30 years of graduation toast. Toasts at a meeting of classmates are cool. A lot has changed

On this evening of meetings, we hurry again
Immerse yourself in your school years.
School uniform and elegant new bow
They will always live in my memory.

We friends are getting older and wiser
Our children are students themselves.
All over the years you feel sharper
Sadness about school. Days and nights.

Dear my classmates

Dear my classmates,
How many winters have passed, how many years.
We are participants in the same song with you,
School days refrain and verse.

In these classes, behind these desks
We are still young,
We also torment atlases with maps,
Also, at breaks, we are hailing.

Let time not spare us
Scattered through the life of the year,
Whatever the mirror says
Those days are with me forever.

Years passed and we got together

Years passed and we got together
On the day of the meeting of all graduates,
Who lost weight and who added
But this is a couple of trifles.

After all, everyone is happy to see each other,
We have something to talk about
Although our age is already solid,
Laughter and screams flow like a stream!

And we will sit like this until the morning,
After all, we will not see each other for a year,
Everyone has their problems
But may we all always be lucky!

I look forward with hope

I look ahead with hope
I make plans and move towards the goal, I
A new day outside the window is coming
Gives us precious moments.

It's so good to raise children
Live life to the end,
But sometimes I want to
Plunge into the intoxicated past.

So let's remember
As we sat at the desk together,
How could they escape from school,
Marching in a friendly formation along the square.

So let's set the table
Let's call our old friends
And on the day of the meeting of graduates,
Let's remember the teachers.

hello classmate

Hello classmate,
Hello graduate!
The years fly by
Sitting is completely out of the habit.
Our day comes in a year
He brings you back to
School dream...
In your mind - calls,
Do you remember your school days
And carefree childhood
And noble youth...
Lessons and assignments,
Successes, edifications,
Remember everything on this day
Time will retreat into the shadows.
We got together
The stories have begun
teachers, meetings,
Holidays, dreams...
Remember school years
In your heart - always keep!

The day of the meeting of all graduates is coming today.

The day of the meeting of all graduates is coming today.
Graduates remember their studies together again.
All that seemed difficult and difficult mistakes
Today they will be remembered again, but with a kind smile.
I hasten to congratulate you today with a wish
Do not forget the study days, all meetings and partings.
Do not forget fun days and childish carelessness,
A study that sometimes seemed endless to us.
May happiness, joy and success accompany everywhere.
You, fellow graduate, I will never forget.

Everyone gathered today

Everyone gathered today
I'm glad to see everyone.
We haven't seen each other for so long
School friends.

Already grown up
Have changed, yes.
But in everyone's heart
School forever!

Today we remember everything:
How they broke the door
How the teacher spotted us
With a pack of cigarettes

And how we did not love
control write,
How fervently we could
Skipping lessons.

How could a teacher
Stupid argument to wage,
Hated at school
Remove, revenge.

And then how they cried
We're at graduation
With ribbons and flags
regretting one thing

That it's time for us to say goodbye
And it's time to leave
And return again
We can't come here.

Today for a moment
We will bring back the past
And in this mood
We'll spend the evening.

Hi all! Forget the burden

Hi all! Forget the burden
Years past, my favorite class!
We're lost in time now
And let those close to us not look for,

From everyday problems to the holidays,
Unfolding the scarlet sail in the soul,
We, fearing not to be called,
We rush to the warm childhood country,

Where dreams are sprinkled with bright splashes,
Where are the blinding rays of happiness,
Where we fool around with noisy squeals
And we lose the keys to the house,

Where are the notes with confessions first
In ardent feelings, funny and sweet,
Where we were kind and faithful,
And childish soul bright ...

So let's never grow old
In this fabulous children's paradise!
And we'll try to see you again
We smile at each other
From the pages of odnoklassniki.ru!

We will meet in a cheerful crowd -

We will meet in a cheerful crowd -
Let everything happen in a year once;
My class! We'll meet again
And the rest doesn't matter to us.

We'll be together like in the old days
Without the superfluous that is in the world;
In the adult world, we are sometimes alone,
But we are together when we are children again.

We are ready to support each other
In everything to make our friendship stronger;
Since school years, we have not lost touch -
We are together and we do not need anything else.

Hello, dear family!
Love you, good luck in all matters;
I wish unity to all of us -
Let it be just like this and not otherwise.

A lot has changed:

A lot has changed:
Someone out there is dressed in fashion,
Another with the same haircut
The third - became fuller like.

Sailors go on voyages,
Justice awaits lawyers
Work hard abroad
Traders and programmers.

For some, life is a roulette
For whom - love romance.
Alumni meeting -
This is youth to remember the chance.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative responsibility of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Production by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us is excited and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t need to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will affect itself. But it is this very excitement that can bring you down at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it’s a shame, because you really wanted to be on top and be remembered by classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful.

Congratulations on the day of graduates in verse will help you attract attention and make a pleasant surprise for everyone present. Graduates are always connected by memories of their youth and common interesting stories that warm the soul for many years after graduation. Nostalgia for the past and gratitude for the past fill the hearts of graduates on such a day.

A toast at a meeting of classmates should be simple in content. It should not contain grandiloquent speeches and deep, pompous thoughts. For this case, a poem, not very large in volume, is quite suitable. You should not offend anyone in your appeal, even if you had any conflicts at school. Speech must be kind.

Remembering the school, we smile again:
Forgotten swing, first love.
Anxious silence during the control,
And the smell of sweet buns coming from the dining room;

Now we have matured, knowing our worries:
Family and children, fatigue after work.
But again, here we are together today,
As in distant childhood, we laugh heartily ...

Today at the meeting of graduates, among such relatives and persons, I would like to ask for forgiveness from our teachers for all of us. After all, we, in order, spoiled their nerves and shook their health. Let your work be easy and bring you only pleasure and joy!

I'm so glad to see you all here. As I can see, time has beaten us all a little, but you know, despite the years that we lived apart from each other, I can never forget those wonderful times of hopes and dreams that we spent together. Let's drink to those wonderful days and to these wonderful people.

Everyone says that school years are the happiest. And indeed it is. I will always remember with joy how I ran to school, how I skipped classes, how I told my mother that my head hurts so as not to go to classes. Now it seems like a child's game, something special, funny. Thanks to everyone who came to the alumni meeting!

Today is such a wonderful evening, one of the evenings that allows you to return to your school years and remember everything that was dear to us when, how well we spent carefree days, how wonderful and kind our teachers were. Let's raise a glass for the fact that there are such evenings of meetings and that we can see each other at least every 5 years!

This is the day, this is the meeting,
I rejoice in all of you friends,
Graduates for you
I'm drinking now!

I would like to meet more often
I wish you all good health
I don't want to get lost anymore
Good luck to everyone and everyone!

I wish you all good luck, happiness,
I wish you to live without problems,
I wish you not to be upset
Forget about all the insults!

It seems that quite recently we got together only at school desks. We were noisy, quarrelsome, somewhere rude and condescending. But still we had the main advantage - mutual assistance and support. I am very glad (a) that after so much time we still have it. There is also free access to alcohol, so raise your glasses to real friends!

Dear friends! Years later, we got back together. Everyone already has their own worries: family, children and work. But no one will forget about our second home - the school. The time spent here is priceless to me. You are my second family. I remember those wonderful days with you with tears in my eyes. Let's drink for more reasons to get together!

Dear classmates, how great it is to meet and plunge back into school life, remembering teachers, funny moments, who copied from whom, who was in love with whom, who pulled whom by pigtails ... It’s like returning to childhood again. So let's meet more often, so that like this, sitting together and remembering our school past, immerse ourselves in carelessness and become younger in soul, although it is not so old with us anyway.

Do you remember how we cried when it was time to part? And they were tears of joy and happiness. How many happy moments we experienced together. Today there is no less excitement. Each of us now has a different, new life. Let's drink for more smiles, laughter and enthusiasm in this life!

Dear my classmates! Today we have gathered here to remember our youth and sweet school life. Although we are now almost old people, I still wish that our pleasant memories of school will never dissolve in our souls and hearts! For us!

We are one big family. And let time seek to alienate us from each other, our relationship will always be warm and strong. I wish each of you personal happiness and great success. And of course, never forget the wonderful time we spent together at school.

Immensely glad to see you all. I look and see all the same childish and happy faces that can be called relatives. We lived a little life together. I remember those desks and the smell of ink, I remember the feeling of chewing gum and cigarette smoke in the toilet. Whatever it was, it was a wonderful time. I want to drink for all of you and wish, at least sometimes, to remember those joyful moments.

So nice to be back in the circle of classmates. It's great that we can remember our school days and pranks. Apologize for our behavior to the teachers and thank them, again, for everything they have done for us. Happy holiday. I drink for school mischief, which we will certainly remember today.

Dear classmates! I am so glad that I once shared with you one class and the knowledge that our valiant teachers tried to hammer into our heads! I want to drink to the health of each of you and confess - if everything could be returned back, I would not want to change anything! For you!

Just yesterday, it seems, we were sitting at our desks, disrupting lessons and coming up with nicknames for teachers. Of course, many have undergone cardinal changes in their families and lives, but, having gathered here, we all feel like tomboy schoolchildren. Let's drink to this wonderful tradition of meeting and to all of us who support it.

Classmates - for all the years of study become family. You have common interests, activities, you have your own secrets. Then everyone grows up and disperses to all corners of the vast world, each on their own way. But it's so nice to get together like this with your favorite class and find out how the life of each of us has changed. So let's make these joyful meetings regular.

We have not seen each other for a long time and everyone has their own way. Then, at graduation, no one knew how our life would turn out. In general, I want to drink for us, for the unpredictability and paradoxes of our life path, and also for the fact that we are still friends and even ready to get together at the reunion of graduates.

What wonderful school years, how many unforgettable moments! Thank you for giving us something to remember and to miss. I would like to raise a glass to the teachers who have contributed a part of themselves to our development. Thank you very much for everything!

There are comets that approach our planet once every hundred years. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that we meet the approach of the next comet in the same composition as today.

It is difficult to get an education: exams, strict teachers, and much more. But it is even more difficult to get a life education: how to make friends, how to love, how to help out, how to keep secrets... So let's raise our glasses in gratitude to each other for the wonderful years that taught us true friendship!

Graduates, hello to you all,
We haven't seen each other for a long time
And now fate brought together again,
We are with you in this room!

My friends, I wish everyone
So that everyone's dreams come true
For our meeting I drink to the bottom,
I want everyone to smile!

It would be foolish to think that the people with whom you spent almost 11 years side by side mean nothing for the course of our life, as well as for the installations with which we sail along it. Let's drink to an accident that brought us together in the same class for several decades.

We met today
Everyone found time with you
The years flew by quickly
Of course we have grown up!

But in our hearts we are the same
We are all cheerful, friendly,
And today I drink for us
For our glorious, wonderful class!

I drink for a meeting, for good,
Let everythnig will be alright,
So that we always meet
In a day, in a year!

To appreciate, cherish,
To keep our memory
To school for us to come
And they brought the kids!

And maybe even grandchildren,
Brought to our former class
To not give up
Drink comrades for you!

Years have passed, but we, friends, are united by the time of carefree childhood and restless youth, which flew like a swift-winged bird within the walls of our unforgettable school. Our memory will always keep this time as a wonderful part of our life.
Let's drink to the meeting!

I remember us as schoolchildren, and I can’t even believe how mature and important we have already become. Seeing all of you, my classmates, I feel young at heart, I remember the most carefree times of my life, which are connected with school. I want us to gather like this more often and every time we see each other, we remember what we were before. Let's drink to the eternal youth of our souls!

Look, time is merciless: many of us have changed, we managed to get a family, we work, not knowing the hour of sleep. Let's see each other more often, not forgetting the beauty of youth.

Dear classmates! Despite everything that life has forced us to go through, I am infinitely happy that after so much time, we can still gather at the same table and just remember all those pranks that we were weird and the holidays that we arranged. And plunge into those distant, but such carefree years.

We were a wonderful group, model students. Then they were suddenly confused: someone now started a family, who made a business, and there are those who are still single. Let's meet together more often, share news and more. For meetings!

We remember each other quite still green. Today, each of you has become an individual. I am sure that your life has turned out exactly as you dreamed while sitting at your desk. I want to wish you that you do not know boredom in life and continue in the same spirit!

Alumni Meeting Day, traditionally held on the first Saturday of February, is both a very joyful and a little sad holiday. Joyful from the fact that, seeing the faces that have become familiar over many years of study, you return with your soul to childhood and adolescence. And he is sad because time flies inexorably fast, and with each subsequent meeting it is felt more strongly.
The best beautiful short and funny festive table toasts with meaning - funny, funny, interesting and original for the company.

Everyone once went to school, and everyone had their classmates. How nice it is to meet with them in a few years, to sit and talk about the past, to remember our teachers and past pranks. And, of course, to brag about your achievements. At the same time, you can express yourself quite clearly and read the original toast for former classmates.

What should be a toast at a meeting of classmates

A toast at a meeting of classmates should be simple in content. It should not contain grandiloquent speeches and deep, pompous thoughts. For this case, a poem, not very large in volume, is quite suitable. You can learn it by heart and it will be an even more pleasant surprise for your friends. In this speech, you can recall the past, the past school years. You should not offend anyone in your appeal, even if you had any conflicts at school. Speech must be kind. Therefore, when reading toasts at a meeting of classmates, it is worth remembering the above.

Variants of toasts for meeting classmates

We haven't seen each other for a long time, dear friends,
That school bench has already forgotten us,
Where we all sat together after school,
Do you remember how many vows we gave?
That we will be friends forever
That we value friendship
What will we do after school
Go to all dance floors.
Do you remember all our teachers,
After all, there is nothing in the world than they are nicer people,
I'm glad we're here today
And that we all got to the place.

I want to say hello to everyone, friends,
We can't see each other for so long
We should meet with you more often
Perhaps we will smile more after the meeting.
You are classmates, you are my relatives,
I remember you from the school bench,
How amicably we walked into the first class,
Every one of us here remembers this.
Now we are all no longer children,
But how fun those days were,
What we spent together at the desk,
How sincerely they joked, how they loved,
I read a toast for you all today,
And each of you became even dearer to me.

Graduates, let's drink
For our school days
For how we laughed with you,
How friendly we were!

For our jokes, for smiles,
For our adult years
For our meeting today,
I'll drink standing up and to the bottom!

Years have passed, but we, friends, are united by the time of carefree childhood and restless youth, which flew like a swift-winged bird within the walls of our unforgettable school. Our memory will always keep this time as a wonderful part of our life.
Let's drink to the meeting!

Dear classmates, how great it is to meet and plunge back into school life, remembering teachers, funny moments, who copied from whom, who was in love with whom, who pulled whom by pigtails ... It’s like returning to childhood again. So let's meet more often, so that like this, sitting together and remembering our school past, immerse ourselves in carelessness and become younger in soul, although it is not so old with us anyway.

We are one big family. And let time seek to alienate us from each other, our relationship will always be warm and strong. I wish each of you personal happiness and great success. And of course, never forget the wonderful time we spent together at school.

Remembering the school, we smile again:
Forgotten swing, first love.
Anxious silence during the control,
And the smell of sweet buns coming from the dining room;

Now we have matured, knowing our worries:
Family and children, fatigue after work.
But again, here we are together today,
As in distant childhood, we laugh heartily ...

We met today
Everyone found time with you
The years flew by quickly
Of course we have grown up!

But in our hearts we are the same
We are all cheerful, friendly,
And today I drink for us
For our glorious, wonderful class!

I drink for a meeting, for good,
Let everythnig will be alright,
So that we always meet
In a day, in a year!

To appreciate, cherish,
To keep our memory
To school for us to come
And they brought the kids!

And maybe even grandchildren,
Brought to our former class
To not give up
Drink comrades for you!

This is the day, this is the meeting,
I rejoice in all of you friends,
Graduates for you
I'm drinking now!

I would like to meet more often
I wish you all good health
I don't want to get lost anymore
Good luck to everyone and everyone!

I wish you all good luck, happiness,
I wish you to live without problems,
I wish you not to be upset
Forget about all the insults!

Remember school days
How fast we've grown up
How quickly time has flown by
We are all graduates of you!

Everyone has work and business,
Everyone has worries and a family,
But still we found time
Thank you all for coming!

I'll raise a glass for us
I treasure all of you
You are my glorious childhood
May goodness surround you all!

I remember us as schoolchildren, and I can’t even believe how mature and important we have already become. Seeing all of you, my classmates, I feel young at heart, I remember the most carefree times of my life, which are connected with school. I want us to gather like this more often and every time we see each other, we remember what we were before. Let's drink to the eternal youth of our souls!

Just yesterday, it seems, we were sitting at our desks, disrupting lessons and coming up with nicknames for teachers. Of course, many have undergone cardinal changes in their families and lives, but, having gathered here, we all feel like tomboy schoolchildren. Let's drink to this wonderful tradition of meeting and to all of us who support it.