Drunkenness conspiracies at home, strong vanga conspiracy against alcohol addiction at home. Way out of a hopeless situation - a conspiracy from drunkenness

Every year the number of people suffering from alcohol addiction is increasing. It is quite difficult to get rid of this addiction, so people are ready to do a lot to save themselves and their loved ones from the desire to use.

There are several rules for reading a conspiracy and prayers from drunkenness for a husband and other people, which are important to observe. Firstly, rituals should be performed on certain days of the week, for men - Tuesday or Thursday, and for women - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Secondly, the phase of the moon is of great importance, so the best time is the full moon or a waning month. Thirdly, it is important to believe in a positive result, since nothing will work, and in some cases, serious consequences can arise. In addition, it is important not to tell anyone about the rituals, since the sacrament is the key to success.

Drunkenness conspiracy and its consequences

Almost all rituals associated with getting rid of a bad habit belong to white magic, so there is no need to wait for any dangerous consequences. As for a person who gets rid of alcoholism, then he may have psychological and physiological limitations. This is completely normal, since a person has similar consequences if he stops drinking without using rituals. In some cases, medical attention may be needed. It is important to support the alcoholic at all stages of getting rid of the bad habit.

Conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness of a son, husband and other people

There are many different rituals that you can perform for yourself as well as for loved ones. It is best if the conspiracy is read by a blood relative. Let's dwell on several rituals in more detail.

A conspiracy from drunkenness of her husband and other relatives in the photo

It is believed that the rituals using photography are the most effective, since the image has the energy of a person and even an aura imprint. It is important that the photo is fresh. In addition, you need to prepare three church candles and sacred water.

You should start reading the conspiracy after sunset. It is necessary to close in an empty room, put candles in a row, light them and place a photograph in front of them. Take holy water and sprinkle it on the picture, saying this conspiracy:

“Lord God Holy, help me! I want to remove the addiction from the servant of God (name), Conspiracy from drunkenness, wean him off drinking, win him over from alcohol. So that the nasty vodka would not go down his throat, So that he would run away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water would go to him! My word is strong and mighty, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!"

Repeat the words three times, and then, remove the photo to a secret place. Improvements can be noticed within a few weeks. It is recommended to repeat the ceremony in a month using the same photo.

Conspiracy against the drunkenness of the husband and other people on soap

This ceremony is popular because it belongs to the famous healer Vanga. Thanks to him, you can save a loved one from the habit of drinking alcohol. To do this, you should prepare soap, which will later be used for washing hands. Holding soap in your hands, you should read such a conspiracy:

“Oh, do not drink to you, servant of God (name), Do not walk in a frenzy, do not wander drunk. I speak, I conjure! So as you washed your hands, So I forgot my addiction. So that every time a crappy thought comes to you, You forget it, you hated vodka! Amen!"

Read the words nine times. Place the charmed soap near the sink so that the person who drinks can wash their hands. If there are no changes, then after two weeks the ritual must be repeated.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on vodka

For this ritual, you can use not only vodka, but also any other alcoholic drink. It is necessary to pronounce the following words on it:

“The priest called the abbot to him and they made a prayer together. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a foul passion, from an intoxicated misfortune. Let him not know how drunken from this day to the grave board. Just as a fat pig alone cannot swim across the sea and the ocean, so the servant of God (name) never drinks alcohol from this day, does not hold it in his mouth, and does not want to at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is believed that when a person drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he will get rid of his habit.

Son's drunkenness conspiracy

Every mother wants to see her child happy and successful, so she is ready to do much to get rid of alcohol addiction. It is believed that the one conducted by the mother is the most effective. It is necessary on Maundy Thursday to wash the windows and pour the remaining water on the back of the son, saying:

“As I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk, so you, slave (name), would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine and mash into your mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean. May it be so".

Alcoholism is a disease that destroys the life of not only the addict himself, but also his relatives. The consequences of addiction are always sad. A drinking conspiracy can become a saving straw in such a situation.

Alcoholic drinks fundamentally change the person. From a caring father, husband or son, he becomes indifferent, cruel. And in order to rid him of his addiction, his relatives are ready to do anything. The main thing is not to turn to charlatans who will demand a lot of money for their services. It is important to know that a real healer does not charge a fixed amount for his help. You can only trust the one who takes from you as much as you give. Therefore, if you need to wean your husband or son from drinking, find such a person or perform the ritual yourself at home.

Rituals can be done on water, ice, soap, vodka, wax, photo, pin. They are carried out both at home and in places with strong energy: in the forest, at the cemetery. Some spend only at special times, for example, at Christmas, Epiphany.

Prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness are an appeal to higher powers with a request to help a person get rid of alcohol addiction. They also help with drug addiction, gambling addiction. The person who undertakes to carry out the ritual must observe the following rules:

  1. For a conspiracy to work, you need to believe in its power. Speak all the words clearly, seriously.
  2. Conduct a ritual on the waning moon on "your" day. For women - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; for men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  3. When making conspiracies for water, you cannot use tap water - it carries negative energy. If you cannot find a well or spring, keep it in a dark place for 7 days. Only on the 8th day you can work with such water.
  4. In the house where the alcoholic lives, the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" should be placed. The alcohol addict himself and his family should read prayers in front of her every day, ask to intercede, help, support.
  5. At church, order a few drunken prayers.
  6. Before you start reading the words of the conspiracy against drug addiction or alcohol addiction, you can turn to higher powers with a request to hear your prayers.
  7. Before plotting, you need to fast for three days.
  8. Every day, preferably on an empty stomach, you should drink holy water.

Conspiracies can be done without the knowledge of the patient, from a photograph or over a sleeping person. The person will stop drinking, and why - he will not even guess.

What is the strongest conspiracy?

The most powerful conspiracy from drunkenness is one carried out by the alcoholic himself, and not another person. So he made the decision to stop using and start treatment. For those who believe more in folk remedies for getting rid of ailments, treatment with the help of a conspiracy, prayer will certainly be effective, and release from addiction will come much faster.

What should be done:

  1. Fast for several days.
  2. On the eve, visit the bathhouse, and on the very day of the ritual, be sure to put on clean linen.
  3. Read the following words three times over clean water: “Wine and hops! Get away from me, the servant of God (pronounce your name), for all times, to the grave. Go away, desire for wine and spirits. Go away, drunkenness, into the dense forest, where there are only fierce animals and black birds. Take, the wind, the passion for wine and carry it across the sea, to dashing people who do not do good, but carry only evil, like cursed wine. Get away from me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  4. Read the conspiracy on water three times, drink it, mentally imagining how the desire to drink leaves you forever.

Other conspiracies using water

Many effective drunkenness conspiracies are carried out with the help of water. There is one conspiracy on water, which is carried out on any month and day of the week, but always on the 19th.

Fill the container with water and say the words of the prayer: “As the Lord God did not know vodka, as the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy saints of vodka did not know, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink for ever and ever. Amen". You don't need to drink the charmed water right away. It should be spooned into tea, compote or liquid dishes.

For a mother who wants to force her son, another conspiracy is suitable. On Maundy Thursday, you need to wash the windows, and pour water on your son's back, while saying the following words seven times: “As I gave birth to you, I fed you milk, so you (name) would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine into your mouth. The windows have been washed, and you will wash yourself. Amen".

Conspiracies and prayers for a drunken husband, father or son, read with ordinary water (preferably from a well or spring), give very good results.

Wanga's conspiracy

Wanga became famous for her talent for predictions and helping people with the help of magic. Against her, she used one effective rite - on soap. With his help, it will be possible, without the knowledge of the alcoholic husband (son), to make him stop drinking vodka and other alcoholic beverages forever.

To do this, take ordinary soap and say the following words to it nine times in a row: “Do not drink to you, servant of God (name), do not wander in a drunken stupor. I conjure that as you wash your hands with this soap, you will forget your addiction. Amen".

Conspiracies by photo

It is extremely rare for a drinking person to want to quit and agree to treatment. Most often, you have to organize treatment for someone close to you without the knowledge of the patient himself, for example, over a sleeping person or from a photograph.

One ritual will help to get a son or husband to tie. It has proven its effectiveness in relation to other addictions: drug addiction, tobacco smoking. To complete it, you will need a photo of a drinker (drug addict), holy water, church candles.

Sit down at the table, put a photo in front of you, put it in a row behind it and light candles. Dip your fingers in holy water and spray the photo with it. Then say, “Lord God, help me. I want to get rid of the dependence of Your servant (name), to make a conspiracy from drunkenness, to win him back from alcohol. So that vodka doesn't go down his throat. So that he, like a demon, avoids her. So that nothing goes down his throat except water. And my word is law for him. Amen". Hide the photo in a secret place. If after a month the consequences are not felt, the person continues to drink, then you need to get a photo and repeat the ritual.

Conspiracy on ice

Addiction is capable of conspiracy that is done on ice. The most important thing is that it can be carried out without the knowledge of the patient.

You need to read the plot on the waning moon. Ice is placed in a bowl and placed on the windowsill so that he "sees" the moon. By morning the ice will melt, they say about the melted water: “The ice is cold, it shivers, the ice causes chills. So that the flesh and blood of the servant of God (name) from the intoxicated cool down. So that he did not grab a glass, wine, mash did not drink. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

There are others in which ice is involved. All of them effectively help to cool down the desire to drink in the husband, son, father.

Strong Conspiracy - Graveyard

The cemetery is a place with strong energy. Therefore, from ancient times it was considered the abode of witches, sorcerers, otherworldly forces. A strong alcohol lapel is carried out at the cemetery. It is better to carry out the ritual without the knowledge of the patient.

Someone from the addict's family must come to the cemetery with a drink of vodka, find a grave that no one looks after. Put vodka on the grave, cross yourself three times and say aloud: “Just as a dead man in a cemetery does not need a drunken potion, so you, servant of God (name), do not suffer about wine, neither in the sun nor in the moonlight. Remember you, deceased, the passion of the servant of God (name) intoxicating, take it with you to the grave. " They say that a conspiracy made in a cemetery can forever save a husband, son, brother from alcohol addiction, drug addiction.

Rituals for church holidays

Conspiracies made on the eve of major church holidays are especially powerful. Against alcohol addiction they are made for Christmas, Epiphany. Energy is special these days. It is not for nothing that they say that even fortune-telling is much more accurate at Christmas.

In the afternoon at Christmas or in the evening for Epiphany, go to the temple, bring holy water. Read "Our Father" over a glass of water, and after the prayer - three times a conspiracy in which you ask the "hop to retreat": "Sit at your place, like a king on the throne, but do not enter my house." Give a glass of water to an alcoholic to drink.

When medicine doesn't work and rituals don't work

You are throwing all your strength into alcohol addiction treatment for your husband or son. Have you gone to clinics, read prayers and conspiracies from alcoholism, made a lapel, tried existing folk remedies, but there are no results? He never quit drinking alcohol? Most likely, the reason is the conspiracy made for drunkenness.

With the help of a conspiracy for drunkenness, the mistress could try to destroy the family. The girl wanted to bewitch your son, but due to a lack of experience and practice, something went wrong, the conspiracy for love turned out to be a conspiracy for drunkenness.

Alcoholism can manifest itself as a consequence of the lapel made.

You can determine this magical effect by the following signs:

  1. The drunkenness began suddenly. Previously, there were no preconditions for the emergence of addiction in her husband or son. No one in the family had drunk much before.
  2. A person realizes the need to tie, but does not find the strength.
  3. Vodka has to be used as a medicine: not for pleasure, but in order to hold out until the evening.
  4. The passion for the bottle overshadows duty and responsibility. A person forgets about children to whom he previously devoted his free time.
  5. There are no external signs of a "drunkard". The conspirator looks neat, communicates politely, as if he hadn't drunk.

It is possible to get rid of the conspiracy of drunkenness, to make sure that the head of the family no longer drinks. Even necessary. Because the consequences can be tragic. The body will "give up" over time, and the husband will simply "burn out" from alcohol.

Try doing the ice ritual yourself. If it does not help, you will have to turn to a white magician who can remove the effects of damage and love spell, make a lapel, make a talisman for a pin.

A pin in magic is used for various purposes, mainly for protective purposes. With its help, you can protect yourself from a love spell, evil eye, damage. From the usual evil eye, the pin is hooked with its head down on the clothes. In order to protect against a love spell or damage, the pin should be taken to the healer, asked to speak it and always carry it with you. It makes no sense to hand over such a pin to someone, it will create an invisible protective barrier only for the person for whom it was spoken.

Secrets of traditional medicine

Of course, using only conspiracies, there is no need to try. To get rid of it, the patient's treatment must be comprehensive, include taking medications, psychotherapy, alternative medicine (reflexology and others).

More effective - tinctures, herbal teas and decoctions. Remember the following recipe:

  • creeping thyme herb - 4 teaspoons,
  • centaury - 1 teaspoon,
  • wormwood - 1 teaspoon.

Pour boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for about an hour, take 1/3 cup each time before meals.

Folk remedies will help relieve the patient from withdrawal symptoms with alcoholism, drug addiction. The emphasis is on soothing and cleansing herbal teas. The main components should be: mint, angelica, yarrow, marsh calamus, thyme. You can add a little honey - a natural soothing, cleanser.

Using conspiracies, folk remedies and methods of traditional medicine in combination, it will succeed. The person will return to a fulfilling life.

A conspiracy from drunkenness is needed in many families, because it often happens that the cause of quarrels is not at all problems in the relationship of spouses, but banal alcoholism. Most alcoholics do not recognize themselves as such, refusing treatment. If you want to save your family and turn your loved one away from addiction, you can turn to magic for this.

In the article:

Drunkenness conspiracies and their features

A conspiracy from drunkenness on a man should be read on a man's day of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women are reprimanded for alcohol on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On Sundays, such rituals are not held, and exceptions to this rule are always specially stipulated. Likewise, church holidays and fasting times.

All rituals, the purpose of which is to get rid of something, are performed on the waning moon, as well as on the full moon. Conspiracies and prayers from alcoholism are no exception to this rule.

Except in cases of talking to himself, the patient should not be aware that rituals are being performed for him. You cannot tell anyone about them, even after the problem is in the past. The only person who will know the true reason for curing alcoholism is the one who read the conspiracies described below.

Before performing such rituals, fasting is required for three days. If you are going to talk a loved one out of drunkenness, temporarily exclude animal products from your diet - meat, milk, eggs. In addition, a person who is planning such a ceremony should not drink alcohol during the same period. Until the ritual is complete, start each morning with a sip of holy water.

During the ritual, the person who will treat alcoholism should not be adorned. The only thing that can be is a pectoral cross. For women, there is an additional rule - the head should be covered with a scarf.

This sorcery works best if it is read by the patient's mother or father. The wife or husband can also speak, there are even separate conspiracies for the treatment of spouses. You can’t start talking because of alcoholism of your parents - this is the law, children cannot heal a mother, father, grandmother or grandfather. If trouble befell your parents, ask older relatives or friends for help.

The consequences of binge conspiracies can be encouraging. Usually a person himself does not understand why he decided to quit drinking. But it should be remembered that an incorrectly performed ritual can make you drink even more and more often. Therefore, you should follow all the rules and strictly adhere to the texts of the conspiracies, not replacing synonymous words and not confusing them.

A conspiracy from drunkenness to water

Such a conspiracy can be done on a person who does not accept any coding or other methods of treatment. Alcoholics often do not give their consent to the magical treatment of their addiction. In such cases, water has long been slandered without the knowledge of the drinker. The person will not understand why he has stopped drinking. You can read this conspiracy both for another person and for yourself.

The conspiracy is read over a glass of water 3 times, and a good option would be to read when an alcohol addict suffers from a hangover and asks for a drink. You can prepare a drink in advance and serve it to an alcohol addict. Text:

Hop, prince, your little head is a riot! Do not flutter your hair down, but pour your hair down. I am not familiar to you, I have never been to your house. Climb to the sovereign on top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not dashing words and your evil deeds fall on the person (name). Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Khmele, prince, sit at your place, like a tsar sits on his kingdom, but don't go to my house!

Conspiracy from alcoholism to hops

You need hops, a plant that is easy to buy at any drug store or market. It was added several hundred years ago to some intoxicating drinks, which is why hops are considered the most effective magical plant in the fight against drunkenness. The plant should not be chopped up. You don't need a lot of it - about a tablespoon.

You will need to take vodka or other alcoholic drink that the patient has not drunk. The hops need to be soaked in the remaining alcohol and then dried.

Wait for the full moon, at night, take the cooked hop cones and speak on them three times:

Well, wicked drunk, go away from God's servant (spouse's name)!
Go out into the dark forests:
The bird is not found there,
The snake will not be born
The beast does not roam
The man does not walk!
Get out on fast water
The fish does not splash there,
A person does not bathe,
The moon does not look in the reflection,
The sun clearly does not warm.
To the wind, hop, go away!
Walk in distant countries,
Abyss in the quicksand sands!
Turn away from God's servant (spouse's name),
Be fascinated by a bad person.
His thoughts are black
Things are dark
There is no truth
Follow him!
I lock the word, I finish the job!
Forever and ever, goy!

Chop these hops into smaller pieces. It should be added to tea daily for three days. Tea is brewed in the usual way, after which hops are added and "Our Father" is read nine times, at the same time the tea is crossed with the sign of the cross.

You need to speak from drunkenness three times, that is, you will spend three full moons on it. However, after this, the person can be considered completely free from addiction.

Strong conspiracy from drunkenness on yourself

Can't stop drinking on your own, have you tried to gather strength, but need magical help? Try to talk yourself out of drunkenness. Before that, go to the bathhouse and put on clean clothes. If you don't have a bath, you can go to a public bath or take a bath. It is good if the bath is hot, with herbs and essential oils of your choice.

After cleansing, take not drunk water. Take it in order to have a drink in one go. What is non-drinking water? This is the one that no one drank that day. To get it, you need to get up early and collect it from the well first. You can also type in the spring, before someone else does it. If you live in an apartment and will draw water from the tap, then there is no guarantee that it will not be drunk - your neighbors could well have got up earlier and turned on the tap. Then unpopulated water is collected from 3 to 5 in the morning and so that no one can see you.

Three times a conspiracy is read over unaddressed water:

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen. Hops and braga! Before the grave board, for all ages from me, the servant of God, go away! Any craving for wine and hops go away! Rampant wind, take my dashing passion! Booze in the forest, get away from me, to the black birds, and the fierce beasts to be torn apart. Let the dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I don’t know grief. For all time, step back dashingly from my belly! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Drink water immediately completely, without residue. This strong conspiracy is made from drunkenness on the waning moon.

Conspiracy against husband's drunkenness

This conspiracy is read daily over the sleeping husband. If he sleeps during the day, then read during the day. If he sleeps only at night, then read at night. Try to prevent your husband from waking up while reading the conspiracy, do it in a whisper:

Nebushko is clear, hear, the sky is light (dark - if you read at night), see what I wish to create over God's servant (name). The sun rises in my yard, and there is neither man nor beast. The red moon is descending into my cage, and there is no door, no floor with a ceiling in it. Clear stars come into the bowl as a spouse, and there the water is purer than white snow. Sunny, slave (name) from the wine, turn it over. Month, slave (name) from wine, calm down. Asterisks, subdue the slave (name) from wine. I conjure with a clear field, a light share, a blue sea. Key. Lock. Language.

Strong conspiracy from booze

This conspiracy from drunkenness is very effective, but it should be done only during any Orthodox holiday. In the church you can buy a calendar of all holidays for the whole year. You can use it for your business.

Move the table to the center of the largest room in your house. Cover it with a plain white tablecloth. A large mirror is placed in the center of the table, and in front of the mirror, place three candles that were bought in the church.

You should also put a jar of clean, fresh water on the table. Water can be drawn at home, even from the tap, but it is better that it is natural - from a well or spring. We also need 3 glasses, any. You don't need to pour anything into them yet, let them be empty. You also need to buy a bottle of booze in advance that the person you are treating for booze likes to drink. Keep any saucepan or other large container nearby.

You need to put a dark scarf on your head and choose the darkest clothes you have. Stand near the table, take a bottle of alcohol in your hands and read the prayer "Our Father". After prayer, read the conspiracy three times:

I will stand, God's servant (name), I will bless myself with the Trinity,
I will cross myself, but I will leave the house by the doors,
For the courtyard I will run away with the gate.
I'll go to the east side,
I will look into the ocean-sea.
There is a big stone in that sea.
Near the stone is a pike with an eye on fire.
Her cheeks are of gold, her teeth are of damask steel.
She will come to the servant of God (name),
The drunkenness will take away in the teeth of the damask.
Her intoxicated passion will not return from her cheeks,
More than ever the servant of God (name) will not get drunk with wine!
And now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After reading, take a glass and fill it with alcohol. Close the bottle, read the prayer again and three times - the conspiracy, pour alcohol into the second glass. Repeat all the manipulations in order to pour from the bottle into the third glass.

Pour the water from the jar into a saucepan or any other fairly capacious and suitable dish for storing your drinking potion and mix it with alcohol, which is poured into three glasses. This you will add to drinks and food for someone who needs to recover from alcohol addiction. A sign of successful treatment will be an illness (usually nothing serious, something like a cold) of the person who drinks a drink or eats food with an anti-alcoholic potion, but it will go away rather quickly. It just means that you did everything right.

The conspiracy for holy water from alcoholism

You will need not just holy water, but the one they call Epiphany water - consecrated on January 19, on the day of Epiphany. And this conspiracy is done on the 19th, but the month does not matter. In Epiphany, you can also be treated for alcoholism. Water needs about one half liter jar, rarely more is required. But sometimes you have to slander water 1-2 more times, especially if the case is very neglected.

When speaking a conspiracy of holy water, bend over it so that the breath touches the surface. Read three times, each repetition in one breath:

But our Lord, Jesus Christ did not know hop, did not drink, did not suffer without it, like His Mother theotokos, but the holy saints of the dashing braga did not know, they did not tolerate without her, so you, the servant of God, will refuse wine and never more do not touch him. Amen.

Seal the jar of water immediately. You can open it only if you are going to use the water for its intended purpose. And the purpose is to add to food and drink, but to a person suffering from alcoholism. Add only to ready-made drinks and dishes, because you cannot boil and heat this water.

Fish Conspiracy Against Drinking

To heal a loved one from cravings for alcohol, you will have to go fishing. The spell is read on fish that was not bought in a store, but caught by you personally in fresh water. You must bring her home alive. Pour wine into any container and put the fish in it. Then start the frying preparations, during which the hex is read:

As this fish flutters in wine, so does the soul of the servant of God (name) rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take care not to be disturbed in the process. Fried fish is treated to those suffering from alcohol cravings.

Alcohol conspiracy

Take any bottle. In it you will pour the unfinished alcoholic. It doesn't matter what kind of alcoholic drinks it will be, the main thing is that you drain them unnoticed from the drunkard himself. These should not be leftovers in the bottles, but what is left in the glass. Even if there are a few drops, still collect.

Remember that you cannot drink without drinking - it is they who are often used to spoil alcoholism, but they can also get rid of drunkenness. When the bottle is full, go to the cemetery. Each cemetery has a fence that separates the world of the dead from the world of the living. Dig it in the corner so that no one can see it. In this case, sentence:

Aki new neighbors do not need you,
They don't drink in the morning, they don't suffer without you
They sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open,
So the servant of God (name) will not think about you,
Not with a young month, not with a golden moon,
Not in the rain or in the sun
My deed is smooth, my word is strong.
Key. Lock. Language.

Alcoholism and omens

There are many causes of alcoholism that doctors talk about. But few people know that sometimes this problem appears as a result of induced damage or love spell. If this is your case, the conspiracies described above will not help. The negative program must be eliminated first.

In addition, there are signs that predict the future of the drunkard. For example, do not pour leftover liquor from glasses into a bottle. The one who drinks it will get drunk. Often, such residues are used to spoil alcoholism. For the same reasons, they do not drink leftovers from other people's glasses - this is drunkenness.

Another sign prohibits getting drunk at a commemoration. The one who violates it will lose the ability to control the desire to drink. In some regions, it is believed that those who drink at commemorations and on holy holidays are doomed to addiction to booze and their children.

Remember drunkenness is a serious problem. , and sitting back when you or your loved one is suffering from a terminal illness is extremely dangerous. Try to help him and yourself as quickly as possible and the Universe will certainly help you and reward you for your efforts.

In this article:

According to official statistics, in Russia every fifth man suffers from alcoholism, while many are already at the first stage of this disease, but still refuse to admit their own problems. Rampant drunkenness leads to the development of serious diseases, destroys families and the fate of people of all ages.

Alcohol must be fought with all available means, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy from drunkenness. This is a special magic ritual aimed at eradicating the addiction.

If such a misfortune has come to your house, you cannot wait long and hope that a man will be able to get rid of the bad habit on his own, you need to try to convince him to break up with alcohol, help him get on the right path, help stop drinking. But this is not always possible, since alcoholics do not recognize their problem, and any hints lead to hostility, and sometimes even aggression. We live in a society where it is impossible to treat a person for alcoholism without his consent, and therefore, the hands of relatives, most often, are tied.

In such a situation, a conspiracy from drunkenness is almost the only way to combat alcohol.

Such rituals are carried out without the knowledge of the target, affect its subconsciousness and can convince an alcoholic to quit drinking on his own.

It looks like a miracle, and therefore the effectiveness of magic is questioned by many, however, when there are no other options left, even skeptics turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

Effectiveness of anti-drinking rituals

Practice shows that magic rituals are very powerful and have a very positive effect on alcoholics, however, not a single, even the most effective and proven ritual can guarantee a 100% result. There are a large number of factors that can both increase the power of the ceremony and reduce its effect to nothing.

The most terrible opponent of rituals is the company of a person - the people who surround him.

If you want to save your loved one from alcohol addiction, but his drinking companions prevent this, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greatly reduced.

In this case, without the desire of the alcoholic himself and his will, it is difficult to achieve deliverance.

And yet, do not despair, even if some people drag your husband or son to the bottom. With the help of powerful, time-tested rituals, for example, with the help of a photo ritual, you can reduce the rate of development of alcoholism or awaken in the person himself the desire to give up alcohol.

Strong conspiracy option

This ritual should be performed all alone every morning. Before reading the word of the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire to help a loved one, and also believe that you will be able to achieve what you want. Conspiracy Words:

“Let the sky hear, let the sky see. What do I want to do over the body and mind of the servant of God (name of the target).

The sun is bright, the sun is free, come to my yard. There are neither people nor animals in my yard. The month is young, the month is red, you go down into my cage, where there are no doors, no bottom.

The stars are distant, the stars are clear, descend into my bowl, where the water is clear, cold. The sun is bright, turn away the servant of God (name) from the wine.

The month is red, turn away the servant of God (name) from the wine. The stars are clear, turn away and you are a servant of God (name) from wine. In an open field, in a deep blue sea, a key and a lock lie. No one can open that lock, no one can find that key. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Husband's alcohol conspiracy

This conspiracy, which must be pronounced on any alcohol that later drinks the target, has already managed to prove its effectiveness. It is perfect to relieve a person from constant binges. The words:

“The priest called the abbot to him and they made a prayer together. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a foul passion, from an intoxicated misfortune. Let him not know how drunken from this day to the grave board. Just as a fat pig alone cannot swim across the sea and the ocean, so the servant of God (name) never drinks alcohol from this day, does not hold it in his mouth, and does not want to at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The methods are quite serious, but one cannot get rid of here at once, complex work will be required

After the alcoholic drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he must stop drinking.

Loot Potion for Drunkenness

Making an alcoholic lapel potion is a difficult task even for experienced practitioners, since it will not be easy to get all the necessary components, however, if everything you need is collected, then the potion guarantees a persistent dislike for alcohol at the target.

  • The first component is crayfish, which was caught on a full moon so that the appearance of the full moon coincides with the last calendar day of the month. Cancer must be dried in a Russian oven and then crushed into powder.
  • The second component is plakun grass root. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried.
  • The third is grass from a nest abandoned by birds. It is also washed and dried.
  • The fourth is the root of the herb-beating root, it is washed and dried.
  • Fifth - seeds and flowers of wormwood.
  • The sixth is thyme herb.
  • Seventh - white snowdrop flowers.

All ingredients must be ground into powder by hand using a mortar and pestle.
When the day corresponding to the alcoholic's birthday comes, you need to boil all the ingredients with water, which was taken from three different houses. Hosts do not need to know how you will use this water. After that, you need to cool the broth, wash the person with it and let him drink 12 sips at a time. If a person starts to shake, or he experiences itching, then all the infection leaves his body. During the preparation of the broth, you need to read the conspiracy:

“I (name) conjure saliva and blood, brain, mouth, joints and liver, breath and semi-joints, veins and sinuses, and heart. I conjure the entire human skeleton from any hops, from daytime, lunch, night and morning hops, from daily and semi-daily hops. At home, on a visit, in the authorities, in oak chambers, in stone chambers, he should not drink. The Lord created the Universe in seven days, and the seven parts of my body in this house will create peace and quiet for the servant of God (name of the goal) from all intoxicated passion. Now and ever. Amen".

Water conspiracy

Read into clear spring water or any other non-alcoholic liquid that the target will drink. The words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One person was born, baptized, lived, and died. As he is dead, so (name of the target) does not take alcohol in his mouth, does not drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, so the other’s hand does not pour wine, it doesn’t bring it to its lips, it doesn’t pour vodka into its mouth. (Target name) does not pour more wine into the cup, does not drink alcohol. I am baptized with the cross, and I protect myself with the cross, but I am saved from wine. Ivan the Baptist, help, be you a servant of God (name of the target) from wine as a deliverer. My word is strong, no one can interrupt. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The popular conspiracy from alcoholism has already saved many people and saved many families, because it is very difficult to deal with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

This process requires a long period of treatment and investment of considerable financial resources and mental effort.

But if you turn to folk rituals so that your husband does not drink and to get rid of his addiction to vodka, you can significantly save energy and avoid numerous negative consequences.

Alcoholism has become a very common problem these days, having managed to destroy many families and kill many healthy people.

It becomes all the more difficult to resolve this situation because a person under the influence of vodka is not aware of his actions and does not want to be treated, he simply becomes lost to society.


In this case, the entire initiative to solve the problem of alcoholism has to be taken into their own hands by another family member: mother, wife or friend. But even in this case, the outcome of the unequal struggle with strong drinks is absolutely unclear. Standard methods may simply not produce the desired result.

In such a difficult case, only a popular conspiracy against drunkenness can help you. The main thing is to approach it correctly.

Features of rituals from drunkenness

To avoid an unexpected result or negative consequences of such rituals, you should be very careful about their implementation. To do this, first of all, one should adhere to the general recommendations for such specific magical actions:

  • A conspiracy from drunkenness is carried out on strictly defined days, which are chosen based on who should be cured. If the husband drinks, then prefer Monday, Tuesday or Thursday for the ceremony, if a woman - then Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. On Sundays, such a conspiracy from binge is best not to be carried out at all.
  • The conspiracy from alcohol will be most beneficial if you choose the lunar phase correctly by the day of the week. The preference should be given to the full moon or the outgoing month.
  • As in many other magical actions, the presence of faith is necessary in conspiracies from drunkenness. If you are trying to use such a conspiracy against alcohol out of curiosity, then you should not wait for effective healing. In the worst case, you can be overtaken by negative consequences from the abuse of higher powers.
  • You should not try to share the planned ritual with other members of your family, including the person who drinks, if he does not want his own cure. Even in the event that you see a positive result from the ritual against drunkenness, keep everything secret so as not to incur the wrath of higher powers.

The above rules should be followed in any case, regardless of the type of ritual you choose.

Photo ritual

The most powerful conspiracy against binge is carried out on the photo of a man. After all, any picture carries a strong imprint of a person's aura, which means that it facilitates the direction of magical power in the right direction.

To prevent your husband from drinking, carry out this conspiracy against drunkenness on the day of the month appropriate with the recommendations. In addition, you will need to prepare such things in advance:

  • A recent photograph of a person addicted to alcohol.
  • Three wax candles purchased from the church.
  • A little bit of consecrated water.

The conspiracy against drunkenness itself should be carried out at sunset. Remain alone in an empty room and place candles in a row.

When you light them, do not forget to put a photo prepared in advance in front of them.

It must be sprinkled with holy water, while saying the following words:

The prayer must be said three times, and the photo itself must be hidden in a cache. Improvements will come in a couple of weeks. If you want your husband not to drink at all, then perform this drunkenness ritual exactly one month later, using the same photo.

Water conspiracy

It is possible to heal a person from alcohol abuse with charmed water. If you carry out such a ritual from drunkenness regularly and give all the magic water to drink, then alcoholism will become a thing of the past.

If it is not possible to get such living water, then you still should not give up this effective ritual from drunkenness.

Take plain, clean water and let it sit for seven days in a dark hiding place.

When all the preparatory activities are completed, read the following prayer words over the water:

Such charmed water must be consumed completely. You can mix it into the tea or coffee of the person drinking.

Ritual for soap

This drinking conspiracy is also powerful enough. Its advantage is that the magic words will be read with ordinary soap, which your husband will use to wash his hands later. That is, there is no need to persuade him to drink anything.

It is best to buy a new bar of soap itself, especially for the ceremony itself, so that the husband does not drink. You should read such conspiracy words on it:

It is best to say the prayer itself at least nine times, and leave the soap where a person with alcoholism usually takes hygienic procedures. It will be enough if you regularly wash your hands with such soap.

If the action from the conspiracy is weak, then read the prayer on the same soap again in two weeks. When the bar is over, you will need to speak a new one.

Towel ritual

Our grandmothers also used this conspiracy from drunkenness, since it is not difficult to commit it, and the result is admirable.

To do this, purchase a small new hand towel in advance. On a night when a full month is shining in the sky, read these words on it:

Now this thing must be left in the place where your loved one, suffering from addiction to alcohol, can use it for its intended purpose, that is, wipe his hands with them. No one else should touch this charmed towel.

As soon as the necessary has happened, take it and tie it in a strong knot, saying the following words:

Hide the towel itself in a safe hiding place without undoing the knot.

Source: http://nagadali.ru/zagovory/zagovor-ot-alkogolya-posledstviya.html

Drunkenness conspiracies at home: consequences

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness is helping the whole family of an alcoholic who not only drinks away the money he earns, but also neglects any family responsibilities.

Read a conspiracy from drunkenness on water or a conspiracy from drunkenness in a cemetery, both people with addiction and their loved ones. Rituals at a distance can work if you use a photograph or thing of a sick person.

How to choose a conspiracy from binge so as not to be afraid of dangerous consequences?

Drunkenness conspiracies

Magic fight against alcoholism

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness is selected depending on how long the person drinks. Alcoholism is a disease of the mind and body. People with strong energy do not suffer from such an addiction.

Popular conspiracies from drunkenness are used by people who have despaired of being "encoded" or swearing.

There are consequences and complications from a conspiracy of drunkenness, but only with the help of a targeted magical effect will it be possible to discourage a husband or a loved one from the bottle.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness is read in a certain setting and on days when natural elements will strengthen the work of the conspiracy. A drinking conspiracy and its consequences can affect the lives of all family members.

Protective spells and prayers help to protect against the consequences. Only prayer words will help to remove the terrible sin that a man or woman commits every day.

A ritual is performed with a sleeping alcoholic at a great distance from the conspirator.

Choosing a magical treatment for an alcoholic

Who will conspiracies help? The spells of the famous Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova or any effective folk ritual works only on special charged days - on Good Friday, Christmas or Epiphany. On Easter, only folk rituals are held for inveterate alcoholics. Popular conspiracies and rituals of the healer can harm both the conspirator and the victim of magical action.

Rituals are selected depending on the following factors:

  • the day when the necessary ritual helps to get rid of the most harmful, dangerous habit (the day when the moon is waning);
  • the state of an alcoholic (the consequences of drinking can weaken the body's defense mechanisms);
  • effective spells are selected for magical attributes (conspiracies in the photo, the addict's towel, his things);
  • effective spells are not performed during the day, the best time to perform them is at night;
  • an effective conspiracy should be read from memory (you should learn the words of the spell of Vanga or Natalia Stepanova in advance);
  • you can cast spells on a husband, son, friend - on a person for whom the conspirator has sincere feelings;
  • a powerful anti-binge ritual and a strong protective rite to prevent future binge drinking.

A strong ritual against the addiction of Vanga or Stepanova will prevent another binge, if you prepare your husband or son in advance. You need to read the words of the prayer for protection on the eve of the ceremony. For a husband or loved one, prayer words will become a guarantee of safety.

Consequences of magic

Prayers and conspiracies help before the ritual for one reason - protection is not easy for a person, but vital.

Who needs to be protected? Removing booze from home, not only physically, but also on more subtle levels is not as easy as it might seem.

Conspiracies for food, soap, towels, hair will help relieve addiction, but violate the integrity of a person's energy shell.

Before performing a magic ritual on any day of the week, on holidays or on weekdays, you should protect yourself and your loved one: they make protection from other bad habits of a person.

Having jumped off one problem, a weak personality strives to find a new addiction. Only in this way the life of a weakened person acquires meaning. A magical ritual from a photograph on good days of the week or a spell for food is done in several stages.

To avoid the consequences, you can take a person to church, allow him to confess.

They also protect against personal weakness. Immediately after reading the conspiracy, the alcoholic loses his vitality.

For a person, a targeted magical effect, especially for a long time (conspiracies from photography, on soap, a ritual with a glass), is very destructive.

Protecting a son or husband before rituals that will definitely help is the primary task of a caring woman.

Universal conspiracies for water

Speak water

Black or white magic will help to remove mental illness. The difference between two different influences is only in the consequences.

At home, a powerful ritual is performed on the water, which should be brought from the church.

Taken together, the ancient rituals for water and Slavic spells quickly relieve the alcoholic of mental illness.

Such a method is harmful (it's about the consequences) at a distance. With the help of a whisper to the water, it is better to speak to the husband or son who is nearby.

Against drunkenness, rituals are held for the Annunciation, the forty-strong ritual on the eve of Good Friday and the ritual for the water.

What is needed for water conspiracies

Only a proven ritual with water helps from drunkenness. Muslim, Old Slavic, Easter rituals at home show good results.

In severe cases of drunkenness, several magical events are carried out at once.

At home, the safest, but effective rituals are performed on the addicted person using magical attributes:

  • salt;
  • prepare wood ash;
  • regular chicken egg.

The essence of the rite of drunkenness lies in the exact impact. To carry out a secret action with water or on food, the patient's soap must visit the cemetery. Earth is brought from the grave, causing disgust from drunkenness.

Reading the simplest conspiracy

There are rituals with charmed water of varying complexity: multi-stage or those that are performed at one time.

Such actions are chosen for yourself or you can use them for your husband (son, friend or daughter). The sex of the addict and his position in society for magic does not matter.

With the help of charmed water, you can wean an addicted woman, but it is very difficult to fight female alcoholism.


Conspiracies are read over the sick or over a holy liquid, after the main part of the ritual:

  1. Holy water is brought from the temple. Regular tap water will not help to cope with such a difficult task. You can bring some water from a spring - living water, with which only the most powerful spells are made. It is very important on what day the main attribute is brought. It is better to take holy water on Sunday after the service or on a big Orthodox holiday.
  2. Left alone, the conspirator utters the words of a spell for holy water:

The conspirator waits for Friday and adds the holy liquid to the addict's food and drinks. In addition, the words of the prayer "Our Father" will help the patient.

Fight alcoholism

It is very important not to tell anyone about the methods of dealing with alcoholism in the family. The easiest way to get rid of the problem is to solve it in accessible ways without unnecessary conversations. Holy water should not be poured out (the patient must completely consume the charmed liquid).

The most powerful anti-alcoholism ritual for a husband or friend also works for ice (frozen charmed liquid). It is not so important through which attributes powerful conspiracies will operate. The conspirator will protect himself if he performs rituals after repentance in the church.

Soap spell

The drinking conspiracy is pretty strong on soap. It is held on Friday - prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness on this day are the most effective. Alcohol, which ruined the whole family, will no longer interfere with family happiness.

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness so that alcohol no longer attracts the patient is read after sunset. The most effective and strong conspiracy from drunkenness - a conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph is also read on soap.

Aversion to alcohol without the knowledge of the addict (on behalf of the mother, wife, girlfriend) is used in conjunction with folk remedies, the recipes of which are easy to learn from the healers.

Deliverance takes place during Epiphany week, during Lent or Easter. Without additional attributes, a good enchant on soap will work even for beginners.

Only the waning Moon can get rid of the addiction (during the other phase, the rituals are ineffective).

Preparing for a secret action

Who can make Full Moon magical bans on a guy, a daughter's fate? Someone who is not afraid of the consequences. Magic works against drunkenness, but for this you need to prepare for the ceremony.

Simple charms can be made literally of any number (energetically charged days are selected for village charms, and Kazakh spells are read only on women's days of the week).

The best option is clean Thursday, which will help relieve dependence on the female and male body.

To make a lapel on Thursday so that alcohol does not attract, a spell will help:

Few people know that there is a specific type of spoilage called drunken spoilage. Already from the name ... VK group: http: //.com/good116soul. Bread of Healing If you want to help someone in healing, then use this rite.

After that ... People's conspiracies, proven over the centuries, work 100%. A conspiracy from drunkenness.

The spell casts a bar of soap. You need to do a magical action 9 times (it will help get rid of female and male alcoholism).

Only the patient should wash with soap. In addition, folk remedies with the addition of charged water will help increase the aversion to alcohol so that alcohol will immediately induce vomiting.

Rite of passage for 7 candles

The conspiracy from the drunkenness of her husband with candles, time-tested. The simplest and most effective charm will not bring trouble to the whole family. At home, conspiracies from drunkenness are read for 7 church candles:

The conspiracy from drunkenness is read three times. The simplest and most powerful conspiracy must be learned by heart. It can be pronounced both with a sick person and without the presence of an alcoholic.

The easiest way to get rid of booze is to try several magical methods.

A conspiracy from drunkenness to a new photo, soap or candles works unconditionally.

Source: https://mestozagovora.ru/zagovoryi/ot-pyanstva.html

Drunkenness conspiracy (read at home)

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the cause of one of the most dangerous and common human diseases - alcoholism.

The disease causes physical and mental harm to the patient and the people around him. Because of alcoholism, a person is not able to be a full-fledged member of society.

He cannot be with people in healthy relationships, move up the career ladder, take care of family members.

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness is a lifeline in the fight against alcoholism. Loved ones sometimes cannot stand the suffering of a loved one and turn to rituals and prayers. It is not always necessary to go to traditional healers, a conspiracy of drunkenness is also done at home.

Ritual rules

Conspiracies from alcoholism are effective appeals and prayers to the Almighty, which help to rid a person of a bad habit.

It will be possible to achieve the result if, in the process of the ritual, the words of the correct, accurate spell are pronounced. Rituals for fun are prohibited.

When a lapel from drunkenness is intended for a woman, conspiracies are read on the days of the week of the feminine gender (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday). The conspiracy against alcoholism for a man is pronounced on Thursday, Monday or Tuesday.

Folk remedies offer various options for effective conspiracies. They often require improvised items.

For example, they use water, a photograph of a drunken person, wax and other things.

According to the rules of some rituals, they go to the cemetery, use church utensils, water collected on the night of Epiphany.

It is necessary to make a conspiracy so that the person who needs help does not know about it, otherwise it may not work out. It is allowed to pronounce healing words over any food. But best suited:

  • Rye bread;
  • wheat bread;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • berries.

How to get rid of alcoholism on your own

Strong rituals and prayers work best when the alcohol addict acknowledges their problem and seeks to get rid of it as soon as possible.

At the same time, treatment of alcoholism will take much less time, which will provoke a conspiracy to act more effectively.

If a person is faced with an unpleasant problem, then he can speak to himself on his own, without outside help.

Before the ritual, a strict fast is required for several days. Then they go to the sauna or bathhouse and after the procedure is completed, they dress in clean clothes.

For the ceremony, a person will need the purest water. It is better to collect it from a spring or stream. They read the plot 3 times over the water and drink. In the process, you need to imagine in your thoughts that the addiction goes away and will never return.

Miraculous water

Drinking conspiracies are widespread among the people, which they commit to the water. They are suitable for people who do not want to be coded and treated.

If a subject who is dependent on alcoholic beverages does not accept magical interference in his life, it does not matter. A spell on water is read without the knowledge of the patient.

In addition, a conspiracy on water is allowed to be done on oneself in the absence of a desire to therapeutically affect the body.


Over the water poured into a glass, certain words are read three times. A conspiracy to make a person quit drinking is done when the patient has a hangover and is thirsty.

The prepared drink will help not only quench your thirst, but also cope with the disease.

The text for a magic ritual can be sincere words, a request from the Higher Forces for salvation, indicating the name of the person who needs help.

The next conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences is highly likely if the ceremony is performed on the 19th of any month. A vessel with water is prepared for him, over which a prayer is read. Such water is charged with healing properties.

It is poured into the first dish or drink that a person with alcohol problems will drink. The action takes place instantly or after a while.

In advanced cases of drunkenness, to obtain the desired result, they give a person a few glasses of charmed water to drink.

A conspiracy for drunkenness is condemned over the water collected on the day of Epiphany. You need to take it 0.5 liters. If you need to heal from drug addiction, then the ceremony is performed several times, then 1 liter of liquid is needed.

They read the prayer words 3 times, bending over in front of the filled container. The breath should be in contact with the surface. After reading the bank, it is sealed. The lid may only be opened for the intended use of water.

The liquid, without heating, is added to the prepared drinks or dishes of the victim.

If the son is trying to cure his mother, then the following method is an excellent option to get rid of the negative habit without the involvement of traditional medicine.

On Maundy Thursday in the house or apartment it is necessary to wash the windows, then pour the applied water onto the son's back. In this case, one must ask the Lord to get rid of the trouble.

The use of alcoholic beverages in conspiracies from alcoholism

Drunkenness conspiracies are carried out as a preventive measure. The ceremony is performed when you feel a strong dependence on alcohol. It will prevent the development of the disease. You should act at midnight or at exactly 3 am. A cup is placed on the table, into which vodka is poured. You will also need:

  • 3 candles;
  • a mirror in which you can observe your reflection;
  • Cup.

Being in a calm, relaxed state, they say the prayer "Our Father" 3 times. Then they drink the drink in front of the mirror, put out the candles and go to bed.

There is also a ritual for drunkenness. It is performed in a specific sequence. First, an empty bottle is prepared, into which the remnants of drinks that the alcoholic did not finish are poured into.

This should be done unnoticed for him. It is allowed to mix wine, beer, cognac and other alcoholic beverages. The main thing is to remember that you cannot drink it.

The leftovers are sometimes used to spoil drunkenness, but with their help it is possible to get rid of alcoholism. The full bottle is carried to the cemetery. There you need to go into the fence and bury the container in any corner.

At the same time, they ask the patient to stop drinking. Arriving home, they secretly attach a pin to the addict's clothes.

The next conspiracy on alcohol will require the use of other than alcoholic hops. Even in ancient times, people added this plant to intoxicating drinks. It is considered to be the most potent anti-drunkenness agent. Hops are sold at any pharmacy.

For the ritual, they take not crushed, but whole leaves. To eliminate drunkenness and its consequences, you will need 1 tbsp. l. hops and vodka half-drunk by the sick. In the drink, the plant is soaked and then dried.

On a full moon, they take the prepared attribute and over it they say a petition to save the husband or someone else from a bad habit. Then the hops are finely chopped. The plant is mixed into tea every day for 3 days.

The tea is brewed as usual, after that the magic herb is added to it and the prayer "Our Father" is said 9 times.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness will turn out if the spelling process is performed 3 times (3 nights will be spent on the full moon). But the result will justify the efforts: the husband will become completely free from addiction, and the ailment will not return.

Helping loved ones from drunkenness

To prevent the husband from drinking, a simple ceremony will help. The petition to the Lord is pronounced in a whisper over the husband, who is fast asleep. This ritual, in order for the husband to give up alcohol forever, is performed daily, even if the husband sleeps during the day.

In order for the husband to give up his addiction forever, it is necessary to buy a reliable lock on Friday. The remnants of the alcoholic drink that the spouse drank is poured into the keyhole.

Making this manipulation against her husband's drunkenness, they say: "You are a drunkard and a libertine, like this lock, the doors of all taverns and bottles of vodka will be closed for you." The key to the lock is thrown away, but rather drowned in the river.

The rite of passage for the castle is the strongest if it is done on the waning moon. The power of the heavenly body is leaving, which means that the ailments will go away.

A ritual carried out with fire will save the husband from drunkenness. On an odd day on the calendar, you need to collect dry tree branches in the forest, light a fire.

Around it, you need to draw a circle with a sharp object (preferably a branch). After that, squat outside the circle and ask for help. At the same time, you must not take your eyes off the fire.

If tears appear in your eyes, then you do not need to wipe them, they must dry themselves.


A fishing trip will help heal a loved one from a serious illness. A conspiracy for drunkenness is read on a fish caught with one's own hand, and not purchased in a supermarket.

The fish must remain alive right up to the house. Wine must be poured into a vessel and placed there.

When preparing fish for frying, one should say: “As this fish will flounder in wine, so the soul of the servant of God (name) will rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Nothing should interfere with the whole process. Fish is required to treat a person with a craving for alcohol. So it will be possible to permanently eliminate the bad habit.

Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays

On Christmas Eve, over each of the lenten dishes, you can whisper a petition to the Lord, then little by little they try each of the 12 preparations.

Kutya has especially magical properties, over which conspiracies are read. It is necessary to make sure that the alcoholic eats 3 tsp.

during the Christmas meal after the first star in the sky lights up.

Strong conspiracies are filled with a powerful flow of energy, so they are effective. Rituals that are held on any Orthodox holiday are effective.

In the living room, you need to put a large table in the center. From above it is covered with a white tablecloth. There is a mirror in the middle, in front of it there are 3 church candles.

Covering their heads with a dark scarf and putting on dark clothes, they stand near the table, take a bottle with an alcoholic drink in their hand and recite the prayer "Our Father" in a whisper.

1 glass of holy water and an alcoholic drink from three glasses are poured into a spacious container. The mixture is added in small portions to the patient's food.

If, after taking such a drink, a person feels weak and disgusted with alcohol, the ceremony is done correctly.

Traditional healers are advised to carry out ceremonies with photographs. So the effect will be obtained quickly.

A magical ritual is performed on a photograph of a person who has been defeated by an illness and wants to recover.

It is important to perform the manipulation on the night when the moon is waning. The prayer over the photo of the alcoholic is read 3 times.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem. It must be eliminated quickly, without waiting for the deterioration of the situation. Folk remedies help get rid of the disease in question quickly enough, but if the alcoholic himself wants it, the Universe will respond even earlier.

  • This person is constantly drawn to alcohol and he always breaks down ...
  • In appearance, beginning health problems are noticeable ...
  • He is always irritable and thinks of only one thing ...
  • Your loved one does not want to be treated for addiction, because he simply does not recognize it ...
  • Then, except for you, no one will help him, he is on the last step from the abyss ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, methods and ways ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help much ...