Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain health and beauty for many years. Astaxanthin - the most powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin how long to take it

You need to know about its correct dosages for each individual disorder, side effects, interactions with other drugs, which is what this article is devoted to.

Maximum permissible doses

At the moment, there is no clear answer to the question “how to take astaxanthin” - since there is no clearly defined minimum effective dose of astaxanthin. Various independent researchers and dietary supplement manufacturers recommend different methods for using this carotenoid. On average, the smallest amount of antioxidant that will have a positive effect on health ranges from 2-4 mg when taken every day.

If we talk about the maximum dosage, then it is extremely high: according to the results of experiments (google translate) on volunteers, even 100 mg pure astaxanthin taken orally every day, does not lead to pronounced side effects, provided there is no individual intolerance. Such high non-toxicity is due to the natural origin of the substance and its natural effect on the human body.

“For a general strengthening effect on the body, you need to take 2-4 mg of astaxanthin daily”

At the same time, no negative effects were found with long-term use of astaxanthin. The longest experience with volunteers has proven that the antioxidant in question can be taken every day for a year, and at the same time it will not lose its therapeutic effectiveness and will not cause any harm to the body.

Dosage and course duration

As mentioned above, the specific effective dose of astaxanthin-based dietary supplements depends on the ultimate purpose of their use.

“For the treatment of various health conditions, the dosage of astaxanthin can vary greatly.”

The dosage of the drug used for the auxiliary treatment of the most common disorders, according to a study (google translate) by the Natural Medicine Journal website, is as follows:

  • For a general antioxidant effect, most manufacturers recommend taking 2-8 mg astaxanthin 2-3 times a day while eating. Course length may vary from 3 to 12 weeks with the possibility of repetition an unlimited number of times.
  • For various digestive disorders: 40 mg every day for 4 weeks.
  • To improve physical endurance: 8 mg of astaxanthin 3 times a day - in the morning, before and after training.
  • Positive effects on various aspects of visual perception and preventive effects on the organs of vision appear when taking 6-12 mg of astaxanthin daily.
  • To reduce blood cholesterol: from 6 to 18 mg (depending on test results) once a day for 12 weeks.
  • For male infertility: 16 mg once daily for 12 weeks.
  • To improve skin condition: 2 mg twice daily with meals for 6 weeks.

It should be noted once again that Astaxanthin is not a full-fledged therapeutic agent and has only a preventive or enhancing effect in traditional drug therapy.

Children's reception

At the moment, there are no objective scientific works that have comprehensively studied the effect of astaxanthin on the children's body. Therefore, most doctors recommend not giving antioxidant-based drugs to children under 18 years of age, although a number of authoritative experts have a special opinion on this matter.

“Astaxanthin has virtually no side effects”

Side effects

Clinical studies have shown that astaxanthin may cause minor side effects. In general, they have a mild manifestation (slight increase in blood pressure or blood sugar levels, etc.) and are mainly provoked by allergies or incompatibility with other drugs.

Interaction with other drugs

It is imperative to consult a doctor if astaxanthin is combined with drugs used to treat the following disorders:

  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Autoimmune disorders (or the effect of immunosuppressants);
  • Hypocalcemia, osteoporosis or parathyroid disorders.

Some minor side effects are also possible, such as low blood pressure, increased skin pigmentation and other disorders. Most of the negative effects occur in the presence of an allergy to astaxanthin and related carotenoids.

Summarizing all of the above, you can hope for an almost 100% positive effect of Astaxanthin if you adhere to the rules for taking the drug developed by specialists and use products from Seedcoms and other reliable manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market.

But to get the maximum benefit from astaxanthin, you need to know not only the correct dosage, but also other properties of this carotenoid. To do this, we have prepared an extensive list of publications with many interesting facts - read the links:

Astaxanthin (astazanthin) is a natural pigment and belongs to carotenoids - substances that perform an antioxidant function, as stated in Wikipedia. The latest scientific developments have made it possible to use this substance in biological supplements used as prevention and additional treatment of many diseases.

What benefits does astaxanthin bring to the human body?

What is astaxanthin and why is it so beneficial to humans? Astazanthin is the strongest natural antioxidant. The substance is effective in the fight against free radicals, astaxanthin protects cells and participates in the stabilization of cellular processes. Astazanthin heals, restores, and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level. It is found in the unique microscopic algae “Hematococcus” that lives in Hawaii, in the caviar and meat of salmon fish, lobsters, shrimp, and krill.

Positive effects on the body

Astaxanthin has a beneficial effect on the body, promoting its healing and rejuvenation:

  1. Thanks to its ability to resist oxidative processes, astaxanthin inhibits the aging process from the inside: wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes elastic, and pigmentation disappears. The substance protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays and promotes collagen production;
  2. The pronounced antioxidant effect of astaxanthin helps in the prevention of cancer, in some cases it is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of oncology;
  3. Significantly reduces blood pressure (blood pressure) and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  4. Helps accelerate metabolic processes, which leads to the timely elimination of toxins, fat burning, and weight loss;
  5. Participates in hematopoiesis processes;
  6. Restores and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system: reduces inflammatory processes, reduces the size of benign formations (effective for fibroids);
  7. Resists atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels (decreased elasticity, thickening of vessel walls);
  8. By saturating the brain with oxygen, astaxanthin improves its reactions, increases mental abilities, which helps prevent cognitive impairment: decreased brain performance, memory, thinking, orientation (Alzheimer's disease);
  9. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver function;
  10. Helps stabilize glucose levels in diabetes;
  11. Strengthens the body's defenses, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  12. Reduces pain in joint diseases, reduces the risk of sprains and damage to the ligamentous apparatus during heavy physical activity (optimally used in sports, during intense training);
  13. Has a positive effect on the visual organs: normalizes the condition of the eyes, relieves dryness, irritation of the mucous membranes, helps in restoring visual acuity;
  14. Helps to recover from prolonged physical and mental overload, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.

Negative consequences

In most cases, astaxanthin does not cause negative effects and cannot cause obvious harm to the body.

Side effects include individual intolerance to the substance, which manifests itself in an allergic reaction.

There are no contraindications to taking astaxanthin. Take biological supplements with caution if you have:

  • Pregnancy, during breastfeeding;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Reduced blood pressure levels;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Astaxanthin: instructions for use

The standard daily dosage of the substance is 2-15 mg.

How to take astaxanthin correctly:

  • 1 capsule every day with meals;
  • A small amount of fat-containing foods (astaxanthin molecules are fat-soluble) will help enhance the effect of the substance: eggs, butter;
  • It is not recommended to take a biological supplement with an antioxidant during dinner: the main substance accelerates metabolism, is involved in hematopoiesis, cell renewal - all these processes are more active during the day; during sleep, all processes slow down.

The first positive effect will be noticeable in the first week of use, you will feel the therapeutic effect after 1-2 months.

The dietary supplement with astaxanthin should be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Review of reviews of dietary supplements with astaxanthin

The product is in demand, as evidenced by numerous reviews.


The majority of consumers were satisfied with the fact that astaxanthin treats the organs of vision and its positive effects. People of different ages (from 25 to 55) were convinced of the effectiveness of the dietary supplement by their own example. Many reviews concern a significant improvement in vision, reduction in fatigue, and elimination of dry and sore eyes. Many consumers whose work involves excessive stress on the visual organs: working at a computer or laboratory instruments use astaxanthin constantly and are satisfied with the result.

Some customers with poor vision noted a significant improvement; some customers (who had slight visual impairment), after taking astaxanthin, no longer need glasses.

The dietary supplement turned out to be very useful for car enthusiasts. Many positive reviews relate to increased visual clarity, reduced fatigue, and improved visual clarity in the evening and at night.

A significant portion of buyers noted the acceleration of metabolic processes. Many clients have noticed significant positive changes: improvement in general condition, appearance, stabilization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of digestibility and processing of elements and substances.

A large number of buyers felt the rejuvenating effects of astaxanthin: the body became toned, weight returned to normal, and swelling disappeared. Consumers especially noted positive changes in the condition of their skin: for many, small and medium wrinkles smoothed out, the skin became moisturized, peeling and dryness disappeared. Skin color improves significantly. Many buyers noted an increase in elasticity and a clear tightening of the face. Several clients were satisfied that the skin was protected from UV rays, while tanning well (a pleasant, low-intensity tan color on the face was also noted).

Many positive reviews concern increased tone and increased energy after taking dietary supplements. Many customers have normalized their rest and work schedule: activity, vigor during the day – calm, uninterrupted sleep at night.

Separately, the positive qualities of astaxanthin were noted by clients who are seriously interested in sports. They noticed that after taking the dietary supplement, endurance increases significantly and muscle fatigue decreases.

For some clients, astaxacin has improved the condition of their hair: there is an increase in shine, quality, and condition.

Positive reviews relate to the help of astaxanthin in eliminating varicose veins. Some clients noted that the swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs went away, the veins disappeared.

For some clients, the drug helped eliminate spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, hernia) when Bioastin Astaxanthin was used as an additional treatment.

A number of clients noted the general strengthening effect of the biological supplement: everyone remained healthy during the period of acute respiratory diseases. Buyers who started taking astaxanthin during ARVI significantly shortened the course of the disease.

Positive reviews relate to the beneficial effect of the drug on brain activity: attention, concentration, memory, and acceleration of thought processes improve.

Buyers noted a stabilizing effect on the state of the nervous system: a person becomes calmer (without drowsiness), stressful situations are perceived more adequately and pass more smoothly.


Negative reviews relate to the fact that buyers did not notice any significant changes in their health.

Reviews from experts

In most cases, doctors' reviews of dietary supplements with astaxanthin are positive:

  • Nutritionists note the beneficial effect of the drug on metabolic processes, cleansing the body, eliminating congestion, and normalizing weight indicators;
  • Immunologists indicate the high effectiveness of astaxanin, several hundred times greater than vitamin E, 10-15 times greater than vitamin A.

How to choose and buy a dietary supplement with astaxanthin

If you decide to improve your health and significantly improve the condition of your skin and hair, you will make the right choice if you decide to purchase dietary supplements with astaxanthin. You can view a huge number of drugs on the iHerb website, where you can buy dietary supplements without worrying about quality. You can choose the optimal biological supplement based on the preferences of regular customers of the site .

The most popular products among consumers

NameDescriptionPrice, rub.
Bioastin Astaxanthin Nutrex Hawaii, 12 mgThe natural antioxidant properties of astaxanthin are greatly enhanced by vitamin E (tocopherol), which protects cell membranes from oxidation. Vitamins of group E are effective in combating infertility, strengthening the body's defenses, and restoring tissue damage at the cellular level. Using a combination of astaxanthin and vitamin E allows you to create a particularly effective “weapon” against cancer cells, aging, infertility, diseases of the spine, vision, and cardiovascular system989.94
Triple Strength Astaxanthin, Healthy Origins, 12 mgA beneficial triple effect on the body is provided by 3 main components: vitamin A (retinol), E (tocopherols), astaxanthin from natural algae Hemococcus3,227.46
Dietary supplements with astaxanthin from SolgarSolgar dietary supplements present astaxanthin in its pure form, which is obtained from the unique Haematococcus algae (dosage varies). One of the popular drugs

The popularity of this drug has been growing recently, which means that its effects are quite serious and require detailed consideration. According to some evidence, it is used and actively advertised by major stars, such as Madonna. So, the Astaxanthin supplement - what kind of drug is it? To fully understand the situation, you should deeply understand the terms and study some facts.

Terminology and explanations of some commonly used terms

First you need to understand the terminology. Dietary supplements - biologically active additives. That is, it is not a medicine, but a composition of components useful for the human body, most of which are of natural origin.

Free radicals are atoms that do not have one electron in the outer electron orbital, and therefore strive to constantly return it (a natural process), attracting electrons from other atoms. The latter give up electrons, and the bonds in the molecules in which these elements were components are destroyed or rearranged. At the same time, they turn into the same free radicals and thus trigger the process along the chain. This leads to premature aging, chronic diseases, wrinkles, and cancer, which is what astaxanthin fights. Reviews from doctors about the need for this antioxidant emphasize that a small amount of this element is produced by the body as a result of natural processes. In addition, he receives quite good “recharge” from the outside with food. But in modern life, free radicals begin to enter the body in much larger quantities, but antioxidants do not increase their level.

Antioxidants are substances that can block the action of free radicals. The most powerful of them are representatives of the carotenoid group. The carotenoids themselves are divided into subgroups: carotenes and xanthophylls. Partially produced by the body, partially supplied with food.

Main components

The main component of the drug "BioAstin Astaxanthin", as you might guess, is a representative of carotenoids from the xanthophyll subgroup - astaxanthin. This is a red element, a fat solvent. Due to its properties, which will be described below, it is unofficially considered the “king of carotenoids.” It was first isolated in 1933 from salmon meat.

Characteristics of some components. Their content in nature

A naturally occurring element is astaxanthin. What does this mean? This means that it is calmly perceived by our body and interacts with it in a positive manner. At the moment, there is synthetically derived astaxanthin, but the beauty complex of the Swedish company Wellness uses its natural form. In nature, this element is found in seafood such as salmon, salmon (and all red caviar, crabs, shrimp, some types of algae, plants and even birds. The list is very long, but the content of this antioxidant in the same salmon is very small, almost negligible. This justifies taking dietary supplements.

The role of these components in the human body

What does astaxanthin do in the human body that supplements based on it have gained popularity even among such famous people as Madonna? Of course, it is stupid to consider the drug “Astaxanthin”, the price of which ranges from 400 to 600 rubles, as a panacea. However, some studies prove quite serious effects from its use.

The drug itself, or rather the element that is included in it (astaxanthin), has one distinctive feature of its internal structure - two additional oxygen molecules. This allows not only to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, but also to stop destructive reactions in molecules and molecular structures in the body. Also, this antioxidant interacts with its other “relatives” and, thus, enhances their effect! What’s also interesting is that it can penetrate the cell and “settle” on its surface, providing comprehensive care and “care”. So, you have decided to purchase an Astaxanthin supplement. Where can I buy this drug? You can buy it at almost any pharmacy!

About the developers of the dietary supplement and its “predecessors”

The developer of the dietary supplement is the Swedish company Oriflame, whose products are not worth talking about, since their quality and competitiveness are extremely high. It has been on the market of dietary supplements and cosmetics for a long time. The drug is sold by the Wellness organization, which has many beauty complexes in its assortment. It is in active partnerships with many leading manufacturers. As a result of long experiments by professionals, the product “Astaxanthin” appeared. Oriflame, as mentioned above, transferred this product to a trusted partner for sale. So we can say that the supplement is sold and developed by two very prestigious, quality-conscious companies.

Environment and its impact on human health

In our world, the conditions of existence of the human body have changed beyond recognition when compared with the beginning of the last century. Free radicals are produced in the body upon contact with heavy air, water, poor-quality food, and alcohol. Synthetic components in products cause a sharp increase in the production of free radicals. The amount of microstress per day in our world is simply impressive, and every, even the most unnoticeable, stress is the release of free radicals by the body. Also, the amount and intensity of physical activity affects the amount of the above substances produced. Athletes are advised to regularly use the drug “Astaxanthin” (reviews from the athletes themselves are very positive) to relieve tension after training and overwork.

Often, all these factors, unnoticed by us, begin to simultaneously act on the body, which spontaneously releases an overwhelming amount of free radicals into its environment. Of course, the body becomes simply defenseless in the face of so many harmful elements it produces. It is unable to quickly generate the amount of antioxidants needed to extinguish the fire that has started. This is where drugs based on the substance astaxanthin come to the rescue. The instructions for this product describe in more detail in what cases it should be used. We will consider only the most important points.

What does Astaxanthin combat?

The drug fights the consequences of an incorrect, unhealthy (and almost all people in our world have this) lifestyle. It stops and absorbs the effects of free radicals on the body, fights the consequences of their actions (restores broken bonds between molecules), strengthens the immune system, and provides a high level of cell protection from the negative effects of destructive elements. While not a medicine, this drug strengthens the body, preventing diseases from arising. Above we looked at the basic facts about the drug “Astaxanthin”: what it is and why it is needed. It should be noted that it has several characteristic features that make the product unique in its kind.

Some interesting facts about this dietary supplement

Firstly, it has high permeability through biological membranes, which allows for more active interaction with cells and other antioxidants.

Secondly, anti-inflammatory effect anywhere in the body.

Thirdly, the ability to penetrate into the retina of the eye and create an active antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect there.

Fourthly, the distribution of the substance throughout the body and the performance of the above functions there.

And the drug Astaxanthin is also well tolerated. Reviews from people who take it report that during the entire period of use, not a single allergic reaction or incompatibility with other products was noticed. It is easily absorbed and accepted by the body. This fact makes it one of the safest drugs. This product has no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Although Astaxanthin is sold in pharmacies, it is not a cure and is by no means a panacea. There are no specific tips for use, but there are certain recommendations about in what cases it will be most appropriate.

Most often, its use is recommended for people with severely weakened vision and/or eye diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases associated with weakened immunity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid arthritis, ailments associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems , with cancer.

Many diseases are the result of the destruction of body cells by free radicals. Molecules with one unpaired electron strive to gain integrity. They take the missing electron from other atoms, thereby restoring their structure. However, this causes damage to cells that are attacked by free radicals. These processes lead to the gradual destruction of tissues of the human body. Antioxidants help prevent problems. Astaxanthin is recognized as the strongest of all existing ones. Details about this substance will be interesting for anyone who cares about their own health.

As a result of oxidative reactions provoked by certain factors, free radicals appear in the body. Since these molecules have one unpaired electron in their structure, they begin to look for ways to attach a pair to it. Free radicals that have restored their own structure no longer pose any threat to the body. The very mechanism of attaching a fully functioning healthy cell in the body to the electrode is dangerous. After all, this event leads to its physiological destruction. This is followed by new oxidation reactions. All tissues of the human body suffer.

The consequences can be extremely unfavorable:

  • early aging of the skin;
  • the appearance of pigmentation on the skin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • joint problems;
  • diabetes;
  • weakening of muscle tone;
  • decreased vision;
  • hearing impairment;
  • mental disorders;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • oncology;
  • general decrease in immunity.

To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants. They enter the human body along with food. An additional source is dietary supplements. These substances give up their electrons to unstable molecules, thereby neutralizing them. There are many substances in nature that have antioxidant activity. The most powerful of them are:

  1. vitamins E, A and C;
  2. beta-corotene;
  3. flavonoids;
  4. Ginkgo biloba extract;
  5. zinc.

However, all of these antioxidants are superior to natural astaxanthin. It is the most effective in the fight against free radicals. It’s not for nothing that this substance is called the “king of antioxidants.” The benefits of dietary supplements containing this particular component have been confirmed by research. The effectiveness of a course of astaxanthin has been proven in practice.

Sources of the most powerful antioxidant

Astaxanthin belongs to the group of oxygen-containing pigments. Specifically, this is a substance from the xanthophyll class. It has a bright red color. Therefore, living organisms and plants containing it are distinguished by a reddish tint.

Astaxanthin can enter the body through food. However, the amount of this carotenoid in them will be negligible to provide real benefit. A significant dose of astaxanthin can be obtained in dietary supplement form.

Sources of substance:

  • Red fish. There are only a few mg of astaxanthin in 1 kg of salmon meat. However, it is this element that gives it its characteristic color;
  • Krill oil. Krill are small crustaceans that are found in surface salt waters. Krill oil contains quite a lot of astaxanthin. Per 1 kg approximately 1200 mg. But its bioavailability is questionable;
  • The yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous. Found on tree bark. There are up to 400 mg of astaxanthin per 1 kg of raw materials. If we talk about a gene-modified product, then, naturally, this figure will be much higher;
  • Algae Haematococcus pluvialis. Microscopic algae of this variety contain a lot of natural antioxidants. Therefore, they are mainly used on a production scale. As a result, a person gets the opportunity to buy dietary supplements made on a natural basis.

The human body cannot synthesize astaxanthin, an antioxidant, on its own. The opportunity to obtain such a valuable substance is to eat food containing it or drink appropriate capsules.

Imagine how much trout, salmon or shrimp you would need to eat to provide your body with enough astaxanthin to actually have a beneficial effect. Including such foods in your diet is beneficial. But they may not be the sources that will provide the required dose of oxygenated carotenoid. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is still worth purchasing a dietary supplement.

Benefits of Astaxanthin

Comparing astaxanthin with other antioxidants, we can highlight several of its advantages:

  1. The secret to the effectiveness of this carotenoid is in its structure. All of its six-membered rings have two additional oxygen atoms;
  2. Simultaneously neutralizes not one, but more than a dozen free radicals;
  3. It remains active for some time after donating an electron, whereas similar substances are immediately subject to deactivation;
  4. Can penetrate into places where other antioxidants cannot access. For example, overcoming obstacles, astaxanthin reaches the brain and retina of the eyes. The substance passes through the cell membrane. It can interact with muscle tissue. Due to its ability to spread throughout the body, the antioxidant affects all systems and organs, including the central nervous system.

Since astaxanthin was discovered, it has been deservedly considered the most powerful of the class of substances capable of providing antioxidant effects. It is many times greater than the power of vitamin E, beta-carotene and other similar compounds.

If you are interested in purchasing an active nutritional supplement, there is one more important point to consider. It should contain natural astaxanthin. The synthetic substance is significantly inferior in effectiveness.

Benefits for humans

It would be interesting to know, before consuming astaxanthin, what benefits will the body receive from the course? By taking the best antioxidant available, you are providing overall benefits to your body. Due to this, life expectancy is extended, the aging process is slowed down, well-being is improved, and the risk of developing many serious diseases is reduced. The use of dietary supplements is appropriate both for solving existing health problems and for preventing them. Let's look at the beneficial properties in more detail.


Effect on skin:

  1. UV protection;
  2. smoothing wrinkles;
  3. preventing moisture loss;
  4. rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  5. increased elasticity;
  6. stimulation of regeneration.


Immune Function Support:

  1. increasing resistance to infections;
  2. destruction of cancer cells, prevention of their appearance;
  3. obstacle to fungal growth;
  4. increased cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes;
  5. prevention of immune system hyperactivity.

Heart, blood vessels

Normalization of the cardiovascular system:

  1. lowering blood pressure (relevant for hypertension);
  2. improved blood circulation;
  3. prevention of blood clots;
  4. reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  5. stimulation of the contractility of the heart muscles.


Benefit for the nervous system:

  1. overcoming the blood-brain barrier and supplying the brain with useful substances;
  2. preventing nerve inflammation;
  3. slowing down the aging of brain cells.


Eye benefits:

  1. prevention of ophthalmological pathologies;
  2. slowing down the development of cataracts, glaucoma, and natural age-related changes.

Astaxanthin has anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it for the treatment of diseases accompanied by inflammation.

The drug is also appropriate if a person feels overwhelmed and loses working capacity. The composition of astaxanthin is rich in substances beneficial to the body, and among them there are even those that can increase energy synthesis at the cellular level.


Research is being conducted on the use of astaxanthin as an oncoprotective agent. Experiments have shown that this antioxidant reduces the risk of malignant tumor formation.

What mechanism protects the body from cancer? Astaxanthin protects cells from destruction by free radicals, like other natural antioxidants. But he comes to the rescue much faster and does it effectively.

In addition, astaxanthin can stop the process of cell degeneration. As soon as they begin to divide uncontrollably, this substance inhibits their growth. This is possible by reducing the synthesis of a special protein that neoplasms need for their further development.

What's happened Astaxanthin(Astaxanthin). What properties does it have? Where can you find it and how to take it.

This newfangled term has been on everyone’s lips lately: antioxidant. He promises and swears to protect us from all kinds of "bullshit" or (another commonly used term) free radicals.

Few people understand what these 2 words exactly mean, but most know that they need to eat more foods rich in these same antioxidants and by reading, for example, an article and seeing the phrase “free radicals” they already automatically know that this is “bad” and that it To deactivate radicals, you need to eat even more antioxidants!

No, friends, I didn’t try to laugh at you, I was simply describing the situation in which I myself arrived several years ago.

In principle, knowing what these terms implied, I never really went into the details of their mechanism of action.

As it turned out, even Vitamin E is also an antioxidant, or rather, it has antioxidant ability. Well, or one of the recent discoveries is Coenzyme Q-10, which is now even added to skin care products.

But in this post we will talk about another, recently discovered, but which has already managed to win the hearts of millions, and not only scientists, but also ordinary people who have tested its effect on themselves, the most powerful representative of this class of substances, the king of antioxidants - Astaxanthin.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this is your first time hearing this name, since I myself only learned about the existence of this unique substance about a year ago. And of course, I’ve already tried it on myself!

What are Antioxidants and Free Radicals?

Free radicals- these are, as it were, broken atoms, deprived of paired electrons due to the fact that they were “under the influence” of the process of oxidative (oxygen) stress or oxidation.

They constantly hunt for atoms to restore their integral structure. And by taking away electrons from other atoms, they trigger a whole reaction that transforms these atoms into Free Radicals.

Now imagine that a Free Radical decides to take away an electron from one of our cells. It is already clear that this violates its structure and does not lead to anything good.

For this reason, free radicals and oxidation are one of the causes of a number of serious diseases and conditions: heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, the list goes on forever.

So what is it Antioxidants? These are atoms that can prevent or slow down cell damage.

They seem to give the missing electron to the Free Radical, thereby preventing the destructive “domino effect” of oxygen oxidation.

An antioxidant is not a substance, it is a behavior pattern (even in nature, generosity is a positive trait).

There is a huge variety of antioxidants; the most common are Vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene.

What is Astaxanthin?

This is an antioxidant, or rather, a red pigment from the family carotenoids, but distinguished from them by their unique structure.

Carotenoids are phytochemicals that are synthesized by plants and some animals as part of their defense mechanism against sunlight.

Largest quantity Astaxanthin found naturally in the algae Haematococcus pluvialis.

Have you ever wondered why trout is red on the inside? Because it feeds on small seafood (krill), which in turn eat algae rich in this antioxidant pigment. And the pinkish color of shrimp and other marine life is also the merit of this unique antioxidant. By the way, flamingos also get their delicate pink hue thanks to a diet rich in Astaxanthin. This is the natural food chain.

Some scientists claim that it is Astaxanthin that gives trout the ability to swim against the current for several days in a row in order to lay eggs.

When I spoke about his strength, I did not exaggerate at all: according to the latest data it is 500 times stronger than Vitamin E and 6000 times stronger than Vitamin C.

Our body is not able to synthesize it and we can only get it from food.

How is Astaxanthin different from other antioxidants?

It differs in its mechanism of action.

Firstly, most other antioxidants can “take you by the horns” only one free radical, while our hero has the ability to fight as many as 19 at the same time.

Secondly, other antioxidants are deactivated immediately after electron donation, but Astaxanthin remains active longer.

Many studies confirm that this unique antioxidant improves overall health, improves well-being and appearance, and prolongs life.

Beneficial properties of Astaxanthin

  • For skin. Provides internal protection against solar radiation and burns. It has the ability to accumulate in our skin, protecting it from negative sun rays. .
  • For the immune system. Stimulates substances in our body that fight not only infections, but also cancer cells. Calms the overactive immune response that occurs in autoimmune diseases, allergies and inflammation. Increases the number and activity of lymphocytes. Has antifungal activity.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer . Protects DNA from oxidative damage (stress). Identifies and destroys cells that begin to divide uncontrollably. Blocks rapid replication in malignant tumors. Prevents the spread of tumors by reducing the synthesis of a special protein.
  • For the cardiovascular system. . Reduces the level of slow chronic inflammation in the body and the synthesis of enzymes that can provoke the deposition of oxidized cholesterol in our vessels. Increases energy synthesis by mitochondria, which improves the contractility of the heart muscle.
  • For the nervous system. Has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and protect nerve cells in the brain. Slows down the rate of aging of brain cells.
  • For eyes. Prevents and effectively fights existing degenerative changes, cataracts, glaucoma, caused by both age-related and diabetic changes.
  • For energy and stamina. Increases energy synthesis by cells.

Where to find and how to take?

Ideal natural sources of Astaxanthin are seafood such as salmon, trout and any other red fish, shrimp, crayfish, lobsters.

For example, 100 grams of wild salmon contains about 5 mg of this unique carotenoid.

I want to immediately make a reservation that it is better not to buy or eat farmed fish; they are not fed what they eat in the wild, and they contain a minimal amount of not only this antioxidant, but also useful substances. Always buy so-called “wild” fish!

This antioxidant can also be purchased as a dietary supplement, where its content is much more concentrated.

The main source for food additives is the algae Haematococcus pluvialis. So, if you decide to purchase it for yourself, make sure that yours was obtained from a natural source and not a synthetic one, which of course costs several times less.

Since this unique pigment is absorbed much better in the presence of fat, most manufacturers sell it in capsules with a base oil. The most common is, of course, sunflower. .

Antioxidants are recommended for all people after 30 years of age, when our cells seem to be undergoing degeneration, or for people with chronic diseases.

For a pronounced therapeutic effect, this antioxidant must be used continuously at a dosage of 4-8 mg per day.

Unfortunately, it was difficult for me to test the effect of this carotenoid on myself, since I use it for general health. But I can note that I have more energy.


Astaxanthin is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation and for people taking medications for hypertension, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure.

Antioxidants are important for the whole body and its protection from many negative factors, the most common source of free radicals being oxidized vegetable oils.

Astaxanthin, being one of the most powerful substances of this class, can cope perfectly with all the negative consequences of the environment, natural processes occurring in the body and harmful substances in food.

Have you ever heard of Astaxanthin?

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