New Year greetings for colleagues. Short poems for funny congratulations to colleagues at work on the New Year. Let next year be a year for employees of prose,

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
He is about to step on the threshold.
Let the workers fix the jambs
And new victories will bring.

Let them add a salary to everyone in the new one,
Add a couple more days off.
So that there is understanding in the team,
Well, there won't be any problems!

But seriously, good luck to everyone!
And new achievements and victories for us.
May the year bring happiness, understanding.
We will work together for many years!

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we lived
Friendly, like one family.

Let luck be near
Together with us all year
The salary will increase
And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
We walked confidently forward.
The New Year is at the start
Gives good luck to everyone.

My dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish that in the new year everything starts in a new way: so that there are new successes in activity, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All good and good!

We have been working all year
And tired of worries
The magic just happened
On the eve of the New Year!

We forget about work
Let's decorate the tree.
Let the weather not please
But we will wait for a miracle.

Happy New Year, colleagues!
We are big fellows.
There is no gap in the team
Everyone is united and friendly.

May the coming year be for all of us
Will be bright and happy.
In our class team
Let the positivity be.

Our friendly team
Can be called a hive
After all, like bees, we are hard workers,
And we do everything on "five"!

New year is coming
What will he bring us?
I wish that all plans
We performed with a bang,
So that, colleagues, we are lucky,
To spite all competitors,
And the salary to grow
Life was happy!

Happy New Year to my colleagues
Much to be desired:
To have less work
To not get up early.

To get a bonus more often
The team was awarded
To happen every day
Small but positive.

For us to work together
Because we have one goal.
To be released in the summer
All of us together to the south.

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!

Happy Year of the Pig

Old year in a broken cart
Turned around the far corner
Dear lovely colleagues,
Here comes the New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you!
And, of course, I wish
So that you, like all the people,
The coming Pig helped!

So that you become cooler and richer,
So that happiness overflows,
So that there is good luck in all matters,
To have a whole year of fun!

We are with you every day
From eight to five
Teams are better for us already,
Probably not to be found.

Happy New Year I want you
Congratulate everyone, friends!
We can do all the tasks
Where you and I are together.

Let's celebrate the New Year
In the circle of your family
I wish that without worries
All holidays are over!

And in the newborn year
We'll meet again
To work and create
And get money!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, weekends,
Praise - all at once,
To make everything easy for you
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
It's like being in a resort!

We worked hard
Now let's celebrate
Because it's coming to us
The best holiday is New Year!

I wish you all improvement
Earn a promotion
overfulfill plans,
Never lose heart.

At work, things are excellent,
Everything is OK so that in personal life,
Never hang up your nose
And prosperity to grow.

New Year is a bright holiday. It is associated with the smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, a feast, long weekends at school, at work, and, of course, congratulations and gifts. Before the New Year, almost all work teams arrange New Year's parties. And since employees at work often become friends, the question arises, how to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way? We offer you poems and speeches for a festive corporate party.

How unusual to congratulate the team on the New Year

The New Year is a unique moment to express your respect for your colleagues at work. An original congratulation will be a poster with a photo of colleagues, which will indicate the successes and achievements of each employee, funny and funny working moments. The newspaper can be designed in a humorous style, complemented by thematic collages.

An original congratulation will be the appearance of Santa Claus with his granddaughter and gifts in the midst of work. To receive a gift for the New Year, employees will have to stand on a chair, recite a verse or a congratulation.

It is very nice to find a personalized postcard at the workplace with a small congratulation. Modest gifts will also cheer you up. Congratulations should be friendly, witty. Ideally, for each employee, you can choose an individual rhyme or prose.

You can present congratulations to colleagues on the New Year publicly during the New Year's party, corporate party. It is advisable to think over the musical accompaniment in advance. For the New Year, prose, poetry, and even stage performances on the theme of the life of the team are well suited, the main thing is to connect your imagination and capture a good mood.

How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way: congratulations in verse

Happy New Year, team! Everyone forget about the negative!

We are not afraid of a terrible crisis, the office is decorated with ribbons,

Tangerines and sweets - New Year's signs,

Cavaliers flatter the ladies, traffic jams fly into the ceiling!

Let's be happy, colleagues! We are the strategists of our victories!

Let the monkey bring us a good salary,

And in the service promotion, from the authorities - respect,

From clients - gratitude, from partners - solidarity!

Colleagues today I congratulate

Sometimes I want to be lazy.

And don't go to work

And have fun and hang out.

I wish you a big salary

I love my colleagues with all my heart.

Pour champagne for everyone

Shoot firecrackers quickly.

After all, on the threshold of the New Year,

He brings gifts to all of us,

So let's have some fun

The main thing is not to sleep at all.

Accept New Year's greetings,

And wishes of happiness and love.

In the next year, more patience for you,

May good luck fill your days.

Honest, smart and reliable partners,

Do not deviate from the right path.

Profitable contracts, and more is better,

And to the goal to come!

Our team is small

But with a big heart

Meet the New Year together

What is knocking at the gate

Santa Claus do not be stingy

For gifts. And strives

Give a bonus to everyone for a year,

For the people to be happy.

For the team to work

Summer and winter

And so that everyone has enough strength

Be yourself!

Let the problems go away

With them - pain and hopelessness!

Together with happiness at the gate,

We are knocking - New Year!

New plans, ideas,

Reaching a new goal!

Many different achievements

Only smart decisions!

And you have big income

Good working days!

At home - joy, warmth,

Lots of good stuff!

We won't work today

Expecting a magical miracle.

Happy New Year to each other:

Let the year be monetary, joyful.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,

I wish you luck in entering.

May fate give you amulets.

I congratulate you on the winter fairy tale!

Waiting, it's finally here

Two thousand and sixteen!

Let us have enough spiritual strength

To live, to work in the midst of all hardships.

Let the tops seem now

As far away as the stars above.

They will submit to us, give us an hour,

We will be on Olympus together!

Happy New Year! Happy New Celebration!

May the coming year

We have enough everywhere and everything -

If so, I'll bring more.

Let the smile of a woman bloom

Let men believe in their success

May the bosses next year

Praises for the work of all-all-all!

All my employees

From superiors to colleagues

Happy New Year

I can in a difficult age.

After a couple of days

Happiness is coming

And they will run in a new way

Days for many of us:

The approach of new plans,

vacation waiting,

Maybe even get fired.

Those who are not ready to live like this.

In the whirl of new days

I want to wish you

Ideal to be a colleague

And do not suffer from work.

A pile of different cases, papers

And the tasks are harder

Always decide with ease.

The tree lights up

And the champagne sparkles.

A year has passed successfully by us,

Page turned.

Let, colleagues, the coming year

Will be rich in gifts.

Daily bread will become light,

Life is rich and stable.

How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way: congratulations in prose

Another original way is to decorate the Christmas tree and congratulate everyone in a festive atmosphere. Well, the hit of the New Year holidays at work, of course, is a corporate party with incendiary dances, funny songs and congratulations. If a corporate evening is planned, prepare a congratulatory number. It can be a song, a dance, or an unusual congratulation in prose with musical accompaniment.

There would have been no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process is conceivable and no idea is embodied. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that rallied our team are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be upset, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Dear colleagues! I have been lucky in my life to work with you! Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day: creative work, successful finds, decisions as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about a sense of humor in case of failure! Do not be afraid of intuition, surprise, experiments in your work, it's worth it! But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed. Happiness to you, success!

We wish you, dear colleagues, to catch luck by the tail in the midst of the New Year and hold it tightly until the next holiday! Himself to get caught in the net of a happy fortune and not get out of it all the long and joyful journey of life! Happy New, certainly magical and sparkling, you year!

Let, colleagues, the New Year bring ups without downs, stable implementation of plans and loyalty of the leadership. I wish that love and mutual understanding await in the circle of close people, and at work - career growth and a rapid increase in salaries! Good luck and peace of mind!

Colleagues, a period of new achievements, creative victories, prosperity and success is coming, and let the mischievous Monkey, as a symbol of the coming year, bring us many surprises. Let's celebrate the New Year with dignity, and also spend it at the height! Success is born only in aspirations and positive intentions. Happy New Year, Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations on a wonderful winter holiday, which gives us not only a fairy tale, but also a wonderful New Year's weekend. Let there be more days off in the new year, less work, and higher wages. Let the household, employees please, and a good mood does not leave either at home or at work.

Colleagues, you are so passionate about work that you do not notice the approach of the New Year. Take a break from everyday worries and think about delicious tangerines, sparklers and champagne bubbles. Of course, new victories, professional growth and a beautiful salary await you, but that will come later. In the meantime, enjoy the upcoming fun and relaxation!

Happy New Year to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us receive in it everything that he desires, what he secretly dreamed about and saw in his best dreams! Let all the tasks set in the new year be completed on time, with maximum profit and with a great mood!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! Let's keep the statuette of a wooden Goat as a keepsake, and for the new year we'll prepare another talisman - diligence and determination. May the coming year make each of us richer for good luck, love, happy moments and interesting memorable projects. Let the fiery Monkey prepare only pleasant surprises, and give each of us luck and prosperity in everything. Happy New Year!

Very often, it is not a gift that is remembered, but how the congratulation was presented. You can make it original: write it on postcards, beautiful leaves and spread it around the office. There are actually many options on how to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way, but only sincerity and a positive mood will make it special.

Dikmi: Loud and succinct, but most importantly, using a professional vocabulary that is understandable only to people of the same trade! Briefly and globally, because a new countdown begins, the New Year is in the yard! It's fun and easy, because it's a holiday, and not just another mournful solemn and official meeting with the boss! All these are the requirements for the right New Year's greetings for colleagues! We tried to take them into account when compiling congratulations for the most sought-after and popular professions of this year! Look for your own, congratulate, be original and visit us more often for new ideas!


1. Congratulations for programmers

May the New Year be full of positive information, may e-mail become richer with letters of happiness, may all servers be available, programs successful, codes solved, keys selected. Let the search engine be tuned to personal happiness, let the desired love get entangled in the nets of your charm, and let the anti-virus program block all adversity! A thousand terabytes of inspiration for you! Happy New Year!

2. New Year's greetings for web designers

Let the New Year be a period of new discoveries for you. Let the graphics of the body be improved, and the cross-browser compatibility of the thoughts of your beloved correspond to the logic of your personal site. Let search engine optimization give birth to monetization, and let the artwork look like a smile. Let in the New Year you be for someone an icon of style, taste, sophistication, mind. And let life in the New Year not follow the pattern, be filled with illustrations, travel collages, and everything will be usability!

3. Happy New Year lawyers

Happy New Year, friend! I wish you that in the coming year you have the right to live without rules! So that the main law for you is love blind, like Themis. So that taxes are not burdened, citizens do not bake, work was easy, family - strong, inheritance - unexpected and huge, housing - spacious and in the center, corporate party - cheerful, administration - indulgent!

4. Happy New Year text for drivers

Happy New Year to you, the leader of the roads! Let the maps be clear in the coming year, the paths be smooth, the tank full of gasoline, the carburetor with a spark, the steering wheel obedient. So that the passengers are pleasant, so that the eyes shine with joy, brighter than the headlights on a foggy night, and so that the love starter works without interruption. Oh yes, my friend, and the Kama Sutra for you instead of boring rules traffic in the glove box!

5. New Year greetings for managers

Let next year you have to plan the budget of your own corporation, drive an expensive car, organize bright parties, improve your wardrobe, count exponential growth in profits, motivate many men to exploits. Let competitors stay out of your big voyage, and trust reigns at home! Happy New Year!

6. Happy New Year Accountants

In the year that is already on the threshold, we wish you to pay moderate taxes, submit reports on time and the first time, receive small bills and a large salary. Let the balance always converge, and the auditors bypass. Let dividends come in the form of gifts, smiles and pleasant moments for your love, care and kindness. Let the risks be justified, assets - so in gold, liabilities - in sables! Happy New Year!

7. Economists. We wish you to forget about savings in the New Year! So that the budget is enough for boots and coats, for a ring and Bordeaux, for a theater and a sauna, for a new hairstyle and other joys. So that GDP is always higher than your growth, so that planning is correct, and thinking is positive. So that the working day is measured by several cups of coffee, competition is a gray mouse and hides in the gap, and the quality of life is measured by macro indicators!

8. Engineers. May the New Year burst into your life with new projects and inspiration. Let no adjustment be required for family watches, let all tests be bypassed, and instructions exist only to break them! Let the heart need no maintenance, and let the heroic health be extended! May there be many orders and amazing schedule flexibility! Happy New Year!

9. Builders. In the New Year, we wish you gingerbread houses, castles in the air and other fabulous structures! So that you don’t have to do a major overhaul of the family ship, and the current one manages with a small fright. So that restoration is not required for feelings, so that the mother-in-law is an investor, and the father-in-law is a contractor. So that the solution of love does not thicken in the frost of ridiculous quarrels, and the bricks of good luck gently fold into an amazing design!

10. Architects. We wish you a year that is already knocking on the door of the implementation of master plans, bright drawings of joy, chic body geometry, a girl who wakes up next to you. Philosophy of lines and secrets of happiness. Positive estimates and flexible standards. A girl and a boy as the main projects for next year! Happy New Year!

11. Pharmacists. In the New Year, we wish to reveal the secret of the chemistry of love, invent a cure for the blues, build a dream pharmacy and find the treasure of health. Let every step be effective, every smile safe for others, and every look full of magic!

12. Doctors. Fewer patients and higher wages so that health knocks on your door! More patience, luck, jam, so that all adversity and friction pass by! So that feelings do not require diagnostics, children - prevention, and medical secrecy and the Hippocratic oath gather dust on the farthest shelf in the closet! Happy New Year!

13. Dentists. In the New Year, we wish that thoughts are wise, like teeth, that the jaw does not break from vain troubles, that the heart hurts only from love, and that hands always have work to count money! Happy holiday!

14. Teachers. May Makarenko and Ushinsky envy you this New Year, may the magazine be full of fives, may titles and awards fly after you like a blizzard, may the students be grateful and pluck stars from the sky. Let the cakes be delicious, victories sweet, words sincere, eyes kind. Happy New Year!

15. To journalists. We wish next year that Grandfather brings a frying pan! And on it - facts and hot, sensations over the edge, intrigues - take it! So that the salary does not fail, the Snow Maiden so that she is sweet, so that love beats over the edge, and words, so that a good harvest! Happy New Year!

16. Chefs. Let the New Year's holiday salad consist of such ingredients: love, luck, gratitude, success, kindness and sweetness! Let the life menu be luxurious, and the price lists be correct. So that fate does not knead the dough with you, so that it stuffs with money, and the temperature regime rises only from passion! May the New Year bring you happiness in large portions! Happy holiday!

17. Designers. Let the New Year create more ideal images, draw perspectives, draw grandiose plans. Let three graces come into life: love, hope and beauty. Let the aesthetic taste always receive pleasure, and the heart - inspiration. Orange mood, rainbow luck and fairy tales around! Happy New Year!

18. Actors. Interesting scenarios, complex roles, understandable characters, ideal characters, limitless creativity and many scenes! Let the directors be kind, and Stanislavsky always shouts: “I believe!”. Let cinema be life and life be play. Let the makeup be of high quality, the costume - incomparable, the gait - graceful, flying, the gestures - confident, the facial expressions - funny, the role - unique! Let the New Year be creative and full of adventures!

19. Policemen. Next year we wish you smooth roads, order in society, rights without violations, fabulous chivalry, smiling fortune, holidays without danger, sincere love and a friendly iron shoulder! Happy New Year!

20. Firemen. May the fire burn only in the hearts in the New Year, and only love has to extinguish it! So that you can see sand only on the beach, a shovel - in your favorite country house and in your favorite mother-in-law's hands, and a fire hose only in a folded form! Let the ladder be only a career ladder, and only friends have to be saved from a hangover! Happy holiday!

21. Photographers. We wish you flexible models, stunning backdrops, fabulous shoots, six-figure earnings in the New Year! And also - people who can create inspiration, deep glances, sincere smiles, extreme shooting and outrageous props! Let the camera be true, and the look sharp! Happy New Year!

22. Florists. Beauty in everything, brightness around, light and color! So that the decor is successful, the atmosphere is inspiring, the words are correct, the branches are green, the colors are mystical! Let there be harmony of form and color, and let there be a successful composition of love, silence, respect and smiles in the house! Happy New Year!

23. Artists. We wish next year to reveal new facets of talent, conquer new peaks, see distant depths. So that the painting is noticeable, the hand is firm, the freedom is boundless, the exposition is triumphant! Let art find a new life in the form of cash injections, and the name will become the hallmark of the city! Happy New Year!

24. Stylists and hairdressers. Loud applause, muffled sighs, bright hairstyles without a shadow of dirty tricks! Holidays are everywhere, both in life and in fashion, necessary little things, and important sweets! Bright images without shocking, and fashion of eternal revelry! Happy roads to Paris, and money without robbery! Happy New Year!

25. For dancers. We wish you to live in the rhythm of your heart in the New Year, move towards the wind, be paired with the sun, create compositions of love and passion. Let the music of the heart be major, and dance steps - soft! May luck be dynamic, technique obedient, harmony eternal, and facial expressions cordial! Let expression reign in the New Year in the house, and the wallet be filled to the rhythm of tango! Happy holiday!

Dikmi: Give your colleagues New Year's smiles! It's so easy - to give a drop of spiritual light and get the whole sun in return! May you succeed!

A little more than a week is left until the New Year 2019. The next week, the working people of the country will be in the mood for cheerful corporate parties and searching for gifts for colleagues. We have prepared for you a selection of good congratulations for colleagues on the New Year holidays.

Depending on the relationship that has developed in the team, it is customary for work colleagues to send official congratulations or informal pictures and congratulatory texts in their own words with humor on December 31 or January 1. And here visitors to our site will find cool, funny and official New Year's greetings 2019 of the Yellow Pig for colleagues and bosses.

Colleagues are a special category of people who are usually congratulated on holidays. Happy New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues can be individual. For example, they can be sent by e-mail, additionally attaching picture postcards, or sent as SMS.

Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues: beautiful official congratulations in prose

The New Year is a great time to take stock, compare results and make plans for the future. By tradition, the heads of many organizations congratulate employees on the upcoming New Year holidays, expressing the wishes of health, success in work and happiness in their personal lives. Short official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig in prose will appeal to colleagues, set them up for positive and new labor achievements.

Ladies and Gentlemen! On the eve of the New Year 2019, I would like to wish you all the best. Let the coming year be full of new discoveries, useful and pleasant acquaintances, bring you self-confidence, strength of mind and health in the body and, of course, achieve your goals!

New Year to give hope for good luck, success and happiness. I would like to wish my colleagues that the year will be full of happy and joyful events. Let there be a place in your life not only for an interesting and well-paid job, but also for recreation with the whole family.

Dear colleagues! Happy New Year. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot pleasant holidays. Let all failures and hardships remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and in the new one there will be only ups and downs!

Colleagues, Happy New Year! We have done a lot of important and good things, and how much more significant things are waiting for us ahead, in the glorious year of the Pig. Bold plans, home warmth and family comfort, I wish you all, dear friends. Prosperity and financial success to all of us!

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues: congratulations on jokes, in verse

Colleagues, this New Year,

I wish you great heights

More profitable ideas

Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily

To row her with a shovel,

Corporate events were more

And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let it be what you need

Success accompanies business,

So that our team lives together

And so that the boss praised us!

We spend half our lives at work

And the team is now almost family.

We share both sorrows and worries,

Deciding everything together during the day.

And day by day the weeks go by

And here we are on the threshold of the New Year.

Guys / colleagues from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you,

I wish you only joyful efforts.

So that the year that comes is generous to you,

In work, there is harmony, but in the house so that there is comfort.

Good luck to have a fair wind.

Let our income grow with you.

Simple human happiness

Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.

Let love cover with an avalanche of passion

And miracles happen in the New Year!

Happy New Year to all our friendly team.

May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.

So that work can be argued, so that families have comfort!

Lest you forget: you are welcome here in the morning.

All success and health, light, joy, kindness.

New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

May the New Year bring you

prosperity and income.

May success accompany

To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong

The mind is enlightened, tenacious,

In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.

All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism

Travel and Tourism,

In the showers - sunny weather.

All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Working hard for a year

It's time to rest.

Happy New Year, colleagues!

Postpone everything.

I wish you a salary -

To carry away with bags,

Next door to MP

A house to be able to buy.

Leadership to praise

For career growth.

To not scold too much,

If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

We are one family with you.

I wish you happiness, joy

And good luck to you, friends!

The best official greetings for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

Dear colleagues! Happy New Year of the Yellow Pig. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot pleasant holidays. Let all failures and hardships remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and in the new one there will be only ups and downs!

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - New Year! May this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish our joint work to be productive, efficient and prosperous, and our business to develop in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our clients!

Happy New Year, colleagues, according to information at 10:05:31. I wish you great rewards and merit, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and deeds, bold decisions and actions, successful starts and successful days. May this year be fruitful for all of you in terms of work and happy in terms of life.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every business. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and good luck, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

Happy New Year, my dear and respected colleagues. I wish you to be at the forefront of promising ideas, to find new opportunities for the implementation of all plans. I also wish you absolute confidence, worthy victories, true respect and high prosperity in the new year.

Cool congratulations and postcards Happy New Year 2019 to work colleagues

In many work collectives, open and trusting relationships develop between employees, and people consider the employees of their office, if not friends, then very good acquaintances. And of course, colleagues with whom friendly relations have developed are congratulated on the New Year not officially, but with all my heart, choosing for them the kindest and coolest congratulations on the New Year to colleagues at work and giving cute presents.

Young employees of commercial organizations, and especially those young people who work in creative teams, also prefer to congratulate colleagues with cool texts and postcards. Funny and funny congratulations for them is another way to get closer to colleagues and create a friendly informal atmosphere in the team.

A selection of the best funny congratulations on the New Year of the Pig

May the new year be full of happiness. Don't let a single minute be wasted. Let love bring you to sweet dizziness, let there be no feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Happy New Year! May he deliver from all the "deer" on the way and give an eternal state of joy.

In the new year I wish you life

Sweet like a raspberry

Yacht like the president

Mansion with a fireplace.

On the table - beluga caviar,

Straight from Iran

To all delicacies

Were affordable.

foreign car,

Or just a couple

The most fashionable clothes in the world

And accessories.

To not hurt at all

All dreams came true

And the good times

More often repeated!

I wish you a New Year

Live without grief and worries!

Do not go all year to the pharmacy,

Pay off all mortgages

Travel to the Bahamas more often

Don't make drama out of problems

And do not accumulate resentment

Life will become easier immediately!

The New Year is knocking on the door, which means that it's time to send all the problems with a kick in the ass, stock up on armfuls of food and gain positive with a wide, contented smile. Smile and have fun, drive all bad thoughts into your neck! Like champagne, seethe with joy and dream of great prospects!

May the new year bring

A whole snow circle

Awesome pleasures

Incredible impressions.

So that feelings burn in the hearts,

Cabbage grew in purses.

To always have a full tank,

Mansion abroad.

To Santa Claus

Carried gifts all year long!

Funny Happy New Year 2019 Greeting Cards

Short congratulations on the New Year to colleagues in prose

In postcards that organizations traditionally send out to all employees on the eve of the New Year holidays, as a rule, they write short congratulations on the New Year 2019 to colleagues in prose. You can also send short congratulations to colleagues by SMS and messengers, accompanying them with cool congratulatory pictures with Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2019 - Pig or Boar.

Collection of short beautiful congratulations for colleagues Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I wish you to be in the cycle of happiness, love, success and joy for a whole year. May miracles happen and dreams always come true!

Happy New Year! May this year bring a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig! With new joy and happiness! May this year be better than the previous one, and bring only good and positive events.

Let everything turn out in the new year, come true, warm, be realized, radiate, please and bring every day a reason to smile. Holiday greetings!

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you with all my heart a great miracle and a magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck for the whole year.

Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues at work and organizations with humor

In many commercial organizations and companies operating in various business areas, in recent years, management has been pursuing a policy aimed at establishing an informal and fun atmosphere in the work team. Many psychologists and HR managers are sure that it is informal and friendly relations between employees that contribute to labor productivity and the success of the company in the market.

Which of the pensioners will raise their pension by 1 thousand rubles in 2019

In companies that pursue such a policy, it is customary on the eve of January 1, 2019 to organize fun corporate events and send New Year greetings to colleagues with humor. Cool and funny New Year greetings can also be sent to organizations and business partners with whom close cooperation has been established.

Funny and kind New Year greetings for colleagues and business partners

In the New Year, let it be on the table

There will be a lot of Olivier

Let the Christmas tree shine

Santa Claus is in a hurry to everyone!

He won't come easy

Bring it in a bag

Lots of happiness and good luck

And good for all of us.

All our dreams will be fulfilled

Souls filled with joy!

Let Santa Claus not forget to fulfill all the wishes, the president at midnight promise something original, and the neighbors will pick up the most colorful firecrackers for the festive fireworks. Give the outgoing year a bag with all the debts, troubles and hardships, do not indicate the return address. Happy New Year!

The new year will come soon

Have fun to the fullest!

Let the wine flow like a river

Everyone at the table laughs.

May this year succeed

And live without worries.

Don't suffer for no reason

Don't make life difficult for yourself.

May the New Year be on a joyful wave

It will come, and you will forget about the old,

May the Olivier basin be with you

And the film beloved by all "Enjoy Your Bath!".

Let the house be full and the table full,

More guests - well, where to go,

And so that this holiday goes like this,

To remember the whole year and smile!

Happy New Year of the Pig! May he be the kindest and most successful. I wish you never to fall face in Olivier, to be an expressive and sparkling person in life, like a champagne, I wish you a thick wallet in your pocket and that Santa Claus brings the most desired gift under the Christmas tree.

Happy New Year of the Boar to colleagues in your own words

On the last day before the New Year holidays, employees must congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year and wish you a good and fun coming year. Of course, for such cases, no one is looking for long congratulatory texts on the net, because it is enough to say good and sincere congratulations on the New Year to colleagues in your own words. And since the upcoming 2019 will be the year of the Pig (Boar), congratulating colleagues, along with the usual wishes of happiness, prosperity and health, you can also wish the favor of this patron animal of 2019.

Examples of New Year's greetings to colleagues in your own words

Dear colleagues! From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you a Happy New Year! I would like to wish all of us dizzying career growth and success in work. I wish that the coming New Year will bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so that we are ready to conquer new heights. Happy New Year to you, dear colleagues!

Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish you productive work, easy deals, high salaries and just great success in everything you do. Let the new year bring a lot of creative ideas and open up a lot of new horizons!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you good health in the new year, and there will be health, there will be strength for work, and there will be work, there will be aspirations, and there will be aspirations, there will be successes, and there will be successes, there will be prosperity. Well, let Santa Claus give everyone happiness and love.

Dear colleagues, I heartily congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish everyone true prosperity and stable activity, successful achievements and significant victories, family well-being and harmony in the house, great respect and incredibly good health.

Let the New Year bring us a salary increase, holidays on the ocean coast, and let the boss call only about the bonus. Interesting projects, excellent results and a warm friendly atmosphere in the new year.

Funny and funny congratulations to colleagues on the New Year 2019 in verse

Cool congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse can be sent via social networks or in SMS messages, or you can write on cute and funny postcards and present them to all employees as a present. Often, it is precisely such congratulations that Russians send on the morning of January 1, 2019 to colleagues with whom warm and trusting relations have developed.

Funny congratulatory poems for the New Year for colleagues

New Year's Eve is cleaning time.

Don't be lazy in December -

Evil thoughts, misunderstandings

Give it to the broom.

Quarrels, stress, diseases

Let him swallow the vacuum cleaner

And hardship and suffering

Destroy Dichlorvos.

Then they will arrive in a clean house

Joy, happiness and love.

Money won't forget either

Visit your warm shelter.

May you this New Year,

Santa Claus will bring a helicopter.

Full sacks of black caviar

And happiness is a huge slide.

So that winter seems like summer from luck,

In the south of France, a castle to boot.

Plus, on Rublyovka, a chic dacha,

And a couple of lyam bucks for change.

Happy New Year,

From the bottom of my heart I wish:

Wake up in your house

Not by the barn!

On this day, cheerful, loud,

Gain strength

And celebrate so capaciously

Not to be forgotten!

And I also wish you

Always be in style

And when everyone is sad

Be positive!

May the New Year come to you

And will bring gifts:

To gold salary,

So that the rent does not grow,

So that champagne with caviar

Tons to carry home

So that relatives do not get

And only happiness to shine.

To this New Year

You do not know dashing worries

And more entertainment

Interesting adventures!

Happy New Year to all,

We want to get around the crisis:

Let there be vodka on the tables

And under a fur coat a herring,

Let the cognac flow like a river.

Well, let the girls crowd

Line up behind us

Just super boys.

Green bucks let it grow

And floats into our pockets.

Original funny congratulations for the New Year 2019 to colleagues at a corporate party

Corporate parties in honor of the upcoming New Year 2019 are fun and interesting events that are held according to original scenarios and allow all employees to have a good time and establish closer relationships with the team. Cool congratulations for the New Year to colleagues at a corporate party will always be appropriate, and it is best to come up with the text of congratulations, taking into account the theme of the corporate party.

Below are examples of original congratulations for New Year's corporate parties that will harmoniously fit into the scenario of any festive event. Also, these congratulations can be said at the festive table at a corporate party as toasts.

A selection of original congratulations to colleagues at a corporate party

We plowed like horses

At work for a whole year.

Deserved! And today

Let's get off people!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you

Relax like never before.

Happy New Year!

Be happy friends!

My most cheerful, most successful, most wonderful colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the New Year, let's hold a corporate party today that we will all remember for bright moments and positive emotions. May everyone have great joy in the new year, may work allow everyone to realize all interesting ideas and achieve new successes, may everyone's life be happy and amazing. Happy New Year, comrades! Believe in your dream and it will certainly come true.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,

I want to congratulate you now.

May your successes multiply

May your dreams come true now.

May work bring prosperity -

Let the shower of premiums pour down on you!

And who will ask for a vacation in July,

Will not receive an insulting refusal.

Let inspiration follow you

And good luck all year

Luck doesn't go far

And let success lead by the hand!

Each member of our team

Cheerful, smart, hardworking!

Let it be fun and funny

There will be our corporate party!

I wish you all a Happy New Year

Strength, energy in labor,

To achieve goals

In difficult everyday life.

Let it be great in families

Let the salary go up

Good luck and health to all

I wish you a New Year!

We gathered as a team

To shine with a corporate party,

Holiday to celebrate

Celebrate the New Year for everyone.

Let the money flow to our cashier,

So that there is always an opportunity

We need to update our outfits.

So that the boss is only kind,

Forgive us for being late

Million contracts

Definitely concluded.

Congratulations for friends and loved ones

The most family holiday of the year is coming soon, but I won't be able to spend it with you. Therefore, I congratulate you on the upcoming and wish you warmth, harmony, health and happiness. May the holiday be wonderful and the whole next year will be just as wonderful.

The New Year is just around the corner, I want to wish everyone, Be healthy and with money, Do not smoke and do not drink!

The upcoming New Year is about to come to an end. I wish you, in anticipation of his arrival, to leave troubles and sorrows, sadness and anxieties, hatred and fears in the current year. Let for all of us next year come a period of quiet prosperity or active career growth, gentle harmony or insatiable passion, benevolent calmness or tireless adventurism. Happy New Year 2019, may it bring you what you need!

I will not drink Borjomi And chew cabbage salad, Everyone is drinking in this house! So that our holiday does not become sad! All glasses are poured, Seeing off the old year! I wish you all fun! Let sadness go away.

When, before the New Year, everyone congratulates each other on the holiday, I am simply thrilled with happiness. It seems to me that all people love everyone around them. I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and wish you that there will always be people around you who love you. Happy New Year, with endless love!

All dough, warmth, comfort, Fulfillment of your dreams! May everything be cool with you, May there be a lot of beauty. All with the upcoming guys! Let happiness quietly enter the house! To seal the year with good luck! And may harmony await everyone!

In the coming year I wish you grandmothers, grandmothers and once again grandmothers. Only not those pepper pots at the entrance, but babosiks, cabbages, bucks, rubles, pounds, yuan and even bitcoins with ethereum.

Kind instructions for colleagues, bosses, recent acquaintances

I was in a hurry to congratulate everyone And almost missed everything! Cheers, guys! Let's raise our wages!

Every time on the eve of the New Year, everyone around becomes peaceful, joyful and friendly. Many still believe in the magic of the winter holiday. I am one of them, so I sincerely believe that something wonderful can happen to each of us. Happy New Year 2019, may it not only restore your faith in miracles, but also give you a chance to experience wonderful magic in reality!

I love to have a great holiday. Anyone who has a turn. Only there is a favorite as a prankster Winter and magical New Year.

There comes a moment of miracles and renewal, And it's time to hit the road for a long time. Just as a blessing, don't forget to congratulate your friends.

I am ready to fulfill this instruction And go through life on a bright path And I want to tell you a wish Let fate not be very strict.

There are only 2 days left until the New Year. Almost all of us will spend this holiday with family, with loved ones. At work, we are also almost a family - a kind of community of worker bees. I want to wish everyone that the most delicious flowers are nearby, and our honey goes to us, and not to someone else. Happy holiday!

The boss invited us to a corporate party today. And he enlightened me about the importance of coming to the meeting! I came here guys! Happy New Year, friends! Let the year be very generous since the Pig has come to us! The Moscow authorities will demolish House 2, where the new site

They say that the work team is like a second family. There are moms taking care of new employees, dads chastising delinquent employees, and sometimes there are idlers. So I wish that in the coming year our family will become strong and friendly, so that everything works out for us, and so that there are no idlers! Happy New Year!

The New Year crept up slowly And brought the expectation of miracles, And from the pitch-black routine A ray of hope crept through. He promises success, money and little work. Gives us a dose of laughter And takes away worries. I congratulate you on this, I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart. The salary would be like this, To load it into the trunk!

Gentle words for lovers and spouses

Even if the holiday has not yet arrived, but is only going to do it, but I do not want to wait. I so want to say kind words to an important person for me! It's good that I have you! I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, I wish you warmth, affection and love. I also wish tenderness, harmony and mutual understanding, as well as that we always need each other.

Soon a new year will come, Soon twelve will strike. And my only, beloved To itself so tenderly will press.

And in anticipation of the onset I want to wish you Love to us right to the point of frenzy, May grace surround us.

I am not a master of saying beautiful words, but I am happy that we will celebrate this holiday together. Happy New Year, dear! I wish you to be calm, feel protected and loved. For us, my love!

In this glorious New Year, I will think ahead, To be happy with you, And under the sun, and under the moon!

Cute! If Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were not relatives, then our holiday would have passed more unusually. Therefore, today for you I will be a Snowflake, and you are an Elf for me, ready to warm my frozen soul. Happy New Year, with the most fabulous holiday!

Happy New Year, my dear! My favorite, dear! Let our life be beautiful, And we are happy with you!

On the eve of the New Year, almost every person wishes others love and happiness! We already have it, let there be health, harmony, prosperity and prosperity!

Impersonal congratulations for different categories of people

Traditionally, in the New Year, important, but seemingly banal things are wished. These include health, love, happiness, luck and prosperity. ( I do not want to be banal, although I will still remain traditional. I wish these things, because without them the coming year cannot be beautiful. Happy holiday to you!

Fight chimes for the New Year, All of us will lead to ecstasy! Let dreams come true, Let there be no fuss! Happiness and health, Santa Claus to bring everyone!

We will congratulate each other 100 times again using the words “Happy New Year!” like toast. At the same time, everyone in their head will wish for themselves and those around them something of their own, paired with the necessary platitudes. So, congratulating us all on the holiday, I wish that all your dreams and secret good thoughts come true thanks to the magic of this night!

At the end of December, I congratulate you friends! Love and money wagon, Let life quickly take over! Let wishes come true Life filling with jubilation!

According to the next year, people have definitely lived on this planet for more than 2 thousand years. This is if you believe in the calendar from the birth of Christ. The upcoming New Year 2019 is proof of this. I congratulate you on his arrival and wish this year to be the best of all the previous 2018 years.

Garlands, cracker and Christmas tree. Around the expectation of miracles. So the needles prick and smell, As if there is a dense forest around. Let this magical time Give both happiness and joy! And to be friends with everyone Always and everywhere it worked!

Every year we say thousands of beautiful words again and again, congratulating everyone on the next holiday. In order not to be banal, you can simply wish Happy New Year 2019 by adding a light rap to your speech or singing a congratulation in an opera style. Only the essence is different - it is better to be unoriginal, but sincere. Therefore, even the most ordinary words, uttered with a soul, tend to be fulfilled. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming, I wish you good health, languishing love, and sparkling happiness!

Short congratulations on the upcoming New Year

Now there is no need for extra words - so that there is money and love! Holiday greetings!

No need to wait for a miracle, you need to create it yourself. May there be strength for this creativity in the coming year!

Holiday greetings! I wish you love and happiness, health and strength, prosperity and opportunities. And also the fulfillment of cherished desires!

In the coming year, I want to wish you to find harmony, peace and prosperity!

Children - ice cream, ladies - flowers, somehow smells of the last century! In this coming year, I wish ladies - Louboutins, gentlemen - casting, and all the kids on the Playstation!

You can say a hundred congratulatory words, but I'm not a speaker. I will be brief - health, happiness and prosperity!

I wish you money and health! Being healthy and rich is hard not to become happy! Let everything be just like that! Happy New Year.

In fact, it is not very important what form of congratulations is chosen, more significant is its sincerity. It is clear that sometimes it is necessary to say something within the framework of politeness, then you can use most of the options offered. Also, ready-made words congratulating on the upcoming New Year 2019 are needed for those who do not have eloquence and have difficulty in conveying their thoughts. Other people can also use congratulations to sign postcards, etc., as well as the basis of their own speech. After all, something else is important - we are all waiting for another wonderful holiday.

How to originally congratulate colleagues on the new year will be discussed in this material. Often companies act according to a rather strange and traditional scenario, but in order to diversify their lives and make a really interesting holiday, and not congratulations to employees for show, you need to show a little imagination and prepare properly.

If you want to find original congratulations on the new text, then be sure to listen to what is offered in the audio blocks that are installed in this article. Kind words from the heart, thanks to which it will be possible to make an individual congratulation. However, for the team it is possible to spend this wonderful holiday in an unusual way, not just by exchanging kind words, cards and gifts, but by showing the maximum creative approach.

Great ideas for congratulating employees on the New Year

With a thematic focus

In the countries of Asia and the East, the New Year, of course, is also celebrated. Although the date of its occurrence does not always coincide with our calendar. In recent years, the format of celebrating the New Year holidays with an oriental bias has become increasingly relevant. It is important to remember here that the red fiery rooster will be the symbol of the coming year. The celebration can somehow be wrapped up on this topic: prepare themed costumes and dishes, come up with great contests (for example, cockfights between participants who wear rooster costumes).

With Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues can be decorated in the traditional way, but even in this format it will be possible to add a touch of surprise. For example, you do not need to warn colleagues that today there will be congratulations and gifts. In the middle of the working day, loudly turn on New Year's music, for example, the famous song "A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest." But put only the music, but the words should be sung by the employees. That's when Santa Claus appears with his granddaughter
Snow Maiden.

The further program is that New Year's characters greet all employees, start contests and give gifts. By the way, guests can forbid filming everything that happens on the phone and will be allowed to take photos only after a person tells a New Year's rhyme or sings a song. I wonder what lyrics of the song will be remembered by everyone since childhood?

With boss

Such a format as congratulating colleagues on the New Year also requires the presence of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. But the holiday will take place in the boss's office and the employees, of course, will not know anything about it. The boss himself can become Santa Claus at will. It is necessary to decorate the office, put an armchair in the center and seat the owner of the winter holidays on it, and put the Snow Maiden next to it.

It’s great if you can congratulate employees in turn. That is, the boss calls everyone individually to his office, as if to reprimand for a bad annual report, and there everyone is in for a surprise, congratulations and gifts. You can gather all the employees together in the office, where at first none of the New Year's guests will be there. The manager should start chastising employees, saying that this is not a job, but a mess. But then Grandfather Frost will appear and save the employees by arranging a great New Year's holiday.

fortune cookies

If you don’t want to play some complicated congratulation scenarios, then you can bake special fortune cookies. In the center of each cookie, put a card with a comic prediction and put it in the tea room. Employees will regale themselves and, without suspecting it, will choose their predictions for the next year. It is clear that all predictions should be positive and kind.

At a corporate party, all of these are also relevant, you just need to think over the escort of the holiday. If colleagues need cool textual congratulations, then in a large number in a ready-made and compiled form they can be found in the audio blocks that are in this material. Each congratulation on the New Year can, depending on who it will be addressed to, be slightly redone.

The congratulatory period does not start on the last day of the year, corporate events usually take place in advance. And great options for how to originally congratulate colleagues on the new year will bring summer closer and not get bored in winter, but enjoy every frosty day. We wish you happiness, success and good luck in the New Year and career growth!