Christmas tree toy ball made of paper. Bright paper balls in the technique of kusudama. Crafts for the new year: paper balls

To make a ball out of paper, you can use one of the ready-made patterns or turn to the papier-mâché technique. First, let's analyze the method using ready-made templates.

Ball glued according to the finished scheme

For this project you will need the following:

  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Scheme of the ball (it can be)

Print and cut out the diagram along the contour lines, including labels for gluing its fragments. Glue all the strips one by one, moving clockwise. When the body of the ball is ready, let it dry, then apply glue to the round "cap" and gently press it to the ball.

As you can see, here gluing occurs in parallel on both sides. Each template from this file must be printed 6 times, cut out and glued together.

Ball of paper strips

Necessary tools and materials:

  • Ruler and pencil
  • Scissors
  • Heavy paper
  • Glue or double sided tape


1. Draw and cut the paper into equal strips. Remember that the width of the stripes determines the density of the figure, and the length determines its diameter.

For each ball you will need 6 strips of paper.

2. Roll one of the strips into a ring and glue the ends together. Set the ring aside, you'll need it later.

3. Bind the remaining 5 strips like this:

4. Next, place the ring in the center of the weave and tuck every second strip inside it, starting with any of those that were under the adjacent one when unfolded. For example, in our picture, this is the top green stripe.

Hold the ring in the middle of the workpiece so that the ball is even.

5. Then crosswise, alternating the top and bottom, weave the strips of paper over the ring, and glue the ends of the same color.

If you do everything right, the finished ball will consist of rings intertwined in the form of triangles and pentagons flowing into each other.

And once again this video lesson:

Papier-mâché paper ball

When making a papier-mâché figure, you cannot do without a special adhesive solution, which is made from white flour and cold water in a ratio of 1:5. In addition, to avoid the appearance of mold on finished products, a little salt can be added to the solution.

Mix a glass of flour and a glass of water in a small bowl, stir thoroughly and place over medium heat. Add 4 more glasses of water. Whisking constantly, bring the mixture to a jelly-like consistency (this process will take approximately 3-5 minutes). Then remove the bowl from the stove and let the contents cool to room temperature.

While the glue is cooling, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Balloon
  • Paper cut into strips (newspaper, paper towels, or thick napkins work best)
  • Brush for applying glue
  • Gloves

Operating procedure:

1. First of all, you need to make the basis for the ball. Inflate the balloon so that it becomes round, but still soft enough. Pasting it with strips of paper, you can give it the correct spherical shape later.

2. Completely immerse the strip of paper in the cooled glue, remove excess solution with your fingers, and stick the paper on the ball. Repeat this procedure, evenly distributing the strips over the surface of the base, until you cover it entirely in 1 or 2 layers.

When the glue begins to thicken, adjust the shape of the figure by slightly squeezing it from all sides.

3. Put the figure on a plastic cup and leave it overnight to dry.

4. When the workpiece is dry, cover it with another 1-2 layers of paper and leave to dry for some more time.

With the approach of the New Year, every family strives to create a festive atmosphere in the house. And the main attribute of the holiday is an elegant Christmas tree. You can buy Christmas decorations in the store or make them yourself from improvised materials. Such New Year's crafts look very beautiful and original. One of the best ways to decorate an evergreen beauty is origami paper balls.

There is currently a large number of origami schemes. Some of the most unusual are origami paper magic balls. It is from the simple transformation of a paper sheet into interesting figures that acquaintance with the origami technique begins. Balls made using the Kusudama technique are a real work of art, as they attract the attention of many people with their perfect shape.

Due to the abundance of color solutions, they may well become a decoration for the New Year tree or an extraordinary gift for loved ones. Also very popular is the modular 3D origami technique, in which a whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (models).

To fold each module, one sheet of paper and the rules of classic origami are used. Due to the force of friction, the modules are held together. Creating a simple origami consists of folding paper shapes using mountain and valley folds.

Another technique is folding along the sweep, that is, a drawing showing all the folds of the finished model. And also very popular is wet folding, during which paper moistened with water is used. It allows you to make smooth and expressive lines.

Paper origami ball: module diagram

simple figurines

To make your own simple paper ball, you need:

  • paper, such as multi-colored square blocks for writing;
  • scissors and glue;
  • mug or compass with a pencil.

You need to take prepared paper sheets and cut out circles from them. To make a ball, you will need 32 circles with a diameter of 10 cm: 16 blue and 16 red. Each resulting circle should be bent in half. And then you can start gluing the parts together. To do this, apply glue to the upper outer half of the blue circle and glue it to the lower outer part of the red element. In the same way, it is required to glue all the details with each other, alternating colors: red-blue-red-blue. The result is a stack of semicircular leaves glued together, resembling a book.

After that, you should unfold the figure and proceed to the next step - gluing multi-colored pages of the ball together. Pages of different colors should be connected in different ways. The red ones need to be glued like this: open the red circle and mentally divide it into 6 parts. The upper and lower parts of the left semicircle must be greased with glue, as shown in the picture, and the middle part should be left untouched. Next, you need to connect them with the first and third parts of the right semicircle. After the glue dries, you get something similar to a "pocket". Similarly, connect all the red "pages" of the ball of paper.

Then you need to start gluing the blue "pages". To do this, unfold one of the blue circles and apply glue to the most protruding part (second) of the left semicircle (marked with a cross in the figure). Next, connect with the symmetrically located part of the right blue semicircle. Do the same with all blue "pages".

Then it is necessary to fold the ball blank again with a “book” and wait for the glue to dry completely. Now you need to unfold the craft with a fan and check that all the “pages” are glued together correctly. Then you should put a loop of thread and glue the first and last “pages” of the “book” with glue, forming a voluminous ball. That's all, the blue ball with the red core is ready.

By changing the place of gluing multi-colored "pages", you can get a variety of options for a paper figure. This ball model can be used as a basis for making Christmas decorations and garlands.

Corrugated paper toy

If you wish to do flower-like paper balloon then you need to prepare:

  • wire;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • five sheets of corrugated paper measuring 60x40cm.

You need to take the paper and fold it like an accordion or into a roll. It is worth noting that the thicker the roll, the more petals will turn out and the more voluminous the ball will come out. Then you need to fasten the "accordion" in the center with a thread or wire and cut off both end sides of the "accordion" in the form of petals, and then carefully unfold them. In conclusion, you just need to spread the petals in different directions to get a voluminous craft.

Making crafts using the Kusudama technique

To make a paper flower arrangement in the form of a ball, you need to prepare:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • simple pencil and ruler.

If you want to use a ball to decorate a Christmas tree, then approximately in the middle of the stage of fastening the flower modules, you need to attach a hanging cord inside.

According to a similar scheme, it is necessary to prepare 11 more elements of the flower and glue them together beautifully. Flower origami paper ball is ready.

Christmas ball of six modules

To create a ball, it is better to use double-sided colored paper: this way the New Year's origami will turn out bright and beautiful. Paper size can be any depending on the desired size of the ball. You will also need glue to assemble the parts together. Manufacturing technology:

Using step-by-step instructions and origami diagrams, you can make DIY magic Christmas balls.

Attention, only TODAY!

Using balls to decorate the Christmas tree is an old tradition. But glass decorations have to be constantly updated if there are small children and beloved pets at home. And plastic is no longer so interesting and festive. Therefore, it is worth remembering Japan. Origami masters can tell you many ways how to make Christmas paper balls with your own hands.

There are complex ways, but with an incredibly beautiful result. Some decorations can be made in just 5 minutes, if you try a little and involve the whole family in preparing for the New Year 2018.

For 2018, it is recommended to use pastel-colored paper for making. It is best to use shades of beige, yellow and brown. To prepare the simplest jewelry, you only need 16 strips of paper and a thread with a needle.

  1. A stack of long rectangles is stacked together.
  2. A hole must be made at both ends. It is desirable that it be in the middle, and there should be an indent of about 5 mm from the edge of the paper. So there is less chance that the ball will break. You can further strengthen this part by attaching a cardboard circle on top and bottom.
  3. A stack of sheets is bent in an arc and a thread is threaded through the holes. Knots are tied on both sides, or the edges of the rope are glued to the paper.
  4. You can add charm to the decoration if you string beads behind the knots as an additional element.
  5. The strips move apart until a ball is formed.

Made from ordinary white paper, such a decorative element can look unsightly. But if you experiment with different colors or try to make folds on the stripes, you can get a unique and inimitable Christmas decoration.

Ball of 12 circles

One of the easiest DIY ways to make beautiful paper Christmas balls requires just a dozen round pieces, double-sided multi-colored paper of the same size and glue.

You can use one tone or several at once to create a more festive atmosphere. A stapler will also come in handy to fasten the parts of the workpiece together and a beautiful thread on which the ball will hang.

  1. With the help of a compass, 12 identical circles are drawn. Then they are cut with scissors and folded into a neat pile. When using several colors, it is better to lay the workpiece parts alternately, using 2 circles of the same color at a time.
  2. The entire stack along the axis is fastened with a stapler. One paperclip at the top and one at the bottom to hold the paper securely. Then, along this line, the workpiece is bent in half.
  3. A thread is glued in the middle of the resulting booklet, for which it will be possible to hang a New Year's ball. You can also secure it by making a loop and carefully tightening it around a stack of circles.
  4. The last step is gluing the layers. To do this, the semicircle is divided approximately into 3 equal parts. First, glue is applied to the upper third and the “page” is turned over. Then the lower part is glued and the layer is shifted again. So, observing the order, the operation is repeated until all the circles are glued together.

To prevent the layers from sticking, they can be fixed with ordinary paper clips.

After the ball is ready, it remains to hang it on the Christmas tree and start preparing other interesting decorations.

puzzle ball

Some decorations do not even require the use of glue and are a fun puzzle that you can make at home.

The easiest way to do this is to use ready-made schemes and templates that are printed on thick paper, so that later you can prepare New Year's balls in literally 5 minutes with your own hands.

But you can draw the base yourself. To do this, you need a compass and a pencil with a ruler:

  1. A circle is drawn.
  2. An equilateral triangle is inscribed inside.
  3. The circle is cut out. On the sides of the triangle, cuts are made at half the length.
  4. 8 circles are prepared according to the same scheme.

By connecting the parts with puzzles, it is necessary to make a single structure of 2 pyramids of 4 triangles.

The square bottom remains empty, so that later it can be attached to the second of the same design. The first attempt to assemble such a puzzle can take a lot of time. But later it will be possible to create jewelry without hesitation.

At the heart of the decoration, if you look closely, is a geometric figure - an octahedron. By analogy, more complex decorations can be made if the base is not a triangle, but a square or a pentagon.

But the workpiece will be more difficult to do:

  • The required polygon is drawn.

  • Each side is the diameter of a circle. The compass needle is placed exactly in the middle and a semicircle is drawn connecting the vertices of the polygon.

  • The resulting figure is cut out.

  • On each side of the polygon, an incision is made to the middle, marked by a dot from the needle.

  • All that remains is to assemble a three-dimensional figure from the received parts. A cube is made from squares. This will require 6 blanks. Dodecahedron is formed from pentagons.

For its manufacture, you will need 12 parts already, but the result will look much more interesting.


To make some Christmas paper balls with your own hands, you don’t even need special step-by-step instructions. They are phenomenally easy and fast to make.

Decoration from cones is very convenient and easy to do together with children, without worrying that everything around will be smeared with glue, and unevenly cut parts will spoil the appearance of the finished Christmas ball.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • 10 circles of paper;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • 2 sided tape.

In each circle, an incision is made exactly to the middle. If they were drawn with a compass, then this place will be marked with a puncture. The edges are folded to the middle with two cones and glued to the adhesive tape.

The resulting double parts remain strung on a thread. To do this, a puncture is made with a needle in the place where the tops of the cones are connected. It remains to carefully pull the thread so as not to tear the paper, and tie a loop at the end.

flower kusudama

In the Japanese tradition of origami, paper balls are called "kusudama" and are not used to celebrate the New Year. They are believed to accumulate positive energy, so they are often given to hospital patients with wishes for a speedy recovery.

For the New Year holidays, instead of glass balls and toys, you can use such “energy lanterns” made from paper to decorate your home. But this may require the patience of a real samurai.

One of the most beautiful traditional kusuda is made from 60 parts. Accordingly, all that is required is 6 dozen identical small squares and glue. The easiest way is to buy origami paper in a specialized shop, so as not to suffer with cutting.

There is a cheaper option - office leaflets for notes. Their quality may be worse, but the price will be significantly lower. If you look in stationery stores, you can even find many interesting colors.

  1. The square is folded in half. It is important to make sure that you get a neat double triangle.
  2. The edges of the triangle are applied to the top. The layers should not move, and it is advisable to iron the folds with a fingernail.
  3. The triangles bent to the top are again bent in half in the opposite direction. Get a schematic flower. A pocket will form on the outside.
  4. A layer of paper is taken out of the pocket and unfolded along the fold in the opposite direction. You will get 2 irregular rhombuses on both sides of the square.
  5. The short tops of the diamond are folded inward so that the top is on the fold line.
  6. The resulting triangles are folded in half towards the center of the figure.
  7. The edges of the folded triangles are glued and connected. The result is a petal with stamens inside.
  8. The petals are connected and glued together 5 pieces into flowers.

roll ball

Some Christmas balls are easy to make out of paper with your own hands just by looking at the photo with instructions without returning to it step by step.

Unlike other Christmas balls, this one will turn out to be quite dense and will require a lot of materials for manufacturing:

  1. 9 five-meter paper tapes. Each should increase in width from 2 centimeters to 6, in increments of 5 mm.
  2. 15-20 cm ribbon for making an eyelet.
  3. A roll of mounting tape and a piece of 2-sided tape.
  4. PVA glue.

The ball is made quite simply. First, the widest paper strip is selected and a mounting tape is glued along its middle. A loop is glued to one edge and the future New Year's ball begins to curl tightly around it.

After the first paper strip is folded into a tight roll, a second layer is wound on top of it, gradually moving to narrower details.

The last strip is not completely glued with mounting tape. On the last 3 cm, apply 2-sided tape so that the outside of the ball is beautiful and smooth, without sticking out. From above, you can additionally decorate the ball with quilling techniques or use decorative ribbons with patterns.

paper cones

To decorate the Christmas tree with paper Christmas balls with your own hands so that it looks like expensive toys were used on the video from the holiday, you just need to use a wide hole punch.

You will need:

  • foam ball for the base of the future cone;
  • twine for an eyelet or a beautiful narrow ribbon;
  • glue;
  • a lot of thick paper circles 1-2 cm wide, depending on the diameter of the ball.

Rounds are easiest to make using a special hole punch. At the same time, this will help get rid of the stress accumulated before the holidays.

A hole is made in the first circle, where a loop thread is fixed, and then it is glued to the ball. The edges of the "flake" should remain unglued.

The result is a very elegant decoration that is not ashamed to hang on a Christmas tree.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

New Year, New Year is coming to visit us ... And very soon the landscape outside the window will delight with snow, frost will pinch your cheeks, and the Christmas tree in the house will expect a worthy decoration. We will not consider the range of finished products, but we will create something fabulous, amazing and original.!

The most accessible material: how to make a Christmas paper ball with your own hands

Initially, glassblowers made toys for the Christmas tree, but today, thanks to a large number of different materials, a New Year's miracle decoration can be made at home on your own. The paper industry offers different types of products: velvet, waxed, glossy, corrugated, colored. Creative people have taken advantage of this handy material, and the world has seen origami balls, ruffled roses, and more.

Delicate balls for the New Year: we create from corrugated paper

Corrugated paper Christmas tree balls are made by both adults and children. Soft paper is easy to curl and shape. The color palette allows you to make a decoration that looks perfect indoors or on the Christmas tree.

If you make several different-sized balls with a floral decoration, then the Christmas tree will be decorated in the same style

IllustrationAction Description
We will prepare corrugated paper of any color, a ruler, scissors and a thermal gun.
Several strips about 0.8-1 cm wide should be cut from the paper. Each strip must be twisted around its axis.
We get several long flagella. We put a drop of hot glue on the tip of one and begin to fold the flagellum around ourselves in a different direction.
We continue to wrap the resulting ball with a tourniquet.
As soon as one tourniquet ends, we fix it with a drop of hot glue and attach a new tourniquet to the ball. Work continues until the toy reaches the desired size.
In this way, you can get a lot of beautiful decorations of different colors.
Advice! To make the mood completely New Year's, you can grease the balls with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

Paper tube balls

New Year's paper balls can be made in the manner described above, but only from ordinary newspaper tubes. Such decor is also used after the New Year - there will be no need to hide beauty in a distant drawer.

IllustrationAction Description
We cut strips from newspapers about 5 cm wide. We prepare a thin long knitting needle and PVA glue for work.
We begin to wrap the strip around the knitting needle so that there is an acute angle between them. As soon as we reach almost to the end (not finishing 2 cm), we coat the remaining triangle of paper with a drop of glue, wind it up and hold it with our fingers for several seconds. We carefully remove the knitting needle from the tube and begin to make the next one.
We dip the finished tubes one by one in paint or wood stain of a suitable shade. It is better to lay the painted tubes on a sieve.
First, we roll the tube into a ring and fix the bagel with hot glue - it will be faster. We wrap the resulting ring in random order. Gradually, our ball grows and becomes the size we need.

Balls of paper flowers, templates and music strips

We will learn how to make a Christmas ball with your own hands using blanks from paper flowers. There are two options for getting a lot of floral elements: purchasing a figured hole punch in the form of a flower or using a cardboard template. The second method promises a large investment of time and effort, but if you do it with the whole family, then the minus turns into a significant plus.

Origami balls and kusudama

Not everyone has a relationship with origami, but when else to show patience if not for a holiday that promises miracles? We gather our will into a fist and take on a very interesting activity - we turn paper into a voluminous toy. The kusudama technique is complex and requires perseverance, but look at the results you can achieve!

Folding such beauty is not easy, and, probably, an elegant ball may not work the first time. It is better to try first to collect it from newspapers, and only then try your hand at colored paper. We offer several schemes for assembling such an ornament.

You can start by assembling one element. As soon as such an origami flower appears in your hands, you will want to make them more and more

Related article:

How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands: the history and tradition of occurrence, a master class on creating what to make the basis for the product from (newspaper, cardboard, pipe insulation), decorating the New Year's wreath with various materials - read the publication.

We work with felt: how to make Christmas balls with your own hands

How to make Christmas balls if you have a lot of felt of different colors? We select suitable floss threads, take a needle, scissors, a little synthetic winterizer and a good mood.

Felt flower balls

Children can also build a beautiful ball: it needs a foam base and a lot of tailor's pins.

Balls with felt appliqué

Felt is easy to cut, easy to sew by hand, requires almost no effort: a miracle, not a material. We take a cardboard circle template, apply it to the felt and cut out two identical circles.

We sew the mugs together with a buttonhole stitch with bright threads, but leave room for stuffing. After the ball has grown and has become like a decoration, the stitching is completed to the end.

How to make a Christmas ball out of fabric

Woven material is presented in a wide variety, and much of this splendor can be used as decoration for a Christmas tree decoration. Ribbons, satin pieces, linen cuts, even floss threads - everything goes into business.

Balls for the new year from ribbons: a master class

Ribbons are cheap, their choice is large, and the work does not require special skills.

IllustrationAction Description
We are preparing two types of satin ribbons, tiny carnations and a foam round base. We cut the ribbons into equal pieces (2.5 × 6 cm) and one square. We take 1 largest piece and place it on the base, securing it with carnations from each corner.
In the center we glue the decor (bead, half-bead, rhinestone)
We work with segments of a different color.
We fold a piece of a different color into a triangle.
We apply the triangle with the front side as in the photo and fix it in the corners with carnations.
We do this three more times. There is a small distance between the triangles.
Having done so one row, we begin the next.
We alternate the colors next to the very end or to the middle of the toy. In the second case, a pattern of triangles is also drawn from the back side, expanding it towards the middle. A satin ribbon is glued in the center, which is tied with a bow.

Patchwork or kinusaiga: shreds and New Year

Christmas decorations from balls can be decorated using the patchwork or kinusaiga technique. Patchwork is patchwork, and kinusaiga is almost the same, but the basis is foam, and there is no need for seams.

The final result depends on the material chosen. The phrase is simple, but when faced with the need to create a beautiful craft, many people get lost. We will show you how to choose an original decor and surprise everyone in the coming New Year.

Beads, beads

Beads and beads will be a stunning decoration for Christmas tree balls for home decor. There are several ways to create an interesting design using this material: depending on the chosen one, you will need a fishing line, thread or a thermal gun.

Acting according to the patterns of weaving from beads, they get a non-standard decorative Christmas tree toy

Sequins will add brightness and shine to the Christmas tree. Their cost is not particularly high, they are attached to the ball with glue

Buttons and pasta

Kids will love the button decor: the colorful buttons are easy to stick with ceiling tile adhesive and don't require painting. Although, if desired, you can paint the entire toy at once from a spray can.

How else can you decorate Christmas tree balls: ideas with fingerprints, stained glass paints, salt

If you do not deny yourself the manifestations of fantasy and imagination, then a look or thought will definitely find non-trivial ways to decorate New Year's toys.

A New Year's ball with snow is obtained if the base is thickly coated with PVA glue and rolled in salt and sparkles. The second way is white acrylic paint: it is applied with a sponge on a toy

How to make do-it-yourself decoupage balls for the New Year

Decoupage technique is gathering more and more lovers of beautiful sophisticated decor. The product requires a base ball, a beautiful New Year's napkin, PVA glue.

We take a toy and smear it with PVA. We tear off a piece from the napkin and apply it to the ball. We straighten the passage with a brush, avoiding irregularities and breakthroughs.

New Year is a holiday that creates a mood, gives a feeling of family warmth and a fairy tale. And, as you know, a fairy tale comes only where it is expected! Let's make a special New Year with beautiful balls for the Christmas tree!

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Someone is preparing for the new year, decorating the Christmas tree with expensive designer decorations, and someone with cheerful multi-colored electric garlands and glass balls from the store.

Such Christmas tree decorations will undoubtedly make the New Year's beauty stylish and beautiful, but, unfortunately, they cannot be compared with hand-made toys. After all, the very process of their creation not only enhances the anticipation of the holiday, but also gives invaluable minutes of communication to all family members.

There are a lot of options on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands for the new coming year, but the most affordable and not requiring special skill in manufacturing are New Year's paper toys. You only need improvised materials that can be found in any home, a little patience and creative imagination.

The most common and versatile toys for the new year are Christmas balls. You can make them with your own hands from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Monochromatic balls will give a single style to the room, and multi-colored - an atmosphere of fun and fabulous magic.

So, before you start making these paper toys, you need to prepare the following:

  • thick paper with a pattern you like;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a compass or any object, outlining which you can reproduce a circle (jars, lids, glasses, etc.).

How to do:

  • Draw 21 identical circles on paper and cut them out with scissors.

Prepare the circles as follows:

  • bend the circle twice in half (this is necessary to determine the center);
  • unbend the circle and bend one side of it so that the edge of the circle is exactly in the center;
  • bend two more sides of the circle to make a triangle with equal sides;
  • cut out the resulting triangle, which will play the role of a pattern for the rest of the details;
  • impose a triangle on the rest of the circles, circle with a pencil and bend the edges outward along the lines.
  • Glue 10 circles together with two sides so that you get a strip: 5 circles on top, and 5 on the bottom. The strip must be glued into a ring. This will be the base for the ball.

  • Divide the remaining 10 parts into 5 pieces, which are glued into a circle. Got two "caps".

  • Glue the top and bottom "lid" to the base in sequence.
  • The loop for hanging the ball can be made from a thread threaded through the top of the toy with a needle, or from a beautiful ribbon. A loop of ribbon is fixed with a knot and threaded through the top of the "cap" of the ball before gluing it to the base. The knot stays inside the toy, and the loop stays outside.

The original do-it-yourself paper toy is ready for the new coming year!

More paper balls for the Christmas tree

Volumetric snowflake

Another indispensable attribute of the new year is snowflakes. They can be the simplest, cut out from a sheet of paper with an arbitrary pattern, or they can be voluminous using the origami technique. We offer to make the last version of the New Year's snowflake with your own hands.

To do this, you need to cut six squares of the same size, fold each of them diagonally, and then in half. Parallel incisions are made along the fold. The square unfolds, the inner tongues are wrapped and fastened together.

The outer petals are connected to the same petals of the remaining squares. You can attach them both with glue and with a regular stapler.