What color of clothes will suit. How to find out your color type and learn how to choose clothes? Video: “Color Harmony. Principles of harmonious color combination "

Dressing in monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad taste.

There are few exceptions to this rule - if you are not a bride and not in mourning, then your clothes should have three shades - the main color, an additional one that harmonizes and sets off the main and, possibly, a contrasting detail, an intriguing color accent.

Choosing and combining them correctly is often a very difficult task. We already talked about this in the post.

There are colors that are most beneficial to you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. The lucky few, naturally endowed with a delicate artistic taste and color perception, can choose the color scheme of the wardrobe, relying on their intuition. Everyone else, in order to always be stylish and tastefully dressed, needs to learn a few rules.

White color matches all colors. White cheers up, with its help they treat diseases of the central nervous system. White is the color of purity and clarity. The color of justice, faith, innocence and beginnings. This is a blank slate from which history is written. By giving him a preference for clothes, you are entering a new time for yourself; he is better than any other for creating contrast.

White with black is the best combination of colors in clothes: a photo of women in it always looks solemn. When combining it with other colors, it is worth considering the fact that white casts glare and visually enlarges things.

Beige color combination table

Beige color boldly combined with calm tones, and can also be combined perfectly with more saturated and bright tones. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, marsh, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow-green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

Pink color combined with white and pale blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red combination table

Red color combined with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, lilac and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones are now boldly blended with each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

Bordeaux color combination table

Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her own worth. Bordeaux is combined with black and dark blue, as well as with flowers: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with burgundy: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

Raspberry color combination table

Fuchsia, crimson, magenta colors combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white colors.

Coral color combination table

Coral color has twelve varieties, these are pink-orange shades, and deep red-orange. Combines with colors: white, beige, gold, flesh, brown, dark brown, khaki, shades of gray, scarlet, pink-peach, lilac, lilac, hot pink, orange, yellow-orange, pale yellow, dark blue , gray-blue, black.

Yellow combination table

Yellow- personifies the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Golden color is the color of fame and wealth.

Yellow is combined with colors: marsh, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.
Golden color goes well with flowers: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, purple.
Yellow color - with blue, purple, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without decoration or addition to it is unattractive.

Orange combination table

Orange color- cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the shine of the setting sun.
The bright orange color goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, dark blue or dark gray.
Contrasting black is very suitable for orange and yellow colors.

Brown combination table

Brown color combined with heavenly, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac with pale pink.

Brown is combined with olive, golden, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, ivory and gray. An unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make a great impression.

Rusty brown combined with plum and brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

Green combination table

Green color- with brown, orange, salad, yellow and white flowers and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Olive color combination table

Olive color in harmony with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple-green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

Mustard color combination table

Color of mustard matches colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

Blue color combination table

Blue color goes well with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry interspersed with brown, light brown and tomato; grayish orange and purple.
Combine the night blue with acrid pink with coniferous green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

Blue comes in light and dark tones.
Light blue- with white, yellow, orange, pink colors, is intermediate between red and blue.

Navy blue- with light blue (blue), gray, red,
denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, purple.

Blue color combination table

Blue matches with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige.

Turquoise goes well with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

Purple and lilac color combination table

Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. Works best with blue.

Purple- with white, yellow, orange, pink colors, is intermediate between red and blue.

Lighter shades of purple are called lilac. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.
To lilac color they include the color of violets or dark lilac inflorescences, purple. Lilac is the color of femininity, associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. Lilac is best combined with dark neutral shades - with black, gray or navy blue.

Purple colour and all kinds of its shades are considered one of the sexiest, mysterious, mysterious and sensual colors.
The lilac color goes well with flowers: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, the color of a withered rose, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and purple.

Lilac pink combined with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with pink-red; brown with light brown; gray with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

Gray color combination table

Grey colour- the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, soothing contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

Gray is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit, it can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige. Light gray is best combined with pastel colors: pale pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.
Blue-gray goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

Apricot blossom goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and interspersed with pink; gray-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

Camel color combined with gray-blue and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

Khaki color combination table

Khaki goes well with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white wool; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, pale green and peach; purple, red and peach.

It's even better if solid khaki is paired with printed clothing in these bold colors.

Black color, white and gray colors

Looks good black color

Here are examples of some great color combinations.

1. light and dark olive, dark pink and magenta

2. burgundy, dark blue, black

3. pink, blue, sepia tones

4. light blue, blue, beige and dark brown


6. ash pink, anthracite, blue majolica, ocher
A rare example when a light contrast in an active multicolor combination looks organic:

7. shades of beige and brown, ash lilac, gray

8. blue, dark olive, dark blue, dull purple

9. Two looks are built on the same color combination - terracotta, khaki, turquoise, nude

10. terracotta, carrot, dark cherry

11. cherry, blue and plum, complemented by achromatic shades

12. indigo, lingonberry, dark orange and burgundy

13. taupe , burgundy, dark orange and brown

14. plum brown, cinnamon, dark olive

15. saffron and turquoise with reddish-brown hues

16. mustard, burgundy, dark orange, taupe


Green and blue, orange.

Brown and black, bordo, lilac, pink.

Red andpurple, brick, orange, olive, pink, brown, chestnut.

Pink and with blue, olive, red, chestnut, ultramarine, lilac.

Orange and purple, red.

Navy blue and black, sgreen, pink, brown.

Fyoletic and with liv, red, brick.

Lavender and the color of parma.

Golden and pink, lilac

Yellow and burgundy, pink.

Grey and brown, beige.

Color black, white and gray often used as decoration.

Looks good black color in the neighborhood of orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with acrid pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, juicy green with azure, pale green with bright green.

General rules for combining colors in clothes

The correct combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

  • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, purple - lilac, green - salad. Such combinations are used in various types of clothing.
  • P grayscale colors, for example, light pink - light blue, light salad - light lilac.
  • solid colors eg brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in casual wear and clothing for obese women.

All pastel colors are combined with each other, regardless of shade.

Pastel colors- this is beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors with a lot of white added. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that makes you look fat.

Use 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a dull and pale feeling. If you use more than 4 colors in clothes, then when they see you, people's gaze jumps from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

You can combine with each other either related or contrasting colors... All other options are inharmonious.
Related- these are colors that differ from each other in shade (red, pink, dark red).

Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (purple - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red. Find out which colors are related and which ones are contrasting using the color wheel.

Choosing the right color for clothes, correctly composing a style ensemble is a very difficult task, but very necessary. The ability to do it stylishly and successfully will save you from questions about whether this scarf will suit my image, in favor of which jewelry to choose today, whether my bag is combined with shoes, etc. It would seem that these are simple questions, but they require solutions on a daily basis. Just look at these diagrams like a cheat sheet and you will be fine.
Based on materials from izuminka-club.ru, fashion-fashion.ru

You've probably come across a situation more than once when one shade of lipstick suits you incredibly and makes your face shine, while the other makes your face look tired and sick? Obviously, the first shade is right for you, but the second is not. You have probably already heard, and I am constantly writing about this, that the choice of shade in clothes and in cosmetics depends on what kind of tone your skin has - warm or cold? They already write about color types everywhere, but, you must admit, it is still difficult to understand all this confusion with shades, and it is difficult even to believe that such a variety of faces and shades of skin and hair is divided into several types!

Skin tone is the color of the skin surface that we can easily describe (porcelain, ivory, light, medium, tanned, etc.). Skin tone is the shade below the surface. It turns out that even having the same skin tone with someone else, the shade as a whole can differ, precisely because of the difference in undertones, therefore, skin tones are divided into: cold (pink, red or bluish undertones), warm (yellow, peach, golden undertones ) and neutral (a mixture of warm and cold undertones).

It should be understood that the cold undertone is not the privilege of pale blondes. Nicole Kidman's porcelain skin has a warm undertone. And tanned and dark-skinned are not always a warm color type. The dark-skinned model Alec Vek, who has skin with a cold undertone, is proof of this. Therefore, the type of appearance does not at all depend on the color of the skin.

Well, now that the understanding of the difference between skin tone and its subtone has come to us completely, it's time to understand how to correctly determine your color type. I will share some tips with you. which will help you make this task easier.

Pay attention to the veins

Unscrew the sleeves and look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. Are they blue or green? If they are blue, lilac, purple - most likely you have a cold skin tone. And if the veins look greenish, then you are a warm color type. Of course, the veins aren't actually green, you just see them through the skin with a yellow undertone (blue + yellow = green).

The old precious metal jewelry trick

Pay attention to which metal - gold or silver - looks best on your skin (not which jewelry you like, but which makes your skin seem to shine and give freshness). It is logical that "cold" girls shine in silver and platinum jewelry, while "warm" ladies prettier by trying on gold.

Neutral test

Pay attention to which of the neutral shades work best for you. Do your skin, eyes, and overall face look better with vibrant whites and blacks, or ivory, subtle whites, browns, or sands? The first option means that you have a cold color type, and the last one that is warm.

Hair and eye color

Your natural hair and eye color can help you "recognize" your color type. Usually (though not always, which I will write about below), "cold" people have blue, gray or green eyes and blonde, brown or black hair with blue, silver, purple or ash undertones. Conversely, "warm" color types usually have brown, amber or hazel eyes and light, red, brown and black hair. Hair, in this case, usually has a golden, red, orange or yellow undertone.

Sun effects

When you are in the sun, does your skin turn golden brown, or does it first turn pink? If you belong to the first category, you are a "warm" color type, since a "cold" skin type tends to burn in the sun (light-skinned "cold" girls just burn out in the sun, while "cold" girls with medium-colored skin first burn out , but still then they get a tan. Personally, I am one of them - I burn out instantly, but after the first "lumpy pancakes" I still get a tan).

Compare yourself to celebrities

This is the easiest way to determine your color type in detail, since the experimental stylists have already studied the stars up and down, determining their type of appearance. So, for example, celebrities with a cold color type: Januari Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Cara Delevingne. Well, and with a warm color type: Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Rachel Bilson, Jennifer Aniston, Beyoncé.

Find the colors that look best on you

You already, I think, have no doubts that certain colors, depending on your color type, will look better on you than others. Girls with warm skin tones will "make friends" with yellow, orange, brown, yellow-green, beige and warm reds, while girls with cold skin tones should opt for blue, green, pink, purple, blue-green, fuchsia and cold shades of red.

In conclusion, I want to add that these rules will help you take only the first steps in understanding the world of colors and color types. In fact, when it comes to the color analysis of a particular person, a lot of details and controversial points can arise, since the types of appearance are not simply divided into "cold and warm", there is also a well-grounded gradation according to the seasons "winter, spring, summer, autumn" ... However, experts do not stop there either, dividing each color type, depending on the characteristics of each person's appearance, into "pure" and "mixed", "bright" and "soft" options.

In general, as you understand, everything can be very complicated and confusing, but at the same time, I personally advise you to take fairly simple solutions- find those shades that really make your skin shine, and make your look bright, healthy, radiant. Even if these shades belong to the palette of the opposite color type, try and look for your own! I also want to advise you to read an interesting post by Katya on her blog. Beauty comes to Mind, where she shares her experience of determining her color type with the American stylist Linda Tarantino:.

Useful Tips

Once you learn to distinguish the color palette, you can easily create your wardrobe, where each thing, combined with each other, will make your own style unique.

Knowing which colors suit you and which ones are best to avoid in clothes will be very helpful. So you will begin to replenish your wardrobe with new things and look always irresistible and chic.

What colors say about a person

Method 1: explore what colors convey

In the modern world, especially when it comes to work, the color of clothes that you choose carries a certain message about what kind of personality you are, what kind of character you have.

1. Wear dark colors to convey power and strength. Dark shades include black and navy blue. Try wearing a shade of blue that matches the veins on your wrist.

Pastel colors in clothes

2. Wear pastel colors to appear more friendly and relaxed. Bed tones include light green and lavender.

3. Mix colors to convey creativity. Make sure you pair colors that match and complement each other as well as red and purple, for example.

Red in clothes

4. Wear red to highlight your personality. The red color, depending on the shade, carries a certain message.

Burgundy red conveys sophistication. Blue-red color speaks of assertiveness. Orange-red is suitable for lively and mobile natures.

Pink color in clothes

5. Wear pink to show that your heart is open. People who wear pink, regardless of gender, are open-minded and capable of loving other people.

White color in clothes

6. Choose white for a new beginning. It stands for purity and gives the impression of a fresh, vibrant and new look. White, beige, and brown shades that are close to skin tone (but don't merge) look fantastic.

7. Wear yellow to reflect warmth and optimism. This color carries certain healing properties, as we associate with the sun, the main source of positiveness, optimism and light.

Orange color in clothes

8. Choose orange for high energy display. This color is quite bold, it makes you feel more relaxed and sets you up for a playful way. Orange is also the color of vibrant sexual energy.

Appearance type by seasons

Method 2: determine your type of appearance by season

Appearance type: winter

1. Wear clothes designed for a winter look if you are a brunette. Winter-type girls are usually brunettes with pale or olive skin. Deep and rich shades will suit them.

Appearance Type: Spring

2. Give preference to clothes of the spring type if you are the owner of pale skin. Spring girls have fair skin, gray or blue eyes, and soft blonde hair. For a spring woman, light colors in clothes go.

Appearance type: summer

3. Wear summer-style clothing if you have blonde hair. Women of this type are generally similar to "spring" women. They also have light colored hair and pale skin. If you are of the “summer” type, pay attention to more muted, discreet shades.

Appearance type: autumn

4. If you have a ruddy skin tone, choose clothes for the "fall" type. The fall type of appearance is usually characterized by red, dark or brown hair and blush on the skin. Orange, brown, green or olive colors in clothes will suit them.

Method 3: choose a color based on your hair and eye color

What colors go to blondes

1. Blond hair, blue eyes. Choose shades of blue, blue-green, menthol and turquoise.

2. Blond hair and green eyes. Green, orange and blue colors perfectly emphasize your appearance.

3. Blond hair and brown eyes. For this type of appearance, the following colors will be ideal: brown, lilac, red, pink and orange.

4. Blond hair, gray eyes. Any color will suit you except pale yellow.

What colors go to brown-haired women

5. Brown hair and blue eyes. The ideal colors for you are red, orange, pink and yellow.

6. Brown hair and green eyes. Complete the color palette from the previous paragraph with green shades.

7. Brown hair and brown eyes. Choose earthy and dark shades. You can also use a light blue color.

8. Brown hair and gray eyes. Any shade of blue, red, black and gray will suit you.

What colors go red

9. Red hair, blue or gray eyes. Light orange, red, black and green are ideal for you.

10. Red hair, green or brown eyes. Choose any shade of red, dark or light green. Dark and earthy palettes will also work well for your personality.

What colors go to brunettes

11. Dark hair. Any color and shade will suit you. You don't have to be afraid to experiment.

The combination of color in clothes is a technique developed over the years, understanding which you can always be at your best. Selection of wardrobe, photo

It's no secret that color can qualitatively improve our appearance. However, any tone is either combined with our appearance or not. The criteria and laws for matching it to a person lie in. But that's not a problem, having a set of suitable tones you need to combine them in your wardrobe. How are combinations in clothes built: harmoniously with the face, figure, emphasizing each other favorably?
I will say right away: this is not an easy task. And here there are two options: an understanding with knowledge of the subtleties of color theory to build a combination, or work according to a template. To your delight, in this article I will provide both methods: you will find a detailed description of the construction, as well as a huge number of examples.
And so let's start with the part that comes from the color types.

Any appearance has its own contrast. This is not only the difference between the shade of hair and skin tone, but also the admixture of gray that is contained in the skin tone: the less differences between hair and skin, the more gray there is in them, the less contrasting the appearance will be. Therefore, combinations should be chosen with appropriate contrast, both for people with high and medium expressive appearance.
in clothes - this is attractiveness, harmony. Its absence is a plain clothes.
Contrasts are needed to enhance color expression, moreover, this concept is almost synonymous with combination.

Combinations in clothes by type of contrast

There are 7 types of contrast combinations, however, in practice, one combination usually includes not one, but several (in some cases even all) types of contrast.

The dark is combined with the light, forming a contrast in lightness.

The combination in clothes by temperature:

Cool shades combine with warm ones to create an expressive contrast that can be intense: if the colors are extreme or be soft, where the temperature difference is less pronounced.

Combination of complementary colors:

Additional shades are shades, the rays of which (spectral development of paints), when mixed, give gray. What are these tones I will describe below in the information on contrasts.

This is a contrast of gray with any shade of the spectrum, when our eye completes an additional tone to the combined one against the gray background. This effect is barely perceptible in large areas and practically disappears, especially with not bright complex shades.

The combination of clothes by saturation

It is a combination of pronounced shades with neutral, complex or muted. Such combinations can also be of different severity.

The combination of clothes according to the size of the color "spot"

And so the main task of this technique was to clearly show that one and the same principle can be decomposed into different contrasts.

Now about how to combine colors.

Color wheel combinations

The color wheel consists of basic tones stacked in a specific order. In a deeper understanding of the circle, you need to have the idea that all colors have sub-shades. So before providing the combination schemes, I will introduce you to the shades.

1 Yellow... It includes various shades of yellow, warm beige, gold, mustard.
2 Yellow-green (or light green)... These are shartez, shades of lime, olive, protective, marsh colors, khaki.
3 Intense medium green (greens)... These are bright shades of Kelly, green peas, tea, rich dark green shades, pale green tones.
4 Blue-green... These include cold shades of green, turquoise, aqua shades of blue, green, thrush egg color, mint, menthol, jade, emerald, wormwood.
5 Medium blue... Shades of blue, sky blue; dark blue, Prussian blue, denim tones.
6 Purple... It is lavender, violet, lilac. Dark violet, violet ultramarine, gray-violet tones.
7 Amethyst (light red-purple)... In this sector are lilac tones, orchids, dark red-violet, purple-violet.
8 Purple... These are pink, lilac, magenta, grape, eggplant, plum.
9 Red... These are scarlet, pomegranate, burgundy, cherry tones. This also includes warm pinks and reddish-brown hues.
10 Red-orange... This includes shades of coral, beige, deep brown.
11 Orange... These are autumn shades of orange, peach, soft beige, flesh, medium brown and dark beige.
12 Orange yellow... These are sunny yellow colors, shades of apricot, soft beige, yellow and golden brown, dark beige.

(1) Paired combination of complementary colors: tones are opposite each other on Itten's circle. In a vivid expression, this is a dramatic, expressive pair, if you reduce the contrast (as we did above), the combination will be softer.
(2) Combination by likeness. A combination of related shades that deepens colors: the eye completes intermediate tones, due to which the effect of color-shadow play is obtained.

(3) and (4) Combination triad. On the color wheel in the form of an equilateral and acute triangle. By connecting the lines in this way, you find the best pairs, while it is not necessary to use three tones, each of them is combined with each other and may well exist independently.

(5) and (6) Combination tetrad. It consists of two shapes: a rectangle and a square. This combination consists of two pairs of complementary colors. They may well exist without one of the colors, but no more.

Another way is to choose from a selection of combinations in clothes already invented by someone. It consists in the fact that you view, remember or save your favorite version and create it in your wardrobe.

Let's take a look at the basic color combinations.

The combination of white in clothes

White, like gray, beige, brown, refers to. It goes well with almost all shades, it can create both bright, contrasting combinations and gentle, soft ones. It is a great addition to any color scheme. Shades of ivory (ivory) are often referred to white (see),.

The combination of gray in clothes

The combination of cool green in clothes

These are the tones of menthol, kelly, emerald. White, light gray, beige, pale yellow, lilac, coral pink tones are suitable for menthol shades. The same color can form bright pairs with orange, red, dark blue.
Kelly is a rich greenery on the verge of cold and warm. It goes well with coral, peach, blue, beige, warm, cold brown.
Shades of patina and with white, black, beige, brown, dark blue, burgundy. Harmoniously combined with pale pink, peach, yellow, gold ocher.

The combination of yellow in clothes

Yellow tones can be light, soft or bright, and can border on brown, orange, like shades of mustard. They are also very specific. The combination with yellow can be pastel or contrastingly flashy, such as black with yellow, yellow with red, etc.

The combination of orange in clothes

Orange can make many very attractive combinations. This color includes,. The most attractive, in my opinion, will be combinations of orange with white, beige, denim, turquoise, red-violet, fuchsia, blue, green, brown and light blue.

The combination of red in clothes

Red in clothes maintains classic scales: with white, black, gray and beige. It can be paired with brown, blue and turquoise, mint and purple hues.

The combination of pink in clothes

Various shades of pink create different pairs: cold purple tones go well with gray, white, peach, cold light gold, beige-brown, denim-blue colors.
Delicate warm shades, closer to coral (see) go well with lilac, amethyst, mint, blue, denim, warm and cold shades of greens.
Bright pinks will prefer richer shades like oranges, turquoise, yellows, deep browns, blues and blacks.

The combination of purple in clothes

Soft lilac shades are attractively combined with cool greens, oranges and reds, warm yellows-greens and pale yellows, aqua blues and blues. (See) Purples with red, light green, vanilla, menthol and cyan undertones.
Dark purple prefers deaf couples with pastel pinks, grays, blacks, beige and dark fuchsia.
Eggplant is closer to gold and warm green, as well as pink, blue and brown.


Start by putting your usual colors aside. Prepare for the fact that they may not suit you. Also make yourself aware that your favorite colors are not necessarily "yours." Choose from scratch, without bias or prejudice.

There is a theory that all people, by type of appearance, belong to a certain season. Color type is determined by skin tone, eye color, hair shade. The "warm" scale refers to "spring" or "autumn". "Cold" - for "winter" or "summer". Bright appearance is typical for people of color type "" and "winter". “Muffled”, gentle - for “summer” and “autumn”. This theory is very popular, but the truth is that people rarely belong to any one, "pure" color type, and only specialists can correctly determine the "leader".

It is much easier to find a base color that matches your skin tone. It is suitable for large items in your wardrobe - blouses, suits. Prepare fabrics of various textures and shades, a large mirror and natural light. Rinse off your makeup to see your natural skin tone. Bring the fabrics to your face and watch how their color changes it. Unpleasant shades for you will make your skin look uneven, pale, lethargic, and will show under-eye circles. The eyes will become dull and their natural color will be lost. Write down the colors that will even out your skin tone, make your eyes glow brighter, show their depth, remove circles.

But even the most "advantageous" color, if you put it on from head to toe, will not help you look attractive. Black, without a single splash of red, white or blue, is dull and gloomy. A lot of pink is only suitable for very girls. Snow-white clothes without a hint of the slightest accent of color do not go even to the most beautiful of brides. After choosing a primary color, look for complementary ones.

Black is definitely a universal color, almost all shades are suitable for it, except for pastels. The most classic combinations are black and red, black and white, black and purple, black and bright yellow and black and pearl gray. Neutral shades are suitable for pastel colors. Beige with pale pink, khaki goes to pale yellow, ash gray goes to blue. Brown is no less versatile than black. Its just advantage is that all of its shades are perfect for each other. Coffee, chocolate, beige, golden brown and reddish brown, camel hair and dark red - these and other tones combine very well with each other, but these combinations will never suit anyone - fire red and beige, neon pink and mustard , fluorescent yellow and tan colored. In other words, office shades cannot stand club and beach shades, which is very symbolic, isn't it?

Update your knowledge of color theory. Remember that there are similar colors, neutrals and complementary ones. Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, and their combination can ruin your wardrobe if they compete with each other. For example, a red skirt and a green blouse. But using a complementary color for accent will help make your outfit bold and interesting, as well as accentuate the parts of the body that you want to draw the attention of others. A classic example is a purple dress with a yellow sash under the bust; similar colors are next to each other on the color wheel. They harmonize well with each other, but if you only use them, your taste will be questioned by others. Neutral colors include white, black, gray, brown and khaki.