The use of shrimp with high cholesterol. How much cholesterol is in shrimp and can they be eaten? Do shrimp raise cholesterol?

Shrimp is a unique product from the point of view of nutritionists, it is high in protein and low in fat. What else is needed for those who want to have a healthy body and a beautiful figure? But the fame that arose not so long ago about shrimp as a seafood carrying “death under the shell”, due to the high content of cholesterol in them. This made lovers of delicacies think about the correctness of their culinary preferences. Shrimp and cholesterol, do gourmets who are not indifferent to their health have to give up such a delicious seafood?

The cholesterol content of shrimp is actually very high. However, it is this product that doctors recommend for the prevention and treatment of the heart and blood vessels. The explanation for this fact is that in the presence of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 that remove excess cholesterol from the body. Their main task is to have an anti-inflammatory effect aimed at joint disease, and to help treat many serious ailments (bronchial asthma, thrombosis, oncology).

The nutritional value of these crustaceans is invaluable, due to the presence in their composition of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements necessary to maintain a decent quality of life:

  • iodine - for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • selenium - to activate the immune system;
  • calcium - for the formation of a strong skeletal system;
  • B vitamins - to support the nervous system;
  • vitamins of group A - to improve vision;
  • vitamins of group E - to protect cells from the harmful effects of toxic and radioactive substances.

A powerful and unique antioxidant found in shrimp meat - the carotenoid astaxanthin, which gives it a red color when cooked, protects cells from aging, stress, and infections.

The benefits of shrimp for women on critical days make them a desirable product for the fair sex, not only based on taste, but also on medicinal properties. The amino acids contained in the delicacy stabilize the production of female hormones, reduce pain during the menstrual cycle, and help to cope with irritability and depression.

How much cholesterol is in shrimp

Cholesterol in shrimp is an indicator that can scare those who include this product in their diet menu. 100 grams of meat accounts for 160-200 mg of cholesterol with a daily human need of 300-500 mg. After red fish, these small crustaceans are leaders in cholesterol content.

In order not to deny yourself gastronomic pleasure, it is important to know which kind of cholesterol found in shrimp and what effect it has on the body.

Is it possible to eat shrimp with high cholesterol

It is possible to understand the harm or benefit of cholesterol-rich shrimp after determining the quality of the cholesterol that enters the human body with them. There are bad cholesterol in shrimp - low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and good - high-density lipoprotein (HDL). A bad one leads to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately threatens a person with a dangerous disease - atherosclerosis.

Eating shrimp raises good cholesterol levels in blood. That only improves the health of people with impaired lipid metabolism. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in seafood remove bad cholesterol, support the function of the brain and cardiovascular system, improve blood composition and protect the heart muscle.

How to cook and consume

The valuable properties of marine crustaceans are indispensable in dietary and clinical nutrition. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right way to prepare dishes from them. Preserving vitamins and minerals without losing their useful qualities is easiest when cooking. For complete readiness, only 3 minutes are enough, after which it can be used as an independent dish or added to salads, risotto, pasta. Without harm to health, people who control cholesterol levels can eat up to 500 g of shrimp meat in small portions per week.

Warning. A popular dish: shrimp fried in egg and flour batter will increase not only the calorie content of the product, but also the level of bad cholesterol, negating all the advantages of the delicacy.

Shrimps are familiar to many connoisseurs and lovers of seafood. But it is believed that the cholesterol in shrimp exceeds all acceptable levels. This opinion arose in the minds of consumers in the West 65 years ago. In those days, a special experiment was conducted, in which 18 people took part. They were given 300 g of crustaceans daily. As a result of these actions, the amount of cholesterol in the subjects increased significantly. But the growth was mainly due to good cholesterol. This meant that as a result of consuming shrimp, the risk of getting atherosclerosis in humans is reduced to almost zero.

cholesterol in seafood

The dangers of the meat of sea creatures were discussed at the end of the 20th century. Even bans were introduced on their use due to the highest level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). But after careful analysis and research, evidence has been provided that the cholesterol content in seafood is not at all what it can accumulate.

This cholesterol is simply not absorbed by the human body and does not threaten human health at all. Scientists from Australia have found that with a slight heat treatment of these creatures, astaxanthin is released, which is the strongest antioxidant. It is contained in the body of shrimp much more than in chicken meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. But there are quite a lot of useful substances in seafood. The most useful of them are astaxanthin, already familiar to us, as well as chitin. These substances help to absorb fats.

Cholesterol in certain doses is necessary for our body. He takes an active part in the structure of cells and in the transport of nutrients in human blood. Cholesterol helps synthesize vitamin D in the skin. Only LDL can lead to atherosclerosis, which is deposited in plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. Our body needs HDL (high density lipoprotein). It is involved in the synthesis of hormones, in the production of bile, in metabolism. Therefore, many doctors recommend eating shrimp. After all, they are still extremely rich in various macroelements, microelements and vitamins.

Shrimps and cholesterol: how much do they contain this substance, which we are often afraid of? Shrimps are among the highest cholesterol-containing living creatures among marine inhabitants. Each 100 g of meat contains up to 190 mg of cholesterol. But on the other hand, the minimum amount of fat in seafood is 2.2 g per 100 g of product.

Shellfish also contain a lot of protein, which is very easy to digest. Their meat contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. They support the functions of blood vessels and the heart in the body, normalize brain function. Shrimps contain vitamins A, B, C, E, they contain a lot of iron and copper, iodine and phosphorus, as well as selenium. Selenium and iodine stabilize thyroid function and boost immunity. Calcium strengthens bones.

How to cook and eat shrimp

Cholesterol is good and bad. Its quantity depends on the method of preparation and use of these crustaceans.

If you cook them in a batter of flour and eggs, fry everything in oil, then the amount of bad cholesterol will increase many times over. To benefit from the use of seafood, you need to know and follow a few rules for their use:

There is quite a lot of cholesterol in shrimp, but there is no reason to be afraid of an increase in lipid levels in the body. If used correctly, they will not cause any harm. Only people with heart disease and excess cholesterol levels in the liver and blood should be afraid. Their problems can lead to blockage of blood vessels, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis, the appearance of plaques in the blood vessels. It can even lead to stroke and heart attack. With high cholesterol, astaxanthin is very useful. It is 200-300 times more active than some vitamins.

What can be done so as not to increase the level of cholesterol in your own body? Doctors advise the following measures:

  • love fish and low-fat seafood;
  • less likely to eat shrimp and oysters;
  • cook them right;
  • a small amount of caviar will not hurt;
  • shrimp and alcohol - a fatal mixture for humans.

Conclusion on the topic

You can often find lists of foods high in cholesterol. It almost always has shrimp in it. The cholesterol content in shrimp is really high, but they contain negligible fat. This is evidence that eating them can increase the number of plaques in the vessels without any risk.

Cholesterol is needed by the body to build new cells, for the synthesis of vitamin D by the skin. It is also part of the nerve sheaths. With an excess of seafood, it can settle on the inner walls of the vessels. Cholesterol is good (HDL) and bad (LDL). In shrimp - good, which does no harm.

In recent years, seafood has been grown artificially with the addition of various chemicals to their feed. These creatures can cause some harm. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to its color. The crustaceans should have a reddish even hue. Their bodies must be kept moist. A dry body and white stripes on it are witnesses of a frozen product. A dark head is a sign of a low-quality product.

Shrimp and Cholesterol - Research

Due to the high cholesterol content of shrimp meat, in 2010 they were called "Death Under the Shell". Crustaceans were ranked among the foods that are strictly forbidden to use with hypercholesterolemia.

Scientists from the Rockefeller University conducted a study: does frequent consumption of shrimp meat really increase the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases.

A small group of people consumed crustaceans daily for 3 weeks. The analyzes performed showed that the amount of LDL increased by 7%, and HDL - by 12%, while triglycerides decreased by 13%. The ratio of low and high density lipoproteins, that is, decreased. Accordingly, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood vessels also became less.

This is due to the fact that seafood contains few saturated fatty acids, from which the liver synthesizes cholesterol. Therefore, when they are used, additional production of a dangerous sterol does not occur.

Indirect evidence of the safety of eating shrimp is the inhabitants of Japan. This country is a leader in the consumption of seafood. However, mortality from diseases of the heart and blood vessels is minimal here.

Nutritional value and health benefits

Shrimp is a tasty, healthy product that contains many valuable substances:

  • vitamins: B1, B2, B9, C, E, D;
  • trace elements: iodine, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper;
  • unsaturated fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6;
  • folic acid;
  • The carotenoid astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. Prevents premature aging of cells, protects them from stress, infections.

The effect of shrimp meat on the body:

  • strengthen the nervous system, increase immunity;
  • improve blood composition, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the risk of developing heart defects;
  • increase blood flow, remove bad cholesterol;
  • regular consumption of shellfish normalizes the work of the digestive tract, liver;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • favorably affect the endocrine system.

Shrimps are good for men. Contain aphrodisiacs, enhance sexual activity, testosterone production.


The use of seafood is contraindicated in children under 3 years old, people with hypersensitivity to protein can cause an allergic reaction.

Shrimp with high cholesterol is not recommended to eat more than 2-3 times a week. The first place among the main protein products should be occupied by fish.

Useful recipes for atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia

Due to the high cholesterol content, shrimp must be combined with low-fat foods, vegetables. The greatest benefit will bring green salads, cocktails with seafood. Dishes with mushrooms, pasta made from premium flour, bread, alcoholic beverages should not be consumed together.

How to cook shrimp properly

Crustaceans are best placed in boiling water, rather than boiled from the very beginning. Salt, spices, herbs are added directly to the pan. The shrimp themselves are cooked for no longer than 5 minutes, after which they must be removed from the stove, left for another 10-15 minutes. This method of cooking leaves the maximum amount of useful substances.

Seafood can be served on a lettuce leaf, sprinkled with lemon juice, or by preparing a dish according to one of the recipes given.

Shrimps with vegetables

Cut 1-2 small zucchini, 2 carrots, 1-2 bell peppers into strips. Peel or unpack the peeled shrimp (0.5 kg unpeeled or 250 g peeled). Mix chopped vegetables with a package of mini-corn, 200 g of green beans.

Pour the vegetable mixture into the wok pan with hot oil. Cook 5 minutes, stirring. Pour the purchased spicy-sweet sauce to the vegetables, stew the same amount more. Add seafood, keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Let the dish stand, serve.

Light snack in a glass

Boil, peel 10-15 king prawns. Wash half a bunch of lettuce leaves, tear with your hands. Wash, finely chop a small bunch of green onions. Peel the bell pepper, cut into strips or slices along with 2 tomatoes. Chop a small piece of chili pepper too, but very finely. Shrimp also chop, leaving 3-4 pieces to decorate glasses or bowls.

Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper to taste, arrange in glasses (kremanka). To prepare the sauce, take 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt, 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 1 teaspoon of ketchup, brown sugar, salt, black pepper. Beat the mixture with a blender, pour over the snack. Decorate the salad with shrimp and a couple of lemon wedges.

Avocado salad

400 g of Argentinean (or any large) shrimp, boil, peel. Tear 0.5 bunches of lettuce with your hands. Cut 0.5 medium bunch of arugula, pepper, 2 tomatoes. Peel the avocado, grate on a coarse grater (or chop very finely). Mix the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste, pour the salad with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Put on a plate, decorate.

Last updated: August 22, 2019

Many people know what benefits seafood has and what a beneficial effect it has on health. Regarding shrimp: not very long ago, they were not available to everyone and were a delicacy. However, today they are increasingly seen on the table. Of course, they do not belong to the main food products, but it would be useful to know if there are contraindications to their use, what are the useful and harmful qualities of the product. Cholesterol in shrimp, according to TV presenter Malysheva, “death under the shell”, is irrelevant today. The benefits of crustaceans will be determined by the method of preparation, and also depends on the amount of crustaceans consumed and the products eaten at the same time with them.

The amount of cholesterol in shrimp makes them leaders among other seafood in terms of the presence of a harmful substance.

You can conduct a comparative analysis of such seafood products:

  1. Squid contain about 85 mg of cholesterol in 100 grams.
  2. Black caviar - 350 mg per 100 grams.

It is worth considering that the low presence of concentrated fatty acids in crustaceans 200 mg. This indicates that they do not contribute to the generalization of cholesterol in the body. In addition, they refer to the storage of a number of useful elements:

  1. Omega-3 acids.
  2. Phosphorus.
  3. Potassium.
  4. Other vitamins.

It turns out that shrimp have a large number of useful properties, but what about the cholesterol present, which they have a lot of?

The presence of cholesterol in the product

If we consider that cholesterol in crustaceans is present on the border from 150 to 190 mg, then their too much consumption can lead to serious consequences for those patients who suffer from heart and vascular diseases. Accumulating, cholesterol can push to the formation of atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, cholelithiasis.

Theoretically, such high cholesterol limits in shrimp cross the product off the list of useful ones. The daily norm of the body in cholesterol should be from 300 to 500 mg. Moreover, in reality it is not so simple.

It turns out that crustaceans and other crustaceans are the first in terms of cholesterol saturation, but they contain a small amount of fat and EFA. As for crustaceans, this level can be from 1.7 to 2.2% or 90 kcal. Therefore, they cannot induce the integrity of low-quality cholesterol in the liver.

There are low density lipoprotein - LDL and high density lipoprotein - HDL.

The lack of LDL can be detrimental to health, because, remaining on the vascular walls, it slows down blood circulation, leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. But HDL does not allow them to form. And then a threat to the heart and vascular system can cause its lack, even if the total cholesterol is at a normal level.

According to studies, it was found that the total cholesterol index became 7% higher. Together with the increased saturation of LDL, the presence of an increased level of HDL was revealed, which was 12%. The volume of triglycerides, which are involved in the development of atherosclerotic plaques, decreased by 13%. Such indicators indicate that the threat of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.

In addition, with high cholesterol, the carotenoid - astaxanthin, which leads to reddening of crustaceans when cooked, is beneficial. Astaxanthin has a positive effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke. It also helps in the treatment of such ailments as:

  • psoriasis;
  • varicose veins;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis.

When the saturation of cholesterol is within the acceptable range, then a small portion of crustaceans can be allowed to be consumed 2 times for 7 days. With a high rate, their reception should be discussed with a specialist.

Restriction in taking the product

There were no medical contraindications to taking crustaceans. At the same time, they are not advised to eat for children who are not yet 3 years old. There is an assumption that shrimp is a strong allergen, but the inability to transfer the product on an individual basis is observed infrequently. This applies to protein, which is abundant in crustaceans.

The main symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  1. Eruptions on the skin.
  2. Swelling of the mouth.
  3. Runny nose.
  4. Inflammation of the larynx.
  5. Pain in the stomach.
  6. Headache.
  7. Vomit.
  8. Nausea.
  9. Irritability.
  10. Anaphylaxis.

The main reason why crustaceans are harmful is their poor quality. Seafood is able to absorb various toxins, so you need to carefully choose when buying.

You should not consume crustaceans that were grown in an unnatural way, because manufacturers often use chemical feed additives, antibiotics that accelerate their growth.

When buying crustaceans, you should look at the color. The color of the product should be uniformly pink. If the shell is dry, there are white stripes on the product, this indicates that it has been frozen. A dark head is a signal of its depravity, and you should not use such a seafood.

Squids and other types of seafood

Regarding crustaceans: squid does not contain a large amount of cholesterol, its saturation is 85 mg.

Composition of squid:

  • PUFA;
  • protein;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins C, PP, B 6.

They are also rich in turin. This substance helps to reduce the saturation of cholesterol in patients.

Cholesterol in squid is quite low. But the product is provided with potassium, which brings the heart muscle to normal work, in such an amount that the clams appeared as a balm for the heart, which ensures blood circulation.

Table of marine life with a low cholesterol index

Cholesterol in seafood of the highest level is inherent in cuttlefish - 280 mg, oyster - 175 mg. Fish species with low cholesterol saturation that live in rivers and seas have become the following:

  • haddock - 40 mg;
  • cod, pollock - 55 mg;
  • hake, chum salmon, salmon - 75 mg;
  • pink salmon, halibut - 60 mg;
  • herring, sprat - 50 - 90 mg.

In order not to increase cholesterol, doctors recommend adding the following marine products to everyone who follows a lipid-lowering diet:

  • love low-fat types of fish and seafood;
  • do not eat often oysters and shrimp;
  • sometimes consume a small amount of caviar.

Having agreed with the doctor, it is possible to add seafood to the diet for patients with moderate hypercholesterolemia. In this case, it is necessary to have an idea about their properties and know the norm.

How to cook and eat shrimp?

Patients who are forced to control cholesterol levels, a product that can increase its saturation, should be prepared correctly.

There are dishes where fatty ingredients or sauces are used, due to which all the usefulness of shrimp disappears. You need to know this, because the amount of good and bad cholesterol is present depends on the products with which the crustaceans are prepared. When combined with fatty components, low-quality cholesterol will be produced.

The following ingredients should not be combined with shrimp:

  • eggs;
  • butter;
  • pasta;
  • pastries.

It is not necessary to use mushrooms, meat, which are saturated with protein, at the same time as crustaceans. It is also unacceptable to drink beer, drinks with gases, tea and eat crustaceans. This is injurious to health.

One of the commonly used recipes for shrimp is cooking them in breading, which is made from eggs and flour, fried in oil. This method is unacceptable for patients with high cholesterol, and for those who monitor their health.

It is better to cook crustaceans. After all, by this method they are prepared quickly, with the preservation of useful properties and vitamins.

The combination of shrimp and cholesterol is not at all harmful to health. With proper cooking and taking boiled shrimp that does not increase cholesterol, following the recommendations of experts, you can not worry about problems with blood vessels.

Shrimp is a tasty and nutritious product that is considered a delicacy. I would not want to refuse such a delicacy, but many people are frightened by the fact: shrimp occupy the first place in their group of crustaceans in terms of cholesterol content. On average, it contains approximately 150 ml per 100 g of this product.

Is it a lot or a little? How much is needed for a healthy person? What are the consequences of eating shrimp?

The benefits of shrimp

Considering that the maximum daily human need for cholesterol is estimated at 300-500 mg and that it is contained not only in these seafood, it may seem that this delicacy is harmful to health. In fact, when calculating the level of cholesterol in the body, you need to remember that it can be both “good” and “bad”.

If “bad” cholesterol creates problems, accumulating in the vessels and leading to atherosclerosis and other diseases, then “good”, on the contrary, is a friend and helper of the human body and brings many benefits. Which one? This substance plays a role in the vital processes that constantly occur in the body.

"Good" cholesterol is involved in the construction of cells, synthesizes hormones, plays an important role in metabolism. Cholesterol is indispensable for the production of bile. This list could go on and on.

Therefore, this product, as well as other seafood, can and should be eaten, regardless of the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Shrimps are a storehouse of various macro- and microelements and vitamins. Shrimp contains:

The benefits of shrimp can be judged by the state of health of people who live on the coast and, naturally, have more opportunities to add seafood to their diet. In general, they feel noticeably better than those who do not have such an opportunity.

In addition, it is indicative that both athletes and people leading an active lifestyle constantly eat seafood. Thanks to this, their mood, memory, performance improves.

Features of eating shrimp

In order to cook your favorite dish well and preserve the beneficial substances contained in it as much as possible, you need to know little secrets. Shrimp are no exception. One of those secrets is moderation. A modest serving won't hurt anyone, regardless of cholesterol levels. The second secret, no less important, is a skillful combination with other products:

The above simple tips will help you get the most out of these wonderful crustaceans. Unfortunately, there may be harm, for example, in such cases:

But there are things you can do to reduce the harm done in such cases.

It is important to observe a balanced diet, in which the diet includes products of different chemical composition and properties, alternating with each other.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the importing country and choose the country where product quality is well controlled. Violation of storage rules is easy to notice the first time - there will be a lot of ice in the bag, the product will look sticky, lumpy.

Having become familiar with the possible harm from using these crustaceans, you can safely enjoy their great taste without worrying about cholesterol levels. For cooking, it is best to buy large fresh-frozen shrimp, cook them in boiling water for 5 minutes, add salt and fresh dill to taste, hold them in a saucepan for another 15-20 minutes, drain the water and serve.

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