Red riding hood carnival costume. Little red riding hood pattern - features, recommendations and interesting ideas We sew a little red riding hood pattern

A holiday in kindergarten or school is always an important event for girls. They want to prepare a dress and jewelry in advance. Currently, almost all mothers go to the store for a ready-made outfit, without thinking that they can make it themselves. Sewing a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands for a child is not as difficult as it might seem. Especially if this is done on the basis of a white dress from the Snowflake costume, left over from last New Year.

Sewing a Little Red Riding Hood costume

To make a New Year's costume, just pick up a master class that offers simple patterns.

Outfit for a girl

To make a Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  1. Red satin. A skirt and a hat will be sewn from it.
  2. White satin for making an apron.
  3. White lace.
  4. Hidden zipper or elastic band.
  5. Sequins.
  6. Adhesive interlining.
  7. Dark fabric to sew a vest.
  8. Two laces.

If there is no white dress, then you will need to sew or take a white blouse from another suit. The pattern is easy to pick up in the magazine "Burda". To make a blouse, you will need a white satin 150 cm wide.

From red satin sew a semi-sun skirt. If there is a white dress for the base, then a red skirt can be sewn over it. To do this, you need to unpick the bottom of the dress, and then sew it on again, but together with the red skirt. A petticoat is not needed.

In the absence of a ready-made white dress, the Little Red Riding Hood children's costume is sewn from scratch. In this case, a wide belt is sewn to the red skirt, an elastic band is threaded into it. This is if you choose the easy way.

For a more complex option, you need to sew a belt to the skirt at the waist and glue it with interlining. Here you need a hidden lightning, lateral. Decorate the bottom of the skirt with sequins, retreating 5 cm from the edge. Jewelry can be sewn on a sewing machine.

The petticoat is made of tulle. In width, the fabric must be taken three times the size of the girth of the hips, then collect it on a satin belt.

To sew the apron, you will need a piece of white satin measuring 20 cm long and 23 cm wide. Round off two corners of this rectangle. Sheathe the edges with lace, neatly folded folds . Lace will need approximately twice the perimeter to which it is attached. Next, cut out the ties for the belt along the oblique and sew them to the apron, slightly folded.

In order for the lace to lie well and not wrap, it is recommended to stitch the apron, stepping back 2 cm from the edge.

For the manufacture of the headdress, red satin is used. The red cap pattern for the costume consists of two parts. The back piece is single, in the form of a rectangle with two rounded corners. The height of the part is equal to the distance from the base of the head to the top of the head. The pattern of the front part is also in the form of a rectangle. It should be double, glued with interlining. The width of the rectangle is equal to the distance from the crown to the forehead, excluding the lapel. For a lapel, it is enough to leave a margin of 4-5 cm of fabric.

The front part of the cap is sewn to the back part, to its three sides. Therefore, the length of the front part must be equal to the sum of the lengths of the three sides of the back part.

To make the front part double, you need to fold its parts with the front side inward and sew together. Then turn inside out, iron and topstitch about 5mm from the edge.

The front part of the hat is sewn to the back, and the edges are processed with a zigzag. The remaining raw bottom edge of the back piece must be tucked up and stitched.

On the Internet you can find visual diagrams of how to sew a hat for Little Red Riding Hood, the patterns of this accessory are different. The headpiece can be crocheted. You need to sew ties to the cap or pin it to the hair with the help of invisibles.

The carnival costume will look original if you wear a vest. It is easy to find her pattern in any fashion magazine. Brown spandex is suitable for making a vest. The clasp can be sewn in the form of air loops, then laced. Decorate the finished item with sequins.

The costume is ready, you can complement the image with white tights, beautiful shoes and a basket.

halloween costume

You can sew a Little Red Riding Hood outfit for a girl. Here it is enough to copy the children's version, but make the sizes for an adult. Or change the pattern a little to emphasize the shapes. Halloween costume elements can be:

The blouse or dress should be with a deep neckline and puffy sleeves. The skirt can be made more magnificent if it is trimmed with narrow strips of organza. A simple hat is suitable, for example, with ears sticking out to the sides. It is desirable to fill the basket with fruits or sweets.

For any event, you can make a suitable version of the costume.

Attention, only TODAY!

The creation of beautiful carnival and festive costumes is always based on the display of various fairy-tale and cartoon characters. For example, one of the most popular characters, which can often be seen at New Year's parties in kindergartens, schools and even at theme parties, is Little Red Riding Hood. But how to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume without the help of professional fashion designers and milliners?

The image of Little Red Riding Hood: what is it?

In order to make a costume for this fairy-tale character, you need to remember what details the image of Little Red Riding Hood is made up of. So, our character will have a beautiful red headdress, a puffy skirt to match, a snow-white apron with ruffles, a black vest worn over a snow-white blouse with starched sleeves, a corset, white tights, black or red shoes and a wicker basket with pies for grandmother.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the way the festive attire is made. That is, at this stage it is necessary to decide whether the Little Red Riding Hood costume will be sewn from any fabric, whether it will be a knitted or crocheted product, whether it can be made from paper, etc. In our example, we will consider a variant of the costume, sewn from fabric.

How to make a fabric suit?

In order to make a similar suit out of fabric, you will need the following auxiliary tools:

  • red stretch gabardine (needed for sewing a hat and skirt);
  • white tulle (needed to create a petticoat);
  • multi-colored floss threads (for embroidering a pattern on an apron);
  • wide elastic band (with a width of not more than 2 cm) made of elastic material;
  • white calico (for napkins in a basket and apron);
  • red braid for decoration (you can decorate the edges of the napkin with it);
  • black braid, a piece of denim and thick black knitwear (for the belt).

What skirt for the image of Little Red Riding Hood to sew?

A skirt is an important detail of any women's wardrobe, as well as the Little Red Riding Hood costume. The easiest option to make a beautiful skirt for a suit is to choose a half-sun style. In this case, we will get a product with an elastic band and without a zipper. To do this, we need to take only two measurements: the length of the product (abbreviated as CI) and the waist circumference (OB). And of course, you can find a ready-made pattern and fit it to your child's measurements, or make it yourself.

How to make a pattern for a skirt yourself?

So you've decided to make your own Little Red Riding Hood costume. Returning to the skirt, we take special paper for patterns (if there is none, you can use unnecessary newspapers), a simple pencil, a ruler, a protractor, a compass and begin to build a right angle with a marked vertex at the “O” point. Further, from the starting point we set aside two radii, denoted by "R1" "R2". In this case, "R1" will conditionally designate the waistline, and "R2" - the lower part of our future skirt.

To calculate "R1" it is necessary to add about 5 cm to the obtained measurements of the volume of the hips and divide the resulting value by 2 π. In this case, "π" will correspond to ≈ 3.14.5 cm. Recall that it is this number that is usually used for the allowance. And it is with this value that almost all children's costumes are sewn. Little Red Riding Hood is no exception.

At the next stage, we set two additional points obtained in the calculation of "R1", denote them "T" and "T1". We do a similar procedure with the points formed during the calculations of "R2", we mark them as "H" and "H1".

After that, connect and circle all the points. We will make the belt for the skirt in the form of a small rectangle equal to the sum of “ABOUT” (hip circumference) + “π” (allowance) and with a width of about 7-8 cm.

What is the procedure for sewing a skirt for a suit?

At the first stage, we make a lining for the skirt, without which the Little Red Riding Hood costume, made with our own hands, simply will not look spectacular. To do this, take white tulle and cut out three quadrangles from it, each 1 m wide. At the same time, their length should be 1.5-2 cm longer than the length of the skirt.

You will end up with about three layers of petticoats. At the second stage, we carefully grind all three layers along the short side (each separately), and we lay a machine line along the long side and tighten it to the size of the “TT1” segment (as in the pattern). Then we connect all the details of the lining and sew them with a stitch.

At the next stage, we make the skirt itself according to the pattern and sew the lining to its inner side. And the final touch to the skirt will be a beautiful apron that will perfectly complement your Little Red Riding Hood costume. You can make it with your own hands using white fabric and ready-made ruffles.

For simplicity, cut a semicircle in one layer (taking into account a small number of folds); make a belt from a small narrow piece of fabric; sew the received parts. And, finally, for beauty, you can sew ruffles around the perimeter of the apron. If desired, you can also embroider floral motifs on a white background.

How to make the rest of the clothes for the costume?

Before the Little Red Riding Hood costume (photos are presented in the article) is ready, it is necessary to complement the skirt with an original blouse, vest, corset and hat. Blouse and vest can be purchased ready-made, and the corset can be made independently. To do this, take a thick fabric, cut a long strip out of it (size 56x12 cm), fold the edges, make 2-3 holes and thread a cord or ribbon into them.

So, the top and bottom of the suit are ready. It remains only to make a hat. To do this, we measure the girth of the child's head, measure the distance from one temple to another, as well as from the back of the head to the top of the head. Then we take a red fabric and cut out two parts according to the pattern: the front and the bottom of the cap. We sew all the details and decorate with white ruffles. Ready.

What details need to be taken into account when completing the image of the heroine?

However, to make the Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl more consistent with the chosen image, complete it with a basket. To do this, you can take a purchased wicker basket, line it with a white ruffled cloth and fill it with fake pies.

Please note that, depending on the season, a girl can wear white tights (or stockings) and shoes (or sandals) on her feet.

In the end, you will get a beautiful festive Little Red Riding Hood costume. You will find photos of the product and patterns in our article.

To get started, download and print the patterns for all the details of the doll and her clothes. Pin patterns on the fabric with pins, draw lines with chalk, taking into account the indents for the seams. After that, cut out all the details and fold them in a pile so that they are already at hand.


The head is the most important part of the doll! Take two pieces of pink felt head, carefully sew them together.

Turn the head inside out and sew on the ears.

Stuff the head with fibrous filler, sew up the hole with a seam over the edge.

Now - the most crucial moment: you need to make Little Red Riding Hood's eyes. If you feel strong in yourself, you can draw them yourself, with special markers, on white cotton fabric, cut them out and then stick them on your face. You can also buy eyes from craft stores or use black tacks lined with white felt.

Embroider the mouth with thick red thread. The face is ready!


Sew the body along the side lines. Turn inside out, fill with padding polyester and insert a small wooden or plastic stick inside for stability.

After that, sew the details of the legs along the front line.

Turn them inside out. Now you can sew on the soles. Don't worry if it doesn't turn out very neat, because the doll will put on her shoes too! If you put thick paper in the soles, then the doll will stand more stable. After that, sew the handles. If you want the handles to bend, then insert wire into them.

Twist the ends of the wire with duct tape (for safety).

Mark the middle at the bottom of the body with a thick thread.

Sew the legs to the bottom of the body.

Attach the handles with wire. After that, sew along the shoulder line.

Insert the end of the stick into the head, sew the neck using a fairly thick thread. Take some light brown or reddish yarn. Divide into two bundles as shown in the picture.

One bun will be used to form the bangs, so it will be a little shorter on one side. Sew the hair to the top of the head.

Make an even seam in the middle. You can simply glue the hair on the back.

Petticoat and pantaloons

Now it would be nice to sew a beautiful underskirt and pantaloons for our Little Red Riding Hood. Pants are sewn very simply: they consist of two rectangles. Sew lace to the bottom of the rectangles. Fold the rectangles and make two seams from point A to point B (as in the picture).

Lay the future panties so that the seam is at the top, in the middle. Now we will make two seams from point B to points C.

Insert an elastic band or elastic thread at the top and bottom. Now the doll has lace panties!

The underskirt is sewn quite simply, the main thing is not to forget about the allowance and sew on the lace. The length of the skirt is approximately 8-10 centimeters.

To sew an elegant dress, you have to work hard.

First, sew the shoulder and side lines.

Cut the fabric a little in the armpit area so that the dress sits better.

Now gather the skirt and sew it to the belt. Turn inside out, finish the seams and add lace on the collar. You can make buttons on the back.


To make boots, cut out the sole and the main part of the shoe from thick felt. Punch holes for the laces.

Sew the sole to the boot. Here you have to try to make the seams as even as possible! Insert the laces (approximately 20 centimeters).

The Little Red Riding Hood costume is always a fashionable option for carnival events and some holidays. Its advantage is not only that such an outfit does not lose its relevance. Another of its advantages is the ease of creating an image, because its details can be created independently and at home. Do not torture yourself with thoughts about how to sew a Little Red Riding Hood costume. It is enough just to remember what that character looked like and create simple do-it-yourself details that are included in her image.

Do-it-yourself Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl

For the simplest version of such a children's carnival attire for a girl, you only need to sew a few details:

  • apron;
  • bonnet;
  • skirt;
  • corset.

For the blouse, you will need two large pieces of white satin fabric, from which two large pieces should be cut out to repeat the shape of the blouse and sewn, leaving holes in the neck, bottom and sleeves. You need to cut it so that the blouse is very loose and easy to dress.

Making an apron is very easy. From a white satin fabric, cut out a piece in the form of a semicircle. We sew its arc with white lace braid, and sew a belt of white satin fabric to the base. The approximate width of the belt is five centimeters.

To create a bonnet, you need to cut out a figure in the form of a rugby ball from red satin fabric, sheathe it with lace braid in a contrasting color, and sew satin ribbons to its two edges, which will be tied with a bow under the chin.

To make a skirt, two pieces of a medium-length skirt with a wide bottom should be cut out of a red fabric. We sew both parts, bend the upper edges, insert the elastic band, tightening it a little, and sew it so that the elastic band cannot fall out.

For the corset you will need satin fabric. We cut it in the shape of a rectangle and make five holes on the edge of each side of it. Passing a black cord or a very thin ribbon through the holes crosswise.

Original children's outfit for girls

For girls who like to stand out, you can create a carnival look with unusual details.

Instead of a cap, you can sew a red beret from wedges by placing a perky pom-pom on top, or sheathe it with lace.

A red tutu skirt will look spectacular, which is easy to create with your own hands from a fabric in the form of a mesh and an elastic band.

So that the corset does not cause inconvenience, it can be sewn on any white blouse from the wardrobe. To do this, you need to take three rectangles (one on the back and two on the front sides) and a cord that will connect the two parts in front.

You can also make a very simple apron with your own hands, which does not require needles and threads. It is enough just to cut out a part from a light satin that resembles a semicircle in shape so that two long thin strips extend from its base, which will play the role of ties.

Variant of the adult Little Red Riding Hood costume

To create such a carnival outfit with your own hands, you only need to sew a few details, the rest can be found in your own wardrobe or purchased.

You can find a red skirt and a white blouse on your own. It is desirable that the skirt is not straight.

A stylish version of the apron is lace. You can choose both black and white lace, contrasting with a bright skirt. Sewing an apron is extremely simple - you need to sew a wide satin ribbon to the semicircular base of the apron.

A very spectacular detail is lace cuffs with satin. They come in handy if the blouse is short. We cut out a rectangle that can wrap the wrist, sheathe it with lace. It should be connected at the wrist with buttons.

On the eve of the New Year or other holidays, fuss begins with the choice of a children's costume. And if everything is clear with boys - every second person certainly wants to be Superman, then with girls the situation is often different.

To stand out from the background of numerous princesses and queens of the same type, we recommend buying a Little Red Riding Hood children's costume.

In an outfit from Merry Tigers, your child will not be asked: “Are you Cinderella? Or are you a princess? Or maybe you are the Queen of Overseas? Everything is clear and understandable - in front of you is the real, fearless Little Red Riding Hood.

Cheerful Tigra has prepared costumes with a skirt of different lengths for his beautiful customers. A girl's head can be decorated with both a pretty bright cap and a modest red scarf or bonnet tied with a bow. Each suit includes a vest with comfortable lacing and a white apron. Lush tulle will add volume to the skirts, and a basket with goodies will complete the fabulous image of a recognizable girl.

On our site you can choose a Little Red Riding Hood costume for both babies and older girls. Each heading includes a detailed description - the height of the child, age, completeness of the set and the materials from which it is made.

Unlike the costumes of modern cartoon characters, Little Red Riding Hood's outfit will always be relevant.