What to give a teenager for the New Year: choose an unusual gift for a boy. What to give a child for the New Year What gift can you give to a 9 year old child

At the age of 9, girls and boys are already beginning to mature. Many of them have already stopped playing with dolls and cars; girls are increasingly attracted to cosmetics and fashionable clothes, and boys are more and more attracted to weapons and games. Some girls already dream of becoming models and actresses, and some boys dream of becoming soldiers, firefighters and police officers. However, they also have simple childhood desires, for example, to receive a toy or a puppy as a gift.

In this article we will look at what you can give a child for 9 years to please them and at the same time emphasize the upcoming period of growing up.

Gifts for girls and boys

For young athletes

Girls and boys who love sports can find a lot of interesting gifts. For example, you can give a ball, roller skates, winter skates, a bicycle or a scooter. Of course, don’t forget about sports accessories. Every sporty girl will love a beautiful uniform and leg warmers. A child may like a regular sports cap if it looks impressive, and in addition to it, you can give sports mitts.

For young talents

They say that every child is talented. It is believed that talent begins to manifest itself at the age of 8. Therefore, in subsequent years, the child can be given a gift that will be useful for him. For example, it could be a sketchbook and brushes, plasticine, an embroidery kit, a photo collage album, or maybe even a camera.

If a child is interested in music, then you can give him a synthesizer, harpsichord, or any other musical instrument.

Gifts for young fashionistas

Any girl of this age will be delighted with a beautiful outfit. Nowadays, most modern brands in the fashion industry produce clothes for children. For example, the Maxmara brand has long proven itself well in this regard. Also quite popular are the British Kate kids and the Finnish Lassie. If you want to give your child beautiful shoes, we recommend that you pay attention to the Turkish brand Beggi.

Don't forget about accessories; these can be various chains, bracelets, watches, rings or earrings. The main thing is that they are bright, not “strict”, and made of quality materials.

Beautiful bed linen and pillows with images of your favorite heroes and princesses will also be a good gift. In addition, every 9-year-old girl will be happy to receive a fashionable Barbie doll or a large dollhouse as a gift.

Gifts for future men

Of course, at that age a child wants to be a hero. Many boys will love a superhero costume or a toy machine gun. You can also give a game console or, if you already have one, a game for it.

Of course, everything will largely depend on your budget. At the same time, the gift can be quite inexpensive, the main thing is to present it in a fun and interesting way. Any present will be brightened up with a bunch of multi-colored balloons or a large cake with candles.

You can find ideas for surprises for children in the section.

Nine years is a difficult age when it comes to choosing a gift. On the one hand, the girl is still small and sighs with tenderness, looking at the dolls and pink ruffles. On the other hand, she is already a schoolgirl and increasingly wants to feel “on par”, imitates her mother, and is fashionable. What to give a 9 year old girl? More than one generation of parents has puzzled over this question, because they want the present to be memorable, useful, and not boring at the same time.

The shelves of children's goods stores are bursting with toys, your eyes are running wild, your head is ready to burst from the abundance of options and doubts... It’s good if you are not strapped for finances and don’t blush at the price tags. What if the budget is limited and giving an impressive gift to a girl seems like an impossible task?

Children at this age do not yet understand the full value of money, and a girl can be much more delighted by an incredible ring made of painted plastic and bright clips than by a set made of pure gold.

What to give a 9-year-old girl: take into account interests

The imagination of the giver is not always enough to accurately guess what the birthday girl is dreaming about. And it doesn’t matter if they are parents, godparents, or friends. Even those closest to you can miss the mark with a gift. The simplest way is to ask the question directly and get a clear answer about what the girl really wants.

What if you were given a thoughtful “well, I don’t know” and no specifics? Do not despair. There are no children who are not interested in or interested in anything at all - there is always an activity that is dear to a girl’s heart, and it is not at all difficult to figure out. A gift for a nine-year-old girl that matches her interests will always be a welcome gift for the birthday girl, even if it’s the third LEGO in her collection!

How to please a quiet person

Girls are calm and love activities that do not require unnecessary movements and fuss. Usually the following things arouse interest in a quiet girl.

  • Handicrafts. Kits for embroidery, beadwork, macrame, and knitting toys will be received with a bang. And if you supplement the gift with an educational book, girlish delight is guaranteed! For example, along with a set of beads, a girl can be given a tutorial on beadwork.
  • Dolls and accessories. A gift for a 9-year-old girl does not have to be “adult”. Some people are still interested in dolls. Perhaps these will be dolls - heroines of your favorite animated series, for which you can separately purchase various pieces of furniture and wardrobe, and complement their “world” with new storylines, friends, animals. Or maybe a little girl’s heart will be won by a toddler doll, which can be fed, taught new words and even changed diapers, like a real baby.
  • Interactive pet. First of all, this is a soft toy, pleasant and cozy, and such a little animal will fit very nicely into the interior of the room. And at the same time, this is a “friend” with whom you can walk on the street; you are not ashamed to show him to your girlfriends. He also makes sounds, moves around and even, excuse me, relieves himself.
  • Constructor. Most girls are crazy about LEGO and the like. No, this is not just boys' fun. There are even special series for girls, for example, LEGO Friends. Have no doubt, the construction set is a wonderful gift for a 9-year-old girl.

Gifts for the “battery” girl

What to give a 9-year-old daughter whose temperament is simply gushing? She does everything at once, mostly upside down. Food is a waste of time, books and cartoons are dull, handicrafts last exactly three minutes, sleep is only for “recharging”!

Your “battery” girl will be happy if she receives anything from the following list as a gift.

  • Skate, roller skates, bicycle. This is where you can throw out your energy and finally get tired. And with what pride the girl will show off her new clothes to the kids in the yard! Another trend is fashionable sneakers on wheels. In such wonderful shoes, your girl will be guaranteed attention and admiration.
  • Ball and rope. If you choose a ball, then with the image of your favorite character or the autograph of your favorite singer. If it’s a jump rope, it’s not an ordinary one, but without a rope and with a jump counter on the handles. It is quite appropriate to receive a gift of this kind from a godfather.
  • Dance mat. This kind of entertainment will appeal not only to the birthday girl. Family competitions are a lot of fun. And if girlfriends come to visit, you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the home while the children are actively spending time.
  • Children's sports corner. If funds and room dimensions allow, the sports corner will become a girl’s favorite place to spend time for a long time, because there are stairs, rings, and ropes! You can assemble it yourself, not forgetting to involve your daughter in the process. This will allow her to make her contribution to the common cause. In addition, the corner is not only a children's equipment; you can start teaching the girl to a healthy lifestyle by doing daily morning exercises with the whole family on it.

Gifts for the smart girl

  • Book . Surely! No matter how banal it may sound, a book is the best gift for an erudite. Does the girl love animals? A large encyclopedia about the life of predators, fish or birds, or even better - a thick book about all of them at once. Does the girl love adventure? A collection of travel stories, preferably with the participation of children, which can be supplemented with a large wall map of the world or a globe. This set will definitely delight the young know-it-all. By the way, a similar gift can be given to a girl on any other holiday, for example, on March 8th.
  • Album for collecting. You can collect whatever your heart desires in it: postage stamps, photographs of birds, butterflies, herbariums of various plants and herbs. Yes, even candy wrappers, if the girl likes them.
  • Microscope. A girl who is passionate about understanding the world and biology will be glad to be able to see in detail, every cell on a blade of grass or scales on a butterfly’s wing. Do you know what an ordinary fly looks like up close to the eyes?

For her birthday, we boldly give a young artist an easel, a set of good brushes, and high-quality paints. An athlete always needs a new uniform. This could be a kimono, pointe shoes, a swimsuit, or running shoes. You can give a girl musician a high-quality instrument: violin, flute, synthesizer. And, for example, for the New Year, a good microphone will be an excellent gift for a 9-year-old girl, which will be so fun to sing karaoke with friends and relatives.

Family board games

Is your girl withdrawn and taciturn? The younger generation of children is moving more and more into the virtual world, and communicating less and less with family and friends in person... Yes, adults also often “sin” with this. Let’s correct the situation - turn off the computer and TV, put the phones away and begin to spend time together in an interesting, and most importantly, fun way, getting to know each other again.

Joint board games can motivate even the most introverted child into close and trusting communication. When choosing a board game, take into account the girl’s individual characteristics, her interests, rely on reviews, fortunately there are a great many of them on the Internet.

Buying modern technical innovations is more the destiny of parents than of other relatives or friends. Here, each family decides whether it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment and what model the budget is for. And a girl will be pleased to receive a beautiful phone case, bright headphones or an unusual computer mouse from her friend.

Give emotions, or Budget does not mean bad

Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to give an expensive gift. For parents, this question is especially relevant, because in addition to the present itself, it is also necessary to prepare treats and entertainment for the girl’s guests. There is an exit. Give your daughter a gift that is inexpensive, for example, a beautiful diary with a lock, because a growing girl already has her own little secrets and mysteries. Or a fashionable bag, children's cosmetics, perfume. And let the main surprise be an unusual holiday with girlfriends.

  • pajama party. It's a lot of fun: girls whispering under the covers, eating cookies right on the bed and jumping on the mattress to the ceiling. In addition, there is additional savings on the outfit: the girl does not need to buy a new dress and shoes.
  • "Samodelkino". The birthday girl and her friends independently cut out decorations for the room from colored paper and any other available materials, and prepare treats for themselves. Yes Yes! You buy buns with sesame seeds, cheese, sausage, tomatoes, lettuce, olives, pizza base and voila - a satisfied mother is busy with her business, and happy children assemble sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, adding ingredients to taste, and then eat their own masterpieces with appetite. And milk and berries make a tasty and healthy cocktail.

What kind of entertainment do you dream up? Be bold, children love fun experiments. They also like hand-made things. Therefore, with a modest budget, parents can prepare a creative gift for the girl from themselves. For example, publish a wall newspaper dedicated to the birthday girl. Or edit a film from excerpts of archival family videos. Make a candy bouquet. Create felt dolls and a set of clothes for them.

Gifts that can ruin the holiday

Even the most carefully thought out gift can unexpectedly disappoint the birthday girl. Some tips on how not to get into trouble and avoid pitfalls.

  • Animals . If you are planning to give a living creature as a gift, be sure to first get approval from your parents and be sure to clarify what kind of animal is acceptable to keep in their home. A cute puppy, so desired by a girl, will not always be liked by her parents. What if there is no way to support him and there is no one to walk him? In this case, an alternative could be a parrot, hamster or fish.
  • Certificate . Are you afraid of not pleasing and decide to present a certificate to a children's clothing store? Like, let the girl choose a new thing she likes. It would seem that the idea is not bad. But imagine the situation: a girl came to the store and chose the most fashionable jeans that she had long dreamed of, goes to the checkout and then it turns out that the amount of the gift certificate is not enough for the purchase and she needs to pay extra... Instead of joy and gratitude - a crying child and a ruined holiday. If you have already decided to give a certificate, it is better to go to the store with the birthday girl. But be prepared to voice an affordable amount or pay the difference in price at the checkout without regret.
  • Clothes and shoes. Don't buy clothes and shoes yourself. Children grow quickly and it is very easy to miss the size. Consult with your mother, find out the exact parameters of the girl, and only then feel free to go and please the birthday girl with a new thing.

Be sure to ask the parents if the girl is allergic to anything, otherwise even the most harmless-looking surprise can turn a holiday into a tragedy.

It’s not easy to choose a gift for a 9-year-old girl, but with a little more observation, it’s not difficult to understand what children’s eyes “light up” on. And in conclusion, a little advice: do not rush to reveal all your cards at once, because the girl has an anniversary ahead.


When walking around children's stores for hours, the main thing is to remain calm and try not to lose your head. It's very easy to lose it. There was never such an abundance of toys and entertainment in our childhood.

Take care of your wallet and follow our short instructions. New Year is the main holiday for children, so it is important to try to please the child once a year so that he is satisfied with the gift and with his precious parents.

Of course, if your baby doesn’t like something, you can always blame everything on Santa Claus, saying, he’s old, he didn’t hear. So that you don’t have to blame everything on a fairy-tale character, we will give some tips on choosing a gift for your child. So, what to give your child for New Year 2019?

When a boy is five or seven years old, he dreams of becoming a racer or driving a train, or maybe racing a motorcycle along the highway or catching bandits.

You can make his little childhood dream come true now by placing a children's railway, a large racing track, a Formula 1 car or a road racing motorcycle, a water machine or a pistol under the Christmas tree.

Or maybe you noticed how he looks with interest at how you screw a screw, drive a nail, or change a light bulb in a socket? Then you need to give him a children's set of tools now. Let him grow up to be a real man and learn to work with his own hands from childhood.

The boy will also be happy with puzzles with the characters of his favorite cartoons, an interesting construction set with which he can create entire cities, or a magnetic board with letters and numbers.

An excellent gift option is a children's easel, on one side of which there is a board for drawing and writing with chalk, and on the other there is a special surface for markers. Together with him you will spend hours drawing and guessing each other's drawings.

If your boy is already in third grade, then you need more serious gifts. He no longer just wants to collect and draw; most of all, he is attracted by the process of management.

What to give a child for New Year in this case? This is the first responsibility in his life when he consciously forces any thing to obey his will. A plane, helicopter, ship or radio-controlled car will be the best gift from Santa Claus.

You can give him a wide variety of creative kits for the New Year, for example, a burning machine, a kit for a young embosser or artist.

Your boyfriend has already grown up, which means collecting cars and little people is no longer so interesting, let him try to create something truly needed on the farm.

What to give the boy in this case? Buy him a construction set with which he can assemble a chair, stool or small table.

And at this age, children dream about their own – adult things. The digital watch on his left arm is just what he needs. He will feel like an adult, and it will be easier to learn when he always has numbers at hand, or rather on his hand.

What to give a teenager for New Year 2019

At 13 years old, he is no longer a child, but an almost mature personality, aware of himself and the world. Here his toys should gradually leave the house and go outside. If he plays sports and there is a basketball court, football field or hockey rink near his home, you can give him accessories for playing his favorite sport. Football or basketball balls, a stick and skates will be just right for him.

What to give a teenager for New Year if he is more interested in science than sports? Buy him an interactive robot that can be programmed to do certain actions or a kit for a little scientist.

The latter is especially interesting because it contains a real microscope. But there are very few such young scientists; basically all the guys want some cool console, a good phone or a new computer.

Well, it’s up to you to decide what to give your child for New Year 2019, although it seems to us that 13 years old is the most appropriate age for such gifts.

What to give a girl for New Year 2019

For girls, as well as for guys, the choice of gifts is huge. Just make sure you pay. If your girl is 5-7 years old, then you can try to transfer her to a bicycle or a scooter, but not a real one, but a radio-controlled one. Everything is under control, because the remote control will be in your hands, so it’s also a toy for you.

What to give a child (girl 5-7 years old) for New Year

All girls at this age dream of becoming mothers, so you can safely buy her a doll stroller. And in order for her little family to be complete, she also has a small doll baby and a puppy.

A small dog will not only delight your daughter with its cute face, but also respond to stroking by loudly barking and wagging its tail.

Girls strive to be like their mother in everything, so they also love to cook, wash dishes and do laundry. For little housewives, toy manufacturers have created an entire toy household empire. There are small kitchenettes, washing machines, and any other household utensils. Among the accessories you will even find something that is not in your real kitchen. What else can you give a girl for New Year 2019?

Any little girl will be happy if Grandfather Frost brings her a large plush toy under the Christmas tree.

What to give a child (9 year old girl) for New Year

If your girl is already 9 years old, then the usual dolls can be replaced with elegant beauties. Now she no longer associates herself with her mother, but with this very doll-like beauty. She should have the best clothes, a beautiful house, exquisite interior, and of course a handsome prince.

Surely your daughter herself will want to sew some clothes for her new doll, so instead of thinking about what to give your daughter for New Year, just give her a children's sewing machine. Perhaps she will be the main impetus in your daughter’s development as a great and talented clothing designer.

Most likely, your girl has a good, rich imagination. Place a children's puppet theater with characters from her favorite fairy tales under her Christmas tree. When her friends come to visit her, they will rehearse together, and after a while they will give you their first puppet premiere.

What to give my daughter (11 years old) for the New Year

When your girl is 11 years old, she slowly begins to be attracted to things and objects that are typical of a girl. But while she is a child, it is difficult for her to understand what is happening in her soul. She looks at her mother again, she wants to be as beautiful and feminine.

She has probably asked her mother more than once for lipstick or mascara, but what is good for adults is not at all necessary for children. What can you give a girl for the New Year? Let your little beauty have her own cosmetic set.

What can you give a teenage girl for New Year 2019?

When your girl, who is turning into a pretty girl every day, turns 15, Grandfather Frost is unlikely to please her with a teddy bear. She develops as a person, she develops her own interests and passions. She wants to be independent, watch the films she likes, listen to her music. To communicate with the outside world, it is no longer enough to just go out into the yard; now you also need to go online.

If you have the opportunity, you can give her a tablet, smartphone or personal computer. What else can you give a girl for the New Year?

Well, since your girl is turning into a girl, it’s time to present her with a real decoration. Perhaps it will be an elegant chain or bracelet, or maybe a ring.

Vika Di November 12, 2018, 03:11

What can you give a 9 year old child for his birthday? The choice today is so wide that you can always choose a gift that matches your financial capabilities. Let's figure out what they give to children for 9 years, but first, let's talk about what you shouldn't give.

Birthday gift for a child

What should not be given to a 9 year old child?

  • pet without the consent of the parents. Pets require care, and a child or family member may have allergies.
  • toy store certificate, clothing, shoes, electronics, etc. If it turns out that the certificate does not cover the cost of the product you like, both you and your parents will find yourself in an awkward position.
  • big soft toy. You can’t play with such a toy; it takes up a lot of space; In addition, it is a real dust collector and a source of allergens.

And now about what gift will surely please 9 year old child.

Just don’t forget that girls differ from boys in their interests and priorities, so the choice of gift largely depends on the gender of the birthday boy


In Soviet times, a book was considered the best gift, but modern children, unfortunately, do not like to read too much. And, nevertheless, you can give your child an illustrated book that will interest him with its theme: for boys it will be adventures on land and sea, especially stories with pirates, for girls - fairy-tale stories with princesses, etc. They will be a wonderful, and most importantly, useful gift. encyclopedias for children, for example, about the animal and plant world, books about the mythology of Ancient Greece, etc.

Book as a birthday gift for 9 years

Clothes and shoes

9-year-old boys are not particularly interested in clothes; The only thing that will make them happy is something related to their interests, for example, a T-shirt or logo scarf favorite sports club or cool sneakers.

With girls, everything is exactly the opposite - these young coquettes can spend hours twirl in front of the mirror in mom's outfits, so clothes as a gift are very relevant for them, only it should be something not everyday, but festive: a beautiful dress with a full princess-style skirt, elegant shoes, etc.

It is best to choose several dresses in the store in advance and bring the birthday girl there so that she can try them on and choose one to her liking

If the dress is given by parents or grandparents who know the girl’s size well, then it can be purchased without trying on. A chic outfit will be a wonderful gift for a 9-year-old girl.


It just seems to us that third-graders are past the age when they play with toys; it’s just that the nature of the fun for them has changed in accordance with their level of development. A nine-year-old boy is no longer interested in just rolling a car like a child, but build a garage for her or a gas station, just like for a girl - to build a house for her Barbie doll and furnish it, equip the kitchen, etc.

Development is the key word when choosing games and toys: they should be developmental in nature and contribute to the development of a child’s interest in the world, the acquisition of new skills and abilities, logical thinking, concentration and other necessary qualities.

Here's what you can choose:

  • kit for young technicians, physicists, chemists, aircraft modelers, etc.;
  • constructors and transformers;
  • radio-controlled and prefabricated car models, helicopters, robots, ships, etc.
  • Board games: chess, checkers, Monopoly, Battleship;
  • creator's Kit: brushes and paints for drawing, sets for burning and embossing; special clay for creating reliefs; kit for creating stained glass windows, etc.;
  • microscope, Spyglass.

Gift a creativity kit for a 9th birthday

They should also be of a developmental nature:

  • Barbie with all the accessories: a dollhouse, a car, a groom, girlfriends, a set of dishes, clothes, etc.
  • heroines of Disney films, fairies, monsters and other favorite cartoon characters with whom you can play role-playing games;
  • interactive baby dolls, which are so interesting to look after;
  • mannequin doll to create hairstyles with appropriate accessories;
  • dress up games;
  • creator's Kit: supplies for drawing and sculpting, sewing, embroidery, beading, making perfume or soap yourself, etc.

Sets will be an excellent gift for both boys and girls. lego various themes: boys, of course, will be interested in pirates, policemen and firefighters, and girls - doll houses, farms, etc., as well as large-sized puzzles.

Lego sets can be huge and cost accordingly, or they can be very miniature and inexpensive, so even his classmate or playmate can give them to a friend for his 9th birthday. L there is never too much of it, often children create real towns with an area of ​​a whole square meter or more from several sets.

Photo of a 9 year old birthday gift

Children's cosmetics

Children's cosmetics are a gift exclusively for girls, but how happy it will make them!

The girl will feel like a real adult woman, because now she, like her mother, will have a full arsenal of beauty products

Many mothers turn a blind eye when girls use their lipstick, nail polish, eye shadow and other decorative cosmetics, but these products are by no means harmless for children’s delicate skin, while Children's cosmetics will not cause allergies and will not have a negative effect.

Sports gifts

Many children at this age already go to sports clubs, and then you can give something suitable for this type of sport. Suitable gifts for boys:

  • boxing gloves,
  • football or basketball ball,
  • skateboard;
  • fins and swimming mask;
  • target With darts;
  • bicycle accessories;
  • dumbbells(but not more than 1 kg in weight!).

A good sports gift not only for girls, but also for boys would be:

  • tennis racket;
  • roller skates with protective equipment;
  • skates for ice skating;
  • subscription to the pool or skating rink.

Ice skates as a birthday gift for 9 years old

Digital technology

Modern children often understand computers and phones better than their parents and certainly better than their grandparents, so a smartphone, tablet, game console, camera, quality headphones and other gadgets will be a wonderful gift for them.

A gadget that is useful for development and learning will be especially valuable: media with educational and/or educational games, electronic encyclopedias, etc.

Better do not choose the most expensive digital equipment, because a child can break it or lose it; The average price category is preferable.

Birthday surprise for 9 years old

A wonderful birthday surprise for a 9-year-old can be made by inviting animators, especially when the birthday is celebrated in the fresh air (at the dacha, in a country house, etc.). U animators As a rule, there are already ready-made holiday scenarios for different age groups, and parents can only express their wishes.

Birthday surprise for 9 years old

Third graders are the most appreciative audience; they are already quite relaxed and willing to participate in interactive games, so the birthday will be very fun and will be remembered for a long time by both the birthday boy and his guests.

Another option - quest.

A surprise can be not only the gift itself, but also the method of receiving it in the form of a mini-quest

Quest is translated from English as search, so arrange for your child to search for a gift. Draw a map with guidelines for searching around the house, tear it into pieces and hide them in such a way that each piece found leads to the next and, ultimately, to a gift. In a typical apartment, parents will have to show a lot of ingenuity, just like the child, but how much The search process itself will bring pleasure!

Unforgettable experiences as a gift

The gift does not necessarily have to have a material form - the unusual impressions of the 9th birthday will remain in the memory for a long time, especially if birthday boy with company his closest friends will have a birthday celebration at a children's entertainment center, amusement park, or during a hike in the outskirts of the city.

Children's birthday for 9 years

This will be the best birthday gift for a 9 year old because it will be remembered not only by the birthday boy, but also by his friends.

Naturally, the celebration of any birthday ends with a feast. If you go with a group of children to a children's entertainment center, etc., then you can take the children to the children's cafe, and if you’re on a camping trip, be sure to bake potatoes with them over the fire.

A lot of time has passed since the 8th birthday, and during this time the child has grown up. And he not only stretched out in the literal sense of the word (this is especially noticeable from the photo), but also intellectually. And girls at this age already want to be more and more like older guys. Therefore, they need to choose appropriate gifts. It could also be cosmetics “like mom’s”, of course, made specifically for children’s skin. It could also be fashionable clothes. And some of the modern gadgets. But not the toy that we gave just recently. And our daughter will no longer be happy with a cute teddy bear with kind eyes, like, for example, a laptop or a cell phone. Time is running out! And our children grow up with him...

Gift ideas for a 9 year old girl

1. Neon pencils. You can give these unusual pencils as a New Year's gift. The picture drawn by them will be truly fabulous and unusual.

2. Piggy bank. The dream of any girl who wants to save up for something she needs and needs.

3. Blanket “bear holding daisy”. A warm and cozy blanket will keep your baby warm both night and day, for example, in nature.

4. Doll “Flying Fairy”. An amazing toy that can fly. She will certainly surprise her girlfriends and friends.

5. Night light “Night sky projector”. It can turn an ordinary children's room into a fabulous planetarium.