Preparing for anal sex. How to prepare for intercourse

Having a baby is always a miracle. Today, doctors recommend that married couples take a thorough and serious approach to the desire to have a child. It is necessary to prepare for future changes even before conception. In addition, it is important to be examined by specialists in advance.

The main stages of preparation for pregnancy

Preparation for conception and the entire pregnancy consists of the following stages:

  • Psychological readiness.
  • Correction of chronic diseases.
  • Correct nutrition and weight correction.
  • Fighting bad habits.
  • Ultrasound and other analyzes.
  • Elimination of negative household and production factors.

Psychological readiness

First of all, preparation for the conception of a child of a man and a woman begins with a psychological factor. Spouses must be mentally motivated and ready to conceive and have a child. It is important for future parents to understand that the birth of a baby will completely change their lifestyle. Most of the time they will have to devote to the child. You will probably have to give up travel and noisy parties. The woman will have to sacrifice her career.

It is important for a man to understand in advance that after the birth of a baby, his wife will not be able to devote the same amount of time to him as before.

Both will have new troubles and worries. If the spouses are ready for this kind of change and agree to make certain sacrifices, you can proceed with the next steps in preparing for conception and pregnancy.

Chronic disease treatment

Before conception, and even more so during pregnancy, it is very important not to forget about your chronic diseases. Nowadays, a successful pregnancy is possible in the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, and kidney disease. If you have a serious chronic medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before conceiving. The doctor will help you find safe medicines to fight the disease that will not harm the fetus. In some cases, experts suggest simply reducing the dose and frequency of drugs already in use.

Controlling your diet

Before conception, the expectant mother must understand that throughout pregnancy it will be necessary to eat properly. A woman's diet should be balanced and complete at the same time. A healthy diet is very important for the healthy development and growth of the fetus within the mother.

It is important to determine which foods are acceptable and required during pregnancy, and which ones are best to abstain.

During this special period, it is equally important to consume enough fluids daily.

And here is a list of products that it is better to refuse during this wonderful period:

Along with this, you should consume in limited quantities chocolate, unboiled milk, canned foods, oat and semolina, exotic fruits and vegetables, as well as citrus fruits and nuts.

Controlling your weight during pregnancy is also very important. A woman in a position often has an increased appetite. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor your diet. Experts advise adhering to this calculation:

  • In the first half of pregnancy, the mother's daily diet should not exceed 2200 kilocalories. This is the standard daily intake of a non-dieter.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, indicators can be increased to 2500 calories.

By gradually increasing the performance, you will be able to stay in shape even in this position. Being overweight is just as harmful during pregnancy as malnutrition.

Fighting bad habits

All preparations begin with giving up bad habits. The most common of these are tobacco and alcohol. Moreover, both spouses should actively fight these addictions. For the female body, tobacco is very harmful. You should give up smoking and alcohol long before the planned pregnancy. If your husband smokes, he needs to break with this addiction two or even three months before conception. Often, tobacco causes miscarriages, changes the structure of sperm DNA.

Alcohol is no less destructive ... Its excessive use even before pregnancy can contribute to delays in mental development.

Complete examination of the body

One of the main stages in preparing for conception and pregnancy is visiting a certain kind of specialist. So, expectant mother during the examination it is required to visit the following doctors:

During the examination period, tests are prescribed to detect herpes or rubella. Also, when preparing and planning a pregnancy, it is required to pass the following tests:

  • Blood test for thyroid hormones.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • Get a vaginal swab. He will determine the state of the microflora.
  • Make an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs.
  • Testing for HIV, AIDS and hepatitis is being given.
  • Scraping of the cervix.

Based on the results obtained, the specialists will provide further recommendations and prescribe the necessary medications. Often assigned to accept vitamins of different categories. Vitamins by themselves strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of new diseases. For example, folic acid contributes to the successful formation of the fetal brain. Ascorbic acid actively fights bacteria and relieves inflammation that occurs. Sports and yoga are helpful.

Negative household and production factors

Those who work in hazardous industries most often experience the negative impact of pesticides and other harmful elements. When planning a pregnancy, a woman should be left with this type of work. Close contact with such objects is contraindicated for women planning motherhood.

Overexertion is no less dangerous for the health of the mother and the unborn child. You can get it not only in production, but also at home. Some parents start renovating the children's room during pregnancy. It is advisable to carry out repair work before the desired changes occur. It is important for a woman to protect herself from this kind of hard work.


Maybe it's time to find out how to satisfy a woman in a sexual relationship. You go on dates with a charming girl, your communication is light and easy and pleases both of you. But a worm of fear has settled in her soul: will she also be good with you in bed?

And here the sexual experience is not so important, it's just that the female essence is multifaceted, and different girls enjoy completely opposite actions.

How to please a woman in an intimate relationship so that your relationship remains long and bright? A satisfied woman should scream from orgasm.

Organism (ancient Greek ὀργασμός from ὀργάω - to fill up (juice), swell; to burn with passion) is the culmination of sexual arousal, characterized by a strong sense of pleasure, satisfaction.

What Helps For Strong Orgasms

How to satisfy a woman in bed

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems in the question of how to please a wife in bed, the main thing is to feel what the beloved wants, to try to understand her desires, and not to behave repulsively.

The partner feels great satisfaction from the very presence of the object of her passion: the scent of perfume, caressing eyes, timbre of voice. Observing a man who excites her excites a woman even without his touch.

How To Satisfy A Woman If She Can't Cum

Of course, you may be more interested in the question of what movements should be done with the clitoris and anus, because a woman cannot cum. There is no one technique for everyone. But you can recommend a clitoris stimulator (follow the link above). This attachment will bring any young lady to a jet orgasm, checked.

Experiment on how to satisfy a girl

Look constantly for how to satisfy a girl in bed during sex. Finding out whether she imitates an orgasm or not is quite simple.

If you have not discussed certain radical experiments in advance, do not ask for this when intercourse immediately, otherwise you will lose her trust. Boasting of her rich intimate life will also be superfluous - a woman will begin to compare herself with previous passions and will not be able to relax.

From how to satisfy a woman during sex, so that she would scream with pleasure, you can use powerful and safe means to prolong sexual intercourse. You can buy them in (since 2014). Its uniqueness lies in the fact that you can buy even 1 tablet to test the sensation.

This is a proven resource that has been online since 2004, which not everyone can boast of. Sells only high-quality goods, gives full advice, prompts about discounts, promotions. All drugs cope with the task of how to satisfy a woman in bed, while making her moan and scream.

How to satisfy a wife moaning

Joy in the vicinity

In order for a woman to be satisfied in the moment of intimacy with you, try to show a little patience and a lot of tenderness. Satisfied with sex, the wife is able to become a lioness in bed and afford everything.

Good helpers, how to satisfy your wife to groans, will be a glass of wine, a cozy atmosphere, pleasant music, so that in the moment of passion nothing could distract you.

Orgasm can be achieved by stimulating the erogenous zones. Mechanical excitement of the genitals, during vaginal intercourse, oral or anal sex, masturbation, stimulation of erogenous zones by the partner's hand, tongue and other forms of sexual activity.

Go to intimacy gradually: a look full of desire, exciting touches, kisses. Do not rush if the beloved herself does not want it.

Unhurried but passionate caresses excite a woman, making it clear that she is desired. Your partner will be 100% satisfied if she can express herself sexually with you.

Do not put her in a framework that is familiar and comfortable to you. Give the woman the freedom to express her imagination, and it may very well be that she will surprise you with her unspent passion.

Often, intimate female fantasies are more extensive than they sound aloud. Demonstrate that in sex you have no boundaries and are ready to support any idea.

The most loving, faithful and kind is a woman who is satisfied with sex.

When everything is satisfying

Don't be a slave to stereotypes. Do not forget that every woman is individual, and a satisfied woman is also kindness itself. Consider her sexual desires and remember that her complete satisfaction is only in your hands.

A woman already in the first minutes of sexual play determines whether she will be satisfied or not. Casanova himself admitted that there is no ineptitude worse than the inability to caress a woman. Do not do what your loved one does not want. When touching the neck, chest and other erogenous zones, try to feel whether your partner likes it or not.

Clitoral orgasm in women is caused by stimulation of the clitoris (the clitoris is usually protected from external stimuli by the labia). Perhaps the onset of orgasm in a dream; in men, this phenomenon is accompanied by ejaculation and is called emissions (usually during puberty).

If she is tense or has drastically changed tactics, then she feels discomfort, not pleasure. When your caresses make her skin crawl, take her breath away, you are on the right track and your woman is satisfied.

Don't pretend to be a super giant on your first night. You must determine whether the woman wants another intercourse or not. Caress her further, and if you feel her feedback, continue; if not, do not force her under any circumstances. figure out which clitoral or vaginal orgasm is more enjoyable.

Women have different thresholds of sensitivity and for some time after orgasm, their erogenous zones are immune to caress. If you do not take this into account, a woman may feel unpleasant, and sometimes painful moments, and she will attribute this to your rudeness. The best option would be deep and passionate kisses. A woman enjoying sex will always do everything to satisfy a man.

Satisfy a woman in bed

Thinking about how to satisfy a woman in bed, do not forget that for her sex is not just a physical release, but unity with a man. Therefore, after the end of the love game, you do not need to immediately distance yourself from the lady, demonstrating that "the job is done", often this is especially upsetting and even insulting the partner.

Show a little more tenderness, hug, gently kiss the neck and shoulders. These caresses will be very pleasant to the woman and will enhance the effect of intercourse. Such attention will be highly appreciated - the beloved will be grateful for the wonderful sensations and will want the next meeting.

A girl or wife who is satisfied with sex is always in a good mood.

How to understand that you do not satisfy a girl in bed

How can a man understand that his girlfriend in bed does not experience an orgasm, that is, you do everything but do not satisfy her:

  • A little lubricant is released from a woman in the vagina;
  • During orgasm, her vaginal muscles contract and the penis should feel this contraction, if a girl imitates satisfaction, then she screams moans, but the penis does not feel the contraction.
  • Constant discontent and unwillingness for intimacy.

In these cases, look for how to satisfy a woman in bed, not to scream, but to get an orgasm.

How to excite your partner as much as possible in bed

If you do not know how you can quickly arouse your partner as much as possible, do not hesitate to use stimulants and prolongers, choose the right movements. Remember orgasm can be different. For the clitoris, fingers, tongue and circular movements during intercourse will help. For vaginal alternating movements: fast, slow, circular, with a deep entrance and again slow, fast and circular.

How to satisfy a fat wife

In family relationships, there is a period of extinction of passion. With age, men have to look for information on how to satisfy, bring to orgasm, a fat wife.

Unfortunately, overweight ladies lose the high libido trait. Here it is important to learn to caress with the tongue, that is, to give pleasure not with simple intercourse, but with hands, tongue and toys. Regular caresses will not bring the desired result.


In the pictures, a sex technique has been selected for the full satisfaction of a woman and a man.

Sex Technique

These positions allow you to penetrate deeply and give the lady a vaginal orgasm. There are other positions that can be used to achieve clitoral jet satisfaction.

Movement Well, there is a reason for that. Working day ahead, and sexual intercourse, as we have already noted, is somewhat tiring, therefore it can cause a decrease in performance. Evening time appears to be preferable since it does not restrict partners, they have time rest a little and calm down from the hardships of the day's hustle and bustle and business affairs.
It is advisable not to overeat before intimacy.... After all, sexual intercourse requires high emotional mood and quite vigorous physical activity.
Do I need to enter into intimacy on certain days of the week, strictly on schedule?It also depends on individual characteristics and inclinations. sexual partners, although it is better that sexual intercourse is carried out when the desire arises, i.e. emotional and sexual-erotic mood.
True, for partners who are accustomed to a certain regimen, such a mood arises in accordance with the "schedule" according to the principle of a conditioned reflex, The advantage of this mode is that if the partners are accustomed to it, then the expectation of sexual intercourse arises in both partners at the same time, but there is also a drawback - the automatism of the emergence of desire... This somewhat impoverishes the sensual side of sexual intercourse.
Most experts also believe that emotionally richer meetings are not on a "schedule", but at will.... But what about those cases when the desire does not arise in partners at the same time? You need to learn how to excite it from each other or tactfully, without offending your partner, extinguish.
You've already read in previous articles about how deeply dissatisfied a woman is. from sexual intercourse, for which she was not prepared by a man... A special, preferably "dumb" language must exist between a man and a woman so that they can express your desire to each other... This should be done tactfully, beautifully, emotionally and, most importantly, not offensive to sexual-erotic feelings and the human dignity of a partner.
It doesn't matter who first "speaks" this language about your desire. And yet, in our opinion, more often a man should do it..
Flowers brought after work can be an expression of his desire., erotically emphasized attention and tenderness to a woman, look, hygienic preparations for sexual intercourse, helping to complete household chores, patiently waiting for an answer and much more.
Usually if a man behaves this way, a woman easily understands him and answers with consent, which can be expressed in the same language that only two of them can understand. For example, during evening dress use perfume, causing the partner to have an erotic mood, make a bed with an expressive hint of consent to intimacy, etc. The language of love is so rich! She can use the same techniques when she herself is the initiator of sexual intercourse.
If the "negotiations" ended in mutual agreement, one should expect a joyful and happy meeting. If agreement is not reached and one of the partners is not inclined to have sexual intercourse, he must express his refusal in the same delicate and correct manner. Between loving and trusting each other spouses a direct, open conversation can also take place. If a husband and wife master the language of healthy and beautiful eroticism, there should be no conflicts between them. When spouses do not speak such a language or use it tactlessly, discord and conflict are inevitable... For example, the husband expressed a desire for sexual intercourse, and the wife did not mildly refuse him, but showed her unwillingness by deliberately staying in the kitchen for a long time, reading a book or watching TV.
Needless to say, with such behavior, she by no means contributes to the strengthening of intimate relationships. And the husband, who has exchanged the joy of sexual intercourse, even for the most exciting Soccer game that is broadcast on television?
Suppose that the conversation between the spouses took place and both expressed mutual agreement. The next stage of preparation begins to sexual intercourse.
First of all, these are hygiene procedures that are mandatory for both men and women. Best overall warm shower with washing of the genitals... Must be brush your teeth... Bad smell from mouth not only excludes kisses from mutual caresses, but can kill the very desire for intimacy. During this preparation, the desire for intimacy grows - important factor to successfully implement it.
If a woman or a man is accustomed to using creams, deodorants, etc. at night, you should consider whether to apply them to the skin. It may become too oily and unpleasant to touch, or may be too strong. perfume smell, which may reduce the erotic mood of the partner. Better to use perfume or cream that is pleasant to the partner... It is necessary to prepare the matrimonial bed.
The bed should be spacious enough, not very soft and warm, and the bed linen should be fresh and clean. It is good to have a small, firm pillow that a woman can place under her buttocks if the need arises. In advance, you need to prepare a clean small sheet, two sanitary napkins. It is important to think about room illumination, air purity, humidity, temperature, pleasant for the naked body.
The entire environment should tune in to a sexually erotic mood. Should sexual intercourse be carried out in light or darkness? This is decided by the partners themselves. Let us recall the popular proverb that says: "A man loves with his eyes and hands, a woman with his ears." Therefore, it is likely that most men prefer sexual intercourse. in the light, and most women in the dark... It happens that a sexually ill-mannered man insists on his own, and with overly prim woman- on his own.
There is only one way out of this situation - a compromise. Concession from one side or the other. Gradual concession to each other... In our opinion, a woman who insists that sexual intercourse always take place in the dark has a false idea of ​​modesty. She deprives herself and her partner of a variety of experiences - the most important factor in sex life.

A real man should know how to bring a girl to orgasm. We will tell you about this in this article.

So, to get an orgasm, a girl needs a lot of arousal, moreover, before intercourse begins. Hands, below the waist region, you should not climb, it is also better to leave the chest alone for a start. Initially, we believe that the girl is predisposed to sex.

In particular, experts recommend dealing with a clean girl, and kissing her is more pleasant, and it is more calm for her that she is after a shower. The majority of girls have a complex for this. If you have known each other for several years, you can immediately snuggle up to her with your elastic member, she will like it. You can also tell her what you are going to do with her, in all colors, a pleasant whisper in your ear, hot kisses on the neck, and actions as described.

It is best to linger on kisses of the neck and ears, and it is better to quickly change the position to a prone position. Just do not knock her down instantly if you have doubts that she wants it. Be sure to kiss her neck, ears, earlobes, suck a little, or bite, but it doesn't hurt.

With your tongue you can caress the ears from the inside, with the tip of your tongue penetrate the ear opening, gently breathe in the ear, speak pleasant words to her, repeat her name, then go back to the lips, caressing the neck, ears with your hands, kiss again on the lips, neck, see that she is already aroused, start kissing her neck harder. Hide your teeth behind the lips, nibble on its neck, you can also gnaw your ears a little with your teeth, but not much, do not forget to whisper and caress with the tip of your tongue.

Sometimes there is an erogenous zone at the bottom of the head, but not every girl, try it, it may work out. Gently stroke her with your fingers, first, then harder, press down her breasts with your ribcage even more. Hands should not be grabbed, it is better to be excited so that she herself will ask or will clearly indicate it. When she presses her hips to you, let her, but do not rush to nestle, do it gently and gradually. Kiss her constantly, in this state forget about the lips, switch entirely to the neck, and ears, breathing is already deep, hot, but do not be an animal, it's too early. That's when she starts to cuddle up to you more and more, you can put your hands on her chest, or on her ass, as to how much she cuddles ...

And now! Breast, be sure to find out if she loves such a caress. If not, better not try to fondle her like that. You have to be careful with breast nipples, do not squeeze the breast at first, only if she herself asks, or you yourself will see that she wants it. It is better to caress the chest counterclockwise, with your fingers, do not grab it with your whole palm. It is better to start from the edge of the breast, with your fingers, and, making a small circle, go to the nipples, stroke it with your fingertips, then, as it were, pass them inside your fingers, and grab the nipples while moving.

One more moment, in the process of all this, do not forget about kisses on the neck, and phrases, and try to move your leg closer to her, stick it between her legs and press your excited penis to her. Further, you can try to grab it with your whole palm, picking it up from the bottom, stroking the nipples with your thumb and forefinger. Then the caresses should intensify, you can grasp and squeeze her breasts more tightly. When kissing the breast, try to lick the nipples with your tongue from the bottom to the top, suck it, you should not take the whole breast in your mouth, only the nipple and the nearest area will be enough. With the back of the tongue, in circular movements around the nipple, then tease the nipple with the tip of the tongue, let the girl see it herself, try to portray pleasure on her face. It is better to caress the second breast with your hand, you should not linger on one breast for a long time, also run your tongue between the breasts when kissing.

Any movements of the tongue, sucking kisses are allowed, but not strong. Clavicle, shoulders, sucking kisses, biting teeth, if the girl likes a little pain. Just don't get carried away. If you stroke her shoulders, then it is better not with strong movements, with light movements you will only calm her down.

It is better to caress the ass like this: in the middle of each buttocks there are 2 erogenous places, kissing them, it is better with the tongue. With your hands, squeeze the ass with medium and stronger caresses, fingers, palm, but not much, traces may remain and it hurts.