Clerk's day - how it goes. International Day of the Secretary (Day of Professional Administrators) International Day of the Secretary in

A secretary is an employee, without whom no boss can imagine its activities. Handling a lot of paperwork, scheduling business meetings, and many other important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of one person.


Secretary Day is not an official holiday, which was created in 2005, thanks to an active group of secretaries from large cities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the entire team was supported by the magazine "[email protected]".

Interesting to know:

  1. In ancient Rome, "secretaries" were called confidants who kept secrets.
  2. Women secretaries appeared with the discovery of the typewriter in the 1880s, and even before the end of the First World War, men in this profession were extremely rare.
  3. Despite the fact that it is difficult to define the basis of the profession, it is believed that in Russia it is February 27, 1720. But, meanwhile, back in the 15th century there were people whose duties were to keep track of documents and keep records.
  4. We owe the education of the profession of personal secretary to Peter I, who elevated it to a separate rank in 1840, and secretaries began to work with the heads of the largest factories of that time.

In 1868, professional classes for secretaries were opened, which took place in Kharkov, and since 1884, 8 various publications devoted to secretarial affairs were published. Courses were popular where specialists shared their experience and improved their qualifications.

The position of secretary began to gain popularity in the 19th century, but this did not last long, and in 1925 secretaries were equated with messengers. The profession received a new round of popularity in the 70s of the 20th century. Today in the Russian Federation the secretary is a promising and popular profession, which numbers about a million representatives.


This profession was included in the top five popular professions around the world. Each state has its own Secretary Day, but there is also an international holiday.

Since secretaries spend their professional holiday at the workplace, on this day the authorities try not to overload them with work. Also, the secretaries are given various prizes and mementos, and in some companies the end of the working day is a festive banquet or buffet dedicated to all the secretaries of the company.

The important role of secretaries in organizing any serious business was thought about in the USA in 1952, when it was decided to encourage assistants, secretaries and assistants with a separate professional holiday. The new date was named Secretary's Day. But the biggest thanks from all the secretaries goes to Harry Clemphus. This American publicist was the first to push the idea forward.


Gradually, the tradition of honoring their secretaries has spread throughout the world, thus, in most developed countries, the International Day of the Secretary is celebrated. It is interesting that the holiday does not have a permanent registration in the calendar, therefore the secretaries celebrate this day on every last Wednesday of the full week of April. It sounds very confusing, so let's make it a little clear - 2019 World Secretary Day is celebrated on April 24th.

Secretary's week

In the year of the founding of the new holiday, the administrative week in the United States coincided with the first seven days of June and was called the Week of Secretaries, and if so, then Wednesday this week became known as the Day of the Secretary. The official association of secretaries volunteered to sponsor the new holiday, it turns out that there is such a thing in America. Well, later, in 1955, the holiday moved to April. The reason for this perturbation is unknown, but nevertheless, secretaries have been celebrating their holiday in April for 60 years. It is noteworthy that in 1981 they decided to slightly change the name of the holiday and renamed it the day of professional secretaries. And 20 years later, the name was changed again, and the holiday began to be called the day of administrative workers. By the way, the last name is closest to the essence and now you will understand why.

Army of secretaries

When the day of the secretary comes, it is celebrated not only by those who have “secretary” written in their work record book. Office managers, executive assistants, administrators, stenographers, and recently also cleaners, or as they insist to call themselves, cleaning managers, also have a full right to this holiday. The army of administrative workers is also being joined by specialists in charge of office work, deftly replacing their big bosses and sometimes making important decisions. They are also called the right hand.

Secretary 2.0

We are used to the word secretary for pretty women, mostly blondes, who are well versed in making coffee, cosmetics and the latest fashion trends. But this is not at all the case, today the secretary profession includes a lot of truly important knowledge that requires a lot of qualifications. Sometimes the success of the whole business depends on the professionalism of the secretary or assistant.

More than a chocolate bar

To get an appointment with an important person, they used to use a simple technique - they showered his secretary with some kind of sweetness, for example, a box of chocolates. Thus, the chances of getting into the office increased. Now everything happens exactly the opposite - the chef himself presents his own secretary with good gifts so that he would not accidentally let some adventurer or useless client visit him. A great opportunity to increase the motivation of your own secretary is to give him a good gift. Moreover, there will be a reason for this and it will come on April 24, 2019. True, in our country this can be done twice a year, because in addition to the World Secretary's Day, our country also celebrates the National Day of Administrative Workers. It occurs every third Friday in September.

Traditionally, in early September, residents of the Russian capital celebrate the birthday of their beloved city.

City Day in Moscow in 2019(or, in short,) in accordance with Law no.56 of 22 September 2004 may be appointed on the first or second Saturday of September, depending on the decision of the city authorities.

Earlier, the day of celebration of the Day of the Capital of Russia was always the first Saturday of September.

However, after the tragic events in Beslan in 2004, September 3 was designated as the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, and the memorable date may fall on Saturday as well. Holding festive events dedicated to Moscow Day at the same time as such a tragic date is, of course, unacceptable. Also, the first Saturday of autumn may coincide with September 1 (Knowledge Day), which remains a holiday and is an important date for residents of the Russian Federation. On September 1, many themed festive events are traditionally planned throughout Moscow, which should not be combined with events dedicated to the celebration of City Day in Moscow. In this regard, it was decided to officially secure the possibility of postponing the Moscow City Day to the second Saturday of September.

When is City Day in Moscow in 2019:

Due to the existing uncertainty (the fact that the date of the celebration can be set on both the first and second Saturday of September), residents and guests of the capital are interested in the question, when will Moscow Day be celebrated in 2019: September 7, 2019 or September 14, 2019.

Every year, at the beginning of July, an Order of the Moscow Government is issued, which determines what date the city will be in the capital of Russia.

Before its release, it can be assumed that Moscow Day 2019 will be celebrated on the first Saturday of September - September 7, 2019.

That is, City Day in Moscow in 2019 will be celebrated:
* September 7, 2019.

Traditionally, in early September, residents of the Russian capital celebrate the birthday of their beloved city.

City Day in Moscow in 2019(or, in short,) in accordance with Law no.56 of 22 September 2004 may be appointed on the first or second Saturday of September, depending on the decision of the city authorities.

Earlier, the day of celebration of the Day of the Capital of Russia was always the first Saturday of September.

However, after the tragic events in Beslan in 2004, September 3 was designated as the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, and the memorable date may fall on Saturday as well. Holding festive events dedicated to Moscow Day at the same time as such a tragic date is, of course, unacceptable. Also, the first Saturday of autumn may coincide with September 1 (Knowledge Day), which remains a holiday and is an important date for residents of the Russian Federation. On September 1, many themed festive events are traditionally planned throughout Moscow, which should not be combined with events dedicated to the celebration of City Day in Moscow. In this regard, it was decided to officially secure the possibility of postponing the Moscow City Day to the second Saturday of September.

When is City Day in Moscow in 2019:

Due to the existing uncertainty (the fact that the date of the celebration can be set on both the first and second Saturday of September), residents and guests of the capital are interested in the question, when will Moscow Day be celebrated in 2019: September 7, 2019 or September 14, 2019.

Every year, at the beginning of July, an Order of the Moscow Government is issued, which determines what date the city will be in the capital of Russia.

Before its release, it can be assumed that Moscow Day 2019 will be celebrated on the first Saturday of September - September 7, 2019.

That is, City Day in Moscow in 2019 will be celebrated:
* September 7, 2019.

The question among Russians about what holiday is today is very topical. After all, every new day is fraught with something unknown, since it is simply impossible to remember all the holidays, of which there are a huge number.

Today, April 26, 2017, is no exception in this regard. Today is celebrated the Day of participants in the elimination of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters, the International Day of the Secretary. In the church calendar - the Day of Remembrance of the Hieromartyr Artemon of Laodicea, presbyter, and in the national calendar today - Thomais Medunitsa.

What a holiday today, April 26: Day of participants in the elimination of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters, International Day of the Secretary

The tragic date April 26 appeared in the calendar of Russia for a reason - the Day of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters is dedicated to the Chernobyl accident. On April 4, 2012, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved amendments to the law "On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia." Earlier on April 26, our country celebrated the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters.

The most famous technogenic accident of our time happened on April 26, 1986, when an explosion occurred at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result, the reactor was completely destroyed, and a huge amount of radioactive substances got into the environment. The resulting cloud spread radionuclides over most of Europe and the Soviet Union.

In addition, today, April 26, is celebrated International Secretary Day(Secretary's Day), or more officially, the Day of Professional Administrative Workers, was first celebrated in the United States in 1952.

The holiday is celebrated annually on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. In 1952, "Administrative Week" fell in the first week of June and was called National Secretaries Week, and Wednesday this week was named National Secretaries Day.

Meanwhile, the secretary profession is one of the five most demanded in the world. Nowadays, administrative workers are not only secretaries, whose duties include only receiving phone calls and planning the chief's work schedule, they are highly qualified and experienced specialists on whom the success of the business largely depends.

What a church holiday today, 04/26/2017: Day of Remembrance of the Hieromartyr Artemon of Laodicea, presbyter

There is one holiday in the church calendar for April 26. Today the Hieromartyr Artemon of Laodicea, presbyter, is venerated. He was an elder in Laodicea and served in the temple for 77 years. Once he entered the temple of the goddess Artemis and destroyed all the idols that were there.

Then the ruler Patricius summoned Artemon, demanded the renunciation of Christ and for refusal ordered to throw him into boiling tar. When the saint remained unharmed in the tar, Patrick, not trusting the soldiers, rode up to the cauldron on horseback to make sure it contained tar, but by an invisible force he was thrown from the horse into the tar and died. The soldiers and people scattered.

He went to Asia Minor to preach and was truncated.

What a national holiday today, 04/26/2017: Fomaida Medunitsa

Today, April 26, according to the national calendar, Thomaida Medunitsa is celebrated. On this day, an older and experienced woman was sent for honey. For her own safety from a bear, which especially disliked women, in the forest she should have put on a sheepskin coat with wool outside.

Young sorrel was also collected that day, which was going to fresh spring salad.