Drawings for a child's birthday. Children's Happy Birthday pictures. Volumetric flower for a postcard

How to congratulate a boy on his birthday? Send a beautiful picture with a congratulation or a poem. Download for free.

Choose a children's birthday greeting

Cartoon Happy Birthday

Congratulate your boy on his birthday by ordering him a cool phone call :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Left-click on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering him a nice call:

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering a pleasant audio congratulation-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations above this text to load
  2. Listen to audio congratulations and wishes
  3. Choose the one you liked the most
  4. Specify which number to call and play your wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulation is delighted :)

Congratulations format:

Now that even young children use the Internet to one degree or another, people rarely give real cards. Instead, they send themed pictures to mark the occasion. For boys, you should choose images that, firstly, have a pleasant color scheme for them, and, secondly, reflect a topic that interests them. In particular, almost all boys are interested in cars, motorcycles and sports. In this catalog you will find cool, funny, animated photos and pictures with and without captions for boys. Using them, there will be no shame in wishing you a Happy Birthday.

Congratulations in verse and prose:

How to choose a greeting picture

When choosing a picture to congratulate on your birthday, first of all you need to consider how old the child is. At different periods of life, a person has different interests and perceptions of the world around him. 1. If the child is only 1 year old, then you should choose designs with a wide range of bright colors. The inscriptions are not very important, as are the images themselves. Many researchers are inclined to conclude that children who are only 1 year old are still poorly able to distinguish between images. Naturally, the same applies to babies who were born just 1 month ago. 2. For your second birthday, you can choose more meaningful images. They can be animals or cartoon characters. 3. Starting from the age of 3, the child begins to show hints of some interesting things. Many boys at this age like beautiful images of cars and motorcycles. It is very important that they are painted in bright colors. 4. Congratulations for a child who is going to first grade should include wishes. At this age, he masters reading, and a picture with poetry or prose will not only please him, but will also slightly improve the corresponding skills. 5. A teenager who, for example, is 13-14 years old, should definitely send pictures that accurately reflect his interests. At this age, children's hormonal levels change, which is why they react sharply negatively to everything they don't like. It should be noted that, starting from school age, when the child is socialized, the first thing you need to pay attention to is his interests. You should give “postcards” that he will like, and not those that seem interesting to the parent. Download free greeting images from our website In this catalog of our website you can find and download free children's greeting images for any child. There are those that are designed specifically for twins or suitable for a small child (for example, images of cakes). They will be appropriate regardless of the baby’s name: Sasha, Dima, or you can show them to Artem. Our resource offers parents dozens of the best pictures to choose from.

As a child, a birthday is a special holiday for any child. He is the center of attention, receives gifts and congratulations. This makes the child feel his importance, individuality and the love of loved ones, so children really look forward to their birthday and carefully prepare for it. With no less enthusiasm, they go to holidays with their friends and congratulate loved ones on their special day.

The birthday boy most likes to receive congratulations, and the child can do this with the help of a postcard. Try making it yourself. This activity is of particular importance for children: he puts his skill and effort into the craft, learns patience and working with paper, cardboard, scissors, and glue. He develops not only fine motor skills, but also a sense of beauty.

We offer you 10 ideas for cards that a child can make himself or with a little help from an adult.

Card with buttons

Postcard with 3D applique

Card with balloons

Volumetric flower for a postcard

Butterflies can be cut out of paper or use ready-made stickers

Envelope with confetti

Heart balloons

A teenager can make such a card, but kids can glue ready-made pom-poms onto paper

Bouquet of paper flowers

For this card, you first need to cut out flowers from colored paper, stick them on paper or cardboard and draw a stem.

A child's birthday is a welcome holiday for every parent. On this day, I especially want to give my beloved child unforgettable sensations and vivid impressions that will remain in the child’s memory for a long time. And you will be able to share these joyful moments with him, including with the help of a beautiful picture. There are many ways to make the birthday person happy. If you have the opportunity to personally attend a special event, then expressing your love through warm congratulatory speeches and presenting a long-awaited gift will not be difficult for you. If for some reason your birthday greetings cannot be delivered to the hero of the occasion by you personally, do not be upset, you can make your child happy by addressing him a cool picture using an online message. Today, the possibilities of the World Wide Web are endless, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Congratulations in verse and prose:

Our online resource has an extensive database of children's birthday greeting pictures, which you can download completely free of charge. Simplicity and ease of navigation on our greeting website allows you to select a postcard in the appropriate category and download it without much difficulty or material costs. So, for example, when visiting our website, you should initially indicate the gender of the recipient of the animated message - a beautiful congratulatory picture is required for a boy or a girl. And then, after performing a few simple operations, the image you have chosen will be downloaded and saved in the location you specified. Just imagine how much joy and pleasure the birthday boy will receive when he returns from kindergarten and sees an illustrated animation dedicated to his birthday. I would like to note that the wide selection of children's cards presented on the site can serve both as an addition to the main gift and as an independent original birthday greeting. So, depending on the age and preferences of the child, you can creatively congratulate him on his birthday by sending a personalized greeting with wishes. Bright and funny pictures with little animals, colored balloons and other holiday paraphernalia will appeal to even the most picky eaters. The feeling of celebration created in this way will lift the spirits of the hero of the occasion and his guests.

Happy birthday to your child! It’s not for nothing that they say that children are the flowers of life, because it’s true. They are like little sprouts that grow up every day, absorbing new knowledge and skills. Every parent does everything possible to please their child with a new gift and see their beloved happy smile on his face. We will help to please your children once again and offer to give them cheerful emotions with the help of bright colorful cards. In our large collection of greeting templates, you can easily, in just a few minutes, create a funny, cool, music video card that will be an unforgettable gift on his birthday, or Children's Day, name day, the first of September; or a beautiful children's slide show on the occasion of a matinee in kindergarten. Also, the children themselves will be able to create and send their congratulations to Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa from their beloved grandchildren. This service is very simple and easy to use! Create and send your music video cards with your favorite children's melody, add cute photos with kind children's smiles, write kind, sincere lines in your own words, which is what children deserve. Let everyone see this gift: parents, friends, girlfriends and guests of the holiday. Laugh, dance, sing together, make your child's birthday bright and unforgettable. Our good offices service gives you the opportunity to instantly send your exclusive birthday greetings to a child on the phone of their Mom, Dad, and all relatives.