Where to get feminine energy. Where to get energy when there is no mood? - water and the right fluids

Have you ever wondered why some people have energy in full swing, they are so full of health and happiness, their performance is off scale, while others' lives are filled with gray incessant everyday life and illnesses from which they cannot get out? Where can one find the strength for positive changes in life?

First you need to look at yourself and try to figure out where the vitality goes.

  • Negative emotions
    Life energy is everything around us, including ourselves, our thoughts and words. Often criticizing, condemning, blaming everyone around, accumulating grievances, we reduce the level of our vitality several times. Constant thoughts about work, boss, colleagues, "scrolling" in the head of various conflict situations also release our energy from us, like air from a balloon.
  • Overload
    It so happens that the general stress of the body is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, and, being in a stressful state, it begins to absorb all energy reserves.
  • Lack of favorite things
    If a person does not have a favorite pastime, an outlet that brings pleasure, he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself, even in difficult moments.

At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

  • At the physical level these are the foundations of all the basics: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, giving up bad habits. Proper use of each source solves half of the problems and creates the basis for positive change.
  • At the spiritual-emotional level this is work with thoughts, feelings, emotions, because mental energy has an order of magnitude higher power than physical. To support her:

1. Chat with like-minded people

Communication with like-minded people energizes and gives strength. Sometimes with such people you can even just be silent and still feel how they give a good mood.

2. Bring creativity into your life

Everything that you put a particle of your soul into has a colossal energy charge. Even if you think you are not a creative person, try starting small - “visualize the good”: hang a motivational picture over your workplace that will inspire you every day.

3. Learn to relax

Do not accumulate tension in yourself, learn to get rid of it. Meditations, spiritual practices are designed to give strength to a person and help him find himself.

4. Study yourself

Ask yourself some questions, such as: what I want, what I like, what I will leave behind, what I have, what I am proud of. Even the questions themselves change a person's consciousness in the right direction .. New knowledge about oneself can give an impetus for positive changes.

In this topic, we touched upon basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough, you need to be able to apply this knowledge and do it every day, regularly, albeit a little bit, but move towards replenishing your life energy.

When there is a feeling of emptiness, when hands give up and there is no more strength, this is a signal that we have not realized the sincere desires of our heart for a long, long time. And then there is dissatisfaction, apathy and despondency, longing and self-pity ...

Difficulty waking up in the morning. You feel exhausted, squeezed out like a lemon. I don't have the strength to go to work and do everyday things. "Yes, it failed!" - you think in your hearts. But you don't have to choose. You do everything from under the stick, literally stepping over yourself. You spend your last strength to force yourself to move somehow.

One question revolves in my head: where to get the strength to live?

When the battery is almost zero, the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan comes to the rescue.

Why don't you want to do anything?

Vector systems psychology explains that everyone is naturally lazy. He will not make efforts if he does not hang a sufficiently appetizing carrot in front of him - that is, he will not do something if the performance of these affairs does not promise him strong enough pleasure, which he will eventually receive.

Man is the pleasure principle. And he can get pleasure from the realization of his inner desires. These desires are given to us by nature, they are innate.

When a person realizes his desires, he experiences the joy of life, truly happy. And then, waking up in the morning, he literally gushes with life and charges everyone around with his good mood!

And when a feeling of emptiness appears, this is a signal that we have not fulfilled the sincere desires of our hearts for a long, long time. And then there is dissatisfaction, apathy and despondency, longing and self-pity. And some even have real depression.

Let's take a closer look.

Where to get strength and energy for life?

To easily get up in the morning and be full of energy, you must ... have and with every beat of your heart to speed up its execution! Well, for pragmatists - to have a clear goal in life and follow it.

And speaking even more simply - you need to understand your inner desires and put them into practice! After all, desires are always given to us along with all the necessary abilities and capabilities to realize these desires.

Each person has his own unconscious desires, which are determined by a set of his vectors. For example, a person with - an inner desire for leadership and material superiority, he dreams of taking off on the career ladder and becoming a big boss. It is the realization of these aspirations that fills his life, makes it joyful. Such people are given an additional boost of vivacity by jogging in the morning or some other sport, they like to lead a healthy lifestyle, this is their life credo.

What can be an obstacle for a person with a cutaneous vector to achieve ambitious goals? This can be: consciously, such a person will always strive for success, but unconsciously he is set up for failure and even gets some relief from another failure.

For a person with, on the contrary, career is not the main thing, he can work for 40 years at one plant or enterprise, as long as he is respected and appreciated by those around him. He dreams of a big family, about everyone getting together at the festive table, so that there are children, many children, so that everyone gets along with each other and does not offend each other.

Resentment is the key problem of a person with an anal vector, it is she who most often is an obstacle for him to a fulfilled life. Very often, faced with difficulties, a person with an anal vector takes offense at people and loses the ability to move on towards achieving their life goals.

Resentment in a person with an anal vector arises when he experiences an inner feeling of injustice towards himself. And when he is offended, he develops stubbornness, he may even begin to do the opposite of what he should, on the contrary, from what is expected of him, and thus take revenge on the offender. But the point is that because he does not realize his desires, he makes it worse only for himself, and not at all for the people around him.

You can realize unsuccessful life scenarios, work through resentment and fulfill your dreams at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Where to get strength when you don’t find the point?

The sound engineer has the largest volume of desire, but sometimes he does not know at all, with his own life and does not understand his desires. After all, these desires are of a completely special property and quality, they are non-material - desires to search for the spiritual, metaphysical, the desire to explain and reveal the unknown, the mysterious and hidden. The sound engineer has a huge abstract intellect, which makes it possible to become a scientist, a researcher, and makes it possible to create and develop high technologies.

But often the sound engineer has absolutely no taste for all this. He feels a monstrous emptiness, as if someone has sucked all his life force. He suffers from insomnia and finds it difficult to wake up in the morning. And sometimes it seems that it would be better not to wake up at all. He does not want to live when he does not see the point in everything. Meaning is what he is looking for. The meaning of a separate human life and of humanity as a whole. The soundman is often left alone, it seems to him that he does not need anyone. But alone, he suffers even more.

System-vector psychology helps the sound engineer to understand that the meaning of life is revealed in connections with other people: you can understand yourself and the meaning of your life only by differences with other people, finding in them what drives them - their unconscious desires and aspirations, and by differences realizing their own. Moreover, there is no meaning to a separate life, in the modern world it is important to understand that we are a single species, which has a common unconscious. It lives by us, it develops through the efforts of each of us. And all we can do is to maximize our potential for the benefit of Weed.

Filling his inner shortages with realizations at the training of Yuri Burlan, the sound engineer gets rid of depression and sleep problems and gets an incredible boost of energy. Finally, he feels the taste of life and wants everything that until recently did not cause in him any enthusiasm and desire to act. It is in him that the desires of other vectors wake up, which were suppressed by the unfulfilled desires of the dominant sound vector.

This is what those who have completed the training are talking about.

Where to get energy when there is no mood?

Completely different problems in a person with. Such a person lives by his emotions, and it is absolutely necessary for him to receive an emotional response from others. This gives him a boost of vivacity. A person with a visual vector dreams of love more than anything else. And a bad mood, and sometimes even melancholy and despondency, arise in such a person when his life lacks the main thing - a loving and beloved man (or woman) nearby.

A meeting with friends, going to the theater or cinema will help to cheer up a person with a visual vector. Also, for such a person, reading fiction is of great importance, which helps develop feelings for children and adolescents, as well as deepen sensuality and prevent the freshness of feelings from dulling at any age.

Reading good fiction gives a person a powerful moral core that helps to withstand any life situation and cope with any difficulties.

But the main charge of life force appears with the maximum realization of its huge among other people.

What to do when you lose heart?

The training "System-vector psychology" will help you to independently conduct and determine why you do not have the strength and what you need to do in order to realize yourself in life. It must be remembered that there is always a way out.

The training "System-vector psychology" helped many people see the light at the end of the tunnel and find a solution to their problems:

Come on and discover in yourself a source of fresh strength and incredible energy.

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

18.03.2015 23

Is it possible to be always happy?

This is the letter I received from a student: “I really want to always be happy. Is it possible? As I have not tried different diets, energy is still not enough. Began to do yoga. The first two months took off, but then everything returned - a constant breakdown and no desire to continue classes. On the advice of his wife, he bypassed healers and psychics, but it was either worse or better for a short time. How to overcome apathy and where to get energy? "

And here's what I replied: “Thank you for your questions, which are relevant to every person. For lack of energy is the first sign of impending misfortune and disease. Ayurveda says that if a person advances in spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

1. A person is becoming happier and happier every day.

2. His relationships with other people are improving.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter what good spiritual or religious practice a person is engaged in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can feel love only when we give. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him and want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love. If the willingness to take, receive more than the willingness to give, then you are dependent.

The recipient depends, the giver does not depend.

One Kabbalah teacher told me that the main goal of this teaching is to make a person an altruist and rid him of selfishness.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is argued that greed and envy lie at the root of all disease and suffering, since these qualities increase selfishness, self-concentration, and greed.

And what becomes of an organ or a cell that does not want to work for the whole organism, but only to receive and consume the resources of the organism? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, then it dies. So the Universe as a whole seeks to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, in the first place, ceasing to give them energy. The enlightened Arians pointed out in their canons that civilizations are dying not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about himself, only about taking and not giving.

And the basic principle of harmony is the exchange of energies.

Only he opens the hearts of people to love and makes the world happy. The ancient hermit healers Vadya said that a person is a cellular universe, and if he does not live in harmony with it, then he will not be happy. Modern authorities in psychology and medicine confirm this. Professor Stanislav Grof: "The cause of all crises on earth is the insatiable pursuit of linear (selfish) goals."

Peter Russell: "To overcome the global crisis of civilization, which is based on the crisis of consciousness, we need to free ourselves from the egocentric, materialistic mode of consciousness that generates all problems."

Spiritual homeostasis. Selfishness and self-interest are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Paracelsus defined homeostasis as a state of complete harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

In order for homeostasis to be present, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being. Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. For spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster I will be destroyed by the changes in this world. Primitive man could quickly die from drought, temperature extremes. It has long been noticed that the first to die in critical situations, for example, in concentration camps, left alone with nature, etc., are selfish and aggressive people. Nothing seems to work on yogis who are not attached to anything in this world. They can sleep on nails, and the snow melts around them.

In Stalin's times, there was a decree to shoot, first of all, believers and priests, since in some strange way they did not die in the hellish conditions of concentration camps, but also took care of other prisoners and radiated radiance and bliss until the last minutes of their lives. Thus, we must stop being a consumer, we must give a lot more. But if we give on the physical, emotional, etc. levels, we ourselves must take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities. This purest Higher spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should govern us, that we are secondary, if we can keep this feeling, even if we lose human (money, prestige, loved one, etc.). etc.). Through the feeling of unconditional love, the main energy flows to us, which is spent on everything. Food gives us energy on the outer plane, but takes it on the inner plane. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we stop eating. This whole world with its constant stresses, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, anxiety - take energy, and fasting, solitude give energy.

But the greatest reception of energies goes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all the shortcomings, yourself (no matter what I was), your destiny in all situations, in any life situations. One Kabbalah teacher, commenting on the commandment “You shall not kill”, explained that the commandments are interpreted at seven levels. At the first level, this commandment implies do not kill a person, at the highest, seventh, do not kill love in your soul. For this is the main sin - the refusal of love and the renunciation of oneness with God. Therefore, make every effort to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set yourself the goal of life - the acquisition of Divine love, for we take energy from the goal, and only a strong striving for Divine love in itself fills us with higher energy. Please note that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!" At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day.

Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medicines, nor various methods from the How to Become Happy and Healthy series, nor many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from "chronic fatigue syndrome" is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists assert: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and his environment.

With this understanding and acceptance, start living as if you are the Embodiment of Unconditional Love. Replace reproaches with gratitude. Questions of the mind: "What can I get from this person, society?" replace with “What can I give to others? How can I bring happiness to their lives? How can I fill them with love? " Stop focusing on yourself and your problems. Remember the statement of the Sufi sages: "Hell is the place where there is no one around whom we could help." And then you will feel how tremendous energy flows through you, filling you and those around you with Bliss and harmony. You will notice that your visits to doctors, psychologists, psychics and healers are drastically reduced. On the contrary, meeting with you, they themselves heal, discover new abilities and, most importantly, are filled with the energy of Divine love incomprehensible to many of them. Try it, you won't regret it! When we receive subtle energy.

We receive subtle energy when:

- we are starving;

- we carry out breathing exercises;

- we retire;

- we take a vow of silence for a while;

- we walk (or just are) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature;

- we are engaged in unselfish creativity;

- we praise a worthy person for his exalted qualities and actions;

- we laugh, we rejoice, we smile from the heart;

- we help someone disinterestedly;

- show modesty;

- we pray before meals;

- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;

- we sleep from 9-10 pm, until two in the morning (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);

- we get a good massage session from a harmonious personality, or we do self-massage;

- we douse ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning, and the strongest effect is if we are standing barefoot on the ground;

- we donate our time, money;

- we accept injustice. First of all, because we see the Divine will behind everything;

Every person has their own opinion, and most people consider themselves to be always right. The loss of energy is caused by:

- despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;

Anger and irritation;

- setting and pursuing selfish goals;

- aimless existence;

- binge eating;

- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;

- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven; products containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers;

- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;

- food in a hurry and on the go;

- smoking;

- empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone at the same time;

- improper breathing, for example, too fast and deep;

- being in direct sunlight, from 12 noon to 4 noon, especially in the desert;

- promiscuous sex, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;

- excessive sleep, sleep after 7 in the morning, lack of sleep;

- tension of mind and body;

- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology 50% consists of pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with life force (Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. Recently I spoke with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine. He argued that if a person begins to live in nature, far from big cities, which are forced to ride the subway, walk on the asphalt, then such a person quickly recovers immunity, and he begins to live a healthy life.

2. Water element: drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, alcohol and soda.

3. Fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.

4. Air element: it is the most important element in obtaining Prana through the inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature.

In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, monasteries.

Black absorbs light, white reflects it.

It seems to be a simple truth, which has been known to everyone for a long time, but if you think about it, it has a deep philosophical meaning. Everyone associates light with something pure, giving energy, happiness and health. For example, the Sun - without it, life would either end on Earth, or it would turn into hell. In many spiritual and religious schools, one of the main attributes of God is light: in Kabbalah, Islam, some Hindu movements and others. People who have experienced clinical death said that the highest reality is a light full of love. But even without various philosophical considerations, please think about who we call the Sun? A person from whom comes a lot of light and good, who is not selfish by nature. In the saints, even with the naked eye, many saw a halo, a radiance over the head of the Greedy, envious, selfish by nature, no one will ever call the Light or the Sun. Rather, he is so gloomy, blacker than a cloud. From the point of view of health, when a healer from God sees your subtle body, then about the affected or diseased organs he says: you have a black spot here, your liver is black, which itself implies that it is sick. Everyone has probably heard about the existence of black holes in the Universe. Of course, a lot still needs to be investigated, but one of the indicators of a black hole is obvious - it is some kind of energetic substance that only absorbs everything and it is impossible to get out of it. A kind of cancer organ, a cell on the body of the universe. What are cancer cells? Medical research shows that cancer cells do not come from the outside - they are the body's own cells, which for some time served the organs of the body and performed the task of ensuring the vital activity of the body. But at a certain moment they change their outlook and behavior, begin to implement the idea of ​​refusing to serve the organs, actively multiply, violate morphological boundaries, establish their "strong points" (metastases) everywhere and eat healthy cells. Cancer grows very quickly and needs oxygen. But breathing is a joint process, and cancer cells function according to the principle of gross egoism, so they do not have enough oxygen. Then the tumor goes over to an autonomous, more primitive form of respiration - fermentation. In this case, each cell can "wander" and breathe independently, separately from the body. All this ends with the fact that the cancerous tumor destroys the body, and eventually dies with it. But in the beginning, cancer cells were very successful - they grew and multiplied much faster and better than healthy cells. Selfishness and independence - by and large, this is the path "to nowhere." The philosophy “I don’t give a damn about other cells”, “I am what I am”, “the whole world should serve me and give me pleasure” - this is the worldview of a cancer cell. Therefore, every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve selflessly, to sacrifice, to restrain the lower urges, to see the Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this a situation in order to teach us something, to thank .. Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, plunge into your problems, make money in order to spend it on feeling gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction. A simple regular question to myself: I shine to the world or absorb light, can quickly change the course of our thoughts and, therefore, actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow, full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise.

A lot of people live a boring and dull life. Why? It is believed that society, education, banal laziness and unwillingness to take life into their own hands are to blame for this. Yes, it is, but there is also something else. If you observe, you will notice that people often simply lack energy. Maybe that woman would be glad to do dancing, maybe this man would like to learn how to ride a skateboard or at least learn Japanese - but no, after work there is only enough strength to crawl to bed and collapse on it exhausted ! Therefore, do not rush to accuse yourself of laziness and inertia - maybe you, too, simply need energy.

About "batteries"

People with a good "battery", that is, energetic people, manage to do more in a day than the average person. And when the "battery" runs out, sometimes you would be happy to do something, but you do not have time to cope with even the necessary minimum.

Where to get a "battery" for a person?

Well, for example, everything is clear with a watch: if its battery runs out, you just need to go to the store and buy a new one. There is nothing difficult here, just see which element powers your watch. But man is not an alarm clock, it is much more complicated. Therefore, human "batteries" are not a small round or square thing, but a whole range of various measures aimed at increasing energy and vigor.

If you think logically, it will become clear that the simplest batteries for people are food. A person cannot live long without food, this is understandable. In addition, a person needs water and air - perhaps sometimes even more than food. And finally, everyone knows that a person, no matter how he eats, cannot live without rest and sleep. So, water, food, air and sleep are the main elements for human batteries.


As you know from a biology textbook, humans are mostly water - about three-quarters. You need to drink water in order for all chemical reactions, which together are our existence, to proceed correctly.

If there is not enough water, then the body is ready for exploits only in the morning. In the afternoon, with a lack of water, you feel lethargic, and sometimes even drowsy. Your case? Drink more water. At least 1.5 liters per day, as science advises.

To paraphrase the slogan from a single ad, not all food is created equal. Some types of food contain substances that are absolutely useless for our body. That is, such food does not provide energy. If we draw an analogy with an electronic clock, then this is a plasticine battery - although it is similar in shape to a real one, but there is no benefit from it, except for harm (clogging of contacts), from it to the clock. We will not list for a long time and tediously what refers to unhealthy food - it is better to immediately talk about what is useful!

Healthy food

Let's start with the fact that the benefits are not only in the food themselves, but also in the food intake. Many people rush to work in the morning and skip breakfast - and they are completely wrong! In terms of energy, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Lunch, dinner and snacks during the day are less important. At the same time, it is better to eat just the most energetically valuable foods for breakfast.

Physiologists and nutritionists, having conducted more than one hundred experiments, have found out which food is the best "battery" for humans. And it is these "energy drinks" that should be eaten for breakfast. So what is it? Products that are very accessible and familiar to us from childhood: porridge (especially oatmeal, millet and buckwheat), dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), sweet fruits and dried fruits (bananas, apples, citrus fruits, dried apricots), vegetables (especially green ones), low-fat fish and meat, and from drinks - hot chocolate and green tea. Someone likes to cook scrambled eggs in the morning.

In short, in the morning you need to eat normally so that you have enough energy until lunchtime, especially if during this period you are very active at work. At the same time, overeating in the morning is not at all necessary, this is also important, otherwise, even before you really wake up, you will immediately "nod off", because all the body's forces will go to digest an exorbitant amount of food that unexpectedly fell into the stomach right in the morning.

Air and breath

You probably thought that you only need fresh country air for breathing. You are right, but only half. The fact is that modern people not only breathe dirty air, but, in fact, cannot breathe!

Concentrate on your breathing, observe how others breathe. Do you feel it? Breathing is shallow, shallow, and often even uneven. But correct breathing is not only energy, but also the health of the whole body. If you breathe correctly, deeply, including the front wall of the abdominal cavity in the breathing process, you will not only get a boost of energy, but also improve the functioning of internal organs (proper breathing replaces massage), and besides, your voice will be deeper and more expressive!

Learning to breathe properly after so many years is not easy, but you can speed up the process with one of the simple exercises of classical yoga. Although, about the simplicity - this is very subjective, to be honest :) The exercise is called "Salutation to the Sun". Stand with your feet comfortable. As you inhale, raise your hands and stretch up, and as you exhale, bow to the sun, touching the ground with your palms (yes, not everyone can do this, and who can not - let him strive for this!). Now the next phase: while inhaling, still touching the floor with your hands, take a step back, first with one, then with the second leg. As you exhale, try to bring this figure into balance - the ground, straight legs and a straight back should form a beautiful and even triangle. The last phase: while inhaling, lower your body down and lie on your stomach (still keeping your hands on the ground). Raise yourself on your hands, resting your feet on the ground, bend over, stretch your head up, like a turtle. It's pretty tricky at first, but after a few days you will get sucked into it. Or just decide that you don't have to mock yourself like that.


Scientists have proven that in a dream, all the information we have learned in a day is systematized, analyzed, and diverged through the piggy banks of our experience and logical chains. If a person did not sleep, he would not have logic, and he would remain stupid, he would not be able to learn anything. During sleep, however, not only units of analytical information are assimilated - our body remembers and assimilates new movements, is actively involved in cell renewal and assimilation of necessary substances. Sleep is the time of active recharging. That is why, not getting enough sleep, we feel overwhelmed and sick even with proper nutrition and breathing.

Sleep has two important rules. Only when these rules are followed does sleep become an energetic. First, sleep must be sufficient. Not in fits and starts, not randomly, but this should be sufficient sleep for you. Everyone has a different number of hours of sleep - some have enough to get a good night's sleep, and six hours, while others need nine. Secondly, never jump out of bed when you wake up. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the body to "join" the work. Lie down, lie down, stretch, and have a simple morning massage to keep you awake all day. The main thing during this period is not to fall asleep again, otherwise you can oversleep for work or miss the plane.

Physical activity

Sufficient and feasible regular physical activity also perfectly charges with vitality, keeping the body in good shape. For those who move little at work, fitness classes, swimming, cycling, or at least long walks in the fresh air are shown without fail.

A few words about heredity

Another important factor in our vitality is the level of "charge" given to each by nature. It is not for nothing that such terms as choleric and phlegmatic were invented. Heredity determines a lot, but not everything. Therefore, if someone by nature "lacks a charge", then you just need to minimize the extra energy consumption, having figured out for this exactly where it happens.

If you think a little, then it is not difficult to understand in what cases the body's energy flows, as they say, into the pipe. A person can waste energy in vain, for example, when he swears and argues, when he is unnecessarily worried, etc. Bad habits also eat up vitality, such as smoking, alcohol abuse and regular overeating.

What's the bottom line?

Towards the end of this article, let us summarize all this large number of letters: "the moral of this fable is such" that in order to achieve our goals we need not only motivation, but also energy. The conclusion is strange - for dreams to come true, we need to drink enough, eat right, sleep enough, breathe correctly and move more. But this is really so - these elements of energy recharging will help us achieve more than if we neglect them.

P.S. Humor and positive emotions are also energizing!

Probably everyone knows the advertisement of batteries, where a cheerful bunny knocks on the drum. So, as a quite appropriate touch that complements this article, we offer you a funny video about a drummer who trains at home on special low-noise simulators. Look, this is really fun :)

Good mood and more energy to everyone!

Lack of energy is the first sign of impending misfortune and disease. Ayurveda says that if a person advances in spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

1. A person is becoming happier and happier every day.
2. His relationships with other people are improving.

When do we receive subtle energy?

We receive subtle energy when:
- we are starving,
- we do breathing exercises,
- we retire,
- we take a vow of silence, for a while.
- we walk (or just are) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature,
- we are engaged in unselfish creativity,
- we praise a worthy person, for his exalted qualities and actions,
- we laugh, we rejoice, we smile from the heart,
- we help someone disinterestedly,
- we show modesty,
- we pray before meals,
- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables,
- correct sleep
- we get a good massage session from a harmonious personality. Or we do self-massage.
- we douse ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning, and the strongest effect is if we are standing barefoot on the ground.
- we donate our time, money ...
- we see the divine will behind everything.

When do we lose energy?

Energy losses are caused by:
- despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future,
- setting and pursuing selfish goals,
- aimless existence,
- resentment,
- binge eating,
- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate.
- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers,
- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol,
- food in a hurry and on the go,
- smoking,
- empty talk,
- improper breathing, for example, too fast and deep,
- being in direct sunlight, from 12 to 4 noon, especially in the desert,
- promiscuous sex, sex without love for a partner,
- excessive sleep, sleep after 7 in the morning, lack of sleep,
- tension of mind and body,
- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology 50% consists of pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with life force (Prana).

According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. Recently I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, far from big cities, which are forced to ride the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person quickly regains immunity and begins live a healthy life.
2. Water Element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
3. Fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.
4. The element of air: this is the most important element in obtaining Prana through the inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.
5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood.

And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats properly, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last quite a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature.

Every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to those around us, to smile, to take care of others, to serve selflessly, to sacrifice, to restrain the lower urges, to see the Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank.

Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, plunge into your problems, make money in order to spend it on feeling gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction.

A simple regular question to myself: am I lighting up the world or am I absorbing light? Can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow, full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise.

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