Musical numbers for the day of the paramedic. Contests, games and entertainment for the day of the medical worker

(verses sound against the background of the music "Wind of Change")

Most beautiful
In the world an outfit
White cap
White robe
Pharmacists keep
Pharmacists doctors
The world's most valuable keys.

These are the keys to people's health.
Can't you find
Work is more important
Did we find

More reliable than a friend
At the hour when it crushes us
Burden of disease
Faith brings us

Happy look
White cap
White robe
People who work

In white coats
Good knights
In solar armor
Our doctors are coming

First to battle
With a serious illness
With any disease
That's why

The outfit is so beautiful
White cap
White robe.

Leading: Good afternoon, honorable and most respected people of our area.

Good afternoon dear friends.

Today we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Happy medical worker's day!

Medical Worker's Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country.

It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of medical personnel who are fighting for the health and lives of sick people every day.

Dear doctors, nurses and brothers, orderlies and nurses, employees of the administrative apparatus, dear representatives of the service personnel and everyone, everyone, one way or another involved in this noble cause

Today, with all my heart, from the bottom of my heart, we congratulate you on the holiday

We honor and adore you!

We admire your noble, courageous, kind and wise work.

We admire your selflessness.

There are not many professions capable of earning such epithets for themselves.

Moreover, they are fair and even very modest.


Walk among many
Angels and gods
Give us hope
White clothes!

And they really would
Nimbuses would do.
Us with any wounds
Will be cured in the end.

Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

Leading: Well, now that the first beautiful holiday words have already been spoken, we are happy to give way to more weighty, more meaningful words.

The word for congratulations is given to the Head of the district ________________________.


The holiday is in the air!
Medicine notes
The day given to her by law
Among colleagues and friends.

We wish medicine
Make a new vaccine
So that health without labor
It was with us forever.

Your hospital town
It is neither low nor high.
Good people live in it
And it brings health to everyone.

Chief Doctor Aibolit
He keeps order here.
I offer you a riddle ..
Who knows about everything in the village

And for all the soul suffers?
Strict, handsome, stern, clever ...
Have you guessed it? Who is he?

Leading: That's right, this is the chief physician of the hospital, and I am pleased to give the floor to the chief physician of the central district hospital - ____________________________.

Leading: I invite ________________________________ to the stage for the presentation of honorary awards from the District Administration.

Certificate of honor of the District Administration:



Letters of thanks from the District Administration




You are representatives of the professions,
We send our friendly greetings.
We wish you love and happiness,
May God keep you from troubles,

And your every day will be full,
Discoveries, creative ideas,
Victories, confessions, compliments
And respect for people!

Leading: I invite __________________________ to the stage for the presentation of honorary awards.

Breastplate "Excellence in Health Care"



Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Health



Certificates of honor of the Health Committee of the ___ region


Letters of gratitude from the Health Committee



Certificates of honor ……………. district hospital



For an active and conscientious attitude to work



For putting on the photo the booth "The area is proud of them"



For active participation in the work of the Association of paramedical workers of the Novgorod region "Volkhova"



For work in medicine:







Young professionals




Please accept our congratulations
And also a friendly hello.
Love, health, wishes,
It is not more expensive in the world.

Good luck, tenderness and faith
Smiles, joy, dreams.
And thunderous applause
All, as one, you are worthy!

Leading: Let me consider the official part of our holiday closed, but do not rush to disperse. We move on to the second, no less pleasant one. But now you will be in the role of patients, and we will try to cure you of boredom, blues and fatigue. Well, your treatment will not take place using traditional methods - songs, dances and funny stories.

1. The song "______________________________________."

2. The song "______________________________________."

Leading: It takes a calling to become a real doctor. It is not for nothing that there is such an expression among medical workers: “Shine on others by burning yourself! You are at the service of people's health! "

I wish you all good health and long life!

The longer you live, life givers, the longer your patients live!

We are glad to welcome
All of you sincerely
Glows with smiles
Let this hall

We are sure: will
Nice meeting,
After all, the holiday of the hospital
He gathered us all here.

3. Dance "______________________________________."

4. Song "______________________________________."


The doctor accompanies a person all his life, from the first cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky, whom his parents have endowed from birth with enviable health, but this is not always the case. And here you come to the rescue, dear doctors.

Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics.
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,

Dentists and ENTs,
We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!

Their caring hands.
Eased mothers' torments,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold

Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember about them!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;

How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;
How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.

They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

5. The song "______________________________________".

Presenter: Doctor! Medic! Doctor! Before these people in all ages at all times they worshiped. They were always respected and loved, because it was they who made life easier for people, instilled hope in the future. They free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world.

You can become a real doctor not so much by learning all the terms and concepts, but by feeling love for people, for children, a desire to serve them, help and understand them.

We want to wish with all our hearts:
In business - success, happiness, respect!
So that your children do not upset you
So that sadness bypasses you

So that the eyes of salty tears do not know
A smile would never leave your lips!
So that you always have a charge of cheerfulness
So that you never know sorrow,

So that the holidays are all for many years in a row
You celebrated in your team!

6. "Round dance".

Cybernetics is everywhere today
Yesterday's fiction is a trifle
And in the future, what will be the miracle?

Of course, I will not say for sure
But in the future it will probably be so.
All human diseases have disappeared.

This means that medicines are useless.
And for spiritual joy to the mind
A special store is opened - a pharmacy.

Whatever need we have,
He will respond instantly, ready:
- Tell me, do you have any tenderness today?

Yes, with the addition of the warmest words!
- And I would be in full swing of happiness!
- What is your month? For years?

No, I would like to be happy forever!
- There is no such thing, but we are waiting in a month!
- And I ask for fidelity for my husband!

Male loyalty? It's true, difficult ...
But nothing. I think it is possible.
Do not be upset, I will find you

And I would like drops, thrill in the blood
I'm a northerner arctic man
- And me - a bottle of burning love
And the floor of the bottle is just platonic.

I am against a lie, is it possible for a vitamin?
- Please, both tasty and active!
- Is there anti-talk for women?

There is. But so far it is ineffective ...
- Is there an "anti-scandalous" vaccine?
- Included for husband and wife:

An hour before the fight, two injections in the back
Or alone in the seated part of the back ...
- I have a "languid look" for eyes of any color

You are welcome. Drop by drop before bed.
- And I would have passions ...
- Passion by recipes!

Passions and poisons do not give out like that!
- And I have those in boxes, at least,
"Declaration of love"! I barely found it!

What do you like, with a wedding or without a wedding?
- Of course, a confession with a wedding,
Enough without a wedding! I already took it!

And how do you tell me to make childbirth easier?
- Here powders and childbirth will be smooth.
And instead of you, your husband will have contractions,
You will give birth, and he will scream.

Let the joke blow the sails!
But today miracles are everywhere in life!
Who knows, what if even in our century
Will such pharmacies open ?!

Leading: Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical assistance. You are saving our lives and helping us to step back into recovery. How often it happens that only a physician is able to instill hope in a person and believe in recovery! So be happy! Happy Holidays!

7. The song "______________________________________."

Leading: Dear doctors, answer me this question. When you see a stranger and his symptoms, can you immediately diagnose? Let's all together diagnose the people who perform these songs. Let's try?

And love is only what it seems ( Hallucinations)

You will never see me. ( Blindness).

In the warmth I freeze, and in the cold I burn. ( Flu).

Four nights without sleep, the moon looks out of the windows, she looks from the screens. ( Insomnia).

I am losing my mind or I am ascending to a high degree of madness. ( Schizophrenia)

That never when a heavy globe of the earth does not float under our feet. ( Fainting).

And you don’t know, and you don’t hear my sorrow. ( Otitis).

In the same way, in the evening I get tired and sad and sometimes cry. ( Depression).

I say, you are silent. ( Dumbness).

I am not the same today as yesterday. ( Hangover).

And I recognize the darling by the way he walks. ( Flat feet).

My heart stopped, my heart stopped. ( Acute heart failure).

- "Why are you dear looking askance ..." ( Strabismus)

Leading: Well, thanks.

On the Day of the Medical Worker, I would like to wish you only happiness in life. May you never have to doubt the benefits that you bring every minute of your work! Happy Holidays!

8. Dance "______________________________________."

Leading A: There are many good, wonderful health workers in our area. A person's life depends on their knowledge, ability to quickly understand a difficult situation, to provide qualified assistance. And to the golden hands there is always it, a golden heart. You need to have great patience, attentiveness, and compassion in order to earn the trust of people.

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters
From us - all ardent greetings
You are healthcare professionals
We can't do without you, no.

We sneezed - you give us a thermometer.
We are ill - you are injected.
After all, there is no higher joy for a doctor,
So that the patient is healthy to leave.

9. Stage ______________________________________

10. Dance ______________________________________

Leading: Day of a medical worker, a holiday to which not only those working in clinics and hospitals are involved, but also those who turn here for help, And for a doctor, the highest award is words of gratitude and gratitude from us, your patients.

White robes
and strong hands,
always skillful

In the fight against disease
you are selfless
and no more useful
calling it.

You are very different
you are all appreciated.
Light to you; celebrate
and live, beloved!

11. Song "Woe is not a problem."


Each destiny is marked
major road milestones.
Do not part with your luck
and God help you!

To make illnesses severe
the world was not allowed to disappear,
be superbly healthy.
Happy Holidays!
With joy to you!

Our Meeting ends. May everyone have a good mood as long as possible, may there be peace and happiness in your home, success and patience in your work, calm patients and good health to all of you!

Program of the performance. (After the award ceremony).

Musical numbers. Dancing.

Lyubov Serdyukova
Scenario of the Day of the Medical Worker "Doctor is an eternal profession"

Medical Worker Day Scenario

« Doctor is an eternal profession»

Fanfare. Music.

There is a calling in the world to be - a doctor,

Heal people, save their lives.

And do not feel sorry for yourself, neither night nor day,

To take away all the chances of the disease.

The curtain opens. Screensaver. Light. Music. Leading exit.

Ved. Good afternoon, dear friends, hello dear guests. I greet people of the most respected and ancient profession workers health care Buturlinovsky district. Day medical worker Is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work doctors, paramedics, workers middle and junior medical staff who fight daily for the health and lives of sick people.

Today, on the eve of a professional holiday, you can be proud that thousands of people in our region are grateful to you for maintaining their health, returning to work and a fulfilling life. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your hard work, high professionalism, skillful hands and kind hearts.

Let's remember a wise saying known from the ancients times: "Good that one works who has a good rest "... Therefore, I urge you to forget about all your daily worries and difficulties at least for today. Let's rest!

Your colleagues, multiple winners of Regional and regional competitions among vocal groups, the choir open the holiday and greet you medical workers of the BCRH, leader L. Maslenikov, accompanied by V. Chernykh, Y. Radchenko, F. Kuzminsky

1. "Flowers of Russia"

Leading: Dear healthcare workers! In his video message, you are congratulated on your professional holiday by the Head of the Buturlinovsky Municipal District Administration - Yuri Ivanovich Matuzov.

2."Nightingale on a Branch"- chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Today the Deputy Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma, a deputy of the Regional Duma from the party, congratulates you on your professional holiday "United Russia", Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and to your applause I invite you to the scene. (presentation of certificates)

Accept our musical gift, for stage - n... X. a. "Cinderella" 3."Spring in Ukraine"

And again I invite you to the scene deputy of the regional Duma from the party "United Russia" Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and the deputy head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district administration Evdokia Yegorovna Bondarenko. Greet. (presentation of certificates)


4.R.N.P. "Let's go, mlada for water" Sings for you - ml. group n. v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. O. Makarevich

The head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district, Lidia Vasilievna Gracheva, congratulates you on the holiday. (presentation of certificates)

5.R.N.P. "The Cossack went to a foreign land far away"- on the stage male composition n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. A. Luchnikov.

On behalf of all patients in our area, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Day medical worker Chief Physician Buturlinovskaya CRH Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh and his permanent assistants, deputies Vera Ivanovna Gulidova deputy. ch. medical doctor... service to the population, Natalya Evgenievna Kazenina deputy. ch. medical doctor, Bugaeva Galina Ivanovna - deputy. the main doctor in economics, G.E. Okhrimenko - deputy. ch. doctor on Outpatient - polyclinic service, N. G. Gaivoronsky - deputy. ch. doctor by Clinical Expert work... Thank you very much. And I invite you to scene of the Chief Physician Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh Buturlinovskaya Central Regional Hospital, and I give him the floor. (Rewarding.)

6."Serpentine"- D. Borovikov, Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions, student of the Children's Art School, teacher N. Subocheva.

Dear friends! Dean of Buturlinovsky and Bobrovsky districts, rector of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, archpriest Alexander Belyaev congratulates you on the holiday. Thanks a lot.

(phono push)

At all times, they respected and deservedly appreciated those heroes who, as a matter of their lives, chose to care for the health of people. Day Medical worker is a holiday, thanks to which we have the opportunity to express our deep appreciation, respect and gratitude doctors - veterans of the medical service: Snopova Raisa Fedorovna, Siukhina Svetlana Demyanovna, Pozhidaeva Faina Anatolyevna, Chuprakova Alexandra Andreevna, Svetlichnaya Lyudmila Yakovlevna, Shtanko Nina Ivanovna, Korobova Valentina Danilovna, Bugaenko Raisa Romanovna, Bezruchko Lidia Dmitrievna, Dmitriyevna Golovyevna Golovyevna Olga Vaslavilievna Alexandra Aleksevna, Kirnos Nina Ivanovna, Knysh Natalia Polikarpovna, Rogacheva Valentina Andrianovna, Solyanikova Nina Nikolaevna, Polyakova Maria Illarionovna, Oleinik Lidia Mefodievna, Kalinovskaya Lyudmila Grigorievna, Ivanenko Evgeny Leonidovich, Terskikh Valery Borisovich. Thank you for your kind hearts, for your invaluable experience which you pass on to the young generation honey workers... I wish you and your families health. Happy Holidays! On the stage - Students of BSHI, piano - Irina Skorodumova, button accordion - Vladislav Pepa, cello - Igor Shokin.

7."Waltz"- from the film "Watch out for the car" .

Man is born. And who meets him in the first moments of his life? Yes, our caring, kind, attentive professionals in their field doctors - gynecologists, midwives and nurses of the obstetric and gynecological department. And the life and health of the mother and baby directly depends on them. Of all medical professionals this department, headed by the head. department Tersky Aleksandr Valerievich, medical staff of the antenatal clinic, headed by the head Galina Alekseevna Glushchenko, heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday. The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that "Happiness lies, first of all, in health"... We wish you the most important thing in life, health, family happiness, well-being, grateful patients and, of course, a festive mood. On the stage a dancing group "Pulse" BMT.

8. "Light"

Years go by. The little man grows up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he has one of the first documents - a medical history, and one of the family members becomes a district pediatrician and a visiting nurse. And if the baby is sick, then honey will always come to the rescue workers children's and infectious diseases departments, headed by the head. Natalya Vasilievna Ponomareva and, of course, our kind children's doctors - Zoya Sergeevna Tkacheva, Irina Mitrofanovna. We sincerely thank all the pediatricians, nurses, nurses of the children's clinic and the children's department and congratulate them on the upcoming holiday

9."It's raining today"- sings Olya Gulidova, soloist of the O-P children's vocal ensemble "7 plus", participant of the 4th Regional Creative Olympiad, hands. N. Subocheva.

Together with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the building of the district clinic.

And now I will ask you -

How does the theater begin? Everyone knows that from the wardrobe,

And clinics do not happen, Without a registrar at the entrance.

He will direct and prompt, He will show the patient the right path,

He will give a coupon, put a stamp, And at the reception to will send to the doctor.

It becomes much easier for a sick person if he is met at the registration window by a kind and sympathetic honey face. registrar. I want to congratulate all honey on the upcoming holiday. registrar sisters, and especially the young generation: Tatiana Romantsova, Anna Belyaeva, Galina Konovalova and wish everyone employees registries of patience, attention, kindness, love and endurance, like those of sailors.

For you sings - A. Burkova, Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests, hands. N. Subocheva

10."Hey sailor"

Leading: One of the favorite folk sayings - "It would be healthy"... Alas, only a few are happy with the presence of this wealth, and even the rich cry for its absence. So we can't do without doctors. I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no one else, to understand, compassion and support other people. Of all doctors in our polyclinics: Therapists, neuropathologists, urologist, surgeon, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologists, Endocrinologist, oncologist, narcologist, adolescent doctor, cardiologist, honey. workers departments of rehabilitation treatment - physiotherapy rooms, exercise therapy, laser therapy, treatment rooms, specialists in biochemical and clinical laboratories, honey. the staff of the X-ray room and the office of fluorography, as well as all honey. We sincerely congratulate the sisters and nurses on the upcoming professional holiday.

You give health to so many, -

After all, few people have never been sick,

And you, doctors, for us as if the gods,

And, fortunately, not in heaven - on earth,

Thank you for saving us,

You work without rest and sleep,

Let your enthusiasm not fade away

And may spring always bloom in your soul!

And again you are congratulated on the holiday. colleagues:

11.« Eternal spring» - chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Healing from time immemorial it was considered one of the most revered and responsible professions. Everyday care for the health of the population, the return of patients to a full life - all this gives a special status medical professionals... Rare professions can compare in importance with profession medic... Giving people life and health is a high and noble mission. Today we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts health workers neurological department headed by the head. M.N. Goryachikh and physician - neurologist A... S. Korovin, everyone doctors surgeons of the surgical department in Ch. with the head N.I. Glushchenko, doctors and honey... the staff of the intensive care unit and intensive care unit, headed by the head. Dyblya Valery Vladimirovich, all doctors and honey... the staff of the therapeutic department, headed by the head. N.R. Ryzhova, honey. workers infectious diseases department - head. Tarasova Olga Vladimirovna. Happy holiday to you! Accept our muses a gift. On the stage, Laureates, Diplomas of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions of choreographic art, N. Kh. A. Kalinka BKTs hands. AND. Luchnikova:

12."Inspiration"- pop dance

Selflessness and disinterestedness, love for people and the desire to help them are the inherent qualities of modern doctor... Throughout his life he must carry the words of an oath Hippocrates: "Whichever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the patient." Congratulations on the upcoming professional holiday medical professionals ambulance BCRH headed by the head. Alexander Alexandrovich Petukhov. We wish you patience, endurance, health, which are so necessary for work in your field and with all my heart a happy holiday for you! He sends you his musical gift - T. Mukhortova:

13."I congratulate you"

Luminaries medicine most often men become. Honor and praise to them! But ask them, could they have achieved such heights, if not for the active help of fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of sisters, nurses? And if you pay attention to all the medical staff, it becomes obvious that "You can't live without women, no"... Give them their due and thank all the women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. And I would especially like to mention the young generation of honey. workers: Irina Makukhina, Valentina Alekumova, Irina Sycheva, Anastasia Solomatina, Lyudmila Komendantova, Marina Volkova (neurology) Kashirskikh Natalia, Vorobieva Inna, Zavyalova Olga, Kolesnikova Olya, Drokina Elena (patronage nurse of the Red FAP) Kashirskaya Natalya, Galushka Tatyan and wish you career and professional growth with all my heart, keep it up girls. Happy Holidays!

14. "Who doesn't believe in guardian angels?"- reads a student. BMT I. Peskareva

More than a dozen people in white coats are serving in rural hospitals, outpatient clinics and FAP - Kozlovskaya uch. hospital - head. Gordenin Alexander Lazarevich, Vasilievskaya medical outpatient clinic - head... Shkel Maria Vladimirovna, Klepovskaya uch. b-tsa - head. Tula Viktor Anatolyevich, V-Arch. medical outpatient clinic - head... Konovalov Nikolay Nikolaevich, N-Kislyai uch. hospital head. Evgeny Valentinovich Irkhin. Of all workers of rural medical institutions - doctors, paramedics, honey. We congratulate sisters, nurses of FAPs on their professional holiday.

Winter or summer, spring or fall

Diseases come, they won't ask us

On the guard of health, always on the alert,

They always stand at the post,

From everyone who has been in hospital wards,

Thank you people in white coats.

15. Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests R. Netesov, hands. N. Subocheva

- "Stay with me"

16."Button accordion"- L. Serdyukova

I am 100% sure that every person on earth at least once in his life had the pleasure of being in the hands of this magician called a dentist. We sincerely congratulate everyone workers our dental clinic and express our deep gratitude - doctors- Dentists - Olga Evgenievna Tinkova, Tatyana Vladimirovna Boyko, Vera Alekseevna Kovaleva, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, surgeons - Oleg Mitrofanovich Grishchenko, Alexander Mikhailovich Gaivoronsky, orthopedists - Tatiana Semyonovna Blagaya, Andrey Bogoyanov, technician, Viktor Morgunovych, Viktor Morgunovych, Technician , all honey. nurses and nurses in one word to all honey. to the stomat staff. polyclinics headed by the head. Dimitrenko Sergey Grigorievich. On the eve of your professional holiday, we wish you, of course, first of all, health, happiness, decent wages, family well-being, and your patients less pain and more beautiful, snow-white smiles. Happy Holidays!

On the stage - n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka".

17. p. n. the settlement of the Voronezh region - "Like our Katya"

Day medical worker celebrate not only doctors and nurses, but also all those, without whose help would not have done medical science but also those workers who would seem to have nothing to do with medicine does not have... Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts laundress workers, kitchen, garage, as well as those who working in the main building of the hospital it is workers without service, can not do not one paramedic, no matter how capable and talented he was. You guessed who I am talking about? Yes it workers administrative building and of course your dear accounting department! We sincerely congratulate all employees of the administration of the Central District Hospital, we wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, a health workers meet them as often as possible! I wish you happiness, health, festive mood, n. X. a. "Cinderella" you are all invited to a bright Russian celebration:

18. "To the fair".

We trust our doctors with our lives,

We come to them with hope.

And today we congratulate you:

Everyone who is white is wearing clothes.

We are infinitely grateful to you,

Medical Science Luminaries,

On this holiday we sincerely wish

So that you yourself have health.

On the the stage of the choir of medical workers of the BCRH

19. "I love you life"

I invite all participants in the festive concert to the scene: Our dear healthcare workers! We say thank you very much, continue to carry on with the noble mission - to stand guard to preserve the health and life of patients. Once again, congratulations on your professional holiday, Day medical worker! We wish you a clear sky above your head, calm everyday life, not burdened with pain of losses, children's laughter in your homes and prosperity in your families.

Be happy! Take care of your family and friends!

Compiled by a methodologist

MKUK RDK "October": / Serdyukova L. I. /

The presenter gives the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist, and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one of the spectators who guesses first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each blindfolded couple must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the host. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!" The winner is the pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the others.

Diagnosis by eye

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer list of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he gets a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - flu; fatigue, short-term sleep, complete lack of a sense of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control in the amount of alcohol drunk, severe hangover, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

Bint, bint, bint ...

Participants are divided into several teams of 2-3 people, one of which is a mummy that needs to be wrapped with a bandage. At the command "start" doctors must quickly, dexterously and efficiently wrap their mummy in bandages. Whose team will cope faster and who will have the best mummy, that team won.

Into uniforms

Medics are in no way inferior in agility to soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a common man into the guise of a "rescuer". A set of uniforms is prepared for each participant: a cap, a mask, a dressing gown with buttons, shoe covers, gloves. On the command "start", each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever puts on all the accessories faster will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous physician.

Such different diagnoses

Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team takes part in turn. Each team chooses a person to show diagnoses from a hat with phantoms. So, the first team nominates its "showman", he goes to the center, takes out his fant, in which any diagnosis is indicated, for example, influenza, osteochondrosis, hypertension, and so on. Pulled out a fant, show it. As soon as the team of the "indicator" correctly guesses the diagnosis, the "indicator" pulls out the next phantom and shows the next diagnosis. How many points the "showman" has time to show in one minute and the team to guess the diagnoses, the team will receive so many points. And in the end, the team with the most points wins.

The Diamond Arm

Guests are divided into pairs, in which one participant will be "sick", and the other - a doctor. Each pair receives the same roll of bandage. At the command “start”, the “doctor” must turn the hand of the “patient” into a diamond hand, bandaging it with all the bandage. The couple in which the "doctor" is the fastest to bandage the hand, having used up the entire bandage, will become the winner.

Take a pill

Guests are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives the same set of different tablets (in a bag), for example, activated charcoal, analgin, biseptol, vitamin-ascorbic acid, and so on, preferably tablets with distinctive visual features. At the start command, each team looks into their bag, takes out the tablets and recognizes them. The team that is the first to list the names of all the pills in their "bag", and does it right, will be the winner.

What if you have to be a surgeon too

Each participant receives two identical shreds, a needle and thread of the same length. At the start command, each participant puts a thread through a needle and sews his own two pieces. Whoever sews two shreds faster and with better quality will receive a diploma of the best surgeon and a prize.

Good afternoon, dear ministers of wonderful science - medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. The members of the first team are representatives of the medical profession, the members of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Patients choose a representative from their team, who should mimic the symptoms of the disease with facial expressions and gestures. The medical team singles out the player so that he can guess the name of the medicine for this ailment, which will be written on the patient's card. Or teams work together against each other.

The names of drugs that need to be guessed.

  1. Purgen (laxative) - the patient makes signs of the disease with gestures.
  2. Analgin is a pain reliever.
  3. Diclofenac is a remedy for osteochondrosis.
  4. Naphthyzin - drops from the common cold.
  5. Quinax - eye drops.
  6. Asterisk balm is a remedy for colds.
  7. Mustard plasters are a remedy for coughs and colds.
  8. Mezim - a means of improving digestion
  9. Otipax - ear drops for ENT diseases.
  10. Aspirin is an antipyretic agent at a temperature.
  11. Arbidol is a remedy against influenza viral infection.
  12. Furacilin - antiseptic for gargling, etc.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with the name of the medicinal products.

This competition is quite funny. The host and several couples take part in it. The man says in the ear of the presenter what he is going to give his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not knowing at all what her man has prepared for her. In case of a solution, she is awarded the corresponding prize. Thus, it seems amusing enough that the lady carries out "dressing the pot to work", or "cooks a book."


With the help of hair ties, you can hold a "Harem" competition. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives elastic bands of a certain color (one - red, the other - green, and so on). In a few minutes, each of the participants should "ring" as many women as possible. A ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies' wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before starting the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive precisely during the mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled one. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair ties. The task of the participants is to make the largest number of crests on the men's head with the help of rubber bands. The partner of the most ruffled is awarded a prize.


Put a bottle on the table, on which put a deck of cards on top. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards from the deck. Whoever blows off the remaining deck (the last cards), he lost and was eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests must pair up. Each of the couples has a woman and a man. Clothespins are attached to the back of the partner's clothes. The task of the partner is to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner's chest with his eyes blindfolded. The winner is the couple who completed the task first.


This game requires an empty matchbox, which is put on the nose of the participant in the game. The boxes should be put on as tightly as possible. The participant must use facial expressions to remove the box from the nose.

The little train is an outdoor game

Number of players: any
Optional: paper, pen, bag
Papers with the names of body parts are written and folded so that they cannot be read and folded into some kind of bag.
Then the first two people take a piece of paper. And they are pressed by those parts of the body that are indicated in the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, where it is written to which place the third person should touch. Further, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (more precisely, two, but in turn).

Scenario Day of the Medic

Fanfare, exit tr. 001

Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear medical workers, people in white coats, doctors, nurses, orderlies and everyone who considers themselves to be in this responsible, difficult profession!

Since October 1, 1980, a holiday is celebrated in our country - the Day of the Medical Worker. And you, by right, all without exception, deserve this holiday and this applause that sounded in your honor.


There is no nobler cause than to bring people mercy and kindness in the name of health. It is for these qualities that people are grateful to you. You have an excellent opportunity to help every person who needs your help. So give you God the strength and patience to continue your great work.

People in white coats, how honorable is your work!

Your sensitive hands bring healing!

We wish you good and warmth on your holiday!

So that fate only brings happiness, only brings joy

The song "MY HOMELAND"tr. 003

Dear friends! As much as we would not want to be distracted and even for a while forget about work, about a profession, we are unlikely to succeed. Because any medical worker, regardless of the circumstances, time of day and place of his own location, must remain a medical worker. Well, since our team is assembled, I can safely invite your leader to the stage. The floor is given to the chief physician of the sanatorium "Pikhtovye Gory" Olga Ovsyannikova


Today is the day of wishes and congratulations for all medical professionals. We, a detachment of vacationers in your wonderful sanatorium, also cannot stand aside.

There is no more honorable work in the world,

More noble and more important!

Life is saved by a paramedic

He heals ordinary people.

We wish you health

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,

Personal happiness, good luck,

Faith, courage, love

"LET'S FLY TOWARD THE WIND", 1st squadtr. 005

The children of our camp not only rest in the "Pikhtovye Gory", but also improve their health. And all this thanks to you, dear doctors and nurses. On such a wonderful day, they also did not stand aside and prepared their congratulations


Reader 1, when you hear "Be healthy!"

Immediately remember the doctors

Those who are in a hurry to help us

Whose advice is always ready

Wear white robes

Cute guys

"Anatomy" - by "five!"

We will congratulate them

Reader 2 In general, magicians of medicine,

Like a shot of penicillin

We will write you a prescription.

And he is no more wonderful.

Ten drops of kindness

Twenty drops of beauty

To a glass of happy life

Stir until thick!

Reader 3 So that everything is fine -

Out of luck powder

A spoonful of good health

We add to you with love

A spoonful of joyful love

For the seething blood

Mix everything well.

Take daily

Reader 4 Good for health!

What have we forgotten yet?

We took a spoonful of medicine -

We begin the procedure.

Bitter, too small

Medical salary.

So that she grows faster,

We add yeast.

It will be lush, it will be sweet.

Everything will be all right in life.

Ved. Your work is not more important in the world!

Profession - from ancient times and forever

After all, everyone knows: both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person

The song "YOU ARE A MAN"tr. 007

Friends, it became known to me that today people of different medical specialties have gathered at this holiday !. Let's greet the people we rightfully call doctors. People who accept patients, diagnose, prescribe treatment and seek the recovery of patients!

BEATINGtr. 008

Doctors rise

BEATINGtr. 008

The nurses are rising

And, perhaps, the work of orderlies cannot be unnoticed - these are those who perform auxiliary functions in medical practice. Let us also ask them to stand up and congratulate them on their professional holiday.

BEATINGtr. 009

Orderlies rise

Winter or summer, spring or fall
Diseases come, they won't ask us
On the guard of health, always on the alert,
They always stand at the post,
They let our pain pass through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you people in white coats.

"We are together" Ekaterina Droganova, Andrey Droganov

Today, in honor of your holiday, fanfare will sound, songs are sung, poems are recited. We thought about how to surprise you. And we decided to invite an orchestra of musicians who will perform "Froggy Jazz" for you

COMPOSITION "Froggy Jazz", 6th detachmenttr. 010

Medieval scientist Avicenna said: "A doctor must have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion!" So, we wish you that all these qualities are not only present with you, but also preserved for many years of your professional activity!

And therefore, happy holiday to you, with your professional holiday, with the Day of the medical worker. Continue to heal people and do good!

Song "WHAT IS GOOD" Polina Golovatenko,3 squad

Today, the children of the camp donate their creativity to those who take care of them and heal their whole shift. We can not only sing and dance, we can also compose. And then show it on stage. Your attention is a reenactment of the 4th detachment.

Scene "ANYUTA" 4th squad

In the camp, children live a full life: they play, sing, have fun and, most importantly, make friends.

The song "TWO HALF" Nastya Kolesnikova, Katya Shevchenko, 1st detachment

To your attention the dance of the 6th squad "Poppies color"

Dance "MAKOV COLOR", 6th detachment

The next creative gift came to us from the 3rd squadron.

GYMNASTIC STUDY, 3rd detachment

Song "Red Cat" by Stanislav, 3rd squad

You have chosen the hard way, and yet,

Go without turning boldly off him

What is dearest to you

The health of everyone, without exception, people.

Healing people is not an easy task

And you can’t be wrong.

So may good luck be with you

And the Earth flourishes with joy.

Dance "KAPITOSHKI", 5th detachment

Giving gifts

All doctors - with their beloved holiday!

We wish you bright and unique days.

May happiness open to you in its arms,

The holiday should not end in the soul

Heal people and be healthy yourself,

Let life spoil you with miracles more often.

May everything be fine in your families

And more often people say thank you.

Dance "Good mood", 3rd detachment