How Do I Pick a Good Men's Jacket? How to choose a winter jacket for men: advice from the manufacturer

For the harsh domestic winter, a warm and reliable jacket is a must. But when a man finds himself in a store, his eyes simply run wild and among such a variety, you can choose the wrong option at all. The assortment of outlets contains just a huge number of products from different manufacturers, colors and styles. So, the question of how to choose a winter jacket for a man becomes a difficult task.

In fact, making a choice is much easier than it might seem. If you correctly decompose all the selection parameters on the shelves and strictly follow them, then you can find just the ideal option for winter, which will save you from the cold and complement a stylish look. There are several criteria for choosing a men's winter jacket, and each of them is worth paying attention to.

The modern fashion industry is so interesting and diverse that it will be quite difficult to make the right choice the first time. In order not to get lost in the world of brightness and variety, you need to pay attention to the style of the product, the fabric from which it is made, the color and composition, as well as the size. It is worth talking in more detail about the selection rules for each of the parameters.


How to choose a winter jacket for men so that it is warm and stylish, knowledge about the manufacturer will help. You need to allocate for yourself, products of which brands are the most reliable and popular, and when going to the store to shop, pay attention to the product of the selected brand.

For example, when choosing a winter jacket according to brand parameters for a man, you should pay attention to the products of the following brands:

  1. Braggart.
  2. Alaska.
  3. Back.
  4. Aerospace.
  5. Fergo norge.
  6. Siberia.

Having met the clothes of these brands in the store, you can have complete confidence that the jacket is warm, of high quality and stylish.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

There are good jackets not only among branded jackets, so the main attention should be focused not on the name of the product or the manufacturer, but on the quality parameters.

Material and filler

In order for a men's jacket to be pleasant to wear and to retain heat perfectly, you need to pay attention to what material it is made from. The filler also plays a very important role. If you choose a men's jacket for these parameters, then they should be as follows:

  • products should be made of wool or cashmere, since it is these materials that keep heat best;
  • the jacket should have a thin layer of special insulation that replaces the usual lining;
  • the filler should be synthetic winterizer, eco-down or natural down;
  • the ratio of natural down to feathers should be approximately 80% to 20%, and the insulation layer should be evenly spaced.

Leather jackets are a good option, but they are expensive. For a jacket to be practical and to be worn every day, easy to wash, it is necessary that it has a balloon top and synthetic filling. Jackets, which have a synthetic winterizer as a filler, can be washed at home, they dry quickly and wear well. Less practical and more expensive options can only be purchased for the holiday party.


A jacket chosen by a man should not only be warm and of high quality. Her style should clearly correspond to the preferences and style of the stronger sex. Men's winter jackets are divided into several types and each style has its own characteristics. The following table will allow you to consider the features of the styles of men's jackets:

Jacket style Description
Pea jacket This model is a classic and very popular option. The length of the product ends at the base of the thighs, it is made of dense woolen fabric. This option is very stylish and warm, does not get wet, but visually increases the parameters, so you need to be careful when choosing the size.
Leather Jacket This is a classic men's fashion item. These jackets are one of the warmest, they come in different styles and colors, do not get wet, but short men should be careful when choosing the length of the product.
Windbreaker This product will fit any body type and will be inexpensive. The jackets have a hood and pockets with stylish fasteners. This item is perfect for a layered look.
Parka The jacket does not get wet, it is completely insulated. This version has a fur trim on the hood, which provides additional protection from the cold. Manufacturers use fluff or synthetic fibers as insulation. Popular models are zipped.
Insulated jacket This option has a waterproof top. It will warm you perfectly in any weather, suitable for men of any physique.

Do you wear insulated jackets?


Having decided on the style of the jacket, you can pick up a good product of a reliable brand.

Advice! If a man has a tendency to allergic reactions, then a jacket with natural filler will not suit him.


It is much easier for a man to decide on the color of a winter jacket than on a size. Most of the stronger sex choose winter clothes in black, blue, brown or gray. But the perfect solution would be a combination of light and dark shades, additional details and accessories. Of course, the classics cannot be relegated to the last place, but you can safely decide to add brightness and originality to your image, in the form of bright yellow, red or green accents.

How to determine the correct size?

To determine the size of your jacket, you need to take a classic suit out of the closet and take a close look at the jacket. Having found out the size of the jacket, it is worth buying a jacket one size larger. This will be an ideal option, since in such clothes, a representative of a strong gender will be able to move easily and feel comfortable. The shoulder seam of the jacket should be slightly below the shoulder line for a more attractive silhouette.

To choose a jacket you need to size, you should try on it on a tight sweater, sit down, try to move. If there is no discomfort, then this is exactly what you need.

In order to choose the right men's winter jacket, a representative of the stronger sex should follow these tips:

  • before buying a thing, arrange a small test drive for it (try to move, sit down, bend over);
  • it is worth checking the quality of the seams and additional accessories;
  • it is worth watching that the filler is evenly distributed;
  • it is better to buy products of popular brands, they are more reliable;
  • you need to think a hundred times before buying a jacket with a natural filler, because it is unrealistic to take good care of it at home;
  • the jacket should not only be warm, but also emphasize the dignity of the man's figure.

Following these simple tips, you can choose a really warm jacket for men.


Everyone buys jackets for winter, but not every man knows how to choose the right wardrobe item. That is why, before you buy outerwear, it is worth evaluating it according to several criteria. Only by choosing the right color, style and size can you look stylish.

As for determining the size, it is not difficult at all, because a jacket will always come to the rescue. Going to the store, you can take a friend with you, because from the outside it is easier to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a thing.

With the approach of cold weather for all of us, the question of choosing warm outerwear becomes acute. Yes, it's time to choose a warm jacket and winter shoes. Today, the fashion industry offers us many options for outerwear that can protect us from the cold. However, you need to remember that you need to very clearly understand how to choose the size of the jacket, as well as its style, because your convenience, comfort, and beautiful appearance depend on it. We will consider all these nuances in this article.


In order to successfully choose and purchase a winter jacket or coat, first of all, you need to learn to understand the materials. There are important points here:

  • Materials like cashmere and wool are the best at keeping you warm. Moreover, cashmere is much warmer than wool, but it is a short-lived and expensive material. Therefore, when choosing warm clothes, its merits are controversial in comparison with the strength of wool.
  • If you want to find a really warm, high-quality jacket, then pay attention to the option with a thin layer of special insulation called Thinsulate (goose down), which is sewn into a regular lining.
  • Men's winter jackets made of cashmere or wool are often lined with acetate silk. A product with such a lining sits well and comfortably on top of clothes, while the material of the top retains heat perfectly.

Size selection

Before choosing a jacket, you need to decide on its size. This is not at all difficult, but at the same time it is also advisable to follow some tips:

  • Buy a jacket one size larger than your suit jacket. It will make it easier for you to move, and it will also not press on around the neck and in the shoulders.
  • The shoulder seam of the garment should fall just below the edge of your shoulder. This will create a more beautiful silhouette if you wear the jacket over a jacket or tracksuit.

Important! During the day, a men's jacket can be worn in place of a traditional coat by wearing it over a suit jacket. But after 18:00 it is not customary to do this.

  • If you're in doubt about the size and can't decide which jacket to buy, try it on over a thick sweater or blazer. Thus, you can see how she sits on you, and understand how comfortable you are in this particular jacket.

Important! When choosing a jacket, try raising your arms and sitting on a chair. Bend down and tie the laces on your shoes. A new thing must be comfortable in any situation, so before you buy it, try to give it a good “test drive”.

Types of men's winter jackets

Winter outerwear should protect its wearer from dampness and cold. First of all, when choosing a winter jacket for men, you need to remember that this is a practical thing. Despite this, she can also be stylish and fashionable. And the existing variety of models and styles can satisfy every taste.

Important! When choosing a waterproof jacket, make sure that the seams are waterproof. Otherwise, the product will still get wet, and you, accordingly, freeze.

Pea jacket

Pea coats are a classic and quite popular option. In fact, these are uniforms for sailors, but today they are worn with pleasure not only by representatives of this profession. Some men even consider a pea jacket to be the main wardrobe item in the winter.

Its characteristics:

  • As a rule, a pea jacket is as long as the base of the thighs and is decorated with wide lapels.
  • This garment is very warm, as it is sewn with a dense, heavy woolen fabric.
  • The pea jacket does not get wet due to the special treatment.

When choosing a pea jacket, consider some points:

  • Those who like to wear this version of outerwear should choose the smallest size, which, nevertheless, will allow them to feel comfortable in this jacket, worn over clothing.
  • The fabric of the pea jacket should not protrude and stretch between the buttons.
  • Pea jackets fit perfectly on slimmer men - they emphasize the waist and visually expand the shoulders and chest.
  • Larger men are advised to avoid this style, because the upper part of the body will look too massive.

Important! A jacket of this type visually enlarges the figure, therefore, if you choose the wrong jacket for a man, his figure will look disproportionate.


A leather jacket or coat is a timeless classic in men's fashion. Such outerwear is characterized by the following features:

  • Many people value leather goods for their long service life - it is profitable to buy such things.
  • Men's leather outerwear is considered one of the warmest. A properly sewn product perfectly retains heat and does not allow its owner to freeze.
  • Leather jackets or coats come in a variety of sizes, but the colors are often limited to brown and black.
  • The length can be different - to the waist, to mid-thigh, to the knee, to mid-calf or full length.
  • It is undesirable for short men to choose long jackets, as they visually shorten the figure.
  • For those who avoid wearing leather things for ethical reasons (for example, vegetarians), you can choose artificial leather options - such a thing is much cheaper, does not get wet, but also less warm.

Important! To prevent a leather product from getting wet, it must be regularly treated with special impregnations.


As a rule, windbreakers are worn by those men who like layered clothing instead of one thick jacket. Such clothes are characterized by the following features:

  • Windbreakers are suitable for absolutely any shape.
  • These jackets are often made waterproof.
  • They provide excellent protection from strong winds.
  • These jackets usually have a hood for full protection.
  • Outside pockets are closed with large valves to keep their contents dry at all times.
  • The cuffs, hood and bottom of the windbreaker have adjustable drawstrings.

Important! Typically, these outer garments are made from breathable materials such as polyester or nylon.


The parka is a waterproof, well-insulated jacket with a fur trim on the hood to protect the head from the cold. This type of clothing has the following features:

  • The hood is often made removable, with buttons or zippers.
  • Synthetic fiber or down is used as a filler.
  • The length of the jacket is usually mid-thigh or higher.
  • Originally, parkas were worn over the head, but today models have a zipper.

Insulated jackets

Insulated jackets are products with a waterproof top, lining and a layer of special insulation between them, which keeps heat well. In addition, when choosing a jacket for the winter of this type, it is advisable to pay attention to the following:

  • Down, soft feathers of young birds or artificial polyester material can be used as a filler. Clothes with any of these fillers will serve well in any bad weather.

Important! The amount of down in the lining is measured in grams. It takes from 300 to 800 grams of down to insulate one men's winter jacket.

  • Some models have a removable liner. It can be worn as a vest, separately, and the top without insulation can be used as a windbreaker.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural and artificial insulation

The comparative characteristics below will help the buyer determine the key points to look for when choosing a jacket. By comparing the pros and cons of each type, the consumer will be able to decide for himself what kind of jacket he needs - with a synthetic filler or natural.

Natural insulation

  • Lightweight and warm.
  • Easy to compress.
  • Long lasting.
  • Expensive.
  • Volume.
  • When wet, it does not retain heat.
  • Requires special care and storage.

Synthetic insulation

  • Inexpensive.
  • Suitable for those who suffer from fluff allergies.
  • Can be stored under normal conditions.
  • It retains heat worse in comparison with natural insulation.
  • Low weight-to-heat ratio.

What should you pay attention to when buying?

In order to choose the right winter jacket for men in terms of size and quality characteristics, it is necessary to take into account some factors:

  • Material. It is desirable that the outer material of the jacket be waterproof and not blown through. Your comfort will largely depend on this.
  • Hood. It not only protects from rain and snow, but allows you to keep your head warm, so its presence on a jacket is very important.
  • Length. It is advisable for short men to refrain from buying long jackets or coats. In such a wardrobe item, the figure of a man is lost, and he looks even shorter. But taller men do not go too short jackets to the waist, or which barely cover the hips - this length visually lengthens the legs, and they seem disproportionately long in comparison with the rest of the body.
  • Clasp. This parameter is also very important when buying a new item. It takes a lot of time to open and close the buttons, and it is quite difficult to do it with gloves. Small buttons are much more difficult to handle than large ones. This is especially true for those who have problems with finger mobility, so in these cases it is better to pay attention to models with buttons or zippers.
  • We hope our article will help you choose a jacket so that it hides figure flaws, emphasizing its advantages, and can also protect you in bad weather from rain, wind or frost. Warm, properly chosen outerwear is the guarantee of your health in winter.

“See how well the down jacket sits on you, warm and warm, do not hesitate,” the saleswoman habitually chatters, serving another customer who has come to warm up before the harsh Siberian frosts. It is up to you to believe in the word of the sweet consultant or still try to figure out what temperature the winter jacket is designed for. In this article, we will briefly look at the main insulation used by jacket manufacturers in terms of their ability to keep the wearer warm in cold weather.

Fluff and feathers

It so happened that almost every one of us habitually calls any winter jacket "down jacket", although this is true only for a certain part of the representatives of winter outerwear. A down jacket, of course, can only be called a jacket that uses natural bird down and feathers as insulation.

Most often, eider or goose down is used in outerwear. On the label of imported manufacturers, it is indicated by the word down. Next to this word is feather. The ratio of the first and second ranges from 70:30 to 85:15, the more down, the warmer and heavier the product.

The warmest and most expensive eiderdown down. Such down jackets can cost several tens of thousands of rubles. The thoughtful cut of the padded pad also increases the price of the product. For example, so that the fluff does not get confused inside the product and does not crawl out, it is sewn into special bags, which are then evenly placed inside the lining. To avoid cold bridges in the seams, competent manufacturers lay overlapping bags with fluff or glue the seam spaces with special compounds. When choosing a down jacket, inspect the seams, slightly remember the product - sharp ends of feathers or down should not stick out of it.

The advantage of down jackets is high thermal insulation rates, like all natural materials. But they require particularly gentle care when washing or cleaning. Moreover, natural material serves as an excellent breeding ground for dust mites. It is better not to buy low-quality products made of fluff at all, since problems with wearing (feathers and fluff that come out and get lost) will negate the pleasure of warmth.

Viva synthetics!

Perhaps the most common fillers for warm jackets today are synthetic. Their use is justified by ease of maintenance, relative affordability and good thermal insulation properties.

One of the most common heaters for outerwear is synthetic winterizer. It has a small volume, does not crumple when worn, however, a jacket on a padding polyester can save a maximum of 10-15 degrees from frost.

A more frost-resistant insulation is holofiber. It is more voluminous - products with it look puffier, which may not be to the taste of fashionistas. But the obvious plus of holofiber is that it can easily warm the owner at temperatures up to 25-30 degrees below zero.

Recently, products based on synthetic insulation of a new generation, such as Fibertek, Waltherm, Thinsulate, etc., have been on the mass market. All these are developments of foreign companies, which were originally used in sewing army and sportswear. They owe their heat-saving properties to synthetic hollow fibers, which have a high degree of elasticity. Products with such fillers may not be inferior in terms of thermal insulation properties to down jackets.

The most popular filler is thinsulate, developed by the American company 3M. It is a very light and warm material that recovers well after washing and, despite its artificial origin, allows the body to breathe. In terms of cost, products with thinsulate as a filler are close to jackets based on natural down.

Usually, the word Polyester appears on the label of a product with a synthetic filler. This means with a 90% probability that there is a synthetic winterizer or holofiber inside. The latter, as already mentioned, is more voluminous and warmer.

By the Thinsulate label, you will accurately identify the Thinsulate. Another modern insulation that is most often used in sportswear, Waltherm will be designated as Valtherm. By the way, experts advise to purchase products with waltherm with a density of at least 200-250 units for the winter.

Products filled with natural down are best dry-cleaned. When washing down jackets, use the gentle mode or wash them by hand without soaking or wringing. When washing with a machine, experts advise putting a couple of tennis balls in the drum: they will absorb excess moisture and will roll over the jacket during washing, preventing the fluff from falling off.

What does the label say?

The label of the factory product must indicate the material from which the top of the jacket is sewn, the material of the filler and lining. The upper fabric can be windproof and waterproof, which will certainly increase the wearing comfort.

The abbreviation CLO and the number from 1 to 3 indicate the thermal insulation properties of the product. So, a down jacket with 1CLO is designed for temperatures up to -15о С, 3CLO - up to -40о С.

In addition to the label, many large manufacturers supply their products with a special booklet, where the properties of the filler and the top fabric are described in detail.

When cold winds come from the North, and the temperature outside the window goes to minus, you want to quickly wrap yourself up in a cozy warm jacket. And if you went to our website and read this article, then the question of how to choose a men's jacket is the most relevant one for you.

Every year the modern fashion industry offers more and more options and styles of clothing that can protect a man from bad weather. However, when buying a new winter jacket, you should take into account that you should not come to a business meeting in a sports park, and a coat will be inappropriate if your wardrobe consists mainly of sports items.

To stay warm when it's cold and snowy outside, take advice on how to choose a winter jacket for men.

The length of the jacket is important. If you are short, then you should refrain from long coats and parkas. By neglecting this rule, you run the risk of getting a very unsightly silhouette - you will look even shorter than you really are.

A tall man, on the contrary, is not recommended to stop choosing a jacket that is too short (to the waist). This length will visually lengthen your legs, and the figure will look disproportionate. The best option is an elongated jacket or coat.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the fastening of the jacket. Agree, it is very inconvenient and long to unbutton and button many buttons on a coat, especially when wearing gloves. If you cannot find a beautiful coat with a lock, then choose a model with large buttons.

When purchasing a waterproof jacket, check carefully that all seams are also waterproof. There are two types of seams in total - fully glued and partially glued. Jackets with the latter type are usually much cheaper. And this is quite a normal option, except when you live in a city with a rainy climate. For example, if you are a resident of St. Petersburg, then you should not buy such a jacket.

Since a jacket is a rather expensive item, it is important to choose the right size. It's not too difficult: just purchase a jacket one size larger than your jacket size. This jacket will not hinder your movements, will not press around the neck and shoulders.

The seams on the shoulders of your jacket should drop slightly off the edges of your shoulder. This "trick" allows you to look more organic in the event that you decide to wear a jacket over a jacket or tracksuit.

Please note that a sports jacket for men can be freely worn over a jacket only during the day, but in the evening it will not look entirely appropriate.

If you are in doubt about the size you choose, or you are unsure which size of the two you should choose, try it on over a thick sweater. Try to raise your arms, bend over, sit on a chair. Your new purchase should be comfortable in any situation, so give your jacket a real "test drive" before buying.

Which jacket should you choose? There are a great many types of warm men's jackets. Your choice depends entirely on your taste and style of clothing.

Solid pea coats - the choice of stylish men

A pea jacket is perhaps the most popular outerwear option among respectable men. Usually a pea jacket has wide lapels and length to the base of the thighs. These are incredibly warm clothes, as they are made of heavy, dense woolen fabric. Also, the fabric undergoes a special treatment that makes the garment waterproof.

The pea jacket should fit snugly, so aim for the smallest size that still allows you to easily put on the sweater. At the same time, the fabric should not be stretched and protruded in every possible way.

Do not forget that this type of jacket will visually enlarge your figure, and therefore do not rush when choosing a size, otherwise your figure may look disproportionate.

Best of all, a pea jacket suits slender men, as it tends to emphasize the waist, and also visually expands the shoulders. We advise obese men to avoid this style.

If you like hard rock, Russian TV series about bandits, or simply prefer leather things because of their stamina and endurance, we advise you to get a leather coat or jacket for the winter.

Men's winter jackets made of real leather keep warm well and do not let you freeze. To prevent such a jacket from getting wet under the snow, it should be treated with a special water-repellent solution.

The styles of leather jackets and coats are very different, but the colors are limited - either black or brown. The length also varies: to the knee, to mid-thighs or to the waist. Recall that men with short stature are not recommended to choose too long options, as they can visually shorten your figure.

The park will shelter you from the winter cold

Parka - insulated waterproof jacket with fur trim. The hood is often removable. The role of insulation is usually synthetic fiber or down. The length of the parka often varies: some choose models with a length up to mid-thigh, others prefer a longer version.

Down jacket

From above, down jackets are usually waterproof, and inside they have a layer of insulation (down or polyester), which can save even from forty-degree frost. More about the choice of down jackets - in the special.

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In the climatic conditions of our country, it is especially important to choose the right winter clothes. We make high demands not only on functionality, but also on the appearance of those things that we acquire. In our article, we will focus on the variety of winter jackets that can be found in shopping centers or on the market, and how to choose the right men's winter jacket, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and weather conditions. All this in order.

How not to be mistaken

Correctly selected clothes will not only warm you in cold weather and protect you from wind and rain. A person who wears a thing ideally suited to his figure, status and lifestyle will feel free and confident, he will be able to solve all work and everyday problems without being distracted by extraneous factors.

We will tell you what to look for when choosing.


On the territory of our country, one can find both severe frosts down to -40, and mild winters, when the temperature does not drop below 0. The requirements for outerwear will be completely different. In the first case, special protection from cold and snow is required. It's good if the bottom of the product will almost cover your knees, and the hood will protect your head from the wind. At the same time, the material of the top of the jacket must have water-repellent properties, and the seams must be well glued. Of natural fillers, goose down or fur is excellent, and among synthetic ones we single out holofiber or synthetic fluff.

If it is not too cold in your region, then demi-season models are quite suitable. In this case, the upper material can be fabric, if there is no heavy precipitation. And if rain is a frequent occurrence in your area, then purchase products from a water-repellent canvas.

Consider jackets with transforming elements as the most versatile option: a detachable fur lining, a removable hood and other design solutions.

Life style

A business person needs expensive and elegant things to look presentable at important meetings. If your lifestyle is negotiations with business partners, presentations, meetings, then stylish leather jackets and men's cropped sheepskin coats are your option. Choose one size larger to wear a jacket or sweater underneath. Fitted and slightly elongated models with a slightly lowered shoulder seam look good. Pay great attention to the quality of the material of the product: choose only natural.

For active young people, freedom of movement will be key. In this case, the length of the jacket should be sufficient to protect from the cold, reach mid-thigh. The hood and cuffs on the sleeves are also a necessary attribute of things designed for long walks.

Men who spend a lot of time behind the wheel should choose shorter models so as not to impede the movement of their legs. If the weather is very frosty, you can take elongated things, but with two sliders, so that you can unfasten the bottom zipper to the desired length.

Special requirements apply to clothing for winter sports. Such things should not only retain heat well and not get wet, but also have the ability to wick moisture away from the body. Stayer brand products meet all modern standards and have a wide range of items for outdoor activities in winter. The company controls the entire technological cycle - from the manufacture of materials to the design of finished products, so that customers can be sure of the highest quality of goods. All production is located in Russia, which provides a more affordable price in comparison with the promoted Western brands. At the same time, Stayer products are in no way inferior to them in terms of functional characteristics and external data.

Features of the figure

It is very important to consider your complexion when choosing clothes. Modern beauty standards dictate their own conditions - an athletic elongated figure is in fashion. Despite the fact that not everyone can boast of ideal proportions, with the help of well-chosen things, you can visually correct some of the shortcomings.

Models with transverse seams, pulled together by an elastic band at the waist or at the bottom, are not suitable for chubby young people. Also, they should abandon shortened products and too variegated colors.

When choosing winter clothes, pay attention to the size. It is not necessary that the jacket, both down-padded and leather, tight-fitting - it should sit on the man a little loosely. When shopping for outerwear, expect to be able to wear a sweater or other warm item underneath.

Transverse creases on the case and moving floors will hint that you need to take a larger product. If it is not possible to try on the model you like, focus on your jacket: a jacket one size larger than it will fit well.

It is important that this wardrobe item allows you to move freely. In the store, having already put on the item, do a couple of simple exercises. Raise your arms to the sides and up, bend over. When moving, you should not feel any discomfort.

Sewing quality

Winter clothes cost a lot, we don't buy them for one season, so it is important that the jacket lasts as long as possible. When buying, pay special attention to the materials from which the goods are made, as well as to the quality of workmanship: whether the seams are even, whether the fittings are firmly sewn.

The top of the product should be made of durable water-repellent fabric that will provide protection from wind and precipitation. Acetate silk is used as standard for lining. It guarantees the safety of things that are worn under the jacket, prevents the formation of pellets on them. But in sports and insulated models, the lining can be fleece or bike. They keep warm better, but can adhere to undergarments.

A quality item can be distinguished by how smooth the lines are on it. Curved seams look sloppy, and from too large holes from the needle filler can be knocked out, especially if natural down is used.

Accessories play a special role. The weakest point in men's winter jackets is the zipper. Therefore, when buying, check how freely the slider runs and whether it jams the fabric. Tractor versions of fasteners are considered the most reliable. If the product has buttons or buttons, then make sure they are strong, fasten and unfasten them several times.

Crooked seams with skipped stitches or tangled loops, poorly sewn buttons made of cheap plastic and a sticky zipper give away a poor-quality product, give it up in the store. Do not pay attention to the well-known label. The patch doesn't say anything yet. Most likely they are trying to sell you a fake for a very serious price.

Stayer is committed to ensuring that the output is at its best. All materials are laboratory-developed, the seams are carefully executed and glued, which guarantees maximum heat retention. At the same time, a large assortment of manufactured goods will allow you to choose a model not only for sports, but also for everyday wear.

What men's jackets are

Today you can choose from a huge number of different options, both more classic and extravagant models. Let's consider their main varieties and help you make the right choice.

Down jacket

The most common outerwear among our population. Such things are easy to use and durable to wear. Modern down jackets are insulated not only with natural down, but also with synthetic materials. Both options have their strengths and weaknesses.

Down is light and keeps warm better, but does not tolerate wetting and will not suit people with allergies.

Jackets with holofiber or synthetic fluff can be cleaned in a regular washing machine, but in terms of weight and heat capacity, synthetic is much inferior. To prevent the filler from rolling, such products are sewn, often in some original way, so that the seams carry not only a functional load, but also complement the design.

Pea jacket

This model, reminiscent of a uniform, is made of dense woolen fabric impregnated with a special water-repellent solution. The color scheme of the product is restrained, mainly black or dark blue.

The pea coat visually slightly adjusts the silhouette so that the shoulders seem wider and the waist is slimmer, while the whole image becomes more brutal and masculine. The main condition for a successful landing is the correct size. A mistake, even a small one, will spoil the whole appearance in one direction or another. Also, this style will not suit overweight short men - it will make their figure more overweight.


The parka, popular among young people, has an elongated, fitted cut, its length reaches mid-thigh. Most often, the top of such a jacket is fabric, it has a large number of patch, secret and internal pockets. This style is very comfortable to wear. Expensive quality products can fit into office and casual style.


Such a jacket was originally in the wardrobe only among climbers and skiers, but today it is widespread among all lovers of spending time outdoors in winter. It is made of waterproof and windproof fabric. The anorak protects well from the cold thanks to additional elements: a stand-up collar, a hood with fur trim, elastic bands on the cuffs and hem.


The leather jacket has not gone out of fashion for many seasons. The reason for this is its durability, high heat-shielding properties and the representative appearance that it creates. When choosing a leather product, pay attention to the quality of the material. It must be soft and elastic and have a water-repellent treatment. A variety of models will allow you to choose a style according to your figure. But remember that it is better for short men to refuse to buy elongated products, because they visually shorten the silhouette.

Winter outerwear is created to protect its wearer from cold and wind. A wide range of models offered by modern manufacturers allows you to choose a product for every taste and budget.

To choose the right men's winter jacket, you need to follow the simple rules that we talked about in this article.

  • Focus on the weather in your area.
  • Choose an item in size with a small margin so that you can wear a sweater under your jacket in winter.
  • Consider the features of your figure.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the purchased product.
Wear only items that are safe, durable and well-fitting. They not only keep you healthy, but also emphasize your individual style.