If the girl does not give birth until 23 then. United Russia deputy Milonov proposed new laws concerning women. As destructive as a bomb

Recently, the deputy of United Russia, Vitaly Milonov, submitted for consideration new amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is likely to cause a violent reaction from many residents of the country. It should be noted that Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrey Kuraev also supported Milonov's initiative.

At the moment, a letter has been sent to Dmitry Medvedev with a request to give effect to this bill. If the new changes come into force, then all women who have not given birth to a child under 23 years old will have to do military service - “A woman's lot is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why should she not go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants, then the search for a spouse is a simple matter, and if he does not want, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least to protect the Motherland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the infantry, engineering and air forces. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It couldn't be more equal ”. The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (and even more so a criminal) offense.

One gets the impression that the country will return to ancient times, when the people themselves performed justice. According to Milonov, “This will reduce the number of rapes and generally raise the overall vitality. Appearance is not an area in which you need to express yourself. Better let the woman help the mother or prepare a delicious dinner. Or, at least, he reads a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The outside should not cloud the inside. " It also became known that when the amendments to the bill are introduced, quotas for the number of places in universities will be introduced for women - “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower men's self-esteem with her, subsequently unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family. " One can only imagine what will begin in Russia if all this takes effect.

How the deputy came up with the idea of ​​punishing women for childlessness

Not so long ago, we wrote about the legislative initiative of the Chelyabinsk deputy, who proposed to force women to give birth before the age of 20. Back in the fall of last year, the deputy from "United Russia" V. Milonov proposed the following option: women who have not given birth to a child under 23 should be sent to the army to serve.

Short Service Commission Women Women Candidates wishing to join the Indian Army in the technical unit can apply under the Short Service Commission. Age limit: Applicant must be in the 20 to 27 age group.

Age limit: Applicant must be in the 19 to 25 age group. The department offers legal assistance and advice to the army in both military and civilian aspects. Age qualifications: Applicants must be between 21 and 27 years old.

This essay was originally published as follows. A recent podcast discusses the unexpected popularity of Sarah's essay as well as her latest confessions as a military wife. Listen and read for the original essay "Ten Things You Don't Want to Know About War Wives."

Almost immediately, this initiative was called by Milonov himself fake, that is, a fake or an Internet duck. It seems that with the official statement of Milonov, all Internet discussions should have come to naught. But the other day on television, I again heard about this, in my opinion, a delusional bill. They talked about its imminent possible introduction.

We have to look like we have this together. Therefore, we must have the answer to everything, or at least know where to find it, and this tension is deafening. Don't read too much on this one. We are happy to help a friend, do someone a favor and, of course, be a good person. But, especially during deployments and especially challenging duty stations for our spouses, we cannot do too much to keep doing what we are already doing. And while we seem to be doing great, sometimes we can barely hold on.

Don't ask us to make detailed plans, take difficult trips, or do anything you know will create stress. Each spouse has several things that cause her stress. Don't add to the problem by asking her to do what you already know she doesn't want. If we can attend events, go on vacation with you, etc. We will inform you about this.

New link type

Vitaly Milonov, who, incidentally, was supported by V. Chaplin and A. Kuraev, explains his vision of this issue: “The lot of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why should she not go to serve? And the fact that she “has not yet met great love” is an excuse in favor of the poor.

To deal with 1, 2 and 3, we have the system

We always get up in the middle of the night - always taking out the dog - always getting up with the kids, changing every diaper, washing every dish, taking out every garbage bag, making every reception tired. To feel in control, we create a system. This system is based on preventive maintenance. It keeps us sane, it keeps things together, and it makes us happy and keeps our kids on track. Thus, we do not often change our system. It's a matter of maintaining the status quo, so we can deal with the unpredictable.

A woman either wants to have children or she doesn't. And if he wants, then the search for a spouse is a simple matter, and if he does not want, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so at least it will protect the Motherland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the infantry, engineering, and flight troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It couldn't be more equal, ”the deputy comments.

Because when we deviate from the system, huge rainfall always occurs. And who should take these things? Obviously, we are having fun and enjoying our children; In fact, they are often the best distraction from tough duty jobs. Funny, silly and so elastic.

We must deal with the sadness of children

Here's another curve for mom. Everything is going well, the system is working well, and then one of your children remembers that he has not seen his father in two weeks. We try various cute tricks: every day Hershey's dad's kiss, a calendar, or a countdown eyepiece. But this is all just a sad reminder that someone is missing.

It turns out that a new type of punishment has been invented for women for not fulfilling the demographic order of the state. Of course, a Russian woman, as you know, will stop a galloping horse, and ... but still, in my opinion, it’s too cool to do that, especially with the weaker sex. From time immemorial, the army and the defense of the state have been the lot of strong men. And even if a woman does not want to give birth, this is not a reason to be exiled to her army. And if a woman cannot give birth for health reasons, will she have a medical withdrawal from the service or give a bribe in order to stay at home?

Not just "Hey, how are you?" Friends who ask in passing and never care about the answer, but real, sweet friends who will look us in the eye and say: "Really, how are you?" And to care about the answer, We don't need anything but someone who recognizes how hard this life can be and that sometimes we just need to talk. Yes, we knew what we signed up for when we got married.

Even when they are "at home." This is another joke. “Home” may not mean deployment, but constant movement. Home may mean that you are not traveling, but rather working a 14-hour work day. Therefore, we take children to school concerts, sports games and put them to bed at night.

It was like this before

Before the revolution, there was no question of a woman fighting. In those days, women were engaged in a business for which they were intended by nature itself - the birth and upbringing of children.

There were, of course, cases when women went to serve in the army en masse, for example, the Great Patriotic War, but then there was an exceptional time when it became embarrassing to sit in the rear, when all forces, including women, were for the good of the Motherland, everything was for Victory.

The military "controls" more than you think

Although we say we live, we don't have much. We move every two to three years and we don't always get our first choice. She said she was married to a man in the military and they divorced because in the end the stress and distance were too much for her and her husband. Not much time to work or even enjoy marriage.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, civilians have been terrorized by rape for many years. Entire villages, as well as the Koltan mines, are abandoned. Thus, the performers achieved their goal. Because sexual violence is a weapon of war for the region's rich resources.

After the war, women continued to serve in the army in their usual positions, but their number was very small. However, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet state, our officials decided that we should also increase the presence of women not only in government bodies, but also in the army.

The women then responded with pleasure. As a result, their number currently exceeds 10% of the total personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia has reached the same level with the countries of Western Europe.

Young women in colorful printed dresses and colorful dresses sit in the tall grass in front of a yellow painted house. The picture is like any village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Each of the women in the small group experienced terrible things. "They came in the evening, around ten, they woke us up and began to break into us with a machete on children and father, five people raped me and burned down my house."

The men Mari speaks of in a dispassionate voice may belong to any militia that has spread fear and horror in the dozens in Eastern Congo. The Yellow House is home to rape victims. "The police use rape as a military weapon, they go through villages and attack all women, showing their strength to people who can not do anything about it."

Percentages rise

And what kind of childbirth before the age of 23 can we talk about, when it’s just the time of graduation from university or graduate school. Today, on the contrary, those who give birth before the age of 20 are told: “It will be too early! Brains are not yet ripe for motherhood. " And here the deputies say: "Multiply, friends, otherwise you will thunder into the guardhouse."

Let's imagine that the bill is approved by the Duma and the law comes into force. All nulliparous women will be drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, and many will certainly try to avoid "punishment" and still give birth to a child - a guarantee of release. But it seems that nothing good will come of such hasty decisions.

In the Congo, women are degraded

If you are talking about rape, people usually have an idea of ​​what the woman has gone through, but this word is not appropriate. Perhaps sexual terror is better, you need to find a new word because rape does not describe what is happening here.

"I treated women who were destroyed"

Has been raped countless times. Lived indescribable atrocities.

In two years, she can run away from her tormentors. Then the 49-year-old runs 350 kilometers through the bush - always on the run from the bloody attacks of the so-called Congo Wars. She suffers from syphilis and four other sexually transmitted diseases, which are being treated at the Panci hospital in Bukavu.

I am sure that rushed marriages tend to lead to divorce, and children born under duress grow up unhappy. In Russia, and now, according to statistics, the number of single-parent families is increasing, in recent years it has grown by 30%. According to Pavel Astakhov, Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child under the President of Russia, at the moment 6.2 million families in the country are incomplete: in Russia there are 5.6 million single mothers and 634.5 thousand single fathers.

"I treated women who were killed, who were shot after being raped, tortured, in the vagina, women who had bayonets in their stomachs, whose genitals were burned." The horror began with the genocide in Rwanda, when more than a million refugees were also armed militias in the Congo, and have since been killed, raged and raped. Especially women, but not exclusively.

About 100 victims of rape

Stephen Kigoma was still a teenager when he was kidnapped and abused over and over again. Aid organizations estimated that one in four people in Eastern Congo was similar. But that's impossible to pinpoint because many victims remain silent, says Chris Dolan, head of a refugee project in neighboring Uganda.

By what percentage will the number of single-parent families and abandoned children increase if the bill comes into force, and women decide to fulfill the orders of officials? This is the solution to the demographic problem. Or, on the contrary, its aggravation?

Alternative option

“And why many bills invented by male officials always concern women,” Anastasia Petrova, 30, two children, expresses her opinion. “Let’s then adopt another bill, which would spell out, for example, that a man must marry before the age of 24, otherwise he will be sent to a monastery and never see a woman at all. Or, if a man looks at another woman, his wife can stone him, and this will not be considered an administrative (and even more so a criminal) offense. Or, if a man was found to be cheating and there is evidence, he will be sentenced to life in prison. And also a man must have at least three higher educations! If a man should be smarter than a woman, as this Milonov says, then let him be diversified.

"The victim experiences complete submission and humiliation, many no longer feel like men, which is especially difficult in a society where people should be taller." Congo has a notorious reputation for being the world's rape hill. The number of surviving victims is estimated at more than 000 people. It takes them years to cope with the psychological and physical consequences.

Tumaini was only 14 years old when she fell into the hands of an obscure militia called Jesus' Supporter as a sidekick for the leader. She is pregnant a few weeks later. A young girl lies in the throes of the day before one of the rebels chops off her vagina with a machete and pulls the baby out.

And one more thing: than to shove such initiatives into the Duma, it would be better if they got down to business. "

“It would be better to think about how to make our life better! - says Inna Udalova, 27 years old, childless. - Of course, why do they need our problems? Do they think about how to live on the husband's salary if he works at a factory and receives 20 thousand rubles? Of this money, 10 thousand must be paid for a rented apartment. And how to live on 10 thousand for a whole month and even with children? How to give birth if you don't have a private apartment at 23? Then where to live? How to look for a rich husband? I think it is very difficult to do this now.

Tumaini developed fistulas in the genital area. Frequent consequences of mass rape or birth trauma, explains the doctor. It is characterized by an uncontrolled flow of urine and faeces. You can imagine the serious smell that accompanies him and makes people think: What's wrong with the woman?

Fistulas can be used successfully, but the stigma remains. Even children born after rape remain excluded. Thus, entire communities are being destroyed. Nurse Nakashi Vivine. "War and violence require them to pay tribute from each of us, today villages are being attacked, soon there will be cities, and we constantly ask ourselves: will we be alive or dead tomorrow?"

Or give birth to five children and then go to beg with them on social services or live from hand to mouth? Today, not every, I think, even the tenth family can afford five children. After all, it is not so easy to arrange a child in a kindergarten, there are no places.

First, kindergartens would be built, large families would be given a free place in the garden, apartments for large families would also be given free of charge, somehow they would interest us in having children. Otherwise, you can't even buy a dorm room for 300 thousand of maternity capital. And to say: “I have not given birth, go to serve - this, in my opinion, is, firstly, cruel towards a woman, and secondly, somehow not like a man. Interestingly, this Milonov himself served in the army, gave a debt to the Motherland? Does he have the moral right to demand its execution from everyone? "

"I don't know how old they are."

Minova is one of the major cities in the eastern part of the Congo. The attack on the people there made international headlines five years ago. Fighters of the M23 insurgency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is true that we raped people there, you see a woman, you catch her, take her with you and do what you want with her, sometimes you kill her, when you are done, you raped her and continue as always.

Protected by their anonymity, the soldiers talk frankly about how they raged in Minova. With knowledge or even under the command of their officers. Following international outrage at the massive sexual violence, 39 military demonstrators were brought to justice. The persecution process lasted five months and was a complete farce: two ordinary soldiers were convicted for each rape. All officers remained at large. The consequences of this impunity are devastating.

Equality in everything?

“Maybe this is a duck, but this is not the first time I have heard about the desire to impose an obligatory army on women,” says Anna Tsepova, 45, with three children. - I want to remind you that the army, like war, is a purely masculine invention. Why do women need it? Why should they participate in these male fun?

Let us then prescribe men to give birth. For equality! Modern technology allows men to carry a child. Let the guys, who by the age of 23 have not had children legally married, go to artificial insemination and carry, and then raise these children. How do you like this equality? "

As destructive as a bomb

People are running and the only reason is rape. They leave everything behind, their fields, their livestock. Because sexual violence is a weapon in the war over the region's abundant raw materials. Cheap and as destructive as a bomb, says the doctor. Janine Mabunda announced last October that the number of rapes had dropped by half since then. Media such as Justine Masica did not notice anything about this supposed success.

"To stop violence against women, we demand two things: peace and justice." Congo is farther than ever before. For five years, women were open to all positions in the Bundeswehr. Against many problems, the soldiers won their place in the army. Some men now feel their presence as a competition.

Indeed, it becomes sad that instead of improving social programs and laws, striving to improve the lives of young families, pregnant women, single mothers, some deputies are engaged, in my opinion, with sheer nonsense - they are tormented by questions, should they be drafted into the army? Yes, such deputies, I am sure, have nothing to do in the government, let them invent bills outside the Duma, for example, for themselves or their families. So people will definitely be calmer.

Studied political science and journalism in Leipzig and Madrid. Hamburg - Feldwebel Fröhlich brought some whistles with him - you never know. The physical fitness test is a kind of federal youth games for the Bundeswehr: a four-time nine-meter run, 40 seconds of squats and jumps along the way. All military personnel and soldiers under the age of 40 must take this fitness test once a year - and Sergeant Frelich takes him away.

Women have been open to all areas of the Bundeswehr for over five years. Electronic Court Tanya Crail from Hanover gave the European Court of Justice the right to object to the basic law. In any case, women should "not serve with a pistol," the statement said. On the other hand, the European Court of Justice and the Bundestag violated the principle of equality.

Vitaly Milonov, a Russian deputy from the United Russia party, has submitted a new bill to the State Duma for consideration, obliging girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 to serve in the army. The proposal has already caused a lot of discontent and criticism among Russians. Deputies Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrei Kuraev also supported Milonov's initiative.

If such a law comes into force, then girls without children over 23 years old will have to do military service. According to the author of the bill, the lot of women is motherhood. If a girl deliberately neglects her natural fate, she must go to serve in the army. The reason that many women could not meet their soul mate before this age and did not have time to start a family, Milonov considers an excuse in favor of the poor.

The deputy believes that finding a future husband is not a tricky business, and the only question here is whether a woman wants to have children or not. The deputy also sees the benefit of the army for girls in the opportunity to find a future spouse while they defend the fatherland. Girls will not be sent to the infantry. They will find a place in the engineering and air forces. Thus, the politician wants to “equalize” the rights of women and men, so that feminists do not shout in vain.

Another innovation of the bill says the following: If a woman dresses too provocatively, and smokes and drinks alcohol on the street, everyone can stone her and this will not entail any liability for the offender, either administrative or criminal. It seems that the country is returning to primitive, wild times, where the people themselves administered justice.

As Milonov himself said, appearance is not an area in which you need to express yourself. A woman does not need to look beautiful, it is much better if she goes to cook borscht or reads some clever book. This will significantly reduce the number of rapes, according to the politician. It is worth noting that the appearance of Milonov himself clearly leaves much to be desired, so it is not surprising that such "legislative innovations" come to his mind. But we were all taught from childhood not to envy, so why should a huge country dance to the tune of an obviously dissatisfied and notorious person?

In addition, the “law” provides for quotas for women to enter higher educational institutions. Thus, places for women in universities will be reduced. The author of the bill considers higher education for women absolutely unnecessary. “A woman should not be superior to her husband in mental abilities. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower the male self-esteem with her, subsequently unnecessary knowledge. " It seems that Milonov seriously feels his inferiority at the sight of more successful women.

It can be noted that such a bill violates a number of international acts signed by the Russian Federation. In particular, both Ukraine and Russia have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. According to this document, any discrimination, including gender, is prohibited. Thus, denying women access to higher education and being their stones if the skirt is just above the knees is not just a barbaric bill, but a gross violation of human rights. Let's hope that in the State Duma of Russia there are much more adequate and sensible people and such a law will not be adopted.

It has developed in Russia that it is a man's duty to defend the Motherland. Women are traditionally charged with family and child-rearing responsibilities. Probably, these ideas were guided by the deputy Moskalkova, who in 2012 intended to prepare a law on the service of girls in the army. She proposed to call for military service those girls who will not have offspring until the age of 23. The initiative did not receive support.

However, this does not mean that the path to the army is closed for girls. Modern women have achieved the highest success in equalizing gender rights and, in addition to their traditional duties, they do an excellent job with "men's" affairs - they manage not only their own business and large state-owned companies, but also occupy key political posts. Women also serve in the army, but only on a contract basis.

There are not so few women in the ranks of the Russian troops as it might seem - only about 60 thousand women serve in the army - in the ground and missile forces, as well as in the Air Force. Medical units need a large number of female soldiers. The girls are engaged in logistic support, do office work, and establish communications. Girls are also attracted to carry out combat duty. They also participate in the teachings. For garrison and guard duty, the law prohibits the involvement of girls in the army.

How can a girl get into the army?

Girls are hired under contract in almost the same way as men. The candidate must write an application and attach documents to it:
about education
about marital status and the presence of children (children are not an obstacle to service)
work book

There are significantly fewer posts for girls in the army than for men, so you can ask the commissioner about the availability of seats in advance. If there is a vacancy and the candidacy is approved, then the next step will be to undergo a medical examination, which will determine whether the girl's health and mental state allows her to serve in the army. If everything is in order, then she will be asked to sign a contract.

Army guarantees

The law on military service gives girls the same rights as in "civilian life" - leave every year, leave for pregnancy and raising a child up to three years old. In addition, women in the military are given housing where they live for the first five years of service. Further, an apartment can be obtained in the general order.

Girls from 20 to 40 years old can serve under the contract. The term of service can be three, five or ten years, but the contract can be terminated at any time at will.

What documents are required

When submitting an application to the military commissariat, in addition to a passport, you need to attach a few more documents:

  • a questionnaire completed in accordance with the established form;
  • identification documents of family members living with the applicant;
  • diploma of the level of education;
  • written autobiography;
  • work book for determining the length of service and skills;
  • an extract from the house book or a certificate from the house management;
  • a document defining a woman's marital status (a copy of a marriage registration certificate or the birth of children);
  • photos 3x4 and 9x12;
  • recall from the place of study or work.

In the military registration and enlistment office, the documents are checked against the list of necessary and with the declared questionnaire for discrepancies, which will be asked to correct the applicant. The package of documents and the completed application form can be sent electronically. In this case, documents must be scanned in color.

Surveys and examinations

After submitting an application and a package of required documents, the girl is invited to undergo examination and tests to determine whether she meets the established criteria for entering the army. The first to undergo a medical examination to determine fitness for service in the Armed Forces. The contract is concluded with women who are assigned category A, which means full fitness for service, and category B, which has minor restrictions. Then you need to pass a psychological test that identifies the qualities and characteristics of the individual personality. Here, attention is paid to such characteristics as the type of temperament, psychological maturity, the ability to find contact with people, the level of intelligence and the speed of thinking.

The survey divides potential military personnel into 4 categories, of which only the first two can enter active service. There are separate military positions for which candidates of the third category are also accepted. The hardest test is the confirmation of a good level of sports training. The physical development of candidates for military service is checked according to the results of passing three standards:

  • rapidity;
  • power;
  • endurance.

The contract is not concluded even with one unmet standard.

Under what conditions do women serve?

Of course, there are fewer military posts for women, so when applying, it is better to immediately inquire about what vacancies are available. The stereotype that the army is not a woman's business has already been destroyed. The Ministry of Defense confirms with statistics, according to which 3,000 contracts with women officers were concluded in 2015. The total number of such military personnel reaches 50,000. Only a thousand of them serve in low positions, while the rest take the places of financial or medical specialists. The medical field is in particular need of female soldiers. Communication, office work and support of the rear also fall on fragile women's shoulders. The law prohibits a girl from performing guard or garrison service.

Monetary allowance, in other words, the salary of military personnel, is determined by law. For female contract women, there is also an additional law on the amount of salary in the case of a contract for service. For the level of qualification, length of service, specific conditions of service, work with secret documents, risk to health and life, a high level of physical fitness, women receive allowances.

Girls in the service have the same rights as in regular non-military jobs. According to the law on service in the armed forces, the rights to annual leave, a break in service during pregnancy, and maternity leave are granted. Also, during the first five years of service, a female employee lives in an apartment provided by the state. After this period, housing can be obtained on a general basis. In 2015-2016, contractors are provided with benefits for free medical treatment at the place of service, free train travel to the place of vacation and an earlier seniority pension.

The physical superiority of men is obvious, but women compensate for this due to their fitness, level of weapon skills, stamina and resistance to stressful situations. Therefore, the conquest of the army profession by women is quite natural.

Monetary allowance

Serviceman's monetary allowance (salary), doing military service under the contract, consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned military rank and a monthly salary in accordance with the military position held and additional cash payments:

  • monthly allowance for seniority (from 10% to 40% of the salary);
  • monthly allowance for class qualifications (from 5% to 30% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly allowance for work with information constituting a state secret (up to 65% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly allowance for special conditions of military service (up to 100% of the salary for a military position);
  • monthly allowance for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, as well as for participation in exercises, cruises of ships, the development of tasks of combat and combat training in the field outside the points of permanent deployment of a military unit (up to 100% of the salary by military position);
  • monthly allowance for special achievements in the service (up to 100% of the salary for a military position);
  • bonus for conscientious and effective performance of official duties (up to three salaries per year);
  • annual material assistance (at least one salary of wages);
  • monthly allowances for the qualification level of physical training of military personnel and knowledge of foreign languages.

The law also establishes the payment of a lifting allowance when moving to a new place of service in the amount of one salary per serviceman and 25% of it for each family member.

Compensation is paid for the rental of housing in accordance with the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for Moscow and the Moscow region - 15,000 rubles). The exact calculation is done using rent calculator.
Upon dismissal from military service, military personnel are paid a lump sum: with a total length of service of less than 20 years - 2 salaries, and for 20 years or more - 7 salaries.
Federal Law of November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ "On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them."
Reference book on the types of payments of monetary allowance.

Salaries for typical military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Substitutes for military service under contract.

Growth dynamics of pay for contract servicemen

The average salary of a contract soldier is 32 000 rubles.

Social package for contract servicemen

  • Housing

Provision of office living quarters or hostels for the period of military service (receiving monetary compensation for renting (sub-renting) living quarters).
Provision of living quarters for permanent residence at the chosen place of residence (including by issuing state housing certificates) upon reaching the total duration of military service of 20 years, as well as in case of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health or connections with organizational and staff activities and the total duration of military service 10 years or more.
The possibility of acquiring housing after a certain length of service through the accumulative mortgage system of housing provision.

  • Getting an education

In educational institutions during the period of service, as well as the preemptive right to enroll after dismissal from military service to state educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and to preparatory departments of educational institutions of higher vocational education.

  • Medical support

Free medical and rehabilitation support for military personnel in military medical institutions and military sanatoriums.
For family members of military personnel, medical support in military medical institutions at the expense of the compulsory medical insurance system.

  • Food and clothing supply

Organization of meals at the place of military service - for certain categories of servicemen, and the issuance of food rations - for servicemen doing military service under contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas.
Apparel - a set of field uniforms for a trial period, then - according to the norms.

  • Free pass

Free travel to a new duty station, on a business trip, to the place of vacation and back once a year for servicemen serving under contract in the Far North and equivalent areas, including beyond the Urals and the Far East, and one member of it families and servicemen themselves purchase tickets for themselves and their family members for convenient flights or trains to the place of vacation, and the Russian Ministry of Defense will compensate these expenses after returning from vacation.
Free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from the previous place of residence when transferring to a new place of military service.

  • Pension security

The right to retirement benefits from 45 years old, subject to 20 or more years of service.

  • Life and health insurance system

In the event of the death (death) of servicemen during the performance of their military service duties - 3 million rubles.
When a soldier is dismissed from military service in connection with his recognition as unfit for military service due to a military injury - 2 million rubles.

I am interested in your opinion about this, would you go to serve?, Could you serve?

An important question for a woman is the decision about the age at which pregnancy and childbirth will be successful. Listening to the gynecologist, they conclude that the optimal period is 20-25 years. However, many seek to build a career. Dmitry Medvedev is considering a project that girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will go to serve in the army. Despite rumors, gynecologists say that the age is optimal for pregnancy.

Pros and cons of childbirth under 23

The birth of a child should be planned. Gynecologists have named the age at which it is easiest to give birth. The girl endures and gives birth to healthy offspring from 20 to 25 years old. The period is characterized by a minimal risk of chronic diseases of the parents, the hormonal background is in a balanced state.

Is it normal to give birth at 20? Yes. The woman has no changes and disorders in the hormonal sphere. The maternal instinct manifests itself. You can take out the baby without serious pathologies.

Childbirth at the age of 20 is considered safe, since a woman has good health, the body will recover quickly, the process will be easier. Subsequently, they decide on a second and subsequent child. At this age, help will be provided by grandparents. They receive education and raise kids, and then pursue a career. You can work from home.

Should I give birth at 20? A small age difference contributes to finding a common language between mother and child. The outlook on life will be similar, there is no need to be ashamed of the age of the parents. When deciding to become pregnant, they declare their independence to adult relatives, assert themselves as a person separate from the family.

A girl should give birth before 23, because at this age she feels confident, feels great happiness from birth and upbringing. Young mothers are optimistic, energetic, cheerful.

Minuses. Ignorance of one's place in life, desire to discover the world. The feeling that the best years are ahead, you still have time to do. This leads to the fact that children are left for the sake of friends, study, interesting things. During growing up, the child is reproached for the fact that his mother had to leave the institute, but he did not live up to expectations. A woman does not become an authority, since she does not realize herself professionally.

The beginning of adulthood leads to the fact that it is impossible to be as carefree. We have to give up plans. The way of life and attitude are changing. There is one more person to worry about, who is dependent on adults. Friends who are not interested in discussing topics about children disappear. Little time is left for yourself.

Childbirth at 25 is considered the golden mean. At this age, the body is tuned in to the processes associated with bearing a baby and feeding. There are no problems with age-related changes, there is a sense of responsibility. The girl has already received an education, earns independently.

Milonov's bill

The first childbirth at 23 years old is without complications. A woman may have several more children. It was proposed to amend the legislation of Russia. Deputy Vitaly Milonov sent a draft to Dmitry Medvedev for consideration, which says that if a girl does not give birth before the age of 23, she will have to do military service. The politician believes that the main goal for a woman is motherhood. If she neglects the gift, she should go to serve.

There is no talk of great love. If a woman does not give birth before 23 in ordinary life, she must defend her homeland. There he will meet true love. They are sent to the rifle, engineering, and flight troops. This means equality with men. Milonov believes that vitality will rise in the camp.

Candid clothing, smoking and drinking alcohol indicate that the girl is being beaten. This is not an offense, but will help reduce the incidence of rape. You have to stay at home, cook dinner, wait for your husband.

Those who give birth under 23 years old are allocated a quota for admission to a university. According to the politician, a woman should not be smarter than her husband. Her features are obedience, mercy, caring, helpfulness. This will help boost your husband's self-esteem. A person will strive to earn money and provide for his family, he will feel like a head.

If she didn't give birth before 23, will they be drafted into the army? No. The deputy denied rumors that he was considering such a version of the bill. A woman independently chooses at what age to have children. This question is individual, my husband and I decide it.

The period of peace of mind and warm relationships from 20 to 25 years. This is an important stage when you can devote time to relaxation and rest. Pregnancy paints a woman. A mysterious smile appears, appeasement. Movements become smooth and unhurried.

Studying information and attending special courses for pregnant women allows you to give birth without rupture, and then quickly restore the body. At this age, health and psychological maturity are combined. The child is brought up in a complete family, and the parents help each other.