How to fill out a student's certificate of appreciation. How to sign a diploma for a student and a letter of thanks to parents at the end of the school year? Templates of student diplomas, certificates

To help class teachers in drafting letters of gratitude, gratitude to students, the parent community (especially when summing up the results of the school year).

Everyone knows how difficult it is to find the right words to say goodbye to your students, to celebrate the merits of each, praise or cheer, instill confidence in a successful future. I offer several examples of letters of gratitude and diplomas.



1.Gratitude letter to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

Expresses its gratitude to you and says a huge human "THANKS" for your participation inraising your son ... and class life.

The success of a person is undoubtedly the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility.

We thank you for your creativity and

active life position.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

2. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

Sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your son ... who has shown himself to be a student, able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy rivals.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

3. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

Sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your daughter ... who has shown herself as a student, able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy rivals.

Your child's victories are our common joy.
We wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

4. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

expresses its deep gratitude to you

for the good upbringing of your (th) daughter (son)

We wish you good health, family

happiness, success in work and education

your children.

Thank you for your responsiveness and understanding.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

5. A letter of thanks to parents.



We express our deep gratitude

for showing interest in educational

activities of your (th) daughter (son) and

for participating in the affairs of the class.

We wish you good health,

family happiness, success in work and

in raising your child.

Thank you for your responsiveness and understanding.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

1. Certificate of honor to the student.


for a conscientious attitude to the educational and creative process.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

2. Certificate of honor to the student.


for a conscientious attitude to the educational and educational process.

This is exemplary!
We hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the whole Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

3. Certificate of honor to the student.


winner in the nomination "Sportsman of the Year".

Your achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, dedication, enthusiasm and dedication.

This is exemplary!

We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed in everything, not getting tired of comprehending new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Thank you for proving by personal example: you can get a star from the sky!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

4. Certificate of honor to the student.


for active participation in sports competitions,

for courage, optimism, perseverance in achieving the goal,

for the will to win and the ability to find the right solution.

We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed in defeating worthy opponents.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

5. Certificate of honor to the student



For good study and active participation in the life of the school.

The world stands on activists and the school is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing is your merit, no doubt!
Let the optimism not dry out and let inspiration flow like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate for endless movement!

We sincerely wish you well-being and new achievements!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

6. Certificate of honor to the student



for good studies, for the kindness of soul and mind,

for the courage in mastering knowledge,

because you can always cope with any of the difficult tests.

We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the whole Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

7. Certificate of honor to the student



for the desire to learn better and the ability do not be sad

in a difficult situation,

for overcoming difficultieson scary tests

and in difficult home,

because you know almost everything, read, write and count,

and that patience and work will lead you to victory.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

Comic letters are presented for a birthday, wedding, retirement or other special events. Medals and diplomas are awarded to employees, bosses, relatives, friends and acquaintances. The wording for the award depends on the reason for which the document is being presented. It is advisable to use ready-made samples of filling in thanks, which are presented for any special event.

Samples of letters

Examples of diplomas can be downloaded for free on the Internet or bought in specialized stores. Electronic versions are printed and signed. There are certificates where the congratulatory words are filled in independently, or those where the text is already present and it is enough to write the recipient's name. The advantage of the former is in an individual approach, in which you can choose any text - comic, funny, official.

For a birthday

The birthday boy is awarded a certificate with an interesting congratulation. For example: "Awarded to beloved dad and grandfather!" or "Happy birthday to the best mom in the world!"

For the anniversary

A comic diploma for a round date will be remembered by the hero of the day or the hero of the day. It is usually awarded for 50 years, 60 years, 70 years. The congratulator can download a letter with warm words from Putin, Zhirinovsky or another famous politician, singer, actor. Originally signed certificates will please birthday people and guests.

To the wedding

The wedding certificate is awarded to the bride and groom. Comic letters are given to a witness and a witness, matchmakers, father-in-law with mother-in-law and father-in-law with mother-in-law. You can celebrate with a diploma for the active participation of cheerful guests.

Congratulations with honors

The network has diplomas in which they jokingly congratulate students on graduation. If desired, they give highly specialized certificates: a cunning lawyer, an ideal programmer. Options are suitable: "Diploma for a recognized genius", "Certificate of the Bright Head".


When signing a diploma for lovely ladies, do not skimp on compliments. The text says that a woman is beautiful, charming, gentle, sweet, smart, kind, with a good sense of humor.


A real man receives a letter of thanks in the nominations: "Golden Hands", "Steel Muscles", "Sex Symbol". The nomination depends on the character and hobbies of the man who is being awarded the diploma.


Usually, the presentation of the diploma falls on the shoulders of the children or the spouse. You can reward a woman for being just about to become a mother. In this case, comic diplomas are selected for expectant mothers suffering from pregnancy difficulties.

To husband


For parents

The certificate to newly-made parents is presented in a humorous manner. Diplomas are given at the time of discharge from the hospital or after it. Diplomas for long-term and conscientious work in raising children are awarded when the child has already graduated from school.

For kids

Nominations for toddlers' diplomas are Achievements in Sports, Outstanding Academic Achievements, and Exemplary Behavior. Funny nominations - "Miss Sweet Tooth", "Miss Laughing", "Mister Imagination".

For girl

For boy





The joke is drawn up in the form of a diploma or a postcard. The best friend will be delighted with the original design of the certificate. For example, a diploma is comically signed and a photo with a girlfriend is glued to it.

To the best friend

To the winner

For the first place

A prize list for 1 place or 2 and 3 places is given on holidays as a prize for participating in competitions.

To the head

The boss is handed a comic letter or a funny order from a team of workers. The text speaks about what positive qualities a leader has: wisdom, decisiveness, justice.

To the chief


To an employee for work

Conscientious worker

In a comic letter of gratitude, the best employee should be thanked for a good job. Leaders can summarize the year, ask employees to maintain positive momentum and continue to improve in the professional field.

To the teacher

To the doctor

For the educator

Parents can buy a little more forms when they are going to hand over comic diplomas. Then sign empty certificates for the most delicious meals, kind attitude to children, games and walks in the fresh air and give them to the kindergarten staff.

For an accountant

For the builder

To the cook

To the driver

For sporting achievements

Funny titles

Medals for comic nominations

Diploma templates

The layouts of comic letters must be signed cheerfully. If the network does not have a diploma with the desired nomination, then they download empty certificates, then sign them at their discretion.

For example: "The best drafts player!", "Diploma for participation in the most incendiary dances!"

How to sign a gratitude

The text is the main part of a meritorious diploma. A ready-made template is found on the Internet or the words are composed independently. An important part of a successful congratulation is the gift and receipt of the diploma by the hero of the occasion. It is worth taking care of the solemn atmosphere, presenting a diploma to the birthday boy, having read the text in front of the guests, add a few sincere words from yourself.

Text for letterheads

The text for the diplomas is the main part of the diploma. Comic congratulations should be kind and cheerful in order to bring a smile to the hero of the occasion. Those who want to write a greeting on their own take into account the strengths of the birthday person or the birthday girl, jokingly describe them.

Example 1

Favorite friend Allochka! I am presenting you with a diploma for the ability to support with advice in a difficult and joyful period of life. You can chat on the phone for the longest time, light up with me in clubs at night and find the most fun adventures. Thank you for your friendship!

Example 2

Dear colleague Irina Mikhailovna! We worked together for many years. Today is your holiday! You're retiring, but 55 is a misleading date. Sparkling eyes and a charming smile betray your true age. Irina Mikhailovna, our security officers have learned a secret: you are only 20 years old. Stay always cheerful, perky and benevolent!

Example 3

Best friend Vladik! I'm glad that you and I are friends. You always do what is right and fair! It is interesting to play with you and watch cartoons, overeat cakes and sit at the same desk. You will always give a prompt, and if necessary, solve the test for me. Let this diploma remind you that you are my best friend.

Inscriptions in verses

Holders of poetic talent will easily congratulate the hero of the occasion on their wedding anniversary, anniversary, even with the defense of a diploma in the form of a funny poem.

If congratulatory lines do not work out, but you want to write a verse yourself, then you can spy rhymes on the Internet: a fisherman is an eccentric, an anniversary is not painful, a friend is suddenly a spouse. On the basis of rhymes, compose a short quatrain.

Acknowledgments are given on different occasions: on birthdays, other holidays, out of a desire to thank for work or study. The commendation sheet can be made by hand or downloaded online.

In order to make a diploma on your own, a sheet of white paper, A4 format, is taken. In the upper central part, the word is written in large letters: diploma, diploma, certificate of honor, gratitude.

The text is written below and the signature is put. If desired, the diploma is bordered with a frame; in the lower or upper part, you can draw a picture or paste a photo. When designing, make sure that the dimensions of the text and pictures are proportional to the sheet of paper.

Ready-made gratitude models are found on the Internet. You can download and send the required number of copies for free. Special design programs allow you to add new elements to the commendation sheet layout. Original letters of gratitude are made in the form of a certificate, a Soviet leaflet, an old letter of gratitude or a scroll.



(MBOU Kagalnitskaya secondary school number 1)


on awarding a certificate of commendation

"For excellent success in learning", a certificate of commendation

"For special achievements in the study of individual subjects"

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with paragraph 26 of Art. 34 FZ of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation".

1.2. This Regulation regulates the procedure for awarding students of MBOU Kagalnitskaya Secondary School No. 1 (hereinafter the School) with a Certificate of Merit "For excellent success in learning" and a Certificate of Merit "For success in the study of individual subjects."

1.3. The purpose of awarding the Certificate of Commendation "For excellent success in learning" and the Certificate of Merit "For success in the study of individual subjects" is to encourage graduates of the IX and XI grades of the school and students in grades 2-8, 10 who have shown diligence, diligence and perseverance in mastering knowledge.

1.4. The regulation is reviewed by the pedagogical council of the school and is enacted by order of the school director.

2. The procedure for awarding students with a Certificate of Merit

"For excellent academic success"

2.1. The certificate of honor "For excellent success in learning" is awarded to students in grades 2-8, 10 of the School.

2.2. A commendation sheet "For excellent academic success" is awarded to students in the transfer classes of the school who have in all subjects studied in the corresponding class, quarter (semi-annual) marks "5" and no more than two marks "4" and annual and final marks "5".

2.3. The decision to award the students of the transfer classes with the Certificate of Commendation "For Excellent Achievements in Learning" is made by the pedagogical council of the school.

2.4. The Certificate of Honor "For Excellent Learning Achievement" is presented to the awarded students at the end of the school year.

2.5. The Deputy Director for OIA keeps records of the issuance of forms of commendation sheets "For excellent success in learning" in a separate journal under a personal signature. (Appendix No. 1).

3. The procedure for awarding a certificate of commendation "For special achievements in the study of individual subjects"

3.1. The certificate of commendation "For special success in the study of individual subjects" is awarded to:

3.1.1. graduates of grades 9 who have achieved success in the study of one or several subjects, having quarter, annual, final marks "excellent" for them during their studies in grades 5-9 and received an "excellent" mark on the state (final) certification with positive marks on the rest subjects;

3.1.2. Graduates of 11 grades who have achieved particular success in the study of one or several subjects, having semi-annual, annual, final marks "excellent" at the level of secondary general education, passed state (final) attestation in compulsory subjects and in subjects for which the awarding of commendable diploma, with positive marks in other subjects, as well as those who received a score on the state final attestation in this subject, not lower than the minimum established in the given academic year.

3.2. The decision to award graduates of grades 9, 11 with a certificate of honor "For special success in the study of individual subjects" is made by the pedagogical council based on the information of the class teacher.

3.3. The presentation of a certificate of commendation "For special success in the study of individual subjects" (indicating specific subjects) is carried out in a solemn atmosphere along with a state-recognized document on the appropriate level of education.

3.4. The certificate of commendation "For special achievements in the study of individual subjects" is not awarded to graduates of the levels of basic and secondary general education who have received a certificate of the corresponding level of education with honors.

3.5. Records of the issuance of letters of commendation are kept in the register of letters of commendation.

Reviewed by the Pedagogical Council,

Minutes dated 04/11/2016 No. 8

Annex 1

to the Regulations on awarding a certificate of commendation

"For excellent success in learning", a certificate of commendation

"For special achievements in the study of individual subjects"

in MBOU Kagalnitskaya secondary school No. 1

accounting for the issuance of commendation sheets

"For excellent academic success"

accounting for the issuance of commendation sheets "For special successes in the study of individual subjects"

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Regardless of what they will pay you for good: good or evil - Do Good and do not ask permission from anyone, for no one has power over your Good ... ”Sh.

A. Amonashvili. Summer holidays are coming soon. Day after day we climbed hand in hand up the ROCK stairs. It's time to take stock.

We wanted to teach you not only to write, to solve problems, but also to think, reflect, make the right decisions, overcoming all difficulties, boldly climb the steps of wisdom.

The text of the letter of thanks to the employee

I really appreciate what you do to help us achieve our shared goals and objectives. For me, you are a reliable, talented and intelligent employee.

I am sincerely very glad to see you on our staff. Andrey Vladimirovich Zhavoronkov I want to sincerely thank you for the voluminous, difficult work you have done, in organizing and participating in the past event (name of the event).

Diplomas, diplomas, certificates: registration rules

We offer individual production of certificates, diplomas and certificates from 960 gold leaf.

Templates of student diplomas, certificates

To download the material, enter your email, indicate who you are, and click the button By clicking the button, you agree to receive email-newsletters from us. If the download of the material has not started, click again "Download material". (License to carry out educational activities Particular attention must be paid to the semantic content and location of the text. As a rule, at the top of the diploma is the logo or brand name of the company.

A selection of texts of school certificates for children and thanks for parents

Let us hand over the certificate!

Awarded in the category "Young Pythagoras" ... For successes in the exact sciences Through the jungle of formulas, equations, But the more difficult it is to understand, The brighter the joy of achievement! Who believes that everything is possible, He is brave, decisive, desperate!

For your success in difficult science Awarded in the "Young Biologist" nomination….

Letter of thanks to the employee (examples of texts)

Writing a letter of thanks is a creative process, words should come from the heart, only then will they be truly pleasant to the addressee. Thank you letter: 1.

The text of a letter of thanks to an employee for a good job: Dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna!

Professionally, efficiently and well to perform any work related to improving the living standards of all local residents, you are allowed to have a high professional level, competence, a sense of duty and responsibility for any entrusted business.

How to Write a Thank You Letter: Analyzing Six Samples

What we will talk about: we will analyze typical and atypical samples of thank you letters, analyze common mistakes and learn how to use Thank You Letter not only to increase loyalty, but also for repeat sales. After scrolling through the sample thank-you letters on Google, we were at first frankly bored.

But boredom was followed by interest, we felt like Columbus, who unexpectedly discovered America.

Thank you letters to parents, students and teachers

Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, the ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to answer any questions from your students - is amazing. I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere dedication to your work will serve to further develop the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation.

Thank you text to the employee sample form

and say thank you. The more detailed the merits are indicated, the more individual the gratitude will be.

In the final part of the text, wishes are expressed for further mutually beneficial cooperation and the achievement of further success. This is followed by the position and surname of the person who made the gratitude, as well as his personal signature. The text of gratitude to the employee is placed on a special printed form or on the letterhead of the organization.

Texts of certificates and letters of thanks.

A letter of thanks to parents.

I express my gratitude and say a huge human "THANKS" for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. The success of a person is undoubtedly the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I hope that your creative activity for the benefit of our school will continue in the future !!!

A letter of thanks from the director to parents.


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing (full name), who showed himself as a student, capable of deep thinking, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy rivals. Your child's victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to further educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

A letter of thanks to the student.
Dear ... ..
Thank you for your conscientious attitude to the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed in everything, not getting tired of comprehending new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the whole Fatherland!

Thank you letter teacher

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the success in the field of school education, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, the ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to answer any questions from your students - is amazing.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere dedication to your work will serve to further develop the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher's heart never run out!
I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult, but so important work !!!

The academic year is over,
A whole set of discoveries and knowledge has brought.
Fives, fours, prizes and awards
Mugs and funny olympiads!

For your talent and creativity
You get the reward!
Let everything be as you want
And the way you dream!

For active participation in the life of the class

You know how to lead others,
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in class with you
You always actively help in everything!
It is easy to achieve each goal of your own,
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We present this award deservedly!

For active participation in the life of the school

The world stands on activists!
And school is no exception here.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, no doubt!
May the optimism never run out
And inspiration fountains!
We present you with a certificate
For endless movement!

With the end of the 1st grade!

The bright sun is shining
Like a gold medal.
First Grade Certificate
We reward you from the bottom of our hearts!
We praise you for your efforts
You are great, first grader!
Today you are awarded
The title is a second grader!
With the end of grade 1.

Your first grade is over
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
Year of joyful worries.
Everyone is proud of you
And everyone praises you.
Now you're school's best friend
Now you are friends with her!
With the end of grade 1.

Difficult first grade, of course!
That's why it's interesting!
And there are many successes,
And the native school became.
Have you
New friends at school.
The first year was great!
Just super! First class!
Here the summer has arrived,
You can rest safely.
Strength, health gain -
Get ready for the second grade!

To the student

    for excellent study, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to be friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

for kindness and understanding,

you are one of the first with us.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what do you decide on your way.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for the courage in mastering knowledge,

for always coping

with any of the difficult tests.

    for good study

(for striving to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home,

for the clever look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for striving to learn better,

for an inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with yourself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

    for striving to learn better

for the clever look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming the fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

    for striving to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

    for striving to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the clever look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for striving to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the clever look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sonority of joyful laughter,

for becoming the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for striving to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home,

for the clever look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sonority of joyful laughter,

for becoming the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for striving to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active work in the classroom,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to be friends,

because you know almost everything,

read, write and count

and that patience and work

they will lead you to victory.

excellent shifts,

for striving to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active participation in the life of the class,

for neatness, neatness,

for craving for knowledge and work,

for having difficulties in learning

they only give you strength.

    for taking part

in class and school activities,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for taking part

in class and school activities,

for all your efforts

led you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to be friends.

    for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for craving for knowledge and work,

for having difficulties in learning

they only give you strength.