Must do baby at 10 months. Breast rejection. Approximate daily routine of a ten-month-old baby

The age of your baby is approaching another round date - ten months is a serious and binding figure. The child is developing rapidly mentally, and parents need to be patient.

The age of your baby is approaching another round date - ten months is a serious and binding figure. The child is developing rapidly mentally, and parents need to be patient.

At this age, the baby shows interest in the whole world around him, which requires increased attention and care. It is now that future initiative, activity or a feeling of self-doubt and helplessness is emerging, therefore, manifestations of independence in any case cannot be suppressed, but must be skillfully directed in the right direction and encouraged.

What can a baby at 10 months

Your child is already crawling well, sits down on his own, sits and stands up, holding on to a support, steps along the support. Some babies are already trying to move away from the support, trying to keep their balance. The ability to stand upright is a real achievement that children are very proud of and it is absolutely necessary that parents also emotionally perceive their child's small victory.

Now gaming activity is emerging, first of all in girls: they feed the dolls, wash them, imitating their mother. There is a rapid speech development: the baby listens carefully to the speech of adults, understands some words and tries to reproduce combinations of sounds.

At the age of 10 months, the child has developed the following skills and abilities:

The ability to sit without support, crawl after a toy, get up, leaning on arms outstretched to him, walk near a support, holding on to it
knows his own name and responds to it, knows the names of loved ones, the names of surrounding objects, can show the named animals in the picture, show parts of his body, at the request of adults
understands and fulfills simple requests: "give", "go", etc.
repeats syllables and combinations of sounds after adults
uses in communication several "words" that are understandable situationally, at least 1-2 "words", for example: lala, mom, give
takes jokes addressed to him and laughs in response
sings songs
takes small objects with two fingers: thumb and forefinger and performs meaningful actions with them
rolls cars, pushes a ball, throws toys
plays the first musical instruments: drum, xylophone
trying to build with blocks
inserts or nests one object into another
can drink from a mug, use a spoon
shows interest and curiosity in other children, in their games
calmly relates to planting on a pot.

Physical development

After the ninth month, physical growth slows down a bit, now there is an emphasis on mastery of the body, control over movements. On average, in the tenth month, the child adds 400-450 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 cm. Thus, by the end of the 10th month, his weight is 9000 - 9500 g, and his height is about 70-75 cm.

There is nothing to worry about if the baby is gaining height or weight a little faster or slower, but you need to be wary if he is sharply knocked out of the normative corridor of height or weight.

Do not worry if you see a distinct difference between the motor development of children of this age. Some already walk, while others prefer to crawl. "Crawlers" should not be rushed, it's just more comfortable for them to crawl than to walk. They will go, just a little later. Some babies start walking at 15 months of age.


The daily regimen may vary individually: the time of feeding, falling asleep and the amount of sleep. Adjust to your baby, but be sure to stick to a consistent schedule. Feed and put to bed at the same time, breaking the usual regimen or a sliding schedule will only cause fatigue, whims and a bad mood.


Usually at the age of 10 months, babies sleep between 10 and 12 hours at night. And two more daytime sleeps of about 2 hours each. Calm babies sleep more, sounder, and when waking up, they can move away from sleep for a long time without showing activity. With hyperactive babies, the situation is exactly the opposite: they spend more energy, sleep less and much more restlessly, get tired faster and act up more often. In such cases, you can put the baby to bed an hour or two earlier.

Bathing before going to bed contributes to a calm long night's sleep, and during bathing - airing the room, then melodic lullabies and feeding - mother's presence, voice and milk will give pleasure to the baby, calm and act as a sleeping pill.


Despite the fact that now the child is interested at home, do not forget about daily walks. Being away from home is getting more and more exciting. The kid enjoys watching people, children, studying the world around him. Keep showing him new things: take him to the store with you, go with him to visit or to an entertainment center for the little ones.

In summer, fussing in the sandbox performs a huge development function. Usually there are many children in the sandbox and the kid can carefully study the general rules of the game, imitate and learn the simplest things: pour sand into a bucket, build castles, dig with a shovel, etc.

In summer, you can walk for a long time, optimally twice a day for 2 hours. In winter, the number and duration of walks is reduced. On a frosty day, you can go out for 30 minutes, this time will be enough for the apartment to ventilate, and the baby to breathe fresh air.


Breastfeeding is still the mainstay (as are artificial formulas), but by the end of the last decade of the first year, it is no longer able to provide adequate nutrition. Breast milk already lacks protein, potassium, copper, zinc and other substances, in the amount necessary for a grown baby. Therefore, the necessary substances are obtained from products that have been introduced up to 10 months.

There are practically no new products in the diet, the menu is expanding only due to new options for dishes from the already existing set. At the age of 10 months, the baby should eat meat every day and, if there is no diathesis, then lean boiled fish once a week. The daily required portion of these products is about 50 grams.

Feed your baby 4-5 times a day, alternate meals, offer a variety of vegetable purees, soups, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits that are not allergic.

The daily norm of food is approximately 1 liter, excluding breast milk. Perhaps the child will eat a little more or a little less than 200-250 grams at a time, it depends on individual physiological characteristics. Do not try to force-feed your baby or leave him unsatisfied, let your own sense of proportion develop.


Between 9 and 12 months, many babies no longer need to suckle, become more independent in everything, less stubborn and more relaxed about weaning than at a younger or older age. The decision to stop breastfeeding is easy for some women, while for others it causes great emotional hesitation. But, whenever weaning occurs, this event is always important for both the mother and the child, not only physically, but also emotionally, so take this step seriously.

Games and toys

At 10 months, for the full development of the child, the following toys are needed:

Toys on wheels: animals, cars that can be rolled
rubber and plastic balls
sets of jars, bowls and boxes with lids that can be taken out and folded, opened and closed
various pyramids with slip-on rings
musical and clockwork toys
rubber animals
dolls and soft toys.
Ordinary household items, dishes, clothes can sometimes act as toys: do not limit the child, take care only that the object and manipulations with it are safe.

Useful games and activities with a 10-month-old baby for the development of fine motor skills:

Shifting, pouring small items: beads, beans, cereals, pasta from one container to another
finger drawing: paints on paper, as well as drawing on sand, flour, small cereals
finger games, such as "Ladushki" or "Magpie-Crow"
games with ribbons, laces, knots
games in the sandbox with a spade, a rake, building castles, filling and games with molds.

Be sure to play together with the baby, show him a variety of actions with objects, encourage him to repeat after you, master more and more complex manipulations. Make sure that the child is surrounded by a variety of toys and objects: in size, color, shape, texture. A rich natural environment at this age contributes to the accelerated intellectual development of the baby.

Speech development

Develop your baby's speech in games. Name objects, images of animals, pronounce sounds that imitate the speech of animals. For example: "This is a mouse, it squeaks: wee-wee-wee." Such speech games contribute not only to the development of speech, but also speech hearing and memory. Over time, the baby will not only remember how the mouse "speaks", but will also be able to answer such a question himself.

Do not forget about reading books, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures. The kid can already show himself where the fish is drawn, and where the bird is. In his head there is an active process of connecting the image and the word. Listen to his babbling, encourage any attempts to speak.

Pay maximum attention to the safety of your baby

The kid already lacks a dedicated playground, it's time to actively develop the territory.Secure available space:

Buy fuse plugs for outlets
check what happens if the child pulls on the edge of the tablecloth or the wire from the floor lamp
play with small details only together, the rest of the time, make sure that no screws that can be quickly put into the mouth are in the way of the baby
watch out for sharp, cutting objects, do not leave them in sight, also do not leave hot porridge or a cup of tea within reach
keep medicines out of the reach of children
on the street as well as at home, pay attention to any sources of danger. Even in sandboxes, it is not uncommon to find glass fragments, debris or iron.

It’s a paradox, but the more independent the baby becomes, the more time it takes. If the baby only slept and ate for the first three months,now he is restless: crawls, reaches for any available surfaces and objects, opens all closets, takes out all their contents, pulls you by your clothes, constantly says something in his own way, requires games and attention. It is desirable that someone help you with the child and at least once a week free you from supervision and activities with him. The rhythm that the kids set is exhausting very quickly, do not allow the accumulation of irritation and, even more so, venting it on the crumbs.

10 months is a wonderful age! The kid becomes more energetic, the number of skills and abilities increases, and growth and weight slow down somewhat. The baby continues to actively explore the world, does not sit idle for a minute. He, as never before, is ready for new discoveries and achievements. So, what should a baby be able to do and how to find out the developmental norms of children at this age.

The main physiological features of a 10-month-old baby

Weight and height of boys and girls

At the age of ten months, babies become more active, so they do not gain weight as quickly as before. All babies are different and weigh differently. It all depends on gender, physique and other individual traits.

It is considered normal if the baby recovers by 400-500 grams per month. Approximate weight at 10 months:

  • boy - 9 kg;
  • girls - 8.5 kg.

The normal increase in growth per month is 1.5–2 cm. Approximate growth at 10 months:

  • boy - 73 cm;
  • girls - 72 cm.

Head and chest circumference

Monthly, not only the body weight and height of the baby are measured, but also the circumference of the head and chest. These measurements give an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the organism.

Parents can also independently control these parameters by regularly measuring the circumference of their child's head and chest and comparing the readings with previous figures.

Pediatricians pay special attention to the size of the head. Its increase indicates the growth of the brain, as well as the health of the baby as a whole.

You can measure the head by wrapping it with a soft centimeter, passing in front along the superciliary line, and behind - along the occiput.

Approximate head circumference for babies at 10 months is about 46 cm:

  • in boys - 46.6 cm;
  • for girls - 45.5 cm.

With proper development, by 10 months the circumference of the chest slightly exceeds the circumference of the head.

The measurement of the chest is carried out at the widest point: in front at the level of the nipples, behind at the level of the shoulder blades. The range of normal chest size, at this age, is 46-50 cm:

  • boys - 48.3;
  • girls - 47.3.

The above data for a ten-month-old baby are approximate. If your child's values ​​do not differ dramatically from those presented above, then do not worry. If the difference is significant, then you should consult your pediatrician.

Sleep and wakefulness at ten months

The baby, at this age, is very mobile. He moves all the time, unless he is sleeping. And it takes much less time to sleep. The norm is approximately 14 hours a day: at night - about 10 hours; during the day - twice for one and a half to two hours. Wake time increases to 9-10 hours a day. Intervals between daytime sleep reach 3-4.5 hours.

In any case, you should always focus on the well-being of the child. If he sleeps only once a day, but at the same time is active and cheerful, does not cry for no reason, then you should not worry. And if the child is lethargic, whiny, rubs his eyes, then it is necessary to reconsider his regime, perhaps your baby does not get enough sleep during the day or night. Remember, the main criterion is always child behavior!


According to the generally accepted standard, a baby's teeth should appear at a certain time and in a specific sequence. But these are all conventions and some deviations in any direction are not critical.

Usually, at the age of ten months, children already have four teeth, and maybe even six - the upper lateral incisors have erupted. However, do not worry if the cutting sequence does not match the pattern, this sometimes happens.

Skills and abilities of a child at 10 months

A ten-month-old baby is different in that every day he will surprise his parents with something new. He is rapidly approaching the next stage of his life, when he will start walking and talking, because his brain is progressing in development. A child, like a sponge, absorbs information about the world around it. And the list of what a child should be able to do at the age of ten months is quite extensive and varied.

Motor skills: what the baby should be able to do

  • Sitting position. The kid has already learned to sit down from different positions: on the stomach, back, side, on all fours. At the same time, he sits confidently, turning in different directions. In this position, it can stay for quite a long time, it occupies itself, examines something with curiosity.
  • Crawling or standing on all fours. The child crawls, easily copes with small obstacles, for example, climbs a small hill and descends from it. According to international development standards, a ten-month-old baby does not necessarily know how to crawl, but he should already try to get on all fours.
  • First steps with support. At 10 months, the baby is able to independently rise from the “sitting” position with the help of a support. For some time he can stand on his own two feet, holding on to stable objects with one hand. Then, perhaps, he will begin to take the first steps, for example, along the sofa. And over time, the baby will become bolder and learn to move around, supporting himself with one hand, holding a toy in the other.
  • The development of fine motor skills. The little one is already quite good at owning his hands. He learned to take small objects with two fingers: thumb and forefinger. He puts rings on the rod, tries to insert one object into another, rolls cars, shakes dolls. It is very important to ensure that the child uses both hands. The right hand is responsible for the development of the left hemisphere, and the left hand is responsible for the development of the right hemisphere.
  • Throwing items. Throwing objects becomes the baby’s favorite pastime, and all because the throwing movements at this age are already more dexterous and the child consciously, enjoying his skill, throws toys out of the crib or playpen.

Proper mental development

  • Communication skills. A ten-month-old baby is happy to communicate with the people around him. Responds to his name, understands some requests from adults and fulfills them. He speaks his own language and gets upset when he is not understood. The baby is learning to speak new syllables, yet without a meaningful purpose. And also he actively tries to imitate all the sounds that are pronounced by loved ones. Changes the volume of his voice and even tries to whisper. The emotional sphere is actively working: the child expresses surprise, joy, fear, resentment. He already understands when something is forbidden to him. Dr. Komarovsky advises to do this rarely, but firmly stand your ground.
  • Thinking. At the age of ten months, the developing processes of thinking are already noticeable. For example, the baby already knows in which box the toys are. Despite the fact that the baby prefers to destroy your buildings, now he is trying to do something himself: he stacks large cubes on top of each other, with the help of an adult he collects a pyramid. Some, already at this age, point with their fingers at the named objects, although this skill is fully formed by a little over a year.
  • Bilateral coordination. At 10 months, the child's bilateral coordination is already quite well developed. And if you show him how to knock objects together, then he will be able to repeat it. If something didn’t work out for the baby, it is necessary to show the “battle of cubes” again.
  • Copy actions. You can watch how children copy some of the actions of adults, for example, talking on the phone, washing the floor, shaking their fingers, etc.

emotional development

  • Distrustful attitude towards strangers and new places. Wariness towards strangers began to show up earlier. But now children can show sympathy for someone, and be very afraid of someone. In a new place, for some time, they behave cautiously. They don’t get off their mother’s hands until they get used to it.
  • Sense of humor. An interesting feature of a ten-month-old baby is the first manifestations of humor. In response to your jokes, the baby can laugh contagiously.
  • Attachment to certain activities and things. Already at this age, the child has favorite or, on the contrary, unpleasant activities for him. For example, he may be happy to take water procedures and be very upset when he is put to bed. And there may also be attachment to certain objects. The baby may cry if his favorite toy is not put in the crib with him.

social skills

  • Learns good manners. Now is the time to teach your child good manners. It is necessary to master the possession of cutlery, the age has come when the child must eat from a spoon, drink from a small cup or drinking bowl. And also at this age it's time to put the baby on the potty, your child already understands what he is needed for.
  • Fulfills orders. The kid already knows how to carry out some tasks, for example, he gives you a toy at the request or brings some thing at the request.
  • Able to occupy himself for a short time. The child grows up and for some time is able to play independently: shift something from place to place, assemble a pyramid, etc.
  • Enjoys playing with children. Being at a party or in a children's clinic, that is, where there are children, the baby begins to communicate and play with other children, including peers, with pleasure. But since he has not yet had such an experience, it is necessary to help him, for example, so that the child does not take away other people's toys, it is necessary to show that you can offer to exchange with your own for a while.
  • Gets rid of "bad" habits. This concerns, first of all, nipples. A 10-month-old baby has a lot of interesting activities, so he often forgets about the pacifier and weaning the baby from it is much easier.

It is always worth remembering that not all children develop in the same way. Some abilities appear earlier, some later. There is no need to panic if your baby still does not know how. The task of parents is to regularly visit the necessary specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, etc.) and in a playful way, as well as by their own example to help the formation of skills and abilities.

Baby care

We create safe conditions

It is important to create a safe environment for the movement of the baby at home. It is necessary to hide objects that can cause harm. All hanging wires must be removed, sockets closed with special plugs, and sharp corners hidden under the overlays intended for this.

Ten-month-old babies still spend a lot of time on the floor and put everything in their mouths. Therefore, it is necessary to vacuum regularly so that there are no small debris left and do wet cleaning.

Daily hygiene procedures

Child hygiene is a necessary, daily stage of infant care. After the baby woke up in the morning, he needs to wash his face, clean his nose, and wash. All this must be done in a playful way so that the child remains in a good mood.

At 10 months, we continue to massage the child every day, after the morning toilet, before breakfast. Or, as pediatrician Komarovsky recommends, before bathing. Don't forget gymnastics. In terms of time, everything together lasts about 20-30 minutes (10-15 minutes for each procedure). Strict sequence: first massage, then gymnastics and bathing. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky characterizes gymnastics as non-violent attempts to bend everything that bends. And at the age of ten months, it can be turned into exercises. After all, the child will already be able to repeat many exercises with pleasure after you. Charging is usually done in the morning, before breakfast.

During the day, the child is regularly planted on the potty, usually this is done after meals. When the baby does everything necessary, you need to show him what he did and praise him. The main thing is that the baby does not have a dislike for the potty.

Bathing the baby in the evenings is still necessary daily. Very often, children no longer want to just sit in the bathroom, but try to get up. There is nothing wrong with that. Support the baby so that he does not fall, make sure that the bathroom is warm and try to get the baby to play while sitting in the water too.

We teach proper nutrition

At 10 months, it is necessary to feed the baby with breast milk or formula twice a day: in the early morning and before bedtime. The rest of the meals for the crumbs are similar to adults - these are soups, main dishes, juice, meat, vegetables, fruits. Naturally, everything should be boiled or steamed. Feeding the baby is necessary only with a spoon. To work out the chewing reflex, products such as crackers and cookies are needed.


In the fresh air, the child should spend as much time as possible, preferably at least two hours a day, weather permitting. In addition, playing outside has a positive effect on the development of the baby. With regard to weather conditions, it is necessary to dress the child so that he does not get cold or get heat stroke.

How to develop a baby more and what you need to teach

We develop by playing

10 months is the age when a child develops through play. During the game, he develops various skills and abilities. And parents can help in this by involving the child in one activity or another.

Let's start with the elementary, children at this age love to be on the street. There are so many interesting things there. It broadens his horizons. It is there that the baby can communicate even with strangers. This is how his first communication skills develop. And walking on playgrounds, the child learns to communicate with peers. If the weather permits, you can tinker in the sandbox. Such games develop fine motor skills, which means they help the formation of speech. The main thing is that the baby is supervised, does not drag sand into his mouth, does not rub his eyes with dirty hands.

It is also useful for fine motor skills to pour or shift various objects: buttons, beads, pebbles, nuts, etc. You can use empty plastic bottles or cream jars to open the lids on them. And you can draw with your fingers on the sand or on small grains. Finger games with rhymes, for example, "Magpie-Crow" also contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

On dolls or soft toys it is very good to study body parts. And by showing birds and animals in pictures, you can learn what sounds they make.

It is very useful to play scenes from life. Leaving the room, wave the baby with a pen, say: “Bye, bye!”. After a while, the baby will wave back at you. Entering the room, you can say: “Hello!”, And stretching out your hand to him to shake his hand. You can ask to bring any object and if the child has fulfilled your request, tell him: "Thank you."

It is very important, during the game, not to "lisp" with the child, but to talk like with an adult.

In general, games for ten-month-old boys and girls are not very different yet. And therefore it is very important not to limit the boy to cars, but the girl to dolls. The child should use a variety of toys to play. This is how the full development of the baby takes place.

Do not forget about the physical development of the child. Encourage him to be active. Kick the ball with your foot, while sitting throw it with your hands, roll cars, teach your child to climb onto the sofa and then carefully get off it.

There is no specific list of activities and games for toddlers. There is a fantasy and desire of parents to contribute to the formation of skills in their beloved child.

The assortment of toys in stores is so large that parents are lost in this variety. Here's what will surely come in handy for the crumbs:

  • Pyramid with large rings.
  • Slotted toys.
  • Clockwork toys.
  • Rolling toys.
  • Dolls and baby dolls.
  • Boxes with lids and small household items.
  • Various cars and locomotives.
  • Xylophone, drum and other musical instruments.
  • Doll utensils.
  • Plastic and wooden cubes, a large building set.
  • Insert toys on wooden boards with handles.
  • Rubber and plastic animals, fridge magnets.
  • Matryoshka and cups-liners.
  • Bright books with cardboard pages.
  • Bath toys (dishes, sprinklers, rubber animals, watering can and bucket).

Komarovsky about what to do with a ten-month-old baby

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky believes that ten-month-old children need variety. Even if they have a lot of different wonderful and useful toys at home, kids must be out of the house for some time. Traveling in a car, using public transport, shopping in a store, a visit to visit - all this is very important for the development of the baby.
By this age, children's games become more and more conscious, so it's great if parents can play with their child as often as possible. It is necessary that not only the mother spends a lot of time with the baby, but the father must also fiddle with him, because fathers and mothers have different methods of communication and games. Dads are more noisy and contribute to the physical development of the child, and mothers contribute to the intellectual. The child needs those and other games.

Komarovsky on development and education

A popular pediatrician always emphasizes that a happy child is a healthy child. Therefore, the main direction in education should be the physical health of the crumbs.

And not one, even the most wonderful doctor, will make the child healthy. This is the responsibility of parents who do not need to wrap, overfeed, pamper him.

Creating a safe environment for the baby, regular walks, following the regime are the main components in raising a healthy child.

Dr. Komarovsky also focuses on the fact that from birth, parents should surround the child with warmth and love. That is, a prosperous psychological climate in the family, harmony in relations between dad and mom just lay a solid foundation for raising a baby. The main thing is not to “overdo it” and not to spoil the child.

Video about the development of a child at 10 months

Each stage in the life of a child is an important period for its development. And what he will become in the future largely depends on the conditions that his parents will create for him. Remember that in an atmosphere of love, framed by parental demands, children live happier and develop better.

Have you already removed all dangerous items from the lower shelves? Are sockets and sharp corners covered with plugs? Have you purchased locks for drawers and cabinet doors? Now take a closer look at your home. Since the development of a child at 10 months encourages him to go on a familiar route every day, sweeping away everything in this interesting path.

The baby is still incredibly attached to his mother, but curiosity requires him to leave his beloved hands and go to explore everything that is around. This allows you to plan household chores for the crumbs while you are awake and even leave him alone in the room for a couple of minutes. But this is only possible when your home is completely safe.

Development features

If the baby mastered crawling a month ago, now he is improving his main skill of knowing the world. The speed of movement around the apartment resembles the flight of a meteor. Creeping up to the barrier, the baby can already rest against it with its handles, stand a little and walk along it. A favorite place for “walks” is the sofa, along which some crumbs can walk indefinitely. Especially active ones make attempts to climb onto the sofa, throw up their legs. If you push the baby a little, he will overcome the top and will be very happy. But you also be prepared that now it will become your favorite entertainment for a long time. At the same time, he still does not know how to go down, the child will master such a skill not earlier.

Complementary foods already include many products, among them there are also solid ones, for example, apples, carrots, drying. It is more difficult if the child is 10 months old and has no teeth, which excludes the introduction of hard food. We hope that you have already visited the consultation of a pediatrician, endocrinologist and dentist. And if everything is fine, just wait calmly: the teeth will definitely erupt.

The sleep of a child at 10 months usually does not change the previously selected regimen. It is extremely rare for babies to have one daytime sleep, because by the evening they become capricious, go to bed earlier than usual, and, accordingly, wake up earlier in the morning. It is ideal to maintain a two-time rest during the day for about 1.5 hours, and of course, a full, long sleep at night.

There is an activation of the growth of the child at 10 months, which stopped slightly earlier. Weight is also gaining well, because in addition to complementary foods, which include hearty porridge, vegetables and meat, the child continues to receive breast milk. And many still cannot fall asleep without sissy, making a kind of ritual out of this. The norms of height and weight of a child at 10 months, see the table below.

Core Skills

The development of a ten-month-old baby allows him to overcome obstacles, crawling, or not to crawl at all, but immediately stand on his feet in an attempt to walk. All this is the norm. And it is no longer worth trying to introduce the baby to crawling, if this has not been done before. The skills of a child at 10 months are manifested in his active socialization. So baby:

  • Listens carefully to the speech of adults, copies words and sounds. He can already pronounce syllables and words from the same syllables. It is especially important that the child understands the meaning of these words, associates the names of objects with them, realizes that mother is mother, understands when he is called by name.
  • Copies gestures, facial expressions, actions of adults- the baby is at the stage of imitation, and this should always be remembered. Any fleeting gesture can interest him so much that you will not be able to wean the baby from him for a long time. But this is a big plus, as it significantly expands the possibilities of what a child should be able to do at 10 months. Show him that you can carry a horse by a rope or rock a bear in a crib, and he will pick up the game. At the same time, the baby will not just carry a truck by the rope or swing another toy until you demonstrate this possibility.
  • More interested in small things than big ones- on the one hand, this allows the baby to develop fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the mental development of a 10-month-old baby. On the other hand, it poses a danger that the baby will swallow the object, put it in the nose or ear. Therefore, using something small in games, do not take your eyes off the child, and choose large toys for independent entertainment.
  • Shows interest in children- of course, it is still very early to send the baby to kindergarten, despite the keen interest in the team. But walks on the playground will be interesting and useful for him.

Games and activities with the baby

Classes with a 10-month-old baby will help teach him to take care of himself as early as possible. It is ideal to demonstrate useful skills on dolls, toys, for example, wash them together, comb them, put them to bed. Be sure to say what and why you are doing, help the baby comb the doll's hair or put her to bed. Praise him for every achievement, even the smallest, as this gives him confidence in his abilities.

A ten-month-old child can crawl, walk, holding hands, understands and fulfills the requests of adults, and speaks the first words. The child becomes more independent, he can occupy himself, carried away by toys. Now in the games of the baby, the participation of an adult is not necessary. A ten-month-old child may be left without a mother for a short time.

  • At 10 months, the child has perfectly mastered the skills of crawling on a flat surface. He moves quickly on all fours, easily turns over in all directions, sits down and sits, keeping his balance, without support. The child can lie on his side, resting on one hand, while holding the toy with the other.
  • The child should be able to stand near the support, keeping balance well. If the baby is occupied with both hands with toys, the child will be able to stand for several seconds without holding on to anything, and then sink to the floor.
  • The child can walk near the support. The child loves to look at the contents of the lower shelves of cabinets and throw things that he can reach with his hands onto the floor.
  • At the tenth month of life, the child learns to climb stairs. It can climb the Swedish wall, firmly clinging to the crossbars with its hands.
  • You can teach your baby to get off the couch - just turn him with his feet to the edge and show how to get them off the couch. The child will quickly learn the lesson and will do it on their own.
  • The child can chew solid food, eat, holding a piece of bread or an apple in his hand and bite off pieces of it.

The development of fine motor skills of a child at 10 months

The child takes small objects, grabbing them with two fingers. You can train this skill by collecting beans in a cup with your baby, or by shifting buttons, etc. Cut fruit into small pieces for your baby, and the child will take food with his fingers and eat on his own.

A ten-month-old child knows how and loves to tear paper into pieces. This skill can be used in educational games with the baby. For example, tearing colored napkins and sticking them on paper is the first application.

The kid can draw with his hands. Use finger paints (they are easier to wash off and wash off). The child can smear paint on paper with both fingers and the whole palm.

Give your baby a spoon while feeding. At first, he will smear food on the table, but over time he will learn to eat on his own.

At 10 months, the child should be able to hold a glass with both hands and drink from it.

The development of hearing and vision of a child at 10 months.

  • If earlier the baby perceived objects as a whole, now he is studying the toy in detail. The child can show on the doll where her eyes, mouth, etc. are. The kid can recognize objects by a separate fragment.
  • The child is interested in the relationship of objects with each other. He may try to insert different containers into each other, knock the toy on other objects, using the toy as a tool.
  • The child listens to quiet sounds. The baby himself can speak in a “whisper”. You can hide a ticking clock behind the pillow, the baby will have to find them by listening to the sound.
  • Hearing music, most babies will begin to “dance”: rhythmically squat, nod their heads, stomp their feet.

Speech development of a child at 10 months

  • At ten months, a child can repeat syllables after an adult.
  • A child can meaningfully pronounce syllables - mother, woman, give, on, etc. Naming people and objects in this way.
  • The child already understands what they want from him, is able to point his finger at the objects and pictures in the book that are called to him, rejoices when his name is called, recognizes himself in the mirror.
  • The child's babbling is emotionally colored - he highlights syllables with intonation, pauses, can speak louder or quieter.

The child copies the actions of adults - combs his hair, wipes the floor with a cloth, may try to use things for their intended purpose. Encourage your child in his activities and be sure to praise.

What to do with a 10 month old baby

  • Offer your child a handbag (you can take a real mother's bag) with various items inside - the child will study the contents, get things out of it.
  • Any items can act as toys for a baby - pots, lids, boxes, beads, etc.
  • Take the baby with you to visit, to the store - it is important for the child to get new experiences outside the home, to see new people around him.

If a healthy child does not have any of the skills described in the developmental calendar by ten months, this is not a deviation from the norm. The baby can start crawling later, closer to the year. Meaningful babble in children may appear after one year of age. Just engage with the child, teach him the skills that he has not yet mastered. They will appear in the baby when he is ready for them.

At 10 months, the child masters the space around him, imitates adults, learns to speak, explores various objects and tries to use them for games.

Another significant event has happened in your life - the baby is 10 months old! By this time, many children can sit up, crawl quickly, take their first hesitant steps and chat non-stop in a "baby" language.

But do not worry if the baby has not yet mastered these skills. Each ten-month-old baby is a unique personality with its own character and temperament. Your child's needs and interests may be very different from those of other babies: while some children are strenuously exploring new spaces, others prefer to sit in the crib, concentrating on the pages of a book or assembling a designer.

Do not force the child to do what he is not interested in: if there are no congenital pathologies or birth injuries, he will soon catch up with his more mobile peers in development.

Physical development

The body of a ten-month-old child develops much more slowly than before: in a month he gains only 300–450 g of weight and 1–1.5 cm in height. Now his weight is 8.5–10 kg, and his height is 71–74 cm.


A ten-month-old baby has good control over his own body: his movements are becoming more precise and coordinated. That is why new skills and abilities are mastered very quickly, and by the end of the 10th month, the child pleases parents with many new achievements:

  • can sit down from a lying or standing position and sit for a long time, while keeping his back straight, not falling to the side;
  • holding on to the handrails or the grating of the arena, confidently walks in a circle, dances, crouches, bounces;
  • without help or support, he rises to his feet, takes several hesitant steps towards the object of interest to him (usually his favorite toy or mother acts as such an object);
  • quickly crawls in different directions on all fours (and many babies, in order to move faster, tear off their knees and elbows from the floor, relying only on their palms and toes);
  • coordinates the movements of both hands: he can take an object with two palms, shift it from one hand to the other (if you give him a toy in each hand, he will begin to connect them, put one on top of the other);
  • knows how to go down and up: on all fours he easily overcomes a small staircase, freely climbs onto the sofa, pulling himself up on his hands, and then goes down with his legs.

The main way to develop new skills is imitation. The kid is happy to copy all the movements of his parents: that's why you can often see a baby who is concentrating on pressing the buttons of the remote control or telephone, looking at a newspaper, feeding a plush hare from a spoon or rocking a rag doll. The more interesting actions you show your child, the more extensive will be the "repertoire" of his games.

Ways to develop physical skills

  1. Since many of the child's actions are imitative, show him the maximum number of examples: play ball, cars or dolls together, put toy animals to bed, feed and wash them. And do not be surprised if the baby, having successfully mastered feeding the doll, cannot repeat the same action with a toy bunny: the child does not yet know how to transfer the acquired knowledge to other objects.
  2. Take the child for a walk. Since he can now move independently, the stroller can be dispensed with. Let the baby crawl along the paths and lawns, sit in the sandbox, watch the games of their peers and take part in them.
  3. Continue with small items. Give your child a couple of boxes and a handful of multi-colored beads: let him put them in a box, pour them from one container to another, sort them by color and size, or lay out figures from them.
  4. Buy a baby scoop, spatula or rakes, a bucket and molds for your baby. Take him to the sandbox and show him how to pour sand into a bucket with a shovel or how to make cakes with molds. At the same time, it is desirable that the child act with both hands: this will not only improve coordination of actions, but will also contribute to the development of the baby's intellect.
  5. Teach the little one to dance. Show him some simple movements: let him stamp his foot, clap his hands, bend over, nod his head. First, perform these exercises in front of a mirror, moving the arms and legs of the child on your own. When he understands what is required of him, he will be able to perform movements without your help. This exercise will help improve your coordination.
  6. Does your child love to throw toys? Turn it into a game! Put a box in front of him: let him try to throw various objects into it. By moving the box to the right, then to the left, you will teach the child to use both hands equally well.

mental development


The peanut is becoming more and more sociable and open, enjoying spending time with peers and adults. By 10 months, the child's achievements are as follows:

  • imitates the actions of adults, tries to copy their gestures, movements, speech;
  • demonstrates a good sense of humor: when he hears a joke addressed to him, he begins to laugh, and sometimes he deliberately makes funny sounds to make others laugh;
  • acquires a favorite pastime: some children enthusiastically build “castles” from cubes, others draw, others dance to the music, and the fourth spend time playing collective games;
  • shows affection for certain things: he already has his own opinion about what toy to play now or what T-shirt to wear for a walk;
  • demonstrates the talent of a researcher: opens jars and bags to get acquainted with the contents, breaks toys to find out their device;
  • shows interest in small things (constructor parts, small cubes, peas), refuses large toys;
  • is aware of the location of objects in space, can estimate the distance to any object (if it turns out that the toy is too far away to reach it with his hands, the baby will try to reach it with another object).

A ten-month-old baby has an urgent need for approval from adults. He performs many actions, only to hear the affectionate words "well done", "clever". The desire to earn praise is a normal phenomenon for a child, which indicates that the baby recognizes the authority of parents.

Ways of development of the psyche

  1. An interesting toy for a ten-month-old baby will be a phone. Give the child a phone: let him hear his father's or grandmother's voice. After the “conversation”, he will study the phone for a long time in order to understand why there is a voice, but the person to whom the voice belongs is not. These classes will help the baby master some of the features of cause-and-effect relationships.
  2. Surely your child suddenly had a desire to break everything and take it to pieces. Don't stop him! The kid begins to understand that each item consists of separate parts, and he is interested in learning its structure and principle of operation. Such classes improve concrete-figurative thinking and lay the foundations for logical and abstract thinking.
  3. It's time to start developing creative abilities. Buy a crumb of paint, crayons or plasticine and start drawing with him! Let him run a brush over a sheet of drawing paper or enthusiastically stick pieces of multi-colored plasticine to cardboard. Creative activities improve fine motor skills and contribute to the development of thinking.

Speech development

Skills and abilities

The child chats with pleasure, therefore he is delighted when others enter into a dialogue with him. However, not everyone is able to understand his words: as a rule, only close relatives are familiar with the “childish” language of the child.

Peanut demonstrates new speech skills:

  • sings songs, while falling well into the melody, but does not pronounce the words yet;
  • listens carefully to the speech of adults and tries to imitate their conversation;
  • pronounces new words, including “give-give”, “na” and about 6-8 more words;
  • speaks a lot in his own "childish" language and is very upset when others do not understand him;
  • masters various techniques of intonation of speech: changes the volume and timbre of the voice, the pace of speech.

Do not be upset when a child distorts and distorts words: the baby's articulation apparatus is not yet sufficiently developed to correctly pronounce complex sound combinations. Sooner or later, you will begin to understand what your baby is trying to tell you. And he will master normal speech only by 1.5–2.5 years.

Ways to develop speech

  1. Take the little one in your arms or put it on your lap, kiss or stroke it, smile. After that, start singing songs. Babies feel the melody well and even memorize individual words, so parents who sing songs to their baby every day for an hour, children begin to speak much earlier than their peers.
  2. Accompany any joint activity with conversations. If the child wants to chat, keep the dialogue going; if the baby is silent - just comment on everything that is happening at the moment. Speak slowly, in a low voice, pronouncing the words clearly; use short sentences consisting mainly of nouns and verbs (occasionally introduce adjectives into your speech that indicate the color, size, shape of objects).
  3. Tell your child about the structure of his body. Place the baby in front of a mirror and, naming a part of the body, touch it. Then ask the child to show the named parts of the body on their own.

social skills

A ten-month-old baby is keenly interested in the people around him. He is still wary of strangers, but curiosity overcomes fear, and the child tries to make friends. He is much less wary of his peers: he shows interest in joint walks and games, looks at other kids with curiosity.

A child at this age can already be left with a nanny. He does not need every minute communication with his mother, therefore, without fear, he will accept a new person.

For most children, sleep and wake patterns do not change: they still sleep for 10 hours at night and twice for 1.5-2 hours during the day. Some babies refuse one afternoon nap.

Pay attention to the quality of children's sleep. If the baby sleeps peacefully and wakes up alert and rested, there is nothing to worry about. But if the child's sleep is intermittent, and awakening is accompanied by whims and a bad mood, you need to contact a neurologist. It is during this period that latent nervous disorders are discovered.


A ten-month-old baby can already eat "adult" foods: soups, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, juices and cookies. Therefore, many parents stop preparing separate meals for the baby and instill in him the eating habits that are characteristic of the whole family.

However, you need to remember that there are products that will be banned for a long time: sausages, hot dogs, hot spices, carbonated drinks, cocoa, coffee, fried foods, fast food. Food should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals.

At 10 months, the baby can already be weaned, so the total volume of mother's milk during this period should be only 400 ml per day (you can distribute this volume over 2-3 feedings, one of which should be in the morning). Sometimes the evening portion of breast milk can be replaced with kefir.

A ten-month-old baby is learning a lot of new skills. And the most important mechanism of its development during this period is imitation. Therefore, the more time parents spend with their baby, showing him examples of new actions, the more harmoniously and versatile the little one develops.