Examples. Polished and sleek. Examples How to get sleek and expensive

Every time we see beauty on the cover of a magazine, we sigh and think how much money we have invested in her beauty. Any well-groomed and sleek woman is beautiful by definition, and this can be achieved in less costly ways, as they say, there would be a desire.

If you want to have shiny hair, make the following mask. Mix one egg, a tablespoon of castor oil, a teaspoon of glycerin, and a tablespoon of vinegar. Spread the resulting mixture over the entire length of your hair, cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel for about half an hour. Then rinse your hair and wash it with shampoo. In general, remember, an acidic environment gives hair shine, so add lemon juice or two tablespoons of vinegar to the water to rinse your hair.

Behind the décolleté area, you always need a careful and delicate care, since the skin in this place contains practically no subcutaneous adipose tissue, it is very delicate and vulnerable. If your goal is a seductive décolleté, use herbal compresses. For example, boil chamomile, sage, string, and lime blossom. In the resulting broth, moisten a napkin, cover it with cling film, with a towel on top. Leave this compress on for twenty minutes. A mask, which includes grated cucumber and a spoonful of honey, will also help. This mixture must be applied to the neck and décolleté area, leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Facial skin, especially in mature age, needs not only nutrition and hydration, but also lifting. Prepare the following mask: mix aloe juice with one yolk and apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water and wipe your face with ice cubes or wash yourself with cold water.

To look beautiful in adulthood is not problem... Use anti-aging, apply makeup in natural shades and transparent textures, use everything that creates the effect of freshness, not fading.

Who among us has not dreamed of having gentle heels and elbows? The fastest and longest effect is provided by simple vegetable oil. Lubricate your feet with oil at night, wrap plastic bags in a plastic bag and put on socks. In the morning, all the calluses and corns that bothered you will disappear, and the heels will surprise you with their softness.

For the skin on the elbows you also need care... For example, a lemon cut in half will help whiten the skin in this area, just place your elbows in the formed cups for 10 minutes. It is also recommended to apply a lot of moisturizer on your elbows at night. Oil masks are very useful. For them, you need to warm up a little oil (sunflower, corn, olive), pour it into a small container and dip your elbows there for 10 minutes.
Remember what exactly heels and elbows often give away how much a woman looks after herself, so do not forget to pay attention to them.

To keep lips sensual and soft, they also need care. For lips, use the same moisturizing and nourishing masks that you use on your face. To prevent the corners of your lips from dropping down with age, do a simple exercise: with pronounced articulation, pronounce all vowel sounds for 3 minutes, this is a very good workout for the muscles of the face.

When we are busy with household chores home, our hands suffer the most. So that they do not rush to give out your age, you need to pamper them with masks once or twice a week. For example, combine a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, and egg yolk. Add a few drops of lemon to the mixture and apply it to your hands for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with water. Such a mask can be done at night by wearing cloth gloves after applying the mask to your hands. Do not forget about the daily use of hand cream. Also, the sleekness of your hands will be emphasized by a competent manicure and a well-chosen varnish.
These are so simple ways to care for yourself will turn you into a beauty, no worse than from the cover, and maybe even better. The main thing is not to be lazy, because you take care of yourself.

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It is very easy to become a beautiful and well-groomed woman! To do this, you need to allocate at least half an hour a day for cosmetic procedures and be careful about your appearance. There are many tips and tricks to help you improve your skin, hair and health.

Every woman is certainly obliged to master the art of beauty in order to attract the admiring glances of men and the envious reproaches of rivals. To feel, and most importantly, to look good, you must follow certain rules of self-care.

Important: A beautiful woman is the one who, above all, looks after her neatness and cleanliness.

And only then you should think about your elegance:

  • manicure
  • pedicure
  • well-groomed eyebrows
  • makeup
  • fashion style
beautiful woman

A well-groomed woman is always demanding of her clothes and shoes, she keeps them perfectly clean and tidy and therefore always looks neat. The selection of makeup is also important, because there are many options for daytime and evening make-up. A sense of proportion, high-quality cosmetics and a delicate scent of perfume can not only raise self-esteem, but also impress others.

Important: When choosing a perfume, try to give preference to a fresh, not "heavy" scent. Stick to one scent in all cosmetics: shower gel, cream, eau de toilette. A variety of scents can scare others away.

How to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl and woman?

Experienced fashion models, celebrities and simply successful women have long identified several beauty secrets, adhering to which, you can easily become beautiful and well-groomed:

  • perfect skin and nails
  • clean, well-groomed hair
  • sportsmanship
  • keep healthy
  • rejection of bad habits

well-groomed woman

Of course, people pay attention to the condition of your skin and notice all the imperfections. Therefore, if you have excessive sebaceous secretions or suffer from acne, get rid of the cause of the disease, thereby improving your health.

Important: Only after eliminating skin diseases, choose your ideal product that provides matte and even skin color.

A beautiful manicure decides a lot, and in this case, no one insists that you go to a beauty salon. Cleaning your nails at home, filing and nail polishing can be very neat and attractive.

French manicure is recognized as the most accurate and beautiful

No one will appreciate dirty, greasy hair that is loose or tied up in a bun. Therefore, it is simply imperative to monitor their cleanliness. At home, you can come up with many useful masks and hair care methods: masks, vinegar rinses, oils.

beautiful hair

Passion for sports has a positive effect on your figure and health. It is not necessary to have parameters 90-60-90 to have seductive forms. Nowadays, there are many sports feminine activities:

  • fitness
  • Pilates
  • dancing

You should give up bad habits, avoid smoking and strong alcoholic beverages. An attractive woman is one who sparkles with health.

sports girl

Signs of a well-groomed girl and woman

  1. Unique, individual style, created with your own hands. This style should be pursued in everything: clothes, hairstyle, make-up, accessories. Therefore, you should carefully study the pages of fashion magazines, fashion shows and pay attention to modern clothes.
  2. A stylish hairstyle indicates that a woman has taste and is not a boring person, capable of experimenting and improving herself.
  3. Well-groomed eyebrows are a striking indicator of beauty in our time. Bushy straight or curved eyebrows are currently popular. It is they who are able to reveal the beauty of the eyes and emphasize the style of your image.
  4. Nice skin color. This does not mean at all that you have to visit the tanning salon regularly and apply layer by layer of self-tanning. Well-groomed, healthy skin always has a pleasant color. Therefore, it is worth taking care of moisturizing lotions and vitamins
  5. Smile. It is she who is able to show others your mood and well-being. Smiling attracts people and gives positive emotions.

beautiful smile

The rules of a well-groomed girl

Young girls have long discovered several basic rules for themselves, under which one can be sure of their well-groomed appearance:

  1. Whatever you are doing, always take time for yourself: for massage, for cosmetic masks, manicure and other procedures.
  2. Observe cleanliness in everything: in clothes, shoes, cleanliness of the body, water consumed and ecological cleanliness of daily food
  3. Eliminate bad habits: smoking, biting nails, eating at night
  4. Choose beautiful, feminine shoes that make your legs long, slim and graceful. It does not have to be a heel, there are many beautiful flat shoes
  5. Give preference to stylish expensive jewelry. Better to buy one quality piece of jewelry than ten cheap plastic
  6. Watch your speech: get rid of pests, swearing, slang. Read more classic literature
  7. Practice a beautiful gait. It is she who creates the general impression of the girl.

well-groomed beautiful young girl

It is not difficult to be attractive if you regularly find time for yourself and do not “cheapen” on creating an image.

The rules of a well-groomed woman

In accordance with her age, each woman must have certain skills and follow the rules that allow her to look well-groomed and beautiful against the background of other women:

  1. A beautiful woman is a wise woman. Therefore, set aside a clear time once a day for reading useful literature or learning foreign languages.
  2. Stay in style and don't try to look vulgar. A discreet dress is much better than a short top and an open belly.
  3. Stick to minimal makeup, where the emphasis is on lush lashes and beautiful eyebrows, rather than bright colors of eyeshadow and lipstick.
  4. Exercise in the morning and go to fitness classes
  5. Try to keep your back straight and educate yourself to keep your posture. A woman with a hump and a crooked back on purpose is not attractive
  6. Eat a healthy diet and drinking water daily
  7. Be confident in yourself and confident in your excellence

well-groomed woman

Important: A beautiful woman is one who is confident in her attractiveness and uniqueness.

How to become a well-groomed girl step by step steps?
nails of a well-groomed woman and girl (link)

Manicure is one of the most important indicators of a woman's lifestyle and cleanliness.

Important: There are many useful tips that can open to every woman of incredible beauty and health.

Home care secrets will help any girl find a way with the help of baths and time-tested folk recipes.

Indeed, very often even the most beautiful nails can look bad. That is why it is important to know what to do in such cases. If you have been building your nails for a long time and have now decided to treat them, information about.

healthy beautiful nails

Hairstyle, makeup of a well-groomed woman and girl (link to articles on the site)

A modern hairstyle will help to be attractive and interesting. Therefore, every woman should know the secrets of caring for her hair.

Clean healthy hair perfectly characterizes a woman as a neat and clean person.

the beauty of a fat woman

Types of spa treatments

In achieving ideal beauty and well-being, SPA procedures will not be superfluous, for example, effective or recommendations for. Each of the tips is helpful and can improve the condition of your skin by providing a healthier effect.

SPA at home is real!

Beauty treatments

Beauty treatments are varied: from and to. Each cosmetic manipulation should be performed with the desire to achieve a result. Only then will you really feel the difference and look great.

beauty procedures give rejuvenation and self-confidence

Spa massages

Massages take an important place in the complex of cosmetic procedures, as they are able to correct the figure and heal the body.

Allows you to rid the skin of the orange peel and "burn" a couple of centimeters of volume on the thighs.

Anticellulite massage

Important for good blood circulation is that it removes wrinkles and gives the skin a healthy glow.

facial massage

Relaxing body massage

Able to influence different energy points and give indescribable pleasant sensations, while at the same time heals the body.

Honey massage

Honey massage has healing and unique properties, which remove cellulite and tone the skin.

Vacuum massage

Performed using a special apparatus or glass jars, it corrects the skin condition and reduces the volume.

A mask on her face that makes her stand out from the crowd.

beautiful posture

Exercises for a beautiful abs

A beautiful and pumped-up press is the pride of any woman. Good advice on the subject can dramatically change you.

Video: How to become beautiful?

Well-groomed woman ... What is she like? Are there criteria for this definition? What do you need to do to look well-groomed? What are the ways for this? 100%?

The desire to be beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, to attract the envious glances of rivals, to cause admiration in men is one of the cherished desires of any woman. But wanting something doesn't mean being able. Many lovely ladies do not know and do not understand what they need to do to look like a well-groomed woman. Let's analyze this question. In this article, we will look at everything in order.

The commandments of a well-groomed woman

All of the above are the 10 commandments of a well-groomed woman. Observing them daily, the lady will always look beautiful, elegant, modern and attractive. These truths are simple. Each of us can do them if he wants.

How to become a super lady?

If the above signs of a well-groomed woman raise doubts in anyone, then they can be supplemented with several more important points. Try visiting a beautician at least once a month for face and body treatments. A spa will also help you look chic. It is recommended to visit the solarium several times a month. Every well-groomed lady should have a snow-white Hollywood smile. Psychologists say that people who do not have dental problems are open in communication, feel more comfortable and confident.

A visit to a beauty salon and a special treatment is the key to perfect shiny and healthy hair. And, of course, we must not forget about healthy eating. The diet should contain all the necessary components to ensure the functioning of the body.

Do I look bad?

Many programs, websites, books, magazines and other sources of information talk about how to become a well-groomed woman, how to properly perform cosmetic procedures, apply makeup, dress stylishly, etc. All the necessary conditions have been created for lovely ladies to look gorgeous. But, despite this, unkempt women are constantly found on the streets. The reasons may vary. Unwillingness to waste free time on "nonsense". Also, some women do not want to notice their bad appearance. For some, family, children and work take all their time and energy. Lack of money and other reasons are not the last on this list.

Despite these reasons, this does not justify women who look bad and do not want to look after themselves. Life is given to us once, each of us is the one and only, so you need to pamper yourself. Then the people around you will treat you properly. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself.

My years are my wealth

Mature, well-groomed women can look several years younger. The people around them see a charming representative of the fair sex and cannot determine her age. Such results are achieved if you provide yourself with proper face and body care while still young. It is much more difficult to look good in adulthood. This requires additional cosmetic procedures and, as a result, financial investments. Despite this, mature women, wanting to feel a second youth, spare no expense and time in caring for themselves.

The correct discreet make-up, the use of cosmetics for the face, body, hands will provide a beautiful look for a lady of any age.

Makeup for a woman in years

When applying decorative cosmetics, women should take into account the characteristics of their skin. The main thing is not to overdo it. A large number of cosmetics are never used by mature, well-groomed women, as this will emphasize age-related changes and give the face an unnatural look of the mask. Before applying light makeup, you need to prepare. Moisturize your face and neck. After all, mature skin loses its ability to retain sufficient moisture and becomes dry. Over the years, many ladies have already decided on the brand and, in fact, care products. If this did not happen, you could not find what is right for you, then you need to consult a cosmetologist.

As you age, your face moisturizer should become more oily. Also, over the years, excess vegetation may appear, which must be removed in a timely manner.

After using a moisturizer, apply a thin layer of a light foundation. You don't need powder as it will accentuate every wrinkle. On the cheeks, you can apply a thin layer of blush, preferably a cream shade. A gray or dark brown contour pencil will add expression to your eyes, and a little mascara will complement your look. Eyebrows can be highlighted with shadows or pencil. Apply a bold contour pencil in a natural shade to the lips. Then use a subtle lipstick. With this makeup, you will look elegant. It is appropriate for any event.

The gaze of passers-by lingers on them

Well-groomed women (there are photos in the article) always stand out from the general mass of people. They give the impression of being wealthy and successful. Such women are an object of imitation, and for loved ones - an object of pride. A well-groomed representative of the weaker sex wants to be examined and admired by her image. Isn't that what we all want to achieve?

A well-groomed woman can be recognized by several signs: hands with a beautiful manicure, the presence of a pedicure, the absence of excess vegetation on the body, perfect smooth skin, light tan. Shiny hair, proper haircut and styling, discreet make-up, well-chosen clothing, a straight back and a leisurely gait - all this is an integral part of elegance.

Let's reveal a few secrets

Well-groomed women cherish their little secrets that help them make their face and body look so impressive. It is these nuances that help the lady feel beautiful, attractive and desirable.

  • The first secret is an active lifestyle.
  • The second secret is the absence of bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the state of the body, both internally and externally (hair, nails, skin).
  • The third secret is individual dressing style. In order not to chase after fashion, which changes every day, you can create your own unique image that will skillfully emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can turn to specialists for help. The stylist will tell you what things suit you best, how to combine them with each other, etc.
  • The fourth secret is optimism as a position in life. You need to learn to enjoy the world around you and give your good mood to all people. Smile and laughter are the key to good mood and success.

Mistakes of "well-groomed" women

Observing all the commandments, studying the secrets and rules of a well-groomed woman, you may not achieve the desired result. Self-confident ladies, believing that they themselves know how to create an image, are often mistaken and look ridiculous. It is better to trust the professionals who will choose the right style, makeup, face and body care products. If possible, you can use the services of a stylist. Each master must be a professional in his field. For example, if a woman is immersed in work and has achieved success in it, then those people who are not specialists in this field will come to her for help. Therefore, before dyeing your hair in any color, you need to consult with a hairdresser, and not engage in amateur performances. Indeed, sometimes it is so difficult to achieve the intended result without knowing certain nuances. This is how it should be when it comes to self-care. Professionals are better informed about current trends and innovations.

Why be beautiful?

Well-groomed women, whose photos are posted on glossy pages, or simply met on the street, cause delight. They make a positive impression on both men and women. Well-groomed is ninety percent of success in any business. For example, during a job interview, the employer will definitely pay attention to the appearance. And if there is a choice, which of the applicants to give preference (and one will have a sloppy appearance), then it is not difficult to guess what decision the boss will make.

Men are very proud when such a woman is walking by. Strong representatives of humanity like the envious glances of their competitors.

And children are always happy when their mother looks like an older sister. They love to brag about this in front of their peers. Girls always imitate their mother, so from childhood you need to show the right example of self-care.

For yourself, your husband and children you need to look perfect. And it will keep the man stimulated. He will not have a reason to relax in family relationships, thinking that such an unattractive wife is not needed by anyone, because no one pays attention to her.

Knowing all the signs of a well-groomed woman, keeping yourself in perfect shape will not be difficult. Especially when there is a significant incentive for this.

Lady manners

Even the most well-groomed woman should be able to behave correctly in society so as not to spoil the first impression of herself. Unhurried movements, calm and quiet voice, erect posture and restrained gait - these are taught to those girls who strive to look like real ladies. The absence of ridiculous and unnecessary movements, correct speech - all this will complement the image of a well-groomed and successful woman.

If a representative of the fair sex looks appropriate, but slouches or speaks loudly, this will ruin the first positive impression of her. All efforts can be canceled out.

Someone is destined to be a beauty from birth. Successful genetics ensured perfect facial features, chiseled figure, luxurious hair. And someone, with an outwardly unprepossessing appearance, has a "light" inside, which attracts those around him. Unfortunately, long legs or charisma are given to us only from above, however, there is a thing that will make any woman, regardless of genetic data, age, and even financial status (although one can argue here), attractive - this is grooming. With the question of what a well-groomed woman looks like and what is necessary in order to become one, we turned to the readers and readers of our portal.

Natalia, 38 years old, manager

A woman’s well-groomed appearance is given first of all by the skin, hair and nails, everything else is secondary. If a woman has really sleek skin, then she can afford to do with the minimum amount of makeup, because she has nothing to hide, mask, paint.

The main investment, in my opinion, should not be in decorative cosmetics, but in care products, especially with reaching a certain age. If you want to look good, then you need to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish your skin every day.

The lady is also given hands. A manicure for me is not three-centimeter painted claws, but a neat shape, moist skin (no reddened and flaky feet) and no burrs. Whether the nails are painted with varnish or not is not so important. I really do not like peeling nail polish or overgrown false nails. It looks so disgusting that I don't even pay attention to the rest.

A well-groomed woman should have clean hair. Always, regardless of whether she goes to the theater today or goes to the dacha. Personally, I do not believe in horror stories that often washing your hair is harmful. You just need to choose a gentle shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. It's not for nothing that the French say that a clean head is already a hairstyle.

Do I consider myself well-groomed? More likely no than yes. Often I am too lazy to take care of myself once again, and frankly speaking, it’s a pity for free time, there’s not much of it anyway. But there are things that are sacred to me: a clean head and a moisturizer for the face and hands after washing.

Sergey 23 years old, student

For me, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, hair, clean, long, shiny, silky, which I just want to touch. And she is always dressed neatly and stylishly: she wears dresses, skirts, heels, leaving sneakers and jeans for a picnic and for those who do not look after themselves. A well-groomed beauty will never wear washed linen, stale tights or unkempt clothes. Such a girl smells of freshness and a clean body, maybe a light, light scent of perfume. But when she smells like a perfume shop, I personally start to stir up trouble, and the question immediately arises, what kind of her smell is she trying to interrupt with this?

Elena, 27 years old, accountant

The real indicator of grooming is something that is not immediately visible. A woman who looks after herself does it every day, not before vacation, New Years or going to the beach. It’s crazy for me to hear that some girls don’t do pedicure or waxing in winter, "because no one sees anyway." But they themselves see it every day! A well-groomed woman always has a fresh haircut, at least with minimal styling, good clean skin, treated arms and legs, neat eyebrows.

Another important point is teeth. For their sake, I made huge sacrifices - both aesthetic and financial - and put on braces, I have been going with them for more than a year now. If someone is more fortunate than me, then professional cleaning at least once a year is one of the essential elements of care.

Andrey, 33 years old, programmer

I do not like overly sleek young ladies. One gets the impression that such girls who, like dolls, with perfect manicure, makeup and hairstyle, are busy only with creating their own beauty and are not interested in anything else in life. For me, grooming is identical to the concepts of health and tidiness, that is, clean, shiny hair, nails without mourning borders and peeling varnish, teeth without nicotine yellowness. And also a slender and toned body. According to my observations, the first "bell" that a woman does not give a damn about herself is excessive obesity.

Angelina, 24 years old, teacher

A well-groomed woman can be seen from afar. For example, I consider myself very well-groomed, and people around me constantly remind me of this. What's the secret? I think in the attention I give to my appearance. Thanks to this, I always look my best. It is simply unthinkable for me to go out in people "without a face". Every morning I do a thorough make-up, apply a moisturizer, a foundation, use concealer to correct minor troubles like a pimple on my nose, "sculpt" a face with 2-3 tones of foundation, a little mineral powder and "meteorites" on top for a healthy glow of the skin, blush, of course , eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and the finishing touch - lip gloss. It may sound heavy, but I only use high-quality cosmetics, so my makeup looks impressive, but at the same time quite natural. Such grooming is not cheap and takes a lot of time, but what a result! When I look at the women on the street, at those who put on makeup with one hand while putting on their boots, I can say that the comparison is not in their favor.


Anatoly, 39 years old, businessman

I believe that a woman simply has to be well-groomed, otherwise she simply ceases to be a woman and becomes something like a "middle sex". I personally have no particular complaints about their appearance, I like very different women. But neat makeup, no putty effect, light styling, manicure should always be present in the one that is not ashamed to show either to friends or to mom. There is nothing to say about depilation, there is nothing more repulsive than a woman with hairy legs or armpits.

Elena, 41 years old, doctor

In my opinion, the head makes a well-groomed woman. Look how many women are around with unkempt hair, burnt to a straw state, with regrown roots and split ends. To create an image of a lady who looks after herself is possible only with a clean, neatly laid, timely painted head. And there can be no compromises like "comb it well, tie it in a" bun "and pass for fresh" here. The most important thing on the face is good skin, it doesn't matter, with or without makeup, straight teeth without dark plaque and eyebrows. The latter are the frame of the whole face, they should not be shapeless, plucked "in a string", colorless or eerie permanent. And a well-groomed woman smells good, cleanliness and a light unobtrusive smell that appears a second before her and disappears a minute after her.

Yuri, 31 years old, freight forwarder

I appreciate grooming in women, but it should be in moderation, without fanaticism. For example, it is beautiful when a woman has a fresh complexion, a light tan, but the skin, overcooked in a solarium or smeared with self-tanning, looks repulsive. Or the abundance of cosmetics, when foundation, powder, blush lie like plaster, from under which the face is not visible, too, annoying. Do these girls do not understand that such "grooming" is striking with its unnaturalness and repulsive.

Natalia, 34 years old, designer

Well-groomed, I believe, always presupposes a certain lifestyle and level of wealth. There is no grooming in electric trains, in a crush on the subway, in mud and in difficult conditions, she does not survive there. A sleek woman is given free money and time when you can get enough sleep every day, eat healthy food, play sports and walk in the fresh air, and not spin in the "kids-home-work" wheel. Well, and also the work of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and dentist on it.

Who is a "well-groomed woman" and can she be with a low level of material wealth: what do you think?