Raw food diet: before and after. Reviews about raw food diet. Secrets of beautiful skin on a raw food diet The main advantages of a raw food diet

Sooner or later, a person on a raw food diet faces problems in his body. It is with constant problems, and not with cleansing crises that pass after some time. Further, body malfunctions begin to grow like a snowball. Some people reach this unpleasant point after a year, many after three, some after five or seven years. There are also a few who have been fine with their health for 10-15 years; there are exceptions to any rule. Most raw foodists point blank do not want to see their failures, deceiving themselves and persuading that this is just a restructuring of the body. Yes, indeed, this can be called its restructuring. The body, saving the remains of what it needs, tries to hold out as long as possible before, at the last step, replacing the juice in a jug with an IV in a hospital room.

Despite the seemingly new-fangled trend of live nutrition in the first quarter of the 2000s, the world's naturopaths studied raw food nutrition from time to time even during earlier waves of healthy eating, which also swept previous generations, only with the difference that their distribution was not so large-scale , because there was no such tool as the Internet. You may find it helpful to be aware of the "red lights" on live food to avoid blue flashing lights on your ambulance in the future. This article provides advice collected on various sites and forums. Confidence 50%

Problem: Hair loss on a raw food diet.

Solution: Saturate the body with microelements or solve the problem of their absorption. Get rid of food resistance, help the body absorb fats, acids and other substances by introducing more carbohydrates. Sprouted beans are best suited, and, oddly enough for raw foodists, good old raw mashed potatoes.

Problem: Discharge and skin rashes, dry skin, bruises on a raw food diet.

Solution: This can be eliminated by reducing the dose of fruits, nuts and vegetable oils in your diet. Bruises indicate a problem with bile and liver.

Gastrointestinal problems on a raw food diet

Problem: Seething in the subcostal area on live food.

Solution: It is necessary to do procedures to help remove stagnation of bile.

Problem: White or yellow appearance on a raw food diet.

Solution: Eliminate non-organic products, as well as raw foods that do not contain oils. This may also be due to frequent hunger strikes.

Problem: Stomach swells on live food.

Solution: Withstand an abundance of fruits and nuts. Eating buckwheat sprouts and sunflower seeds.

Problem: Food rejection on a raw food diet. Some people notice this problem when they relax their strict diet.

Solution: Any new product must be introduced gradually, then the body will be rebuilt to absorb it.

Pressure and temperature on a raw food diet

These problems can be encountered not only on the average diet, but also on a vegan raw food diet.

Problem: High blood pressure on a raw food diet.

Solution: Eliminate the possibility of poisoning from herbal teas or fats.

Problem: Sweating at different temperatures in live food.

Solution: Avoid overdosing on onions, garlic or fat.

Problem: Freezing on a raw food diet. Occurs due to problems with bile.

Solution: Add hot pepper, eliminate hunger.

Problem: Colds on live food.

Solution: It is necessary to optimize the diet to strengthen the immune system, as well as to eliminate sharp excesses between different diets. The body cannot cope, the immune system weakens.

Doctor of folk medicine Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich, the author of visceral therapy, who himself has gone through the path of veganism and raw food diet on himself, as well as having studied his patients, says: “The problems on a strict raw food diet for the vast majority of people on this type of diet are natural, since they do not take into account the importance of a nutritious diet."

Bone problems on a raw food diet

Problem: Sore joints and teeth on live food.

Solution: Stop calcium leaching by increasing the proportion of ground sesame.

Problem: Numbness of the limbs and shaking on a raw food diet.

Solution: Eliminate fruits for a while or minimize their consumption, introduce vegetable oils, solve problems with the gallbladder and liver, due to the failure of which this happens.

Problem: Cramps. The beginning of everything is the gallbladder.

Solution: Partially return to a mixed raw food diet and eliminate fasting.

Raw food diet. Nerve problems on a raw food diet

Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of these problems, but this does not mean that there are fewer of them than others.

Problem: Anger and irritability on live food.

Solution: In the transition to a new type of nutrition, the body did not restructure itself or the consequences of food toxicosis. Possibly from an excess or deficiency of any substances. Identify the cause and eliminate it based on what was described above, that is, give the body time to make adjustments, eliminate harmful foods, and introduce the necessary food.

Problem: Panic and headaches on a raw food diet. Due to hunger and stagnation (underproduction) of bile or due to excess fat.

Solution: Eliminate nuts and all fats, avoid fasting.

Problem: Lethargy on live food.

Solution: Oils will help.

Problem: Fainting on a raw food diet. Occurs due to improper hunger, fat poisoning, problems in the upper spine.

Solution: Avoid fasting without the supervision of a specialist, excess fat, undergo the Atlanta edit.

Common problems with a raw food diet

The majority of raw foodists face this section of problems; they are easier to fix, the main thing is to pay attention in time.

Problem: Fatigue resulting from toxicosis and overdose of certain substances.

Solution: Return to the previous diet of mixed raw food diet.

Problem: Weight loss on a raw food diet.

Solution: Add sprouted seeds. Exercise regularly.

Problem: Reduced levels of calcium and potassium, magnesium and iron, B12 levels when analyzed in combination with homocysteine.

Solution: If it is not yet critical, drink vitamins B12, and if the level is critical, then take a course. To balance the diet with other vitamins, the best remedy is wild plant juice.

Problem: Zhora attack on live food.

Solution: Fill your body with a variety of foods: fruits, grated vegetables, sprouted seeds.

Problem: Women's and men's problems on a raw food diet.

Solution: Give strength to the body to restore the cycle in women and potency in men in the form of nutrition with fruits and sprouts, as well as ground sunflower and flax seeds.

Perhaps today, when the body is still full of reserves, these warnings and advice will seem unimportant and even stupid. Someone will arrogantly say that he knows better how to eat raw food, because he read books by Paul Breguet with the shocking truth about water and salt and Arnold Ehret with his recommendation of a mucus-free diet,

and his reference book is The China Study - the bible of raw foodists.

Still, make an effort, save the link to this page, this information has already helped many people.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


After switching to raw food diet changes occur in the human body, sometimes dramatic, affecting the activity of many organs and systems. This article, based on the stories of people who practice a raw food diet, as well as on medical research data, will introduce you to exactly how the condition of the human body changes when transferred to nutrition raw plant products.

External changes

A person’s external changes after switching to a raw food diet can be described in one word: rejuvenation.

If previously (“BEFORE”) a person had problems with skin, hair, and nails, then AFTER switching to a raw food diet, he forgets about these problems. All skin rashes, acne, etc. disappear. The skin becomes clean, smooth and acquires a healthy color. Hair acquires a youthful shine, dandruff disappears. Nails lose their brittleness and become stronger.

AFTER: body weight is significantly reduced, and sometimes weight loss can be rapid, especially if a raw food diet is combined with physical activity and sports. You should not be alarmed by sudden weight loss: subsequently, when the body adapts to the new diet, body weight increases to normal (but no more). Obesity will not come back.

Some people switch to a raw food diet for the sole purpose of losing weight, but then, having gotten used to eating raw plant foods and having experienced all the “advantages” of a raw food diet, they become convinced raw foodists.

General health

Physical endurance
BEFORE: sedentary lifestyle, general weakness, fatigue.

AFTER: physical endurance increases, although unevenly. In the initial stages, weakness and fatigue may return from time to time. However, a spontaneous craving for physical exercise and sports appears. Particular pleasure comes from physical activity in the fresh air: long walks on foot, running, cycling, etc. During such activities, overall endurance increases steadily.

BEFORE: frequent colds, viral infections, high blood pressure, allergic diseases.

AFTER: switching to a raw food diet stimulates an increase in immunity. As a result, colds and sore throats disappear; the body successfully fights pathogens of viral infections. Hypertension, allergies, and skin diseases disappear. There is evidence of spontaneous healing of cancer in raw foodists.

However, soon after switching to a new food, exacerbations of pre-existing chronic diseases often occur. This is a normal phenomenon, you should not be scared and refuse a raw food diet - you just need to wait it out.

State of the nervous system

BEFORE: insomnia at night, drowsiness after eating, irritability. Changes in weather are poorly tolerated; extreme heat or frost is oppressive.

AFTER: the sleep time required for a good night's rest is reduced. Insomnia disappears. A person easily falls asleep and wakes up just as easily after 4-5 hours. During the day there is vigor and increased performance. Instead of irritability - an even, positive attitude towards others. There is no drowsiness after eating. Meteorological changes are easily tolerated.

Digestive system condition

BEFORE: To feel full, you need to eat a three-course meal, always with a meat dish.

AFTER: satiety occurs when eating a small portion of vegetables or fruits. This happens by increasing the absorption of food by the body.

Bowel activity
BEFORE: tendency to constipation.

AFTER: regular daily bowel movements without any aids. This is facilitated by plant fiber, which is present in abundance in the daily menu.

BEFORE: occurs after 5-6 hours of abstaining from food, or even earlier.

AFTER: A raw foodist enjoys eating his portion of plant foods, but does not suffer from hunger for two to three days. Raw foodists tolerate fasting treatment much more easily than people who eat regular food.

Taste changes
BEFORE: Each product has a normal, familiar taste.

AFTER: the sensitivity of the tongue's receptors is heightened to such an extent that food is comparable to an explosion of new taste sensations, sometimes unusual and surprising.

Changes in the menstrual cycle in women

BEFORE: a normal regular cycle, often painful, occurring with PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

AFTER: Women's periods disappear altogether or become shorter and more abundant. Painful sensations disappear, as do PMS symptoms.

Mental changes

BEFORE: decreased memory and ability to concentrate, decreased mental performance and depression from this.

AFTER: the ability for mental work and creativity increase, memory improves. A person enjoys his work and does it in a calm, even mood.

Raw food diet: before and after - video

Food without salt and seasonings, not subject to heat treatment, is the basis of the diet of raw foodists. This system of food consumption includes the intake of sun-dried dried fruits, sprouted seeds of various cereals, cold-pressed vegetable oil, fresh vegetables and nuts. The main argument in favor of such nutrition is the desire to preserve the nutritional value of the food consumed.

Types of diet

Common to all types of this food system is the refusal to cook food. Diverse individual preferences of adherents give rise to different types of raw food diets. Thus, the omnivorous type allows the intake of meat, fish, milk, eggs, but only in raw or dried form. Vegetarians are allowed to eat only plant foods and sometimes dairy products. A vegan raw food diet is considered the most common type and allows only plant foods without heat treatment into the diet. Carnivorous, or raw meat eating, is based on the consumption of seafood, fish, game, eggs, and raw meat. Fruits and vegetables in the diet are very limited. And finally, the last type of raw food diet is fruitarianism. In this case, the diet includes fresh berries and fruits. Vegetables that are not fruits, as well as cereals, are not consumed.

Raw food diet: before and after adoption. Changes in appearance

When switching to this nutrition system, you will lose significant weight in a short period of time. This is especially true for people with large body weight. Toxins are also removed from the body, which leads, in particular, to an improvement in the condition of hair and nails. Raw food diet before and after recognition is a significant difference in the appearance of the face, which becomes cleaner and smoother. Refusal of animal food, according to reviews of adherents of this food system, eliminates unpleasant odor from the mouth and body.

Development of the digestive system. Feelings of hunger and appetite

How does a raw food diet affect the processing of food in the body? Before and after the transition to this food system, the level of digestibility of the food consumed is different. For example, after a certain period of time, a few bananas or apples will be a sufficient portion of food for lunch.

As for the feeling of hunger and appetite, much depends on the personal needs of the individual. In one thing, adherents are similar: for the feeling of a “brutal appetite” to appear, it is necessary not to eat for several days.

Changes in how taste buds work

Switching to a raw food diet gives you the opportunity to feel the real taste of each product. Thus, raw foodists, in their reviews of the food system, say that a banana tastes like a creamy dessert, and an avocado can provide a whole range of flavors: from nuts to mushrooms. This transformation is explained by the fact that in raw foodists the tongue receptors are cleared of various seasonings and additives, thereby people sense the aroma of foods more acutely.

What do adherents of this food system suffer from?

Before and after a raw food diet, people have different susceptibility to infections, and the changes are for the better. There is a strengthening of the immune system, which leads to the almost complete absence of colds and viral diseases. There is also a disappearance of signs of allergies, cancer, and various skin disorders. Many raw foodists talk about “crises” at the beginning of the transition to the food system. They are marked by exacerbation of past illnesses. In this case, it is recommended to continue to stick to your choice, and soon the discomfort will pass.

Mental and physical endurance

How does a raw food diet affect a person in this regard? Before and after adopting this nutritional system, your endurance and ability to withstand significant physical exertion will vary. There are many reviews about how, before switching to a raw food diet, a person could hardly run a kilometer, and then began to run every day. Of course, improving physical fitness depends, first of all, on the initial state of the muscles and body tone.

Raw foodists experience improved memory and attention. In their reviews, they talk about the formation of a positive perception of the world around them and the emergence of a desire to introduce creative elements into life.

Advantages and disadvantages of this power system

  1. There is a transformation of life, the emergence of a feeling of joy and enthusiasm.
  2. The raw foodist is open to learning and strives to explore as much as possible around him.
  3. You have a lot of energy, so you want to move and lead an active lifestyle.
  4. No problems sleeping. The appearance of vivid, memorable dreams.
  5. Rare diseases. Almost complete absence of colds.
  6. The food system allows you to significantly save money that was previously spent on buying food, as well as time spent on cooking.
  7. Getting rid of dermatitis and allergies.
  8. Lack of excess weight.
  9. Rare feeling of hunger.
  10. Getting rid of sweat odor.

However, a raw food diet also has disadvantages. Reviews before and after switching to this power system say the following:

  • non-acceptance of this lifestyle by other people. Adherents often hear questions around them like: “Why do you need this?”, “It’s possible at a holiday,” and so on;
  • difficult transition. We will have to change not only the nutrition system, but also habits and thinking;
  • in the initial period, there is a strong cleansing of the body, which provokes skin rashes and a surge in chronic diseases;
  • failures in the power supply system. Once frustrated, people may start eating everything or mixing different tastes. This leads to the need to start working on oneself anew;
  • dependence on the availability of certain foods. In this regard, sometimes it is necessary to resort to temporary hunger strike at events where food familiar to raw foodists is not available;
  • Difficulties in nutrition during the winter season, since there are no “live” vegetables and fruits.

Before and after a raw food diet, body temperature is different. So, for fans of the system it drops to 36 degrees. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the body has stopped spending additional energy on digesting food. It is noted that weight loss does not always occur; some raw foodists, on the contrary, gain weight. They sometimes complain of various dental diseases, for example, the destruction of tooth enamel. To avoid this, you need to moderate your consumption of sour fruits and rinse your mouth after eating.

Raw foodists have to take certain types of vitamins and microelements due to their absence in plant foods. Also, one of the disadvantages of this nutrition system is its negative impact on blood cholesterol levels. Another drawback will be the skin acquiring a yellowish tint. This happens when a large amount of yellow foods, such as carrots, is consumed (the phenomenon is called hypercarotenemia).

Is age a hindrance or not?

A raw food diet after 50 years is possible, and, as many adherents argue, necessary. Reading reviews of people who chose this nutrition system for themselves at an advanced age, you come across real miracles. They write about how blood pressure has returned to normal, how excess weight has gone, and with it a feeling of heaviness and reluctance to move.

Before and after switching to a raw food diet, visiting your doctor must continue. In mature people, after adopting this nutritional system, the risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases increases due to the almost complete absence of calcium and some essential vitamins.

Raw foodists: before and after

Based on numerous reviews, we come to the conclusion that staunch adherents of this nutrition system are distinguished by self-confidence, optimism, and a toned body. There is complete relief from bad habits, people find peace and tranquility. Your health status improves significantly.

Raw foodists talk about the body’s rejection of various foreign bodies or chemical products. So, in order to get the desired hair color, you will need a longer period of time. Rashes appear on the face when applying cosmetics.

What do relatives of raw foodists write? At the initial stage, family and friends often hear demands to change their diet. Over time, the desire to instill their opinions in others among raw foodists disappears, and a calm, positive acceptance of life appears.

People who want to ensure that their body never gets sick have heard about such a method of improving health as a raw food diet. By becoming a raw foodist, a person normalizes the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract: the environment turns from acidic to alkaline, in which pathogenic bacteria die 100%.

Potential raw foodists, especially women, may be interested in the skin color of a raw food diet and what it might look like.

“Or maybe I’ll turn green and stop being beautiful, then why do I need such health if all men shy away from me?” - an approximate train of thought in their beautiful heads.

We hasten to reassure women who are dreamers: flabby, dry skin during a raw food diet becomes elastic, acquires a natural, healthy color. And, in addition to restoring the natural color of the skin, the healthy body of a raw foodist begins to emit such energy that the opposite sex will pay attention to, even when dying.

Does this skin before and after a raw food diet suit you, dear women?

Loose skin on the arms and neck, “cobwebs” around the eyes are the result of the state of the internal organs, the ongoing biochemical processes in the human body, which are influenced by:

  • Quality of food and water consumed;
  • Psycho-emotional state of a person;
  • The conditions in which he works and spends his free time;
  • Bad habits and some others (not the topic of this article).

Facial skin on a raw food diet

When a person begins to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, and before that he ate “as God bestows on his soul”: without following the basic rules, a process known to drug addicts and alcoholics as “withdrawal” will begin in the body.

No, a beginner raw foodist will not feel pain/bad like these categories of people. By “withdrawal” we mean the constant desire that arises in a raw foodist to eat something “delicious.” Moral and psychological temptations will be added to the physiological temptations; the inner voice will “whisper”: “The body is sorely lacking the protein contained in meat products; you will become dystrophic due to lack of carbohydrates; brain and liver cells need sweet flour products to function normally, or you will become a useless disabled person,” etc.

These arguments of a “sick organism” have no basis. Plant foods contain enough all micro- and macroelements, vitamins of all groups necessary for the normal healthy functioning of all internal organs of the human body.

Remember: a raw food diet and dry skin are incompatible things, as mutually exclusive definitions: an energetic, cheerful person and a stage 4 cancer patient.

The truth is that new raw foodists experience constant hunger. There is nothing surprising in this fact. The fact is that most people “live” all sorts of pathogenic creatures: worms, fungi, bacteria.

Which of the “negative characters” of the human body will like this: the environment of their comfortable life disappears?

A beginning raw foodist needs to understand that no indulgences should be given, otherwise such nutrition will lose its health-improving effect.

Analogy: when a bodybuilder pumps only the right side of his body and succeeds in this, but the left remains “as it was,” is there at least one person who will say: “His right side is beautiful, but his left is so-so”?

Any normal person, especially a female, will say: “You’re a freak, boy.” And they will be 100% right, because ONE-SIDED cannot be correct and beautiful.

And don’t indulge yourself, even if you really want to “eat sausages and cake.” And then, after a while, you will tell your family/friends: “But the skin stopped getting oily with a raw food diet, and the problems with it disappeared.”

When you go to the cosmetics department in a store, it is very difficult to choose safe skin and hair care products. Are they needed at all? After all, the vast majority of cosmetics and household chemicals products are actually an explosive mixture of chemicals and carcinogens. And currently, the amount of nitrates that enter the body through the skin is a hundred times higher than that that enters the body with food...

Our family uses mostly clean water to cleanse our bodies and homes. After all, having been on a raw food diet for many years, carrying out a large number of cleansing procedures for our body from the inside, we have reached the next stage, when the body stops emitting an unpleasant odor, the mucous membranes have good microflora, the skin breathes, the hair radiates health...

I rarely shower, maybe once every 3-6 days. Why? I don't feel the need, my skin is soft, healthy, velvety with a pleasant aroma. It’s not for nothing that the stratum corneum of our epidermis is covered with a mixture of sebum, beneficial bacteria and organic acids. Thus, the skin provides the first antimicrobial defense and protects the body from water loss. And all soaps and gels inhibit our natural defenses.
From time to time, you still want to not only wash yourself with water, but also go to the steam room, rub yourself thoroughly with mustard (especially if it’s fresh and hot) or carry out a deeper cleansing of the skin using corn flour (a natural scrub. Many people use salt as a scrub, but I feel that salt crystals are very traumatic for the skin.
And if you are suddenly bitten by mosquitoes and your whole body itches, feel free to rub soda in the shower, it will relieve this unpleasant sensation. I would like to pay special attention to the gypsy soap that my mother brought me from the Carpathians (she collected it herself from mountain streams. It is compressed clay, looks like a flat stone, but is very nourishing and restores the protective properties of the skin. The most natural remedy!
I also wash my hair with regular water once every 3-4 days, and with shampoo once every 10 days. After all, with each wash, the hair structure is damaged as a result of the cementing component being washed out from under the scales, and when drying with a hairdryer and combing wet hair, we cause even more serious injury.
There was a period when my hair fell out (after the birth of my second child, about 1.5-2 years ago, I didn’t do active cleansing then. But now it grows quickly, doesn’t split or fall out.
As for intimate hygiene - water and only water. All products for these purposes contain an antibacterial component that kills all bacteria, including beneficial ones that support the immune system. As a result, pathogenic organisms are instantly restored, but beneficial ones are not. This is where dysbiosis begins. The body regulates everything itself if you don’t interfere with it.
By the way, you can use gypsy soap as an intimate hygiene product for itching, which is possible when switching to a raw food diet when the body is cleansing itself. Clay is an excellent absorbent.
Raw foodists need to brush their teeth! From time to time, just with a brush and water. Especially if you don’t use a lot of roots, which naturally remove plaque from your teeth. Then a large amount of fruit acid will not be an environment for the development of bacteria and dental problems can be avoided. Sometimes, as a preventive measure, you can rinse your mouth with a soda solution or a decoction of calamus roots.
During pregnancy, I also used a little paste to cleanse cedar teeth (based on cedar resin. Very rarely. With hormonal changes during childbearing, gums may bleed, and this paste helped me personally.
I also wash my face quite rarely when I take a shower. I apply decorative cosmetics only in the morning and very minimally (a small line of pencil and a couple of strokes of shadow), by the end of the day there is practically nothing left. Therefore, there is no need to wash off makeup from your face.
Well, if there is any meeting and I need to tint my eyes brighter, then I wash my face with just water and blot around the eyes with a special microfiber towel (white cat.
Yes, and I am a supporter of sugar hair removal, so I free my lower legs, armpits and bikini from “Extra” hair. This is considered unnatural, but at the same time I feel very good and feminine.
That's probably all I use to take care of my body. I don’t have creams, oils, tonics, etc.
Our body is very wise, and if you don’t dirty it from the inside, you won’t have to clean it so carefully and tediously from the outside.
How do you take care of yourself, your hair and skin? Share in the comments and be healthy! Svetlana Kalmykova.

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