Why do pregnant women have thrombocytopenia? Increased platelets during pregnancy: how to lower their level

During the waiting period for the child, you take a lot of tests. This is necessary in order to assess the state of the body and detect the problem in time.

A blood test for platelets is of no small importance. Abnormal platelet counts during pregnancy can be dangerous for you and your baby.

The role of platelets in the body

Platelets are platelets that prevent blood loss by replacing the damaged area with a temporary and then permanent platelet film.

  1. from the time of day;
  2. from the season;
  3. in women - from the phase of the menstrual cycle;
  4. from various diseases and pathological processes in the body.

Both high and low platelet counts during pregnancy can be life-threatening for women and babies. However, it is not only the quantitative indicator that is important, but also the functionality of the plates.

Norms during pregnancy

A separate analysis for the indicator of platelets is not given. A complete blood count is usually prescribed.

  • The normal indicator for a healthy person is 180-420 * 10 9 platelets per liter;

During pregnancy, your platelet count goes down. This is due to the fact that the amount of blood increases and the placental circulation appears.

  • During pregnancy, the rate of platelets in the blood is 140-340 * 10 9 / l. Deviations from the norm in the direction of decrease is called thrombocytopenia, and in the direction of increase - thrombocytosis;
  • The indicator depends on the trimester of pregnancy. In the first months, the permissible limits are 170-340 * 10 9 / l.;
  • The rate of platelets during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is from 160 to 330 * 10 9 / l.;
  • At a later date - 140-320 * 10 9 / l.

The platelet counts return to normal after childbirth, when the body recovers.

Analysis indicators below normal

Lowest platelets during pregnancy in the third trimester. Also during this period, an increase in the ability of the plates to bind to each other and participate in aggregation is characteristic.

This helps to avoid a lot of blood loss during childbirth.

Thrombocytopenia occurs when the content of platelets in the blood decreases below the normal limit (140 * 10 9 / l). This happens for various reasons:

  1. in case of intoxication or with viral infections;
  2. with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  3. severe late pregnancy;
  4. with problems with hormones;
  5. due to bleeding (including internal);
  6. with violations of the kidneys;
  7. with oncology;
  8. with some chronic diseases (for example, with hepatitis).

Taking certain medications can affect the reduction of platelets below the norm.

Important! To increase blood clotting, it is necessary to include in the diet: beets, sesame oil, iron-rich foods (buckwheat, liver, beef), fish, nuts, eggs, dairy products.

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia may include:

  • hematomas;
  • persistent nosebleeds (read on the topic: nosebleeds during pregnancy >>>);
  • bleeding gums;
  • in case of cuts or wounds, the blood does not stop for a long time;
  • dark stools may indicate internal bleeding.

A decrease in platelets below normal during pregnancy in women is considered as a dangerous condition for natural childbirth.

During my second pregnancy, I had to face such a diagnosis as thrombocytopenia. All platelet counts were below normal.

I was going to be at home until the last, together with the midwife, and come to the hospital in full disclosure in order to avoid unnecessary interference in the course of childbirth.

But such analyzes forced us to consider the option of an early arrival at the hospital, since with low platelets there is a risk of birth bleeding, placental detachment.

Throughout the second half of pregnancy, my midwife analyzed my diet very carefully, we tried to raise platelets in natural ways.

I searched through tons of articles on the Internet, but they were all rewritten as a blueprint and did not provide any real way to increase platelets.

I must say that before pregnancy I never had any signs of thrombocytopenia, and in my first pregnancy, the tests were always good.

And so, when I began to get completely upset and think about bad options during childbirth, I regularly took blood tests and during the donation of blood I complained to the nurse taking the test about my results.

And she told me the following: “You always take tests in our laboratory, and in most paid clinics, analyzes are done by hardware. Those. automatic calculation of indicators is in progress. Take the test in another hospital, or even better, retake it in a regular, free polyclinic, where blood counts are counted with the eyes "

I grabbed the idea like a straw.

I passed the analysis at a free clinic and received the result in accordance with the norms. The platelets were fine.

Then, as I studied how blood tests are done, I read that good equipment maintenance is essential to get quality results.

Important! The plates should be changed and cleaned once every 3 months, otherwise the sensitivity of the devices will be lost.

Naturally, no one does cleaning so often and there may be irregularities in the test results.

Therefore, always, getting a not very good test result during pregnancy, do not rush to undergo treatment or agree to interventions in the course of childbirth.

Indicators above normal

With high platelets during pregnancy, there is a high risk of blood clots. Early thrombocytosis can occur due to toxicosis. In the second and third trimesters, the reasons for the increase may be:

  1. Not drinking enough. For fear of swelling, you may want to limit the amount of fluid you consume. Or it is possible in the summer, when the sweating is increased due to the heat. Read more about edema during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Viral, infectious diseases. Also, the cause of high rates can be fungal infections;
  3. Cancer is a common cause of thick blood. Especially if the oncological process is associated with the hematopoietic system;
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. Anemia. The platelet count is influenced by anemia caused by iron deficiency. Read more about this in the article Anemia in Pregnancy >>>;
  6. Certain medications.

The symptoms of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia are similar, as the functioning of blood cells is impaired. Signs of thrombocytosis:

  • hematomas;
  • bleeding gums;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • numbness of the limbs (read: Hands and feet become numb during pregnancy >>>);
  • pressure problems;
  • dyspnea.

To normalize the indicators, the doctor will prescribe drugs that thin the blood and diet. Foods that help with thrombocytosis:

  1. vegetable oil;
  2. tomato juice;
  3. garlic and onions;
  4. green vegetables;
  5. sour berries and fruits;
  6. kefir;
  7. cottage cheese;
  8. seafood (how much you can eat so as not to harm? Read in the article Fish and seafood during pregnancy >>>).

Foods that tend to thicken the blood are best excluded from the diet. These include: bananas, nuts, mountain ash, rose hips, pomegranate juice.

Consequences and possible complications

Deviations from the norm can be dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child. In the early stages, there may be a miscarriage, and in the later stages, there may be deviations in the development of the baby.

The consequences of thrombocytosis:

  • fetal growth retardation (learn how the development proceeds normally from the article Child development in the womb >>>);
  • severe toxicosis;
  • vein problems (varicose veins);
  • heart attack, embolism;
  • high likelihood of blood clot formation.

Consequences of thrombocytopenia:

  1. high risk of bleeding;
  2. the threat of miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth, with a deviation from the norm of platelets in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Prevention of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia

To maintain normal analyzes, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • adjust nutrition and drinking regime;
  • maintain an active lifestyle;
  • give up some medications.

Be attentive to yourself and a healthy pregnancy!

An important component of visiting an antenatal clinic for expectant mothers is a blood test, and the rate of platelets during pregnancy is considered one of the most important indicators of this laboratory test.

It is important to monitor the level of platelet cells, since they are responsible for normal blood clotting.

Platelets are colorless blood cells whose main function is to clot blood.

The mechanism is as follows: when a vessel is damaged and a traumatic lumen is formed, platelets combine with collagen cells.

The result is a blood clot that can close the lumen and stop bleeding. This process not only prevents massive blood loss, but also accelerates wound healing.

Platelets are formed from giant cells of the red bone marrow - megakaryocytes. The liver, kidneys and skeletal muscles are responsible for the number of cells, which are also called platelets, because it is in these organs that the hormone thrombopoietin is formed.

The life cycle of a platelet cell is 9-11 days, after which the spent platelets are processed by the spleen.

The number of platelets in the blood is not constant; it can vary depending on many external (physical activity, stress, trauma) and internal factors.

The latter, in particular, include such natural conditions for a woman as menstruation and pregnancy.

The total platelet count for all adults is 180 to 320 billion / L. However, depending on gender and age, the boundaries of the norm expand or narrow.

So, for a woman, the normal content of platelets is wider than for men, and ranges from 150 to 380 billion / l.

This is due to periodic menstrual bleeding, during which the platelet count can be greatly reduced.

A decrease in the number of platelets triggers the production of thrombopoietin in the internal organs, after which the number of platelets increases and can increase dramatically.

Gradually, the number of cells returns to normal, such a fluctuation is a normal process for women, the main thing is that the number of platelets does not go beyond the normal range.

However, pregnancy makes its own adjustments to the composition of the blood flow. The formation of the placental blood supply circle involves an increase in the total volume of blood contained in the body.

At the same time, the number of platelets can either decrease (if the red bone marrow is unable to promptly produce new cells in sufficient quantities) or increase sharply (due to the hormonal surge of the hormone thrombopoietin).

During pregnancy, the platelet rate is the widest. The lower threshold for platelet content in pregnant women is 140 billion / L, the upper threshold is 340 billion / L.

Platelets during pregnancy change their number in the blood and depending on how long the woman is.

The first and second trimesters are characterized by an unstable number of platelets in the bloodstream: hormonal changes contribute to a constant change in the level of cell production in the body.

The third trimester is the period of gestation when the platelet count is at its lowest.

As the end of the gestation period approaches, the platelets become more and more, so the body prepares for childbirth, normalizing blood flow to prevent severe bleeding.

In the postpartum period, the hormonal activity of the liver and kidneys for the production of thrombopoietin increases as much as possible, and therefore the number of platelets becomes very high.

Thus, blood clotting increases, and heavy postpartum hemorrhage is prevented.

As the female body recovers after childbirth, the platelet count also normalizes.

The dependence of the platelet count in the blood on the trimester of pregnancy can be seen in the table (the number of platelets is indicated in billions / l)

P / p No.Pregnancy periodMinimum contentMaximum content
1. 1 trimester170 340
2. 2 trimester160 330
3. 3 trimester140 320

Preparation for the test

It is possible to determine the number of platelets in the blood only by laboratory research.

Only after studying the biological material, in this case - blood, can we talk about a reduced or increased content of platelets in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman.

Pregnant women who are registered in the antenatal clinic, constantly visiting the doctor, receive a monthly referral for a general blood test, which helps to identify the main indicators of the composition of blood flow, including the level of platelets.

There are situations when the indicators of the general analysis are normal, but the accompanying symptoms indicate poor blood clotting or, conversely, a tendency to form blood clots.

In this case, the woman can be additionally sent for a coagulogram. This study reveals the level of platelet aggregation, that is, their ability to combine with collagen to form blood clots.

There are norms according to which the aggregation level of platelets should be from 30 to 60%.

If the indicator is lower, then the risk of bleeding increases, if higher, then uncontrolled formation of blood clots is possible.

In order to correctly pass a blood test and get reliable results, you need to carefully prepare for a laboratory test.

The general requirement for taking blood tests is that the sampling of biological material should be carried out on an empty stomach of the patient so that food does not affect the composition of the bloodstream.

Before the analysis, you should stop taking medications for 1-2 days, which can affect the number of platelets.

If such drug therapy is necessary to maintain the viability of the pregnant woman or the fetus, then before the analysis, you should consult with the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy.

In order for the result of the analysis that reveals the platelet count to be as objective as possible, you should refuse to take blood if, less than 3 days before the laboratory examination, injury with blood loss, extensive burns or bleeding has occurred.

Such conditions contribute to the activation of defense mechanisms in the body of a pregnant woman, the number of platelets can sharply increase for a short time, which will affect the accuracy of the study.

Decreased platelet count

A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood below 140 billion / L is called thrombocytopenia. This is a pathological condition that poses great threats to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Untreated thrombocytopenia, undetected in time, can lead to:

  • hypoxia (decrease in oxygen saturation of the placenta and fetus with oxygen);
  • miscarriage in the 1st trimester;
  • delayed fetal development in the 2nd trimester;
  • premature birth in the 3rd trimester;
  • massive bleeding during delivery and in the postpartum period.

It is possible to notice the lack of platelets in the blood by some external signs. The presence of such obvious symptoms indicates a critically low level of platelets and requires immediate attention to a specialist.

The objective signs of thrombocytopenia include the frequent appearance of hematomas with minor injuries, bleeding in the mouth, nosebleeds.

If even with small wounds it is difficult to stop the blood, the feces have acquired an uncharacteristic dark color, there is bleeding from the genital tract, a rash appears on the skin in the form of small subcutaneous hemorrhages, then, most likely, the total level of platelets is greatly reduced.

This is not a reason to start self-medication, but a reason to immediately go for a consultation with a specialist.

Only after laboratory tests have been carried out, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of thrombocytopenia and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Among the diseases that contribute to a decrease in the level of platelets, the most common are viral infections, allergies, vitamin deficiencies, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, lack of folic acid, and taking certain medications. The most difficult cause is considered to be oncology.

Treatment, prescribed depending on the cause of this condition, is aimed not at increasing the number of platelets, but at eliminating the disease that lowered the level of platelets.

Elevated platelet cell count

Thrombocytosis is diagnosed in pregnant women when the platelet count reaches 400 billion / L.

Despite the fact that the upper limit of the norm is below this number, the painful condition is recorded only when it is strongly exceeded.

This is due to the fact that a slight excess of the norm is a natural state for the body of pregnant women.

By increasing the number of platelets, the body prepares for delivery and reduces the likelihood of massive blood loss.

But a condition when the number of platelets is more than 400 billion / l can be called pathological.

In this case, the adhesion of platelets to collagen occurs uncontrollably, which can lead to the formation of large blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

Thrombocytosis in pregnant women threatens both the life of the fetus and the health of the mother.

A pathological condition can lead to:

  • miscarriage in the 1st trimester;
  • fetal growth retardation in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • varicose veins in the mother;
  • heart attack or stroke.

The external manifestations of thrombocytosis largely coincide with the symptoms of thrombocytopenia. The fact is that, despite the different cause of the pathological condition, its main manifestation will be general: the uneven distribution of blood cells in the vessels.

This leads to the appearance of causeless bruising, bleeding of the mouth and nose, and persistent bleeding.

In addition, thrombocytosis manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, headache, pressure surges, numbness of the limbs, pallor of the skin.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases, iron deficiency, extensive blood loss, disturbances in the drinking balance, and oncology lead to thrombocytosis.

The number of platelets in the blood of a pregnant woman must be monitored in order to avoid pathological conditions that threaten the body of the mother and the fetus.

The platelet count during pregnancy is of great importance. In blood tests, the number of these platelets is determined in order to timely diagnose various disorders in the expectant mother that can be potentially dangerous for the health of the woman and her baby.

What should be the rate of platelets during the period of gestation of crumbs and what deviations can talk about, we will tell in this article.

What it is?

It is not by chance that platelets are called platelets. They literally close the space with their own bodies through which the body can lose a large amount of blood when injured.

A few decades ago, it was believed that this function of platelets can be considered exhausted. However, modern doctors and scientists have found that, in addition to creating a blood clot, platelets contribute to the healing and repair of tissues after injury, wound or surgery. To do this, they secrete special substances into damaged tissues, which are called growth factors.

Platelets are involved in blood clotting by being part of the primary plug that closes the wound. In addition, their surface accelerates plasma coagulation processes.

Additionally, platelets take on the role of immune helpers. They contribute to immune defense by interacting with special cells of the immune system - antibodies.

Lack of platelets in the blood, as well as excess, are conditions that are dangerous to human life. In this case, an important role is played not only by the number of platelets, but also by their functionality. Sometimes, with a normal number of cells with reduced function, insufficient aggregation is observed, and blood clotting is impaired.


A separate analysis for the content of platelets for pregnant women is not prescribed. Their number is well determined in the general blood test, which is given repeatedly during the gestation of the baby. Preparation for this test is not required; it is completely unnecessary to take it on an empty stomach.

If problems with platelets are identified, a woman may be prescribed additional tests that will help answer the question of which of the cellular functions is insufficient or excessive.

This can be a comprehensive blood coagulation test, a coagulogram.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Standards for pregnant women

The blood of a healthy adult contains approximately 180-360 * 10 ^ 9 cells per liter of platelets. However, during pregnancy, their number is understandable and reasonably falls - the amount of circulating blood in the expectant mother increases, and therefore the concentration of platelets decreases.

In the third trimester the number of platelets in the blood of the expectant mother reaches its minimum. At the same time, the ability of the plates to bind to each other and participate in aggregation increases. Thus, the body of a pregnant woman prepares for the upcoming birth, because the most important thing is to prevent severe bleeding during the birth of a new person.

For a pregnant woman, the average platelet volume is considered to be 140 to 340 thousand / μl with an aggregation of 40 to 60%.

Normal platelet concentration during pregnancy - table:

The number of platelets at 12 weeks of gestation, exceeding 180-190 thousand / μl, is considered as a high content of platelets, and indicators below 110-125 at 34-36 weeks of pregnancy are regarded as an insufficient number of platelets.

Possible violations - causes

The composition of blood is not constant, its quantitative and qualitative composition directly depends on a variety of reasons and factors, both external and internal. Therefore, an increase or decrease in platelets in the blood of the expectant mother is not regarded as an independent disease, but is regarded as a vivid symptom that requires more detailed investigation - why this happened and how to fix it.

An increase in platelets leads to a phenomenon that people have "thick blood"... This is fraught with the occurrence and separation of blood clots and the possible death of the mother. The fetus does not receive useful substances, because the blood flow in the mother's body is slowed down.

A low platelet count poses a threat of bleeding, which will be very difficult to stop. This is especially dangerous during childbirth, at the time of the birth of the placenta.

Increased content

We are talking about an increased level of platelets if their number exceeds 380 - 400 thousand / μl. In medicine, this phenomenon is called thrombocytosis.

Many expectant mothers may wonder why, with an upper threshold of 320-340 thousand / μL, thrombocytosis is diagnosed only closer to 400 thousand / μL. Everything is very simple - doctors leave a free "corridor", which may be due to individual physiological characteristics, because the body of each pregnant woman prepares for childbirth with its own "nuances". Therefore, a platelet value of 370 thousand / μL at 36 weeks of gestation will not be considered thrombocytosis and will need any treatment.

Thrombocytosis in expectant mothers is often associated with toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting, which often accompany the first trimester, and sometimes return in the third, lead to fluid loss by the body, which in turn immediately affects the composition of the blood - it thickens, the number of platelet-platelets in it increases.

If there is no toxicosis and vomiting, and the woman still has high platelets, this can be due to a large number of reasons:

  • Lack of fluid. Some of the expectant mothers are so afraid of edema that they limit their fluid intake to a critical level. The same reasons can cause an increase in platelets in a pregnant woman in the summer, when it is hot outside and sweating is increased.
  • Infections. Viral and bacterial ailments also cause a rise in platelets in the blood. Thrombocytosis can also be caused by fungal infections.
  • Chronic diseases. During pregnancy, the load on all organs and systems increases. If a woman has chronic diseases, then their exacerbation is possible. It will also cause a rise in platelets, which are very sensitive to any changes in the body.
  • Anemia. A lack of hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy is not uncommon. But platelet count is primarily affected by anemia associated with iron deficiency.
  • Oncological diseases. An increased level of platelets often accompanies malignant tumors and processes, especially in the hematopoietic system.
  • Medicines. An increase in the number of platelets is influenced by diuretics or hormonal agents that the expectant mother could use.

A woman may not experience any pronounced symptoms of thrombocytosis, however, in some cases, symptoms such as spontaneous occurrence of hematomas- even with a light touch, a woman may have bruises. Sometimes a small vascular rash on the skin may appear, it is very similar in nature to a small "star" meningococcal rash.

A woman can guess about blood problems by such rather universal symptoms as bleeding gums... Epistaxis may occur. Elevated platelets can cause drops in blood pressure, tingling and numbness in the fingertips, pallor of the skin, shortness of breath, and headaches.

Reduced content

In the early stages, it is dangerous due to miscarriage, and in the late stage - massive internal or external bleeding.

The reasons that can cause a decrease in platelets are also manifold:

  • Allergic reaction. Any allergy causes a whole cascade of reactions in the body, if a woman has an allergic tendency. A decrease in the level of platelets is just one of the changes in the composition of the blood. The level of eosinophils will help doctors establish the truth. With allergies, it also turns out to be increased.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins and essential minerals in the body of the expectant mother, insufficient nutrition can also cause thrombocytopenia. Especially often, a decrease in platelets develops against the background of a lack of folic acid and vitamin B 12.
  • Endocrine Disorders. Hormonal imbalances can lead to many complications during pregnancy. Especially often, a drop in platelets develops against the background of a lack or excess of thyroid hormones.
  • Blood clotting disorders. The number of platelets may decrease due to some deviations in different clotting factors. So, a lack of the enzyme thrombin leads to an excess of platelets, and an excess of fibrinogen leads to their lack.
  • Bone marrow problems. Blood composition changes due to bone marrow hypoplasia or cancers that affect the bone marrow.
  • Medicines. More "liquid" blood becomes due to the intake of antibiotics and diuretics, as well as from antihistamines and pain medications.

Thrombocytopenia is confirmed by laboratory tests, but an attentive woman can guess about it herself by a number of characteristic symptoms, among which the main criterion is a blood clotting disorder.

At the slightest cut to a woman hard enough to stop the bleeding, she often has bruises, the origin of which the expectant mother herself cannot remember, as well as nosebleeds.

Women in an "interesting position" with a shortage of platelets in their blood may develop a weak bloody "daub" from the genitals, which many mistake for the threat of termination of pregnancy. It can last for several days, or it can remain unchanged for weeks, accompanying almost the entire pregnancy, if the expectant mother is not provided with medical assistance aimed at eliminating the cause.


With high platelets

Dosages are selected on an individual basis; in a hospital setting, doctors are able to foresee all possible risks.

With a slight excess in drugs, there is no need, it is quite enough to simply change the diet of the expectant mother.

On the table of a woman with high platelets, there must be foods that have a beneficial effect on blood viscosity, reducing it. These are vegetable oil, fish oil, tomato juice, onions, cranberries, green apples, green vegetables, buckwheat porridge, kefir and cottage cheese, fish caviar and seafood.

Hyperaggregation needs in the correct drinking regime. A woman needs to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Pure drinking water, green tea, homemade fruit drinks are allowed.

Before accepting such a regime as a rule, you should definitely consult with your doctor, because with gestosis and a tendency to edema with fluid, you should be more careful. In this case, the doctor prescribes an individual drinking regimen, and the amount of fluid required per day may differ from the average values.

It is better not to use folk remedies for pregnant women., despite the fact that they help to thin the blood quite effectively. At home, a very difficult task is to correctly calculate the dosage of medicinal plants.

Even the most harmless herbs and inflorescences, if the dosage is not observed and their side effects are not known, can negatively affect the condition of the fetus and the woman herself.

Carrying a child is a difficult time in a woman's life, which, unfortunately, can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. These include nausea, anemia, and low platelets during pregnancy.

What are platelets for?

The cells called platelets have important functions in the human body. Being in the vascular bed, they perform the following tasks:

  • Stopping bleeding. Due to adhesion and aggregation, blood cells form a thrombus, and also cause a narrowing of the lumen of the vessel in the place where its integrity is violated.
  • Saturation of the walls of blood vessels with nutrients. When platelets are destroyed, growth factors are formed that contribute to the healing of damaged endothelium.
  • Protection against bacteria and foreign organisms. This is due to their gluing.

For many women, platelet levels decrease during pregnancy. This may be normal or indicate a malfunction in the body. To avoid trouble and not miss the development of a serious illness, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and take a blood test.

The rate of cells in the blood

The normal level of platelets in a healthy adult ranges from 180 to 400 million per ml of blood. The platelet rate during pregnancy is slightly lower and amounts to 140 - 380 G / l. This is due to the increase in blood volume, which is now designed "for two".

An abnormal decrease in blood cells below this level is called thrombocytopenia. It testifies to the pathology that has arisen, leads to a violation of the course of pregnancy and complications during childbirth.

Causes of thrombocytopenia

Low platelets during pregnancy can be a marker of serious illness. You should regularly undergo examinations with a doctor and take an analysis so as not to miss a pathology.

The number of platelets decreases when:

  • Viral infections (with flu, ARVI).
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Congenital pathologies of the coagulation system.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the bone marrow and cancer metastases.
  • Severe late gestosis.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Endocrine system pathologies.
  • Malnutrition (lack of folic acid).
  • Improper intake of medications (with antibiotic therapy, antiplatelet overdose).
  • Bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking).
  • Exposure to radiation (while undergoing radiation therapy).

Having determined a low level of platelets, the doctor conducts additional diagnostics - he prescribes an analysis for thrombophilia and a coagulogram. After a thorough examination, collection of anamnesis and deciphering of laboratory parameters, a hematologist or therapist makes the correct diagnosis and prescribes effective treatment.

Symptoms of a Decreased Platelet

A low level of platelets can be suspected by a number of external manifestations, among them are:

  • The appearance of bruises and hemorrhages.
  • Bleeding gums, which often occurs when brushing teeth).
  • Nose and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • The manifestation of blood in the urine.

Prolonged thrombocytopenia can lead to a number of serious complications such as grade 3 preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and massive blood loss during and after childbirth.

Normalization of platelet levels

Many are worried about the question "how to increase platelets in the blood?" Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and establishment of the cause of the disease.

A mild degree of the disease does not require special therapy, for its correction it is necessary to establish nutrition and eliminate harmful factors (smoking, alcohol, stress).

Treatment of severe and moderate (with risk factors) thrombocytopenia should take place in a hospital. In therapy, drugs such as prednisone, ethamsylate, vitamin B12 and many others are used.

Folk ways to increase platelets

With a slight decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, they can be increased with the help of folk remedies. Buckwheat porridge, red meat, beef liver, fish and eggs have proven themselves well.

Sesame oil will also help to raise the level of platelets in the blood, which should be consumed in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (before breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Why is thrombocytosis dangerous?

In some cases, women may experience the opposite symptom - increased platelets during pregnancy. A persistent increase in the level of platelets can warn of the presence of:

  • Inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, liver disease).
  • Spleen disease or condition after splenectomy.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Drug therapy (taking glucocorticoids).
  • Iron deficiency anemia.

Thrombocytosis can be suspected if a pregnant woman has a headache, numbness of the extremities, or visual impairment. A general blood test helps to identify it. If thrombocytosis is detected in the blood during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes medications designed to reduce the number of platelets in the blood - anticoagulants (fraxiparin) and antiplatelet agents (curantil).

Platelets are lowered during pregnancy due to various diseases, therefore, the treatment is selected by the doctor individually in each case.

During pregnancy, a woman has to take a blood test many times to identify abnormalities in the body that can harm the unborn child. When the expectant mother feels bad, there are more laboratory and instrumental studies. Therefore, the question arises: what do low or high platelets mean during pregnancy, how to act when abnormalities are detected.

Platelets are cells of the circulatory system without a nucleus. Not even cells, but plates. Appears in the bone marrow. Under the influence of the blood flow, their shape changes, resembling a circle or oval. The platelet cavity has a huge number of granules.

Platelet structure

Blood cells live no more than ten days, but they are of the greatest importance for blood clotting. Platelets change shape when the integral structure of the vascular wall fails. When activated, the plate releases processes. Thanks to this ability, cells try to stop blood loss from injury and bleeding. In addition to participating in blood clotting, platelets will help tissue to tighten, releasing growth factors. They also fulfill the function of protection. It consists in the ability to dissolve the membrane of a foreign cell.

The normal level of platelets in the blood of a healthy person is 180 - 320 10 * 9 liters, and in pregnant women - 150 - 350 10 * 9 liters.

The study is important because it determines the body's ability to cope with blood loss. If there is an increase in the concentration of blood cells, then we are talking about thrombocytopenia, when the indicators are reduced (less than normal), a diagnosis of "thrombocytosis" is made.

Platelet count in pregnant women

For women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the concentration of blood cells is less than average - 120 10 * 9 liters. This is because changes are taking place in the body of the expectant mother: the volume of blood has increased, and the placental circle of blood flow has appeared.

In the third trimester, a crisis sets in. Since during this period, the concentration of platelets drops to a critical level. And the question of how to increase them becomes urgent.

And before childbirth, the plates become sharply active. They enable the blood to acquire the necessary viscosity and fluidity for childbirth to proceed normally. Nature has tried to make the mother's body itself struggling with difficulties. In the process of childbirth, the blood is flowing, and at the end - you don't even need to increase the indicators, it is normalized in a natural way.

Platelet count during pregnancy

A woman in a position has difficulties with the level of concentration of blood cells in the blood.

  1. If during pregnancy there is an increased level of platelets in any trimester, there may be a risk of blood clots. So, you need to lower your platelet count. Otherwise, the danger will lie in wait every minute.
  2. If studies show few blood cells in plasma, you need to use pharmaceuticals that increase this figure. After all, even a little bleeding can lead to irreparable loss.

Read also: - reasons for deviations, how dangerous they are and what to do to stabilize indicators

Causes of low platelet levels during pregnancy in the blood in women

The main reasons for the underestimated rate of platelets in the blood are closely related to the lack of their production, destruction or consumption.

Low platelets during pregnancy appear against the background of the following events:

  • unbalanced or inadequate nutrition;
  • hypoplasia of the red bone marrow;
  • after severe intoxication and transferred ionizing radiation;
  • the viability of blood cells does not exceed seven days;
  • a woman in a position suffers from viral diseases;
  • after taking pharmaceuticals;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • if there is a lack of folates and vitamin B12 in the body;
  • in case of failure of the functioning of the kidneys;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • after significant blood loss;
  • allergic reactions in a pregnant woman and much more.

Symptoms of a decrease in the level of platelets in a pregnant woman

A decrease in the concentration of platelets in women is observed externally:

  • hematomas appear after an insignificant physical effect on the skin, for example: with pressure;

During pregnancy, a sign of thrombocytopenia may be the frequent appearance of hematomas on the body.
  • a rash may appear in the form of a slight redness, which indicates multiple small hemorrhages under the skin;
  • gums may bleed while brushing teeth and while eating;
  • persistent sudden bleeding from the nose;
  • wounds bleed for a long time and do not heal;
  • darkening of the stool, which indicates multiple hemorrhages;
  • blood may drain from the vagina.

These signs can appear from the 2nd trimester. And not necessarily in full force.

What tests are needed if platelets are low during pregnancy?

To diagnose low platelets during pregnancy, you must:

  • Get examined by a hematologist.
  • To pass a general blood test for the concentration of platelets and their aggregation with ADP.

To identify deviations in the level of platelets in the blood, you need to take a general blood test

Aggregation is the process of reuniting several indicators into one system accounting.

  • The blood clotting factor is determined.
  • A laboratory blood test that will determine the production of autoantibodies by blood cells.
  • Biopsy of the aspiration nature of the bone marrow substance.

With a low level of platelets during pregnancy, tests can reveal the ratio of plates with other blood cells, their incompatibility. As an additional measure of research, a blood test for hymosiderin may be needed.

If, after a physical examination, a specialist detects low or high platelets during pregnancy, a bone marrow biopsy should be performed. If the smear is elevated, this means that there are blood cells in the spleen. A hematologist diagnoses and prescribes a course of treatment.

What could be the consequences of low platelet count during pregnancy?

Each trimester has its own risks when the platelet count during pregnancy is less than the desired concentration.

  • For the first trimester, a miscarriage is terrible. Since at this time, especially liquid plasma contributes to the rapid acceleration of lymph exchange. And this is a significant provocation and a significant load for the cardiovascular system.
  • When the second trimester comes, and then the third, labor can begin at any minute. Due to the fact that the fetus has not yet matured, this is an undesirable result. The baby may be born dead or die immediately after giving birth.
  • If the concentration of platelets decreases during labor, contractions can provoke bleeding. And with low blood clotting, there may be a need for direct blood transfusion.

Therefore, the attending physician with a low level of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia) warns of the need for a cesarean section, taking care in advance of the required amount of donor blood.

For women with thrombocytopenia, a caesarean section is the only way to have a baby

How to increase blood platelets during pregnancy?

To answer the question, women in position need to look at the bigger picture. The form of thrombocytopenia is important here. It is worth starting from this, prescribing drug therapy.

  1. If the expectant mother gets sick with viral diseases, there is no need to fuss. And the answer, what to do, is simple - to treat the viral infection. As soon as the condition improves, platelets will normalize on their own.
  2. When an elevated platelet count is caused by a pharmaceutical drug, stop using it.
  3. If the essence of the problem is in the failure of the normal functioning of the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland, you need to direct all efforts to eliminate them.
  4. An insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals can also cause thrombocytopenia. Diet food, balanced and complete menu is the solution to problems. It is better to exclude from the diet smoked and canned foods containing citric acid or vinegar. A woman in position is recommended in large quantities:
  • fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, which will fill the female body with the required amount of minerals and vitamins of all groups;
  • if there is not enough iron, you need to eat eggs, beans and mushrooms;
  • to replenish the lack of vitamin B12, pay attention to the liver, meat and fish, especially seafood;
  • folic acid is found in large quantities in herbs (parsley, dill) and nuts.
  1. If the autoimmune nature of the pathology is observed, involving the production of antibodies that destroy the platelets, the course of therapy is as follows:
  • Corticosteroid pharmaceuticals.
  • Adhere to a special dietary menu.
  • Do not forget about the appointment of angioprotectors and immunoglobulins.
  • If drug therapy does not bring improvement, it is worth resorting to more radical treatment. A blood transfusion must be provided. This method may be required when the above drugs are contraindicated for a pregnant woman due to individual intolerance.

Thrombocytopenia is a dangerous disease, especially when it comes to the expectant mother. Therefore, the symptomatology of the pathology requires a mandatory examination by a doctor. Do not neglect your health and the life of the baby in the womb. At the appointment with a hematologist and after passing the necessary tests, if the diagnosis is confirmed, it is important to follow the specialist's prescriptions.

Most often, the course of treatment is not aimed at increasing the production of platelets in the blood, but at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. Do not be afraid that the prescribed medications will harm the baby in vain. All medications are completely harmless to your child. Here, the opposite is true, if they are not taken, there will be a serious risk of losing the child during childbirth.

Foods to watch out for for thrombocytopenia:

  • citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit;

For thrombocytopenia, do not eat citrus fruits
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food that contains vinegar or citric acid.

If a pregnant woman does not follow the recommendations of the attending physician or does not take the prescribed drugs seriously, the possible serious consequences.

  • Hypoxia, which means low oxygen levels in the blood.
  • The child may be lagging behind in development.
  • As soon as labor begins, bleeding may develop, which will be difficult to stop. Donated blood may be required because the mother is losing a lot of blood. Bleeding sometimes occurs in the postpartum period.
  • Miscarriage or premature birth. Babies in this case rarely survive. They are weak and cannot get out on their own.

Why does platelet count rise?

Thrombocytosis can occur due to:

  • prolonged toxicosis, complicated by bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • digestive disorders, accompanied by loose stools;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • lack of iron;
  • infectious diseases (toxiplasmosis, pulmonary inflammation, infection with pathogenic microorganisms, hepatitis, viral intestinal damage);
  • inflammatory processes caused by arthritis and liver ailments;
  • the occurrence of malignant tumors;

One of the reasons

Pathology treatment

Thrombocytosis therapy is required:

  • prevent blood clots;
  • eliminate the underlying disease;
  • improve the overall well-being of the pregnant woman.

Thrombocytosis can be eliminated by:

  1. Antiplatelet medications. The most effective is Dipyridamole.
  2. Anticoagulants (Fraxiparine injections). The drugs reduce blood clotting and prevent platelet counts from increasing. The injections are performed under strict medical supervision. The treatment course should be completed before 32 weeks of gestation.
