L-shaped country houses. Corner house projects

Order designs of modern chalet-style houses or buy ready-made house designs. Leave the design to an experienced architect.

Designing a house takes place in a comfortable environment, at a convenient time for everyone.

Prices and terms

Development of a project for an individual residential building lasts 2-3 months. The cost of all design stages is $ 22 / m2.

We accompany the construction progress with consultations, and on the sent photos - with the author's supervision.

Remote design of houses - high-quality services of an architect in a comfortable environment.

Modern houses can significantly reduce the cost of heating or air conditioning houses, the project of a modern house includes new materials. Order the development of AR and KR sets of construction drawings for a modern house, this will allow you to avoid mistakes in the construction of your chalet house, it is the architects who will prompt a comfortable layout projects and will play up the location of the chalet house on your site. Private architect will collect the initial data, compare it with the climate of the site of the future house and create a balanced and modern house, while the finished projects houses are not able to solve all the tasks.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the architectural style of the future home. It can be Art Nouveau, Classicism or a chalet project, a private architect will help you choose a design at home in the style of a chalet or order a project of a modern country mansion and enjoy the evenings in a comfortable and thoughtful home. Nowadays, energy-efficient or so-called "smart" houses are gaining popularity, which cannot be typed and sold as ready-made projects, because each individual customer is picky about special details, so it is important to order a set of AR drawings from an experienced architect. Surely you have happened to be in houses that were built without projects and therefore, perhaps, felt flaws in the layout or cracks in the walls. These and many other problems occur due to deviations from modern building codes, often because construction projects go without projects and supervision.

Some houses are distinguished by an unusual shape, which can be dictated by both fashion and the irregular geometric shape of the territory. For example, L-shaped buildings were erected on the corner plots to reduce the area occupied by the house. If you build an ordinary rectangular house on such a site, then it will take up most of the territory. But over time, thanks to design solutions, such buildings acquired, in addition to compactness and rationality, a stylish appearance.

Design features

Before you start building a house, you need to choose the optimal location for it and create a project.

When drawing up a project for an L-shaped building, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • The corner of the house is directed to the north side, and the blind side should be located on the leeward side. This arrangement will help protect the patio from the winds and create a favorable climate in it.
  • The wings of the structure can be either the same in length or different. The angle between them can be straight, obtuse or acute.
  • Optionally, make either one entrance overlooking the courtyard (it will always be protected from adverse weather conditions), or two, placing them on different gables of the building (at the same time, they can be equipped with a terrace). The second option will be an ideal choice if two families live in the house.
  • It is advisable to build a one-story L-shaped house; if necessary, you can equip an attic. It is not recommended to erect such buildings as multi-storey buildings.
  • The width of the wing gables is made the same or different.
  • Bricks, timber or panels can serve as building materials. Most often, rounded or glued beams are used.
  • The project can include a garage, veranda or terrace.

Do you want to order a house project? Visit the website hausberg.ru

Drawings of L-shaped houses

In the drawing of the house, all premises of the building are indicated:

  • It is better to place the boiler room at the level of the basement, which will ensure uniform heating of all rooms. In wooden houses, special attention should be paid to fire safety.
  • Corner architecture makes it possible to separate the "noisy" area (living room and playroom) from the "quiet" (bedroom and study), placing them in different wings. It is recommended to place the kitchen and dining room between them.
  • A garage is often built into buildings with the letter G, in which 2 entrances are made: from the street and from the house, which is convenient in winter. The garage is heated from a single system. Therefore, there is no need to do autonomous heating.
  • If you plan to equip the attic, then on the second level it is recommended to equip a "quiet" zone, and on the first - to place a "noisy" area, garage and utility rooms. A bathroom is installed on both levels.
  • It is advisable to include a terrace or veranda among the architectural elements. These premises will decorate the building and become an additional functional unit.
  • The terrace is located in the southern part of the building on the leeward side, preferably in the inner corner of the building. Thanks to the comfortable microclimate in the patio, the terrace can be used even in bad weather.
  • You should be aware that the veranda and the terrace are different premises. The veranda is part of the house and is located under the same roof with it. The terrace is located separately and often does not have a roof. A terrace is often attached to L-shaped structures. In most cases, it is made angular.

An L-shaped house is an excellent choice for corner plots. It is equipped with a cozy patio, may have a terrace and has a stylish and distinctive façade. In addition, such a house, despite its compactness, is quite spacious.

The primary task that the owners face even before the construction of the house is the choice of a place for it on the site. There is a basic rule: the corner of the house should be located in the northern part, then it will be possible to organize a cozy patio, protected from the wind.
In the courtyard, you can build a terrace, which visually "completes" the house to a rectangular or square shape.
In the project of L-shaped houses, their wings can be either the same in area and length, or different. By the way, if 2 families or several generations of the same family live in the house, then it would be correct to make 2 independent entrances.
House project with the letter G allows you to build a garage as harmoniously as possible, having a common wall with it and, accordingly, an entrance. Imagine how comfortable it is to unload purchases or just come home, bypassing the bad weather outside. The garage can be connected to the communal heating system, which will reduce costs compared to if you had to heat a detached garage.
A house project can be created in such a way as to distance a noisy area, such as a playroom or children's room, from a quiet area, such as a library or study. Thus, everyone will be able to get along peacefully, and no one will interfere and annoy anyone.
As a rule, a house project with the letter G does not provide for the construction of a second floor, so it does not require an impressive foundation. This way you can save on it. However, if you wish, it is possible to design both an attic and a two-story building - on this page you will find such projects.

Competent layout in houses with the letter G

In addition to separating noisy and quiet zones, it should be remembered that technical rooms should be provided in a private house, for example, for a boiler room or a storeroom. And wet areas where the bathroom or sauna is located should be isolated. The boiler room should be located on the basement floor, so hot water and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the house. If your house is made of wood or wood-based materials, then the boiler room should be treated with anti-flammable agents.
If you have a two-story house, then a bathtub with a toilet bowl can be located both on the first and on the second floor. This point should also be taken into account when ordering a standard or individual project of an L-shaped house.

The variety of house shapes is impressive, but not all of them are dictated by fashion and beauty. There are those aimed primarily at rationalizing the existing territory, which may not have the most correct geometric shapes.

So, for example, L-shaped houses began to be built on corner plots, where the construction of a rectangular house was very difficult due to the fact that such a house would occupy a significant part of the land plot. Initially, designers and builders sought to reduce the area under the house.

House project with the letter G sheathed with clapboard

And then the projects were overgrown with design solutions that make the house, designed and built in the shape of the letter L, not only functional, rational and compact, but also stylish and beautiful.

In this article, we will look at the key points to pay attention to when choosing an L-shaped house project. We will acquaint you with the advice of builders and designers for arranging this type of house. Let's define the advantages and disadvantages of L-shaped structures.

Before you start building a house, you need to determine its location on the site. And here the experts share their advice:

What else should you pay attention to when designing an L-shaped house? Of course, to organize the entrance to the house. In this case, several options are possible.

In the first case, the projects of L-shaped houses are proposed to organize one entrance located in the inner corner of the house. In this case, the entrance to the dwelling will always be protected from bad weather, but this location is not always convenient. Therefore, an alternative to these projects is the organization of an entrance from one of the gables of the house. Often it is combined with.

Variant of the layout and arrangement of premises in the cottage with the letter G

But this is not always functional, for example, if the house is intended for several generations or just a large family. Therefore, the most rational is the organization of two independent entrances to the house, located from different gables of the building.

There is one point that you should pay attention to even at the design stage of the house - this is the width of the gables. It can be the same for both wings of the building or different. Often the pediment is made wider in length. This technique does not distort the architecture of the building, making the facade of the home more attractive and stylish.

Depending on the style in which your L-shaped home is made, or.

Project of a stylish modern house with the letter G

The most demanded projects are L-shaped houses made of rounded or glued beams. , made in the shape of the letter G, country and. As in the case of U-shaped houses, experts do not recommend erecting multi-storey buildings from a bar in the shape of the letter G. It is worth limiting ourselves to the construction of one floor.

If a one-story house is small for you in area, then it is better to equip an attic and a high basement than a full second floor.

This is due to many reasons, but the main one is that it is much easier to redevelop and repair. Drawings of L-shaped houses suggest the arrangement of a built-in garage, a terrace or a spacious veranda.

Buildings on this type of site can be erected in several basic versions. A house with the letter "G" is suitable for a small oblong plot where it is impossible to implement the design documentation of a square house. Such a house will be comfortable and practical. Often a given building has only one floor. Projects of this kind of corner houses are suitable for those who want everything they need to be always at hand and does not require climbing and descending stairs. This option, in particular, is quite suitable for the construction of a country house.

A two-storey building is chosen by those who strive for space and an abundance of rooms, as well as owners of large families. It is also quite possible to build imposing buildings on corner lots. The number of floors, balconies, verandas may vary. Significant corner house projects are very popular due to their ability to fully unleash the creativity of their owners.

How the project is being worked on

Before going to the architect, it is worth considering a rough plan of your future home. Then it will be easier for you to explain to the specialist what you want. At the first stage of cooperation, a technical assignment is created. It goes to the designers who work out every detail of the future home. Projects of corner houses provide for the creation of a cost estimate, which is finally specified upon completion of work on the documentation.

It should be noted that experienced and qualified designers not only bring your plans to life. They are ready to offer you a solution to any architectural problem arising in the course of work. Sometimes this leads to the fact that you have to sacrifice one or more creative ideas. But the result is worth it, because your home should be not only beautiful and high-status, but also cozy, comfortable and safe. Corner house projects can be selected from our catalog of ready-made projects or ordered individually. But whichever way of cooperation you choose, the work of real professionals is always transparent and always consistent with your preferences.