No better than my friend like that. Best friend. You are my favorite vest

Social networks of today cannot be imagined without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You should not ignore people close in spirit, with whom the brightest events in life take place, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about the best friend with meaning will definitely come in handy for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about the best friend

The closest, like a relative, with whom you can consult, chat heart to heart and spend hours, like one minute, is worthy of the best words. Therefore, you can often see the statuses in "VK" about. If with your thoughts you want to convey emotions, the depth of feelings, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about a best friend with meaning for social networks will help you do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky: t You may not see them for years and months without talking to them, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your experiences with your best friend, it becomes easier, because the problem divided into two is already half.

Whenever I talk to my best friend, I feel like I’m sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all the nonsense from my lips will he simply say that he understands me very much.

An asterisk is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because with her it is always so interesting.

Only my best friend drinks with me from the same mug,

Boldly looks into the refrigerator

If I fall asleep, start the alarm.

Like a mother or a sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

Therefore, cherish your girlfriends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same thing. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with my best friend are so many memories that you have lived your whole life together.

When the soul is melancholy, worries torment terribly,

Then you need to meet with a girlfriend to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored

Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express a variety of emotions, presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about the best friend

For social media, many prefer to give credit to short word combinations. Therefore, statuses in "VK" about a best friend often consist of several words, because not always a lot of text is required to express feelings and emotions.

When I feel bad, I do not call the fire department or the ambulance, I dial my girlfriend's phone number.

Better than any psychologist is a girlfriend sitting side by side.

Best friends have souls like that. Therefore, you can listen without interruption.

I don't even send a real friend to the bathhouse, because I will worry, I know that for sure.

I do not believe those who speak badly about her. They just envy her that she has me.

Often times, meetings with a friend cancel all other events for the day.

And you, too, when you meet with a girlfriend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi?

When meeting with a friend, we have so many common topics of conversation that it does not matter at all the abrupt transition from one to another.

Thoughts transmitted even at a great distance are true friendship.

Best friend poems

Sometimes statuses about a best friend with meaning do not fit into several sentences, so only through poems you can express all emotions. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it's not at all scary if the statuses about the best friend with a meaning are long and long, the most important thing is that they carry the necessary meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I am glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is beautiful

Cheerful events are countless.

And although we are not close in blood,

We are very close to each other.

It's easy and free with you,

And in the noise and in the silence.

My best friend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist.

If there is joy in the soul,

Immediately with her I go to you,

Kohl sorrow and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear darling,

I love you very much.

Adventure with a girlfriend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. Therefore, funny statuses about a best friend are also very appropriate on social networks. Interesting ideas can be taken by the most daring and different. Only in this way funny statuses about the best friend will be noticed and qualitatively perceived.

Only walking with a friend, the next day, each one talks about another, with difficulty remembering herself.

After traveling with a girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​memories with conversations for an hour for each photo.

Sometimes the time spent with my best friend I remember only from photographs.

If you collect all the shots with your friend, you can create a story that is even bigger than War and Peace.

Not a single day spent with your best friend and a glass of wine is sad.

Fun moments with your best friend


With you, a sea of ​​memories that only we know.

It is a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every exit with you is like a zoo. we laugh like horses, make noise like parrots, and behave like monkeys.

Sometimes I am ashamed when we walk together along the street. Because we behave in such a way that people turn on us.

Express your emotions. Don't hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.

Someone in life was more fortunate, someone together. But if statuses about a friend with a meaning to tears are relevant for you, you can definitely consider yourself a happy girl.

You are my favorite vest

  1. Talking to your best friend heals the heart and heals the soul.
  2. You are able to notice that I am sad, even when we are at a noisy party.
  3. I can laugh out loud, but you can't fool you. You always know how it really is in my soul.
  4. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to always be my friend.
  5. I don't really like the word "girlfriend". Even less "girlfriend". I consider you a true faithful friend.
  6. She will say to her eyes that everything about me enrages her, but she will protect her from others, like a fury!
  7. A friend cannot be fooled by a fake smile.
  8. Best friend as a gift from heaven. She will never be like her again.
  9. There is no three-way female friendship. One will always be on the sidelines.
  10. Sometimes I forget that you are my friend, not my sister. For me, you are a dear person.
  11. I didn't know what female friendship was until you appeared in my life!
  12. The best of your qualities is honesty and lack of envy towards me!
  13. I can silently look into your eyes, and you will already say: "I think so too ...".
  14. I tell everyone that everything is fine with me and only you won't be able to lie ...
  15. Only my pillow and my girlfriend know how I'm doing.
  16. If you could get a lot, a lot of happiness, I would give it to you in its entirety!
  17. How wonderful that there is a like-minded person in my life!
  18. I can be scolded by my parents, criticized by my husband. And only you are always on my side!
  19. For female happiness, you need a girlfriend. Someone like you ...
  20. It's strange, our parents are different, but you are still my sister!
  21. You can endlessly look at how the fire burns, water flows ... and talk to your best friend.
  22. Knowing that I have problems, you forget about yours.
  23. You know more about me than my mother ...
  24. Even my crazy ideas ... you share!
  25. Your existence makes me better ...
  26. There are a lot of things to whom I will not tell anyone in the world. Only you ...
  27. Mom, Dad and my best friend are happy about my victories!
  28. To meet a soul mate in this world is a real miracle!
  29. You and I always have something to talk about and something to keep silent about.
  30. People in perfect combination - this is our tandem with my friend!
  31. Sometimes the best balm for the soul is a sincere laugh with your best friend.
  32. “It's great that we are both beauties,” I think when you and I are walking and men turn around after us.

Let them say that female friendship does not exist

Do you want to express everything that is in your soul? Present status to your friend, beautiful words will illuminate an ordinary weekday for her with a warm light.

  1. Meeting your best friend is like seeing your personal therapist.
  2. Sometimes we can quarrel, but even then we will continue to love each other.
  3. We are not sisters or even cousins. But you are not dearer in the world ...
  4. You are not alone in life when you don’t have a boyfriend, but if you don’t have a best friend.
  5. Every time you meet, you forget your problems, because you think mine are more important!
  6. Our friendship went through fire, water and copper pipes.
  7. It is not enough to be a good person. To have enough patience to endure me - that's what my friend is!
  8. In the whole ocean of betrayal, you are my safe haven ...
  9. You will not say the banal: "Everything will be fine, do not cry ...". Rather, it will sound from you: “Cut it, it will become easier! Let's break through, because you have me! "
  10. You are like a bra to me! Because you are always at your heart and support ...
  11. I can walk with you all day, then say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk on my mobile all the way back!
  12. There is no such stupidity in the world that you and I would not have thought of.
  13. You know all my secrets, so if you speak, I will have to kill you!
  14. I don't need to tell you anything. You can already see in my eyes what I have done ...
  15. Someday I will have to marry you, and at your wedding I will roar!
  16. You are my news service, alcoholic bar and personal psychotherapist all rolled into one!
  17. To everyone else, I answer that I'm doing fine. You always know how it really is.
  18. I have a proven cure for any depression! It's you!
  19. Loneliness is not a lack of love. Loneliness is not having a best friend.
  20. We may be far from each other, but I know: you think of me every day, as I do about you ...
  21. You know that my character is far from perfect, but you are still ready to bite my throat for me!
  22. We must be friends so that later your descendants will be friends!

Girls are such girls

There are black stripes in friendship, but this is not a reason to break with her. Let the status about her friend make her think to tears ...

  1. We were friends until I had something that you did not have ...
  2. The best friend is flint. She will never tell the guy your secrets.
  3. I will never take offense at you! Even if you say that I need to lose weight ...
  4. It is better to have one close associate than a serpentarium full of those who say nasty things behind their backs!
  5. We were friends together forever, we took vows to be for each other. A young man appeared on the horizon and that's it - my friend left me!
  6. My friend burst like a soap bubble ...
  7. The worst thing in the world will happen if my best friend becomes a dangerous enemy for me.
  8. So I would have cried into your vest, if one day she had not smelled the perfume of my beloved ...
  9. You can survive betrayal, but how to live on, realizing that there is no more friendship?
  10. Losing your boyfriend isn't as scary as losing your best friend. In his place will come another, her will forever remain unoccupied.
  11. The most important thing in female friendship is that someone who needs to be divided does not appear ...
  12. It's better to always be my friend. Because you know too much about me ...
  13. My friend seems to have expired ...
  14. We parted because you could easily overcome my sorrows, but could not survive my success.
  15. If a friend becomes an ex, gossip about you will now spread at lightning speed.
  16. You need to be friends with the one who will not reach out to your beloved.

Together we win!

There are so many words to express. Let the statuses about the best friend with a meaning long will help you to formulate what is in your soul.

  1. They say that girls are deliberately looking for ugly girlfriends in order to look better against their background. I will not say for everyone, but I consider my girlfriend the most beautiful and intelligent in the world!
  2. Champagne in the refrigerator, salad, sandwiches and fruits on the table. I wipe the wine glasses, getting ready to take my friend for tea ...
  3. With your energy you make my world spatial! If someday you decide to leave me, the earth for me at once will become flat as a pancake ...
  4. You don't care how I look, how much money I have in my wallet and what thoughts are in my head! Thank you for accepting any me!
  5. Finding out how a friend really treats you is easy. You need to find your other half and see how she reacts to it.
  6. The worst thing that can happen to me is the loss of a girlfriend. Even if the husband leaves, a replacement can be found, but no one can replace her!
  7. The most delicate moment in life is when you have to tell your friend that you are dating her ex-boyfriend ...
  8. We can fight 7 times a week. But if I need to be pulled out of the moral hole, you are always there.
  9. I can call you at night to cry. And in response to hear: "Wait, I can not speak!". And in 15 minutes you will call my door!
  10. When I get old, I want to be able to come to you and over a cup of tea remember everything that has united us for many years.
  11. When you have a boyfriend, see how your girlfriend reacts to it. Then you will understand the value of your friendship.
  12. How do I feel about you? The best evidence of this is the fact that I'm not afraid to leave you alone with my boyfriend.
  13. You can laugh with your childhood friend, or you can cry. Whatever happens, she will not betray or envy. I only want one thing - that fate never divorced us.
  14. You will always stand up for me in the company. And then you take it aside and quietly say that I was wrong.
  15. Only together with you can we walk down the street and laugh, not paying attention to the opinions of others.
  16. A friend is not like that, with whom you go to the club. Not the one that borrows money to paycheck. Not the one who cries at your wedding. Not the one who becomes your child's godmother. It's all together.

Friendship is not a gift, but a skill. You need to patiently work on yourself, moderate your weaknesses and shortcomings, and then you will definitely have a best friend!

The best friend is the one who will drop everything and rush to you just to listen to you and help you with her advice ... She will cry with you and you will feel better at once, if only because she listened to you ...

The best friend is a person who doesn't even need to tell anything, she can see from her eyes what you idiot have done ...

I don't care what kind of friend I have, the main thing is that she's mine.

Statuses about the best friend: I will give my girlfriend only into those hands that will love her more than me.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems, because she understands that yours are much more serious ...

It's just great: to have in your life a person whom you call in deep depression ... And you hang up with a crazy desire to live!

The best friend is the one, after correspondence with whom you constantly have to delete the message history ... :)

95% of people when asked by their friends: "How can I get my hair cut?" answer: "bald".

Women's friendship exists as long as the interests of women do not overlap.

How difficult it is without a real best friend ...

Don't have a hundred friends, but have their girlfriends!

No, well, you, of course, are a smarter girlfriend (no doubt), but I'm really prettier.

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Friends are those people who, in joy and in sorrow, are next to you! They do not betray, they do not offend. And friends are respected for that!

Always with fear I await my friend's phrase: "take a camera, I want a new ava."

A friend's photo is signed: "Me and a tree." Well, I would have written the truth already "I am a tree!"

How should one be disappointed in people .... to call a chainsaw "Friendship"?

Statuses about the best friend: Best friend ... if you were a boyfriend ... I would marry you

A real friend is like a bra - close to your heart and always supports!

We are cute ... Beautiful ... Happy ... We love chupa-chups ... Sometimes we cry at night ... We smile ... We laugh ... We are together ... We are friends ...

Today I found out that my friend is a very educated person ... She just has a huge vocabulary ... Forty minutes of mate winged me and never did it happen again!

The best friend is the one, after correspondence with whom you constantly have to delete your message history

I went to pick up a drunk friend from the guests ... Now we are sitting, waiting for us to be picked up.

Yesterday I took my soul away with my friend, today I can’t remember where ...

This best friend is the one who, having heard your call at 5 am, swearing, picks up the phone and says: “Yes, I'm listening to Bunny!

The best friend is the one with whom you walk and think "it's so good that we are both beauties"

The best friend is the one who enjoys your victories. The one who will put everything aside for you. The one that will tell you absolutely everything. The one who can afford to call at 2 am and say that she had a fight with a guy. The one who will be jealous of other girls.

The best friend is the one who says several times a day: "You are a fool ...", and then adds: "all in me! :)

The best friend is a person who will express into your eyes everything that enrages her in you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she will simply say in a hoarse voice "Sleep!" and hang up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet, I'm with a bottle! "

The best friend is the one, after correspondence with whom you constantly have to delete the message history ...

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, and the best friend is the one with whom you have been around all your life ...

Best friend status: Real friends are those who saw you without makeup and you were able to be yourself.

Best friends ... Never hold a grudge against each other, sometimes even your mother will not tell what a friend ...

Best friends are those who are too lazy to go to the first lesson, but they still meet before it, and hang out together.

Only the best friend can be sent, call her back and say: "Well, what? Are we going for a walk?"

The best friend is not the one that, when you broke up with your boyfriend, she tells you: You’ll find him better, but the one that calls your ex-boyfriend and tells him: You won’t find her better.

The best friend is not angry with you because of little things, does not take offense at trifles, does not notice your shortcomings ... But, nevertheless, you should not test her good attitude towards you for strength.

The best friend is the one to whom you can come without a call, forgetting the keys to the house, and know for sure that she is at home.

Forgetting your best friend is unrealistic when she lives 4 floors below. Although she did me a lot of bad things, I still crawl on her page in contact every day, I see how she lives without me ...

When all the girls are beautifully and stately standing with a glass of champagne, communicating with unfamiliar but profitable people, I fly around the club with a glass of whiskey in an embrace with my girlfriend.

When you are sad, you do not know what is happening to you, when you cannot trust anyone - there is your friend who will always understand and comfort you.

One day, when your friend hints that she no longer needs you, say thank you for her friendship and leave, because it will be better for both, take the first step if you really love her.

No matter what you say, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, taller, better, stronger, tastier, more nourishing ...

It seems to me that real friends are those who start to like the same guy, they do not become rivals, but on the contrary ...

A real friend sees your tears before they start dripping!

You don't kiss your beloved friend when you meet and don't call you a bunny, but you say stupid and wave your hand, and she still continues to love you, calling you a chicken.

How cool, my best friend gave me a regular bracelet, the same as hers. But for us these are not just bracelets, they are symbols of our friendship. And this is cool. Do not forget your friends ...

What difference does it make if there is female friendship, male friendship, or friendship between a man and a woman? It so happens that there is nothing without a person. It doesn't matter what gender or height you are. The closeness of souls, that's what happens. The rest doesn't matter.

A real friend is not a chick wiping your snot when a boy dumped you.

Status for a real friend: A real friend always scratches her nose or head when you have your nails painted!

Real friends do not compete with each other and do not envy, but help and sincerely rejoice for each other ...

For many women, experiencing love means discussing it with a friend.

For me, the most important thing is to be first of all a friend to myself - otherwise it is simply impossible to make friends with anyone else.

Only with a real friend can you walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, go out to the whole street to shout "bye, you fool", and then talk to her on your mobile all the way.

Two friends, one beautiful, the other the second. We are such friends - like water! Even more!!! Like panties and ass.

There are people with whom you enjoy every minute ...

According to statistics, 90% of girls who say: “Mom, I’ll spend the night with a friend today,” do not even go to bed.

A friend is a person who understands you at a glance, from half a glance, and when you say "he is a goat" immediately understands who you are talking about!

A friend is when she says the same thing for the third time in a day, and you don’t interrupt, because you understand that it’s important for her.

Status for a real friend: I am always waiting with fear for a friend's phrase: "take a camera, I want a new ava" ...

God!!! If you can't make me lose weight, make my friends get better.

Every time I look my friend in the eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

I'm not afraid to delete the entire message history with the boy, it will still be saved in the history with my best friend.

A friend always finds free time from work to meet with you, and a best friend will forget that she has a job at all.

I was normal, really. Until I met them, whom I call my friends.

In this article you will find interesting statuses about VK friends.

If you want to express feelings to your best and beloved friend, then you need words that will be gentle, pleasant and touching.

  • Although they say that female friendship does not exist, it still exists. Many girls find friends who are close in spirit, and such a strong friendship lasts with them until the end of their lives.
  • In this case, I want everyone to know about such an indestructible friendship between two girls, VK statuses will help to do this.
  • In this article you will find not only sincere, but also cool, beautiful words and words with meaning that will move the soul to tears.

Statuses about the best friend of VK: with meaning

Below you will find statuses about a friend - these are gentle words filled with meaning. They will talk about your friendship and how a friend can come to the rescue in difficult times, to comfort and support.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK: to tears

Such words will move your friend's soul to tears. These statuses will show that your friendship is even higher than the love of some still unfamiliar guy who confesses his love to you on VKontakte. You went through a lot with her and only she understands you like no one else.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Funny statuses about the best friend of VK

It's always nice to laugh with a friend. Immediately, the problems disappear somewhere and you forget the guy who offended. A friend is everything: laughter, joy in life, and a lot of positive emotions. So tell her about it using the funny VK status.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Cool statuses about the best friend of VK

Laugh with your friend about your new status, which you choose from the selection below. A friend is the person who will never take offense at your joke and will joke back. This one is so cool - laughing together at some kind of joke that seems silly to others.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Beautiful statuses about friendship and the best friend of VK

It is difficult to find beautiful and noble words on your own. But there is a way out if you want to put an interesting status about your close friend. We offer statuses that will help you express your best emotions.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Short statuses about the best friend of VK

Small statements can tell more about your soul than long texts. Short statuses will help express all the wonderful feelings you have regarding female friendship. This status is easy to remember, and you can not only put it on VK, but also show off with eloquence in a circle of acquaintances. Believe me, your friend will appreciate it.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK about betrayal

Unfortunately, not only good moments can be present among friends, but also betrayal. Naturally, a friend who has become a traitor is no longer a friend. It is not always possible to tell her everything to her face, since emotions are off the charts, but this can be done with the help of status.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Interesting quotes, statuses about the best friend of VK

You can't hide anything from your best friend, she sees everything without words. But still I want to tell her about something pleasant and express my friendly feelings. We do not kiss our beloved friend and do not call a bunny. A friend can say "dumb" to her friend and wave her hand at her, while the other still continues to love and calls her friend cute. This is real female friendship.

Statuses about the best friend of VK

Only your best friend can tell you in your eyes that she is angry, and in public will claim that you are the best person in the world. Only the best friend can protect from the offender in front of everyone, and then she will take aside and say: "What are you stupid?" We trust our best friend with the most valuable secrets. She deserves only all the best, so please her at least with a beautiful VKontakte status. Let her smile.

Video: About the friendship of friends.

Statuses about the best friend with meaning will definitely come in handy for expressing their feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit. short statuses about a friend with meaning can move you to tears, because they contain the most pleasant, gentle and affectionate words that you can pick up to describe a truly strong friendship.

Statuses about the best friend with meaning

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored. Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express a variety of emotions, presented below.

When talking to your best friend, it is very difficult to seem normal. Because, besides laughing endlessly over every word, We do nothing else.

There are never many friends, but there is a real one who never throws you

Best friends will never quarrel for life, and even if this happens, after a while they will reconcile again.

What is more important to you: your beloved boyfriend or your best friend?
- If a friend is the best, then she will understand that he is beloved.

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this psychopath, whom I call my best friend!

A sister cannot always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.

A friend is like a bra - always near the heart and supports.

Someone has love, relationships ... and I have a cool girlfriend

Your friend forgot about you and she got a boyfriend? Set the status “Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend ... "

Only with a real friend can you walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk to her on your mobile all the way.

Only a real friend can say to her face: "You piss me off." And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

Even if I post a photo with my girlfriend in contact, where we are sleepy, with a hangover, with a madhouse on our head, there will still be unique ones who will write in the comments: "You are such cuties."

Gathered together five girlfriends, and there is nothing to talk about. Because everyone has gathered.

There is no such stupidity that my friend and I would not have thought of

I'm waiting for my friends for tea, wiping glasses.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems, because she understands that yours are much more serious.

Only the closest and best friend can come straight to your home, calmly open your refrigerator, get a chocolate bar out of there and, turning, ask: "Will you?"

The best friend is a person who does not need to tell anything, she can see from her eyes what you idiot have done

A friend is the one who will always be with you in difficult times and, as always, in the most hilarious.

Are you the only one so crazy?
- She, I still have a friend.

The best friend is when you have such words, when you hear which you both start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like an idiot.

If you call a girl, and she does not pick up the phone, then most likely she is just dancing to the bell with her friend.

How not cool, but without a best friend, life is not life!

My friend is a miracle. I tell her: “Let's take a taxi !!!”. And she: "Let's get the champagne quicker!"

Quotes about best friend to tears with meaning

Quotes and sayings with meaning from the life of best friends. Statuses about strong female friendship and mutual understanding. Please write words of gratitude to your best friend to tears.

Only friends can be sent 100 times a day, laughing at their embarrassment, and they will not be offended, but will say: "Come on," and will laugh with you

Friendship is when you send a friend out on a date and then miss her all evening.

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center

A sister can be your best friend, which takes a lot of effort to get rid of.

I respect those men who are: faithful to the end to their wife! He gives his whole soul to his family, he was not devoted to another friend. Who today, as always, exalts everyone's wife above, and who asks God every day for health for his beloved!

The loneliest woman in the world is a woman who doesn't have a close friend.

My friend and I are so alike, one is sick, the other is shell-shocked.

Anyway, in childhood, we all wanted to live in the same big house with our best friend. Although I still want to.

Two girlfriends of one friend will always find a common language.

How am I doing? For everyone: "normal", for him: "the best." And only for the best friends: "Devkii, this is a kick-ass!"

When you feel bad, even your best friend will not help you as much as music!

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but are still friends with you.

They say the best friend is mom .. yeah right now, tell her. Dad's second girlfriend will already know everything in the morning.

You are my friend. You and I are friends. You are such a fool. Just like me.

It is not necessary to tell a man about your shortcomings, your friends will gladly do it!

The best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

Status about friendship of girlfriends with meaning in VK

A strong friendship is always filled with different events. It is the statuses about friendship with meaning that will help you reflect on your page all the emotions and feelings, all the joy that you experience from communicating with your close friends.

I'll give my friend in marriage! Already health is not enough to walk with her!

She is my best friend. She considers me slim, and I consider her a natural blonde.

Thank you for having me, even if you yourself don't really want to! You are an amazing friend.

Meet, this is my friend, we have been fools since childhood.

The most wonderful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person.

For women's tears, we need a pillow for women's holidays - flowers, but for me I need a girlfriend, as cool as you!

A girl can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a man with a handbag and walk home along a dark street alone, but she will go to the toilet with a friend.

That's why they are - friends. Swear, reconcile, and then, as usual, together forever.

I realized that I had grown up too late. Most of my girlfriends got married, my friends got married ...

Every time I look my friend in the eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

Better a few best friends. Than a chicken coop of suckers, smearing each other behind their backs

Appreciate your friend who has become like a sister. there are few of them.

You trusted her alone, she was your sister. And you swore an oath to each other - You cannot betray your girlfriend! But this is how a person is, cruel our current century. Your friend let you down, She divorced your boyfriend.

My girlfriend is like a sister, brother, mother, and a guy to me. And sometimes even a grumpy granny at the entrance.

The best friend will never ask why? She just goes to the store, buys, brings, opens and pours.

How good it is to have a daughter! Let her be a daddy exactly the same, but she is beautiful and smart, and this is my fault. We are with her as best friends! And every day I pray at night: "Thank you, Lord, for your daughter!"

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take aside and say that you were wrong!

I am always very worried when a friend does not pick up the phone, suddenly she was kidnapped and raped ... But I was not.

The best friend is the person with whom you walk down the street and laugh all over the area, and you don't care about the opinions of others, you and the two are fine

Girlfriend is the eighth wonder of the world

Every year I am convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

It's great when your man combines qualities such as husband, lover, earner, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel.

Women's happiness - bald girlfriends

The best statuses about girlfriends with meaning - cool words for a girlfriend

The best friends are distinguished by the ability to laugh at the mockery we have made against them, and it is unlikely that anyone else can be sent to hell with impunity and fun without ruining the relationship.

Scold your friend face to face, and praise - in public.

A woman for happiness does not need many friends, one is enough - bow-legged, cross-eyed and bald.

Take care of your best friends, close friends, it sucks when there is no one to go to the toilet with or just call while you go to the store.

Except in the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not tell your friend unpleasant things - let her enemies open their eyes to her - they will do it readily and much better than you.

Years go by, the head turns gray, wrinkles grow, and my friend and I like the same men!

Your best friend is your first enemy!

If you want to know the girl's flaws, praise her in front of your friends.

The best friend is the kind of person with whom you can quarrel, argue, but she will never be offended.

The best friend is the one you call and she has a busy one. And you freak out terribly, but it turns out that she called you.

A beautiful word - "girlfriend" - it has many qualities! A friend is more faithful than two friends! A friend has pride and honor! A friend will help with a problem, a friend will give valuable advice! With a friend, they decide topics in which there is no solution!

It infuriates terribly when you tell your friend about your problems, pour out your soul ... and she abruptly translates the topic into her troubles and you understand that she does not care.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you can't send to figs, because you have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she will get from there!

A friend is the one who saw you without makeup, but still considers you beautiful.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

A friend does not have to be perfect, it is enough that in difficult times she was there.

If you gained 5 kg again in a week, then your best friend advised you this diet.

Never leave your best friend alone with your boyfriend - it could end up in their wedding.

My friend and I have different parents, but we consider ourselves sisters.

A friend is the best person in life, she will support and understand, but if she offends it will be the most terrible pain!

A friend is the person who will never be offended by your joke and will always understand your sadness. Neighing with a friend is better than any medicine. You can laugh for hours at some stupid, in the opinion of others, joke, discuss statuses on social networks. For hours, you can talk to each other about your personal life.

New funny hilarious statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.