Preparing for the Russian language gia. Amazing Woman () Outline with Creative Continuation of Amazing Woman

What a real, amazing woman she is

There are such amazing women, when meeting with whom, you forget almost everything - about your mistakes in the past, any victories on the stage of life, about some of your diseases of the soul and body, you forget about the principles and rules of your wretched, for the universe, consciousness.

Next to her, you begin to feel more acutely like a leader, a hunter, a beast. And there is an irresistible desire to fight for success just to make her happy.

Everything suddenly changes its shape, and life for itself loses its former significance and at the same time reveals the boundaries of freedom.
You yourself do not immediately realize all the changes, you just feel how the heartbeat suddenly changes its usual rhythm from a favorable one for you, to one that brings your death closer, but giving tremendous strength and courage.

Amazing woman intelligent and knowledgeable about aspects of modern life, while at the same time radiating the true energy of nature. All her actions, words and deeds fascinate your mind.

With a devil in his eyes, he laughs at your stupidity and powerlessness, doing it competently, admonishing and giving a piece of his confidence and warmth. And you, with all the desire of your male natural laws, are not able to get angry and forgive her any ridicule, since they break from her lips like life lessons, accompany with inspiration, provoking actions. And playful laughter without a shadow of embarrassment, boldly with rapture, enchants.

When she asks you for something, you want to do it without the slightest hint - is it necessary, is it right, why. Your mind is trying to ask a question, not yet having time to understand for itself the meaninglessness of its intentions.

She can be hard and tender, rough and passionate, ugly in a moment and beautiful at once. It can be soft and tough, but with it you always feel your strength and lightness. Being next to such a creature in your soul there is no place for doubts, as if you do not even know what it is.

Whether you like it or not, she will find your weaknesses, will not take advantage of them and will not allow anyone. And if the pain still torments you, then she will firmly direct you, dispelling the remnants of lack of will with a warm, confident look.

You would like to say everything that you think about her, but all thoughts and words flow in your heart in one stream and all that remains is to be silent, because you understand that no matter what you say, all this will be too little.

This real woman gives strength to overcome any fear of your own, to cope with it in one breath without even realizing fully what happened. And having coped, you immediately act on, because you are in the stream of natural, flowing energy and reliable life, in which this amazing woman arrives.

The inspiration that she gives does not come to you like an unhurried realization that you are living in the early morning, but embraces, takes possession of you without any hint of freedom.

And forgetting to say how cool you are, you just act, because she doesn't need all your words, she knows everything she needs. You, too, know everything and understand that there are no such things in life and nothing else that would justify the loss of this extraordinary, real woman.

An essay about
"Amazing nearby"
7c grade schoolgirls
Anna's Maxai.

"Wonderful woman."

At the beginning of this summer, I met an elderly woman in her 80s. You can't tell by the woman with sparse gray hair and her slow gait that she is an active woman. I began to recognize all her advantages and good qualities already at the first lesson of the Italian language, which I take from her to this day.

I went down to the second floor of my house and rang the doorbell. Then I was with my grandmother, who came to agree on the details. Nina Ivanovna Podgornaya opened the door for us a few minutes later and smiled rosy. Her gray eyes lit up, and she moved around the house no slower than me, so I immediately wanted to get to know her better and get to know her. Walking through the apartment to the room where she took us, I could not take my eyes off the numerous paintings by different artists, graceful figurines and books with colored spines.

From the very first conversation I liked this woman, and it seems that she reciprocated - Nina Ivanovna gave us her book entitled “Is it easy to be a princess…”. She tells about Princess Mafalda of Savoy, who had a very difficult road in life, as befits a princess, but on the contrary, it is far from being fabulous. A few weeks later, another book of hers, "For Love and the Fatherland," falls into my property, which tells about the cavalier ladies of the lesser cross.

I was pleased with my first Italian lesson - in an hour I learned a lot of new things for myself, as well as in terms of knowledge, as well as got to know Nina Ivanovna even closer. She loves to joke, never complains about her illnesses and misfortunes, always cheers up ...

Up to this point, we have already had 26 lessons. During all this time, I realized that she is a very good woman and to be so cheerful at such an old age is really amazing.

I was very sad when I found out how life had treated her - her son was born and died, her husband began to drink in his old age and his body could not cope with it ... But she does not lose faith, she did not become angry and selfish after all that happened to her. Her favorite color is black, but despite this she loves to talk about everything pleasant, loves to be happy for others and together with others, can sympathize. In my opinion, this is very important in the modern world, because there are not so many really kind, not selfish, happy and honest people in our world.

I thank fate for introducing me to such a beautiful and amazing woman. I will never forget her smile, her hands shaking from old age, pleasant words that all the time stimulate me to go up and not stop at anything; and most importantly I will not forget this summer, which will be remembered for my whole life. Now she is really an amazing woman!

Nurse Alexandra Derevskaya lived in a small town. During the war, orphanages were evacuated to the town from the front-line areas. Some of the babies were seriously ill and malnourished. Alexandra, seeing them in her hospital, realized that they needed maternal care. In an orphanage, where there are many children, they will not survive. The nurse took them to her home and nursed them. And then they became so attached to her that there was no strength to part with them.

One by one the kind woman adopted and adopted the children. When the elders grew up and left home, new children appeared in the family. Alexandra Emelyan Derevsky's husband understood his wife's feelings and did not mind.

The family lived very modestly, but amicably. My father worked hard. The children helped their mother in everything. They planted potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, fed chickens, looked after two goats, cleaned the house. There have been very difficult times, but the family endured them calmly and courageously.

One winter mother noticed that her supply of flour and potatoes was running low. She decided to go to the village to exchange for food her only elegant dress and a gift from her mother - a ring. The older girl discouraged her. After all, there are still cereals, dried carrots, pickles. You can hold out until spring. And now there are frosts, to go far to the village. But Alexandra wanted the children to have butter, potatoes, cabbage.

She dressed warmly, put a piece of bread and an onion in a bag, took a sled, a sack, and set off. The frost was fierce, and then the wind blew. The road was completely covered with snow. The wind threw flakes of snow in the face, blew through to the bone. The woman was completely exhausted. Having barely reached the village, she collapsed exhausted right in the middle of the village street. She lay unconscious for a week. Kind people went out to Alexander.

Children of different nationalities were brought up in the Derevsky family. This did not prevent them from being close friends and considering each other brothers and sisters. But one day a German boy appeared in the family. His name was Ralph. His parents died, and his neighbors took him to the Derevskys.

Children avoided the boy, did not take him into their games, called him a fascist. One day, his mother found him in the boat. He hid in a corner and cried bitterly. For a long time he did not want to say anything, but in the end Alexandra managed to call the boy to be frank.

She gathered all the children in a large room. They had never seen their mother so angry. She spoke sharply and sternly: “Remember: only racists divide nationalities into good and bad. Ralph is German, but he is not a fascist. It is not his fault that the German fascists attacked our country. And know: whoever offends Ralph, that one is not my son, that one is not my daughter. "

Many years later. Alexandra and Yemelyan Derevsky are no longer alive. All their children grew up, went to different cities, but on their mother's birthday they always gathered in the city that became their home.

Now there is a boarding school named after Alexandra Derevskaya.

The superiority of a husband over a wife is an undeniable truth in Islam. And “being in the dust herself, the wife should wipe the dust from the face of her husband,” so our lady Aisha taught us (may Allah be pleased with her).

But! Along with the duties that a woman, of course, must fulfill in relation to her husband, the Almighty has endowed her with rights and needs, the observance and satisfaction of which is no less obligatory.

We are well aware of women's rights, but women's needs are a poorly lit object. And in order for men to become good husbands for their wives, whom, by the way, Allah made "amanats" for them and commanded to be treated with care and patience, they need to know what women need in family life and what exactly is expected of them.

In this article, I will try to answer these important and interesting questions in order to help respected brothers in their efforts to make their wives happy.

So let's get started.

I think it won't surprise you at all if I begin my presentation with a woman's need to feel love for herself.

What to do ... This is how we are made - we need not only to know that we are loved. We need to feel this love 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Only in this case can a woman consider her marital happiness indicators to be high enough.

The need to hear acknowledgments and compliments addressed to oneself is such a “necessary necessity” that without such manifestations on the part of her husband, a woman withers like a garden without rain. And vice versa. After all, “A woman is a flower. And the man is a gardener. The most caring gardener has the most beautiful flower. "

Tenderness- also the overriding need of a woman.

Being a gentle and sensual creature, she cannot do without expressions of tenderness. Therefore, no matter how courageous and harsh the men are, they should find notes of tenderness in the "storerooms of their hearts" and be sure to show them.

Attention Is what makes a woman feel needed (which, no doubt, is especially necessary for her). By neglecting signs of attention, a man makes his wife suffer speculations that poison the lives of both spouses. And women, as you know, know how to speculate well, give just a reason. Therefore, it is necessary to show attention to your wives, leaving no room for empty experiences.

And on a note: a wise husband always understands that his wife's tantrums are the result of a lack of attention.

Unobtrusive gratitude- an incredibly necessary "thing" in the household. For example, praise and gratitude for a delicious dinner will make any hostess glow all evening, who in return will illuminate everyone and everything around. But in this matter, the main thing is to observe the measure. Gratitude should be precisely unobtrusive, so that a complex of her own irreplaceability does not develop in a woman.

Reliability- this is, perhaps, the foundation that every woman wants to find when she gets married, because she thinks not only about her own well-being, but also about the well-being of her children.

Honesty- a quality that both men and women need equally. Therefore, both husbands and wives should be extremely honest with each other, avoiding untruths even in small things. This will save you from unnecessary worries and unnecessary disappointments in each other.

And, of course, women need positive emotions, smiles and even jokes. In this regard, a sense of humor in family life is very welcome. But here it is important to remember that even while joking, we must speak only the truth. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called us to this.

That is, in fact, all the essentials for a woman.

Together- this is a formula of simple female happiness, which each of us seeks to find by agreeing to get married.

Dear brothers, do not skimp on showing kindness to your wives, and in return you will receive incomparably more!

And I wish you to be the best husbands for your wives. The wives whom Allah has made amanats for you and whom He has commanded to be treated with care and patience!

information with friends!