What drops can pregnant women with congestion. Hormonal nature of the common cold. What drugs are allowed for use by pregnant women

With the advent of new life in a woman's womb, the body of the future mother undergoes tremendous changes. The restructuring process, which affects the work of almost every system, makes the female body more vulnerable, including to colds.

One of the most common phenomena that overtakes a woman "in position" is rhinitis. Even the seemingly harmless runny nose can bring not only a lot of inconvenience for the woman herself, but also trouble for the baby she is carrying. How to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and what nose drops can women use during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and rhinitis

First of all, let's figure out what a runny nose is, why it occurs, what changes in the work of the body it provokes and how this ailment can be dangerous to a baby.

Causes of the common cold in pregnant women

Since childhood, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that a runny nose is exclusively a companion of a cold. This statement is true, but only partially. If we are talking about a pregnant woman, then rhinitis can be triggered by the following "enemies":

  • Viral infection. It is rare that ARVI proceeds without an annoying runny nose. The question of treating or not treating rhinitis in this case is not worth it - the influence of viruses on the life developing in a woman's womb can be the most negative.
  • Hypothermia. Against the background of a general decrease in immunity, even a slight hypothermia can "reward" a woman with a runny nose. Symptomatic therapy, warmth and drinking (drinking plenty of fluids is not recommended in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters due to the risk of edema) will help eliminate rhinitis.
  • Hormones. The change in the hormonal background observed in a woman with the onset of pregnancy affects the permeability of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa. Vasomotor rhinitis occurs, in which a woman overcomes nasal congestion, transparent discharge from the nasal passages appears, but the general condition is not disturbed. At later periods of waiting for the addition, the cause of such a cold can be changes in the composition of the blood caused by preeclampsia. In this case, the main task is observation. Allowed drops for nasal congestion during pregnancy will help alleviate the condition and eliminate discomfort.
  • Allergic reactions. In cases of exacerbation of allergies in expectant mothers, symptoms such as: violation of free breathing through the nose, tearing, swelling of the mucous membranes may appear. If possible, you should exclude the allergen, and also try to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the allergy.

What nasal drops can be used for pregnant women. Symptoms and unpleasant consequences of rhinitis

What if a runny nose still overtook a pregnant woman? Can nasal drops be used during pregnancy and what are the best products to use? If rhinitis is one of the companions of a viral infection, then treatment is indispensable. Moreover, the main focus of therapy is the fight against infection, and not the elimination of the symptoms of the common cold. Although they can cause a lot of trouble. It is viruses that are the "source of problems", so only symptomatic treatment will be ineffective. If the cause of rhinitis is physiological, i.e. a runny nose is caused by changes that provoked pregnancy, or an allergic rhinitis occurs, then specific treatment is not required in this case. A woman should, if possible, free the nasal passages and monitor the purity of breathing. Lack of air in a pregnant woman is fraught with oxygen starvation of her baby, which can have very serious consequences.

Rhinitis symptoms:

  • Severe nasal congestion caused by swelling of the mucous membranes. As a result, breathing disorder on one or both sides.
  • There is an itching and dryness in the nasal passages.
  • Depending on the intensity and stage of the disease, there may be a discharge of mucus from the nose of a thinner or thicker consistency.

Based on the above symptoms, the doctor prescribes additional examinations and tests to find out the cause of the common cold and select adequate therapy. How to easily and quickly eliminate discomfort in the nose - drip it. Among the variety of nasal drops during pregnancy, which are safe, and which are unacceptable?

What nasal drops can be used for pregnant women. There is a way out - drops and sprays in the nose

Local medicines in the form of drops and sprays will relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, restore free breathing, and effectively cope with the infection. The wide range of nasal products can be divided into several groups:

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs. They will quickly restore breathing in the nasal passages. Drops narrow the lumen of all vessels in the body, which is undesirable during pregnancy. There is a risk of insufficient blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus and placenta. Short-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy and only in cases of extreme necessity is allowed.
  • Drops with antihistamine action. Provide noticeable relief from allergic rhinitis. They have contraindications.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Gentle, but effective means that have no restrictions on the use.
  • Herbal nasal extracts. Natural ingredients are effective in fighting infections, but may worsen in cases of allergic rhinitis.
  • Saline solutions. The main purpose of drops based on seawater is to moisturize the mucous membrane, as well as to mechanically remove mucus from the nasal passages.

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the causes of the onset of a runny nose, as well as the severity of symptoms, treatment tactics are determined. It is up to the doctor to decide which remedy is best to use in the fight against rhinitis. Incorrectly selected nasal drops can have long-term consequences in the form of pathologies of the fetus, including its heart.

Nasal drops safe during pregnancy

What nasal drops can be used for pregnant women - 1 trimester

The first weeks of waiting for a toddler are the most responsible. At this time, not only absolutely all organs are laid, but also the child's life systems. That is why it is so important to exclude as much as possible any interference in this process. But what if the runny nose does not want to wait 9 months and came at the very beginning of the period of happy waiting? Some nasal drops are also allowed in early pregnancy.

  • Salin, Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Humer, Marimer, Dolphin, Alergol. The presented saline solutions can be used by pregnant women of any period. They are safe, effectively thinning and removing mucus from the nasal passages. In addition, the mineral composition of the drops has a beneficial effect on the epithelium of the nose, restoring the work of its cells. In fairness, it is worth noting that a weak saline solution prepared at home is in no way inferior in its effectiveness to the above means, but its cost is symbolic.
  • Pinosol, Sinusan, Pinovit and other drops based on essential oils. If the components of the drugs do not cause you an allergic reaction, you can also use them in the fight against the common cold. Oils have a pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal effect, moisturize the nasal mucosa.
  • Euphorbium compositum, Edas-131. Homeopathic remedies, the use of which while waiting for the baby is not only effective, but also safe. Mineral and herbal components of drugs relieve inflammation, eliminate puffiness, cleanse the nasal passages in the presence of a runny nose of any genesis.

What nasal drops can be used for pregnant women - 2nd trimester

Nasal drops allowed in the first weeks of waiting during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester are also allowed. In addition, new drugs are added to the list.

  • Cromohexal. This spray eliminates the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, although it is difficult to call it absolutely safe. Therefore, its use is permissible, but only in cases where the manifestations of allergies cause greater danger to the fetus than the medicine.
  • Xymelin (children's form). A vasoconstrictor that eliminates puffiness and restores free breathing in the nasal passages. Like any drug in this group, it can be addictive, so it is not suitable for long-term use. Use with care.

What nasal drops can be used for pregnant women - 3 trimester

With the approach of the woman to the final months, the list of approved medicines is slightly expanding. We are talking about vasoconstrictor and antibacterial nasal drops, which can be used during 3 trimester pregnancy.

  • Tizin, Galazolin, Naphtizin, Sanorin - those few drugs that constrict blood vessels, the use of which no more than 1 time per day is allowed.
  • Bioparox. Local antibacterial agent. The drug is potent, but its components do not enter the systemic circulation. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, its use is permissible, earlier it is not worth it.

Prohibited for use by pregnant nasal drops

In addition to nasal drops, the use of which is undesirable for women in position, it should be noted that the use of which is categorically unacceptable for expectant mothers. The main "enemies" of a baby that a woman is carrying are phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, oxametazoline. It is impossible to use nasal drops during pregnancy with such ingredients, as they can cause serious pathologies in the development of the child - hearing problems, anomalies in the development of the limbs, heart and gastrointestinal defects. If you see one of the above components in the composition of the drops, feel free to pass by.

Fazin, Nazol, Nazivin, Vibrocil, Farial, Fervex spray cannot be used by women in position, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy. Due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of the drug, such an antibacterial agent as Protargol is not recommended. Although the drops do not have absolute indications, and in case of emergency they can be used. In addition, any vasoconstrictor drops are strictly prohibited for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

How to relieve the condition and get rid of a cold without drops

Traditional medicine will also help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the condition with a cold. However, a woman should remember that non-drug treatment in her position should also be carried out in consultation with the doctor.

  • Air humidification. Overdried mucous membranes are rhinitis's best friend, so make sure you have enough humidity in the room you are in. A humidifier is the ideal solution. This device will maintain the required moisture content in the air, thereby providing a comfortable environment. If there is no such device, any container filled with water will do. Just remember to change the water every day.
  • Herbal drops. The juice of some plants and vegetables has excellent antimicrobial and bactericidal properties.

Kalanchoe or Aloe. The leaf of the plant must be crushed so that the juice appears. Mix it with boiled water. Then strain to remove any remaining pulp. The resulting composition should be instilled in 3 drops into the nasal passages. In what proportion to combine plant sap and water (1: 1, 1: 2 or more) is a matter of individual sensitivity. In addition, these drops stimulate local immunity, preventing the occurrence of new colds.

Onion. Peel the "helpers" and grate. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 3-4 drops of juice per 1 tsp. oils. You should instill 2 drops in each nasal passage. The course is 4 days.

Essential oils - mint and eucalyptus- eliminate dryness, swelling and have an antiseptic effect. Mix peppermint and eucalyptus oil (1: 1), dip a cotton swab into the composition and insert it into the nasal passage. How deep - personal feelings tell.

  • Warming up is not the best way to deal with rhinitis in women "in position", especially if there is a suspicion of sinusitis. Therefore, it is better to set aside boiled eggs, bags of salt and a blue lamp, so as not to increase the inflammation and not to provoke further spread of the infection.
  • Inhalation. This method is effective, however, for expectant mothers, the inhalation technique has some peculiarities. In order not to cause even greater swelling of the mucous membranes, it is not necessary to create a "greenhouse effect". It is better to breathe warm steam in an open way or through special inhalers. Such herbs have proven themselves well: chamomile, thyme, calendula.
  • Massage. Light tapping on the eyebrows, over the maxillary sinuses, massaging the bridge of the nose and the area above the lip will help eliminate nasal congestion.

Having studied the positive experience of women who have used various nose drops during pregnancy, expectant mothers may have an illusion of their absolute safety. In fact, this is not the case. Do not blindly believe the reviews, carefully study the composition of the drops and the effect of their components on the embryo, because the most important thing is the health of your baby. Strengthen your body, try to be active, taking into account the peculiarities of the situation, lifestyle, eat right, do not forget to rest and then no runny nose can overcome you!

Quite often you can find a pregnant woman with a stuffy nose. A runny nose can be due to physiological and pathological reasons. A full supply of oxygen to the embryo is the key to its good health. With the onset of congestion, shortness of breath, sleep apnea at night, as well as psychoemotional disorders associated with both hormonal fluctuations and brain hypoxia can be observed.

Drops from nasal congestion during pregnancy are necessary to restore nasal breathing and provide the embryo with oxygen. Physiological rhinitis is a condition in which the mucous membrane of the nasal passages becomes edematous due to a change in the quantitative composition of hormones. Hormonal changes are necessary to maintain pregnancy and prevent spontaneous abortion.

Usually, a physiological rhinitis occurs in the second trimester and disappears only in the postpartum period. As for the pathological causes, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • infectious pathogens;
  • allergens;
  • dryness, air pollution;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • polyps.

It is important to use only medicines approved for pregnancy, otherwise the risk of pathology of the placenta and disorders in the development of the embryo increases.

Pregnant women are allowed solutions for intranasal administration based on sea water and herbal ingredients.

Saline solutions

There are a large number of seawater-based solutions that can be instilled into the nasal passages without fear for the life of the fetus. The harmless drops include:

  1. Aqua Maris;
  2. Marimer;
  3. Dolphin;
  4. Aqualor;
  5. But-salt;
  6. Salin;
  7. Humer;
  8. Morenazal;
  9. Otrivin baby.

Alternatively, you can opt for cheaper drugs, such as saline. The action of saline agents is:

  • moisturizing the nasal mucosa;
  • cleaning fabrics from dust, allergens, microbes;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • reducing swelling;
  • protection of the mucous membrane from the negative effects of environmental factors.

Saline solutions can be used prophylactically to prevent the onset of a cold. In they play one of the leading roles.

Herbal, homeopathic preparations

This group of medicines is large enough, so you can choose the most suitable drops for each trimester. Safe medicines include:

  • Edas-131;
  • Euphorbium Compositum Nazentropfen C;
  • Delufen.

Herbal drops can be used throughout pregnancy. Pinosol consists of peppermint, eucalyptus, pine, vitamin E and thymol oils.

It should be remembered that Pinosol does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, therefore, it does not provide a significant improvement in breathing.

The drug has a menthol aroma and a greenish tint. Due to its plant composition, it does not negatively affect the fetus.

Local action consists in:

  • elimination of infectious pathogens;
  • stimulation of regeneration;
  • protection of the mucous membrane from irritating factors;
  • improving tissue nutrition;
  • reducing swelling;
  • slight relief of nasal breathing.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components and an allergic type of rhinitis. The medicine is administered three drops three times a day. Adverse reactions are rare, but you need to remember about them.

After nasal instillation, it is possible:

  1. redness, itching of the mucous membrane;
  2. skin rashes;
  3. bronchospasm;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. increased tissue swelling, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Remember that drugs are preferably applied to the nasal mucosa cleaned with saline.


Homeopathic remedies include Edas-131. It is prescribed for infectious and allergic rhinitis for:

  • reduction of tissue edema;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • elimination of infectious pathogens;
  • restoration of drainage function;
  • reducing the volume of secretions.

Edas-131 must be dripped at the beginning of a runny nose, when the discharge is watery, which allows you to accelerate the onset of the thick snot phase and speed up recovery.

Adverse reactions are observed in exceptional cases. They can be represented by itching sensations in the nasal cavities, as well as hives.

Euphorbium Compositum Nazentropfen C

Homeopathic nasal drops for pregnant women have the following medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiallergic;
  • antiviral.

The drug is used in the treatment of infectious, vasomotor, atrophic and allergic rhinitis. Contraindications include an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

If rhinorrhea intensifies at the initial stage of therapy, this is not a reason to discontinue the drug. Euphorbium Compositum can be used in one dose 4 times a day. The duration of the course can be up to 1.5 months.

Adverse reactions include:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane in the form of hypersecretion, burning sensations;
  • bronchospasm.


The complex homeopathic preparation has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiallergic, regenerating and protective effect on the mucous membrane. Due to this, tissue edema and rhinorrhea are quickly reduced, and nasal breathing improves.

The main advantage of the drug is the lack of addiction, which makes it possible to use it for a long course with pollinosis and atrophic form of rhinitis.

Delufen is prescribed in two doses three times a day. Caution is required in the treatment of pregnant women with hyperthyroidism. The duration of the course can be 1-8 weeks (at the discretion of the doctor).


A drug based on silver proteinate has a pronounced antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and protective effect on the mucous membrane. In addition, after the instillation of the nasal passages, breathing is facilitated by reducing the swelling and volume of mucous secretions.

Contraindications include:

  • glaucoma:
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • atrophic type of rhinitis;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

It is impossible not to mention drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. They are widely used in otolaryngology, but they are not very welcomed in obstetrics.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy must be used with extreme caution. The fact is that the action of medications is aimed at narrowing the blood vessels, which is accompanied by a decrease in the severity of tissue edema and rhinorrhea.

If the recommended doses and the duration of the therapeutic course are exceeded, the development of a systemic vasoconstrictor effect is possible. As a result, the vessels of the placenta suffer, due to which the fetus receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Of particular danger for a pregnant woman are drops based on oxymetazoline, such as Nazol, Afrin, Nazivin, Fazin.

What drops with vasoconstrictor properties can be used during pregnancy? In the case of severe nasal congestion, as well as the threat of complications, the doctor may authorize the use of nasal drugs based on ximetazoline. It can be Otrivin, Tizin, Snoop, Xymelin, however, they are prescribed in a minimum dose and no longer than three days. Do not forget that it is possible to facilitate nasal breathing not only with medications. So, it is recommended to increase the importance of air in the room to 65%, reduce the temperature to 19 degrees, regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

Outdoor walks are especially important, which will not only strengthen the immunity of pregnant women, but also stabilize her psycho-emotional state.

Any woman who is going to become a mother just wants to enjoy her position and not think about unpleasant things. But, unfortunately, the body of the fair sex in an "interesting" position is especially susceptible to various diseases and infections, since all the defenses are spent on maintaining the health of the growing fetus. Moreover, even a common cold and runny nose, which we often do not even pay attention to, can lead to serious complications and seriously damage the baby. However, the problem is that most medications for pregnant women are also contraindicated, as they contain components dangerous to the fetus. What medications against rhinitis can be taken during pregnancy, and how can an expectant mother get rid of this problem?

The main causes of the common cold that women encounter during the period of bearing a child include hypothermia of the body, ARVI and other diseases that are a consequence of a decrease in immunity. In addition, if there is a tendency, expectant mothers may develop allergic reactions to certain substances, food, dust, etc.

Finally, rhinitis can result from hormonal changes that take place in the body during the period of gestation. In itself, such a condition does not require serious treatment, but nevertheless it gives the expectant mother severe discomfort, and, in addition, carries a potential danger to the health of the woman and the child. First, shortness of breath by a pregnant woman can sometimes cause fetal hypoxia. Secondly, if a person breathes through his mouth and not through his nose, the air is not warmed up or disinfected (these functions are performed by the nasal passages), which means that harmful microorganisms can enter the body with it.

When rhinitis occurs, it is very important for the expectant mother not to diagnose herself on her own and not to self-medicate, since the harm from such an attitude towards her condition will be much more than good. Another important fact is that any remedies for the common cold treat only the symptoms, and not the cause of the underlying disease, which can go much deeper.

What drops are prohibited during pregnancy?

Most drops, which are intended for the treatment of rhinitis, have a vasoconstrictor effect (the most common are "Naphtizin", "Sanorin"), which on the one hand is an advantage, since the effect of their use appears literally after 20 minutes and lasts at least 6-8 , and sometimes up to 12 hours. With a single use and adherence to the dosage, they act locally, however, it is very easy to exceed the permissible dose. Otherwise, the effect of the drug will spread to the entire body, including the placental arteries, which can cause disturbances in the baby's blood supply. In addition, vasoconstrictor drops are addictive (it should be noted that pregnant women are more prone to addiction than everyone else), and then the nose simply refuses to work properly without assistance. Prohibited drugs also include drops that contain antibiotics, and antihistamines for rhinitis of allergic origin.

When choosing a specific drug to combat a pregnant woman's rhinitis, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the features of the action, but also to the composition - there are a number of substances that cause serious disturbances and pathologies in the fetus.

  1. Phenylpropanolamine... Does not harm a person in a normal state, but when used during pregnancy, it can lead to the fact that a child is born with congenital hearing disorders, as well as with a narrowing of the pylorus of the stomach - a serious disease requiring surgical intervention.
  2. Phenylephrine... Increases the risk of having a baby with a heart defect by 8 times, and the defects that this substance can provoke are severe and sometimes fatal.
  3. Pseudoephedrine... Increases in the fetus the likelihood of developing limb pathologies, as well as defects in the trachea and esophagus.

If the question arises about the use of vasoconstrictor drops for the common cold, it is better to choose those that contain phenylephrine, dimethindene, tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, xylometazoline (" Tizine», « Xymelin», « Galazolin», « Vibrocil»).

Vibrocil - drops allowed during pregnancy

They act much milder than the above substances, but they can only be used under the following conditions:

  • no more than once a day;
  • use not the full dose, which is recommended in the instructions, but a little less;
  • maximum seven consecutive days;
  • after the sixth month of pregnancy (in the first and second trimesters, the central nervous system is laid down and the brain is formed).

The best option is to choose the vasoconstrictor drug that is recommended for use in childhood, and also be sure to consult a specialist.

What drops are allowed to be used by pregnant women?

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find drugs that are allowed to combat the common cold in women in an "interesting" position - these include:

  • saline solutions;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • products with essential oils.

It is important to note: the fact that these funds are allowed for pregnant women does not mean at all that they can be used uncontrollably. Any medicine, even if it is completely harmless, should be strictly dosed and used only with pronounced symptoms.

Saline solutions

Solutions of common table or sea salt have been used for a long time to relieve the symptoms of the common cold. The easiest and most inexpensive option is to make your own solution or purchase sodium chloride solution from the pharmacy, which most of us know as saline. More expensive, but convenient and effective means are aerosols (sprays) and drops with sea water. They do not contain preservatives and synthetic substances, however, they contain iodine, as well as many other trace elements. They help to dilute the secretion, normalize the process of its production, increase local immunity and facilitate nasal breathing with nasal congestion. There are a number of drugs that are made from sea water or are similar in composition to solutions, and can be used for any period of time. Despite their safety, it is advisable that they are prescribed by a doctor depending on the specific situation and the causes of the disease.

NameImageRelease formIndications
"Aqua Maris" Drops, sprayAll types of rhinitis, acute and chronic diseases of the sinuses, dryness of the nasal mucosa, prevention of colds and infectious diseases, especially during epidemics
"Aqualor" Drops, sprayInfectious and inflammatory processes, processes in the sinuses, severe discomfort and nasal congestion, chronic rhinitis, dry mucous membranes, daily preventive washing
"Marimer" Drops, sprayAn auxiliary agent in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases, difficulty in nasal breathing and the formation of thick secretions
Humer Drops, sprayAcute, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx of inflammatory and viral etiology, rhinitis of various origins (allergic, seasonal, acute), moisturizing the nasal passages and cleansing the mucous membranes of pathogenic microorganisms
"Salin" SprayComplex treatment of infectious, inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, relief of symptoms, dry mucous membranes caused by any factors, the use of vasoconstrictor drops to reduce the risk of addiction
Dolphin Powder for solution preparationAll types of rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx, allergic manifestations, prevention of colds and infectious diseases, rinsing the nasal passages in order to remove impurities, crusts and harmful microorganisms

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are based on herbal extracts and other natural ingredients, so they do not harm the body as much as chemical preparations. Although, it should be noted that many doctors and scientists argue that the effect of using homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo effect (that is, they do not have any beneficial effect), so the decision to use them must be made individually.

Before using homeopathic remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as some of the preparations contain components that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish real homeopathic remedies, from those that are sometimes positioned as natural, but in fact are not: “ Neonox», « Tonsilgon», « Phytoricide».

"Euphorbium compositum" Natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, decongestant and antihistamine effectsRhinitis of any origin, including allergic and seasonal, inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis, etc.)
"Edas 131" Several homeopathic ingredients including silver nitrate, calcium carbonate, herbsRunny nose of various etiologies, including accompanied by additional symptoms: headache, loss of smell, watery eyes, allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion

A feature of the use of homeopathic medicines is that in the initial stages of treatment (in the first 1-2 days), symptoms may worsen. This effect is absolutely normal and does not require dosage adjustment or drug withdrawal.

Essential oil products

Drops and other products containing essential oils have an antibacterial effect, irritate receptors, and effectively moisturize the nasal mucosa. Thanks to this, the mucus leaves much more easily, and the discomfort subsides and soon disappears. Most often, preparations containing conifer oils and menthol are used to treat rhinitis. As in the case of homeopathic remedies, when treating with essential oils, you need to pay special attention to your well-being - they can also cause allergic reactions.

"Pinosol" (analogue - "Pinovit") Mint, pine, eucalyptus, tocopherol acetate oilsAcute, chronic rhinitis (with the exception of those that are of allergic origin), runny nose, which is a symptom of infectious, inflammatory and colds
Evamenol The main components are eucalyptus oil and mentholComplex therapy of ARVI, elimination of rhinitis symptoms (shortness of breath, nasal congestion, abundant secretion). Available in the form of an ointment for applications

The well-known balm can also be referred to as medicinal ointments containing essential oils. Star". It contains eucalyptus, clove, mint and camphor oils. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to do acupressure of the wings of the nose with the application of balm or lubricate the bridge of the nose with a thin layer.

What can be done with a cold in expectant mothers?

Nasal drops are far from the only remedy that allows you to fight rhinitis during the period of bearing a baby. There are several recommendations, the implementation of which gives a good effect in the treatment of rhinitis of different etiology and alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

  1. ethnoscience... Drops prepared with your own hand according to folk recipes can be a good alternative to pharmacy ones. Most often, in this case, natural juices from vegetables and fruits are used: onion and garlic (in diluted form), carrot, apple, citrus, beetroot, and also aloe juice. You can instill essential oils into the nasal passages, which have already been mentioned above, diluted with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) in a ratio of 1 to 20.
  2. Inhalation... For inhalation, you can take a regular container with hot water, into which you add essential oils and decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula). In addition, you can purchase a special device called a nebulizer, but in any case, you should remember that during pregnancy you can breathe steam for no more than five minutes.
  3. Warming up... Warming up the sinuses or using warming ointments is only possible if the pregnant woman has no symptoms of fever. Warming up helps to increase blood circulation in the mucous membrane, due to which the secret liquefies and leaves much more easily. Most often, freshly boiled eggs cooled to a comfortable temperature, bags with heated cereals or salt are used for this. They are applied to the sinuses and kept until they cool completely.
  4. Air humidification... The cause of a runny nose may be dry air in the room where the pregnant woman is. You can humidify the air using special devices or simply place several containers of water and hang out wet towels. In addition, you need to wet cleaning and ventilate the room as often as possible to get rid of dust and pathogenic microorganisms. A good effect is given by a device called an ionizer - it disinfects the air, thus reducing the risk of infectious diseases. For additional moisture, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages can be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

Video - How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

If, with the use of medicines or folk recipes for the common cold, the symptoms do not subside for more than three days, high fever and other symptoms join them, and in cases where the mucus acquires a green or yellow tint, you should immediately contact a medical facility. This means that a serious infectious or inflammatory process is taking place in the body, which requires adequate professional treatment.

Video - How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy is simple and effective

Every pregnant woman has had a cold. This is a very unpleasant disease that even ordinary people can hardly tolerate. Pregnancy is a delicate process; it is often not recommended to take drugs familiar to everyone during ARVI.

Typically vasoconstrictor Nasal decongestants
moisturizing drops recipe

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that only a doctor prescribes drops from nasal congestion, a runny nose during pregnancy. You cannot use those drugs that were used before pregnancy, because there are a lot of contraindications.

Vasoconstrictor nose drops for a woman during pregnancy are prescribed if:

  • there is no individual intolerance to some components of the drug;
  • the term is not initial (in the early stages, the fetus is more susceptible to various problems, pathologies);
  • a runny nose is of an allergic nature;
  • there is a viral infection.

These reasons justify the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy even in the early stages. But all these cases are necessarily discussed with the doctor, he himself prescribes the necessary drug.

As a rule, to combat the common cold, they turn to vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose.

When should you not use drops?

There are also cases where the use of nasal drops for congestion during pregnancy is contraindicated. Pregnancy in itself is a contraindication, but if a runny nose harms the child, and the life of the expectant mother becomes impossible with a permanently stuffy nose, the doctor selects the appropriate option.

The most important thing is the correct dosage, which should not be increased. The more the effect of drops on the nasal mucosa, the more irritated it is. Vasoconstrictor drugs have a local effect in small dosages, but if it is increased, the vessels of the placenta may narrow, in which case the child will suffer from oxygen starvation. If they are used for more than 3 days, the body refuses to act on its own due to constant external influence.

So, when drops with nasal congestion are contraindicated during pregnancy:

  • if these are vasoconstrictor drugs (such as Snoop spray, Galazolin, Genferon Light, Nazivin, Derinat, also drugs containing oxymetazoline);
  • early pregnancy;
  • rhinitis of pregnant women;
  • fetal hypoxia.

What options are valid?

After you have consulted a doctor with a runny nose, he will give a prescription for drugs that will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby. Basically, these drops are made on the basis of essential oils, sea water, saline solution. They are natural and do not harm the fetus.

The following drugs can be used:

  • Grippferon is an acceptable drug that has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect, does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus;
  • Pinosol is a popular assistant in the treatment of rhinitis, which is based on essential oils of pine, aloe, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil; gently acts on the nasal mucosa, is prescribed in cases of acute rhinitis, runny nose, helps to restore the mucous membrane after irritation;
  • Lazolvan Rino - a mild remedy, prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, used in case of swelling of the nasal mucosa, severe congestion, sinusitis;
  • Aquamaris is a drug that is prescribed for rhinitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, prevention of respiratory diseases.

In order not to harm your body, as well as the baby's body, you need to clearly know which drops for nasal congestion can be taken during pregnancy. It is imperative to observe the dosage, carefully read the composition, monitor the reaction after the first use, never prescribe treatment without a doctor.

Drops constrict the vessels inside the nose, which leads to a decrease in the swelling of the mucous membrane

Doctors are trying to prescribe non-aggressive drugs, most often even children's vasoconstrictor drops can be found in the recipe, they act gently on the mucous membrane, and do not contain strong chemicals in the composition.

Allowed for the eyes

Often, a cold is accompanied by discomfort in the eyes, especially if the virus has overcome. There is increased lacrimation, redness of the eyes and discomfort. Elevated body temperature can irritate the eyes, and these discomfort is often strong enough. To relieve inflammation, redness, you can use special solutions. This is especially necessary if you need to go outside.

If there is a need to use such a drug, you should also consult a doctor. He will prescribe the right drugs that have minimal harm, not exceeding the need for the expectant mother to use drops. It is necessary to choose drops for the eyes and in the nose very carefully and carefully, any drops during pregnancy are a risk for the fetus, therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, be sure to consult with a specialist.

The following drugs are available:

  • Tobrex - eye drops, help to cope with conjunctivitis, are prescribed by the attending physician only if the treatment outweighs the risk of side effects;
  • Sulfacyl sodium - it is also prescribed by a doctor if the result of treatment exceeds the risk of side effects, helps to cure conjunctivitis, is an antimicrobial agent;
  • Vizin - prescribed for pregnant women with caution, eliminates fatigue, redness, has a vasoconstrictor effect.

The table below contains information on pharmacies where you can buy nose drops during pregnancy, which can be taken in the 1,2 and 3 trimesters:

Nasal decongestants

When should you see a doctor?

If the virus has gone far, and the pregnant woman feels worse, you need to immediately go to the hospital. They will recommend the necessary treatment, but the sooner it starts, the easier, the faster it will pass.

If the period is higher than the first trimester, then in order not to harm yourself, you need to know which nose drops can be dripped during pregnancy in the second trimester and how dangerous self-medication is. If there are contraindications, certain medications should not be used. For example, if there is severe dryness or swelling of the nasal mucosa, you should immediately take medications to restore it. If left untreated, the disease will progress and damage the organs of vision, thereby causing severe lacrimation and eye irritation.

Risks to the baby

The main risk with improper treatment is an increased dosage of drops, which have a vasoconstrictor effect. This is an excessive vasoconstriction of the placenta. In this case, the fetus does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which it cannot fully develop.

Early term is the most dangerous time, since the fetus is most at risk. Thoughtless use of drugs can even lead to congenital abnormalities or miscarriage.

Moisturizing droplets

Folk remedies recipes

If the disease is not acute, not accompanied by a high fever, chills and other signs of infection, or it is an allergic or just a mild runny nose, then the ailment can be eliminated with the help of home remedies. It is difficult to prove the effectiveness of traditional medicine, therefore, it is necessary to use such recipes until the moment when the body can no longer cope with the disease itself.

If in doubt about what nasal drops are possible during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, use harmless means.

Salt water is effective - it is an analogue of saline solution. It has no contraindications, it copes well with nasal congestion, keeps the mucous membrane moist and prevents it from drying out, helps with allergies. Helps the immune system fight the virus on its own.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.


  1. Take salt, dissolve it in water.
  2. Heat the solution to 30 degrees.
  3. Instill in both nostrils as needed. The mucous membrane of the nose should not dry out.

Another effective antiviral agent is an onion drug. It must be mixed and diluted. Why can not be used in its pure form - onions can cause severe burns to the nasal mucosa.