How to clean the soles of sneakers. General rules for cleaning, precautions depending on the material of the shoe. Feature of modern shoes

Sneakers with white soles look nice and stylish. The problem is that after several exits to the street, they lose their original color. The dirty shade gives the impression that the owner of the sneakers is a sloppy and sloppy person. To always maintain a presentable appearance of shoes, you need to properly care for them. There are many ways to whiten the soles of sneakers, from which everyone can choose the most suitable one.

Before you start whitening the soles on sneakers, you need to prepare them. First of all, it is necessary to wash the shoes from dirt and dust. This can be done under running water using a brush or sponge. Laces and insoles need to be removed and washed using detergents. If the degree of contamination is significant, it is recommended to pre-soak in bleach or powder.

You can wash shoes by hand or in an automatic machine. The first option is more laborious, but less dangerous for the condition of the sneakers. Machine washing is only suitable for high quality shoes, otherwise the material may be damaged and the soles may peel off. The water temperature in both cases should be no more than 40 degrees. It is necessary to dry shoes near heaters, but without direct contact. It is easier to clean white soles on sneakers if they are well washed beforehand.

Sole whitening methods

Sneakers with white soles are beautiful shoes that emphasize the unique style of clothing. But their regular wear is accompanied by problems associated with rapid pollution. When the appearance of the shoes deteriorates, people begin to look for ways to wash the sneakers in order to return the original color. There are many ways to clean a contaminated surface at home, and if one of them is ineffective, you can always use another. It is actually not difficult to whiten a yellowed sole, you just need to choose the right tool.

Lemon acid

Citric acid helps whiten white soles. Moisten the rubber surfaces of shoes with water before cleaning. Pour a small amount of citric acid on the sole, rub with a sponge and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the shoes with running water. Citric acid is suitable for cleaning rubber material that has discolored due to dirt or age. It will not be possible to cope with the yellowness resulting from drying on a hot battery in this way.


Among the available methods for cleaning sneakers, a vinegar solution can be distinguished separately. Shoes must first be washed to remove dirt. To clean white soles, vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

For washing, it is better to use a cloth, as the sponge will strongly absorb the product. The cleaning process is simple and consists of wiping the sole with a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar. In heavily soiled areas, you can use a brush. After cleaning, the sole must be rinsed with water.

Nail polish remover

A good effect is noted after cleaning the sole with a nail polish remover containing acetone. To restore the white color, moisten a cotton pad or soft cloth with the product and wipe the sneakers. When cleaning, care must be taken so that the nail polish remover does not get on the fabric. Then the surface must be rinsed with water and dried.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

Toothpaste or toothpowder helps to cope with yellowness and a gray tint on a white sole. Shoes must first be moistened for active foam formation. In order for the sneakers to regain their original color, you need to apply a paste or powder to the brush and clean the surface. Then rinse with clean water to remove detergent residue and dry.

Laundry soap

It has long been known that laundry soap is one of the best means in the fight against pollution. The way to use it is simple. You need to take a cloth or brush and apply soap on it. Then wash the surface with the product and rinse under running water. Laundry soap cleans well not only the sole, but also any other materials from which sneakers are made.

washing powder

A common method used to whiten soles is washing powder. To restore the color of the sneakers, a deep basin is required in which the shoes are soaked. To prepare a soap solution, you need to take a handful of cleaning powder and dilute it in warm water. Soak the shoes so that the sole is completely covered. After 30 minutes, remove the sneakers and clean with a brush. The soaking method is applicable only to those shoes that are of good quality, otherwise the sole may peel off from high humidity.


Many housewives use baking soda to get rid of dirt. The tool is safe and, as a rule, is available in every home. To whiten the soles of sneakers, sprinkle baking soda on a sponge or cloth, and clean the contaminated surface until the desired result is achieved. Then rinse under running water. To enhance the effect, soda can be mixed with lemon juice and perform similar actions.

In order for the sneakers to retain their color for a long time, you need to follow simple recommendations for care. The following rules help to maintain the original appearance of shoes, which must be followed:

  • store sneakers away from sunlight;
  • wipe the surface from dust and dirt after each exit to the street;
  • dry near heating appliances, but without direct contact;
  • periodically treat sneakers with water-repellent gel;
  • do not leave shoes wet without drying.

The main thing that will extend the service life is accuracy when worn. It is necessary, if possible, to bypass puddles and dirt, which negatively affect the sole and material of the shoe.

Often people refuse white-soled sneakers because their toe is difficult to clean. Caring for such shoes, of course, is more difficult, but quite realistic. To extend the service life and maintain the original appearance, you need to pay special attention to washing and cleaning. If it was not possible to avoid darkening or yellowness, then you need to use bleaches or folk remedies that will help restore the white color.

Even regular shoe care does not guarantee that the white sole will not fade or turn yellow over time. To restore her former appearance at home, several effective methods will help.

Not too old pollution will be removed by soaking shoes in a solution of washing powder containing bleaching particles. For this powder, you need to take twice the recommended dose, prepare a solution and place the shoes there so that the water covers only problem areas that need whitening. After that, wait half an hour, and then brush the sole to clean off the dirt and remove the yellowness. Then wash off the remaining solution and dirt with water and dry.

To clean a white sole from a touch of yellowness, you need a paste with a whitening effect. It is most convenient to apply it with an old toothbrush. She rubs all contaminated places, and then wash off the remnants of the paste and dirt with warm water.

Pasta can be replaced with tooth powder, it will cope no less effectively.

Soda does an excellent job of removing dirt, it can also clean the sole from yellowness.

You need to take a damp rag or sponge, put a little soda on it, carefully treat the sole. It is better to rub with effort. Rinse bleached shoes with water.

Acetone, nail polish remover

Since acetone is a very aggressive agent, it is better to check how the shoe material reacts to it. To do this, a small amount of liquid should be applied to an inconspicuous area and wait.

To clean a white sole, acetone should be applied to a cotton pad or cotton white cloth and rub all yellowed places. after such cleaning, the shoes should be washed well in warm water, dried with napkins or paper towels, then greased with cream.


300 ml of warm water will require 100 ml of vinegar. In the resulting solution, a rag is soaked, the sole is treated with it. Dirt and yellowness should disappear.

Lemon acid

Dry acid from the bag should be poured onto a damp cloth or sponge, clean the sole with it. After treatment, acid residues should be washed off.

Bleach or stain remover

Powdered oxygen bleach or stain remover is added to water in an amount twice the recommended amount, mixed well. Shoes are placed in a container with the resulting liquid so that the solution covers only the sole.

Liquid bleach should not be diluted in water, it is simply applied to the brush and cleaned contaminated areas.

After do not wash off immediately, but leave for several hours. After this period, contamination is easily removed with a regular soft sponge and water.

If black streaks appear on a white sole, they can be removed with an eraser. It is best to take a new one, already used ones may have traces of a ballpoint pen, which will only add dirt to the shoes.

Use an eraser to treat the places of contamination, then wipe with a soft cloth, and then apply a colorless or white cream to it.

The eraser can also be replaced with a piece of white rubber.

Before bleaching the sole, it should first be cleaned of dust and dirt, it is quite possible that after a quality cleaning, the yellowness will go away and bleaching will not be required.

Shoes with white soles look very impressive, but only as long as they are clean and tidy. As a rule, after a month of everyday wear, the surface becomes noticeably dull, covered with a yellow coating and stubborn dirt. Do not rush to buy a new pair of shoes, knowing a couple of secrets, it is easy to whiten white soles at home.

Preparation. Before proceeding with the procedure, remove the insoles and laces from the sneakers. Wipe the shoes: for leather, a damp cloth or napkin is suitable, for fabric - dry. Remove dust and dirt on nubuck or suede with a special brush. Check the tread, it should not have stuck stones, blades of grass, leaves, lumps of dirt.

Fabric sneakers are easiest to wash in the machine, setting the delicate mode. Dry shoes only in a natural way: stuffed with clean paper, away from heaters and radiators.

What you need for whitening:

  • Basin with warm water.
  • Cotton pads, cotton swabs.
  • The rag is exclusively white (does not shed and does not leave streaks).
  • A thick sponge for washing dishes, a hard shoe brush or an old toothbrush.
  • Colorless shoe cream or foam.

Means and effective methods for whitening soles

1. Soap solution. As an active ingredient, use washing powder, Antipyatin or laundry soap, dishwashing gel, bleach without chlorine (add the latter strictly according to the dosage on the package).

Technology: dilute the selected product in warm water. Put the sneakers (sneakers) in a basin, make sure that the solution covers only the sole. Leave for half an hour, then brush the dirt.

The solution should cover only the sole, not the fabric!

Do not use compounds with chlorine! It is aggressive towards some synthetic materials, often causes yellowing, and if it comes into contact with a painted surface, it can discolor it.

2. Soda, starch or tooth powder. To whiten the soles of sneakers or other shoes, use a homemade paste. The basis for it will be baking soda, tooth powder or potato starch.

Dilute the substance with warm water to the consistency of a thick slurry (in the case of starch, water can be replaced with low-fat milk), apply the composition to a sponge or toothbrush, treat stains.

3. Solvents. Acetone and acetone-containing liquids, medical and ammonia alcohol, 9% table vinegar diluted by half with warm water, white spirit, purified kerosene, 3% hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice do a good job of bleaching.

Moisten a cotton pad or cotton swab in the selected product, carefully, trying not to touch the upper part of the shoe, “walk” through the dirt. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the remaining substance with warm water.

When working with caustic compounds, be sure to test their effect on a small area. Protect your hands with household gloves.

4. Alternative methods. A melamine sponge, a regular or special (for suede and nubuck shoes) eraser, and petroleum jelly will also help whiten the sole on sneakers (sneakers). Fine-grained sandpaper or an old nail file will remove stubborn dirt on rough soles.

Melamine sponge does not require additional funds

In especially advanced cases, whitening the sole may include several methods: use the means “increasingly”, from the simplest to the most complex.

After cleaning the shoes (regardless of the method chosen), rinse the sole with clean warm water, remove excess moisture with a dry rag. Leave sneakers or sneakers to dry completely, and then soak with cream or foam.

Prevention of yellowness of the sole

  1. If possible, do not wear shoes with white soles if it is dirty and damp outside.
  2. Make it a rule to clean your pair as soon as you get home.
  3. Wash (wash) sneakers and sneakers regularly. It is easier to get rid of minor dirt in 15 minutes than to scrub old ones for hours.

White sneakers or sneakers always look expensive and stylish. Modern fashion trends make it possible to wear them not only as exclusively sports shoes, but also to combine them with models of various styles and trends, achieving an individual look.

However, sooner or later, every owner of white shoes, especially a resident of a metropolis, is faced with the problem of persistent soiling of the sole. How to wash it?

Remedies for this problem vary depending on the degree and persistence of the contamination and your options. Much also depends on the quality and texture of the material.

In order to achieve elasticity and wear resistance and at the same time try not to make the price of their products prohibitively expensive, shoe manufacturers use various additives that, under the influence of an aggressive environment, can change color, acquiring unpleasant gray-yellow shades over time.

Important! If the sole of your favorite sneakers is even and smooth, then the effort and time spent on cleaning it will be minimal. But if the sole is porous or has notches, ribs and grooves on it, then you will have to stock up on extra time and patience.

Ways to whiten the sole of a sneaker at home

In search of an effective way to whiten shoes at home, the owners of fashionable sneakers and sneakers went through a lot of improvised means. Here are the most effective of them, among which there is sure to be one that is right for you.

Important! Before bleaching, wipe the shoes with a soft, damp sponge to remove dust and dried dirt from the soles. Remember that the whitening of shoes should be done with gloves, as all the products used for this dry the skin of the hands.


To do this, it is best to use products with a whitening effect, while the paste itself should not contain color additives. Processing is carried out as follows:

A similar effect can be achieved by cleaning the sole with tooth powder.

dish detergent

This method is good if the dirt has not yet eaten into the rubber:

  • a little warm water is poured into a small deep dish;
  • add a few drops of any dishwashing detergent;
  • with a hard toothbrush moistened with this solution, dirt is processed;


An ordinary school eraser can also help save your shoes. The process, of course, is very tedious and long, especially if the sole is corrugated, but the result is worth it. After this treatment, wipe the shoes with a clean soft cloth.

Important! Choose for this procedure a soft elastic band of good quality only in white. For processing thin grooves, it will be more convenient to cut the eraser into pieces of a suitable size. And one more thing: after such cleaning, a lot of debris remains, so it will not be superfluous to cover the work surface with newspapers.

hydrogen peroxide

This cheap and affordable remedy can be bought at any pharmacy. It will remove foreign stains from the sole and give your shoes a neat look. Treat your favorite couple with a 3% peroxide solution and rinse off the remaining product with warm water.

Melamine sponge

It's more modern and easier to use. Quite effective, although relatively expensive. It does not guarantee absolute purity, but it will help make shoes much whiter.. To do this, soak a sponge in water, wring it out and wipe the sole with it. Do not forget to rinse the treated areas with running water afterwards.

Easy machine wash

Modern shoes really allow you to apply this method of cleaning. Wash on a delicate wash and dry only naturally., since drying with a hairdryer or on a battery can deform the sole.

Important! Still, you shouldn’t get involved in washing sneakers in the car: this causes the fabric to rub off, and the white rubber parts turn yellow and crack. Leave this method of bleaching as a last resort.


To do this, you need to lather the shoe brush with laundry soap and carefully rub the contaminated places. The minimum treatment time is 20 minutes, but with more severe contamination, it is better to extend the procedure as long as you have patience. Old stains are unlikely to completely disappear, but in general the sole will become much whiter, and new sneakers will most likely acquire their original cleanliness.

Kerosene, bleach, acetone

If you are forced to use one of the listed products, be prepared for the fact that you will have to process sneakers every time you go outside. Since all three products are aggressive, they make the sole material more porous, thereby creating conditions for shoes to be more easily susceptible to dirt.

Kerosene is used as follows: the liquid is applied to a cotton pad, the sole is wiped, the rest of the product is thoroughly washed off. The result is sneakers like new.

Bleach, which is always found in every home, can also be used to clean your favorite shoes: you need to dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and carefully lower only the sole of the sneaker into the solution. Processing time is at least 3 hours. The remaining bleach is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

Processing with acetone is carried out in the same way as with kerosene:

  • the cotton pad is wetted with the agent;
  • the surface of the sole is thoroughly wiped;
  • the remains of the product are washed off with warm water.

Important! Before you treat your shoes with any of the chemicals, try it on a small area of ​​the sole to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Lemon, citric acid

Lemon juice has long been known for its whitening effect. You can rub a slice of lemon on the dirt on the sole or pour citric acid crystals on a slightly moistened dirty spot, wait a bit and rinse well. A concentrated solution of "lemon" is also suitable for whitening.. It is better to apply it with a hard toothbrush, treating heavily soiled areas with special care.


You can also remove dirty stains from the sole with ordinary baking soda, pouring it on a damp cloth and wiping the sole with it. Don't forget to wash off any residue with warm water.

Important! Use only white fabric for processing white shoes, as colored fabric often leaves barely visible color stains on shoes.

Regular care of shoes, as a rule, takes a little time, but allows you to wear them for a long time and with pleasure. Of course, white shoes require special care, but the result is worth it: new fashionable looks without unnecessary trips to the store.

Are your sneakers looking bad and the white soles have turned gray or yellow? Decided to buy a new pair? Do not hurry! Now we will tell you how you can give a second life to your shoes without spending a lot of money on it.

Sole preparation for whitening

Before you start whitening the soles of your sneakers, you need to prepare your shoes first:

  • Take out the insoles, laces, rinse them with warm water and lather with detergents. Leave for 40 minutes, then rinse them by hand or send them to the washing machine with the addition of washing powder and conditioner.
  • Clean the sneakers of coarse dirt with a soft brush.
  • Check the sole for stuck blades of grass, pebbles and small debris. Carefully clean the protector with a stiff brush.
  • If you have leather sneakers, then wipe them with a damp cloth, and you can use a dry cloth.
  • If the shoes are heavily soiled, then the easiest way is to wash them under running hot water with soapy water. Leave the shoes to dry, but never dry the shoes with heaters. If the house has shoes from, how to care for it is covered here.

There are a huge number of methods for cleaning and whitening sneakers, their effectiveness depends on the thoroughness of processing, the materials from which the shoes are made, the porosity and rigidity of the sole, and the depth of its pattern.

The most popular are methods using household chemicals, solvents, alcohol and acid, processing with improvised means, paint and professional dry cleaning. Let's take a closer look at each method.

To whiten the sole of a sneaker or sneaker, you can use improvised means:

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  • Washing powder. There are two ways to clean the sole with laundry detergent.

First way: pour the product onto a wet sole, rub thoroughly with a sponge or brush, rinse with plenty of water.

Second way: dissolve a large amount of powder in water, immerse only the sole of the sneaker in the resulting solution for 30-50 minutes, then clean the surface with a brush or sponge and rinse with water.

  • Bleach or stain remover. The algorithm of action is similar to the second method of using washing powder. Only the solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:2 concentrate to water.

Also, only the sole should be immersed. Soaking time is not more than 25 minutes, because bleach can damage the structure of the rubber. Frequent use of this method is not recommended.

  • Dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide. Mix 4-5 liters of warm water and 300 ml of dish detergent, put the sneakers into the mixture, cover with a plastic bag for 50-60 minutes, then rinse the shoes in the shower and dry with a towel or napkin.

At the end of the procedure, rinse in plenty of water or send to the washing machine for a gentle cycle without spinning.

  • Toothpaste. Stir the toothpaste with a small amount of water until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed, apply on the sole for 15-20 minutes, rub thoroughly with a brush.

Then rinse with plenty of water. Repeat the method several times if necessary.

  • Laundry soap. Rub the soles of your sneakers with soap and start scrubbing your shoes thoroughly with a stiff brush. The procedures will have to be repeated several times. When finished, rinse the sneakers with warm water.

Sole cleaning for light soiling

  • Eraser. It will take a few erasers, your diligence and patience. Thoroughly rub the shoes from large sole patterns to small ones.
  • . Clean the shoes with a damp sponge, replace with a new one as they wear out. The advantage of this method is the absence of detergents and chemicals.
  • Washing machine. Prepare a solution consisting of 2 tablespoons of bleach powder and the same amount of vinegar. Put the sneakers in the washing machine, add the mixture and set to wash on a gentle wash without spinning.

Fighting old yellowness on the sole

Any of the above methods will quite help to get rid of yellowness on the soles of white sneakers, but the following will be especially effective:

  • Citric acid or lemon. Dissolve in 500 ml. water about 70 gr. citric acid. Moisten the sole of the sneaker with the solution, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water.

If necessary, repeat several times in a row. This method removes the yellowness that has appeared from time to time. If there is no citric acid, then you can use an ordinary lemon. Wipe the sole with the pulp, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  • Nail polish remover or acetone. Wet the napkin with the product, wipe the sole with it, without going beyond the edges. Rinse the sneakers with water.
  • If the yellowness cannot be completely removed, then you can use modern means. Now on sale there is a special white paint for white shoe soles.

The sequence of actions when painting is extremely simple: wash the sneakers thoroughly, dry, degrease, apply paint and wait a few days until completely dry. If it is not possible to purchase such paint, then you can paint the sole with acrylic.

  • Dry cleaning. If none of these methods suits you, then only professional dry cleaning will save your sneakers. This is expensive, but it will cost significantly less than buying new ones, and your sneakers will return to their original whiteness.
  • Before starting the sole cleaning procedure, protect the rest of the shoe from exposure. It is most convenient to stick masking tape in several layers and rows along the edge of the soles.
  • Before completely applying the mixture or solution to the entire surface of the sole, test a few drops on a small area to see what the reaction is. It is possible that some method of purification may not suit you.
  • Be sure to protect your hands, put on rubber gloves before the procedure.
  • The ideal cleansing tools would be: napkins, thick cloth, hard sponges, and an ordinary old toothbrush is especially good. Choose a white cloth, colored can leave a mark when cleaning.
  • After the procedure, lubricate and polish the sole with a special colorless shoe polish., it will prevent re-contamination. Create a habit of using shoe polish after every shoe shine.
  • Beware of bleaches containing alcohol. They can backfire, and the sole will turn even yellower.
  • If you prefer to machine wash, then it is best to use a special bag for shoes, this will protect the sneakers from wear and tear. If there is no such bag, then put them in an old pillowcase.
  • Washing will be more effective if you first rub the shoes with washing powder and leave them for 5-10 minutes.
  • To maintain the shape of shoes, after washing or washing, put napkins or toilet paper inside until completely dry. In no case do not put newspapers in, its paint can remain on your insoles and the inside of the sneaker.
  • To clean sneakers, it is best to choose a toothpaste with a whitening effect without dyes and color streaks. Sneakers also need bleaching. illuminated here.

All of these methods and recommendations are of course good. But maybe just avoid situations in order to apply them? Everything is very simple. After the street, wipe the sneakers with a damp cloth or sponge, use creams, sprays and shoe foams.

If you notice stains or heavy soiling, clean them immediately with a stiff brush or machine wash without leaving for later. And your shoes will delight you with their beauty and whiteness for a long time!