The best stories about best friends. True life stories about girlfriends. And you communicate with your school friends

Three thousand kilometers from the capital, in a working village faded in the sun, there lived a little girl Valya and her best friend Lyuba.
The girls studied in the second grade and for all eight years, as long as they could remember, they were close friends.
But, once a disaster struck - a train ran over Lyubin's father (a drunk fell asleep on the rails)
The whole world was buried and then they realized that Lyuba was left completely alone, her mother died during childbirth, so the girl lived with her father in the barracks.
Fortunately, they did not have time to send Lyuba to the orphanage, she found an aunt - her father's sister from Leningrad itself.
And while the Girl was waiting for this aunt, she lived in the house of her friend Vali.
A month later, my aunt broke out on vacation and arrived for a day and a half. I gathered my niece on a long journey, spent the night, and in the morning, thanked Val's parents, struck the Leningrad address, sat down with a whimpering Lyuba on the path and, as it turned out, took her to distant Leningrad forever.
Valya was inconsolable. She sobbed all day. How is her Lyubochka alone, in a strange, stone Leningrad? It's so insanely far away - five whole days on the train ...
Vali, in the whole world, had only one real friend - Masha, Masha was a huge, impudent turtle, the size of a good frying pan. She constantly, competently chewed apples and, without blinking, looked sympathetically at the girl, only - it did little help.
But trouble does not come alone, one fine, sunny morning, a new tragedy finished off Valya - Masha disappeared, and she never even poked her nose into an open gate, she is not such a fool to crawl out into the street, and Alabai is a Sharik, not would release, would turn the fugitive back.
The girl turned the whole house over, but the turtle was nowhere to be found, only a bowl of water remained.
For a whole week, the whole street heard how, from morning until late at night, Valya fumbled through the roadside bushes and ditches and kept calling: “Masha! Mashulka! Come to me. Where are you! I have dried apricots. Masha, Masha, go home! "
And Valina's parents had a terrible quarrel at that time. As it turned out after many years, it was her mother who took Masha away by bus, to the other end of the village, six kilometers away, and there she let her out on the grass. Firstly, my mother always disliked this hefty, impudent turtle and called her a kamenyuk, and that morning, in the dark, my mother tripped over Masha, fell and almost broke her head - because of this, she freaked out, and quietly got rid of Masha. Then, of course, I regretted it, but it was too late. I even went to that grass, looked, but where there ...
Valya fell into complete despair, because besides the fact that her last friend had disappeared, the hope of somehow contacting Anyone had disappeared with her.
The trouble is that Valya, like any little girl, unconditionally believed in good fairy tales - this played a cruel joke on her: After parting with Lyuba, Valya ran for several days with the Leningrad address on a piece of paper and a hundred times a day, hid She hid it, so as not to lose it, but suddenly she looked at Masha and then a simple and ingenious idea came to the girl's head - and after all, turtles live for three hundred years.
That's where the 100% guarantee, reliability and stability are! Without hesitation, Valya drooped with a chemical pencil and for three whole centuries wrote the address on the turtle shell ...
But what kind of three centuries are there? A couple of days and no turtle for you, no address, and the piece of paper has disappeared somewhere as unnecessary. Eh-he-heh ...
So poor Valya suffered. Well, who could know how it happens not in fairy tales?
... Summer flashed by, autumn came, and then, one day, early in the morning, Valya jumped out of the house with a briefcase and straight away ... almost stepped on Masha the postman.
Masha, as if nothing had happened, sat on the porch and ate apples, which were drying on the newspapers, and a satisfied Sharik barked and smiled nearby.
It’s hard to even imagine: a huge turtle, a whole summer, a piece of spring and a little bit of autumn, through the whole village, was getting back home. (apparently turtles are called wise not only for the expression on their face) After all, she, the poor fellow, besides the compass, had to have considerations that it was possible to walk only at night, bypassing dogs, boys and trucks. Valya could not believe her eyes, she hugged and kissed Masha, chewing apples, and her mother felt relieved from her heart, for joy she even began to allow Masha to be put on the table.
But the trouble is, for a long and dangerous journey, from the Machine's shell, the rains almost washed away the entire Lyubin address. The numbers were even more or less readable, but the street, or "8th March", although unlikely, or maybe "Peace", but also unlike. It’s not clear, even crying, and you won’t ask Masha, she’s not in the know at all.
It was necessary to see how Valin's dad stood on a stool, lifted the Turtle to the lamp itself, turned it this way and that, studied the letters through glasses and swore: - “Masha, don't spoil, calm down, and you can't make out a damn thing, but you still twitching! "
And Masha, like an astronaut, was serenely chatting in the air with her paws and absolutely did not feel like a flash drive with the most important information.
And a couple of days later, out of the blue, a letter came to Valino's school: - “Hello Valya, I was waiting for a letter from you, but for some reason you forgot me and so I decided to write to our school, I remember where you live, but I don’t know your address itself ... "
P. S.
… After many, many years and a thousand letters, when the girl Valya was already grown up, she nevertheless came to Leningrad, found Marata Street and, finally, saw her childhood bosom friend.
Then Valya got married, gave birth to three children, one of whom was me ... although - this is already completely different ...
... I'll call Mom ...

31 chose

The beginning of this story was laid back in the distant school years, we studied in different classes, she is two years older than me, but this did not prevent us from being best friends. During recess, we always had a lot of important things to do, we carried out a number of school reforms, organized a charity concert for lonely pensioners, with the presentation of useful gifts, we did a lot of useful things. Well, and not without pranks. What school years are without it? And how many grades were faked in school diaries! All the teachers knew that if one of us is not in class, then you can safely call the parents of both. Despite the difference in the school curriculum, we did our homework together, learned the basics of cooking, dreamed of princes and white dresses in which we would marry, what beautiful children we will have, and they will definitely study together!

The time came, Polina received a certificate and entered the institute, I was still in school and had already started attending preparatory courses to enter her faculty. Nothing changed, we were still friends, did our homework, and everything was the same as before. Two years later, I received my certificate and the coveted student ID. I’m ashamed to admit, but I began to devote less and less time to my best friend, I was so swirled by a new “adult” life that I could not even find a minute to drink coffee with Paul. I made new acquaintances, with one of them - with Nastya, I became close, we began to spend more and more time with her, from my school friend I was more and more distant, not realizing that I was hurting her with this ... Soon I came to myself from the euphoria of a freshman, I was tired of endless holidays with new friends, I wanted to become a little girl again and chat with Polina about our important matters at recess - this did not escape Nastya's attention, she realized that I would not have endless fun, and we gradually reduced our communication to zero. And with Polina, it seemed that the connection was irretrievably lost.

Four years have passed. During this time, many changes have occurred in my life: I transferred to another university, met a loved one, he made me a marriage proposal, the date of our wedding had already been set. And I still could not forgive myself for the loss of my best school friend and forget our dreams on the school windowsill that we would be witnesses at each other's wedding.

And so, there were four days left before the wedding. I nervously twist my cell phone in my hands ... Finally I made up my mind - I wrote a message: “Sun, I have the 7th wedding, I really want to see you. Inna ”, clicked the“ send ”button. Two minutes later the bell rang, and a flurry of questions from Polina fell upon me:
- Who is he? Where is the banquet? What time? Will I come with my beloved? Did you miss? I am very!!! I will definitely be! Anyway, let's see you tomorrow? I have so much news!
And I was thrilled with happiness and realized that I could lose such a wonderful man ... And I understood that I was very bored !!!

We saw each other the very next day, you will not believe, but we chatted, interrupting each other and did not notice the years that passed, it was so easy for us to communicate that there seemed to be no reservations between us, everything fell into place. I asked forgiveness for my act, it was really very difficult for me to do this, because I was afraid to hear reproaches addressed to me, but Polya did not let me finish:
- We are all human, we have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to recognize them in time and take the first step. Let's close this topic? Let everything be as before!

I think you can guess who caught my bridal bouquet and whose wedding is being prepared ?! Yes, Polina is getting married soon!

Do you communicate with your school friends?

Photo from personal archive

Relationships between girlfriends are far from always cloudless, but this does not mean that you should not be friends with girls. Or does it mean?

If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free of charge right now, as well as support with your advice other authors who have found themselves in similar difficult life situations.

Just after graduating from the university, my friend immediately left for Turkey. Today I talked to her and she told me the good news: she is getting married. On the one hand, I am very happy for her, on the other, she said that her future husband is a Muslim (she is Orthodox). The future husband will not ask her to accept his faith, but who knows what will happen next ...

I believe that there is nothing wrong with interethnic marriages, the main thing is that there is mutual understanding. Of course, each nationality has its own mentality, its own laws, customs, traditions, religion, this also needs to be taken into account and studied. They love each other, but her parents are against this marriage. They said that if she married him, they would disown her and never forgive her. They explained this by the fact that they were afraid for her future life. They are afraid that he will force her to change her faith.

I was then 9 years old. I constantly wanted to get a fishing rod and now my dream has come true. Every summer I spend in the village, where I had a friend, Daniel, a year older, and my childhood friend, Diana.

In the next summer I came to my grandmother for a vacation. The fishing rod lay idle. I had no one to go fishing with. And then one fine day (at that time it did not seem so beautiful) two boys passed by our house - Misha and the same Daniel, they went fishing. Grandma suggested to me that she would ask them to take me fishing with them. I denied as best I could, but it is useless to go against my grandmother. Still, she asked them, and they took me.

It was kind of strange for me. After all, Misha was 2 years older, and Daniel was a year older. But to my surprise, they did not leave me aside, and told almost everything there is to know about fishing. And about the sinker, and about the bait, and about the bite, in general, about everything, and even taught how to properly hold the fishing rod and throw the hook.

I can't figure out what's wrong with my girlfriend. We have known her since the 1st grade, we talked well. In the 8th grade, we began to communicate less often. In the 9th grade, they began to communicate again. Everything seems to be good, but not very good. After we started talking again, she behaves strangely, unusual. I don’t know how to describe it normally.

I don’t know whether to be offended by my friends or not. We are in the 9th grade. They have a poor family. Despite this, we are friends, we have fun walking together. We go for a walk in a beautiful new area of ​​our city. Today, the friends decided to unexpectedly go to a restaurant after a walk. We never went to restaurants before. To be honest, I myself have never been to restaurants, and friends with their parents are often, as I already understood.

In a month I am 17 years old and I would never have thought that I would write on the site to help me with advice.

I always try to support everyone, help, give light, and I always help myself (I don’t like to share my problems with people), so this is the first time I will write this. I have a difficult character, as my family and friends tell me. At first I didn’t believe it, I thought it would pass, but it all lasts 2.5 years. I became . Many do not understand me, during all this time I have lost many friends, the most faithful have remained, at least something makes me happy.

I am not quite the ideal person, which I considered myself to be almost all my life. For the first time, my best friend said to my face: "I hate you more than anyone else in the world." My life has turned upside down! Then I was told that I was selfish, narcissistic, deceitful and hypocritical. Yes, now I understand, I've always been like that.

This was a discovery for me. As if unconsciously, I did harm to people. “Only my problems are important! All people are mediocre! I am the ideal! " - so I thought. She poured compliments to friends, and then turned them into weak-willed dolls. And I continue to use people.

I need to communicate with people. I constantly need to talk to someone, I want people to also want to communicate with me. But instead, they just take advantage of me, people spend time with me just for their own benefit, or when there is no one else to communicate with, I always become a backup option. I am a reliable person and I cannot send those who turn to me for help to hell, but no one appreciates what I do for others.

I am 28. My husband is 37. The child is 4 years old. She got married at 23. I was always overweight, as a child I was madly in love with sweets (sweets, buns), but I was always skinny, then I had measles (now I recently read that the hormonal balance is disturbed), a transition period came and I was blown away.

In my youth and youth, I have always been complex about my appearance. Moreover, my mother added her own five kopecks. I will come from the institute, she meets me: “I recovered again. What to buy a new skirt again? " Everything inside me broke off at first, then I no longer paid attention to these reproaches, but since then I do not love myself. As psychologists say, "self-esteem suffers."

There were no suitors. So we could go somewhere a couple of times with a guy, then I became isolated, did not know how to behave and it all ended. My height is 168 cm, my weight at the institute is 78-82 kg. I could not lose weight, no matter how hard I tried. And I ran, and fitness and balanced nutrition, and diet, and fasting. For some time I held on, the weight did not decrease by a maximum of a couple of kilograms and that's it. The lack of result finished me off and I started to eat normally again and added a few more kilograms. So I crawled to 82 kilograms.

I am 16 years old, I go to school. I don’t know why, but I don’t care at all about the feelings of other people, even my parents. I have the so-called, but only so that it is not boring at school.

I don’t know why I’m so selfish, I never think about others, or rather I just don’t remember this person and don’t think that a person can be offended. It just doesn't matter to me. If I notice that I am offended, I will simply continue to pretend that I did not notice.

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Best friends are the people who know all our secrets, girlish dreams and little weaknesses. And most importantly, they will always find time to listen, help with advice, or just have a good time, forgetting about all the problems.

site collected 10 stories about the best friends, without whom life would not be so fun.

  • I had an accident, nothing serious, only my face was cut badly with glass. I didn’t leave the house for the first two days, because the scratches were in brilliant green. A friend came and, having drawn herself exactly the same stripes with green paint, pulled me out.
  • A friend decided that it was time to get ready for the summer and she had to sign up for the gym. Yesterday I came with packages of food and clothes: “ Damn, why do a gym on the 3rd floor! On the first store with food, and on the second - clothes! When I got to the third, I realized that I already had no money, and decided that I was already gorgeous! "
  • I often hear the expression that female friendship does not exist. Today my friends did not eat the cake without me, which they bought to meet and drink tea. Generally! Didn't even open it! Cake! If this is not friendship, then I do not know what it is.
  • She called her friend choleric, and she denied it and smashed the cup against the wall.
  • My best friend is studying to be a surgeon. When I asked why exactly surgery, she replied: "You cut everyone, and they also pay for it."
  • It’s an embarrassing feeling when your friend, in tears, snot, asked you to come and take a pregnancy test with you, and you stand with this test at the checkout in the supermarket, and at you everyone looks like she's crazy because you have twins in your belly.
  • Today on the street I heard a phrase that delighted me. One friend went to get herself a tattoo, and the second asked about it: “Damn, it probably hurts ?!”. And then this brilliant phrase flies in response: “Sveta, I gave birth to triplets! I don't feel pain anymore! "
  • When I was in high school my athlete friend was put under house arrest by my parents. They did not agree to release them into any. And we, led by a physical education instructor, had to steal her from the second floor of a private house in order not to miss the competition. There was a complex operation using rope climbing and acrobatics. Her parents only set us on fire when we brought her back. There was a scandal but my friend took the second place in the competition!
  • Went with a friend to the bathhouse. We were told where our bath and dressing room were, they explained that there was a pool outside the door to plunge hot bodies into cold water. Well, we undressed, got steamy and decided to jump into the pool. We run out of the bath, open the door to the pool and stumble upon the awesome looks of people ... It turned out that the pool was shared.
  • Today I went by bus. At the bus stop, a grandmother comes in and, seeing her old friend, shouts joyfully: "Alive-ah!" And they hug.