Day of the ground forces of the russian federation congratulations. Poems of congratulations to the day of ground forces. The main advantages of motorized rifle troops

Happy holiday, brave tanker,
Happy February 23rd.
May it be aimed at happiness
You will have a gun.

Move towards lofty goals
With your tank armor
Strength to you, success in business,
Let it be luck with you.

Congratulations on February 23rd to an excellent tanker, a defender of the vastness, where the enemy cannot step on. I wish you endurance and courage, courage and nobility, strength and patience, optimism and valor. I wish you to go ahead to your goals, through all obstacles and obstacles, like a tank, I wish you faithful love of the heart and sincere happiness of the soul.

Congratulate on the holiday of men
I want you, tanker.
You are powerful in your car
Both the owner and the artist.

I wish you a "concert"
To stack them all.
I wish you strength and valor.
From February 23!

Super tanker our dear,
So handsome and businesslike.
Congratulations on February 23,
So that the tank does not disappoint, we sincerely wish.

Always be the happiest in life
Serve your homeland with faith and truth.
Much health and good luck
You are a wonderful tanker, not otherwise!

Congratulations on February 23rd. The tank will go everywhere, the tanker will overcome any obstacle. I wish you never to know the decline of strength and spirit, constantly set clear goals and certainly achieve them. May there be no dirt and other obstacles on the way, may your heart be warmed by the faithful love of your family and the respect of your comrades.

Congratulations to the tankman
Happy February 23rd,
It will pass easily on the tank
Through mountains and fields

We wish him
He lived a long life,
To faithfully and truly
He served his homeland!

A tank rushes across the field quickly
Entering the high-speed courage!
There are Russian tankers in it,
Brave, friendly crew!

We wish everyone who is in the tank
Light combat service!
And congratulations separately
We are you, our dear!

The heart of a tanker is a corner where courage, honor, endurance, nerves of steel and love for the Motherland unite. A cold mind and a burning desire to defend their homeland make ordinary guys highly skilled tankers. Thank you, family, for your courage, perseverance and conscientiousness. Be healthy, and let your loved ones always be waiting for you at home. From February 23rd to you!

The ground forces were one of the first to emerge and in fact became the ancestors of the armed forces. The first mention of the ground forces appeared on October 1, 1550, when Ivan the Terrible issued a decree on the creation of "a chosen thousand of service people." This was the beginning of the formation of the ground forces of the regular army, which have now turned into a highly organized modern structure capable of conducting defensive actions, repelling the enemy's offensive, holding occupied territories, and delivering fire strikes on enemy territory. This is a whole group of modern troops, such as motorized rifle, signal troops, tank troops, missile and artillery troops. In memory of the historical date of creation, the Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation is celebrated on October 1 of each year.

Day of the ground forces of Russia,
And three cheers,
I wish you courage and strength
Success, peace and kindness.

I wish you health and prosperity,
I wish the whole country to be proud of you,
I wish you calm days and not know despair,
I wish the soul to live in harmony.

Day of the land forces of the country!
Honor and glory are given to you,
Thanks and bow to you,
Well, the enemy is always damaged.

May trouble not touch you
May there never be wars
Happiness, joy, health,
And a house filled with love!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Ground Forces of Russia and wish you steel health and courage, justified life goals and constant endurance, good tempering of character and enthusiasm. I wish you to be kept by fate, brave, dexterous and loved.

Border guard and artilleryman,
He is generally a great specialist,
He knows how to all enemies
Fight back, which the sailors never dreamed of.
Once I had to fight on land,
The army, after all, how: although I did not want to,
It is important to be able!
We wish you one thing always
Let every day pass without an enemy.
Hands, feet so that you are always with you,
Left blow, so that it was always on the attack!

Day of Ground Forces.
All happy holidays, guys.
I wish you easy service,
Let life be rich.

May the family always wait
Let the homeland appreciate
May your views be correct
Nothing will change.

I wish you strength in your heart,
Unity only to brotherhood,
The mainstay of the whole country is great
I wish to stay.

Congratulations, you tankers
And the arrows are gunners.
Ground troops,
Step aside from you longing.

The Motherland is calm with you,
Serve with dignity at all times.
On this festive day
I wish you dry rations.

To a bullet from a machine gun
Flew from a soldier.
To a silly misfire
She ran away like a lamb.

So that the RGO grenade
Flew far away.
So that in your personal life
It was only excellent.

Ground forces all
Celebrate their holiday
Every day they are on guard
Protect our peace!

Congratulations to all the military,
And we wish them victories
Peace, blessings, love, patience,
Let the service go without troubles.

Ground troops,
On this day I wish you
Let the service be easy
Leaks safely.

And let from the sky to the shoulder strap
All the stars fly to you,
You are our country,
All people respect you!

Congratulations to the ground forces today,
And in the center, and in the west, and in the far corners ...
Thank you military men for your hard work.
Thanks to which - everyone lives in peace.

Ground forces - you have a lot of glorious deeds,
Roads begin from the sixteenth century.
The tests passed and the character was tempered
And many opponents were defeated in formidable battles.

Modern troops are the successors of traditions,
We will never surrender our strategic positions.
If we are one, we will defeat all enemies,
We don’t need someone else’s land, but we won’t give up ours!

Ground troops
Serve the Motherland of the century
Protect peace in their home country.
If we live in peace -
So Serve With Dignity
And we are ready to repel the enemy from the outside.
We are sincerely grateful to you
Happy holiday, happy to congratulate
To wish everyone peace and health.
Less often let the "alarms" sound
Know that at the end of the road
Houses are waiting with hope and love!

Congratulations: 17 in verse, 5 in prose.

Infantrymen are true sons of the country,
They are sworn to their homeland,
In peacetime and in hours of war,
They are always at the forefront.
Today we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you courage, patience and endurance,
Let fate prepare surprises for you,
Let the good news always please.

Ground forces are a reliable shield and stronghold,
Your motto is always forward
The country can live in peace
She trusts her safety to you.
Today is a holiday, congratulations,
May the service bring you inspiration,
May you always be lucky in everything
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

You are on guard of peace and quiet,
Reliable defenders of our country,
Your service is dangerous and difficult,
The ground forces are endowed with courage,
Congratulations on the holiday,
We sincerely wish you a quiet service,
Good health, peace and goodness,
Joy, good luck and family warmth.

You are on duty at any time of the year,
You are not afraid of any bad weather,
If suddenly anxiety is always the first,
Ground forces are going into battle.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We sincerely wish you peaceful deeds,
Let the fireworks sound in your honor,
You are the best - infantryman - soldier.

Land forces, honor and praise to you,
The Motherland gave you great powers,
To defend the country from the enemy,
The infantryman is always on the front line.
Happy holiday, soldiers, congratulations to all,
May success always accompany you,
May fate give you an easy road
For peace and happiness, let's drink to the bottom.

We are always proud of the ground forces,
You were entrusted to serve your country for a reason,
You are the support of our Motherland and stronghold,
Not a step back, only forward.
We wish the loyal fighters good luck,
Good health and joy to boot,
Patience to you, endurance, willpower and goodness,
May fate be favorable to you.

Today we congratulate the ground forces on the holiday,
Guys soldiers - you Glory to the army, country and its strength.
Your service is very dangerous and often not easy at all,
And life is no less difficult for your loved ones, dear ones.
Your duty and main post to be on the front line,
Your element is neither the sea nor the sky, namely land.
So let you guys always wait home from service,
May luck, patience, valor and strength be friends with you!

Today is the first day of October in the calendar,
And I want to congratulate you on this holiday,
You are a landlord defending the whole country with yourself,
And today I will say thank you for this from everyone.
May for your valor, for the protection of the Fatherland,
Only happiness and success in life awaits you,
May love and goodness touch your soul
Reach the cherished, high peaks in your life.

You protect endless valleys and fields
Big cities, villages, villages and forests,
People are sleeping calmly. And all this expanse
Pleases our souls, hearts and of course our eyes!
You are guarding our Russian land,
You were able to find your true calling,
Congratulations on the day of the ground forces,
We always wish you to live only in peacetime!

Congratulations to you defenders: missilemen, tankmen,
Motorized rifle troops, air defense, artillery, signalmen,
Brave, brave and strong guys are large detachments,
We are very glad to celebrate the holiday with you!
You are a great support and our valor and protection,
Our country is reliably closed from enemies from outside,
May your service be peaceful and easy,
May there always be peace and friendship between you!

On the day of the land troops of Great Russia,
We will meet together in a friendly and solemn manner,
And with congratulations from our brave guys and strong,
I want to start this wonderful day today.
You have been serving for a long time according to army laws,
And they do not intend to retreat from the defense of the homeland yet,
And all your family, friends and your people are relatives,
They are proud of you and appreciate your feat for sure.

On this loud holiday that has come today,
In honor of the ground troops, let the trumpets blow as soon as possible,
And in this part we want in all seriousness,
Thank these brave guys for faithful service!
Military service is an honorable business and hard work,
And our warriors are an example for everyone to follow,
The holiday is celebrated by all Russian infantry,
We sincerely congratulate you, both a private and an officer!

Your life's mission is to protect your peaceful citizens,
You are always on the alert and do not know in the service of rest,
You are always brave, trained, strong and very courageous,
And for all people in the country you are examples and heroes!
With its super strong ground forces,
Russia has long been famous, enemies have always feared them,
You know, dear ones. That our hearts are always by your side
May you have a peaceful, calm and bright destiny.

congratulations on the day of the ground forces

Congratulations from the Ground Forces!
Let life be easy - away from worries and doubts!
And let everything in fate come true easily,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere, all good things happen!
And I also want to wish you only the best in your work,
And to recreate a career, and also prosperity!
You can do everything in the world, joy and inspiration,
And soul. And sing with your heart, and love, and inspiration!

Across the entire width of the earth, they can boldly pass
Our land forces!
Reach the heights and do not know worries,
To make the road easy!

Do not spare your strength and come back as soon as possible -
My heart is so eager for you!
To bypass half of the land - it's better for me not to find:
You are my ray and my light in fate!

I congratulate you and wish you loving
Never regret anything!
Be with me, I ask: I’m waiting for you for sure -
The heart will burn with love!

We build straight on the parade ground, guys - soldiers,
Waiting for the order of the commander "Free!"
After all, the ground forces have a date today,
They all became soldiers voluntarily.
I will congratulate you only on this Day.
May salutes in honor of yours today
Let them thunder and do not subside, let's start
We are all a holiday in our own ranks.

During the years of peaceful life and in the fire of war
Infantry is always on the front line.
On the embrasure chest, with a grenade under the tank,
At least to die, of course, reluctance.

You serve in the ground forces
I went, choosing my own path in life.
At the call of my heart and my soul.
Always be happy and healthy!

The mainstay of the state, you soldiers!
Do not run in difficult times
And you will stop any confusion!
It's not a sin to raise a glass to you men
Which do not need reasons for pride!
You stand on guard alert,
Thanks for the days of peace and quiet!

Intelligence, loyalty to duty, honor, courage -
Here is your main ammunition!
Always forward! Not a step back -
This oath is given
Holier than any words for you!
Both for deeds and for awards -
We have something to respect you for ...
Happy Ground Forces Day, guys!
You are our pride! Keep it up!

Happy Ground Forces Day, Happy Day in the trenches,
Let the flag fly proudly and the transporter fly,
Arms and Valor and Military Wisdom
Overcome obstacles, stun the enemy!

We wish to advance and reflect the blows,
Be a loyal fighter, cherish love,
Strengthening the rear with comfort and coziness,
To live, serving the Motherland, and to live for a very long time!

In the battle there is our brotherhood
Ground troops!
They are not afraid of any enemy!
A keen eye, a strong hand!
Congratulations on the holiday!
Let the power of the country grow stronger!
We wish you health
And the absence of war!

Date in 2019: August 19th, Monday.

Modern infantrymen have long ceased to be ordinary foot shooters. These are warriors whose maneuverability is ensured by combat vehicles. And the rifle divisions themselves have long become Motorized rifle divisions. When do motorized riflemen celebrate their main holiday - the Day of Motorized Rifle Forces?

The clank of metal and the uniform hum of engines, volleys of guns and explosions of shells, the chatter of weapons and genuine fighting spirit. This is not an excerpt from a new trailer. This is an ordinary Day of Motorized Rifle Forces. Troops and soldiers, on whose courageous deeds, readiness to always go for a breakthrough, more than one strategically important battle has been built. They are worthy of words of admiration. It remains only to find out when the Day of Motorized Rifle Forces is celebrated in Russia.

Who is marking?

It is clear that the main combat unit of this type of troops is a combat transport vehicle or a vehicle with mechanical traction, with which the infantry is equipped. Dragoons were the prototype of the MSV, which carried out the main hostilities both on horseback and on foot.

The first "motors" fall into the army during the time of the Anglo-Boer militarized conflict. But the machines began to be massively used only during the First World War. At first, they were adapted for transporting warriors, and, starting in 1916, they became powerful field guns, since the tank was invented. Arrows were delivered directly to the battlefield both with the help of trucks and with the use of a transport tank, called an armored personnel carrier.

In 1918, in October, all infantry military units existing at that time, as well as units, received the name "rifle", and since then this designation is forever associated with the infantry.

The young Soviet Army takes the general direction of motorization. And already in 1939 a new unit appeared in the army - a motorized division. Even the years of the war could not change the set course, and by the end of it, almost all existing rifle divisions were equipped with vehicles and actually slept motorized divisions. American armored personnel carriers and Studebaker trucks appeared in the army.

The formation of its own defense industry allowed the Union to completely solve the problem of mechanizing the army by 1957. However, the troops were renamed into motorized rifle only in 1958. So ordinary infantry riflemen turned into formidable, invincible warriors, capable of solving the most unthinkable combat missions.

Today, the MSV includes directly the motorized rifle units themselves, but also other troops. Subdivisions of tankers and artillerymen, missilemen and anti-aircraft gunners, as well as special units today belong to motorized riflemen.

They are equipped with both small arms and modern universal missile systems, which increase the firepower of troops by an order of magnitude. Tanks and artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, as well as armored personnel carriers are aimed at engaging ground, moving and air targets.

And all the officers, soldiers, cadets who serve or are preparing for service in these armed formations are waiting for the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces of Russia - the date of 2016, as always, is unchanged and closely related to the history of the development and formation of the Motorized Rifle and Ground Forces.

history of the holiday

The question of when the Day of Motorized Rifle Forces is celebrated can be heard not both from amateurs and from professional military personnel. Indeed, in the calendar of military holidays there was no place for an official personal celebration of motorized riflemen. Answers can be heard contradictory and different.

First of all, the Motorized Rifle Forces are the largest and most numerous unit of the Ground Forces. Therefore, the main date of the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces will be October 1, marked in the calendar of holidays as an official one. The basis for the celebration was a presidential decree signed in 2006. This document regulates almost all dates of military holidays. The October date has a historical basis. It was on this day that the unification of the best rifle soldiers began, which was organized during the time of Ivan the Terrible and, in fact, became the birthday of all units fighting on land.

However, veterans and active officers of the Motorized Rifle Forces consider another date to be the day of their professional celebration. This is due to the history of the emergence of the First Armored Division. Under its initial name, as "The First Machine Gun Automobile Company", this unit appeared in 1914 on August 19.

Considering that other troops that are part of the units fighting on land have their own holidays: they celebrate September 8, and Artillery Day - November 19, motorized riflemen really hope that in the near future they will receive their personal holiday. Therefore, among the soldiers of the motorized rifle it is accepted that August 19 is the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces. It is on this day that the fighters gather to celebrate their holiday.

About modern motorized rifle troops

Today, in the Russian Federation, the units that are part of the Motorized Rifle Forces are considered the most numerous, which are organized for combat on land. Brigades became the main types of MSV units. The divisions, as such, of motorized riflemen are a thing of the past. From a combat point of view, these brigades are self-sufficient, versatile and maneuverable, and have increased firepower.

Modern brigades are trained and conduct combat operations without problems, both in conventional paramilitary conflicts and in critical conditions when weapons of mass destruction are used. They are not afraid of natural disasters and even geographic and climatic conditions. At any time of the day, soldiers are able to go into battle and carry out orders both on foot and with the use of combat vehicles.

Special units of motorized riflemen are used in complex combat operations as a specially trained assault force, which is dropped by airplanes, helicopters, sea-going ships. Such units are capable of conducting long battles in any conditions without support, absolutely independently.

Modern motorized riflemen make marches over fairly long distances, which is ensured by equipping units with high-speed vehicles, which have a fairly high cross-country ability. They are able not only to maneuver directly on the battlefield, but also to quickly switch to various types of battle.

Such troops successfully break through the most solid defense of the enemy, they inflict a crushing blow on the enemy in oncoming battles and during pursuit. They are not even afraid of water barriers, which are immediately forced. And the captured lines will be reliably held, and the order will be carried out at any cost.

Infantrymen are involved in all armed conflicts, are present in hot spots. They are the ones who own the famous victories in the Chechen and other complex operations carried out by the Russian Armed Forces. They are the first to pave the way for other units and take the brunt of the blow. Thanks to the motorized infantry, operations are carried out in hard-to-reach and dangerous places. It is not uncommon in modern brigades to have units on snowmobiles, skis, as well as mountaineering equipment in uniform.

It is not for nothing that the motto is displayed on the emblem of the troops: "Mobility and maneuverability", which speaks of the incredible abilities of modern motorized riflemen.

Congratulations to motorized riflemen

On a holiday, we wish all officers and soldiers serving in the motorized rifle troops peaceful everyday life and clear horizons. But let your fighting spirit and military training always be ready to fight back unexpected guests and enemies.

For those to whom the army infantry

Native was and will be forever,

To the one who quickly crawls through the swamps,

Their mud, sands will never stop.

We will add a song of glory to congratulations,

Happy holiday, our dear defender,

And may you have enough strength, patience in battle,

And you will not be abandoned by fate.

You keep the world and give us peace,

Stand on the defense of all of Russia,

And your character is strong and masculine,

Will not submit to troubles and elements.

For this on a holiday and on another day, hour.

We always say thank you.

For the fact that the infantry will never leave us.

And the army will be strong and united.

Larisa, 30 August 2016.