Presentation of what is in my name Diana. Meaning of the name Diana. The fate and character of Diana

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Novokhopersky municipal district of Voronezh region

"Novokhoperskaya Secondary School No. 91"

Completed: students of class 5 "A"

Supervisor: Belkina N.N., teacher

Russian language and literature,

Class teacher of 5th "A" class.

p. Novokhopersky 2015


In Russian language lessons we learn to communicate correctly: choose an addressee depending on the communicative task, on the speech situation. What should I say? How to say? How to contact your interlocutor? How to listen and hear? We are constantly looking for answers to these questions. Therefore, it became quite natural to talk about our names as addresses in communication. Our ancestors knew that there is a connection between a person’s name, character and destiny. What is the meaning of your name, why were you called that, what is the meaning of your name - these questions were posed at the beginning of work on the project.

To implement these issues, the most convenient form of work is a project, which can be considered as a joint educational, cognitive, research, creative or gaming activity of partner students. The school conducted a survey among 5th grade students. The following questions were asked: “Do you know the history of your name? Can you answer why they called you that? Do you know the names of famous people with that name? As a result of the survey, the following answers were received (see Appendix Fig. 1,2,3)

Of all respondents, 77% of students do not know the history of their name, only 23% were able to answer this question positively. Based on the results of the survey, we see that children do not know the origin and meaning of their names, and therefore the initiative group decided to address this problem. Our task was to find out the secrets of the names.

We believe that this work will allow us to understand the secrets of names and create a connection between generations.

Target : get acquainted with the history of the origin and meaning of names.


conduct a survey among classmates;

analyze additional literature,

prepare materials for class;

interact with parents, library.

Object of study : encyclopedias, books, newspapers, calendars, meetings with parents.

Research methods : questionnaires, conversations with parents, work with literature, searching for information on the Internet.

Hypothesis : if a modern person knows the history of his name, he will better know the history of his clan, his family, and will honor the traditions of the family.

Relevance of the problem.

We don't talk much about family values.

We do not form the concept of gender, ancestral memory.

Often children cannot tell the middle names of their parents or grandparents.

The child grows up to be a soulless person who does not remember his kinship.

Project type: creative, informational, short-term.

A project group was created.


Medelyaeva Tatyana

Puzatkina Valeria

Sorokina Diana

Grushevskikh Alexander

Kazmina Nadezhda

Alshova Olesya

Responsibilities were distributed: (see appendix fig. 4,5,6)

Nadya – working with dictionaries.

Olesya – data from the Internet.

Valeria - survey.

Alexander is the technical part of the project.

Diana and Tanya - conversations with parents and relatives

Project team work plan

1.Drafting questions for the survey.

2. Conducting a survey and processing the results.

3.Working with sources of information, collecting information.

4. Conversations with relatives.

5.Drafting a presentation.

What is a person's name?

A person’s name is inextricably linked with his personality and character. A name is something that accompanies a person throughout his life. A name is given to a person at birth and goes with him throughout life. With a name, a person enters this world, walks through life with it, experiences various events and leaves this world. The meaning and mystery of the name plays a huge role, and most importantly, what has been embedded in it for centuries. Astrologers claim that the future fate of a person, as well as his character and behavior, depends on the name.
Every person has a name, it serves to designate an individual and is given to him individually in order to be able to address him, as well as talk about him with others. All people at all times in all civilizations had personal names. “A person’s name is part of the history of peoples. The names reflect the way of life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples, their historical contacts.” The role of a personal name in a person’s life is very great. Each person can be called only by name, so all his good or bad deeds are made public thanks to his name. Hence the possibility of using the word “name” figuratively. They say: he has a good name or: do not disgrace my name, meaning: he is a good person, or do not disgrace me, good or bad deeds are made public thanks to the name.

Origin and meaning of the name Diana

Why did they call me that? (see Fig. 7)

I turned to my mother with this question. She told me that she took the choice of name very seriously, she chose it carefully. To do this, my mother re-read a lot of literature during pregnancy, became acquainted with the meaning of names and characters.I studied the astrology of names. And, after consulting with my dad, she decided to call me Diana.

Origin of my name.

We turned to dictionaries and encyclopedias and found out that my name is of Latin origin and means “divine.” We got acquainted with the statistics of my name and found out that 2957 people were called by this name, and they want to name 281.

My name, Diana, derived from the name goddess Diana, who is ancient roman mythologywas considered a goddess Moon and hunting (in ancient greek mythologyDiana matched Artemis ). The name probably comes from an Indo-European root referring to "divine". In Persian, "Diana" means "messenger of goodness and health."In Russian there are diminutive forms of my name: Dianka, Dina , Diya, Ana, Anya. At home they affectionately call me...

Characteristics of the name Diana.Little Diana is gold, not a child. Very calm, kind, obedient. Sensitive and very compassionate. His character is quite strong, even stubborn. However, thanks to her character, she is able to achieve success and help others. He understands people well. Does not tolerate indifference or indifference. Capable of handling any job. A clear leader. She has a lot of friends. I can easily win over any person, which matches my character.We turned to the astrological characteristics and found out.

Color of the name Diana: red, orange.

Talisman named after Diana: diamond, carnelian..

Diana's patron planet: Moon.

And this is how my classmates described me based on the letters of my name:



A-active, neat

T-gentle, extraordinary.


We decided to find out which famous people have this name.

Princess Diana (born Diana Spencer), died in a car accident at the age of 36), Princess of Wales, first wife of Prince Charles, heir to the throne of Great Britain. Diana Gurtskaya (born 1978) Russian pop singer. Diana Arbenina (maiden name – Kulachenko, born 1974, soloist of the group “Night Snipers” (see appendix fig. 8,9,10)

I think this poem is about me.

She's as beautiful as a flower

Like a tender, fragile petal,

Her soul is full of goodness

She is so divine!

Diana - the name was given to her,

It plays with a rainbow,

It contains the secrets of all earthly foundations,

And revelations of prophetic dreams.

It contains both gunpowder and a fuse.

She is a sparkling opal

With all the grace - modest,

Tender, caring, smart,

Diana is a scattering of pure dew,

Like the face of the moon among lunar tears,

Oval of a beautiful face

To inspire the creator.

Origin and meaning of the name Tatyana

We turned to the history and meaning of the name. (See Fig. 11)

The name Tatiana (old Tatiana) comes from the Latin “Tatius” - the name of the Sabine king. The Sabines were an Italic tribe, some of whom lived on the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatyana is of ancient Greek origin, from the word “tatto” - to establish, to determine.
The name means organizer, founder, ruler, installer, installed, appointed.
The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very brilliant and outstanding. It presupposes in its bearer a large and courageous personality. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness are combined in this sound.
The name is emotional and firm. There is a certain determination and self-confidence in him.
In the 18th century Three percent of peasant women were Tatyans and only one percent were noblewomen. In 1961 -1970 12-14% of girls received this name (in 1981 in Moscow - 5%, in rural areas - 8%).

We studied the nature of the name and found out that Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, and is sometimes despotic. He is a very emotional, artistic person with great charm.
Most often, Tatyana is quite sociable and sociable, although she does not really take into account even her loved ones. Loyalty in it is combined with self-esteem. Soft romanticism and sensitivity to the order of life, striving for a harmonious arrangement, took on a bright and emphasized form in Tatyana.

TATIANA'S PSYCHE- is not influenced, has an incredible memory. Self-confidence gives her optimism. It is most favorable when Tatyana’s mobility is combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, is greatly facilitated by the general energy of the name.

In the Russian language there are the following forms of diminutive words: Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka, Tanyushechka, Tanya, Tata, Tatochka, Tatka, Tasha, Tashenka.

My mother affectionately calls me Tanyusha.

We got acquainted with the interpretation of my name and found out that the seven letters in the name are the women of the canon. They unconditionally accept the rules instilled during their upbringing and sincerely believe that their strict observance is the only possible path to happiness. Therefore, they often show stubbornness and intolerance even in cases where this is not logically justified.

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters of the name Tatyana

T. Creativity, ingenuity, originality of thinking.

Diana means "divine" in Latin.


They grow up as calm, kind and obedient children. They are flexible, sensitive to the grief of others and very compassionate. Little Diana gets punished more than once by her mother for bringing home stray kittens.

The name Diana sounds firm, and this girl’s character really has quite a bit of pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness. Thanks to these qualities, she manages to achieve success in life. At the same time, Diana is a kind person, she, as in childhood, is responsive and is always ready to selflessly help someone in trouble.

However, it is not easy to deceive Diana; she is endowed with excellent intuition. Being sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate cold, indifferent people who consider themselves balanced. Diana is a good housewife, hospitable and hospitable. Her favorite colors: blue, purple, black.

Those born in winter have a difficult, somewhat masculine character; they are stubborn and will always do things their own way, even if they understand that they are wrong. They are unable to get along with their own mother. They are undisputed leaders both at home and at work, where they have many friends, mostly men.

Decisive and self-confident - they will take on any task and complete it. They know how to quickly win people over, but just as quickly and without regret they part ways if circumstances require. They are often married twice.

Even in anger they do not lose control of themselves. They have some kind of restless strength of character, often turning into fanaticism. An unyielding will, flavored with the activity of a predator.

Excitability is strong, although of the female type. Balanced in friendship and love, they hide their feelings and affections until they are convinced of the selflessness of others. They handle failures calmly and overcome any obstacles with endurance and patience.

The speed of reaction corresponds to the situation. Everyone is judged according to their own criteria. Diana is not influenced, it is difficult to convince them to change their decisions, even if they are wrong. Their self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

Work for them is sometimes armor, sometimes a provocation, but always passion! They do not agree with the prevailing opinion that women play a secondary role in life. Doctors, nurses, political or public figures, business leaders - all of them! They have a heightened sense of responsibility.

They lack imagination and inspiration and are always guided by logic. They have a cold, calculating mind. They lack human warmth, without which real intelligence does not exist.

It is impossible to say about these girls that they are holding on to their mother's skirt. They become independent very early. They have a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, and violent expression of feelings. They are sociable only when it is necessary for work or due to political, religious or other reasons.

Usually Diana is very artistic, and only God knows when she is playing a role and when she is speaking sincerely. Nevertheless, always take into account her inherent passion - sometimes it will seem to you that she reacted calmly to some event, but in fact this event will leave a deep mark on her soul.


They adhere to strict moral standards, do not forgive anything and will always be able to remind you of long-standing offenses.

Diana always enjoys the feeling of novelty in communicating with a man. If something doesn’t go well for Diana in her intimate relationships, she withdraws into herself, suffers, but cannot clarify them in an open conversation with her partner. She would rather end all relations with him, although she would not stop tormenting and worrying.


Light yellow.


Zodiac sign

Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius.


The sound of the name Diana gives the impression of something kind, bright, cheerful, active, bright, joyful.

DOB: 1499-09-03

French aristocrat, favorite of King Henry II

Version 1. What does the name Diana mean?

- from Greek divine.

Dianka, Dina, Diya, Ana, Anya.


In that
character - whatever quality you take - everything is beyond measure and everything is in contrasts. Almost
masculine firmness and charming femininity, charm, coquetry. Hot, fiery
a heart that is always ready to conquer and charm, and a complete rejection of cold, indifferent
of people. She has so much vitality that she is enough for everything and everyone: love,
friendship, home, economy. Diana doesn’t get tired, everyone around her is always comfortable and warm
and funny.

DOB: 1961-07-01

Princess of Wales, one of the most popular women in the world

3 version of the meaning of the name Diana

Natures are cunning, opportunistic.

not always sustained. They often speak in a raised voice. Due to unstable
Characters do not last long in marriages.

They give birth to girls. Partners are exhausted by scenes of jealousy. Forever something
dissatisfied, lash out at loved ones.

Diana is practical, very hardworking,
neat, clean.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Diana

- divine (lat.). In ancient Roman mythology - Goddess of the moon and hunting (in ancient Greek
Artemis corresponds to Diana in mythology).

calm, kind and obedient children. They are flexible, sensitive to the grief of others and very
pitiful. Little Diana gets it from her mother more than once for bringing
home homeless kittens. The name Diana sounds firm, and in the character of this girl
indeed, pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness are enough. Thanks to these
qualities she manages to achieve success in life. At the same time, Diana is kind
person, she, as in childhood, is responsive and always ready to disinterestedly help someone who is in trouble
in trouble for a person. However, it is not easy to deceive Diana - she is endowed with a beautiful
intuition. Being sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate cold, indifferent people who consider
themselves “balanced”. Diana is a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable.
Her favorite colors: blue, purple, black.

- with a difficult, somewhat masculine character, they are stubborn, they will always do things their own way,
even if they understand that they are wrong; They don’t get along with their own mother. They are undeniable
leaders both at home and at work, where they have many friends, are mostly men. Decisive
and are confident in themselves - they will take on any task and complete it. Able to quickly position
people to themselves, but just as quickly and without regret they will part if circumstances require.
They are often married twice.

Diana's profession:
engineers, draftsmen, actresses, ballerinas, hairdressers, teachers, dressmakers, art critics,
fashion designers.

Faithful and reliable
Diana's husband could be: Arthur, Boris, Miron, Oscar, Mikhail, Peter, Andrey,
Borislav, Oles. For those called Vladislav, Eduard, Miroslav, Donald
or Emil - there is little hope.

6th version of the meaning of the name Diana

1. Personality. Attacking women.

2. Character.

3. Radiation.

4. Vibration.
104,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color.

6. Basic
traits. Will - activity - efficiency - intelligence.

7. Totemic
plant. Pear.

8. Totemic
animal. Leopard.

9. Sign.

10. Type.
These are fighters with a strong, sometimes difficult character. Do not part easily with what they hold
in their hands, it would be imprudence to snatch the prey from them, and it is not surprising - after all, their
The totem is the leopard.

11. Psyche.
Even in anger they do not lose control of themselves. These Amazons have some kind of restlessness
strength of character, often turning into fanaticism.

12. Will.
Unyielding, flavored with the activity of a predator.

13. Excitability.
Strong, although feminine. Balanced in friendship and love, hide their feelings
and affection until they are convinced of the selflessness of others. Failures are taken calmly
with endurance and patience they overcome any obstacles.

14. Speed
reactions. Appropriate to the situation. Everyone evaluates according to their own
criteria. Diana is not influenced, it is difficult to convince them to change their decisions,
even if they are wrong. Their self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

15. Field
activities. Work for them is sometimes armor, sometimes provocation, but always
- passion! They do not agree with the prevailing opinion that women play a secondary role
role in life. Doctors, nurses, political or public figures, leaders
enterprises - all of them! They have a heightened sense of responsibility.

16. Intuition.
They lack imagination and inspiration and are always guided by logic.

17. Intelligence.
They have a cold, calculating mind. They lack human warmth, without which
there is no real intelligence.

18. Receptivity.
It is impossible to say about these girls that they are holding on to their mother's skirt. Too early
become independent. Have a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, stormy
expression of feelings.

19. Morality.
They adhere to strict moral standards, do not forgive anything and will always be able to remind
to you about long-standing offenses.

20. Health.
They have huge reserves of health and do not succumb to fatigue or illness. Weak
places - liver and genitals.

21. Sexuality.
We would do everything not to even hear about it. Sex is taboo for them, they don't want anyone
allow interference in their intimate life.

22. Activity.

Famous people named Diana

Numerology of the name Diana

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Diana

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Diana in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Diana in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

According to Higir

Diana - divine (lat.). In ancient Roman mythology - the Goddess of the moon and the hunt (in ancient Greek mythology Diana corresponds to Artemis).

They grow up as calm, kind and obedient children. They are flexible, sensitive to the grief of others and very compassionate. Little Diana gets punished more than once by her mother for bringing home stray kittens. The name Diana sounds firm, and this girl’s character really has quite a bit of pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness. Thanks to these qualities, she manages to achieve success in life. At the same time, Diana is a kind person, she, as in childhood, is responsive and is always ready to selflessly help a person in trouble. However, it is not easy to deceive Diana - she is endowed with excellent intuition. While she is sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate cold, indifferent people who consider themselves “balanced.” Diana is a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable. Her favorite colors: blue, purple, black.

“Winter” - with a difficult, somewhat masculine character, they are stubborn, they will always do their own thing, even if they understand that they are wrong; They don’t get along with their own mother. They are undisputed leaders both at home and at work, where they have many friends, mostly men. Decisive and self-confident - they will take on any task and complete it. They know how to quickly win people over, but just as quickly and without regret they will part ways if circumstances require. They are often married twice.

Diana's profession: engineers, draftsmen, actresses, ballerinas, hairdressers, teachers, dressmakers, art historians, fashion designers.

A faithful and reliable husband to Diana can be: Arthur, Boris, Miron, Oscar, Mikhail, Peter, Andrey, Borislav, Oles. There is little hope for those called Vladislav, Eduard, Miroslav, Donald or Emil.

According to Mendelev

A very kind, active and cheerful name, good and bright. Diana is characterized by a strong will, persistent goodwill towards people and a strong character. Her sociability never turns into familiarity. One can only reproach her for being too gullible.

Character and color of the name

She is characterized by purposefulness, energy and self-esteem, which serves for her as the final criterion for the correctness of all actions.

Diana is not prone to rash decisions, and in difficult situations she shows enviable endurance and courage. He has a strong will and an equally strong sense of duty. In the family, she is the main support of all relatives.

At work, he is distinguished by conscientiousness, which turns into scrupulousness and even pedantry. It is especially appreciated where it is impossible to do without these qualities. She never becomes a leader, but very often - the soul and cementing principle in any society, from a cheerful youth company to a meeting of veterans, because she is accompanied not only by benevolent energy, but also by some feeling of freshness, joy and spiritual harmony.

Diana's colors are a wide scarlet stripe framed by two bright blue ones.

1. Personality: attacking women

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - efficiency - intelligence

4. Totem plant: pear

5. Totem animal: leopard

6. Sign: Taurus

7. Type. These are fighters with a strong, sometimes difficult character. They do not easily part with what they hold in their hands; it would be imprudence to snatch their prey from them, and this is not surprising - after all, their totem is the leopard.

8. Psyche. Even in anger they do not lose control of themselves. These Amazons have some kind of restless strength of character, often turning into fanaticism.

9. Will. Unyielding, flavored with the activity of a predator.

10. Excitability. Strong, although feminine. Balanced in friendship and love, hide their feelings and affections; until they are convinced of the selflessness of others. They handle failures calmly and overcome any obstacles with endurance and patience.

11. Reaction speed. Appropriate to the situation. Everyone is judged according to their own criteria. They are not influenced and are difficult to convince to change their decisions, even if they are wrong. Their self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

12. Field of activity. Work for them is sometimes armor, sometimes a provocation, but always passion! They do not agree with the prevailing opinion that women play a secondary role in life. Doctors, nurses, political or public figures, business leaders - all of them! They have a heightened sense of responsibility.

13. Intuition. They lack imagination and inspiration and are always guided by logic.

14. Intelligence. They have a cold, calculating mind. They lack human warmth, without which real intelligence does not exist.

15. Receptivity. It is impossible to say about these girls that they are holding on to their mother's skirt. They become independent very early. They have a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, and violent expression of feelings.

16. Morality. They adhere to strict moral standards, do not forgive anything and will always be able to remind you of long-standing offenses.

17. Health. They have huge reserves of health and do not succumb to fatigue or illness. Weak points are the liver and genitals.

18. Sexuality. We would do everything not to even hear about it. Sex is taboo for them; they do not allow anyone to interfere in their intimate life.

19. Activity. "Attacking Woman" What more can be said about these extraordinary leopard predators with sharp teeth?

20. Sociability. They are sociable only when it is necessary for work or due to political, religious or other reasons.

21. Conclusion. These are female rulers who seek to turn those around them into slaves - be they relatives, friends or work colleagues... not to mention their husbands and children!

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: On behalf of the Roman goddess Diana, who was identified with the Moon, more precisely with its earthly incarnation.

Energy and character of the name: In Diana, emotional mobility is combined with a rare depth of feeling. A certain smoothness, slowness and at the same time firmness are clearly visible in her energy. It must be said that in Russian names the combination of two vowels in a row is not typical and therefore sounds somewhat pretentious. Usually such names are simplified in the popular language - Joseph becomes Joseph, Daniil - Danilo, Tatiana - Tatiana, and Diana, in turn, is often pronounced as Dyana, which is not entirely customary for the solid Russian language. Probably for this reason, the name Diana is much more common in the south of Russia and Ukraine, where the pronunciation is much softer.

Be that as it may, we are more interested in the fact that this name attracts attention quite strongly, its somewhat unusual nature already makes us think about it, and therefore it is not surprising if Diana pays a little more attention to herself than is necessary . Often she seems to try to observe herself from the outside, evaluate herself, and it is possible that she even admires herself and her beautiful name. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, not loving yourself means not loving anyone, just everything should be in moderation. On the other hand, excessive self-control often becomes the cause of some constraint in communication, and this is no longer good for relationships with others.

It is because of this constraint that Diana’s emotional mobility becomes slower, and her feelings acquire depth. Usually behind her balanced behavior one can easily read passion, and if her pride is hurt in some way, then negative nervous tension. The latter, of course, can make her life quite difficult. And in general, one might wish her to learn to be a little more light and open, because any long-held passion becomes dangerous. But if she can overcome this tendency, then deep feelings will make her a wonderful and caring wife, and the ability to be firm and control herself will ensure success in work.

Secrets of communication: Usually Diana is very artistic, and only God knows when she is playing a role and when she is speaking sincerely. Nevertheless, always take into account her inherent passion - sometimes it will seem to you that she reacted calmly to some event, but in fact this event will leave a deep mark on her soul.

WITH ice name in history

The Legend of Diana

The image of Diana in Greek and Roman mythology is the personification of strength, courage, courage combined with femininity and gentleness. Diana the huntress was highly revered by the Hellenes; she was extolled as the mistress of the forest, the goddess of plant and animal fertility. Legends describe her as a beautiful Amazon who, with her hair flowing, rushes through the forest in pursuit of her prey.

The name of Diana, or more precisely, with her temple on the Aventine, is associated with one beautiful legend about some extraordinary cow. According to legend, the owner of this magical cow was told that whoever sacrificed it in the temple of Diana would provide the entire city with power over Italy, and King Servius Tullius, having learned about this prediction, stole the cow, sacrificed it, and the horns strengthened the animal at the entrance to the temple.

Over time, it turned out that the image of Diana actually merged into itself the images of two more famous goddesses: the goddess of the night Hecate and the huntress Artemis. That is why Diana received the epithet “trivia”, and her image was often placed at crossroads, interpreted in the same way as a sign of the triple power of the goddess Diana: on earth, underground and in heaven.

Patron planet of Diana: Moon.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Diana: green, blue.

Diana's favorite colors: red, orange.

Diana's talisman stones: carnelian, red garnet.

History of the name Diana

There is no consensus regarding the origin of this name. In ancient Rome, this was the name of the moon goddess, the patroness of women in labor. However, some researchers talk about the Arabic roots of this name, while others point to its Jewish roots.

Meaning of the name Diana

The exquisite, rare name Diana attracts with its mystery and unusualness. Every Diana is flexible, like a panther, wise, cunning and not without a certain degree of cunning. However, this does not appear outwardly. Perhaps in the grace of a wild cat, but no one would even think of suspecting this innocent creature, this lovely child, of treachery and cruelty. Yes, perhaps no one, except Diana herself and her closest people, knows what a tough and critical mind is hidden behind a charming appearance, what enormous strength and courage is hidden behind defenselessness. Diana is a rare intellectual, and you can’t deny her logic. It’s no wonder that many Dianas’ favorite pastime is playing chess.

Diana is a born strategist and diplomat. It is these women who make the best life partners. Diana has strong intuition and clairvoyance. She can foresee a situation months before it occurs. Diana is charming and resourceful. Trying to please everyone at once, she often herself does not distinguish the line between sincerity and flattery. The smile seems to be glued to her face and does not leave Diana even in rare moments of loneliness. In fact, she lives in constant tension, and is not far from a nervous breakdown. The energy and karma of the name is unusual, in fact, just like the name itself. The karma of the name is somewhat unfounded, since Diana is a person of mood.

Diana is not capable of long-term relationships with her friends, and therefore there is a constant change of friends in her life. Some acquaintances stop being friends with her, while others appear in her life. This is not to say that Diana is a bad friend, but she often changes her point of view and has a fickle character.

Famous in the Diana story

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) - from 1981 to 1996, the first wife of Prince Charles of Wales, heir to the British throne. Popularly known as Princess Diana, Lady Diana or Lady Di. Diana was actively involved in charitable and peacekeeping activities (in particular, she was an activist in the movement to stop the production of anti-personnel mines and the fight against AIDS). She was one of the most popular women of her time in the world. In Great Britain she has always been considered the most popular member of the royal family; she was called the “Queen of Hearts.” Diana became famous for her kindness and the fact that she could communicate with people from different walks of life. The listed character qualities of the princess are typical of other women with the name Diana.