Wet hair chemistry. Vertical or spiral. Perm video

The desire to change their appearance in women appears quite often. In this case, the easiest way is to change the hairstyle. There are methods of working with hair that do not radically change the appearance, but at the same time make the look unrecognizable. One of these methods is to create the effect of wet chemistry on the hair. Thanks to it, smooth curls are formed on the hair, and the hair looks more shiny, beautiful and healthy.
Real wet chemistry is done in hairdressers and salons with the help of various perming agents, using small-format curlers for this. Such a perm retains its durability for three months. However, not every woman dares to make such a long-term styling. Therefore, at home, you can experiment and try to create a similar effect yourself.

To do this, you will need a comb with a tip and a hair styler. The desired result is especially pronounced on medium hair lengths with moderate density. Wash your hair, but do not dry it before styling. Apply the hair gel to the strands while they are still wet. You can also use a special mousse to create the effect of wet hair. Then comb the hair with a comb, which has large and rather sparse teeth. As a result, separate curls will be formed from each other, which can be styled in any way you like. Curly hair can also be styled using this method. A short haircut allows you to style your hair in a minimum amount of time. Hair that is clean and still damp is treated with a styling product.
The same remedy should be applied to the hands. Then a medium-sized curl is separated on the hair and twisted along the entire length. All hair is "curled" in the same way. After that, the curls are clenched several times into a fist, and then released. The hair on the temples and bangs can also be twisted, or, on the contrary, smoothed, which looks very stylish.

It is most difficult to do this on your own on long and straight hair. This hair can be styled in several ways. Mousse or styling gel is applied to washed hair. In this case, the hair is divided into separate strands. After that, each strand is rolled up into a small bun and fixed with an elastic band. You can form flagella from the strands and also fix it.
Then the hair should get used to this position within an hour. After that, all the fixing elements are removed, and the hair itself must be loosened and shaken with your hands. They also need to be dried with a hairdryer. Another way to style long hair is as follows. Use a towel to dry slightly damp hair and apply a liquid styling product to the hair. After that, you need to tilt your head down and start squeezing and unclenching individual strands of hair with your hand. This must be continued until the hair has acquired the desired volume. The easiest way to achieve the effect of wet chemistry is to treat wet hair with a gel and then dry it with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.

"Wet chemistry" became fashionable in the 80s. This term came to be called a special type of long-term styling with the effect of "wet hair". Today this type of curl is called vertical with spiral curls.

It differs from all others in smaller curls, as well as a special effect that gives wet and shiny. It is performed using specialized products for creating a perm, as well as a gel or foam designed for styling with the effect of "wet hair". "Wet chemistry" lasts up to three months, depending on the type of hair.

To get light developing curls, it is necessary that your hair type is suitable for this, that is, they should be soft enough, not too thick and preferably not very long (optimally, just below the shoulders). If your hair is long and sleek, you will end up with rather tight, firm curls, which can soon begin to part under their own weight.

The "wet chemistry" procedure, which is not recommended at home, requires the attention of an experienced craftsman who can correctly assess how best to carry it out in order to achieve the best effect. This procedure is very laborious and time-consuming.

Hair in thin strands is wound using a special technology on a large number of bones. The whole process takes about 3-5 hours (depending on the length and thickness of the hair). Curling preparations are selected individually by the master. Today, bio-formulations are very popular, which allow you to carry out the procedure more carefully, in a gentle mode.

If you nevertheless decide to carry out the procedure yourself, you will need special cone-shaped bobbins, a curling compound, a comb with frequent teeth, a waterproof cape, a fixing agent, a sponge, a bowl (not metal), a measuring cylinder, three towels, protective gloves, a cream, warming cap, vinegar (6 or 9 percent).

It should be borne in mind that "wet chemistry" leads to a visual reduction in the length of the hair, therefore, if your hair does not significantly reach the shoulders, it is better to grow it a little.

Wash your hair twice, divide your hair into strands (having previously twisted it around its own axis) and wrap it around the bobbins, starting from the roots, not from the ends.

Lubricate the face with cream and tie a protective strip along the hairline. Put on gloves and a cape. Prepare the composition for chemistry according to the instructions, quickly apply it with a sponge. Cover your head with plastic wrap. Withstand the time indicated in the instructions for the composition and rinse it off with water without removing the bobbins. Apply fixative to hair and hold for 8-10 minutes. Remove the bobbins, leave your hair to "rest" for a few minutes. Rinse each section thoroughly, apply conditioner and dry your hair.

It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in cases where the hair is severely weakened or dyed. This type of chemistry is not suitable for all hair types. On heavy and long hair, the waves will not last long and will have to be updated frequently. Although it initially looks very impressive. With care, you need to do such a perm on hair prone to oily, as there is a risk of getting the effect of not "wet", but dirty hair. Therefore, before the procedure, it is better to consult with a hairdresser.

For styling, it is recommended to use a hairdryer with a special nozzle-diffuser, using styling products for chemistry with a wet effect. It is better to choose products for elastic styling, which less sticky hair. Hairstyle is done on wet hair using an antistatic comb. If you want more volume, dry and style your hair with your head down.

"Wet chemistry", like any other type of this method of creating curls, has a certain negative effect on the hair structure. It can be neutralized with nourishing shampoos, hair masks and balms. Cosmetics specially created for this nourish, moisturize and strengthen hair, restoring its natural structure, restoring its natural shine and stimulating growth.

Almost every woman at least once in her life has found herself in a situation where she wants to make certain changes in her life. An excellent way to change a boring image, as well as add freshness and novelty to your image, is wet chemistry, otherwise, vertical hair curling with spiral curls.

What is the wet chemistry effect?

Modern wet chemistry allows you to get fine curls that look elastic and shiny. In addition, the hair itself at the same time acquires a beautiful, healthy, well-groomed and moisturized look. The effect of this curling lasts up to 3 months.

Currently, the chemical compounds used for this procedure do not spoil the hair, but, on the contrary, have a therapeutic effect on them. Since your curls will look healthy and fresh, you won't need a lot of time to create a beautiful hairstyle. You can look perfect even with regular loose hair in any setting.

Despite the large number of positive qualities, wet chemistry is not suitable for every hair type. If your hair is too coarse, curls may straighten too quickly.

In addition, you should not do such a perm for girls with oily roots - after the procedure, they will look stale.

Since vertical curls with spiral curls are quite expensive, you should consult with a qualified professional before the procedure. Otherwise, you may be wasting your money.

How is wet chemistry done in beauty salons?

A professional hairdresser-stylist is able to make wet chemistry on both medium and long and short hair. Meanwhile, soft and rather thin curls with a length slightly below the shoulders are considered ideal for this procedure. It is this hairstyle that will look the most attractive, and the effect of wet hair on it can last as long as possible.

The vertical curling procedure in beauty salons or hairdressing salons is divided into the following stages:

  • First, the master will wash your hair and, if necessary, trim you;
  • Then all the curls are carefully combed and divided into squares, starting from the back of the head. The edge of each square should roughly match the diameter of the bobbin being used. Most often, professional stylists use polymer or wooden cone-shaped bobbins with special holes for pulling strands;
  • Further, the strands are fixed with clamps;
  • Using a sponge, apply the chemical starting at the ends;
  • At the base of each bobbin, the strands are pulled into the holes, and then wound, starting from the roots;
  • The strands are fixed with gauze tape, abundantly moistened with a special chemical solution. The tape is wound in the same direction as the curls;
  • A rubber clamping ring is put on each bobbin;
  • In the next step, each strand is abundantly moistened with a chemical composition;
  • Then, the head is treated with steam using a special apparatus, washed and fixed with super-strong varnish.

How to make wet chemistry at home?

Of course, you will not be able to carry out the procedure of complex vertical curling with spiral curls, which will last on your hair for about 3 months. Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to achieve a slight effect of wet chemistry at home and refresh your image for a few days.

Before starting the procedure, try to treat your hair well with the help of various cosmetics - serums, masks, balms, and so on. In addition, you should not use dyes at least two weeks before wet chemistry. Immediately on the day of perm, wash your hair twice with ordinary laundry soap. It loosens the hair structure, thereby enhancing the possible effect.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a waterproof cape, for example, made of polyethylene;
  • special cone-shaped bobbins;
  • hairbrush or comb with fine teeth;
  • fixative and special compound for perm;
  • porcelain bowl, you can use any other non-metallic container;
  • a small sponge and 3 towels;
  • measuring capacity;
  • rubber gloves for applying dyes and other chemical compounds;
  • insulating cap;
  • table vinegar at a concentration of 6 or 9 percent.

You can carry out the procedure itself, guided by the following instructions:

  1. First of all, check to see if your perm will cause an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the solution to your wrist and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. In the event that the area of ​​the skin on which the agent is applied turns red, this drug cannot be used, you must choose another;
  2. Next, divide the wet curls into strands and wind them on bobbins, wrapping them around their axis;
  3. Lubricate your face with a generous amount of baby cream and wrap with a rolled towel. Wear protective gloves and a waterproof cape;
  4. Having carefully studied the instructions that came with the curler, dilute the composition in
    small capacity. After that, immediately apply it on the head with a sponge;
  5. Wrap your head in foil, and put on a warming cap on top;
  6. Wait as long as indicated in the instructions;
  7. Then, without removing the bobbins, thoroughly rinse the composition and apply the fixative. After 10 minutes, carefully remove the bobbins and leave your hair loose for another 5 minutes. Wash your hair thoroughly, after which it must be rinsed with a vinegar solution;
  8. On this day, you cannot dry your hair with a hairdryer, try to do without it. It is not recommended to wash your hair for the next three days.

Performing wet chemistry at home is a simple procedure, but it requires a certain amount of time and certain skills. However, if you can handle it, you will have a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle.

As you know, fashion very often moves in a vicious circle, only the details change. These trends apply to hairstyles as well. Recently, styling of the 80s has become fashionable under the name "wet hair effect". Its result looks truly unusual and interesting on curls of any length. It will be especially perfect in harmony with a flying summer chiffon dress, therefore, to create a romantically delicate image, this styling will suit lovely girls and ladies just right.

But in order to acquire a beautiful "flying" image, it is not necessary to visit stylists. You can also make a wet effect at home, using a minimum of time and, of course, special components.

Wet hair effect - photo, video

The attractiveness of this hairstyle is embodied in the fact that it is harmonious with all hair (with the exception of shaved heads). Any hair density, length, and structure is in the location of such styling. We invite you to see in the photo and video how the wet effect is perfect for any type of hair.

What does the "effect" look like on curls longer than the shoulder blades?

Long hair with carelessly hanging curled locks looks just gorgeous and amazing.

To make the effect of wet hair on long hair, use 2 options for reproducing hairstyles:

  1. With a hairdryer
    To do this, you need to choose a hair dryer with a "spatula" diffuser. A well-washed hair is smeared with gel, then lifting the ends, they work with a diffuser. It should be noted that the gel must be applied in parts, otherwise the product will dry out quickly.
  2. Using curlers
    Wrap damp hair on curlers, then apply a styling agent and go through a diffuser. Hair looks fuller without being as stiff to the touch.

How to achieve wet hair effect on medium length hair - photo

This type of styling is more difficult because the hair on the head and crown does not dry out as quickly as the ends. In this case, the roots can be slightly dried using the warm air of a hair dryer.

Home application procedure:

  1. After shampooing, without combing the hair, immediately apply a styling agent (the gel is pre-rubbed in the hand).
  2. The processed strands should be squeezed and lifted slightly upward.

So be sure to try this hairstyle for medium hair.

The highlight of "wet hair" on a bob haircut

If you proudly wear a bob hairstyle, then for a variety of your style, we recommend creating the effect of "wet" hair, which will give it a certain carelessness and light curls. Everything is as usual.

Take foam, mousse, or gel and distribute them on washed hair, squeezing your curls in your hands. Next, use a diffuser. A beautiful and airy hairstyle "wet hair effect" for short hair is ready.

Owners of an elongated square can try to make a "malvinka", stabbing part of the curls at the back. It looks no less amazing.

Perfect solution - wet effect on short curls

Short hair can also be a great springboard for all kinds of hairstyles and variations. Wet styling is no exception.

We start the procedure immediately after washing the hair, since short hair dries quickly. Then we follow these instructions:

  1. Without combing our hair, we tilt our head to the bottom.
  2. Rub a small amount of gel in the palm of your hand.
  3. Apply instantly to the entire head of hair, trying to press the ends to the edges so that they are slightly springy.
  4. Raising our head, we make a space where you please.
  5. Using a fine-toothed comb and a brush, style the hair on both sides of the parting as you like. If there is a bang, form it from the bottom up.

Wet chemistry effect

This hairstyle looks very gorgeous, because the curls are beautifully separated, shine and have a healthy look.

How to make wet chemistry for owners of medium-length curls?

A gel or mousse is applied to the moistened strands. Then they take a comb with far-set teeth and thoroughly comb the hair. As a result, curls will be highlighted, which can be formed in any order. Naturally curly strands are especially beautiful.

With short - do the same. Try to highlight the curls and curl them with your fingers. Then squeeze the curls into a fist and dry your hair.

Wet effect on straight (straight) hair in your home

Here you should proceed as in the case of a long head of hair.

Be sure to use the gel or mousse in parts, as you risk getting the effect of not wet, but unkempt and oily hair.

For lovers of the ponytail, we recommend applying a little fixative to the hair roots and ends - it will look great.

The effect of wet hair at home - video

Hairstyles with wet effect - photo

There are a number of different hairstyles for wet hair variations. Among them:

How to choose a product to create the effect of wet hair?

The choice of styling products should be based on their structure, length and hairstyle. The following components are distinguished to create the effect of wet curls:

  • foam (used for long hair, does not stick them together and perfectly forms curly curls);
  • gel (when using it, it is important not to overdo it, because the hair will look dirty; it is better to get a gel texturizer used by professionals);
  • wax (for short hair);
  • gelatin (a gel is prepared on its basis to prepare such a remedy to create the effect of wet hair, first pour 1 tbsp.spoon of powder with a glass of cold water, add lemon juice in an hour, put on a low heat and bring to the boil stage - an excellent fixative and vitamin hair cocktail);
  • varnish (for fixing curls at the end of styling).

As you can see, the effect of "wet" hair is beautiful, relaxed, airy, laconic and elegant. The main thing is not to overdo it with styling products and not often apply to blonde hair.

No matter how great you look, there comes a time when you want to change. A cool method to update your look is to do a new hairstyle. In order not to resort to drastic methods, the hairstyle is allowed to be done for a while.

You will need

  • - Hair styling products.


1. Wet chemistry creates the result of smooth curls, hair looks healthy and beautiful. They do wet chemistry in salons, using special curling agents and small curlers. Such a perm lasts up to 3 months. If long-term chemistry does not suit you, it is allowed to make the result of wet chemistry on your own, at home.

2. It is easier to achieve the desired result for those with medium length and thick hair. On wet strands, apply a gel or mousse with the result of wet hair. Comb them with a large-toothed comb. It turns out separate curls that you can shape as you want. This method is also perfect for curly hair.

3. If you have a short haircut, you will need a minimum of styling time. Apply a little styling product to clean, damp hair. Also apply the product to your hands. Use your fingers to separate a small curl and twist it. Do this with all the hair. Then squeeze the curls into a fist several times and release. You can also twist the temporal part and bangs, or you can smooth them.

4. Girls with long, straight hair will have a harder time than everyone. There are several methods for styling this hair. Apply gel or mousse to clean hair. Divide them into strands. Make a small bun out of the entire strand and secure with an elastic band. Or make flagella from any strand and also fasten. Wait 40-60 minutes. After that, loosen your hair and shake it slightly with your hands. Blow dry your hair, towel dry slightly and apply styling product. Lower your head down. Use your hand to squeeze and unclench your hair. Do this until you reach the desired outcome. This method is the longest, but the result is the best.

5. And the easiest method to get the result of wet chemistry is to apply gel to wet hair and dry it with a hairdryer with a diffuser.

Of the vast variety of types of perm, wet chemistry has the highest polarity due to the fact that it allows you to create the result of smooth and elastic curls of a hefty small size. Hairstyle after wet chemistry looks well-groomed and beautiful.

You will need

  • - Small curlers ("bones");
  • - hair styling products (varnish, mousse or foam with the result of wet hair);
  • - hairdryer.


1. Wash hair thoroughly using shampoo and hair conditioner.

2. On slightly damp hair, apply a wet result product.

3. Blow dry your hair, continuously modeling fine curls. To do this, squeeze the hair tightly in the palm of your hand, thereby shaping the hairstyle.

4. Make it wet chemistry v home conditions are also allowed using a hair dryer with a diffuser.

5. If you have a little time, then after washing your hair, roll your hair into small curlers. After removing them, apply the product with the result of wet hair and style with your hands, as if passing the curls between your fingers.

6. Wet chemistry in home conditions - a good option for those who do not want to ruin their hair or primitively do not want to wear the same hairstyle for a long time.

Useful advice
It will be very difficult for owners of thick and thick hair to make wet chemistry at home, because they are rapidly straightening, and the hairstyle completely loses its attractiveness. It is not recommended to do wet chemistry for those with thick hair, because this will make the curls seem even more grimy and unkempt.

Changing your hairstyle is a charming way to bring something new into your life. In this case, wet chemistry, or vertical perm, will be the best option. And if for some reason you do not want to visit the salon, it is allowed to do it at home ...

You will need

  • For wet chemistry, you will need special, cone-shaped bobbins, a waterproof cape, a comb with frequent teeth, a curling compound, a fixing agent, a bowl (better than a porcelain, in no way metal), a sponge, a measuring cylinder, protective gloves, three towels, a warming cap , cream, vinegar 6 or 9 percent.


1. Before everyone, make sure that your hair design and length are suitable for this type of curl. Wet chemistry is more suitable for long hair. Before curling, it is better not to dye your hair, and also to treat it. After that, choose a perm product that is prepared specifically for your hair, dry, thick or typical, and check for allergenicity. Apply a small number to your wrist, wait ten minutes. If the skin turns red, it's better to choose another remedy.

2. Wash your hair twice before curling. Secret: use laundry soap, it loosens the structure of the hair and makes it more receptive to makeup.

3. Divide the raw hair into strands according to the width of the bobbin and wind the hair around them, twisted, in turn, around its axis. Attention! With vertical chemistry, hair curls from the roots, not from the ends!

4. Lubricate the skin along the hairline with cream and wrap with a rolled towel. Then put on your cape and gloves.

5. Using the instructions, prepare the composition in a bowl, and quickly apply with a sponge to the hair with blotting movements. Later, cover your head with foil, and then with a warming cap. The holding time of the composition depends on your hair. Consequently, do not violate the instructions, so as not to burn them.

6. Later, after the allotted time has been kept, without removing the bobbins, wash off the composition with warm water, lather and apply the fixative with a clean sponge. Take 7-10 minutes, then carefully remove the bobbins and leave your hair for another 5 minutes to "rest".

7. Rinse hair and rinse with vinegar solution. Then apply a firming balm and dry your hair without a hairdryer. Try not to wash your head for 3 days. Wet chemistry is ready!

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Tip 4: How to get wet results on long hair

Wet long hair looks hefty attractive and erotic. Glittering strands, carelessly thrown back over the shoulders, evoke admiring gazes of men. This is successfully used by the creators of advertising and music videos. How to achieve effect wet hair? It is hefty uncomfortable to walk with truly wet hair every day, tea wet hair is extremely susceptible to mechanical damage and negative environmental influences. Fortunately, to achieve effect wet hair is allowed and on absolutely dry hair .

You will need

  • Special gel, spray or texturer. For hair damaged by frizz and discoloration, you will need a caring styling product.


1. Armed with the right tool, it is allowed to move on to styling. Consider how wet your hair should look. A hairstyle with a light moisture in the hair is in demand. Occasionally, it is enough to highlight only some strands, as if they had unwittingly got wet in a light rain. However, the strong result of wet hair looks pretty hefty on long, neat curls. Wash your hair in the usual way and dry your hair slightly without using a hair dryer.

2. Comb through your hair and apply styling product to individual strands or all of your hair. Shape and dry your hair naturally, without brushing it again.

3. Hairstyles with the result of wet hair resemble exotic beaches and distant islands, therefore shiny flowers and hairpins in the form of shells and leaves will become beautiful decorations.

4. Don't overdo it with your styling product; on the contrary, your hair will appear thick and grimy.

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Useful advice
Hairstyles with the result of wet hair resemble exotic beaches and distant islands, therefore glittering flowers and hairpins in the form of shells and leaves will become charming decorations.

When people want to change their lives, to bring something new into it, a change of hairstyle is often a hefty part of this new thing. In this case, vertical curling or wet chemistry is the best option. If you do not want to visit a salon for this procedure, then you can use the actual instructions that will help you do it at home.

You will need

  • Cone-shaped bobbins, comb with hefty dense teeth, waterproof cape, curling compound
  • porcelain bowl, fixing agent, sponge, protective gloves, graduated cylinder, three towels, cream, insulation cap, 9% vinegar solution


1. First of all, you need to make sure that your hair is suitable in length and structure for this type of chemistry. Wet curls are best for long hair. Before doing the chemistry, the hair should be strengthened, treated and the other day it should not be dyed. Later, you should choose exactly the curling product that is prepared specifically for your hair type (thick, typical or dry), and also check for allergic reactions. For the latter, apply a small amount to your wrist and wait for about ten minutes. If redness appears, it means that another remedy should be found.

2. Wash your hair with laundry soap twice before curling. This soap loosens the structure of the hair itself, which will greatly improve the result of curling.

3. Even raw hair must be divided into strands, approximately the same width as bobbins, on which it is then worth winding the hair, only it must be borne in mind that it is necessary to wind it not from the ends, but from the roots.

4. Lubricate your face with cream along the hairline, tie with a rolled towel. Later, put on a cape and put on gloves.

5. Now prepare the composition in a china bowl following the instructions. Sponge into hair using a blotting motion. After the hair is completely saturated with the product, cover it with a film and put on a cap. It is necessary to hold, depending on your hair, following the instructions.

6. After the required time has elapsed, rinse the product from your hair with warm water without removing the bobbins. The hair needs to be perfectly lather, and then apply the fixative with the support of a clean sponge. Wait 7-10 minutes, after which remove the bobbins and leave your hair to rest for another five minutes.

7. Wash your hair. After washing, rinse them with vinegar solution. Now you need to apply a firming balm to your head. Leave your hair to dry without a hairdryer. Try not to wash your hair for about 3 days.

Tip 6: How to do long-term styling yourself

Long-term styling is necessary to increase hair volume. This is an analogue of a perm; products with a similar composition are used for it. But long-term styling is more gentle and there are no sharp curls in it, as in a perm. The result of light curling and natural splendor of the hair is created. Hair becomes manageable and soft. In the process of preserving the styling, it is allowed to perform various miracles on the head. It is allowed to give the hair the result of "wet hair", it is allowed to straighten them altogether.


1. Long-term styling it is more cool to do on short and medium (approximately shoulder length) hair. In general, making it on your own is not so primitive. If styling is needed for 1-2 days, then this is easier. Now there is an excess of hair styling products on the market, when applied to hair, styling will last for 1-2 days. It is quite easy to style or curl your hair using these products and secure with varnish.

2. If you want to do styling, which will last for several weeks, or even months, here the order of actions is different. It takes about 1.5 hours. To begin with, all hair must be wound on small and medium curlers, alternating between them. This is done to create volume. Next, the hair should be moistened with a special solution with a neutral PH layer and the addition of herbal extracts, and the head should be wrapped in a towel for 30 minutes. Later, the composition should be washed off, the curlers should be removed and the hair should be wetted again with the composition.

Long-term hair styling at home. Long-term hair styling at home is becoming more and more famous among women leading an energetic lifestyle. The current pace of life sometimes does not allow paying attention to such a main part of the female image, that is, hair, sometimes even an appointment with a stylist does not help out, and who is a great pleasure to visit a beauty salon every day.

Useful advice
Long-term styling is a light chemical treatment of hair with special compositions using curlers of various shapes and thicknesses. It is recommended to do it on thin, stubborn strands. Having done carving, the hair will become wavy, voluminous and more luxuriant. The carving procedure can also be carried out at home. But first you need to prefer the type of styling, the one that depends on the length of the hair and the expected result.

A hairstyle with the result of wet hair can be great help when there is no time for difficult styling, but you need to look catchy and stylish. It doesn't take a lot of effort to create wet styling and the results are impressive.


1. Wash your hair and dry your hair slightly so that no water drips from it.

2. Apply a styling gel to your hair. It is also permissible to use wax in small quantities. Please note that gels are either easy to style or special for wet hair. Use the one that you like the most. Also focus on the degree of fixation.

3. Spread the gel through your hair. Help yourself with your hands, squeezing your hair, or primitively lightly brush your hair with a comb.

4. Start shaping your hairstyle based on your hair type and length. So if you have short hair, comb it smoothly over each head, or separate the bangs and tuck them to one side. If you have straight hair, iron it down and leave the ends free; the parting is more cool to do on the side. Or do a ponytail: over each head, comb the hair back smoothly and collect a ponytail at the base of the neck. If your hair is long and has a tendency to curl, easily leave it in its natural form, make a "malvinka" or use a hoop.

5. Try to stop in a timely manner. Too much gel will certainly weigh down your hair and make it hang ugly.

6. Blow dry your hair lightly. Do not turn on a powerful jet, so as not to destroy the design of the hairstyle. It is more cool to use a diffuser for these purposes in general.

7. Apply hairspray to your hair. Do not forget that with this type of styling, the hair should not be combed, on the contrary, the result will be lost.

8. Many fans of naturalism believe that it is not at all strictly necessary to use unnatural styling products to create the result of "wet hair". For example, they recommend using beer instead of gel, which makes the hair stiff and forces it to keep its shape. Concentrated sugar solution has similar properties. It is suggested to give shine with the help of lemon juice.

9. Also try making your own styling gel at home. To do this, dilute gelatin in half a glass of water, a third of a spoon and leave for three hours. Then bring to a boil and refrigerate. With the help of such a solution, the hair does not fit in the least crappy than with a purchased product.

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A rare woman is satisfied with the appearance that nature has awarded her. Brunettes lighten their hair, blondes dream of the image of a fatal oriental lady, owners of straight hair crave curls, curly ones dream of smooth hair like a mirror. Fortunately, the modern hairdressing industry has the power to help an entire woman achieve the desired look and feel special. A particularly famous procedure is the perm of the hair.

What is a perm?

Chemical, or permanent, perm is a hairdressing procedure, during which the hair is treated with a special composition that penetrates the hair structure and is wound on special cone-shaped wooden curlers, on the contrary, called bobbins. After the allotted time, the hair is washed, and a substance is applied to them, which fixes the result. Permanent, as usual, lasts for several months, allowing its owner to look great and not worry about the daily hair styling. Permanent curling was first known in the capital of Great Britain. On October 8, 1908, a hairdresser named Karl Ludwig Nessler presented his clients with a revolutionary new way of styling their hair.

Curl selection

If the first perm was made invariably identical, then today there is a wide scope for choice - huge curls, tight curls in the Afro genre, or maybe primitive feminine waves. There are also many formulations for a permanent of varying degrees of durability. When choosing the type of perm, focus on the shape of your face, the type and length of your hair, as well as the overall look. If you are not sure that you can explain in detail to the hairdresser what exactly you want, try to find a photo with a suitable hairstyle and show it to the hairdresser.

Types of curling

There are several main types of long-term hair styling. These are carving, root perm, partial perm and matrix perm. Carving, on the other hand, is called a gentle perm. Such styling lasts on average from 2 to eight weeks and does not grow back over time, but "progresses". Such a perm is suitable for those who like to change their image often, as well as for owners of thin and weak hair. Matrix perm has won a celebrity with the likelihood of creating elastic, distinct curls that will not flicker even on damaged hair. Styling lasts about ten weeks. Over time, curls will become less pronounced, waves will remain. Root curls are used to create volume in the root zone or correct an irregular hairline. As a result of this "chemistry" you will not have any curls or curls, but only volume from the roots and splendor of the hairstyle. Partial perm is used to texturize the hairstyle. Owners of long hair can wind only the lower part of the hairstyle, leaving the roots and the middle part straight, in the case of a short haircut, the permanent is done in the so-called "hat zone", leaving the temples and the lower part of the back of the head straight.

Long hair chemistry

Remember that long hair is already prone to dryness, and hostile influences such as perms can make them look brittle. Do not forget about the use of special cosmetics for hair care. Having long hair, choosing the type of chemical styling is not so primitive. The fact is that, despite the stability of the fixing composition, curls on long hair can disperse ahead of time under their own weight. For girls with long hair, carving is suitable. With his help, it is allowed to create a hairstyle from natural light curls or soft waves. The perfect solution would be a root perm, which will add volume to a long hairstyle. Owners of long hair are also allowed to try the option with partial curling, making curls at the ends. Most importantly, a classy master will not recommend a girl with long hair classical "chemistry". The result of it will be short-lived, and at the end of it you will have to say goodbye to the length.

Tip 9: How to Make Wet Hair Result at Home

It is allowed to create a hairstyle with the result of wet hair at home. To do this, you need to buy a special styling product and prepare a fairly strong hairdryer.

You will need

  • shampoo, gel or foam for hair styling, hairdryer


1. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry it a little with a terry towel. Hair must be slightly damp before styling. The shampoo should be chosen in accordance with your own needs, but to create a spectacular hairstyle, experts advise using those shampoos that contain components that allow you to slightly increase hair volume.

2. Apply a styling gel or foam to each hair length. In order to achieve maximum results, use only special styling products. With the help of traditional foam, it is allowed to form elastic curls, but the result of wet hair is much easier to achieve with the help of cosmetic products intentionally prepared for this purpose. The gel allows you to achieve more durable curls. With it, the hairstyle will last much longer. On the other hand, it can stick together the hair, therefore, care must be taken when using it. For medium length hair, a ball of foam the size of a small walnut is absolutely sufficient. The gel needs half as much.

3. Dry your hair with a hair dryer with a special diffuser. If possible, set the hair dryer to maximum power. The supply air should be quite hot. While styling, grab strands of hair with the diffuser and press them against your head. When creating such a styling, the main thing is that the air flow is directed from the ends of the hair to their roots. When styling your hair, hold the hairdryer in one hand, and with the other twist individual strands with bundles, crush them randomly. The result of wet hair suggests a rather erratic curl direction. Everything should look as unconventional as possible.

4. After styling is complete, smooth your hair with your fingers. It is impossible to comb them with a comb, because this can lead to the fact that the curls will be disbanded, and all efforts aimed at giving the hair a certain appearance will be in vain. If desired, pin the strands with hairpins or form a high hairstyle. You can decorate your hair with spectacular hairpins, headbands, but stylists believe that you should not overload the image in this case. This tighter styling is in itself a brilliant accent.

A hairstyle with wet hair will look great on medium length hair. Before making a similar styling, carefully consider your image.

Useful advice
Wash your hair before going to bed if you did your hair with wet hair in the morning. Gel and foam dry the hair, spoil it, therefore, at the first chance, the remnants of these products must be washed off.

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Useful advice
If you have a few straight curls that are difficult to style, use a curling iron.