids will look neater, and the process of doing the hairstyle will be easier;
  • dry your hair with a towel. If it is not possible to dry your hair naturally, use a hair dryer with a low temperature setting. The strands need to be dried one by one, and then gently combed. Remember that frequent use of a hair dryer dries out the hair, makes it sick and brittle;

  • if necessary, you can pick up fixatives, but they should be used only if the hairstyle is created for a long time. Also, with their help, you can divide the hair into strands: fixed with mousse or varnish, they will not go astray.

Hair is ready. You can start doing your hair. There are many ways to interestingly braid hair - consider the most popular of them.

Charming spikelet

This hairstyle is probably familiar to many ladies from distant childhood. Suitable for both long and medium hair. The shortest length at which such weaving is possible is 12 cm. The spikelet looks cute and neat, and the technique of its execution is quite simple. You can add bright ribbons and thin cords to your hair. They not only decorate the hairstyle, but also keep short hairs in the pigtail.

Before you start weaving braids for yourself, you should learn how to do it on another person. Having worked out all the movements, you can try to do the same, but with your own hair.

Spikelet, like any hairstyle, should be done in stages:

  1. First you need to take a special comb with an elongated tail. It is needed in order to divide the hair into strands. So that the latter do not fall apart in your hands, you can moisten them with a fixing agent.
  2. Temechko or a place located closer to the crown is the point from which you can start weaving. Divide your hair into three sections. If there is a bang, it should be stabbed with a clip so that it does not interfere with the process.
  3. The main weaving is done twice. Further, in each stage, one strand is added on each side. The strands should be the same in thickness and overlap exactly on top of each other.
  4. If parts of the hair are knocked out, you need to tighten them. The comb separator helps in this.

Weaving should be continued exactly as long as the length of the hair allows. At the end, you can secure the braid with an elastic band, hairpin or hairpin.


Neat side braid

- such a difficult task. To make such a hairstyle, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Make sure your hair is combed thoroughly. Tangled strands can make braiding difficult, so apply mousse if necessary. It will facilitate combing and weaving.
  2. Choose the side on which you will weave the braid. The strand must be captured at the top of the head and divided into three parts.
  3. Strands on both sides consistently transfer over each other. Next, to the right, you need to grab a new strand of hair from the forehead. Then we take the left strand and transfer it over the central one, adding another strand to it from the back of the head.
  4. The braid is woven in the manner described above to the right ear. It shouldn't be too tight.
  5. When the strands to be picked up and braided are over, keep doing the already classic three-piece braid.

In the final, the pigtail is fixed in any convenient way, and the side strands are pulled out.

The braid is suitable for a solemn event or everyday situations. In both cases, the side-braided braid looks harmonious, feminine and neat.

This hairstyle will look more beautiful and voluminous.

Side braid

original fish tail

The hairstyle holds well all day and will especially decorate the owners of long hair. Before you start weaving, stock up on hairpins and fixatives.

One of the main original features of the fishtail is the weaving of two strands, and not three, as in the classic version.

Armed with the necessary tools, you can get to work:

  1. Hair must be carefully combed. will help prevent the occurrence of tangled strands directly in the process of creating a braid.
  2. Next, the hair is combed towards the back of the head.
  3. One strand is separated from each temple. The approximate thickness of each of them is 2-3 centimeters.
  4. You need to direct the strands to the back of the head. The right one should cross over the left one. Already braided hair must be held. At the same time, you need to separate another strand on the other side. The thickness should be the same.
  5. The left strand should be crossed with the right. The first is placed on top and slightly pressed against the head.
  6. Then separate another strand on the right and cross it with the left. Separate them alternate right and left side. Weave should be until the pigtail reaches the back of the head, in which the hairline originates.
  7. A ponytail should protrude from the resulting braid. From it, begin to separate the hair again. Weaving technique remains the same

In the final, the braid is fixed with an elastic band. It can also be decorated with a flower or hairpins.

"Fish tail"

french braid

This hairstyle can be safely called one of the most popular. makes the girl look elegant and gives her a certain zest.

The hairstyle looks great on long straight hair, but it is also suitable for those girls who have a caret.

Armed with a comb and an elastic band, proceed to the phased implementation of the hairstyle:

  1. Hair must be washed and combed thoroughly. Further, they are divided into three equal parts. The extreme ones need to be picked up, and the one in the middle should be left free.
  2. We put the right strand on the central part of the hair. Hold it with your middle finger, and the leftmost strand with your little finger and ring finger. The index finger should be straightened, and the thumb should support the hair, preventing it from falling.
  3. The braid must be strong and tight, so it is necessary not only to hold the strands, but also to fix the tension. You need to watch this all the time.
  4. The left side of the hair is placed on a strand in the middle. It must be supported by the middle finger on the right hand.
  5. Cross the sections of hair one by one. Sequentially put the right and left strand on the central one. Repeat this action until the hair is completely braided and a small part of it remains.

Comb the rest of your hair and secure with an elastic band.

"French braid"

Unusual four-strand braid

very original and will decorate any girl. This is not the easiest option, but it is quite possible to make such a hairstyle yourself.

  1. At the initial stage, you need to wash your head with shampoo and apply a fixative to wet hair. Next, dry them with a hair dryer. A fixing agent in this situation is not necessary, however, it will be easier to perform a hairstyle using it.
  2. Next, the hair is combed to the back of the head and divided into 4 equal parts.
  3. With one hand, take a section of hair and place it on the strand on the opposite side. With your other hand, hold both parts firmly. Then take the next strand and cross it with the part of the hair located on the opposite side. Hold both strands so that the braid is comfortable.
  4. The first strand is stretched over the second, the third is thrown over the fourth and so on.
  5. Weave continue exactly to the point that you need. At the end, tie your hair in any way.

Four strand braid


An illustrative example of weaving a French braid is shown in the video below.


The above are just a few of the things that can be done. Learn to make new hairstyles, change and don't be afraid to experiment.