How to understand what has abilities. We learn to feel our own aura. Change the scenery for a while


Take a piece of paper, sit in a quiet place where no one will disturb you, and try to relax. Consider what you do well. Write down even little things like throwing stones into the water. This will help you relax and remember other skills as well. Even the simplest skills can be important.

Think about which profession your chosen actions are more suitable for. Write a profession or specialty next to each item on the list. Take a closer look if there are any specialties that would be encountered especially often. Already at this stage, people often manage to find several directions for deeper searches.

Take a new sheet of paper and write on it what professions you would be interested in doing. It can be anything from a CEO of a large company to an itinerant acrobat. In front of each profession, write what exactly you like about it. It may well turn out that some things that attracted you in certain professions, which seemed unattainable due to circumstances, can be obtained in another way, doing some things from the first list.

On the third sheet, write down what you would not like to do under any circumstances. Be honest, if you feel that leadership is not yours, then do not try to ignore it, hoping to "re-educate" yourself.

Now place all three sheets of paper in front of you. The first shows the things that you love to do the most, and which you get, as well as professions that can easily become successful for you. On the second - the activities that arouse your greatest interest, it is in them that you will achieve success, they will help you determine a niche in your specialization. The intersection of the first two sheets will give a worklist. The third sheet will help you delete from it all those activities that in the future will slow down your career or lead to disappointment in it, it is better to delegate them to someone else in order to reveal yourself in what you have the ability for.

Most likely, in the end you ended up with several occupations or professions that are determined by your abilities. Before making your final choice, try to work out each of them for 2-4 weeks. You can get a job as an intern, it is useful to learn more about this in general. After this practice, doubts about what your inclinations are and what your soul lies in usually disappear by themselves.


Despite the fact that the realization of your talents is one of the cornerstones in understanding the goals of a person, you should still understand that you will be good at exactly what you give your heart to. If your favorite business does not even succeed at first, then after a certain amount of time devoted to honing your skills and practice, you will definitely notice the result. Many, whom mankind considers geniuses, noted that it was not talent that helped them to break through, but hard work and love for their work. Therefore, when choosing, always focus on the feeling of joy that arises when you think that you will visit life for the chosen occupation.

Our capabilities are the source of our capabilities. A person can receive certain inclinations from birth, however, for their implementation, successful use, it is imperative to develop the abilities given by nature. Tips for developing your abilities are collected.

In order to know in which direction to move, what to devote your life to, you must definitely determine your abilities. There are many different methods for this, the main of which are listed in the article below.

Favorite subject from the school curriculum

When thinking about how to determine your abilities, you need to first of all remember what subjects at school were given to you the easiest.

  • Those who can easily solve algebra problems clearly have mathematical abilities.
  • Those who were excellent students in the Russian language and literature have philological abilities. At the same time, those who like to write long, beautiful essays may even have a writing talent.
  • If you adored biology, then it makes sense to think about the profession of a doctor, agronomist, breeder.
  • Love for laboratory work betrays a potential inventor and engineer in a person.
  • Labor lessons are not empty pursuits at all. It is at labor lessons that future fashion designers, designers, as well as talented carpenters, joiners and even sculptors can reveal themselves.
  • Little artists who make progress in drawing lessons can become professional artists, architects, decorators in the future.
  • Those who did not get good marks at all in the lessons should remember their achievements in physical education. Potential athletes are often very active, which makes it difficult for them to focus on training. But in the gym, such students can climb the rope above everyone else, score a beautiful goal in football, etc.

Hobbies and hobbies

The question of how to determine the ability can worry even those people who have already received an education and a job. After all, often people make a mistake when choosing a profession, and then all their lives they are engaged in an unloved business.

In order to figure out what business you are created for, you need to pay attention to a hobby that captivates you on the weekend or after a hard day at work. You should devote as much time as possible to your favorite hobby and constantly improve in it.

Often a hobby develops into a job, a sphere of human activity. For example, a woman who is headlong into sewing after boring office work can open her own atelier, and a man who is fond of artistic chasing can sell his creations.

It is important to remember that you can truly reveal yourself only in the profession that you like. The main condition for success is constant work and a willingness to develop.

Psychological tests

Now there are a great many different psychological tests to determine the ability. Among them are two famous test batteries: DAT and GATB.

DAT is a battery of 8 tests, the results of which can predict the success of a person's education at a university. During the tests, verbal thinking, numerical ability, abstract thinking, spatial relations, technical thinking, speed and accuracy of perception, literacy are revealed. In addition, tests give an idea of ​​a person's academic ability, that is, the measure of his ability to learn. The test lasts 5 hours, and at this time the subject answers various questions, chooses geometric shapes, and gives descriptions to pictures.

GATB is a battery of 12 tests that will assess the subject's intelligence, as well as draw a conclusion about professional orientation.

The tests provide analysis of both verbal, numerical, spatial abilities, and form perception, mental perception of words, and coordination of movements, finger motor skills.

How to determine a child's ability

For children, there are also a kind of tests to determine abilities. However, attentive parents can easily notice the predisposition of their child to certain activities, even without tests.

For example, little "why" who constantly ask parents questions, try to learn new things, can manifest themselves in the intellectual sphere.

The child's rich vocabulary, the ability to concentrate, not to be distracted by trifles, and interest in classifying subjects will tell about academic abilities.

Leadership abilities are manifested in childhood by the ability to easily make new friends, adapt to a new environment, and lead group games.

And, of course, when thinking about how to determine the creative abilities of a child, you need to pay attention to drawings and crafts. The scribbles of the future artist are distinguished by a harmonious color palette even when the child still does not know how to draw properly.

Those who love to sing, dance, play musical instruments, undoubtedly have a capacity for activities in the field of music, dance and acting.

The main thing in determining a child's abilities is to be careful and not try to pass off wishful thinking.

Unusual human abilities

From time immemorial, legends tell us about people endowed with extraordinary abilities, such as clairvoyance, healing, the ability to magic. Magic abilities are not easy to define. However, there is an opinion that the undiscovered potential of a clairvoyant lives in every person. It can be expressed in premonition, intuition.

If you periodically guess upcoming events, anticipate trouble, then you should pay attention to your dreams. It is believed that dreams of people endowed with intuition are often prophetic. Do not be afraid of your unusual abilities, because they may turn out to be a normal phenomenon, which simply has not yet been studied by science.

Safety rules for fortune-tellers do not lose their meaning for people who have constant contact with the problems of others in their professional activities.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

How do you know if there are magical abilities?

To feel like a medicine man, a sorcerer or a sorcerer in the tenth generation - such a fate seems extremely seductive to many people. But how do you know if a person has magical abilities who have not had a chance to receive the Gift by inheritance from blood relatives?

Hints from above are subtle and not very

The centuries-old "witch hunt" did not pass without leaving a trace, the continuity of many genera was interrupted. But the time comes, and the innate Forces begin to knock on the door. As a result, today's grandchildren and granddaughters, who did not know their ancestors, are surprised to find that some kind of "devilry" is beginning to happen in their lives.

What signs can indicate the hidden magical abilities of a person?

  • Prophetic dreams, the ability to anticipate future troubles, the "evil eye" are signs that should not be written off. Sometimes people who have inherited a part of the Power, but do not know how to control it, become a real curse for their loved ones. It is enough for them in their hearts to wish someone harm, so that the worst nightmares instantly come true.
  • Small and large domestic disasters that begin to haunt with frightening regularity are a symptom of the awakening Gift. In this case, certain "energy vortices" arise, and as a result, light bulbs explode around them, objects fall from shelves, and electrical appliances burn out. It is impossible to control the process, and it quite noticeably interferes with life!
  • Short-term lapses in consciousness, during which a person seems to leave his body (he can see himself from the side, hear incomprehensible sounds, experience a sharp dizziness, as if falling) is a likely sign of an uncontrolled exit into the astral plane.

Does the definition of magical ability seem important? Then you can turn to an experienced, trustworthy sorcerer for diagnostics. A professional will surely feel a "fellow" even if the innate Gift is in a dormant state.

We start with a primer

"Do I have magical abilities?" - this question is perhaps the most popular on all kinds of thematic forums. Some are checked by photos, others are studied with the help of the Tarot. In fact, it is easy to be convinced of the presence of the Force on your own. All people predisposed to magic have increased sensitivity, although in ordinary life they may not notice this.

Elementary test. Spread your arms out to the sides and twist so that your palms are parallel. Start moving your hands towards each other, concentrating on your feelings. At some point, a feeling of elastic warmth should appear - the air between the palms will begin to thicken and heat up. If the fingers have already closed, and no tactile changes have occurred, the abilities, most likely, are not.

Was the experiment successful? Then the development of magical abilities depends only on time, desire and perseverance.

Now the stars are advising you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

One cooks well, the other draws, the third knows how to lead effectively, the fourth runs fast, the fifth performs well in public ... Every person, without exception, has abilities. These are personal qualities inherent only to this particular person, which make him unique and give advantages in certain types of activities. But these qualities are not always obvious. It happens that a person simply does not notice his strengths, and tries to develop weaknesses - he goes in the direction that will not lead him to high results. Understanding your abilities is already a big step towards self-realization and success. The question is, how do you know your abilities?

Why is it so important to understand your abilities?

“Not understanding your strengths leads to depression,” says Pavel Kochkin, author of the Destination project. The mechanism is very simple and consists in the following: a person does not accept or does not see his strengths and his abilities, instead he focuses on the development of weaknesses. For example, not having the ability to speak in public, he chooses a job related to constant communication, and day after day he works on his oratory and effective communication skills. It must be understood that no matter what efforts he makes in this case, he will not grow to his ideal, and as a result, he will always be dissatisfied with himself. This is where depressive states arise.
Using abilities, a person increases his efficiency many times and achieves high results, which leads to an increase in self-esteem. And the person who values ​​himself, loves and respects himself is even more effective.

How do you know your abilities?

Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Therefore, you must answer the question "what am I capable of" yourself. Pavel Kochkin gives some valuable advice on how to understand your abilities and apply them in life:

1. Get to know yourself. Ask yourself: What do I do best? What makes me different from others? What achievements do I have and how did I get them? Ask the question "what am I capable of" more than once. Let this question always be in your head. Evaluate your results and the means that helped achieve them.

2. Recognize your strengths. Don't try to run away from yourself. Even if you think that one or another of your abilities is useless, do not deny it. In the world there are a million options for how to correctly implement this ability.

3. Accept yourself as you are, and give yourself to the world that way. “Believe me, you are in demand for who you really are in spirit and in essence,” says Paul.
Your abilities are the key to unlocking your potential, achieving outstanding results and success in life.

Pavel Kochkin advises: "Stop doing what is not your strong point, for which you do not have the ability." Understanding your abilities gives you a huge advantage - you become effective in your activities and achieve maximum results.

Abilities are individual qualities that each of us has.

Thanks to them, we can successfully carry out this or that activity.

These are not acquired skills, knowledge, skills. Although they are also important. Ability is an initial predisposition to a certain type of occupation, work, creativity. This is an opportunity to achieve the required results with minimal costs.

Who has them? Everyone has!

At the heart of any abilities are the inclinations - our natural, biological qualities with which we are born. These are the structural features of our body, locomotor apparatus, sense organs, brain, etc.

Memory, thinking and imagination are not abilities. These are mental processes. But their quality, speed, intensity affect the realization of our abilities, how much we will be able to apply them.

Of course, the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities testify to the presence of abilities. But, rather, they still speak about character traits, rather than about an innate predisposition.

And that's what's important! In the absence, even great inclinations do not become abilities. But with proper education, even from small inclinations, outstanding abilities can develop. It turns out that not only plants need proper care and cultivation, but also you and I. Otherwise, not only flowers but also our inclinations and abilities wither away.

Want to be successful in your ability? Combine them with your temperament

To understand what you are most predisposed to, it is important to know. Temperament can help or hinder your ability to manifest. For example, a choleric person cannot be assiduous for a long time, therefore, even if he has artistic abilities, he will not be able to engage in some types of art. For example, he will not be able to paint small miniatures or do bit graphics. He is more suited to monumental painting or the creation of posters.

Temperament itself has nothing to do with ability. But it is important for choosing the field of activity in which you will be able to most effectively implement your abilities and quickly achieve success.

You have to try a lot to find your abilities.

How can you understand whether someone has the ability for this or that activity or not? Their presence can be determined by the speed, depth and strength of teaching a certain type of activity, the speed of mastering its techniques.

For example, if your child on the playground is best able to swing on rings, fearlessly and dexterously climbs to the top of the stairs, is ready to exercise for hours on the uneven bars and other children's exercise equipment, then this indicates that he has the ability for sports, physical activities ...

And if he instantly remembers melodies, easily repeats their sound and rhythm, loves to listen to music, including symphonic music, then most likely he has a musical talent. Etc.

Observe your child in order to identify abilities in time. Look closely at what he quickly grasps and remembers what he can do better than other children.

Scientists believe that abilities are formed and developed in activity. If you want to know what abilities your child has, send him to study in: drawing, music, a foreign language, gymnastics, etc. Involve him in household chores: let him help you decorate the interior, bake pies, take care of animals, younger brothers and sisters. Observing him in the process of activity, you can notice what he is predisposed to. Over time, this will help you decide where it is best for him to study, what profession to choose.

And here's what else is important. There is a difference between ability and talent (not to mention genius). It lies in the fact that a capable, talented person may or may not use his own. And with a genius, everything is more complicated. He is a hostage to his gift: he physically cannot but work in the area in which he is gifted. If he is deprived of the opportunity to engage in it, then for him this is the worst punishment. Therefore, if you notice that it is impossible to tear your child away from drawing, he is constantly drawing something, and he is not interested in other activities, then this is a clear reason to think about the further serious development of his gift. As they say, this is the case when you can't "bury your talent in the ground."