The child hangs on the chest. The baby is constantly breastfeeding

In the first months, many babies hang on their chest for hours (especially in the evening). There is a lot of information on this topic. But in each case, it is necessary to individually understand the causes of the problem.


If your child is healthy, gaining weight within the normal range, has regular urination and bowel movements, then the behavior described below is usually normal for the development of the baby. In any case, if something is bothering you, it is best to contact a lactation consultant and a pediatrician.

The baby is often applied in the evenings .

Most babies become more cranky in the evening and require breasts more often. Some can literally hang on their chest for hours in the evening. Problematic evening hours are quite common. The baby needs to be given more attention, vilified on the handles or in a sling. Let him be at the breast as much as he wants.

Often evening whims are an excuse to make the regime earlier.

The child constantly asks for a breast if he is sick or thirsty.

During illness, the child feels calmer and can more easily endure pain during breastfeeding. Also, the baby may ask for breasts more often when it is very hot.

The child hangs on the chest during difficult periods of development . When a baby is learning something new, such as rolling over or crawling, breastfeeding can become quite frequent. Frequent application may also occur during periods of growth spurts and teething.


Do not wait in case of restless behavior of the baby. Better to be safe. Please monitor your baby's weight gain at home, call a lactation consultant or call a pediatrician at home. The behavior of the baby described below may indicate real problems with the sufficiency of breast milk, problems with the attachment and sucking of the child himself, or other problems.

A baby who cries, even if you just fed him, is constantly looking for a breast.

This behavior is considered abnormal if it happens very often. A few "whimsical" hours a day is normal. But if the baby constantly hangs on the chest day and night, this is an indicator of a problem. Yes, all mothers and babies are individual: but it is better to play it safe and rule out malnutrition.

Baby sleeps too much or too little .

If the baby is constantly awake or, on the contrary, sleeps all the time, this may mean that he does not have enough milk or something else is happening to him. If your newborn sleeps at night without waking up for more than five hours in a row, this is not a reason to rejoice, but a reason to be wary. In the first weeks of life, a baby's sleep is evenly distributed over 24 hours, and the longest sleep is usually no more than 4-5 hours. Conversely, if the baby sleeps only short sleeps in the first weeks, this may be a symptom of hunger.

How much should a child sleep - see. Significant deviations from the norm should alert you.

Baby sucks for too long at every feed .

Usually the child eats approximately from 5 to 45 minutes. In the same child, the duration of one feeding may differ each time. But, if your baby is suckling for too long at each feed, then he most likely has problems sucking milk effectively. Now is the time to seek help from a lactation consultant.

One of the rules of on-demand feeding is that the baby should be kept at the breast for as long as it needs to be. For each baby, the feeding process takes a different amount of time: someone needs 5 minutes, and someone needs all 30.

To a large extent, it depends on the temperament, the state of the nervous system and the age of the crumbs. As a rule, the child hangs on the chest in the first weeks of life, when falling asleep, when they are sick or experience psychological discomfort. The baby will release the breast on its own when it is ready for this.

Do I need to alternate my breasts during on-demand feeding?

For one feeding, it is desirable to give the child one breast. Breast milk contains foremilk and hindmilk. The “front” child receives at the beginning of feeding. It contains a lot of liquid, carbohydrates (lactose) and protein. This is baby drink.

Hindmilk is food. It comes to the baby at the end of feeding and is rich in fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids and enzymes necessary for the digestive process.

At the end of feeding, the baby continues to hang on the chest and at the same time begins to fall asleep

Fatty milk causes drowsiness in the baby, and he begins to suck more sluggishly. Often it is at this moment that the mother thinks that the baby has eaten and fallen asleep, and takes the breast from him, thereby depriving the child of good food.

Why does the baby have colic?

As a rule, due to errors in the organization of feeding on demand. If a mother, thinking that the baby is hanging on her chest for too long, interrupts the “lunch” ahead of time, the baby does not receive “hind” milk (food).

Back milk contains a special enzyme called lactase. It breaks down lactose from the "forward" milk. If the baby did not have time to drink the "hind" milk, unsplit lactose enters the large intestine, where it causes fermentation, increased gas formation, impaired stool and colic in the abdomen. All this, in turn, leads to poor weight gain in the baby, anxiety and sleep disturbance.

The baby hangs on the chest, I interrupt him, the milk becomes less

Your "dairy factory" works on the principle of "supply and demand". Due to poor emptying of the breast with insufficiently long sucking, a decrease in the production of a new portion of milk occurs, and milk stasis (lactostasis) may also develop. Less demand - less milk, this is the law of nature.

The feeling that the baby's breasts are not only for food

Yes, not only. You are his mother, the dearest and dearest person with whom the baby was connected by the umbilical cord for 9 months. For children in the first 3 months of life, frequent breastfeeding is the norm. With the help of suckling, the child satisfies the need for physical and emotional contact with the mother, for warmth, security, constant care and love. Feeling any discomfort, the baby calls his mother.

Do not forget that young children have a well-developed sucking reflex, and they need to satisfy it.

The behavior of the baby often causes inconvenience to the mother: the child requires constant attention, the mother is tired and nervous. And with natural feeding, a situation often arises when the baby hangs on the chest for hours day and night, not letting go of mom, not letting her rest. Why is this happening and what to do in this situation?

Why won't the baby let go of the breast?

Periods when the baby hangs on the chest occur in two-three-month-olds, and in nine-month-old children, and even in children older than a year. The reasons for this behavior are different and depend on age.

A newborn baby, up to 1 month old, needs frequent and continuous breastfeeding. Usually at this time, children are constantly at the breast, but mothers regard this as the natural behavior of a child getting used to a new stage of development. The child fully satisfies the sucking reflex. Mothers do not yet feel tired, they themselves do not yet seek to leave the child, do not complain that he is constantly hanging on the chest.

Time passes, and the rhythm of feeding is gradually getting better, mother and baby adjust to each other, mother learns to have time to do her business in between feedings. And suddenly - like a bolt from the blue - at the age of about 3 months, the child begins to demand breasts more often, does not let go of her after he has eaten, in case of mother's refusal, he is naughty, screams. Mom in a panic: what to do?

“Experienced” grandmothers admonish: “He is the character, don’t spoil him, don’t give him breasts.” Nervous dads echo grandmothers: “Is he in charge here? Let him lie down in bed, there is nothing to indulge his whims. "Girlfriends advise:" Yes, give him a dummy, scream and calm down, it happened to me too.

Having respectfully listened to these opinions, confident mothers still follow their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200braising a baby. And here the main thing is to understand why the baby does not let go of the breast? The fact is that at the age of 3 months the first lactation crisis occurs. For many women, it goes unnoticed. And for some, the amount of milk is slightly reduced. The child grows intensively during this period, he needs more and more milk every day. And his chest is getting smaller. Feeling this, the child instinctively tries to solve the problem in the only way available to him - more frequent breastfeeding. The child in this case is wiser than the mother, he does not listen to anyone, he does what nature taught him in the process of evolution: if you suckle the breast - there will be food - you will live.

The best way out for a mother is to listen to the child, to give him what he asks for. A calm, confident mother knows that the period of “hanging” on her chest is a temporary phenomenon, and if you don’t get nervous and don’t blame yourself and the baby for what is happening, then this period will quickly and safely end, and you will return to the usual feeding rhythm.

If you try to “educate” a three-month-old child, show him who is in charge here, exhort him with meaningless notations like “well, you just ate”, then you can fall into a vicious circle:

The child asks for breasts - the mother does not give - the child is nervous and asks for breasts to calm down - the mother does not give, thinking that he is naughty - the child screams and cries in a panic, asks for breasts - the mother, unable to stand it, gives up and gives the breast - the child, having finally received breast, sucks it for a long time and does not let go - the mother tears out the breast - the child is nervous again, afraid that they will not give him the breast again - the mother is annoyed with the child, scolds him, does not give the breast, punishing him - the child does not understand what is happening, wants only one thing, to suck on the breast and that everything be as before - the mother wants only one thing: to rest and sleep - everyone is crying.

Often the way to break this vicious circle is to switch to artificial feeding, it is at 3 months that many mothers stop breastfeeding: the baby begins to hang on the chest, the mother thinks that he is not full, and gives him a mixture. All.

How to break out of the vicious circle?

A more correct way out of the vicious circle is simple: you need to obey the desire of the child, pushing your pedagogical aspirations to a later period. Just let the baby hang on the chest for as long as he needs. Are you not getting enough sleep? Organize. Don't have time to do household chores? Buy a sling, adapt to it, learn how to do household chores without leaving your child. Tired? Relax with your child. Everything has a solution, you just need to want to keep breastfeeding! Remember, this is not permanent, periods of hanging on the chest usually pass quickly.

Thus, under the age of 1 year, periods of hanging on the chest are associated with lactation crises. The older the child, the shorter these periods, and they may already be associated with some external problems not related to the amount of milk: for example, teething causes some discomfort in the child's mouth, and he tries to smooth it out with frequent sucking. Colds, ailments of the child can also provoke long hanging on the chest. But this makes it easier for the baby, you can relieve his pain by simply giving him a breast at an inopportune time when he asks.

If the child is older than a year, does not get sick and does not actively cut teeth, but at the same time he begins to constantly demand breasts (eating ordinary food in normal quantities) - this may be due to the onset of weaning. Often, mothers of one-year-old children begin to think that it is time to part with their breasts. They talk about it a lot, hint to the child that he is “already big”, try to limit sucking. The child expresses his disagreement, unwillingness to part with the breast precisely by frequent attachments to it. Seeing the mother, the child is distracted from a very interesting toy and runs up to cling to the breast, and then runs away to play again. So the child is looking for confirmation that the breast that is valuable to him belongs to him. The child needs this feeling to gain confidence, control over the world, trust in the environment. If you feel that the child is older than a year, that he is not yet ready to part with her. It is worth continuing breastfeeding if possible, waiting for the end of this period and a more favorable situation for. It is already possible to negotiate with children older than a year, you can calm and encourage them with the help of breastfeeding, you can sometimes briefly refuse to breastfeed, demonstrating frustration and resentment if the child shows undesirable behavior. However, it is impossible to manipulate attachments, this is dishonest in relation to the child - after all, the breast for him is still associated with unconditional maternal love. “If you don’t eat porridge, you won’t get titya” - this phrase is understood by the child as follows: “if you don’t eat porridge, then I will stop loving you” - agree, you didn’t mean that, did you?

So, if the child hangs on the chest - be aware of the reasons and tune in to calmly overcome this period, let the child stay with you as long as he needs. Thus, you will strengthen mutual trust and will be able to quickly and painlessly survive this period.

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    Elena, hello! Probably, I have the same lactation crisis, my daughter is almost three months old, and for the third night we suck all the time, since joint sleep helps out (breaks for an hour, a maximum of one and a half). But, for some reason, during the day she doesn’t take her breast very often, especially when I sit down to feed, scream, turn around, I have to observe an interval of about 1.5-2 hours, then you can avoid screaming, and feed only lying down. The breasts are no longer as full as before, and it is rarely possible to express with a breast pump ... And in this situation, I have such a question, how many days this can continue and after what time, if feeding continues to improve, supplement the baby. piss settled back to normal, more than 12 per day. Can Apilak start drinking?

    I agree with you about crises. Our last one was when the baby was 1.5. Constant "night hanging" led to cracks, very painful. Although I am an experienced mother. Decided it was time to let go. I see only +. Appetite has appeared, does not wake up at night, I can finally take care of my health. The baby perfectly drinks milk from a bottle before going to bed. I see no reason to delay breastfeeding. The previous child was weaned in a year, there were no problems at all.

    Good afternoon We have a problem with sleep and feeding. The child is 5 months old, has been sleeping with us since birth, wakes up every hour, demands a breast, seems to overeat, because then he whimpers, pulls his legs, does not take his breast. And so all night, the chest whimpers, sleeps a little and again demands breasts. And stubbornly "moves out" on the nipple. My chest and nipple hurt, and I can't get enough sleep. If I don’t give breasts, I yell. What to do?

    Hello! Such situation. My son is 21 days old. Upon arrival from the maternity hospital, feeding was arranged every 2-3 hours. I slept great between feedings. But here already the second day hangs on a breast constantly. Does not let go at all, sleeps and sucks. It is worth leaving - he wakes up in five minutes and cries. What is this? lactation crisis? On some resources they write that the first happens in 3-6 weeks

    Elena, hello! Back to you for help. I can't get through the "reply" button, so I'm writing a new post. The baby was very noisy. He suffers from colic, and maybe something else is a plus, but he screams terribly. Already yelled a hernia. Calms down only on the chest, motion sickness rarely helps. And I feed every two hours, and even "soothing" times. Apparently, it turns out a lot, he burps, gets upset, cries again, gasps for air, suffers from his stomach, yells, again on his chest and burps again. In general, we go in circles.
    I want to help him, but I don't know how. Maybe something to change in their behavior?

    No, the grip is correct. Well, not classic, but very good. I also thought about the capture and invited a consultant

    Good evening! I have the same problem, my son is 9 months old. Misha sleeps with us in bed, because we are on GW. Somewhere from the age of 7 months, Misha began to sleep poorly at night - he wakes up every hour to eat. The nipple at such moments does not help, but only irritates him, and he begins to cry even more. So only the chest saves. But every hour, or even more often, it is very difficult.

    Diet before bed:
    - At 7-7.5 months at 18:00-19:00 cottage cheese with fruits 100-130 gr., Then only breasts at night.
    - By 8.5 months, we decided that Misha remained hungry at night and decided to feed him porridge (on the advice of a pediatrician) 1 hour before bedtime. But even after 5 days the situation has not changed!

    Also, from 7.5 months, the sleep pattern went astray: earlier, night sleep began from 20:30-21:00 and until 06:00-06:30. Now we put him at 20:00-21:00 and after 40 minutes he wakes up and does not fall asleep until 23:30-00:00
    Daytime sleep: 1.5-2 hours in the morning (11:00-13:00); 40 min.-1.5 hours in the afternoon (15:00-16:30); 40 min. in the evening (not always) (20:30-21:30)
    The teeth came out at 6-7 months (6 pieces), until new ones are expected (as the pediatrician said).
    Tell me what you can do, or wait until he stops waking up so often?

  1. Elena, hello! Help me please. Daughters 1.5 months. Approximately 3 weeks ago, she began to hang on her chest. During the day he practically does not sleep, a maximum of an hour and then rarely. Sucks breast for 1.5-2 hours. Dozing only with her in his mouth, sucking. You pick up your chest, you start crying heart-rendingly. No one can calm down often, 10-12 times for sure. I p

    Elena, hello. We have such a problem. The child is 10 days old, from the first day there were problems with feeding. The nipples are flat, difficult for my daughter to grasp. I tried to breastfeed with a pad, then after a consultant on guards, I began to give breasts without a pad. But it became very painful to feed, straight to tears. And the daughter has been constantly asking for breasts for 2 days, she refuses to take a breast pad, gets angry, cries all the time. You have to feed the mixture. What to do? I'm afraid that he will completely refuse the breast. I'm desperate.

  2. Elena, thanks for your reply. It seems to me that the expressed milk is not enough. At a time, somewhere around 30-40 ml is obtained in total. Pain during feeding, she began to smear Purelan, you really need to endure.
    About getting angry, I meant that the first time you can’t grab the chest, because. the nipples are flat, and after several unsuccessful attempts, she starts to cry a lot, turn away, and then I can’t attach her at all.

    Good evening, please tell me, the child is 2 years old, she began to constantly hang on her chest at night, what this may be connected with, I don’t plan to wean yet, but the lack of sleep began to strain!

    Hello! Baby 1.5 months The problem is that the child often hangs on the chest and uses the breast not for food, but for comfort. When milk arrives in the process of sucking, the breast lets go, becomes angry, as if not hungry at all. At night, sleepy sucks breasts well, I hear how he swallows. During the day, when he eats, he behaves strangely near the chest, arches, cries, is nervous, especially when milk arrives.
    I tried to give expressed milk from a bottle - she drinks very little 50 grams no more.
    I have enough milk, I have a lot of flushes.
    What to do, why the child can behave like this?
    From such behavior, lactation may decrease and you will have to transfer to IV later. What would not be desirable.
    Please advise what to do, how to establish GV ???

    Hello! Baby three months and a week and a half. For the last four days, I have seen a change in behavior. If earlier we tried to withstand two hours between feedings and three times at night (we have a joint dream from birth), now she eats every hour, even if you check the clock and sleep between feedings. She walks a little, I can’t stand the street, she falls asleep under her chest, sleeps for forty minutes, provided that I don’t leave, the chest wakes up again, she cries straight if I hesitate. I didn’t notice that there was less milk, is it really a lactation crisis? Or is it something else?

    Good night my baby is 1.5 months old. He also hangs on his chest every half hour after spitting up and again asking for breasts, such a cycle, but at night every two hours, but the fact is that we were told that he has an advantage, I don’t know what to do, I wanted to teach him to endure at least an hour, he doesn’t want to cry ! And still suffer from colic ..

    Hello, Elena!) Such a situation ... My baby is almost 11 months old. It worries me that even in daytime dreams, if they are not on the street, but at home, I have to lie next to him, he sleeps either with a tit in his mouth, and even if he falls off, then after 30-40 minutes he will start looking for her ... To the child had a full sleep at 1.5 hours, I have to lie next to me ... And what about housework? Yes, I would have had time to redo everything in this time! But for all 11 months I’ve been afraid to move away from him, I’m afraid that he will wake up ... But a child who hasn’t slept enough is whims. At night, duck, I don’t understand anything, how much he sucks there ... Everything is in some kind of half-asleep ... But at that age he should generally sleep at night without waking up, but I have the feeling that he sucks half the night. Give, please, advice! Maybe I'm to blame? Wasn't it necessary to shove a tit to a child with every vomit before?

    Oh, here is a great question from Olga. Have us now in five months the same. Only my son wakes up five minutes after I leave. I always thought that it was his need to be with his mother and did not see the problem. I once mentioned this in a conversation with a friend, a mother of three children. She started talking about rickets. That, coupled with a rubbed back of the head (this was what my son had), a bad dream testifies just to his presence. I myself read a lot about the fact that sweaty legs and a bald head on the back of the head are not a sign of rickets. We have been giving our son one drop of aquadetrim for a long time, but not every day. So the pediatrician recommended, at first she didn’t even want to prescribe. So a friend is talking about 9 (!) Drops.
    I understand that the question is medical, and I will find out this with the doctor, I’m just interested in your opinion, Elena

  3. Hello. And I have a similar problem. The child is already 13.5 months old. During the day, he sleeps only if I'm lying next to him, and at night too, but at the same time he constantly hangs on his chest. I can’t even go to drink water, I immediately wake up, start crying, asking for breasts. I used to think that this is due to the fact that he does not eat up during the day, since he eats almost nothing, except for 100 grams of cottage cheese for breakfast, and 50-150 grams of vegetable meat for lunch, and 100 ml of kefir as an afternoon snack, the rest of the time - breast milk. Dinner was moved to the evening - before swimming, so that he would go to bed full - it was useless, nothing had changed. Everything is also restless sleeping and hanging on his chest. What could it be and what to do?

    Good afternoon I ask you for help. My son is three months old, in the maternity hospital they were supplemented with formula when there was no milk yet, it took us a day. Then the son sucked his breast, there was enough milk. Up to a month I slept and ate in 2-3 hours. All was good. But then the son began to hang on his chest. At first there were colic and the son fell asleep only on the balcony in the cool air. Now it's summer, we go out into the street and after 5 minutes a tantrum begins, she doesn't sleep, she needs breasts. So we sit on a bench in the yard with a chest. Sleeps 2-3 hours at night, wakes up to eat, sleep together. And during the day, some kind of nightmare, constantly on my chest, sleeps for 15 minutes, I get up, he wakes up. It doesn't look like a crisis, there is milk. She doesn't take a pacifier either, even on the street. How to be? I tried to give a mixture of nan, 60 ml, I ate everything and ate my breast for another hour and did not fall asleep ...

  4. Hello! Tell me, please, the child is 3 weeks old, constantly hangs on her chest during the day. every 3 hours, and during the day again constantly on the chest. What uh
    is it a lack of milk? I myself constantly drink tea with milk, drink lactaphytol, sleep with a child, but the milk, it seems to me, does not increase in volume. I pumped both breasts, it comes out 20-30 ml. .I'm desperate, advise what to do.

    Good afternoon My daughter is 1.2 years old. Complementary foods started late, from 7 months. From about the same time, even a little earlier, night hangs on the chest began. The situation got better, then got worse. But it never returned to normal. My daughter has been sleeping very badly lately. Falls asleep around 10 pm, then wakes up to breastfeed around 10 pm, then around 01 am, and then every hour or more often. This can continue until 04.00 in the morning or even until 05.30. At the same time, she whimpers until I give a breast. On the hands does not want, if I take. Only lying down. Not so much sucks intensively, but simply, like a nipple sucks lightly. I don't get enough sleep. I can sleep and feed well. But! She throws her breasts, and then soon wakes up and whimpering, wants breasts again. I tried giving water. Doesn't want to drink. We can't have milk. Allergies still torment me. Teeth, of course, can be disturbing, but there are only four of them so far. So they can climb for a very long time. We both don't sleep well. I think it's wrong. I would be patient if I understood that my daughter was well. But for her, apparently, it is also difficult. Help, please. Thank you

    Hello, I have a question for you. My son, 2m, 3 weeks old, cannot be without a breast at all during the day, if I fall asleep, I just take my breast, he immediately wakes up and starts looking. it happens that he will spit it out and look again. and at night she wakes up only 2 times! there is nothing to do at home, there is not enough time for yourself! How can I not understand at all!

    Good day Elena. My name is Galina. I have the same problem as many - my baby hangs on my chest day and night ... .. and sleeps only with breasts and wakes up at night to suck every hour ... and also my boy's weight is 10800 at 5 months. (born 3850)

    My mother fed me up to 7 months, my brother up to 3 months. She says that no one hung on her chest. And, in general, it seems that it wasn’t like this before: there were no slings, women walked calmly, walked with strollers, went to work, and now, if GV, then the child hangs and the mother is tied for years. It seems that no one suffered. I don't know why it's like this now?

  5. Elena, hello! If you can, give advice please! The baby is 3 months old, weighs 6 kg, hardly sleeps during the day, hangs on his chest, while he completely refuses to walk in the stroller, after bathing he cries terribly. One pediatrician advised to drink Pantogam, another - Tea, a neurologist - Phenibut. The mother-in-law says to switch to SW. I do not know what to do. We are also given secondary lactase deficiency, because problems with the mixture can arise.

    Elena, the drugs were prescribed after my complaints about my daughter's daytime sleep. I did the diaper test several times, it turned out 11-14 piss per day. The mother-in-law of her children transferred to the NE with such complaints, so she advises me. At night, my daughter sleeps for about 8 hours and wakes up once for feeding. Yes, I’m already thinking about a sling (I have back problems, so I still don’t have one). In general, I want to keep the GW, of course.

    Elena, good afternoon. If you have the opportunity, please help with advice. My daughter is 4.5 months old. From birth on mixed feeding, there was not enough milk. Until 4 months, she slept with me more or less normally, woke up a couple of times at night and ate breasts, hung on her chest from 4 in the morning to 6. 2 weeks ago I moved to live in another country. The child has been changed. She hangs on her chest all night, instead of a nipple she has a breast. It gets to the point that she can suck for 3-4 hours in a row. She doesn't suck during the day. It does not hang on the chest during the day, only sometimes it can, when I put it to sleep. I am desperate. Is this situation normal? Thank you very much.

  6. Hello! The child is a month old, I feed on demand, everything is fine, but for the first month they scored 1400, the doctor said that this is not very good, that the norm is 600, that you need not overfeed, that the baby will have a stomach ache. I looked at my records, the eldest daughter also scored 1300 in the first month. At the same time, the doctors themselves say to feed on demand. Many acquaintances say that in the first month, children gain far from 600, but a kilogram or more. Maybe it’s worth rewriting the norms already, if we are all so for guards on demand, what do you think?

    Elena, good afternoon! Such a problem. The child is 3 months old. About the fact that he began to constantly hang on his chest (both day and night) - I am silent, because. I understood from the previous comments that this is normal. But here's what's confusing. During the day, the child does not sleep at all (maybe a little sleep if I'm around). And in the last 4 days he also stopped sleeping at night. Turns his head back and forth with his eyes closed, waving his hands, scratching his eyes ... crying all the time. I also give breasts at night, otherwise I won’t sleep at all. Is it something nervous? He doesn’t lie in the stroller, he screams “foolish”, we can’t go for a walk. Is this appropriate behavior for a child of this age? I already have no strength. I don't eat or sleep.

    Hello. The child is 4 months old. Hangs on the chest day and night. Does not take a pacifier. When you press the nipple, the milk flows well. It turns out that there is no lactation crisis? What then?

    Elena, hello. I won’t ask anything new, and you probably won’t answer (I read the article and almost all the comments on it), but I’ll still tell my story and ask the question:
    My son is 3.5 months old, we are on breastfeeding, probably for 5 days he eats and doesn’t let go, he sleeps, he can just suck, but he doesn’t swallow (does it satisfy the sucking reflex?)
    Today, in fact, what prompted me to write, for more than 5 hours he is on me, falls asleep with a breast, releases, it will take a little time to take it again, suck, suck, stop, but do not let go. If released, I put it on the bed, immediately wakes up and cries, I take it back to me, calms down. I don't take his chest. It is easier at night, because joint dream. Yesterday, too, he didn’t let go for three hours, but at least we were on the bed and I myself was able to sleep, but today only my hands, I don’t want to shift even if I lie next to me. What is this? lactation crisis? Teeth? Lack of milk? (this is the last thing that comes to mind, because the plans also include the desire to feed until self-weaning). Maybe something else? Tell me please

    Hello, I have a similar problem. The child is 2 months and a week old. In the morning, he eats breasts, he sleeps a little during the day. he asks not to let me, he cries and so on until ten in the evening. I don’t sleep all night. see what to do how to feed so that you don’t ask so often? Or is it a crisis?

  7. Elena, good afternoon. I have a situation like many mothers after a year))) well, I can still learn something new)) my daughter is 1 year and 1 month old. From the very birth on GV, on demand at any time, always and everywhere, she ate as much as she wanted. There has never been a break of three hours from birth. There were no nipples. I would not have thought about excommunication, if at least at night it was somehow calmer and hangs all night without ceasing. In the afternoon, very often, she also comes up, pulls a T-shirt, sits down and eats. I tried to refuse twice and cried a lot. She eats food normally, I don’t insist, but she eats and shows interest, although she introduced complementary foods very late and it can be said that only from the year she became more or less interested in all food. I didn’t plan to excommunicate by force or through her tears, it’s just that the situation is worsening day by day, there is another child of 4 years old. With two, you won't be spoiled much at all. There are assistants, but still not every day. I don’t consider situations when a child is left with his grandmother and weaned for himself. But still I worry that it will only get worse, and she will demand her own and also hang. I also want to sleep in a normal position. What to do, feed until self-denial or wait a month or two if it doesn’t change, but then already through screaming and stress for the child and me ?? Help

    Good afternoon We are 7 days old and have been hanging on our chest for days since birth. The first 20 minutes sucks, then falls asleep and slowly sucks. If I remove my breasts, it wakes up and demands it again. At night I sleep only on my chest. The pediatrician said to buy baby lactase and give it to the baby. That you can’t hang so often, this is an anomaly, most likely the child has lactase deficiency.

    Hello Elena! Such a problem, the daughter of 4 months recovered by 200g in just a month, we are on GV, stopped sucking in a good way, it’s all three minutes and that’s it, if I give it still arches, the baby doesn’t want to take the breast, before and before going to bed it could take a long time suck, and now it’s cut off, in the evening the doctor said to give the mixture, we’re trying to take the bottle from a spoon, but she doesn’t drink very much. How should we be and what do we have for the period?

    Good afternoon I have the following problem. Son is 4 months old. We are on Mrs. He used to sleep until 3 a.m. in his crib, then I took him to feed and the rest of the night he slept with us, waking up a couple of times in the morning to eat. From 3.5 months, a nightmare began, the child eats before going to bed, falls asleep, I put him in the crib after an hour and a half, he wakes up, and begins to hang on his chest, sleeps badly, wakes up often, every hour and a half, I let my chest fall asleep again, naturally I I don't sleep. I do not know how to be, help with advice. Thank you very much!

  8. Hello, Elena! I am writing in despair, because For two weeks now, my 3-month-old son has been waking up at night every 40 minutes (each cycle) and does not fall asleep on his own, either he needs to be rocked. or to breastfeed. But breasts don't help either. So it goes all night with my rises 10-12 times or shifting it from one breast to another. Say I don't sleep. say nothing... He sleeps badly from birth, but in recent weeks he has been just awful. He sleeps normally during the day, he can sleep for 2-3 hours on his own, or maybe 40 minutes and that's it. We feed like when, but we don’t keep a strict time interval, we sleep together, but every night is a nightmare for me, not to mention the fact that I have a husband and an older child, whom I can’t devote time to at all in the evening. I don’t know what to do, but despair overshadows the joy of motherhood ... ..

    Hello, Elena! Tell me, please, what is the best thing to do in the following situation - my son is 1 year and 2 months old, began to sleep badly at night, wakes up, whimpers, sometimes screams, gives breasts, sucks, falls asleep, releases his chest, then after a while wakes up again and so it can reach yes 10 times a night. I don’t know what’s wrong with the child, I’m tormented by doubts, maybe I missed something. My son sleeps with me, otherwise I won't sleep at all. I used to wake up only on a potty a couple of times a night ... in the daytime I don’t remember about my chest at all, I eat ordinary food ...

  9. Hello, first of all, thank you for everything you do! there are few places where you can find such support online (and offline too)
    And here I have a question about your opinion, perhaps advice.
    the situation is this: my boy, 2 and 2, hung on his chest from the very beginning, he is just one of those babies who slept every half hour for half an hour, day and night. It was hard, as you understand, but habit and some dexterity eased (if I can call it that) my situation. despite all this, I myself like the guards, especially now when the child is talking and gently calling out to the tit. in general, I must say, the child is very active, quite independent, his character is bright. with all this, we fall asleep only with the breast, during the day we fall asleep and sleep with the breast, it doesn’t let go at all, there was a period it was possible to unhook the breath for 20 minutes, but then it sucked it back in, now after 2 it doesn’t let go at all. at night he wakes up 5-6 times, sometimes more or less, but he sleeps with us, I try not to wake up completely. everything would be fine, but at night he would not just wake up quietly, but screaming for his chest, that is, not so that he calmly asked or crawled closer himself. in the afternoon, if at home, he often walks and asks, it’s impossible to distract him if I sit down to play with him or read a book right away, tit! if outside the house, then most often it turns out to persuade that the tit is at home, of course, if he fell or got scared, then most often the tit is also on the street too. In general, things are not so bad on the street. My dream is to have 1-3 feedings per day. but it seems to be something impossible. do you have any recommendations to reduce the quantity?
    still need to add, there is a nanny and 2-3 times a week, she calmly puts him to daytime sleep, sleeps as usual for 1.5-3 hours, in this interval she wakes up and takes him in her arms, he immediately calms down and sleeps on. daddy does it very rarely, he doesn’t have that calmness. every weekend he tries to put it in the afternoon but no. I'm trying to explain to my son that the tit is tired, he only freaks out even more. he likes to do everything himself, I suggest him to sleep on his own, after titi, but no
    for reference, someone else's opinion that it's time to excommunicate me does not particularly care.
    itching all got out before 2 years
    thanks in advance

    Good afternoon My daughter is 1 month old, while I am breastfeeding, but I think that there is not enough milk! During the day she hangs on her chest all the time, I eat with her, I can’t move away at all, she immediately wakes up and is indignant. He sleeps well at night, falls asleep at 10-11, feeds at 3-4 and then at 6-7. I didn’t do a wet diaper test, but judging by the diapers, she pees normally, not a little, she also poops 4-5 times a day. BUT. We've added very little in a month. 3250 were born, at discharge 3020, now about 3350. Should I start supplementary feeding or continue the fight for full breastfeeding? I'm afraid that my daughter will be weak from malnutrition. If it is still worth feeding, then how many times a day and how many ml?

    Hello! We are constantly hanging on the chest from 1.5 months and now it's already the 3rd month! And we can eat for 2 hours or more, if the baby falls asleep during the day, then he will sleep for half an hour and wants to eat again! Walking is generally a problem for us! We scream all the time! Soothes the chest! Please tell me, someone advises supplementing with a mixture, they say that milk is not fat! I don't know what to do anymore!

    Hello. Help me please. The child is 7.5 months old, she began to sleep very badly at night, we sleep on her chest, we used to fall asleep at 21.00. And slept all night. Now the regime has gone astray, for some reason the child began to fall asleep at 24.00. During the day he sleeps for 2-2.5 hours, for example, he goes to bed at 14.00 and wakes up somewhere at 16.00. I try to put to bed at night at 22.00. But she can fall asleep for an hour and wake up again. We have to wait until night. But that's not all, when we fall asleep at night we sleep for about 40 minutes with a breast, then the daughter starts screaming with her eyes closed, she releases her breasts, I try to give her back, she screams and does not take it. It calms down only when I take it in my arms. Then I try to put her to sleep again, but everything repeats again 2 times. At night she doesn’t sleep normally, takes her breast, cries, lets her cry, sleeps in fragments, I don’t know how to help her, I’m worried. Eventually, he falls asleep in the morning. At what Daytime sleep is not the same as at night. Tell me what I'm doing wrong, what is my mistake?

    Hello! My son is one and a half years old. He sucks endlessly at the breast, practically does not eat anything. Went to the doctor, tests were normal. Hemoglobin was lowered, after taking iron it increased. Hanging on my chest does not bother me, I am worried that there are not enough substances in my milk for its rum and development. For the whole day, he can eat a piece of some fruit and gnaw a cucumber with a crumb of bread. It happens that he eats a whole cutlet, but this is rare. I don't want to withdraw. What to do?

    Elena, hello! Thank you for all your articles and answers to questions!!!
    My daughter is 6 weeks and 3 days old. She was born 3 kg 50 gr after stimulation with oxytosin, epidural and forceps.
    Weight changes:
    Birth - 3050
    2 days - 2 840
    5 days - 3210
    2 weeks and 6 days - 3 240
    6 weeks and 3 days - 3 560
    She is active, cheerful, cries in moderation, I seem to have enough milk, sleeps 4-5 hours at night, 1-2 hours during the day, eats the rest of the time - hangs on her chest, applies well, poops profusely several times a day, pees 6 times -7 per day, spitting up milk intermittently.
    I had a child health visitor come to me today and said that since we have little weight gain, we should think about giving formula.
    What to do? Is it really such a small weight gain?

  10. Good afternoon Daughter 9 months. I predominantly formula feed. Complementary food almost does not eat refuses. But after he drinks the whole mixture, he looks for breasts and without it I can’t rock my daughter. She wakes up very often at night and cries. I let my chest calm down and fall asleep. In the morning, awakenings become more frequent and the daughter literally hangs on her chest. I do not get enough sleep, and besides, it becomes very unpleasant for me from long sucking that my nipples ache. I can't fall asleep while sucking her because of the discomfort. I still have milk but not much. I think the daughter sucks not because of hunger. I want to wean off my chest. Please tell me how?

    Oops, I didn't ask the question. The question is, how do I act now in this situation?

    Hello!! I have a very difficult situation. At 1.7-1.8 I decided to turn off the GV. Before that, everything was generally good. There was one feeding left before daytime sleep, at night and at night a couple of times. We all sleep together, so nighttime feedings are still tolerable, and besides, she didn’t sleep for hours. Well, I decided that it was time to remove the only daytime feeding, before bedtime. And this is where hell started. For a couple of days I laid her down in every way, she cried, tantrums began during the day, breast requests (which had not been there for a long time) at night, naturally, began to just hang on me. I realized that she is not yet ready to leave. I returned one for daytime sleep, but for 3 weeks now it still hangs on goudy at night. It became very bad to eat ordinary food during the day. Be capricious more than usual. But I'm still tired of feeding her, and even more so, I don't want to return with intensive feeding. I have such a question - what to do now? Wait until she starts to lose interest herself, but it is not known when. Or just cut it all off at once. Or still put the squeeze on the situation with daytime feedings - cancel them first at all costs. And leave the night ones for now? And what to do with night feedings? She also doesn’t drink water from a bottle at night (oh, I forgot to say - bottles / drinkers go very badly with her) I didn’t give a bottle at all when I was little. At first I finished her from a spoon and then immediately started from a thicket. Maybe that's why she is not at all interested in sucking from bottles ... I will really wait for your recommendations !! Thank you!

    Hello. Now my baby is 1 month 12 days old. We were at the control weighing for a month, gained 330 g. The pediatrician says that it is not enough and that I need to supplement with the mixture, but I would still like to fight. It hangs on the chest all the time during the day, at night the child does not wake up on his own, but I do not wake him up for feeding. We sleep together. I feed through the pads, since I have a flat nipple and even in the maternity hospital I could not take a breast and in connection with this I did not have milk for several days, I was supplemented with a mixture. In the hospital they said that we need pads. Poops 1 time a day, sometimes 2 times. I didn’t check for wet diapers, but judging by the diaper, I think it’s enough. We bought a scale, now the child weighs 4040 (was born with a weight of 3440). I tried to weigh it a couple of times before and after feeding (it eats from 20-75 grams at a time), after feeding I sometimes decant and supplement with my milk. The pediatrician said that he needs to eat 100 g at a time. Tomorrow for re-weighing. I have a question, I’m trying to wean the baby from the lining, but while he is very resistant, they tell me that it’s not worth starting. Is there a chance to wean or will I only make it worse and the baby may even
    give up the breast. Also, a question about supplementary feeding, should I fight for breastfeeding or not torture myself and the child and supplement with formula?

    Good afternoon The baby is 2 months old. After one breast cries and worries, always looking for mouth movements! 3900 were born. Now the weight is 6300, large in itself, in the father. Ultrasound showed a slightly enlarged gallbladder. The pediatrician says that I overfeed, my stomach will hurt and spit up like a fountain. I don't see these symptoms. The uzist and the pediatrician strongly advise to feed according to the regime once every three hours, with a night break of 6 hours. Tell me how should I do? Is it possible to give a second breast? I would not want to torment the baby with a regimen, but it’s scary for the Gallbladder and digestion.

    Hello! The girl is 5 months old, she got up 2 times at night to eat, then 1 time, and for the last 2 weeks she gets up 10 times, as a result of which we organized a joint dream, now she eats breasts constantly and falls asleep with her breasts, it’s only necessary to roll over in a dream and she starts crying to ask for breasts again and so all night and she starts amy night. I can’t sleep at all, because I’m afraid to move over and wake her up once again. for a lactation crisis or is it teeth? For a month, the increase is only 300 grams. She falls asleep only with her breast both day and night, it’s pointless to put it on the bed, she wakes up immediately. The problem is that I can’t sleep at night with her (it’s uncomfortable for me to lie on my side so I hardly sleep.

    Hello! Please tell me. My baby is now 8 months old. We also experienced a lactation crisis at 3 months. Often hung on the chest day and night, there was a joint dream. Then lactation improved and everything settled down. At 7 months, the story repeated itself, the child cannot sleep at all without a breast at night. Everyone is worried that he hangs so often on his chest, he does not sleep himself and does not give us. And how to wean him from guards at night later ?. Wakes up with a scream. We've lost one tooth so far. But the pediatrician says that they climb more from above 4 and from below 2. Is it possible that he so often requires breasts because of his teeth? I think he won’t get used to sleeping with us in bed, but he won’t be in his later? We even used gum gel, but the result did not last long. At night, he only sleeps with boobs in his mouth. During the day we only sleep outside. And if at home, it is also only with boobs in your mouth. Please tell me what to do? Thanks in advance for your reply!

    Hello, Elena! You are a big brain for creating this site! I have three children: a son is 7 years old, a daughter is 4 years old and the youngest, she will soon be 6 months old! All children will grow up on my chest, but now doubts are guessing in my head: the baby has been pissing very little for about two weeks. The number of piss -8 will be typed in a day, the volume of urine excreted has decreased (we are without diapers, so it is noticeable) and the color is a little more saturated. I have already begun to offer water little by little, without changes. Tell me, does the number of pee in 6 months affect?
    And yet ... I'm sick, I had temperatures for three days - tonsillitis, I didn't take anything, I offer breasts at the first squeak. I'm being treated. Can it somehow affect?

    Hello. We are already 4 months old tomorrow, and the baby does not sleep well the second night, often wakes up and requires breasts, and also jerks her legs and arms all night, we have a joint dream. During the day, she does not hang on her chest, for what reason this happens, I don’t understand, tell me please

    Good day, Elena. I have such a situation: the baby is 2 and a half months old. We still don’t have a sleep regimen, sleeps with me at night and give breasts on demand, comes out somewhere in 1.5-2 hours. But! Fits only with me, as I lie down - so does she. He falls asleep either with a tit in his mouth, or after sitting feeding, he needs to shake. During the day, the same story: it hangs on the titan all the time. I feed sitting, falls asleep on the handles, as soon as I get up, wakes up and asks again. Sometimes he does not fall asleep, but immediately asks again in a minute. I'm worried about not getting enough milk?! I always applied and apply often, but we have a low weight gain, barely 500 grams per month, the doctor says to supplement with formula, I don’t want to desperately yet, but I’m worried that the girl is starving. He writes well, the basic monthly examination did not reveal any violations. I’m already drinking special teas for lactation, changing positions for feeding, in general, I’m out of my skin, and the weight gain is low, but we have a very fast growth in length! Tell me how to be? Listen to the doctor - supplement with formula or still try to maintain pure breastfeeding?

    Good evening! We are 3 weeks old. The pediatrician prescribed lacto baby, after we passed on carbohydrates, 0.4%. They started drinking and my daughter stopped pooping herself, I saved myself with warm cotton wool, strong gas formation. The stool is liquid. If you do not help, he screams a lot and knocks with his legs. Warm diapers, laying on the stomach and stroking do not help. We are completely on breastfeeding, does not take a nipple and a bottle, espumizan does not help much. I really want to keep feeding. At night it hangs constantly, but sometimes after they began to give lactase, the baby began to sleep for 2-3 hours, but at night. From 5 am begins: screaming, superficial sleep and constantly hanging on the chest. He sleeps with me at night and doesn't spit up much. During the day he always sleeps very superficially and often wakes up, vomits profusely. Weighed before and after feeding, eats 90-100 grams. I gained 700 grams in about 2 weeks. At the chest behaves nervously, the legs are tightening. How can you help a child? Am I doing everything right or do I need to change something?

    Hello, Elena. We are a month old. The baby almost does not sleep during the day and hangs on his chest all day, falling asleep with her. If you shift, then screams begin. Sometimes he spins, loses his chest, starts looking for it and screaming, kicks his legs until you put it back in him. This can be repeated for a long time. There is enough milk - for this month they have gained more than a kilogram. He takes a pacifier very rarely. Help with advice

    Hello. We are 2 months and a week old. Previously, the baby hung on her chest in the evenings. Standard from 7-8 pm and fit in at 11-12 at night. Now and during the day he sleeps only with his breast. I have to lie with her all the time, because I don’t have the strength to sit. 10 days ago, my chronic tonsillitis worsened, there was almost no milk. With the help of lactation teas and a breast pump, it seems that it was possible to return the milk. The chest is not empty, in the morning it even hurts to touch, but still it hangs on the chest. At night, falling asleep at 11, wakes up in 5-6 hours. Then he sleeps for a couple more hours. Well, from morning to evening all the time on the chest. With what it can be connected?

    Hello, we have this problem for 7 months. Lately, he has been eating every hour at night, but not restless, he just wakes up a little sucks and then sleeps and so on all night. It seems to me that he doesn’t even eat, but just sucks, what could it be? We started complementary foods in the morning, we eat porridge at lunch, vegetables at night, a little kefir began to eat no water, no compotes, does not drink

    Hello. I have a problem with GW. we are already 1.8 but we hang on our chest and practically do not want to eat anything. eats very little and very selectively. can eat 1 time a day and then in the late afternoon. the rest of the time the chest. at night, during the day, 1 daytime sleep is also on the chest. I suggest.. but without success. I am more or less happy to eat only yogurt that I make myself. I don’t give sweets .. in general, at her age, at least something could be eaten with pleasure - we don’t have that .. neither fruit nor soup. eats pilaf, dumplings, steamed cutlets ... mostly just spitting from food .. I already have some kind of inferiority complex about food .. it seems to me that she is no longer full of breast milk, because she will eat a little and can run to me on several times per hour. breasts for her and communication with my mother (although I am always with her, there are no special nannies) and drink, and eat, and it’s scary and painful, and sleep - all breasts! I was already very tired from constant hanging, I became nervous and irritable. I can’t do almost any household chores - neither really cook, nor clean up. because at any moment you have to drop everything and sit while she enjoys it. on the one hand, GW is our salvation, and on the other, I can’t wait until I finish it .. now fangs are still climbing - it refuses to eat at all. We have been co-sleeping since birth. I don’t understand where I could have made a mistake .. it would seem that she was on her lead all the time .. there was no sleep until 8 months. I slept at night, and during the day I didn’t put it down for 10-15 minutes. and the chest did not help
    around everyone says that we should already throw guards, and I'm straight at a crossroads. and it's a pity and no more strength. I'm mentally no more

    Hello, the baby is 1 year and 2 months old. For about three months now, he just began to hang on his chest (especially during the day, 1.2 times at night, and then for food) and during the day it’s just a nightmare, he will suck out the milk, and then he just chews the breast, sucks, or just keeps it in his mouth and so all day. Moreover, he eats ordinary food very well, even after eating it is applied to the chest. I tried to refuse, it doesn’t work ... she cries, raises her jacket. And to be honest, my chest hurt ... it's like pulling a sick corn all the time. .r.s. The child does not get sick, the teeth do not bother, nothing new happens. Tell me how to be?

    Elena! thanks for the answer! your opinion helped me a lot
    but still more questions than answers
    how to introduce complementary foods? And How? although that might sound funny. the child is almost 2 years old .. maybe I wouldn’t be so much strained by her hanging on my chest and I wouldn’t refuse breastfeeding for as long as possible - if she ate well, at least a little bit .. when she was 6-8 months old, she started complementary foods with vegetables. at one time she ate a little, and then she simply began to spit everything out and nothing could persuade her or entertain her. closes her mouth, spins .. and now she doesn’t want to if she just gets up from the chair and that’s it .. this is already a signal that she doesn’t want anything at all .. everything doesn’t leave this thought that it seems like there should not be enough milk for her alone .. and you can’t say that she loves something in general - I suggest fruit - for a very strong desire, you can sometimes shove it. it would seem that the teeth itch - she offered an apple, a carrot - she gnaws and quits. Have us began to crumble the front tooth which left. went to the dentist - she said the reasons may be due to the fact that something was missing during pregnancy, and because she does not eat solid food - that is, a kind of cleaning does not occur and due to night feedings too - that the mouth at night is not enough saliva is washed .. almost does not allow brushing her teeth .. so, she gnaws the brush herself
    when she began to spit food, of course I tried to get behind her and apply pedagogical complementary foods. that is, when we eat, we always sit it down with us. but all the same, interest in food is minimal .. that's right at all ..
    listen to others - how they hamster .. we don’t know when to get to that

    Hello! I was completely exhausted, I started to read on the Internet and came across your site. I have a similar problem with the previous girl: the child is already 1.9, and hangs on his chest every hour! This is simply horror. I don't know what's the matter. We sleep together, always gave on demand. During the day, he sleeps with his breast in his mouth. Complementary foods were introduced at 8 months, in the fall he already ate regular food + breast 4 times a day. But since the New Year, teeth have begun to bother me a lot, and since spring it’s just a madhouse! Demands a breast constantly! I have already begun to limit regular food, because between doses he could hang on his chest 3-4 times for half an hour. What porridge already ... Weight within the upper limit. He does not want to drink any liquid, which he did not offer! A couple of sips and that's it. At night he wakes up at one, and from 4 in the morning he just sleeps on me (in the literal sense of the word) and sucks. Otherwise, he doesn’t want to go to bed, the hysteria begins. And this is 14 kg on you every night. And with her fingers, the nipple on the second breast monotonously winds. For hours. Like medieval torture. On the street, she constantly remembers, waiting for me to promise, I will give a breast at home. Earlier in the evening and during the day, he fell asleep while motion sickness, now eat milk, then already motion sickness. There is no other way, otherwise hysteria. And he constantly talks about it and remembers it. And so for the 4th month ... I was waiting for my teeth to come out. Came out and nothing has changed. There are 16 of them, the last 4 pieces are not yet visible at all. I understand that I can’t leave him in such a situation, there will be terrible stress, but I’m slowly going crazy, to be honest ... my relatives all say: “Drop it!”, But no one helps and then I’ll have to deal with the consequences myself. I feel sorry for myself and my son. Thank you!

    Daughter 3.5 months on Guards. When they arrived from the hospital (she had bronchitis), she constantly cries and wriggles while feeding .. she forgot how to empty her intestines on her own .. only massage - legs to the stomach. Very often it requires a breast, but it stumbles upon some kind of incomprehensible pain .. I distract it, walk like a column, calm down, suggest again. And this has been going on for 2 months. She still has gaziki, farts with difficulty and cries. I do not know how to be? The gastroenterologist recommended to maintain daily intervals of 3 hours, dewy - 6, but this is simply not realistic !! At night, it is still possible for 2-3 hours, but during the day it can stick for 2-3 hours with boobs in your mouth: sleep and eat, sleep and eat. What if I overfeed her and it hurts her stomach?? How often to change breasts? I change every 3 hours. When will these stomach problems end? We are almost 4 months old. Increases for the first 2 months in kg, for 3 months only 420 gr, since it is difficult to feed her .. she cries and bends ..

    Elena, hello!
    My son is only two days old. The first day after birth, I slept periodically, waking up for "snacks", which lasted no more than 30 minutes ... And then suddenly there was a need for continuous sucking. He doesn’t even let me go to the toilet, falls asleep on his chest and as soon as I try to sneak away, he immediately arranges an op. We are still in the hospital. The doctor says I need to sleep on my stomach. And I’m not only sleeping, I can’t turn on my stomach, because. The baby constantly needs the breast. There is no milk yet. There is colostrum. It is not possible to invite a consultant on GV. Tell me how to understand if I'm doing everything right? Maybe he doesn’t have enough colostrum, or did I eat something that made him feel bad and that’s why he hung? Is it necessary to count pee when the milk has not yet arrived, or are there any other indicators that at least clarify something?

    Hello. Tell me, please, I have a flat nipple on one breast. No matter how much she offers, she does not want to suck. Eats with another, on which at least some kind of nipple is. What to do to make the nipple stretch?

    Hello, the child is 2 months old, already hangs on his chest for a couple of days, sleeps at night, wakes up 1 time, during the day he sleeps only with the breast in his mouth, or a maximum of an hour and a half, but I'm afraid suddenly there is not enough milk (((

    Elena, hello. Please tell me, my child for 1 month prefers to take only one breast and eats everything from it to the end, I suggest she takes the other breast, sucks a little something that is easy to suck, and then starts freaking out with her legs, pulling her hands and crying. How can the situation be corrected? I often try to offer her this breast, but without result, she still freaks out. Maybe there is some way to make milk come from the unloved breast as easily as from the other breast?

    Hello! a child 2 months old was born 3630 kg, height 53
    Now 4720. height 58. From about 2 weeks she stopped sleeping normally during the day. He sleeps for 15-20 minutes, and then on his arms and with his chest. On the street, too. I came to feed, now the cold will go, I don’t know how to walk. He sleeps well until 13 days. Here from 11 to 13 and walk. Sleeps well at night. We go to wash at 22.30. at 23 in bed with breasts. He falls asleep soundly by 24 hours.
    And during the day, only on the chest. And stays awake for 30-40 minutes, and then eat and doze off. After 20 minutes, he gets up and in a circle. I used to fall asleep for 40 minutes and an hour in my arms, as soon as I shifted everything as if I had not slept.
    This is fine?

    Elena, hello!
    Tell me what to do in my situation. We are 1 month and a week old. We are on breastfeeding and supplemented 2-3 times a day with formula (60-90 ml on average).
    Supplemented TC does not have enough milk. The child is naughty and throws the breast. I give one, then another. Both sucks the other end, wriggles, screams, hits me with his fists, demands to eat. The guy is big, 5200. Is it really possible to somehow “add” milk so that there is enough?
    Question two: sometimes I need to leave for 4-5 hours. I was able to express once. Now I'm afraid to express because I don't have enough milk. Therefore, in my absence, dad has to feed the baby with a formula. How to be in such a situation? Is it possible to sip a little during the day from both pears in one container?

    Good afternoon. Lena, I again to you about sore.
    we are already almost 2.2 g but we stubbornly do not want to self-excommunicate. On the one hand, GV likes and solves a lot of issues, but on the other hand, at this age it can be simply unbearable. now I left my breasts only for the night and for daytime sleep, during the day I try to distract, but the problem is that my daughter practically prefers breasts to any other food. and it would be okay to eat - I might then not be in a hurry with excommunication. but after all, whims and tantrums are already due to the fact that I try to give breasts less often. during the day I don’t give it just like that .. and it will be the same hunger to sit .. stuffing very rarely something happens. sometimes our food is a few spoonfuls of porridge, tea, a banana and a couple of biscuits in a day. I already consider myself to be some kind of rukozhop pardon the expression. that I don’t cook, you don’t push anything into her .. already with jokes and in different ways, both with toys and with cartoons. how she eats the same porridge - she walks and is cheerful and plays by herself, but how she can’t feed - whining all day, reaching for her chest, I distract, I don’t give it .. otherwise it will be climbing under a jacket every hour. I think that poor appetite is associated with GW because the daughter thinks that I will get my own anyway. and will endure .. in general, removing GW without an ora is not yet realistic. during the day he doesn’t want to fall asleep in any without a breast .. neither in his arms, nor shaking .. although in the car he may well pass out if he gets tired
    I can’t single out at all that she loves something from food .. one or the other .. what she eats today is not a fact of what she will eat later. I cook fresh everything every day .. soups, we don’t recognize liquid at all .. we eat soup at best - dipping bread and chewing bread.
    at our age, we don't talk yet. at all. there are separate syllables mamma papap .. but pronounces them unconsciously. i.e. not mom and not dad ..
    were at the speech therapist - she said it was necessary to stop the guards, it is also connected with how the child sucks the breast - the tongue, in general, will not work that way, which is bad for speech. although I don’t really see the connection - there are children who are already 3, practically from birth on mixtures - and they also don’t speak
    how to reduce the guards to a miimum so that self-weaning occurs? I don’t want to cardinally - so as not to injure the psyche, but I don’t know how much patience I have enough .. it has long been running out

    Elena, hello! My baby is 4 months old and he suckles every 1.5-2 hours day and night. Is this considered normal? Should I increase the interval or leave it as it is? It’s just that you don’t ask anyone who children eat in 2.5-3 hours

    Good night Elena. I am very concerned about the issue of overeating. The child is fully breastfeeding on demand, 2 months. He falls asleep with a breast, wakes up, he needs a breast, he naps with a breast, while he is awake, he also needs a breast (it doesn’t bother me, I give it). It worries me that milk comes out of her mouth back (when she lies, when you take her in your arms, while falling asleep), but still asks for breasts. We went to the pediatrician. She said that the child overeats a lot, it is difficult for him to breathe due to overeating, his stomach is swollen, his intestines growl, she scolded me that there was no regimen. Advised: feeding after 2.5-3 hours (the rest of the time to drink water or soothe), remove long hanging, prescribed probiotics. In my opinion, it is easier to switch to a mixture with such advice (both the regimen and additional water, and the volume of the mixture is known), but I am only for GW. Please advise what should I do? The child is full, the milk does not climb into it (it comes out back), but he sucks and sucks.

    Hello, Elena! My child is almost two months old, a week ago she began to behave strangely at the breast, she takes the breast, then spits it out, takes it again and spits it out again, and now I’ve added more and cry, I can’t understand if there’s not enough milk, but I feed on demand and eat at night often, is it something else to do with it? But I don’t really think about the stomach either, there are gaziki, it seems to me within the normal range. So crying freaks out ladies the other breast calms down. Tell me if it's all the same lack of milk how to restore it?

    Elena, good morning! Baby is almost 2.5 months old. I read your post and comments, we just seem to have this lactation crisis. The baby “hangs” on her chest for the third day, completely ignoring the nipples (she didn’t particularly complain about her before). The advisers offered to supplement with formula, because in their opinion the child is hungry, but I refused. We have an increase of 900 grams per month, I believe that this indicator indicates the satiety of the child. I have another question: when to express? My daughter falls asleep on her chest, sleeps with her breast, periodically sucks in her sleep, often wakes up if she takes her breast.
    The thing is that I stopped pumping after feedings three weeks ago (the interval was 2-2.5 hours between feedings) and got a very unpleasant thing in the form of milk stagnation and a temperature of 39. After that, by the way, my daughter began to “hang” on the chest.

    Good afternoon! We have this situation: the baby is 9.5 months old. I have been feeding on demand since birth. There is an interest in food, climbs into our plates when we eat something. But she stubbornly refuses to eat from a spoon. Turns away, crying. He can take something with his hands, for example, a banana, and suck it a little. No teeth yet. At the same time, he constantly asks for breasts, creeps up and lifts his shirt. I'm afraid that it's not enough for her, the doctor says that daily feedings should be from other foods. And it is impossible to stuff more than a few tablespoons of mashed potatoes or porridge into it. And her weight is small for our age - 7.7 kg. I'm worried and can't figure out what to do, how to feed her? And he refuses to drink water. How to be? Give advice, please.

    Elena, thanks for your reply! I have another question regarding the continuation of our situation. Due to the constant "hanging" on the chest, the baby began to spit up, her tummy was replaced by a rounded one. She sleeps mostly in her arms, with her breast in her mouth. If I gently try to pull out the nipple, then often the daughter wakes up and starts acting up until the breast is back on her. We are 2.5 months

    My son is one and a half years old, recently he began to sob before going to bed at night if I don’t give a breast. Can cry for a long time. Sometimes it turns out to put to sleep after the tears of the most in the crib. He sleeps in it for an hour, a maximum of two - wakes up whimpering asks for breasts, I take it in my arms, I give breasts, he just holds it in his mouth, he barely sucks, falls asleep, puts him in bed - he wakes up quickly. Wants to sleep at night only with me in bed. At night it is often applied, lately, to keep in the mouth. In the afternoon, he falls asleep on his chest, sleeps in a crib for an hour and a half. Recently, without tears at night, it rarely fits. Either give me a breast, then put him in a crib, then read a book, and so on for an hour and a half, until my nerves give out, I put him in a crib - he sobs. We have a sleep ritual, almost from birth. I go to bed for the night at 17:00 and fall asleep somewhere at 18:20-18:45. In the morning he finally wakes up at 5:00-6:00 in the morning. Tangled circle.

    Hello, Elena. Thank you very much for your valuable advice - once again I reread my and your letter - and I calm down ..
    nonetheless, continued.
    Now my daughter is already 2.5, but the situation has not improved. I wrote to you that we switched to a 3-time application (in the morning, at lunchtime before going to bed and in the evening, well, at night, of course), but then the upper tooth of the painter got wide and this whole routine flew off, I don’t understand where .. my daughter began to just hang on chest ... a day up to 10 times, gels from the teeth brought short-term relief. as they say, I waved my hand and gave breasts every time I asked .. I understood that it was easier for her .. as a result, the tooth almost crawled out after a month without a temperature and in general some complications
    then began to climb down. still in progress
    however, the situation has not improved. my daughter still prefers breasts to any other food .. she drinks water, sometimes juice, loves store-bought purees such as agusha, fruit nanny .. but I’m not a supporter of planting it on a store-bought one - but I’ll make the same fruit puree - I won’t eat from a spoon. he simply closes his mouth with his hands, turns away, is capricious - that is, in every way he makes it clear that he will not. in the store, and tantrums are not satisfied if they are not given .. but in the refrigerator they monitor them regularly. worries that wherever you read - everywhere they write that a child after 2 years is especially in need of solid varied food .. in general, when they write about doses of 200 g, it becomes straight funny .. we will eat at a time if from 3-5 teaspoons - this is happiness in general .. I understand that well done, I have kept GW up to this point, but still I don’t let go of the thought of doing something or doing it wrong .. it’s very true that it’s annoying constantly climbing under a T-shirt .. all advice like wearing closed clothes is all by . we climb perfectly from below if everything is closed at the top. I need to wear a turtleneck bodysuit every day so that it was impossible to get there ..
    climbs to eat, climbs to drink, climbs like a nipple to drive (when my teeth hurt), and what’s most unpleasant for me is just from idleness. i.e. we play, we do something, but it’s better for me not to squat at all = just sit right there .. now it’s winter and there is no special entertainment. Of course, I occupy her at home with games .. but she is constantly practically with me - we live in the village and there is no such thing as a playground here, in principle, and there are no children nearby .. that is, all the time together .. in the evening my husband comes but he is not particularly helpful - there is no patience to play for a long time - it’s all stupid, even more so to feed
    grandmother's mothers are already just pushing a rod what to throw, etc.. it was necessary for a long time .. because of the fact that she doesn’t eat ..
    yesterday she went to the bathhouse, gave her mother a task to try to feed her. in the end, when she came - she says - in snot in tears but did not eat a spoon (((
    I’m also worried that the bad teeth are very upper - I suspect that it was during pregnancy that she didn’t have enough calcium or maybe it wasn’t absorbed. below are good even (there are small holes) and at the top one has already broken off and the process continues. The dentin is peeling off. we brush our teeth with both baby paste and mineralizing - but it’s useless .. I don’t associate this situation with GV (as bottle caries is also called) because I know a family where the child was breastfed all 2 months later on artificial nutrition - and also by 2.5 Over the years, the upper teeth have all broken off. Now I just have to wait until my milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.
    it can hurt her to chew .. although she gnaws cookies, sometimes an apple, a carrot, but it’s not clear that this discomfort delivers to her, rather, it’s just not interesting ..
    with speech, the situation has not changed either - we are lazy and that's it .. we went to the neurologist - a cursory examination and a very short-term contact with the child - they diagnosed it with an expressive speech disorder .. and all this in 10 minutes of admission - most of the time of which is scribbling. they prescribed pantogam and 1 more tablet - according to the description, well, not our case at all. I decided not to give! although I really want speech to appear .. he understands the addressed speech well
    in general - I ask for advice - what am I doing wrong? wave your hand and wait until she falls off her chest - oh, I think I'll have to wait a long time. morally, I'm already like a squeezed lemon - how sick of all this - I can’t convey. I would continue to feed - as much as needed .. but it’s insanely annoying that guards are the main food .. for half an hour, and then we climb again ..
    where to give it away - there is no way. I mean to change the environment. one grandmother is very far away, the other suffers from psychosis herself due to the situation in the family, that is, clearly not up to us. kindergarten shines at best in autumn .. such a vicious circle

    Hello, Elena. I really need advice ((for a 1.5-month-old boy we are on GV, the child all the time asks to be breastfed when he drinks, immediately pulls out, cries with hysteria sometimes and an offended face, I don’t know how to help him (((there is enough milk, I would even say that there is a lot We went to the clinic, the pediatrician scolded us, said that we had gained too much (2.5 kg in a month), they said that we should feed on time with a break of 3 hours, but the boy even endures 2 hours of eating the last 15-20 minutes pass in hysterics Although in a month he added 7 cm in height, I mean that the child does not have obesity.Tell me what should I do, listen to the pediatrician or also feed at every request ???

    Good afternoon I read advice that the breast should be on demand and doctors advise so, I did just that. My baby is now 1.4 months old. He is gaining weight and height very poorly, hemoglobin is low. Pediatricians in unison say that this is because it constantly hangs on the chest, it knocks down the appetite and then does not eat properly. Yes, my son is small (or does my milk really knock down my appetite?). The son hangs on his chest all the time, not once an hour, there is no feeding regimen. He is not accustomed at all to the need to withstand breaks between meals, he also sleeps on a tit all night ... He is capricious if he does not immediately receive a breast, this is the result of "breast on demand". I love my son and want the best for him, I don’t stop breastfeeding, but I’m worried about the fact that he grows and eats poorly (height 76, weight 9 kg). How to combine the diet and GW on demand?

    Thank you for your answer. Let me explain. Yes, my son is now 1 year 4 months. From 6 months they introduced complementary foods, since the year he has been eating as expected. Every day I cook cereals, soups, mashed potatoes, compotes, meat (finely cut) for him, give him fruit, bread, biscuits ... The fact that constantly hangs on his chest is not an exaggeration. The son is very active, rushes around the house, climbs everywhere, loves to run after the cat ... but! If we are not on the street, but at home, then he smacks his chest for a couple of minutes and then runs again. It doesn't bother him. I try to give food in about 3-4 hours, but I eat little or not at all - titya asks. My husband and I are both slender, maybe heredity that the son is so tiny. but the doctors prescribed a bunch of metabolic drugs, mixtures, etc. Tim spits all these mixtures (he doesn’t take a bottle and a pacifier at all). And at night - yes, he sleeps on a titan or nearby, but wakes up about every hour, smacks his chest and falls asleep again. Nothing else helps, falls asleep only on the chest: both day and night. In a couple of months in the kindergarten, how will it be without titi? In general, things like this: first, doctors insist on breastfeeding on demand, then they scold them for it ...

  11. Good afternoon. I read the article and the comments, but still would like to ask a question about my situation. The child is three months old, on breastfeeding. But there was a period when they switched to the mixture for five days. In order)) There was a prolonged jaundice, bilirubin 170 almost in two months. They went to the hospital, where they glowed under a lamp and took ursosan. Didn't help much. The doctor strongly recommended giving up the breast for five to seven days. I agreed. Milk expressed. But the child did not sleep and threw tantrums, because. demanded breasts. On the second day, I began to express my breasts, feed the formula and give after the expressed breast. And five days passed almost easily. There was no less milk, bilirubin and dropped sharply. Discharged with a reading of 65. But after two weeks, the same 65. Again switched to the mixture according to the old scheme (gave an empty breast). And here I noticed that I express less milk, it was 100-110, it became less than a hundred ml from each breast. After the full return of breastfeeding, the baby stopped sleeping at night. The first time he falls asleep for an hour and a half, and after 30-40 minutes. And all this without releasing the nipple from the mouth. Plus began to spit up, especially in the morning. Not a fountain, but a tablespoon by volume will be. I attribute this to overeating, but you write that it is impossible to overeat on GW. Apparently, I still have a lactation crisis just in three months, hence the decrease in the amount of milk and night hanging on my chest (he eats and sleeps for an hour and a half during the day, then he is calm for an hour and a half or two). But then the milk should not be enough for the child, again, there should not be overeating. Tell me, please, could I disrupt some metabolic processes with my throwing from GW to the mixture? And yet the child begins to behave uneasily when the chest is empty, i.e. jerks legs, waves his arms. I give a second breast, begins to drink greedily, then again spits up curdled milk. The pediatrician also writes off for overeating, they say, I feed the child.

    Hello!) We had problems with guards from birth, flat nipples and the child could not take the breast, I decanted and gave milk at intervals of 3-3.5 hours. And then at 1.5 months the child took the breast (when it was right, when and not really) ... and hung on his chest, sucks a little and falls asleep, put it down and immediately wakes up and cries ((the chest fills up only at night, but at night the child sleeps well, waking up only once. maybe he gets tired of sucking out of habit? consider learning as if from the first days ... with a bottle it was easier

    Hello, Elena!
    I read the previous messages and your answers and calmed down a little: now I will try to perceive the hanging on my chest and short dreams between feedings normally) But here's the nuance: I have twins. Children are 2.5 months old. At night, I can more or less cope, tk. for one of my kids, it seems to be enough to eat 2 times so far (usually at 2.30 and 4.30), but the second one is the classic “visun”)) I have the following questions:
    1) what about walking? We sleep in the stroller only if by a miracle we managed to transfer her to the cradle and lower her into the stroller without waking her up after feeding. And they didn’t seem to come up with a sling for twins ... therefore, on the street we often have a collective op ...
    2) I feed them mostly at the same time on a pillow. last week there was a problem with falling asleep at night: the elder starts to eat very nervously, apparently swallows air or simply does not understand because of the speed that he has already eaten enough, and after the 2/3rd tide he starts waving his arms and then we have a tantrum for an hour ... well, if the younger one managed to fall asleep, and if not, then ... sometimes I try to feed them in turn during the day: it doesn’t work, usually when one eats, the second one hears something and wakes up or cries. what can you advise? And the older one eats only at high tide, and in the middle of the day and in the evening they rarely go to me, hysteria also from this ... how to teach not to be lazy? Or is it not laziness, but a lack of milk? I didn't check the pee, but we are gaining a little more than the norm in terms of monthly weight.
    3) I know that when feeding, especially in the first months, it is not necessary to take the breast from the child until it is released. But in my case, it sometimes happens that if one sleeps on the chest, and the second one is still eating, then the tide goes to both breasts, and sometimes it frightens the one who has already fallen asleep, so for him the process of falling asleep begins again and all this collective work stretches for hour…
    4) despite the weight gain, I still have an eternal fear of a lack of milk / crises and of course in double size)) I know that pumping after feedings can help. But how do you organize them for on-demand feeding? What if I express, and the child wakes up in 10 minutes - the tit will not offer him anything?)) And is there any point in pumping if the child eats often and little by little? Of course, I would like to keep at least 1.5 hours, which is very rare for us.


We discuss the topic of breastfeeding after a year a lot, but I feel that an article is needed that will outline the main reasons for “hanging” on the chest and give recommendations on what can be done about it.

Why? Because the topic is really burning, and if you read most of the mother forums or communities, we will see that a large number of mothers face PROBLEMS with breastfeeding after a year.

Moreover, these problems are not so much related to the amount of milk, but to the wrong prioritization in relation to the child.

I will give a short excerpt from the chat of the seminar of the same name (by the way, if you have not watched it yet, subscribe and receive a link to your mail. It's free!) Since such questions are typical and very common among nursing mothers:

We are 1.1, we take about 20 times a day, we completely refuse normal food, is it possible to just not give the breast to get hungry?

I answer:

Such frequent sucking at 1 year old is no longer the norm, because when a child hangs on his chest, he does not develop harmoniously and tries to solve his needs and problems precisely at the expense of the breast.

To make it clearer, let's draw an analogy with us, adult women: if we focus on 1 area of ​​life - career, or, conversely, home and family, then other areas sooner or later fall into decay. If we focus on children, we can forget about our self-realization, interests, hobbies. All this will lead to internal dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

Or, on the contrary, they focused on a career - immediately scandals in the family, jealousy between children, health deteriorates.

Skewed to one side is always bad.

And in modern conditions of life, we, mothers, provoke frequent breast sucking by a child.

Sometimes unconsciously, and, of course, our living conditions do not allow the child to follow the age norms and reduce the number of feedings naturally.

That is, our babies suck much more than nature initially intended.

Why is this happening to us, what is the reason?

  1. The discrepancy between the natural expectations of the child and what he sees in reality.

Who has read Jean Ledloff's wonderful book How to Raise a Happy Child?

It is she who very interestingly describes the life of the Yekuana Indian tribe, who seem to live very healthy and harmoniously. And, in fact, even watching babies, watching children at the age of one, you can see that they really have a natural expectation that he will not be born in a small family, but still the family will be big.

That is, it's not just mom and dad who live on 50 square meters, maybe someone else has less, but still it's a big family, a large number of people.

A child can learn from these people, he can interact with them.

In practice, it turns out that in our country, by and large, the father leaves to earn money and the mother and child are left alone at home.

It turns out that almost the entire first year of life, the child interacts mainly with his mother. During the day. Dad usually joins in the evenings and weekends. It's great if at least on weekends, on some holidays you still get out to grandparents.

Most likely, you notice how differently the child begins to behave.

For example, when you go to the country, or you meet with friends, you have some big company, or you go to relatives, does the number of feedings decrease? That is, do you notice that the child needs you much less? Basically yes. Here, this is the first reason that such frequent sucking occurs in a child older than a year.

  1. In anticipation of a child, a mother is an active unit of society, and not a woman sitting alone at home.

What does it mean? This means that mom has some interests of her own, mom has interesting gatherings with other women, maybe mom has a very important job that she goes to 1-2 times a week, not necessarily every day. In any case, mom is going somewhere. That is, the importance of the child must be shown.

Because if the mother plays the role of a maid, if the mother is always available, and the child has never encountered the fact that the mother may have some desires of her own, then just he can be very familiar with breastfeeding and practically demand it. constantly.

And if, nevertheless, there is a department, that mom is mom, that mom is active, mom is in demand, and you are a child, you have your own children's affairs, I have my own adult affairs and there are some of our common affairs where we intersect .

Then the child can already be more attentive to feeding, in principle, he is ready for the fact that the mother sometimes refuses and does not immediately breastfeed.

Since when can there be this separation from the mother? In fact, separation from the mother occurs after 1.5 months.

Because if for the first 1.5 months we try to satisfy the needs of the child as much as possible, that is, we try to act on the principle of soft adaptation, feed on demand, wear the maximum amount of time, then in 1.5-3 months we need to show what we have some of their own business.

How do we show it? We take the child with us in our arms and periodically do some things around the house with him, that is, as if showing his place. I am not leaving you, you are with me, but now we are doing business, we are watering the flowers, or preparing to eat, or we are throwing laundry into the laundry.

  1. Limited space, boredom.

This is also the scourge of modern mothers. Apartments, children's toys - while a child is much more interested in playing with adult things and kitchen utensils.

And it turns out that by age the child should already have a decrease in the number of attachments to the breast, and the features of urban life do not allow this.

What is a modern mother to do?

You need to start with yourself.

And change YOUR attitude to breastfeeding and to your child. After all, we often perceive the growing up of a child with great reluctance, and very few people have time to readjust in accordance with the age of the child.

So, for example, the child is already 2 years old, and the mother still offers him a breast for every squeak, and with her behavior literally Hinders the child from GROWING UP, plunging him to the level of a newborn.

Hence the problems with eating behavior, with night sleep, with the socialization of the child.

We consider in great detail the topic of growing up a child and how feeding changes, how to treat them after 1 year, in the first lesson of the course

Mothers of breastfed babies often experience all sorts of inconveniences associated with the fact that the baby is constantly hanging on the chest. Often, this situation is interpreted by "experienced" grandmothers, but modern pediatricians see other reasons.

Why is the baby constantly hanging on the chest?

Regardless of age, a baby can suckle for a very long time. Frequent reasons for this are the need for bodily contact with the mother and the fear that she will not come on demand. Frequent attachment to the breast of a one-year-old child may indicate that the baby does not develop harmoniously, but out of habit tries to satisfy its needs and solve problems at the expense of the breast. According to experts, only in 3% of cases the child hangs on the chest due to a lack of milk or its insufficient calorie content.

When is frequent application necessary?

For a newborn under the age of 2 months, this behavior is considered the norm. Becoming almost impossible without frequent and prolonged breastfeeding. So in the mother's body, a high level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk, is maintained. Feeding on demand is also good for your baby. After all, the volume of his ventricle is approximately 30 ml, and the time of digestion of milk does not exceed 15 minutes. Accordingly, applying to the breast every 3 hours will lead to the fact that the crumbs will not have enough nutrients, and a small stomach volume will not allow eating a large portion at a time.

How to wean a child to hang on his chest?

To eliminate the lack of milk, you need to conduct an experiment - refuse to use diapers for a day and count the number of wet diapers. If there are more than 12, then there is nothing to worry about.

Understanding the main reason why a newborn baby hangs on her chest all day is the main guideline for the mother's further actions. If the nurse has enough milk, then the baby is in dire need of bodily contact and protection. She needs to talk more with the baby, not be shy to show her love and care. Do not try to wean the baby from the breast by force - this will only aggravate the situation and become a great stress for the baby. Only patience and calmness, and soon the time will come when the child will stop hanging on his chest all day and all night.