Is it possible to dye eyelashes with folk remedies. Coloring eyelashes and eyebrows in natural ways. Can you dye your eyebrows with henna?

Eyebrow colors may vary. Among them, it is important to choose the most suitable one. Having updated the eyebrows in a certain color, you will have to be with him for some time.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to determine the shape of the eyebrows, and eliminate excess hairs. To choose a form, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals.

Black is more suitable for brunettes. If your hair tone is slightly lighter than black, then it is better to choose brown or black for dyeing. Brown-haired women can choose brown tones. Blondes are not recommended to color their eyebrows. They can use a pencil. According to the color of cosmetics, it is better to choose from brown and gray shades.

Required Tools

In addition to paint, additional tools will be required. With them, the procedure will be more convenient. If you buy a set, then usually it has everything. If not, then additional tools should be purchased.

For this you need:

  1. Brush.
  2. A small jar, but not metal.
  3. Spoon for mixing the composition.
  4. Gloves, towel, cape.
  5. Cream or vaseline.
  6. Cotton pads and napkins.
  7. Special stick for paint.

The paint kit usually comes with instructions. It must be studied before the procedure. All coloring rules are the same, but there may be some nuances. If everything is clear, you can perform the procedure.

Rules and process of painting at home

When all the necessary tools are ready, you can stain. The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. First you need to prepare the coloring composition. For this, the powder is diluted based on the instructions. If the product is presented in the form of a gel, then the contents must be placed in a container.
  2. It is necessary to protect skin and clothing from ink. For this, a cape, gloves are used.
  3. Then the paint is applied. You can use a brush, toothpick or cotton swab. You need to distribute the composition from the tail to the head of the eyebrow. The layer must be uniform. If cosmetics gets on the skin, then it should be urgently wiped off with a damp swab or stick.
  4. It is necessary to wait for the time required for the procedure. The color saturation depends on the duration of the procedure. Usually the paint lasts 10-15 minutes. But do not overexpose too much, because due to aggressive components, skin can be damaged.
  5. Then you can remove the paint with cold water. Soak a cotton swab in water, wipe the eyebrows, and then rinse them thoroughly.

If the shade is not saturated, then you can perform a second session the next day. If it has become very bright, and you do not like the result, then you can bleach it with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.

Can you dye your eyebrows with henna?

Natural ingredients, such as henna, are also used to color the eyebrows. It must be dissolved according to the instructions. It is better to use acidified water. The tool must be covered with cellophane.

  1. In order not to accidentally stain the skin near the eyebrow, it is necessary to apply a greasy cream.
  2. You need to carefully draw the outline of the eyebrow. Instead of a brush, you can use a cotton swab, toothpick or other tool.
  3. If the paint is on unwanted areas of the eyebrows, then you need to carefully wash it off with a cotton swab.
  4. First, it is better to process the tail, and then the center of the eyebrow. Finally, the heads are painted.
  5. To get black, henna is mixed with basma.
  6. The duration of the procedure is different everywhere. It may be predefined. Henna does not adversely affect the skin and hairs. With overexposure of the composition, a saturated color will be obtained.
  7. Then the paint must be removed with a cotton pad and water. Soap should not be used.
  8. To save the result, it is necessary not to moisturize the eyebrows for 2 days.

This completes the procedure. It turns out a lasting color.

Tinted Eyebrow Care

Shop paint adversely affects the hairs, so careful care is necessary to preserve them.

After staining, you can use the following tools:

  1. Castor oil. They need to wax their eyebrows. The layer should be dense. The constant use of castor oil will make the eyebrows stronger, thicker, more luxurious. To make it convenient to use, you can pour it into a container from the carcass. Eyebrows can be smeared with mascara.
  2. Oily cream. The tool is used to lubricate the eyebrows after dyeing. It doesn't need to be washed off.
  3. Several oils. A mixture of oils has an excellent effect. In a container, you need to mix 5 ml of the following oils: sunflower, camphor, castor. The tool must be warm. In it you need to dip a cotton swab, and lubricate the eyebrows. After 40 minutes, the eyebrows can be washed.
  4. Vegetable oil. A compress is created from this tool. The oil is heated, and then a cotton swab is dipped into it. It is necessary to lubricate the eyebrows, and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse them with warm water.
  5. Figs. It is necessary to cook figs (1 pc.) in milk for 15 minutes. After cooling, it is cut into 2 parts, and can be applied to the eyebrow for 1 hour. Then you need to wash with cool water.

A simple massage has a wonderful effect. It has a tonic effect. With it, blood circulation is normalized, due to which minerals, oxygen and useful components enter the hair roots. Massage should be performed with fingertips.

home coloring- the most effective procedure for maintaining the condition of the eyebrows. It should be done no more than once a month. If in doubt, it is better to visit the salon. There, all the work will be done by a professional master.

Coloring agents

For coloring eyebrows, it is advisable to buy cosmetics in a special store. It is important to choose the right color. It should be 1-2 shades darker than its color.

Grayish tones are more suitable for light hairs, and black is suitable for dark hairs. Redheads and redheads are better off choosing brown shades. To obtain a natural effect, it is recommended to mix paints. In this case, the original color will be obtained.

A pencil is often used to color the eyebrows. First you need to choose a shape, pluck out the hairs, and then you should apply the product. Do not use eyeliner. A feature of the eyebrow pencil is considered to be a solid structure and a sharp tip. When applied, it will be possible to combine colors. First you need to use a dark shade, and then at the end of the eyebrow it is better to take a light color. It is better to choose a tone similar to hair so that the whole image is harmonious.

  1. If you are not sure that everything will work out on your own, then it is better to go to the master. Now there are many salons where quality work is being done. It is only necessary to choose a professional institution.
  2. not worth saving. Cheap products may not be of very high quality. Yes, and expensive goods may also not work. It is advisable to consult with a specialist, and familiarize yourself with the composition.
  3. The day before staining, it is necessary to correct the shape of the eyebrows. If not, then you can do it after the procedure. This will keep them looking neat.
  4. If you don't like the color, you can easily wash it off. For this, a composition based on ammonia and is used. You can remove the color one day after staining.
  5. Procedures can be carried out only after a month, otherwise you can greatly harm your health.

The procedure must be carried out carefully. With the necessary cosmetics and free time, you can perfectly update your eyebrows.

At the present time, naturalness and naturalness are again in fashion: girls have less and less desire to be like dolls, so they use few means to decorate their appearance in order to emphasize the features that nature has awarded them.

Thick eyebrows are the wealth of a woman

To emphasize your expressiveness, to become more attractive and brighter, it is not necessary to draw arrows in front of your eyes and black as coal, you just need to know how to make your eyebrows thicker and darker, and the appearance changes dramatically.

How to make eyebrows thicker and darker at home

With the help of homemade recipes, you will make very thick eyebrows in a short period of time, they will grow quickly and intensively, the only condition is the regular application of masks. Do not forget that the hairline above the eyes grows slowly, this process takes up to six months, it is the intensive application of funds that will significantly speed it up.

Castor oil for eyebrow beauty

Castor oil is an excellent tool that will help make thick hair. Beneficial features:

  • Accelerating the growth of hair follicles;
  • Awakening dormant roots;
  • The ability to saturate each hair with additional color;
  • The expressiveness of each hair.

Also, castor oil has hypoallergenic properties, it is not comedogenic, it is used during childbearing and breastfeeding, not allergic reactions.

Tip: buy oil at a pharmacy, pay attention to expiration dates. Take an ear stick and dip into the bottle, getting rid of excess liquid, alternately apply to each eyebrow. You can apply 1-3 times for 7 days.

Burdock - a pledge of wide eyebrows

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are wondering: how to make thick eyebrows without using castor oil, because it is oily, and after applying the eyebrows also become oily? Everything is very simple, such a tool is burdock oil.

Among the useful properties:

  • Bulb reinforcements;
  • Saturation with a large supply of vitamin;
  • Application for all types of hair.

Tip: to make your eyebrows thicker, heat the burdock oil to 40 degrees in a steam bath, rub it with a napkin, cotton pad or ear sticks.

Attention! If you apply oil on eyelashes for their rapid growth and density, be extremely careful, the product causes the appearance of such a disease as barley on the eyelids!

Mask with the addition of active ingredients

To make your eyebrows thicker, use this mask:

  1. Half a tablespoon of honey, it is better to take liquid, as it contains more vitamins.
  2. Burdock oil.
  3. Castor oil.

The ingredients must be put in one bowl and put on a steam bath, slightly heated. Then, using a cotton pad, spread the product on those places where
eyebrows grow.

Almond oil for fine hair

If you want to darken your eyebrows at home, an effective remedy for this is. It will not only make the color dark and saturated, but also give them density, make them visually wider.

To do this, take an almond (not fried), crush it with a kitchen hammer or rocking chair, and rub the gruel into the hairline, so you can make your eyebrows darker without paint, and this will not harm your health, will not cause allergic reactions.

Quick mask for the density of eyebrows and eyelashes: hair growth is guaranteed

In order to make it easier for you to understand how to prepare masks so that your eyebrows grow thicker and faster, we give you a video instruction and several mask recipes with useful tips.


Do not forget that masks, lotions and other medications for eyebrow growth will help to make them thicker under such conditions:

  1. Before going to bed, wash your face and remove the remnants of cosmetics that clog pores.
  2. Use masks with an oil film, best of all in turn - in the morning and evening.
  3. Before sunbathing, apply a protective cream to the hairs from burnout.
  4. Do not use too cheap cosmetics, it has not benefited anyone yet.
  5. With good eyebrow hair growth, they noticeably thinned out - it's time to change some cosmetics.

Tip: if you say to yourself: "I want thick eyebrows!", but do nothing for this, the situation will not change in a day or a month. You need to take care of yourself, use masks, lotions and high-quality cosmetics, only then you will see the result that you like.

Makeup tricks: how to use a pencil

When you don't have time for home remedies or don't like applying oils on your face, there are cosmetic tricks that will help you noticeably enlarge your eyebrows.

To make black thick eyebrows, pick up a pencil and shadow of a color that is darker than your natural one. Draw a thin line at the bottom of the hair growth, and blend, you can also use matte shadows.

In order to make eyebrows much thicker, watch the video instructions of professional makeup artists, where they show makeup lessons for different types of eyebrows and face shapes. Pay attention to such points:

  • The outer part of the corners does not expand, the lines are drawn even, no drops are used.
  • Large curves are not drawn with a "house", so you will look constantly surprised. The lines do not fall too low, the look sinks significantly, loses expressive features, becomes dull.
  • If there is no pencil nearby, take brown mascara and lightly run it through the hairs.

Tip: you need to use mascara very carefully, otherwise it will stick the hairs together.

  • Use an alternative option - permanent makeup, which is also known as tattooing. The procedure is carried out in the salon by experienced masters of this business. Before the procedure, consult with friends and acquaintances, maybe someone who did, and tell a good specialist. We recommend not to shave after application!
  • . This service appeared not so long ago, but has become very popular and popular among girls. Choose a shape that suits you, in addition, you can ask the master to increase the width, density and give a darker shade.


Summing up, we note that there are many ways to make your eyebrows the best, but each woman will choose something different. After all, not everyone, for the sake of beauty, wants to apply a tattoo with thin needles and endure pain, the other will not find extra money for building up, but folk methods, and even at home, will clearly be affordable for everyone.

Take care of your beautiful brows

Be beautiful and unique!

Oak bark is a way to make eyelashes visually longer, get rid of oily skin and much more.

Oak bark is always present in our home first aid kit.

In fact, the bark very often helps us out.

Here are some examples:

Among the herbs was oak bark!

  • Smell from the mouth

Rinsing with an infusion of oak bark does an excellent job of this.


Besides ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1. = Naturally dark long eyelashes =

I can't really complain about my eyelashes, but there is one problem. My eyelashes tend to burn out in the summer. Yes, and the eyelashes and eyebrows themselves lose color a little, become not so black.

And this summer, I solved this problem for myself.

So, how to make eyelashes beautiful and long:

  • I buy "oak bark" at the pharmacy. It is everywhere and, moreover, at a low price. So that won't be a problem;
  • I take 2 tablespoons of chopped bark (I heard that not chopped oak bark is more useful), pour boiling water, insist 1-4 hours;
  • I wipe my eyebrows and eyelashes with a cotton pad moistened with the resulting infusion;
  • I try not to dry my face after the procedure. Let the infusion dry on its own.

After one month of procedures did it every day without any problem.) the result was “On the face!”.

The tips (and the eyelashes themselves) became black, due to this, the length appeared.

You can safely do without mascara.

I won’t say about the volume, but “fluffiness” appeared.

2. = Getting rid of oily skin =

I didn't believe my eyes.

I rubbed not only my eyes, but my entire face.

Didn't wipe dry. In summer it absorbs quickly.

I do it in the morning oily sheen is absent for 4-5 hours (and this, given the heat).

Oak bark has a great matte finish.

3. =Natural deodorant=

She applied tincture of oak bark and on the armpits.

I confirm, a wonderful natural deodorant!

However, I don’t know how it will behave with white clothes.

4. \u003d Strengthen nails \u003d

The Renaissance has already passed, where it was fashionable to look like a pale porcelain doll. Catwalks around the world are recruiting models who will amaze the audience with their expressive look. And the brightest example can be everyone's favorite Cara Delevingne - a model and Hollywood actress who has really gorgeous eyebrows.

However, if you immediately after these words run to the salon to shape your eyebrows, you will encounter crazy price tags. In this case, the staining procedure itself will take no more than 10 minutes. If you do not want to pay an extra 1000 rubles, then it's time to learn how to care for your eyebrows at home. Such a coloring will cost you only 300 rubles, where a special tool can be used up to 20 times! As they say, every ruble saved is a ruble earned!

How to prepare eyebrows for coloring

When you shape your eyebrows, they will stand out on your face, emphasizing only the correct and alluring features. Coloring is especially suitable for owners of pale skin and blond hair, where dark paint will give expressiveness to the look. Here are some tips to help prepare yourself for this easy procedure:

  • First, do an allergy test. Apply some diluted paint to the area behind the ear and wait 48 hours. If a rash, redness does not appear, then you can proceed to a cosmetic procedure.
  • Secondly, it is not recommended to paint eyebrows immediately after correction, as this procedure causes inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • Thirdly, combine colors so that the eyebrows match your hair and skin tone perfectly. For example, you can use paint a few shades darker than your natural color of the strands: light brown pigment is suitable for blondes, dark brown pigment, and so on.
  • Fourth, always clean the stained area from dirt, grease and makeup. To do this, use a cotton pad and a mild, alcohol-free product. Before starting the procedure, make sure that the eyebrows are completely dry.
  • Fifth, if you do not want the paint to get on the skin around the eyebrows, then treat this area with oil or petroleum jelly using a cotton swab or disc. No need to treat the forehead, eyelids and temples.

Method 1. We achieve a simple shade

If you decide to dye your eyebrows at home, then you probably purchased a special paint for this procedure. As a rule, the kit includes a tube with the main color, a bottle of developer and a small dish where you need to mix these ingredients. The manufacturer writes on each package in what proportions each application agent should be used.

  • For uniform staining, it is better to use not cotton wool, but a simple stick. First of all, apply a little of the finished product to the inner corner of the eyebrow, gradually moving to the outer. For correction, you can use a cotton swab if you get out of the contour.
  • When you paint over the outer corners, you do not need to dip the wand in the paint, but distribute the already existing one on the eyebrows.
  • Leave the paint on for a few minutes. Again, the manufacturer writes how long to keep his paint. A professional product is kept for 3-7 minutes, and for home use up to 20-30 minutes.
  • Using a cotton pad, gently remove the product from the eyebrows. You can make soapy water and gently cleanse the skin around.
  • Once your brows are tinted, you can use wax to style them, shape them with thread or tweezers.

Method 2. Do I need to pluck?

We have already said above that it is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows earlier than a week before dyeing. It does not matter where you carry out the procedure - in the salon or at home. Of course, there are exceptions, so the second method is the best:

  • Take a sharp pen or pencil, mark a barely visible outline so that the eyebrows turn out to be symmetrical and neat when plucking.
  • Remove the hairs with tweezers or with a thread, and then you can safely dilute the paint. We perform all the steps in the same way as indicated in the first method. After all, the proportions are always different for each paint manufacturer.
  • Apply the finished paste on the eyebrows using a stick. Leave for a few minutes and then gently clean the surface with soapy water.

Method 3. Coloring eyebrows with coffee

Yes, you are not mistaken. This method is based on the fact that you will give a unique shade to your eyebrows using freshly brewed coffee. Please note that an instant drink will not work, so stock up on a coffee grinder, a cezve and a bowl in advance!

For this method, prepare:

  • Coffee grounds.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Cleaned mascara brush.
  • Timer or stopwatch.
  • Cotton pads or paper towels.

Registration process

Mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with a teaspoon of cocoa powder in a bowl. Stir and then add two tablespoons of coconut oil and one tablespoon of honey. Wait a few minutes until the mixture reaches the consistency of a paste. Please note that such natural paint should not be too liquid!

Dry your eyebrows. Start applying the coffee paste on your eyebrows, but don't worry about accidentally getting the product on your skin. These are natural ingredients, so they rinse off easily and you don't need to use Vaseline first.

Leave on for 30 minutes and then gently remove the paste with a damp cotton pad. You can use this method even if you have recently plucked your eyebrows. The risk of inflammation and irritation is minimal! In addition, the coconut-honey mixture soothes the skin.

Method 4. Henna - natural dye

People have been using henna to color their hair for centuries. And it was only a matter of time until someone thought of using a dry plant for eyebrow shaping.

  • Take two tablespoons of dry henna, place in a bowl and add some water. Stir the mixture so that all the lumps turn into a homogeneous mass. You should end up with the consistency of a paste, not liquid water!
  • Eyebrows should be processed in the same way as always: start from the inner corner, moving gradually to the outer. Henna paste can dry out a little on the eyebrows, so you need to periodically apply a little moisturizing mixture.
  • Keep natural paint for at least 2-3 hours to get a rich shade. At the end of the procedure, it is important to remove the remnants of henna with a soapy solution.

Method 5. Decorate with a cosmetic pencil

Perhaps this is the easiest way to color the eyebrows, because any mistake can be erased with a cotton pad and makeup remover. You can use not only a pencil, but also shadows, wax or a special gel.

  • First, mark the outline of the eyebrows using a pencil. When you achieve symmetry, just start filling out the form.
  • Using a special brush, apply a small amount of shadow on the eyebrows, evenly distributing and blending.
  • Highlight the corners and contour with a pencil to make the look more expressive.

How to remove semi-permanent paint

If the color is more saturated than you expected, then you can remove excess paint using soapy water. To do this, add a small amount of shampoo to a bowl of warm water, mix thoroughly. Clean your eyebrows with a cotton pad.

If the paint is more resistant, then add a little baking soda to this bowl (literally on the tip of a knife), and then repeat the procedure. Also, in such a situation, the usual tool designed for persistent makeup will help.

The attractive appearance of a person is a lot of little things that must be put together and must be in harmony with each other. Often, women, to change the shade of the curls to darker colors, try to change the color of the eyebrows. Of course, you can visit a beauty salon and dye your eyebrow hairs with paints, but you can create the necessary shade at home, without the use of chemicals. How to make eyebrows darker at home? What needs to be done to get a natural and rich shade of hairs?

Well-groomed and thick eyebrows are the basis of beauty

Today, thick and healthy eyebrows are in fashion, a thin line has already gone down in history, so women tend to make the hairs deprived of splendor more voluminous. It is important to note the factor that thick eyebrows can be given almost any shape, it is much more effective for them to change shades.

How to make eyebrows thick?

Simple but effective recipes that were used by our great-grandmothers of fashion will come to the rescue:

  • Hair must be brushed daily. As a comb, any brush from used mascara (of course, thoroughly washed and dried), a toothbrush with medium-hard bristles, or a special brush that can be purchased at any cosmetics store will do.
  • Massage treatments will help to give hair density and a healthy appearance. They are very simple and do not require professional hands: we press the area of ​​​​the eyebrows with light touches, pat the hairs a little with our fingers. Movement should follow from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  • Every evening, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of castor oil to the hairs. This essential natural product has unique properties - it stimulates hair growth, nourishes them with useful components, gives splendor and, most importantly, contributes to the darkening of hairs. Accordingly, regular use of castor oil will help to give the eyebrows a dark shade. Other essential oils also have useful qualities, for example, burdock, almond, sea buckthorn or fir. If there is such an opportunity, then the natural remedy on the hairs must be left all night, but if this is not possible, then it is important that it lasts on the surface of the eyebrows for at least 2 hours.

  • A mask made from 10 drops of castor oil, 2 drops of camphor oil and 1/2 teaspoon of linseed oil will help to darken at home and fill the hairs with strength and health. The components mixed together should form a dense mass, which is applied to the eyebrow hairs. It is important to note that such a nutritional composition has protective qualities, it does not allow discoloration of the hairs as a result of the activity of sunlight. The method of using the mask is similar to the recipe described above, that is, it is recommended to keep it on the hairs for at least 2 hours, then carefully remove it with a cotton swab or wash it off with soap.

Making eyebrows darker with a pencil

The most common way to darken hairs is to use. The cosmetic industry offers a huge number of options for its product, but an eyebrow pencil should be selected taking into account the execution of important fundamentals:

  • The color of the pencil should be as close as possible to the natural shade of the strands.
  • You do not need to choose black pencils for girls whose curls are light brown or blond. It is important to remember that using a brown pencil, in this case, is the ideal option.
  • The brown tone of the cosmetic product is also recommended for brown-haired women.

  • But black-haired girls are recommended black shades of pencils, but, as a rule, they do not need cosmetics in this direction, since nature endows them with chic black eyebrows.
  • You can find out whether the color of a cosmetic product matches your skin tone or not by testing. To do this, you need to draw a line of eyebrows with a pencil just above the location of the eyebrows themselves and evaluate the result. If it turns out too bright, and the eyebrows look unnatural, then it is recommended to choose pencils with lighter tones.

When the pencil is selected, it is important to use it only if the eyebrows are neatly shaped and prepared for the application of cosmetics.

  • If nature has endowed the girl with wide eyebrows, then the plucking procedure will help to give them the desired shape.
  • Before using the pencil, it is important to thoroughly rinse the hairs, you can apply the product only on clean and dry eyebrows.

Using a pencil does not require special training, but in order to get the most satisfactory result, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • The pencil must be well sharpened. It is important to follow this before each staining procedure.
  • When using a pencil, you do not need to make heavy movements, the lines are applied in a soft and easy way.
  • It is important to paint over each hair, while the movements should last from the inner eye to the temple area.
  • After dyeing, it is recommended to comb the hairs with a special brush, if necessary, the paint should be shaded over the entire surface of the eyebrows and give the shade an even look.
  • Using a cotton swab, remove all unnecessary lines and possible defects obtained after staining.

In order to prolong the effect of the pencil and help the paint on the eyebrows to last longer, it is recommended to apply a special gel to the surface of the hairs. It will securely fix the color pigment and help the hairs remain bright and saturated for a long time.

Tips to help you make your eyebrows thicker and more beautiful:

Ways to darken eyebrows without using paint

Walnuts - natural coloring pigment

Popular walnuts are a unique source of the most useful components. The walnut kernel contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the growth of eyebrow hairs, moreover, they contain coloring pigments that give the eyebrows darker shades without paint.

  • Recipe: take 5 large whole walnuts, peel them, then pour the kernels and the shell itself with a small amount of water and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. Cool the composition and can be used for its intended purpose.

It is important to recall that the resulting product has unique coloring properties, so it will color everything that it touches. In order not to paint along with the hairs and hands, you must use rubber gloves. It is carefully recommended to apply the composition to the hairs themselves, while the skin should not be affected.

To dye the hairs, you need to take a cotton swab, soak it in the coloring composition and coat it thoroughly. In order not to stain the skin, it must be smeared with a thick layer of oily cream before the staining procedure. The tool lasts about 30 minutes, after which it is simply washed off with cool running water.

If the result is not as bright as we would like, then it is recommended to repeat the staining procedure the next day. The hair should become darker by another 1 tone.

Sage - natural dye and healer

When a problem arises, how can you dye your eyebrows without paint and at the same time improve the hairs, then there is only one answer - this is sage. The healing herb has been used since ancient times as a reliable and effective remedy for healing strands and, accordingly, eyebrow hairs. In addition to healing, a dark decoction of sage has coloring properties.

  • Recipe: in 1/2 tbsp. steep boiling water pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage herb. Keep the infusion in a warm place for about an hour, then cool.

To make the hairs darker, you will need to use an infusion of sage for several days. The hairs are simply wetted with the resulting broth, no need to rinse. Each application of this tool changes the color by 0.5 shades.

Soy sauce and vinegar

The color scheme of soy sauce is dark, so it serves as an excellent natural coloring agent.

Recipe: mix soy sauce and vinegar 9% in equal proportions.

Gently apply the resulting composition to the hairs, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse with cool running water. Vinegar in this recipe serves as a fixative of the color pigment, which will help to keep the resulting shade of the eyebrows longer.

The benefits of natural dyes

Of course, any of these hair coloring procedures will require long-term use. But it is important to remember that natural products are filled with nutritious and useful components, therefore, together with coloring, they also heal the hairs, which no chemical paint does.

The problem of how to make eyebrows darker and thicker at home is solved! To do this, you need to use affordable, but the most effective natural remedies.