Alice. Song Facts. Students, artists, officials and Alice: they wrote "Total dictation" in Russia Who wrote the collection alice

Fact no. 3740

In 1993, when the album of the group "Alisa" "Block Ada" was reissued on CDs, a discrepancy can be found on the insert to it. There was used a photograph taken much later than the time when the "Hell Block" was recorded. The image shows the "golden" composition of "Alisa" - Kinchev, Chumychkin, Shatalin, Samoilov, Korolev, Nefedov, formed by the beginning of 1990. And during the recording of "Block Hell" the group consisted of five people - Kinchev, Shatalin, Samoilov, Nefedov plus the founder of "Alisa" Kondratenko.

Fact no. 3741

During its almost thirty-year history, the "Alisa" group has recorded about twenty studio albums. Some music lovers attribute the releases "Krivozerkalye" and "Generation X", recorded in the "Dokinchevskiy" period, to the official discography of the band, that is, with vocalist Svyatoslav Zaderiy. But these albums are of interest only for collectors. And the name "Alice" has long been associated with Konstantin Kinchev. Therefore, the discography of the group starts from the album "Energy" - the first work of Kinchev as a part of "Alisa" as a full-fledged vocalist.

Fact no. 5086

Kinchev is the pseudonym of the musician. The real name of Konstantin is Panfilov.

Fact no. 5090

Although the film "The Burglar", in which Kinchev played the main role, to put it mildly, failed at the box office (only fifteenth place in 1987), not finding a response even among fans of Russian rock, at the international film festival in Sofia in 1987, the musician was recognized as the best actor at the end of the year. Moreover, at home on the cover of the magazine "Soviet Screen" his portrait turned out to be the title one.

Fact no. 5534

The first appearance of the daughters of Konstantin Kinchev Vera and Maria on television took place in their early childhood in the video for the song of the group "Alisa" "Moon Waltz". They can be seen at the end, they are two girls waiting to sail to the moon in a boat. By the end of the shooting day, they were very tired, along with the musicians and extras, as they worked all day while standing. Only the director and cameraman were not tired - he was sitting all day.

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Alice Song Facts. Ten popular

About the song Route E-95

About the song Route E-95

Fact no. 1654

Previously, the E-95 highway meant the road passing through Moscow and St. Petersburg.

At the time of writing this composition, the lead singer of the famous rock group, Konstantin Kinchev, lived in two cities at once and could not choose between the two capitals.

After a certain period of time, the European numbering of highways was changed, and at the moment this is the name of the highway that connects St. Petersburg, Pskov, Vitebsk, Gomel, Kiev, Odessa and Istanbul.

And the "E-95 Route" praised by Kinchev is now listed as the M10 or E105 route.

About the song Hey, you, there, on the other side

Fact no. 1064

In 1987, the Leningrad newspaper Smena accused the Alisa group of promoting fascism. From an article published in this newspaper by a certain Kokosov entitled "Alice" with side bangs "it followed that Kinchev shouted" Heil Hitler! " this process, which went down in the history of rock and roll as the "Kinchev case".

Poetess Margarita Pushkina, who actively participated in collecting signatures in defense of Kinchev, recalls: "For some reason, a fascist greeting was heard while singing the song" Hey, you, there, on the other side. "

Source: Dylan Troy, Victor Troegubov, Margarita Pushkina Aria: The Legend of the Dinosaur

The unusual speaker pronounced all intonations and accents correctly, and there were no problems with that. However, the difficulty was caused by the very first - the longest - sentence of text No. 2, which was written in Novosibirsk. The member of the expert council of the action had to repeat the second part of the proposal, since the majority of those gathered in the audience did not hear the phrase.

In Novosibirsk, on Saturday, a dictation could be written in a theater, a cinema, a museum, the Novosibirsk City Hall, a technopark, a biotechnopark, a hotel, a bar, and even at a Sunday school. Tolmachevo International Airport has become one of the main sites. Here the text was read by showman Andrey Bocharov. In total, 65 sites for more than eight thousand people were opened in Novosibirsk and the suburbs.

Cultural capital

In St. Petersburg, "Total Dictation" was held at almost 90 venues, including universities, schools, libraries, museums and social and cultural centers. The organizers expected about ten thousand people to take part in the action (in 2017 - 7.2 thousand).

On the site of the philological faculty of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, the text was read by the ex-director of the State Museum-Monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral" Nikolai Burov and musician Svetlana Surganova.

"This is a difficult text. I would have made a lot of mistakes if I wrote it," Surganova told reporters.

Burov called the text of "Total Dictation" difficult "only in terms of punctuation." He also noted that some of the participants in the process of writing asked for clarification about words that have not yet become obsolete, such as "naughty" or "platbands". "If such questions arise, this indicates that the vocabulary is slowly becoming scarce," said Burov.

We tell the story of writing "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass" - two of the most original books, originally intended for children.

In June 1862, a professor at Christ Church College, Oxford, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, in the company of the sisters and children of Dean Henry Liddell - Alice, Lorina and Edith - rode down the river on a boat. As Alice Liddell recalled: “ I think Alice's story begins on that summer day when the sun was so strong that we landed in a clearing, leaving the boat to hide in the shade. We settled down under a fresh haystack, where everyone began to ask: "Tell me something." This is how a delightful fairy tale was born».

Charles Lutwidge - a mathematician, author of books about Euclid, deacon and photographer (besides crumbs, Liddell also shot actresses of his time), had a fame of a closed type, but he got along with children. On that memorable walk, he began to tell the story of how the girl Alice fell underground and discovered a bizarre world. Gradually, the surreal story was overgrown with details, the White Rabbit, the Duchess, the Red Queen, the Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the March Hare appeared. Mathematician and literary scholar Dodgson included in the tale not only paradoxes from physics, logic, astronomy and mathematics, but also parodies of poems of the time and sketches from real life in the Victorian era.

The heroine falls into the ground on the birthday of Alice Liddell on May 4, 1862 (because the heroine is 7 years old). Wonderland is located somewhere in the center of the Earth, the author enters the territory of physical research. A conversation with Gorlitsa about Alice eating eggs is an example from logic. The thoughts that everything that happens to the girl is a dream, and the heroes of the fairy tale are insane, find a response in the author's diary: “ When we are asleep, and, as is often the case, vaguely aware of the attempt to wake up, do we not say and do things that would be insane in our waking state? Can we then define insanity as the inability to discern whether we are asleep or awake? The dream has its own world and is often as realistic as life itself.».

Sea of ​​Tears is inspired by one of the boat trips where he and the Liddell girls got wet to the skin. The wonderful garden resembles the one that grew up in Christ Church, where the sisters played, and Dodgson saw it from the window of his library. The story of the Duchess, the cook and the pepper is a reference to the tradition of the poor peasants to strongly pepper dishes in order to hide the taste of poor quality meat and vegetables. The Hatter, or Mad Hatter, may have been derived from a quirky Oxford furniture merchant who wore a tall top hat. And under the wise bird Dodo, whom Alice meets, the author himself is written out. He stuttered, so he pronounced the last name Do-Do-Dodgson.

Despite the declared paradoxes of science and linguistic riddles, the author is attentive to his readers. Nina Demurova, translator of Carroll's books (she is also the author) writes: “ Carroll never speaks to his readers from "the height of his position"; his Alice is a full-fledged "co-author", Carroll talks to her as an equal, proposing for her judgment and solution to many problems that baffle the thinkers of antiquity and his time. To understand the general tone of Carroll's authorial speech, it is important to keep in mind that Carroll belonged to those who, like Wordsworth, saw in childhood a special state not only of a given person, but also of humanity, a state to which, due to his special nature, much is open. what adults cannot understand or feel».

The first handwritten version of Alice's Adventures Underground, with 38 illustrations by Dodgson himself and a photograph of Alice Liddell, consisted of four chapters. It was presented to Alice with the subtitle: "A Christmas present for a dear girl in memory of a summer day" (in 1928 she sold the manuscript at auction for 15,400 pounds to get out of debt).

And three years later, in 1865. the first publication of a book called "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" appeared with the chapters added, there were 12 chapters in total. Instead of his name, Dodgson used the Latin transcription Carolus Ludovicus, translated into English, - Lewis Carroll. Artist John Tenniel was hired to draw the illustrations for the book, and he worked with Dodgson to design them.

The heroine was drawn not from Alice Liddell (who was dark and wore a square), but, presumably, from another young friend of the writer - blonde Mary Hilton Badcock. The prototype of the Duchess was the painting of the 16th century by Masseis "The Ugly Duchess", and the Hatter was partly drawn from the same furniture dealer Theophilius Carter. In total, 42 black and white illustrations were created for the book, which are considered classic, with them the book was published until 1907. Thereafter, 12 different artists created their own versions of the illustrations, including the first colored ones by Arthur Rackham. Later, even Salvador Dali will undertake to illustrate "Alice" (where there is surrealism, there is Dali).

In 1871, Dodgson would write a sequel to Through the Mirror and What Alice Found There. The action takes place there on November 4 (on the eve of Guy Fawkes' night, it is no coincidence that we are talking about a conspiracy), exactly six months after "Wonderland".

The plot involves chess rules, and Tweedledum and Tweedledum, Brandashmyg, Jabberwock, White Knight and White Queen were added to the Red Queen from the first book. The illustrations for the first edition of Through the Looking Glass were also drawn by John Tenniel.

Books about Alice's adventures brought the humble professor of mathematics unprecedented fame, but he did not like her. In his diary many years later, Dodgson will write that he can not stand the hype around him - people began to recognize "Lewis Carroll" on the street - so in vain he published his books. After the death of the writer, relatives destroyed most of his diaries and photographs. But Alice, seven-year-old Alice, remained in eternity.