Romantic dinner in the middle of the water. Romantic dinner for two. What to do after dinner

Our global network is filled with funny (and often not so funny) stories about how girls arranged a romantic dinner for their other halves. True, it didn’t always end the way they wanted and dreamed. Either a guy, having tasted a salad with shrimp, became covered in spots due to an allergy, then a candle accidentally fell, or a hungry husband, having swallowed the slices and munched on a light salad, demanded to fry the chicken with potatoes. In a word, a romantic dinner is an extremely responsible matter, it can even be compared to walking through a minefield. A step to the left, a step to the right - and you can not only be embarrassed, but seriously quarrel with your loved one. We hope that our instructions will help you avoid the most common mistakes and have a perfect candlelit evening.

1. Time and place

A weekday evening is not the best time for a tete-a-tete. Well, first of all, a long, eventful working day often exhausts all the nerves and squeezes out all the juices. So, when you finally crawl home, you have only one desire - to eat and go to bed as soon as possible. Is this a familiar picture? Secondly, your significant other may be late at work: all the food will get cold, and you, tired of preparing, will fall asleep sweetly on the sofa. Therefore, if it is not possible to reschedule romantic plans for the weekend, then you can consider the option of a candlelit dinner in a restaurant. So it will be more than just a regular dinner at home with an unpredictable ending. Then you can walk around the city a little, and at home drink, say, a glass of champagne as an interlude. But, if you still decide on the option of a romantic dinner at home, you should pay attention to the details. For example, do not vaguely hint to your loved one about the surprise that awaits him at home, but clearly say that you are preparing a romantic dinner, and a delay at work will cause your righteous anger. But the main thing is to think carefully about the dinner menu.

Psychologists have figured out what to avoid on a date. If you want to impress your partner, don't make the most common mistakes.

2. Menu

Do you remember a little earlier we talked about a girl whose husband wasn’t full of salad and asked for something more substantial? This option is very possible. Therefore, dinner by candlelight should not be too light (especially after a working day). Otherwise, your man will not devour you with his eyes, but the refrigerator, in which there may still be “something left to devour.” But at the same time, the food should not be too dense. An overfilled stomach does not at all contribute to tender feelings; rather, it pulls you to the side.

Trying to win over your partner with an abundance of dishes is a bad idea, as is choosing complex recipes. Standing at the stove for many hours will not put you in a good mood. Besides, the purpose of dinner is not the food, but what comes after it.

3. Main courses

Poultry is suitable as the main meat. It is easily digestible, and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. Pork or beef takes a long time to digest; fish requires some effort to get through the bones. Beans and soybeans would also be an extremely bad choice (need we say why?). The main course can be served with a light salad of vegetables or seafood. For dessert - ice cream, or a classic of the genre - strawberries and cream. By the way, the latter can serve as a good start for exciting intimate play.

Let's say you already know a lot about your husband, but if you have just started dating a man, then it would be good to clarify with him that he does not eat. For example, some people don’t like liver, others don’t like onions. Perhaps there are foods that your partner likes - nuts, honey, etc. Keep in mind that many (oils, spices, products) are also very allergenic foods. Even a small portion can cause anaphylactic shock in a person.

4. Drinks

Avoid strong alcoholic drinks immediately. Still, both of you should be dizzy from love, and not from being “taken to the chest.” Champagne or wine are a great option. But you shouldn’t mix them, it’s better to stick to one thing. It is generally accepted that red or rose wine should be served with poultry and meat. But this is not a strict prescription. In reality, only taste matters. Delicate meat can be complemented well by white wine. It is much more important to follow another rule: red wine should be at room temperature, but white wine should be served slightly chilled.

This is real art! The sommelier shares his secrets on how to choose the right wine in the supermarket, what dishes to pair it with and how to serve it.

A selection of several types of cheese will go with the wine; you can also add a plate of fruit. Be sure to put a bottle of regular mineral water on the table, but preferably without gas.

5. Serving

You definitely won’t create a romantic atmosphere with plastic glasses and disposable tableware (well, so as not to wash them). Therefore, you will have to get beautiful dishes, tablecloths, and glasses from the bins. Try not to fill the entire surface of the table with dishes: otherwise you will end up with a grandiose anniversary banquet, and not an intimate dinner for two

You can put a small bouquet of flowers in the center of the table, but not a lush composition, because of which you won’t even shoot your eyes. A small vase with one flower or a floating candle floating on the water looks very delicate.

And, of course, candles. But the latter should be in safe candlesticks and away from the edge of the table. It is advisable to have enough candles; not all men like to eat by touch.

Dishes should be portioned so that you don’t have to cut or break anything with your hands. Fat hands look unaesthetic and unromantic. But in any case, napkins must be on the table. The salad can be placed in special waffle baskets, and plates with all dishes can be decorated with lettuce leaves, or, say, olives.

6. Music

We have already talked about candles above. It is better to choose light and relaxed music. We very much doubt that your companion will enjoy spending the evening listening to the songs of Stas Mikhailov. The network has a lot of collections of romantic instrumental tunes (for example, by composer James Last), retro hits and pleasant jazz compositions. You shouldn’t burden your evening with “serious” music and arias from operas either.

For every man, you can choose a melody according to your Zodiac sign; it will have an amazing effect on your loved one. Check it out!

7. Home decoration

From the point of view of rose petals, everything is debatable. It's up to you to decide. It all looks, of course, romantic and cinematic. But in the film it remains behind the scenes, who then cleans up all this beauty scattered around the room? So if you don’t want to plunge into the morning routine of cleaning your apartment immediately after a romantic evening, you can choose the light version. Scatter some petals on the holiday table. This will add ambiance and will not create additional problems.

8. Fragrances

These are even a little more difficult than rose petals. We have already said that many oils and incense can cause allergies or asthma attacks. And not all people may like rich aromas. I immediately remember the now popular stores with natural handmade cosmetics. You walk by and wonder how you can work there all day and not suffer from a headache? Therefore, the issue of choosing fragrances must be approached delicately. The ideal option is a fresh, but unobtrusive scent of flowers standing on the table: tulips, roses, spruce branches in compositions. Only lilies with a strong odor should be excluded. A good helper is an aroma lamp, into which you can drop a few drops of oil and enjoy the subtle aroma of, for example, sandalwood. We strongly do not recommend using an air freshener! The heavy artificial smell is more likely to evoke associations with restrooms.

9. Clothes

Of course, you can’t sit down at the table, which is what you usually wear around the apartment. Home clothes, funny slippers with a dog, sweatpants with stretched knees, a robe or family panties can completely kill romance. A suitable option for a girl is a cocktail dress, light makeup, and a simple hairstyle. For a man - a shirt, trousers, in general - a neat appearance. Many ladies choose the image of a vamp for dinner. They immediately appear in front of their partner in a bold dress or erotic lingerie. Well, why dinner then? But what about “there must be some kind of mystery in a woman”? Therefore, we advise you to leave the underwear “for dessert”. To get to it, a man will have to try hard: court the lady, give compliments, give a kiss and, who knows, give the treasured ring.

10. Gifts

Not such a mandatory part of the program. But anyway. Men have an easier time in this matter, of course. We will always be happy with flowers, chocolates and girls' best friends - diamonds. But what should we give to our chosen ones? Cute soft toys, postcards and other attributes of February 14th are candidates for being sent to the trash bin. Well, our gentlemen are not so romantic! Get over it already, ladies. It is better to spend money: A) on yourself beautiful and well-groomed. fits well into this concept. B) for delicious food. Choose good meat and expensive wine. In the end, it’s important that a romantic dinner doesn’t happen every day and should bring a lot of positive emotions to the two of you.

It happens that feelings between lovers sometimes fade away, and this is due to hard, stressful everyday life, worries about the house, children, and there is practically no time left for oneself. The most important desire that overcomes you is to just get to the bed and go to sleep.

But to prevent this from happening, you need to have a romantic dinner from time to time. This way you can immerse yourself in an atmosphere of love and romance and forget about your everyday problems.

But just sitting together and having dinner is half the battle; you need to make sure that your time together turns into something unforgettable. And you had a desire to do such experiments periodically.

Where to organize a romantic dinner

The venue should be chosen based on your purpose for dining.

  1. If you prefer to spend the evening just the two of you, without prying eyes, then it’s better to do it at home so that no one bothers you, and if you have children, you can ask your parents to sit with them for one evening.
  2. If you are a married couple with many years of experience, then you can go to dinner at some good cafe or restaurant.
  3. If you can’t have privacy at home, and you don’t really want to go to a cafe, then you can organize a nice dinner for your loved one at a hotel.
  4. If time permits, you can go overnight to a country estate, where you can be alone.
  5. For the summer season, dinner on the boat is also suitable.

When choosing any place, you remember that it should be cozy and comfortable for the two of you, so it is better to organize such a vacation together. But if you know the tastes and preferences of your half, then you can do everything yourself.

Dinner at home

If you decide to host a dinner for two at home, then you need to take care of creating a romantic atmosphere.

What will you need for this?

  1. If it's summer time, close the curtains to prevent light from entering the room.
  2. Buy a lot of candles. Both simple candles and in the form of flat tablets are suitable. These tablets look good when placed in a glass or vase of water.
  3. You can lay out strings of pearls on the table and sprinkle with rose petals.
  4. Record a CD with romantic music and play it at a low volume so that it sounds like some kind of addition to your dinner.
  5. Take care of the cleanliness of your apartment, everything should be sterile.
  6. Eliminate the appearance of uninvited guests.

Observing all these nuances, you will get a wonderful romantic dinner at home.

Thinking through the menu

Knowing all the food tastes of your other half, it will be easy for you to create a menu of dishes for your evening.

If you're a little tired of traditional food, there are several options available.

  1. You can arrange a themed dinner in some style, for example, a Spanish theme, then you should find a recipe for paella, and “Sangria” is suitable as an alcoholic drink.
  2. If you love Italian food, then the most suitable dish would be Lasagna. This is a very spicy and tasty dish. Dry red wine will go well with it.
  3. Treat your other half to Greek moussaka. These are vegetables baked with meat.

You can find all the recipes for a romantic dinner on the Internet. At dinner, it’s better to limit yourself to preparing one dish, but everything should be perfect.

But, of course, such a dinner cannot be complete without strawberries and cream. These products are considered natural aphrodisiacs. Therefore, if you plan to continue the evening, then make sure that such products are available.

Drinks for a romantic dinner

If you are planning romantic dinner by candlelight, then you need to approach the choice of drinks seriously. It is better to prepare light wine or champagne. But if your man prefers something stronger, then you can prepare a bottle of good cognac or whiskey, but not vodka, it will be inappropriate for such a case.

What to wear to a meeting?

On this occasion, you are supposed to wear something sexy for a woman, and brutal for a man. If a woman wears a ballroom or evening dress, it will be too much.

Therefore, it is better to opt for a light, simple dress, which can be decorated with lace inserts, which will help add a little sexuality to her image, most importantly, not to be vulgar.

It’s easier with men; the most suitable option is jeans with a T-shirt, clean socks, and no tracksuit. Well, of course, take a shower beforehand, especially if you are after work.

What to do after dinner

If you don’t want your man to fall asleep after a couple of glasses of cognac or whiskey, you need to think through a program for the next evening. You can go for a walk around the city at night, taking a bottle of wine with you, and you can drink it somewhere on the embankment. If you don’t really want to go for a walk, then a warm bath and a light massage will be just right.

With the combination of words “romantic dinner”, I personally always have only the most pleasant perceptions. Such an evening is always filled with some magic and mystery. Two loving people can forget about everything for a while and plunge into each other's aura.

And it doesn’t matter in honor of what event such an evening is organized. This could be another wedding anniversary, a birthday, Valentine's Day, a meeting after a long separation, or simply reconciliation after a quarrel. What matters is what the atmosphere will be like that evening. How everything will be arranged and organized.

And we have already touched on this topic in the article. You can follow the link and see how you can easily create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Today let's talk about what you can prepare for such an evening.

Of course, you need to think about the atmosphere of such an evening. Purchase candles and candlesticks in advance. They can be placed throughout the room where you plan to have a date. Create pleasant lighting that relaxes and makes you disappear into the room.

However, do not organize an evening in the kitchen, and especially not in the bedroom. Every place in the house has its own purpose. Since the dinner is romantic, then the room should be a living room. By the way, the room can be decorated with balls or hearts.

Think in advance about what kind of music will be played in your room. Prepare it so you don't get distracted later. Create a rough scenario for the evening.

Prepare a tablecloth and dishes. And think about the menu in advance. And here is an approximate option that we can offer you.

Salads and snacks

Since dinner for two involves romance, it would be quite appropriate to prepare appetizers and salads that will be decorated in a somewhat unusual way. And it’s great if at the same time you can treat each other with small pieces.

You can choose which appetizer best suits your mood: chicken salad with pineapple in tartlets or puff pastry rosettes. Or maybe you'll prefer a seafood salad.

Salad in tartlets

A delicate and at the same time beautiful salad in tartlets can increase the level of romance. Still would! It looks almost like Raffaello, but instead of paper there is a beautiful bread base. You want to eat it, and also comfortably hold it with your fingers so that your partner can bite off this crispy basket with a delicate filling.

We will need:

  • Boiled chicken fillet – 200 gr.
  • Boiled egg – 2 pcs.
  • Canned pineapple pieces – 200 gr.
  • Walnut – 35 gr.
  • Hard cheese – 80 gr.
  • Tartlets – 1 pack.
  • Mayonnaise, pepper, salt - to taste.


1. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into small cubes and combine in a saucepan or large bowl with canned pineapple pieces. If the pineapple in the jar is arranged in large pieces or rings, then it is better to cut it into the same size pieces as chicken meat.

2. To chop nuts and cheese, you can use a grater or chop them into strips with a knife. Add to previous ingredients.

3. Cut the eggs into cubes or use an egg slicer to chop them and add to the pan with the salad.

4. Season with mayonnaise at your discretion, add salt and pepper to your taste and mix well.

5. Spoon the salad into the tartlets and, if desired, decorate with herbs and nuts.

A delicate salad for beautiful serving is ready!

Puff pastries with cheese and sausage (roses)

You gave your beloved orchids, but she loves roses? So let's surprise her with an amazing rose-shaped snack. The combination of puff pastry and boiled sausage with cheese melted inside the “flower” resembles a hybrid two-color rose, and the crispy “petals” that melt right on the tongue will definitely blow your mind away!

We will need:

  • Boiled sausage – 200 gr.
  • Puff pastry – 200 gr.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Cheese – 100 gr.
  • Greens - for decoration


1. Cut the boiled sausage into thin pieces. Ideally, their thickness should be about 3 millimeters.

2. Cut the cheese, which melts well when heated, into oblong thin plastics.

3. In a separate bowl, beat a fresh chicken egg with a whisk until white foam.

4. Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangular, uniform, thin layer. Divide it with a knife into strips approximately 3-4 centimeters wide and 3 millimeters thick.

5. Place sausage slices on each belt so that the oval parts extend beyond the edges of the dough. Place strips of cheese on top of it, trying to leave small distances between them so that the cheese does not leak out when melted, but remains inside the snack.

6. Carefully roll up the ribbon with sausage and cheese, pinch the end of the dough so that the “snail” does not fall apart. Carefully turn out the edges of the dough and the pieces of sausage slightly so that it looks like a rose.

7. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and distribute the rolled “roses” on it.

Be sure to arrange the roses so that there is space between them - the dough will swell during baking and expand to the sides.

8. Brush the “petals” with beaten egg so that the rose gets a ruddy appearance in the oven.

9. Place the baking sheet with the snack in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

10. Place crispy edible flowers on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Let the darling rejoice at the hand-made roses, which she can then eat!

Seafood salad

Now in any hypermarket you can buy any seafood, be it fresh, frozen, dried or prepared. You can even find a whole assortment of edible sea creatures.

In fact, seafood delicacies in appetizers and salads not only provide interesting flavor combinations, but also provide complete nutrition. Therefore, it would be great to cook them as an appetizer for a romantic dinner.

We have all become accustomed to such Japanese dishes as sushi and... But not everyone can cook them themselves. It’s much more original to create a culinary miracle with your own hands using the same ingredients. For example, prepare a salad from a sea cocktail and serve it not in tartlets, but in interesting green small barrels made from cucumbers.

We will need:

  • Sea cocktail – 250 gr.
  • Boiled chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Rice – 0.5 cups.
  • Fresh long cucumber – 1-2 pieces.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, salt - to taste.


1. Place the defrosted sea cocktail in salted boiling water for 7 minutes. Then drain in a colander, let the water drain and cool. If the delicacies are too large, it is better to cut them into small pieces.

2. Boil the rice in lightly salted water, drain in a colander and let cool to room temperature.

3. Chop the onion into small cubes and saute them in sunflower oil.

4. Chop the boiled eggs into cubes and place in a large bowl. Add onions, rice and seafood cocktail to them. Stir until the ingredients are evenly distributed.

5. Combine mayonnaise with sour cream and ketchup, beat thoroughly until smooth. You can add your favorite spices.

7. Cut washed fresh cucumbers into four centimeter pieces.

8. Using a spoon, carefully cut out the core, leaving the bottom.

9. As a result, you should get a beautiful “barrel” from each segment.

10. Fill the barrels with salad, making a whole mound of it on top.

Wasn't it very original?

Simple and tasty main dishes

The main course on such an evening should delight the taste buds. You don’t have to go crazy and make a super complicated delicacy! The dish may look quite simple, but it should give pleasure. We offer you three fairly simple and quick recipes to choose from that will be remembered by loving hearts for a long time. They will probably come to mind every time you hear words associated with this wonderful holiday.

Lavash with curd filling

Lavash is good with any filling. But especially with cottage cheese. This dish is prepared very quickly and very simply.

We will need:

  • lavash – 2 pcs
  • cottage cheese – 200 gr
  • ham – 100 gr
  • parsley - a small bunch
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - to taste


1. Cut the ham into small cubes.

2. Cut off the rough stems from the parsley and chop them.

3. Mix cottage cheese, ham and herbs in a bowl. If desired, add salt to taste.

4. Cut the pita bread into two halves. Place the filling in the middle of each and fold into an envelope. Brush with melted butter.

5. Fry in a frying pan on both sides. Can be fried in a dry frying pan.

Or you can add a little oil and then the dish will turn out more satisfying and crunchy.

6. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

From this amount of ingredients you will get four servings of pita bread.

Shrimp in milk and semolina batter

In India, shrimp in semolina batter is very popular. The dish is really very tasty and original! For a romantic dinner for lovers, such seafood will be a small exotic highlight of a candlelit dinner.

We will need:

  • Peeled medium-sized shrimp – 0.5 kg
  • Finely ground semolina – 0.5 cups
  • Milk – 0.5 cups
  • Flour – 80 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Milk - 0.5 Cups
  • Sunflower oil – 4 tbsp.


1. Mix salt with flour and roll the shrimp until they are completely covered with a thin flour crust.

2. Very quickly dip each shrimp in milk so that the flour does not wash off, but only gets wet.

Instead of milk, you can use lemon juice - this will only improve the taste of the shrimp!

3. Lightly fry the semolina in a frying pan until it acquires a slightly golden color. Generously coat the milk-soaked shrimp in it. Thanks to the wet flour, the semolina will stick in a nice thick layer.

4. Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil over medium heat and fry the shrimp until a beautiful blush yellow color.

5. Serve hot or warm. It is advisable to add some in a small cup.

It's so simple, tasty and beautiful!

Fish under a vegetable coat

There are a great many recipes for cooking fish. But for a romantic dinner you need something tender and fragrant.

The main thing to remember is that fish and other ingredients should not contain bones and all kinds of scales that can ruin your mood. Remember that white wine goes great with fish.

The best option is to bake the fish in the oven. And in order not to prepare a separate side dish, and to make the dish look original, you can make a vegetable “coat” for our sea meat. This way the vegetable juice will soak the fillet and you will get a very aromatic, juicy and incredibly tasty light dish.

We will need:

  • Boneless fish fillet – 500 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml.
  • Flour – 50 gr.
  • Salt, spices, herbs - to taste.


1. Peel fresh potato tubers, carrots and onions.

2. Thaw the fish fillet, rinse well and dry with a paper towel. Cut into convenient portions. Sprinkle with salt, season with your favorite spices and add lemon juice. Let stand for 5 minutes and soak.

You can take any fish without bones. But it is telapia that works best under such a fur coat.

3. Mix mayonnaise with egg and chopped favorite herbs. Roll the fish pieces in the resulting marinade and let marinate for about half an hour.

4. Cut the onion into half rings and sauté until translucent. Remove the half-cooked onion from the frying pan, trying to leave as much oil in it as possible for further frying of the fish.

5. Roll marinated fillet pieces in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown.

6. Place the onion on a baking sheet and spread the fried fish fillet on top in an even layer.

7. Potatoes and carrots can be chopped into small strips, but it is better to chop them using a grater.

8. Season the vegetables with literally a spoonful or two of mayonnaise, lightly add salt and add aromatic ground pepper. After thoroughly mixing until smooth, spread the vegetable mass in a layer over the fish.

9. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35 minutes. Then you can add grated cheese so that after ten minutes of baking a delicate cheese crust appears.

If the dish will be served cooled or after heating, and not immediately after cooking hot, then it is better not to add cheese, because this layer will harden, will only break or cling to the fork in separate pieces and create a difference in taste in the dish.

10. Cut into portioned squares or rectangles, place on plates and garnish with herbs and pieces of fresh vegetables at your discretion.

We wish you to enjoy a juicy fish dish!

Enjoy your meal!

Romantic dessert for all lovers

Well, what is romance without sweets? There must be a light, tasty and “a little native” dessert.

You can remember your favorite sweets from childhood and prepare them, simply decorate them in a festive style. A taste that evokes childhood memories brings people closer together.

You can prepare, for example, your favorite “Potato” cake, but not in the shape of the usual sausage, but in the shape of a heart. Or a soft, cream-soaked simple sponge cake. Here the choice is yours. Just add a little love, care and warmth while cooking, then even a simple dessert will certainly become a masterpiece, which they will remember with warmth and tell their children and grandchildren in the future.

Favorite recipe: Heart-shaped “potato cake”

Do you remember what the most favorite sweet dish was in almost every home before? And how did the whole family gather at the table, first to participate in the cooking process, and then enjoy it during tea? Of course, this is all about our favorite cookie cake – “potato”.

We will need:

  • Shortbread cookies – 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter – 300 gr.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder - to taste.


1. Grind the cookies in any way convenient for you until they become powdery.

2. In a separate deep bowl, grind the egg with sugar. Then add softened or melted butter there and, after achieving homogeneity, pour in the milk. Continue whisking until milky foam and bubbles appear.

3. Pour crushed cookies into the liquid and add cocoa powder. Knead the chocolate dough thoroughly.

The more cocoa, the tastier the “potatoes”

4. Roll large balls from the dense sweet mass.

5. Roll each bun thoroughly in your palms and give it a heart shape. Decorate as you wish.

May the love in your true heart be as sweet as this delicacy!

Easy to prepare and very tasty sponge cake

Now in stores and culinary departments you can choose from a huge number of cakes the one that will look and taste to your liking. But at one time the most famous was the “Kiev” cake. Because not everyone was able to buy it and not as often as we would like, because it was instantly taken off the shelves. But our mothers and grandmothers learned to bake fluffy biscuits no worse than this dessert classic.

The main secret of the airiness of the sponge cake lies in the egg whites whipped into foam. A huge sponge cake can be cut into cake layers using thread or a chef’s knife and coated with any cream to make a real cake.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg – 6 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 gr.
  • Flour – 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk – 1 can
  • Butter – 100 gr. +5 gr.


1. Carefully separate the chicken whites from the yolks and place them in a dry bowl. Beat with a mixer until foam forms.

It is very important to ensure that not even a drop of egg yolk gets into the bowl with the whites, otherwise you will not be able to beat the eggs to the desired consistency.

2. Without stopping whipping, gradually add half of the regular and vanilla sugar in portions. Achieve the appearance of a stable peak-shaped state of the protein mousse.

3. Place 6 yolks in a separate bowl and combine them for whipping with the second half of regular and vanilla sugar. Beat until the mass has approximately doubled in size.

4. Gradually add “steep” thick protein foam into the yolk mousse and mix gently.

5. As the two egg mixtures are mixed, gradually stir in the flour, sifting it directly into the bowl. Knead into a homogeneous batter without lumps.

6. You should get a creamy biscuit dough.

Do not stir clockwise or counterclockwise under any circumstances, because the airiness may disappear. It is better to mix with exciting movements from the bottom up.

7. Grease the baking dish with butter. Place parchment paper on the sides and grease it too.

8. Fill the mold with dough, distributing it evenly along the bottom and lightly rolling it between your palms so that all excess air comes out and unnecessary bubbles do not form in the sponge cake.

9. Place the form with the dough in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

To ensure that the sponge cake turns out tall and fluffy, do not open the oven door either during baking or after it cools down.

10. As soon as a golden brown crust appears on the top of the biscuit, you need to reduce the gas and bake it for another 10 minutes. You can check the readiness with a match.

11. Let the biscuit cool slightly, then remove it from the pan and remove the parchment paper. Cover with a clean, dry towel and let it sit for about 6 hours.

The biscuit must be allowed to steep so that the impregnation does not soak the dough and there are no crumbs when cutting.

12. Using a chef's knife or thread, cut the biscuit into cake layers.

13. Beat boiled condensed milk with butter with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous dark beige sweet cream. Spread it on each cake layer. Stack them on top of each other and coat the sides with cream so that they are also soaked.

14. The top of the cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, biscuit crumbs, nuts, etc.

Enjoy your enjoyment of this simple but so tender sponge cake!

With these sample menus and recipes for each dish to choose from, you can prepare the most memorable dinner. For a romantic pastime, just three dishes are enough to keep you cheerful and in a romantic mood.

Therefore, choose any option for yourself and cook for your health. And if you want to see other recipes, then. There you will find an equally extensive menu for Valentine's Day and all lovers.

Bon appetit! Love and be loved!

All couples need romance, regardless of whether the woman and the man have recently been together or have been married for many years. In order to bring the spirit of romanticism into a relationship, it is necessary to make some efforts, but you should not be afraid of this, because your efforts will soon pay off with a new surge of feelings. The best way to express your emotions, affection, and reverent attitude is to organize an unforgettable evening.

But to make the evening magical and live up to your expectations, you need to know exactly how to make a romantic dinner at home perfect. After all, it is precisely these moments, imbued with love and tenderness, given from the bottom of the heart to a loved one, that are the basis of happiness. And it doesn’t matter whether they fill the hearth of an existing family with sparks or become a guarantee of the emergence of a new one.

In order for the memories of the evening spent together to be pleasant and warm the soul for many years, you need to carefully prepare for the event and think about not only the time and place of the romantic dinner, but also its menu, the nuances of creating the appropriate mood, decor, music and much more.

For those who have known their partner for several years, it will be quite easy to organize everything, since each other’s tastes and preferences have already been studied. Those who are just starting their journey through life together will have to completely rely on their own feelings and intuition.

Place and time of a romantic dinner

The choice of a place for an intimate retreat depends on how exactly you want to spend the evening - secluded, solemn or, perhaps, unbridledly fun. For spouses with many years of experience, an excellent option would be a cozy cafe, where they may have once met for the first time, or a posh restaurant that they have long wanted to visit, but due to constant household chores and eternal busyness, they did not find the time.

For newly acquainted lovers who want to spend more time alone (without witnesses to the manifestation of their feelings), an intimate home environment is much more suitable. If you choose a restaurant as the venue for the evening, everything is more or less clear with the menu, ambiance, music and other related aspects.

In the second option, the question of how to arrange a romantic dinner at home becomes especially relevant.

In addition, you need to decide whether you want to give your loved one a surprise, or (due to your significant other’s constant employment or, perhaps, dislike of surprises) plan the event together in advance. In any case, the ideal time for a romantic dinner would be Friday evening or a weekend.

The weekday evening option is, of course, acceptable, especially if the occasion is some significant event in your life together, a significant date in your love story, or the celebration of a symbolic Valentine’s Day.

There is, of course, a risk of spoiling the mood and atmosphere of dinner with fatigue after a busy day and thoughts about the upcoming work. But the development and outcome of the planned event depends entirely on its organization and your general mood.

If you decide to spend the evening at home, then make sure in advance that no one will disturb you. For example, parents, children or other family members who unexpectedly returned home, annoying neighbors or sociable friends. Their arrival will disrupt the intimate atmosphere, and the rest of the evening will be “crumpled.”

Romantic evening menu and decor

If you are an experienced cook and know everything about the tastes of your loved one, it will not be difficult for you to decide on the choice of dishes.

The most important thing is not to go to extremes: it is important here, on the one hand, not to overfeed, and on the other, not to leave you hungry. If your culinary experience is still too small, do not plan anything stunning; if it fails, it will be uncomfortable for both you and your partner.

It’s better to limit yourself to one simple dish, but cook it perfectly. Fortunately, today there are no problems with original ideas and step-by-step descriptions of preparing all kinds of dishes. In the wealth of “culinary assistants”, both printed and online, you are sure to find practical tips on what to cook and how to make a romantic dinner at home unforgettable.

Romantic dinner menu

  • A hot dish, preferably meat (unless, of course, you are a vegetarian)
  • Vegetable salad (for example)
  • Seafood salad
  • A variety of fruits (grapes, avocado, strawberries, cherries, pineapple)
  • Light dessert (for example, this will do)
  • Favorite drinks (wine, champagne, good cognac)

Table and dish decoration

Don't forget about serving food and setting the table. A romantic dinner is not the case when you can skip the decor and get by with everyday dishes.

Take out all the most festive things - tablecloth, plates, glasses, and put maximum imagination into table decoration. Here you can give preference to traditional elements of festive table setting or focus on a specific theme, using more original design details.

In any case, the table decor should be attractive and romantic, but not distract from the main event - a pleasant meal.

The atmosphere of the place where the event will take place must necessarily create a mood appropriate to the situation. Lighted candles, rose petals scattered everywhere, small vases with fresh flowers and, of course, beautiful romantic music will help with this.

The musical accompaniment of the evening must be taken care of in advance. The music should be light, unobtrusive and, very importantly, quiet so that you don’t have to shout over it if you want to talk. Since you are organizing a romantic dinner for two, you need to choose tunes or songs not only at your own discretion, but also taking into account the preferences of your other half.

If you still don’t know the musical tastes of your loved one, then it’s time to fill this gap. Under no circumstances turn on the radio or TV in the background; endless advertising or a bad joke from the presenter can ruin the whole evening.

Forbidden topics of conversation

No matter how well you know each other, no matter how strong your feelings, there are some moments that can ruin the magical atmosphere of a pleasant pastime. To avoid this, you need to decide in advance what topics are painful for your partner (former relationships, financial issues, political situation in the country) and not raise them during dinner.

It is better to leave disputes and discussions for later, and during a romantic evening you should enjoy the intimate atmosphere and each other’s company.

And most importantly: do not forget that there is no single and best option for all couples on how to make a romantic dinner at home. It all depends on the characteristics of your relationship, your characters and temperaments. If you love your soulmate, if you feel your partner with your heart and soul, then you will be able to predict all the desires of your loved one and make this dinner the best memory in your life together.

Representatives of both sexes face this question at least once in their lives. On the one hand, with your beloved (beloved) paradise in a hut with a cup of tea and a dried sandwich. On the other hand, you always want to celebrate a significant moment (and the thought of a romantic evening comes at a turning point in a relationship) and prepare something truly worthy of being called romantic dinner for your loved one.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind when organizing a romantic dinner:

Food should be prepared quickly, easily and without requiring the skills of a chef. This is understandable - who wants romance after 4-5 hours spent at the stove. I give my simplest and fastest recipes with photos.

For the process of sharing a meal to be truly romantic, meat, poultry and fish must be boneless. Let it be easy to use a knife and fork, and clean hands may soon come in handy.

I advise romantics to do without onions, garlic, salted fish and sharp cheeses. All these are unnecessary smells for the continuation of the evening, you will agree.

Cooked food should not cause discomfort after a couple of hours. Don't cook anything too spicy or fried. We will also leave beans and peas for less romantic occasions, for example.

Don't cook too many different dishes. Served table will lose all romanticism, if you force him with plates of dozens of appetizers. One salad, one hot dish and one dessert are enough.

The salad must be served directly on the plate. On two dishes, more precisely. Let it look like a complete masterpiece, like in a restaurant. You can do this with both a hot dish and dessert.

Prepare dishes, tablecloths and napkins without picture. It's better to decorate the table romantic accessories- candles, hearts, flowers and bows (see some examples in my article). Only in this case the table setting will not seem tacky.

Now about the products from which we need to prepare our home-made romantic dinner. I don’t know how effective aphrodisiac products are, but since every people inhabiting our planet has such products, it means there is something in it. Even the purely psychological effect of contemplation and anticipation of gastronomic pleasure in a pleasant campaign will triple us.

These are the products:

Avocado, bananas, mushrooms, caviar, nuts, coffee, strawberries, sesame seeds, honey, almonds, celery, dates, chocolate, eggs.

There is no meat on this list, but in the minds of Russian romantics, it is the most preferred aphrodisiac , so we prepare our favorite dishes with peace of mind.

What to cook for a romantic dinner: quick and easy recipes

Chicken breast in honey sauce, salad with cherry tomatoes and feta, strawberries and cream (25 minutes for everything!).

If you have the opportunity to prepare a candlelit dinner in advance, take this selection ():

If you had a very ordinary dinner, do this... The French serve it as dessert, so it all comes together :-)! Check out my article with pictures and tips on exactly how to serve different types of cheese with fruit and wine! Believe me, it's very cool! And if there is also a good film about love...

More options:

Salads and appetizers:

The recipe is in pictures, extremely simple and very successful.

Don’t make a salad at all; make do with a few canapés (small sandwiches on skewers) from my collection. There are elegant and quite romantic combinations of meat, fish and vegetables.

Main course:

(kebabs on skewers). Very quickly - a minute and a half on each side. Fry in a regular frying pan! Proven recipe with photos and videos!

Meat in a sleeve with sauce (prepared without the participation of romantics, but tasty and beautiful). Don't miss my detailed recipe in pictures.