A kaleidoscope of funny wedding competitions for guests. Interesting and funny wedding contests

A wedding is the most important and significant event in the life of any person, which remains in the memory forever. They prepare for it in advance, carefully, thinking over every step down to the smallest detail. After all, it is not in vain that 2 months are given from the moment of filing an application to the registry office. And no wedding is complete without a competitive program, which is the key to a successful event.

Who are the contests aimed at?

Competitions are designed for almost everyone, they are held:

Important! Competitions should not hurt the pride of any of the guests!

What are wedding contests for?

Competitions play a role in the wedding scenario. They relieve the tension that may arise due to the fact that many of the guests do not know each other, they aim to amuse those present, unite the relatives of each party, and most importantly, they make the wedding unforgettable, leaving a sea of ​​positive emotions.

So, the main people at this wonderful event are, of course, the bride and groom, and most of the contests are dedicated to them.

Competitions for the bride

The bride is the personification of beauty, purity and faithfulness. But the contests intended for her are not nearly as harmless as she herself.


This competition is a kind of raffle for the bride. At some break, the guests quietly take the groom out of the room, the main thing is that the bride does not notice anything. The fun continues, the music plays, everyone drinks and behaves as if nothing had happened. Suddenly the sounds of music stop and the next prize is announced. the groom is absent, then the bride alone will participate in this ceremony. A large box is brought into the hall, but they will only give it back when the girl guesses what is in it. And then vain attempts and assumptions begin.

  • - This is TV?
  • - Not right, but you won't get bored with him either.
  • - Is this a refrigerator?
  • - No, but he's big too.
  • - Is it a dishwasher?
  • - Not…

This dialogue can continue indefinitely until the bride gives up. And when the box is opened, the groom will come out from there, who will be a gift for her.

Kiss your hand

The bride goes to the center of the hall, the presenter blindfolds her. The essence of the competition is that she must identify her beloved, but not by touch, but by a kiss. She stands, waits, sees nothing, the groom comes out in the singular and kisses her hand several times, but tries to do it in different ways. After that, the participant is asked to guess what her chosen one was. This competition is very interesting for the audience, they will laugh at any of her answers.

All from nothing

It's no secret that a woman can practically make a masterpiece out of nothing, her skills to make something serious and big out of little things will be useful to her in this competition. The presenter hands the girl a whole roll of toilet paper and informs her that she must use this material to make a beautiful tie of any shape and size for her groom. But there is one thing - she must use all the paper. When the bride begins to create, everyone quietly counts how many times she wrapped her lover's neck, so many times she will have to kiss him when she’s finished.

Feed husband

The bride comes out into the hall, sits on a chair, there is another chair next to it - for the groom. He cuts off a piece of cake and puts it on a plate, gives it to the chosen one. The girl is blindfolded and she has to spoon-feed this cake to her fiance. He, accordingly, will help her with words and guide her in which direction to bring the spoon. In order to keep the suit clean, it is better to put on a bib. It is very funny to look at this process from the outside, as a rule, after this competition, both young people find themselves in cream.

Know me darling

The bride is taken to another room while the competition is being prepared. Men of all ages, including the groom, line up in the center. The task of the bride, with her eyes closed, is to determine which of these young people is her favorite. It is allowed to touch only the hand from which the jewelry, if any, has been removed in advance.

For the bride, there are many contests that will amuse not only the audience, but also herself. But the groom will not be left unattended at any wedding.

Competitions for the groom

Firstly, the groom is a man, therefore, most grooming contests involve masculine strength and endurance. It is advisable to hold such contests before he is unable to show his power.

How to choose a gift for the bride and groom you can.

Compliant groom

The host announces the task for the groom. He must take his beloved in his arms and carry to the designated point. But at the same time, he will answer simple questions from the presenter. With each affirmative answer, the groom takes a step forward, and with a negative answer, back. Therefore, it is in his interest to always say yes. Questions should be something like this:

  • - Are you going to clean the house?
  • - Are you going to wash?
  • - Are you going to wash the dishes?
  • - Are you going to iron the linen?
  • - Are you going to cook?

After all positive answers, all this is written down on paper and given to the groom for signature, of course, in a comic form.

Playful groom

The groom is summoned to the hall and, as it were, is taken hostage, his head is placed on a chair, as in the execution, and instead of the instrument of execution, a jug filled with water is taken. And only the bride can save him with her precise and correct answers. If she is still mistaken, then the water will immediately pour out on her chosen one. It is necessary to imperceptibly replace a jug of water with exactly the same one, only filled with sweets. Nobody knows about the substitution, and the competition begins. The girl begins to ask simple questions about her fiancé, she easily answers each one. An example of similar questions:

  • - What date and month did you meet?
  • - What is your fiance's favorite food?
  • - What's his favorite color?
  • - And etc.

The bride relaxes, because the questions do not cause any difficulty at all, but the last question goes something like this:

  • - What are the names of the groom's parents?

She, of course, names, but this is the wrong answer. And it was necessary to answer correctly:

  • - Mother and father.

And after this phrase, the contents of the jug are poured onto the frightened guy. What will be his surprise when sweets are sprinkled instead of water.

A kiss for a loved one.

The groom is taken to another room while preparing for the competition. In the meantime, all female representatives leave prints of their kisses on a sheet of paper, and the male gender can also be involved in this competition, if they do not mind. When everything is ready, the groom is turned on, and he must find out which of the given lips belongs to his beloved by the oiled trail. This is also a very fun and interesting competition, especially interesting for young people.

Know me beloved

This competition, which must also be held for the bride, is very popular with the guests, and what to hide, and the participants too. Several girls of all ages, including the bride, line up in a row, and stretch their arms forward, naturally, after removing all the jewelry. The groom is given the task: with closed eyes, determine which of the fair sex is his chosen one.

As far as you know, beloved

A chamomile, cut out of paper, is being prepared in advance, certain numbers are written on each of the petals. The groom's task is to take one petal at a time, name the number and indicate what it means. The options here can be completely different: the bride's height, weight, age, date of their acquaintance, etc. If the groom suddenly finds it difficult to answer, then the bride prompts him.

Competitions for the bride and groom together

Undoubtedly, the main heroes of the occasion are the bride and groom. There are many contests for them, we will present the most interesting ones.

The main tradition at the wedding is, of course, passionate kisses of young people accompanied by loud shouts of "Bitter!" This competition is dedicated to this.

Your wedding will need glasses for the young, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with it as soon as possible.

The torment of the young.

The presenter reads the following text: “Many years ago there lived a young guy and a girl and they were a couple, they got married and gave birth to a baby. The girl, of course, wanted a girl, but a boy was born, at first my mother was bitter (everyone shouts "Bitter", the young kiss). The name of the boy was given to Petya (the name of the groom). He grew and developed very quickly, and now the time has come for him to go, he took the first step and fell. How bitter it is. Several years passed, and Petya went to first grade. Parents taught him everything that they could themselves, read books, counted together, but on the first day of school the boy brought a deuce. How bitter it was for mom. Petya finished school, met his love and now you are here, you are leaving the family, and therefore the parents are bitter. " And every time the guests hear the cherished word, everyone shouts “Bitter!” Together, and the young have to kiss.

The next competition is aimed at identifying the skills of young people.

Skill of the bride and groom.

Through this competition, you can learn a lot about the participants.

There are many options for thought here. For example, the groom needs to be shown how he will be able to fulfill his direct duties: to nail a nail, fix a toy car, light the stove, chop a chock, etc. You can offer the groom to swaddle the doll, thereby checking whether he can cope with the child.

The bride, in turn, is invited to show her skills: to knit a scarf, sew a sock, prepare a salad, dress the child on the street, and, finally, take care of her husband. Then the young couple are offered tasks for joint implementation: to stage a quarrel and find methods to end it, ignite the family hearth.

Another competition intended for two young people at once is who is in charge of the family.

Who is in charge

To determine the head of the family, a loaf is usually used, which is alternately bitten by the bride and groom. Accordingly, whoever bites off the larger piece will be more important. It is customary to hold this competition when young people just come from the registry office., but this can be done right at the table, along with other exciting and interesting contests. But this is not the only way to identify the head of the family. For this, it is advisable to arrange absolutely any competition. Whoever wins is the main one.

A very interesting competition is related to questions and interesting answers.

"Question answer"

All guests can participate. You need to prepare questions and answers on the same cards and put them into 2 decks: question - answer. Participants sit in this order: man - woman - man - woman. Each in turn takes a card, the first one reads the question, the next one reads the answer. At the moment of the game, everyone is very fun and interesting. Examples of questions:

  • How do you feel about cheating?
  • Do you want to kiss a stranger?
  • Do you like to drink?
  • Do you want to steal an item from the store?

And others, the main thing is that they are compromising. And, accordingly, interesting answers:

  • This is what I live for.
  • Only when I get paid.
  • Not in this room.
  • You can also try.

And similar answers, the funnier the better.

To decide who will manage the family budget, such a competition can be held.

Family budget

The presenter reads the questions prepared in advance, and the young ones answer, whoever answers quickly and correctly will receive one point.

  • At what price is a kilogram of sugar?
  • At what price are nails?
  • At what price is a loaf of bread?
  • At what price are socks?
  • At what price is the blush?
  • At what price is gasoline?

The more questions you have, the more interesting it will be... When the young people complete the task, the points are calculated; whoever has more of them will manage the family budget.

At a wedding, in a comic form, you can determine the sex of the unborn child through a competition.

Baby gender

The presenter takes 2 hats and walks through the hall past the guests, one hat for a girl, the other for a boy. Guests put money in one of the hats, thereby betting on the gender of the child. When everyone put in the money, the amount is calculated, and where it is greater, the child of that gender will be born to a young couple.

Intimate contests

The longer the guests sit at the wedding, the more relaxed they become, and you can already begin to conduct intimate contests. Here are the most interesting examples of such contests.


Of course, the hottest and most intimate wedding competition is strip dance. Several people are called, the music turns on and the fun begins. The winner of this competition is the one who goes the farthest in undressing. At the time of this competition, all guests will no longer mind taking part.

Another equally interesting and funny intimate competition is kissing.


One participant is selected, preferably without a pair, his eyes are blindfolded. He sits down on a chair and everyone in turn comes up and kisses him on the lips, the hotter the kiss, the more interesting. His task is to guess who it is. The competition is interesting in that everyone kisses the participant: both boys and girls.

Many weddings are not limited to one day. Everyone wants to continue, which is why there is a second wedding day.

Second wedding day.

This day is celebrated not so violently, in large numbers, only the closest relatives are present. But still, entertainment is not absent here, contests and on the second day of the wedding take place. Here are some examples of such contests.


Husband and wife are given potatoes and knives. The task of the competition: to peel the potatoes, but not easy - you need to peel the potatoes thin and long. Whoever has it thinner and longer, he won, and he is appointed chief of peeling potatoes.

Young parents

Newlyweds are given a doll and a diaper. The purpose of this competition is to find out who will be the main nanny in their family. They swaddle the doll for a while, whoever is more accurate won.

And, of course, you can't do without compliments towards the young.


Young people should think of a letter, first the wife, then the husband, and the guests say compliments to these letters, it is imperative that everyone says. The winner is the guest who gives the most compliments.

A wedding is, of course, an important event, but also very expensive in terms of finances, so it is usually held on the same day. Rarely are there people who honor the traditions of antiquity and celebrate in a few days. But no matter how long your wedding lasts, you will never forget it.

A wedding is not only a long-awaited, but also a fun holiday. Funny contests will support the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the celebration, make the wedding more memorable. It is highly desirable that all guests, as well as the newlyweds themselves, take part in the contests. Wedding portal Svadbovo.ru offers an excellent selection of killer wedding contests. The organizers will only need to stock up on simple props, as well as prizes, which will be a kind of souvenirs for the winners of the contests.


The traditional Hawaiian group game limbo has long been a wedding classic. The essence of the game: all participants must pass under a thin pole or rope stretched horizontally. In this case, you must not touch the obstacle: those who drop the pole or hook the rope lose. After all participants have passed the test, the pole or rope must be installed below. Further tests continue. The winner is determined as the opponents are eliminated. Cool wedding contests help to liberate all guests, so check out other, no less original options.


The participants of the competition are divided into 2 groups - male and female. Both groups are located opposite each other. Men should squeeze a bottle of water between their legs, and their girlfriends - an empty glass. The task of the men is to go up to their partner, pour a full glass, and drink water. Whoever copes faster is the winner. You cannot help yourself with your hands.



You will need a doll and a baby diaper as props. Couples will compete, the task of each of them is to swaddle the doll as quickly and efficiently as possible. As an alternative to a diaper, a diaper can be used.


The game involves 8-10 guests, divided into two teams. The task of the participants is to thread a long rope through the sleeves of their clothes. Whoever can do it faster is the winner of the competition.


Contestants are divided into pairs. The presenter blindfolds each man, and hangs several dozen clothespins on his lady's clothes. The man's task is to find and remove all the clothespins from the woman's clothes. Whoever manages to do this faster is the winner.


There are two teams competing, the groom and the bride. One of the members of each team becomes a mummy for a while. The task of the rest of the players is to wrap the "mummy" with a roll of toilet paper. Players wrap around the "mummy", alternately, after the command of the leader. The team that wraps the "mummy" faster and better will be the winner.

Wedding exam

Competition for knowing the details of the life of the bride and groom. The presenter prepares a series of questions, and learns from the newlyweds the correct answers to them. Also, the presenter makes up 3-4 incorrect answers to the question. For the contest to be more fun, some incorrect answers must be funny. As an option, we offer the following options for questions and answers:

  • Groom's age: 28, 29, 30, 36;
  • Bride's foot size: 36, 37, 38, 42;
  • Educational institution, which the groom graduated from: vocational school in Kryzhopol, Moscow State University, Harvard, Institute of Noble Maidens;

Guess the bride

Funny balls

Couples compete in this competition. Men need to sit on chairs arranged in a row, with each tying a balloon to their feet. The girls are in a row opposite. The girls' task is to run to their partner on command, and jump onto his lap, trying to burst the ball. Then there is a knockout game until there is one pair-winner.


Participants of the competition stand in a row, an apple is tied to the lower back of each with a rope so that it reaches the floor. A matchbox is installed next to each participant. The task of the players is to make the boxes move forward to the finish line with movements that simulate a pendulum. Whoever reaches it first is the winner.

Cat in a poke

The presenter stocks up on various funny things: huge family shorts, T-shirts with funny drawings, clown ties, hats with feathers. The guests stand in a circle and pass the bag to each other. The music stops from time to time, you need to have time to transfer the bag to another participant while the music is playing. If any of the participants is unlucky, he takes things out of the bag at random and puts them on. It is not allowed to remove the item before the end of the competition.

Wedding anniversaries

The presenter prepares multi-colored ribbons in advance, symbolizing the colors of wedding anniversaries: multi-colored (chintz), silver (silver), golden (gold), red (red wedding). The ribbons are located at some distance from each other. The task of the groom is to bring the bride to the last of the significant "milestones" in his arms, while stopping at each and kissing her. After the newlyweds, other couples present at the holiday can participate in this competition.


Representatives of two teams participate in the competition. The rules are the same as in football, it is necessary to score a balloon into an improvised gate. True, it is necessary to move the ball not with your feet, but with bananas tied with a rope between your legs. The game is played either until the end of the playing time, or until a certain score is reached. The winning team gets the right to deprive the rivals' bananas.

30 years later

This is a competition for parents of newlyweds. One of the parents of the groom or the bride leaves the hall, at this time the host asks several questions to his “half”. Questions relate to the personal life of the parents of the bride or groom: when, under what circumstances they met, where their wedding ceremony took place, who was invited, etc. Then the person who came out is called back, and the presenter asks him to answer the same questions. As a rule, most of the spouses' answers are the same. After this exciting competition, the host proclaims a toast so that the newlyweds themselves do not forget about today's celebration.

Who told you that the newlyweds only smile and accept gifts during the celebration? A wedding is the right time for people to see and show themselves. Therefore, dear newlyweds, it is too early to relax. Get ready to enter contests.

First competition: "We divide everything in half"

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare signs in advance on which various household chores will be listed. For instance:

1) wash clothes;

2) prepare lunch;

3) cleaning the apartment;

4) watch football;

5) give birth to children;

6) lie on the couch;

7) drink beer with friends;

8) chat on the phone;

9) spend money;

10) sunbathe on the beach;

11) make money;

12) drive a car;

13) eat all food without a trace;

14) do aerobics.

Now this plate can be rolled up into tubes and placed in a hat or in balloons, which the young have to pierce in order to get a piece of paper. The bride and groom read the tablets in turn, but before reading, each of them should say something like the following.

Groom: My only one! For your smile, I am ready every day .... (text of the tablet).

Bride: My dear! I love you so much that I agree every day ... (text of the tablet).

Second competition: "Hedgehog"

The young are given an apple studded with matches. This is the "hedgehog". The bride and groom take turns pulling matches from the apple, each time calling each other by affectionate names. You cannot repeat yourself.

Third competition: "Head of the Family"

The competition consists of three stages:

1) who swaddles the baby faster (of course, this is a doll);

2) the chief accountant (each of the young people is given the same amount of money, consisting of coins of different denominations; the one who counted faster wins);

3) fast feeding of children from a spoon (use guests as children, just do not forget to prepare larger bibs).

The head of the family is selected based on the results of three competitions.

The fourth competition: "The artist who paints ..."

Actually, in the role of artists, the young will have to act. They should draw each other. And it doesn't matter at all whether the bride and groom know how to draw, the main thing is that the portrait should be made with love.

Wedding contests for guests

No wedding is complete without games and contests. We, too, will not break this fun tradition, because no matter how adults and serious people are, it is at the wedding that you can be a “child” and at the same time not look stupid or funny.

For team games to take place, of course, participants are needed. Not everyone can overcome shyness right away, so remind your guests that the desire of the young at the wedding is the law, and the laws, as you know, cannot be broken.

After two teams have been formed (it is desirable that there are equal numbers of men and women in each team), you can start the relay.

The jury is the newlyweds.

Stage one: "Klondike"

The first team members are given a headscarf, which they tie under the chin. At the command of the presenter, the kerchief must be removed and tied on the neighbor's head, followed by a kiss. Having received both the kerchief and the kiss, the neighbor passes it to the next player in the same way, and so on until the end of the chain.

Stage two: "Orange"

All team members sit on chairs, resulting in two lines of players. The teams sit facing each other. The first members of each team take an orange and hold it, pressing it to their chest with their chin. At the command of the leader, it is necessary to pass the orange to the next player of the team without using hands in such a way that the orange is also squeezed between his chest and chin. If the orange falls, it is picked up and the game is continued. The last team member, having received an orange, begins the next stage of the competition. To do this, he stretches his legs forward, touching the floor only with his heels. An orange is placed in the resulting groove between the feet and shins and is passed back in this way to the first player of the team. The hands are still not involved. After the first member of the team has received an orange, he puts it on his lap. The “home stretch” begins. The orange is passed from knee to knee to the last player. The winner is the team that completed all three tasks faster.

According to the results of the competition, the leader team is determined. She receives the main prize - a bottle of champagne. The losing team is awarded a consolation prize - a bottle of vodka.

Pair competition

Pair competitions are held throughout the wedding feast. In these competitions you can show yourself and "shake the pieces".

1. "Mutual penetration"

Each pair of players is given a thin sheet of paper (paper napkin). At the command of the leader, each pair clamps their foreheads on a napkin folded in four. The task of the players is to wipe the paper down to the hole as soon as possible. You cannot help with your hands.

2. "Wedding Hockey"

In this competition, girls play the role of "gate". They line up, feet shoulder-width apart. This is the "gate". Young people are "hockey players". Instead of clubs, ropes are tied to their belts, on which a banana hangs. The stick must not touch the floor. Also, "hockey players" receive "pucks", that is, matchboxes. The boys stand 2-3 meters away from the girls, each in front of his own "gate". At the command of the host, the "hockey players" must score the "puck" into the "goal" with their "sticks". The couple that does it faster wins.

3. "Sleight of hand and no cheating"

Each couple receives a boiled egg. At the command of the leader, the girls should put the egg into the boy's right sleeve and roll it under the clothes in such a way as to get the egg out of the young man's left leg. You can joke by saying that the eggs are raw. True, this should be done only if you are sure that the players are people with a good sense of humor.

4. "Two halves"

In this competition, a young man is forbidden to use his left hand, a girl - his right. In doing so, they must complete three tasks, helping each other:

a) tie a lace on the boot;

b) unfold the candy;

c) thread a needle.

The winner is the couple who will complete all tasks faster.

5. "Find a clothespin"

All players are blindfolded. After that, ten clothespins are attached to each pair of players. Clothespins do not have to be divided equally. You can hang, for example, four clothespins on a young man, and six on a girl, etc. In this case, the players should not know how many clothespins there are for each pair. At the command of the presenter, the players must collect all the clothespins from each other and, without removing the blindfolds from their eyes, name the number of collected clothespins. The winner is the couple who completed the task faster and more accurately.

6. "Young parents"

Before the start of the competition, young men are given a sheet of paper and a pen. A draw is held among the girls. To do this, they take turns pulling out pieces of paper rolled into a tube from the hat. The presenter then explains that the boys for the next three minutes will be “dads” and the girls will be “mothers”. “Moms” are in the “maternity hospital”, “dads” came to visit them and find out who their “wives” gave birth to.

Boys and girls are at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. Girls unfold pieces of paper, which indicate the "parameters" of the child. In three minutes, “moms” use gestures to tell “dads” who was born, and “dads” write down the information on paper. The pair with the most matches wins. To make the game more fun, you can set unusual child parameters. For instance:

Negro child, big ears, weight 4 kg;

Girl, smiling from ear to ear, height 35 cm;

The triplets, a boy and two girls, scream loudly;

Little Chinese, blue eyes, eats well.

7. "Sberbank"

In this competition all girls are “cashiers”, boys are “depositors”. Boys and girls are at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. The girls are sitting on chairs, half-liter "savings" banks are clamped between their knees. "Investors" are given the same number of coins of different denominations. They must, holding a coin between their knees, bring the “deposit” to the “bank” and “open an account”, that is, lower the coin and “replenish the account” in the same way. If a coin falls, the young man does not pick it up, but returns for the next coin. Helping yourself with your hands during the competition is strictly prohibited. After the "depositor" has dropped all the coins that he could bring into the bank, the "cashier" recounts the money and loudly calls the amount. The winning pair is the one that has accumulated a large amount in a minute. As a prize, participants take money from the bank.

Music contests and games at the wedding

Whatever the competition at the wedding, it will still be musical in one way or another, as it is held to music. But there is another category of games and contests that we decided to consider separately, these are music contests, because without music they will not exist at all.

1. "Who is thinking about what"

You can even play this game while sitting at the table. The presenter should prepare a phonogram in advance with small excerpts from various popular songs. He then announces that he has a magical heart that can tell guests what each one is thinking. The presenter puts a small plush heart to the guest's chest, and his assistant turns on the soundtrack of a particular song. Here are some sample songs that can be used in this game.

For women:

"Madame Broshkina" isp. Alla Pugacheva.

"I'm eighteen already" isp. group "Hands up".

"I'm drunk, I'm drunk" isp. Nadezhda Kadysheva.

"We are all women - bitches" isp. Irina Allegrova.

"Branch" isp. group "Strelki".

"Weather at home" isp. Larisa Dolina.

For men:

"I fight like a fish" isp. Trofim

"Chocolate bunny" isp. Pierre Narcisse

"Casanova" isp. Valery Leontiev

"Bamboo" isp. Alexander Buinov

"My bunny" isp. Philip Kirkorov

2. "Squat Dance"

Several couples are called for the competition. The task is simple: the couples dance to the music. As soon as the music stops, the man gets down on one knee, and the partner runs around him and sits on his knee. The couple who did it later than everyone else is eliminated. The competition continues until the most agile pair is determined.

3. "Air" dance

Each pair is given a balloon. Partners should dance, holding the ball with their foreheads, then backs, stomachs, buttocks. The pairs that dropped the ball are eliminated. The music in this competition must be fast.

4. "Dance with the newspaper"

Each pair is given a newspaper. The newspaper is spread out on the floor, and the couple dances to the music on it. At the signal from the host, the contestants fold the newspaper in half and continue their dance on it. You must not step on the floor during the competition. Couples are eliminated who could not fit on the newspaper. During the game, the newspaper is folded in half several times. The couple who could dance on the smallest scrap of newspaper wins.

5. "Questions and Answers"

Teams of guests must participate in the game, then this competition will become an adornment of any feast.

The essence of the competition is that one team of guests asks a question with a line from a song, and the other team also answers with a line, necessarily from another song. For instance:

Question: "Why do you girls love beautiful ones?"

Answer: "I don't know what to do with this misfortune."

It is not at all necessary to keep track of the answers in this game, since funny and original coincidences of questions and answers in themselves will be a good reward for all participants and spectators.

Give a million, or how to replenish the budget of a young family

Of course, wedding guests eat a lot and drink well, "play games" and "dance dances." And yet, in this chapter, which is devoted to “honestly taking money from the population,” we even feel sorry for the guests. They bought and presented the young people first flowers, and then gifts, but many more ways have been invented how to make guests to fork out extra money. We will give just a few of them. Keep in mind, however, that guests will not be able to give you more than they have.

1. "Boy or girl?"

The presenter announces that the young cannot decide who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. Therefore, guests are invited to help young people make their choice. The witness and the witness collect bets, for a boy - in blue sliders, for a girl - in red or pink.

2. "Hostess"

The mother-in-law asks her daughter-in-law if she knows how to take revenge and row rubbish. After an affirmative answer, the pot is smashed on the floor, the bride is handed a broom and a scoop, and the fun begins. Guests throw money on the floor, and the bride must collect the fragments of the pot along with the money using a broom and a scoop.

3. "Auction"

The most popular lot in a wedding auction is cake. You can put up for sale the first piece of cake cut by the bride, or pieces with cream roses. It is better to start trading with a small amount, and the witty teasing of the presenter can provoke guests by quite large amounts.

You can also put up absolutely incredible things and items bought at the nearest store at the auction. At the same time, the guests are not shown the object itself, but they give it a comic definition, for example:

a) headache medicine from Bittner (bottle of beer);

b) a sports suit of the firm "Adidas" (family shorts);

c) a set of a hunter from the Tula arms factory (fly swatter and flycatcher tape);

e) a portrait by an unknown artist (mirror);

f) a musical center from the firm "Panasonic" (rattle).

A wedding is a happy and long-awaited event in the life of every lover. In order for the holiday to pass joyfully and naturally and remain in the memory of all those present, it requires special and careful preparation. It is important to think over the program of the festive event in advance.

Well-chosen and fun wedding pageants for guests play a central role in creating the atmosphere. In our case, at the table. By the way, if you have not yet picked up suitable tests for redemption -.

What are we for

Board games have a special place at weddings. They are able to brighten up the holiday themselves and make any audience laugh.

Competitions are held throughout the banquet. In addition to entertaining guests, games can pursue other goals: at the beginning of the celebration, they are held to meet and warm up the guests, to raise their spirits, in the future - for an easy warm-up and a fun break.

There are a huge number of competitions that can be held at the table. Such games can involve all those present or a group of guests, they can be carried out with the use of all sorts of attributes or without them, be humorous or intellectual in nature.

The advantages of drinking contests are that guests can participate in them without getting up from their seats. Such games will appeal to even the most modest guests and those.

Fun options

Let's consider the most interesting ones.

Funny predictions

The presenter distributes sheets of paper and pens to everyone. They are invited to draw any drawing of their choice. After the task is completed, the organizer collects the sheets.

The predictions are carried out as follows: the toastmaster asks questions related to the future life of the newlyweds, and drawings serve as answers to them.

Examples of questions are below.

  1. How will the newlywed honeymoon be?
  2. How will the life of young people change after the wedding?
  3. What will the bride / groom's parents give for their wedding anniversary?
  4. What income will the newlyweds have?
  5. What will happen to newlyweds in 10 years?

"My light, mirror, tell me ..."

The host hands over a small mirror to the players. Participants of the competition in turn, looking into it, must say at least 10 compliments to their address. The guests at this time try to make the player laugh and confuse him. The winner is the one who successfully completes the task and never smiles.

Shards of heart

For this fun wedding table contest, you need to prepare colored paper hearts and cut them into several pieces. The toastmaster distributes blanks to guests wishing to take part in the competition. Players need to quickly collect a whole heart from scraps. The prize goes to the one who connects the piece first.

Missing ingredient

A group of participants are given leaflets with recipes for the preparation of well-known dishes (for example, dumplings, borscht, pilaf, and so on). Each of the lists must be missing one important component. Players need to identify as quickly as possible which product is not listed. The winner is the one who names the missing ingredient first.

Unusual toast

A funny table contest for the wedding day: the organizer divides the guests into two teams and gives them a sheet of paper and a pen. The conditions of the competition are as follows: the groups should come up with an original congratulatory toast in honor of the young. Each participant writes only one word and passes the sheet to another. In this case, it is forbidden to talk and consult. The team with the most unusual and funniest text wins.

Guess the song

The toastmaster makes a selection of popular musical compositions in advance. Melodies should be known to both the older and younger generations. The rules of the competition are familiar to everyone: the presenter, in turn, includes excerpts from the songs, according to which guests must guess their names and performers. More music contests.

Continue the proverb

The table competition for all guests at the wedding is as follows: the organizer pronounces the beginning of a well-known proverb or saying, and the participants need to name its end. The winner is the one who guesses the most of the proverbs.

Kiss or hug

Cool competition at the wedding at the table. For it, you need to inflate 10-20 balloons of pink and blue colors. All balloons are randomly awarded to guests. The essence of the game: the toastmaster turns on rhythmic music, the participants quickly pass the balls to each other. When the melody ends, the pairs of players holding the balloons must complete certain tasks. Blue means a hug and pink means a kiss. Then the music starts up again and the competition continues. It will be funny if you pause as often as possible.

Expert advice. For a wedding, it is best to choose such table entertainment that is suitable for people of any age, gender, status and wealth, for example, competitions for a golden wedding at the table will be less energetic.


For this game, the presenter needs to prepare many small pieces of paper and write interesting tasks on them. All the notes are put into a beautiful bag, with which the toastmaster approaches the guests and offers to extract the forfeits on their own. All tasks must be completed. For those who find themselves, you can think of unusual fines.

Examples of tasks:

  1. Tell a funny anecdote.
  2. Compliment the bride.
  3. Sing a song on a wedding theme.
  4. Hug your neighbor.
  5. Make a toast in honor of the young.
  6. Tell a poem about love.
  7. Make a funny riddle to the guests.
  8. Depict the voice of a famous artist.

Interesting! The word "fant" was borrowed from the German language and translated into Russian means "pledge".

Question answer

For the competition, you need to prepare many cards, some will contain questions, others will contain answers. The cards are laid out in two piles on the tray.

Game rules: the presenter approaches each guest in turn. The first participant draws and reads a question, the next one takes a card with an answer, and then asks a question to another player, and so on. It turns out to be a very original and funny chain of questions and answers.

Examples of questions are below.

  1. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut?
  2. Do you often fly into space?
  3. Have you met Bigfoot?
  4. Do you have thoughts of taking over the world?
  5. Is it true that sometimes you forget your name?
  6. Do you often think about your significant other?
  7. Do you often dream about a bride?
  8. Do you want to talk to the groom about politics?
  9. Do you often wake up in an unfamiliar place?
  10. Do you often eat at night?

Let's look at some examples of answers.

  1. Never.
  2. Yes that's right.
  3. I can only dream about it.
  4. I do it every day.
  5. Yes, when I get drunk.
  6. I will answer this question to you without witnesses.
  7. No, I don't even think about it.
  8. This has never happened to me.
  9. This happens to me all the time.
  10. This was not enough yet!

Other fun party wedding pageants are in the following list.

  1. The shortest toast. Terms of the competition: participants need to say a funny short but meaningful toast in honor of the bride and groom. The winner is the author who will do the job best of all: compose the funniest and most capacious text.
  2. An original compliment. The competition at the wedding for guests at the table is as follows: guests take turns coming up with and calling compliments for the newlyweds. You need to complete the task quickly, this is given no more than 15 seconds. The game is very fun and brings out the vocabulary and reaction speed of the participants. The prize goes to the one who is the last to say a compliment that has not been named before.
  3. Box of wishes. Sheets of paper and pens were handed out to everyone present. Guests are invited to write their wishes for the newlyweds, and then put the leaves in a special box (jar, bag). Congratulations to the bride and groom are read a year later on the day of the wedding celebration.
  4. Continue the story. The competition for a wedding without a toastmaster at the table goes like this: the participants of the competition are given cards with funny stories written on them. Each player needs to come up with a funny continuation of the story. Whose text seems to the newlyweds the most fun and interesting, he wins.
  5. Alphabet. Game rules: the guests take turns telling their wishes to the newlyweds. Congratulations should start with the appropriate letter of the alphabet. The first participant pronounces the wish with the letter "a", the next one - with the letter "b" and so on. The competition turns out to be very funny and exciting.

Interesting! Haven't chosen toastmaster for your wedding yet? in our article.

  1. Games should not affect the political, religious and national views of the guests, as they can provoke unnecessary conflicts.
  2. You should not hold contests related to the performance of indecent tasks, for example, undressing.
  3. Entertainment should be funny, interesting, not difficult and understandable to everyone.
  4. It is important to calculate the number of games in advance, determine the order in which they will be played and set aside the right time for each of them.
  5. For table competitions at a wedding for adults, it is necessary to choose a suitable musical accompaniment.
  6. It is best to start a wedding banquet with contests that will help guests get to know each other and get to know each other better. By the way, guests also need to be comfortable.
  7. Table wedding contests should be evenly distributed throughout the banquet.
  8. should be alternated with calm ones so that guests have time to rest.
  9. When holding contests, do not forget about breaks for eating and communication, outdoor games, dancing and other entertainments.
  10. If the guest does not want to take part in the game, he should not be forced to do so.
  11. Toastmaster must be chosen carefully.

Table contests for a wedding and a rich program can fill any celebration with fun and create a warm festive atmosphere. The choice of original contests and their proper conduct will help you to play the wedding of your dreams, which will be remembered by everyone for many years!

Guests at the wedding need not only to be fed, but also to be entertained. Among the wedding entertainment there are traditional ones that are associated with rituals, giving gifts and congratulations to the newlyweds. Also, if the budget allows, you can invite professional artists to conduct spectacular show programs and beautiful pop performances, it will be spectacular, touching and beautiful. But it is even better to involve the guests themselves to participate in original greeting numbers, games and amusements, this always arouses keen interest and then is remembered as the brightest moments of a wedding celebration. We offer our collection - fun wedding contests and entertainment for guests, which will supplement the game program at any wedding or

1. Drawing of guests at the wedding "Cutting the shirt"

At any wedding there should be a moment when the master's abilities of the young wife are praised. However, the toastmaster draws attention to the fact that any of us does not like to do something. The bride confirms this by talking about her terrible dislike of ironing shirts. Then the presenter replies that he is a master in this area and will now teach the girl how to cope with this problem.

The newlywed is given a man's shirt and scissors instead of an unloved iron. Further - according to the instructions of the presenter:

1. Buttons - neither go around nor go around! (we cut everything mercilessly)

2. Sleeves are always wrinkled and it takes too long to put your hands in there! (cut both sleeves at the shoulder)

3. It is completely incomprehensible why a shirt needs a back - you tuck it into your pants and you remember right away! (cut at the level of the shoulder blades)

4. They cut off from the back, and what is worse from the front? (cut, even with the back)

5. Well, the collar, which is absolutely impossible to iron calmly! (carefully cut from the neck)

We produce "ironing" to the accompaniment of cheerful, rhythmic music. We distribute the cut off parts to the guests for good luck. In addition, we preliminarily change into the same "shirt" of the witness, who demonstrates how comfortable and good it is in it. But everything is "spoiled" by the witness, who is trying to reason with the bride and prove to her that in a shirt after such "ironing" her husband will be taken to a madhouse or taken to the police. To buy the newlywed a new shirt instead of the “ironed” one, the witness suggests that everyone present should throw off, “at least half a ruble”. So unobtrusively the game moment can be added to the “money” moment.

(Naturally, all the conditions of this are negotiated with them in advance - this is a surprise from the heroes of the occasion for the guests to cheer them up)

2. Wedding competition "Family Panties"

This fun game will bring the wedding day to life. For her you need to prepare a pair of huge family panties - they are very easy to sew by yourself. A witness and a witness are invited as the main participants in the game, everyone is given these wonderful things. The task of the players is to put as many people as possible in their "pants", and the witness is allowed to let only men into the "pants", and only women are allowed to the witness.

For everything about everything - two minutes. Cheerful music turns on, and people begin to stuff themselves into this garment. By the way, it is absolutely not forbidden to take each other or children in your arms. However, the presenter must monitor the integrity of the panties: they, of course, will tear in any case, but the participants in the game should not abuse this for their own ends and stuff themselves into a torn piece of underwear. In honor of the winners, everyone raises their glasses, and for the toastmaster this is an excellent occasion to propose a beautiful toast to the newlywed friends and their well-being.

3. Wedding entertainment "Three steps from happiness"

As the host of this competition, that is, the one who will hold the bottle, you can choose the hero of the occasion or the groom and the bride. To this bottle - champagne, vodka, wine, beer - we tie three to five multicolored silk ribbons at least three meters long.

Those who wish are called from among the guests. Moreover, always with their own dishes from which they drink. Their task, taking the ribbons in their hands and standing up from the bottle at a distance of the "elongated ribbon", at the signal of the presenter, begin to approach the hero of the day, winding the ribbon on their vessel. Whoever accomplishes this faster takes the bottle with "divine nectar" from the hands of the hero of the occasion. In fact, it is very difficult to do this, because glasses and glasses are sometimes not at all designed for winding slippery tape, so everyone's fun is guaranteed.