Love fills life with meaning, and with the appearance of the meaning of life, the future will surely appear. Quotes pictures about love Authentic moments and love

Whoever takes - fills the palms, who gives - fills the heart.

A grateful heart fills a person's life with great joy.

Any person in our life appears in it exactly when we most need the lesson that he carries with him.

Time cannot be stopped, but it can be stretched by filling life with meaning.

Take care of love like a precious thing. Once you will do badly with love, and the next one will definitely be flawed with you.

Love is a trap. When she appears, we can only see her light, not her shadow.

Life is a mystery that one must be able to accept and not torment oneself with the constant question: "What is the meaning of my life?" It is better to fill your life with meaning and things that are important to you.

Everything that appears in your life is a reflection of something that happens inside you.

It is interesting to remember how you met a person, how you saw him for the first time and what you felt, that you thought about him, it was somehow indifferent to him at first, and then ... and then he became the meaning of your life.

Immature people, falling in love, destroy each other's freedom, create dependence, build a prison ...
Mature people in love help each other to be free; they help each other to eliminate any addictions. When love lives in dependence, ugliness appears. And when love flows with freedom, beauty appears.

Why don't you have friends?
- I do not know.
- Why are you so difficult?
- I do not know.
- Do you know anything at all?
- Yes.
- And what?
- The termite queen can live up to fifty years.
- And how will it help you in life?
“It makes it much easier and more meaningful to sew on buttons to sausages.

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds: there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

What if....

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds: there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

Someone said such nonsense that life ends with the advent of children ... Mine is just beginning - I play ball and draw again, watch cartoons. I have a kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, my first love, final exams. And I'm Happy Mom!

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds: there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

Someone said such nonsense that life ends with the appearance of children ... Mine is just beginning: I play ball and draw again, watch cartoons. I have a kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, my first love, final exams. And I'm Happy Mom!

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds: there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds: there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

Everything that we see, hear, feel is just an illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality, there are no colors, there are only radio waves of different lengths. There are no sounds, there are only vibrations of the environment. No time, no feelings and no meaning. Each of us lives in our own Universe, which he himself creates and himself fills with meaning.

Someone said such nonsense that life ends with the advent of children ... Mine is just beginning - I play ball and draw again, watch cartoons ... I have a kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, first love, final exams ... AND I'M A HAPPY MOTHER !!

Someone said such nonsense that life ends with the advent of children ... Mine is just beginning - I play ball and draw again, watch cartoons ... I have a kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, first love, final exams ... And I am a HAPPY MOTHER !!!

After a while ... Desire becomes an aspiration .. Aspiration To Become a Goal ... A Goal becomes a Dream ... A Dream becomes the Sense of Life !!!
But if there is no striving ... there is no impetus ... then there will be no meaning ... Life will be ... but not with meaning ... Do not wish but do ... neither want and strive, set a goal, nor stop dreaming ...
Do, do without stopping what you strive for ... be no one who others want to see you ... be who you want to see you ... Stand out, Dream, Go forward, LIVE ..

Someone said such nonsense that life ends with the advent of children ... Mine is just beginning - I play ball and draw again, watch cartoons ... I have a kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, first love, final exams ... AND I'M A HAPPY MOTHER !! !

How to give your life more love and meaning de Angelis Barbara

7. Authentic moments and love

7. Authentic moments and love

There is only one road to heaven. On Earth, we call it love.

Karen Goldman

Of all the miracles that life on Earth offers us, the greatest is Love. Love fills life with meaning. She performs magic and miracles. She brings light where darkness reigns, brings hope where despair reigns. She is our great teacher and gift constantly sent to us.

Love is the greatest power like no other. It is invisible, it cannot be measured, and at the same time it is so powerful that it can change everything in an instant and give you more joy than any material value. When love becomes yours, no one can take it away from you. Only you yourself can refuse it if you wish.

Love is the magic of the universe. She creates everything from nothing. Just now she was not here - and PAF! - she appears in all her glory, and you admire her arrival. And how much beauty she creates literally out of thin air: smiles, laughter, goosebumps, hot flushes, gentle words, silly names, happy tears and, above all, life. Love gave birth to you. Without her, you wouldn't be here at all.

Love's greatest gift is her ability to sanctify everything she touches.

Love sanctifies life. Wherever there is love, you catch a glimpse of holiness. You rise above your humanity and see the world with divine sight. Your child, your beloved, your cat or dog, your garden or something else you love, appears delightful, precious, unusually beautiful and in some incomprehensible way perfect, despite all its imperfections. Love also sanctifies time, place, property, giving them a special status: the day when you met your husband; your wedding anniversary; the same park bench on which you spoke; rocking chair in which you nursed your child; an old woolen shawl that your grandmother knitted for you; the first phrase uttered by your daughter: "I love you, mom" - all this becomes sacred relics that perpetuate love in your life.

But I'm sure love first of all provides you with the opportunity for a full spiritual awakening, because when we love, the usual boundaries that separate us from everything else disappear; you are freed from the illusion of differentiation that defines all human existence, and you experience Unity. And then suddenly you stop feeling lonely in the universe. A fluid flow forms between your being and the one you love. Your essence is poured into him, and his essence is in you. Your souls dance together.

Perhaps you had such moments, but then you did not quite understand why they touched you so hard ...

You and your husband stand by the crib of your newborn baby and watch him sleep. His tiny body rises and falls in time with even breathing, you turn to your husband, and your gazes meet. And suddenly you feel the power of love, which is transmitted to him from you, then to your daughter and returns to you again, and, plunging into this energy field, you realize the eternal bonds that connect you. Nothing else simply exists. You completely surrender to this feeling.

Late in the evening, you sit on your back porch listening to the chirping of crickets and gazing up at the stars. Your faithful dog, your best friend for the past ten years, has been pacing around and poking his nose under your armpit. And, hugging his warm body to you, you suddenly feel a surge of love for him for the unconditional devotion that he always showed you. He raises his head and looks at you for a long time, as if saying: "And I feel the same." The night plunges you both into the peace of eternity, and it seems to you that there is no one in the world except you two. This moment belongs to you.

Here it is - the power of love. With her, you make your way from disunity to Oneness. It penetrates the usual boundaries within which you live, boundaries through which you feel yourself, different from everyone, separate. Usually you know that your husband or wife, dog, friend or heaven is not you. And in those very true moments of love, your “I” turns into “we”, something, of course, more complete than you alone.

Thus, love creates unlimited, limitless, unobstructed sensations. It allows you to go beyond yourself.

All love is an incorporeal experience.

You may not have considered yourself a spiritually rich person, but all true love is spiritual because your spirit touches the spirit of someone or something else. Love becomes your doorway to the divine.

Love is the main way to create authentic moments because it forces you to reflect. Love is constantly bringing you into the present. She focuses all your attention on what you are experiencing, she demands that you surrender to her power. The better you learn to love, the more authentic moments you can create.

Any deep love relationship is a beginning, a path on which many challenges await you.

Barry and Joyce Vissel

Intimacy is a sacred opportunity for you to use love as a path to personal and spiritual transformation. It makes you open up where you were closed, feel where you were insensitive, express what you were silent about, reach out to meet where you would recoil back. It is not difficult to imagine yourself as a loving and enlightened person when you are alone, but when you enter into a relationship, you are faced with all the emotional constraints that are inherent in you.

Relationships are a permanent training ground. They make you look at yourself in the mirror, they bring out those sides of you that are not enveloped in love. They show you your dark sides. They knock on your heart, demanding that you open those corners of it that were previously locked tightly. And then every day and every night they give you the opportunity to love, pull yourself out of your usual state of mind and do it better and better.

From the book The Secret of Absolute Femininity the author de Angelis Barbara

Authentic moments for two

From the book How to give your life more love and meaning the author de Angelis Barbara

Authentic moments and physical intimacy Sexual relationships also bond you with your loved one. In the moment of physical intimacy, you merge both your hearts and your bodies in the most intimate way. I believe, following ancient spiritual traditions, that physical love -

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What are authentic moments? What is an authentic moment? How do you recognize it? All authentic moments have at least three properties to be aware of: Mindfulness Authentic moments occur only when you are fully aware of where you are.

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Part Two Authentic Moments and Our Lives

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5. Authenticity and Job Your job is to find out what your job is and give it your whole heart. Buddha Authentic moments don't just happen on weekends. They are not reserved for special occasions like a favorite item that you only wear on Saturday.

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Part Three Authenticity and Relationships

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8. Women and authentic moments

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Seek Authentic Moments With Ourselves Here are some ways we women can create authentic moments for ourselves: Seek Seclusion Women need periods of quiet when the only voice we hear is our own. We are so used to counting

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9. Men and Authentic Moments I have reigned for almost fifty years with victories or in peace, loved by my subjects, terrifying enemies, respected by my allies. Wealth and glory, power and joys were just waiting for me to invite them to me, and there are no earthly gifts that are capable of

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10. Authentic moments and family

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11. Everyday spirituality: genuine moments of being alone Only human beings distinguish between the human and the spiritual. These concepts are inseparable. They are intertwined with each other. If you do not open your heart to people, it will be difficult for you to open

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13. Rituals and Authentic Moments When people participate in a ceremony, they enter sacred space. Everything outside this space loses its importance. Time flows in another dimension. Emotions pour out more freely. The bodies of the participants

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Part 4 True Rules About Sex True Rule # 17 Don't Have Sexual Relationships Before Emotional Intimacy Is It Ever When You Have Been Crazy In Love With A Man, But After You Have Sexual Relationship, You Confirm That You Have

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True Rule for Communicating with Others True Rule # 1: Treat other people the way you would like them to treat you Know that if you follow only this True Rule in your life, then that is already very good. It's pretty simple.

1. There is nothing and no way to buy Love ...
Only sincerity in the manifestation of true Love can awaken both Himself and others ...

2. My desire to pass you by was crowned with success ...
Now We are together - a single whole, two desires that passed each other ...

3. Breathe My Feelings, as I breathe Your Universe ...

4. Love makes the path of Man to the Divine - short ...

5. Love gives rise to the eroticism of two Souls ...

6. Love makes a person - Human ...

7. Love is the greatest combinator of human feelings, relationships, emotions and energies ...

8. When Love is born, then the Sun is no longer one ...

9. Is it possible to Love more than you already Love? ... I think that, yes ...
After all, unconditional Love is a dimensionless feeling and state ...

10. Your LOVE contains more than five letters ...
In Your LOVE - all letters of all languages ​​of the world ...

11. In Love, appreciate everything ... but especially - the Time that you have ... not for everyone tomorrow comes ...

12. Love fills life with meaning ... and with the emergence of meaning in life, the future is sure to appear ...

13. My Love is a touch of a voice to Your heart and a tender kiss of Your Soul ...

14. There are four things in life that can convey the depth and sincerity of the feeling of Love - Silence, Poems, Music, Sex ...

15. Love is when a piece of Her Soul stuck to the edge of His Soul ...

16. Have you tried hands-free push-ups? ...
How then can you Love without a Soul? ...

17. It is impossible to Love a person for something ... Love is either there or not - without looking at anything ... And it is important to be able to distinguish Love and falling in love, Love and passion, Love and sympathy ...

18. Love:
It cannot be banned ... It cannot be killed ... It cannot be bought ...
You can feel it ... You can give it ... You can save it ...
She inspires and inspires ... She is sincere and boundless ...
She is all-understanding and all-forgiving ...
It is unconditional and eternal ...
She is always patient and kind ... She is never boastful and vain ...
It can only be REAL ...

19. The person we Love - may be far away, maybe with another person, may forget about you, but you can Love Him without looking at all the obstacles ... If you sincerely Love ...

20. There is nothing in life that can stop the movement of two Souls towards each other ...

21. We dream of love for ourselves ...
And in order for this dream to come true, it is necessary for Himself to become a source and generator of the energy of Love for everything ...

22. The knowledge and feeling that you are loved by those you love are able to breathe in the Energy of life, flight and Happiness ...

23. Love manifested by relationships in which Respect is lost and Trust is gradually lost - at first it turns into a comfortable and user-friendly state, and then into Emptiness and Indifference ...

24. When the Soul dances, what can be more beautiful and enchanting? ...
Only the dance of two Souls together ...

25. I become a part of You the moment you think about Me ...

Serge Goodman

2012 - 2017